Friday, October 10, 2008


Hey all, if you haven't seen "Religulous" yet, would you do me a favor and go this weekend? I swear not for me, I am honestly not interested in ever making a movie again - I'm like Danny Glover in Lethal Weapon, "I'm too old for this shit." But this one I would like to do well so America gets it that there's a lot of people who at least would like this to be a subject we can talk about and debate. And, its a hoot! I've gotten so many e mails and texts from people who say "I just saw your movie, and at the end everyone applauded. " Something must be going on here, how many times do you see that in movies these days?

Thank you!


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Unknown said...

I saw Religulous and expected a good documentary. What I got was a comedy, and a funny one at that. But the message at the end was comedic. I thought you wanted a serious discussion about religion? Making fun of those with extreme views and then condemning all who believe doesn't sit right. There are critical thinkers out here who are Christians. Please visit and the links where some of the charges you make are addressed.

LaurenFlecha. :] said...

hey, i just finished watch your movie. i loved it. but i have a question on your video, i loved every part but i was waitinq for a comment on Jehovah's Witnesses. My mom and bro are JW's and im the odd one who is getting out of it. im 15 and im getting out of religion, its boring and i swear i rather talk to a brick wall. im just not into it like the congregations i've seen. this movie totally expressed my view on religions in general. i dont like the whole concept of religion they want to beLIEve in words and not proof; like you said at the end of the film "Reliqion is dangerous because it allows human beinqs who dont have all the answers to think they do". Now that i am a total fan of the film, im going to recommend it to my bro and mom -i'll laugh at their reaction- then i'll recommend it to their congregation to get a chuckle off of it. im going to see if my US History class can watch.
Thank you Bill Maher,
a young non-believer, lauren.=]

DSilverman said...
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DSilverman said...

Hello Mr. Maher,

I recently saw Religulous and I wanted to get in touch with you. Your documentary was exactly what I needed. I recently de-converted from fundamentalist Christianity where I had been both a pastor and a missionary. As a result of me leaving the ministry and leaving the faith, my wife, the other pastor of the church and some of the church members have decided to make my life hell on earth! It is incredible how unloving Christians can be and how destructive this religion is. People cry out about extremist Muslims, but fail to see the potential disaster that is Christianity.

I am guessing that you are a very busy man and I don't even know if you read the messages you get on MySpace, but I do hope you receive and read this one. I would love to share my story with you. It is not enough, in my opinion, to simply speak about the ridiculousness of Christianity, but I believe it is high time that someone also speaks out about the pain caused to those that have been within, but ultimately have found their way out.

In any case, I do hope to hear from you. My email address is:

Thank you,

Dan Silverman

Anonymous said...

Bill - you include footage of the Northern Ireland conflict at the close of Religulous - which is out of context.
The fighting is about national identity - Irish nationalists against British loyalists - over control of the partitioned puppet state of Northern Ireland.
The British PR machine, as always, rebranded the conflict as a religious struggle between catholics and protestants - which is complete bullshit. It was (and still is) a fantastic method of removing themselves from the equation and appearing as stern but fair arbitrators.
I'm from Northern Ireland - and see all sides as complete morons vying for what will end up being a golf course for fat american tourists.
I love your work (even bought the very funny True Story)- and hope you don't view this as me bitching about minutiae - but jesus has very little to do with the fighting in the north of Ireland.


Unknown said...

Bill Maher fans, as well as Bill Maher himself, need to open a Bible, find and carefully read:

1 Corinthians, Chapter 1 beginning with verse 18 through the remainder of the chapter.

rajeevsham said...

Hello. You shouldn't make a documentary that is not very clear in representing a certain religion. From that documentary i realized that you only approached some people who are not very knowledgeable in the religion that they are representating. This is a very bad way to show that what you believe in is true while other's are a complete madness. If you think that you are in the correct path I hope that you will consider my opinion here and take initiative to do some kind of debate or anything with some correct figures to resolve these things rather than just interviewing some unauthorized figures who themselves are not clear of their religion in order to make other people think that what they believe in are wrong. Sorry to say this but I think what you did was stupid. I am commenting not because I am emotional but just because I am sure that what you did was wrong.
You can contact my email to resolve anything. Thank you.

A. Bedwell said...

When does it get released on DVD? I would have loved to see it in the theater, but it didn't come out in good ol' Yuma, AZ.

Can't wait to see it!

Anonymous said...


I truly enjoy and appreciate your work. I thank you for your expressions of Courage. However, from my view, your questions never go far enough to get to the point. You're much better at enabling then I am.

In the spirit of cooperation, I share some very empowering information.

#1."Liberty" is the freedom of choice while being responsible and accountable for all the costs and consequences of those choices, while "license" is the claim of freedom of choice while denying responsibility and accountability for the costs and consequences.

No 'religious' group yet claims responsibility for the psychological consequences of their beliefs, nor claim the costs associated with the mental and emotional states of disease created by believing in them.

#2.Inside our heads is a gland called the hypothalumus. It creates peptides that flood every cell of our systems. When this happens, we call it "feeling". With this understanding, we realize that my feelings are mine, just as your are yours and his are his and hers are hers, etc. No one or nothing else is responsible or accountable for what and how we feel other then us, ourselves.

We are Sovereign over the contents of our own hearts and minds even when we're living in denial of it.

For 8 years I listened to the neurotic sniveling of GW. Over and over he repeated a rendition of "I have security issues" and at no time did anyone step up to the plate and deliver the message that "security" is a psychological state of mind and suggest counseling for his emotional problems.


Because the majority of us in this country are just like him in regards to our emotional issues of doubt and insecurity. Rather then claiming them as our own issues and resolving them, it's far easier and self righteous to blame others.

#3. The foundation of the Nicean Creed and the code of Abraham both have at their foundation the belief in one "God", an A B S O L U T E. There is only one Infinity. There is only one Eternity. There is only one "all that is".

Which MEANS, that ALL our ideas of a "Conditional God" are nonsense. A limited unlimited, an impotent omnipotence and an Absolute missing in absoluteness are all farces of ideas.

#4. The very presence of conditions for acceptance and understanding being extended, define the relationship as one of barter. This is not "love". It is a LACK of it, "needy".

#5. In order for me to call myself a "Humanitarian" and live in Integrity with it, I have to have learned how to love my own humanity. And those of us raised in conditional creeds, only know how to love half of our humanity. Whichever half we label as "good". We do NOT know how to love the parts of our humanity labeled as "bad'.

In short, the "God" we worship is just as lacking in Compassion and Understanding for Humanity as we are, only bigger.

#6.You'd think that after the Holocaust, we would have learned the lesson of bias, prejudice and ideas of supremacy. The basic tenet of Hebrews insisting they are 'god's chosen people, while others are not', is a statement of bias and prejudice.

Prejudice and bias are prejudice and bias, no matter the conditions of that prejudice and bias. (How 'bout the nazi in the white frock? He's done nothing but express more prejudice and bias and, come up with more reasons why we shouldn't love ourselves since he got in office.)

Quantum physics is now proving the old adage that we reap as we sow. If we sow being lacking in understanding, then we will reap a lack of understanding. If we sow being intolerant, then we will reap intolerance. If we sow being lacking in acceptance, then we will reap a lack of acceptance. If we sow actions of being emotionally needy control freaks, we will rea actions of emotionally needy control freaks.

But rather then claim responsibility for our lacks in substance of character and lacks in emotional coping skills, we mewl and whine like "victims".

Happy moment, sad moment, each moment is still a Present. How much do we love our Presents? How much do we love life? For "fear of death" is not a "love for life" and does not bring to us the Wisdom required to nurture and support it.

I sign myself "a" Sovereign. I am Sovereign over the contents of my own heart and mind and am Responsible for the way in which those contents are arranged and related together, as well as, being the creator of all my emotional experiences.

As you can most likely guess, I'm not one for stirring up controversy regarding "freedom of speech". I stop all complaints before they start, simply by stating that I am not responsible for other people's ability to cope with whatever is said. Not one of us has caught on so far, that if we want to see "peace" in our world, we have to be the ones to put it there, through our self expressions.

For "peace" is a response TO reality and not a condition OF it.

May your questions be empowered, for "not-knowing" is no basis for claiming "knowledge".

Anonymous said...

Hello my name is Glenda and im 15 from Oklahoma. I would just like to say that after seeing Religulous for the first time I finally felt like I wasnt wrong about what I believed in. From where I live, believing in anything other then what others feel is the truth isnt seen as a good thing. My school has a lot of religious people and it makes me really sad when they dont even give me the chance to explain what I believe in. Its really rare to find people who understand what I mean and after seeing your movie it sort of gave me the feeling that I can go out and stand up for what I think and not feel like im doing something wrong. :) thanks

Rikard Åslund said...


I'm one of those "bad" guys that download movies on the internet because of well, first of all the movie isn't available in Sweden and second of all I believe in that information/art should be free.

However I'm not going to start babbling about that but what I wanted to say was Thank You for a great contribution to the discussion on why religion should be viewed with an critical point of view. This was one of the better movies/discussions I have seen on the subject.
Once again thanks.

Best regards, Rikard

Anonymous said...

Ever considered that the CONCEPT of "evil" has to exist in MY head, 1st, BEFORE I can ever claim to see it in the world? There is no "evil". There is simply "ignorance".

"Virgin" also means "pure", free of contaminants. It does *not* necessarily relate to "sex". If the olive tree did not have some form of "sex", then there would be no olives and no "virgin" olive oil.

The "Immaculate Conception" is exactly as stated. A Concept, which is Immaculate, in that it is free of all contradictions and conflicts.

UNconditional Love is THE "Immaculate Conception", for it is free of any conditions and qualifiers, that create polarity/duality realities of conflict and distortion.

Conditional Love, which all of us have been taught, being a barter system, means emotionally prostituting ourselves for the purposes of validation.

I find the self image of a whore for God to be both dishonorable and disrespectful. And if I don't choose it, then I'm not left needing validation in the 1st place.

All That Is, IS All That Is.

That includes the 'negative', as well as, the 'positive'.

In place of the word "god", substitute the word "life" or the phrase "unified quantum field", for the perspective of the WHOLE is the same in any case.

"Whole" is not whole, without a sum of ALL its parts.

I insist, every SINGLE one of us does *Know*. "Faith" is not required. It is simply a matter of realization and recognition. The first step towards this self realization is to QUIT looking to outer authorities and reclaim the power of your own mind and heart.

Anonymous said...

not sure this is legal - but religulous has been posted on google video:

The Christian way said...

Bill I saw your movie religulous. I may say your movie is a nice one. But if you have time please have an interview or lay down all your questions about God, Jesus and everthing about religion with this preacher Bro. Eli Soriano the presiding Minister of Church of God International. You can visit his site here at , , ,


blakedebaske said...

Great movie Bill!! I have stayed away from political talk shows due to the fact that I don't know what networks to trust. This was the first material I have seen from you and I am really glad you got this film out there. This may be the first view I have ever agreed with. Aestheticism and being agnostic still means you need to prescribe to a set of parameters. Good work!

Unknown said...
Hey Billy, great doc! Very funny. You'll wanna check some details in my blog and get even further back into religion, mythology, science etc. Life before ice age in Finland. Paradise (perhaps biblical) times with facts that place it in Hel-sinki, Finland. We even have the point of the most ancient north pole that you can come and see for yourself. Point for everyone to think about- mythology comes before religion. Is religion just made up then?

Woody Fawker said...

I saw Religulous for free on google video. No revenue for you!

The movie is not unlike a rancid jar of monkey spunk. Bill, you really dropped the ball on this one; you dumbass. It had potential and you completely blew it with your petty hatred and stupidity for other religions besides your own.

The pretense that you actually were looking for some sort of answer interviewing those wacky fuckers is transparent. You had made your mind up before you shot the first frame of film and You did not have the balls to admit it, you smug fucking weasel.

After seeing this movie, I lost all respect I had for you as a professional. What a disappointment. I am glad I didnt actually pay money to watch it.

I hope the next person to make a movie or write a book on this subject can contain their petty hatred and smug attitude. We get it, you are a humanist atheist and nobody fucking cares.

You presented yourself no better than those idiot fundementalists - the only difference is your chosen religion. Had you approached the subject of the movie sensibly, you might have had something worth actually watching.

Instead, it is an attempt at comedy that isn't funny at all.
Stick close to your comedy writers buddy, you absolutely suck when you go at it alone.

Prajakt said...

Bill, you may be interested in learning about Jain religion, it does not beleive in creationism.
Here is a wikipedia link:

Indian dude

bestmek said...

1. Why is the timeline related to the birth of Jesus Christ and not anybody else (everybody says 100 BC - before Christ)?
2. Why didn't Krishna or any other 'god' born on the 25th of December manage to spread his religion worldwide, like Jesus did?

You have to admit, there's something special about Jesus.

Rua Moore said...

Bill Maher,

I'm just after finishing watching your documentary Religulous, and I must say while I have long since abandoned any notions of an omnipotent diety or some divine logic to the universe, your documentary made me ashamed to be an atheist.

If you had some pride in your beliefs (or rather lack thereof) you would be able to form a coherent argument with those ridiculous folk you encountered instead of resorting to your condesending sarcastic method of brushing off comments purely in the interest of drawing some shock laughs.

You're attempt at passing off that excuse for an anthropologist Tsarion's work in relation to Horus an Krishna etc. as your own research and opinion is laughable.

You draw conclusions based on fragmentory research of religious texts, and unfortunately come across as nothing more than a man who wishes to appear more knowledgeable than he is - a man who, if you pardon my expression, does not know his own place on the intellectual food chain.

Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, and wit is paramount to a good argument. You've failed to give me any new information than what is already freely and easily available, in fact I would go so far as to say you are narrowing people's ability to think; not by flat out denial of religion, but by teaching people to disregard and ignore opposing sides of an argument.

That in my eyes makes you just as much of a hypocrite as the degenerate catholics who claim they wish to be more akin to an all knowing god by limiting their own scopes of knowledge.

Do yourself a favour, and heed your own advice - don't make another movie. Especially not another badly researched, badly expressed documentary. You are an excuse of a comedian, and a plagarising researcher.

I tonight am ashamed to share your same basic views on religion in general.


Reniel-Roy said...

Hi, Mr. Maher.

May I suggest that you visit for all your biblical inquiries. Bro. Eliseo Soriano will be of sure help to discuss to you Christianity and the authenticity of the Bible.

It's his commitment to answer people's questions about religion, reading answers from the irrefutable words of God in the Bible.

Unknown said...

Religion is man-made-period. Long time before the appearance of the big religions that we know today existed a planetarian civilization called heathendom. The tradition of the SAGA dates from this time which lies much further back than our present world view may permit. In this time that was called PARADISE people lived in harmony with naturelaws and -powers. At that time the earth's axis stood perpendicular to the sun. For this reason existed a land at the North pole with a diameter of 250km where the sun never went down but instead described a golden ring at the horizon. This land was called the ringland UUDENMAA, the sunland. Today it is a province in the South of Finland. In the time called PARADISE the South Pole was located in the ocean. The center of UUDENMAA was a city built on seven hills and seven islands. It was the cradle of humanity with the name HEL. The planet was divided in ringlands which all had a center connected with HEL. Inside UUDENMAA lived the ASER. In the outer ringlands lived the VANER who were descendants from the ASER.

Unknown said...

Hey Mr Maher i just watched your movie , and i must say that i share almost every view of yours on the subjects in it, religion is crazy, and in all honesty i was saying that i belong to the Church of Idunnoism back in the mid 90's cause what you said is so so true, no one knows better or has "higher" powers or mental states as to know what happens after we die/or about "god/goddess", in all seriousness i laughed as i watched i laughed harded than i have in years at alot of the fim, i also became serious when parts struch me as unbelieveable and yes i even cried at the very end , for what i saw ( the tribute to your mother) i am very sorry that she passed, and hope that there is a better place that we go to so that she can still watch over you, i dont know honestly if there is, but like you said to her at the end of the movie , i hope that you both one day meet again in "heaven" till then keep her love in your heart and keep fighting a good fight, peace, pot and love, kenney mabie, ashland va.

JRT said...

What I would like to ask Bill is why is it that some of us "Christians" understand what he is saying and are open to his views and why he thinks/feels as he does.

If the God (that some of us believe in) can actually help open our minds up towards the opinions of others... (take Bill as an example) and help gain insights by way of focusing on something that "appears" the opposite of where we are coming from (in terms of our beliefs), doesn't that say something about a bigger picture? Why and how could some of us who are Christians, be THAT open to something new and what appears to be an opposing view.... yet still remain solid in our faith.

Could it be that the "faith" that we are solid in, is actually telling us something (in part) through these people who "appear" to be separate FROM that faith?

Ask yourselves why a Christian would take interest in the words of Bill Maher at times. NOT to change him or thump an agenda down his throat, but for the honest interest in learning more about our OWN God.

Daniel said...

Hi Bill, I have seen the Religulous yesterday... somehow... here in Slovakia, eastern Europe. Interesting by many different respondents. But it is not a real documentary, nor serious journalistic material. You were not looking for the answers, you actually did not want to get any explanation of the beliefs. You wanted to draw your picture, which was already prepared in your mind. You made a caricature, but your caricature is not funny. It shows the horrific face of the fake religion. Unfortunately, your goal was not to understand the positive aspects of the healthy religion. Your picture is black - white. Many of your questions are ridiculous and even my children would be able to answer it, but you are questioning wrong people, not even getting them chance to say something... Honestly, I would be more than happy to meet you personally here in Europe and let you explain me, how stupid my religion is. Maybe you can "save" me:) Unfortunately, I don't see in your schedule any trip to this region...

Gog bless you :)

Daniel, Slovakia

Daniel said...

sorry, not sure if it worked before... if yes, just delete one of them please :)

Hi Bill, I have seen the Religulous yesterday... somehow... here in Slovakia, eastern Europe. Interesting by many different respondents. But it is not a real documentary, nor serious journalistic material. You were not looking for the answers, you actually did not want to get any explanation of the beliefs. You wanted to draw your picture, which was already prepared in your mind. You made a caricature, but your caricature is not funny. It shows the horrific face of the fake religion. Unfortunately, your goal was not to understand the positive aspects of the healthy religion. Your picture is black - white. Many of your questions are ridiculous and even my children would be able to answer it, but you are questioning wrong people, not even getting them chance to say something... Honestly, I would be more than happy to meet you personally here in Europe and let you explain me, how stupid my religion is. Maybe you can "save" me:) Unfortunately, I don't see in your schedule any trip to this region...

Gog bless you :)

Daniel, Slovakia

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Bill, for a great documentary. I like what you said about how in earlier parts of your career you poked fun at the idea of God, but never questioned it. I think this is the crux of the problem, that your docu clearly reveals. To DOUBT is not to specify what is not true, but rather to question a perceived truth, which is what questioning does.

The other aspect of the problem is that most religions speaking nothing of these teachings being of a SPIRITUAL or non-physical nature. They have taken metaphysical concepts and have attempted to weave them into a human realm.

If however an individual questioned the nature of any writing said to be of a religious nature and attempted to perceive it in terms of a non-physical reality, it makes much more sense.

This is not to say such a view would not encourage followers. It would, because humans by nature are weak. But there is an element within the human being that IS NOT limited, and that is the process of thinking, imagining and conceptualizing.

There are a great many wise beings who over the ages have attempted to communicate a greater understanding than the human realm. These were spiritual but not necessarily religious individuals. They attempted to communicate a higher understanding to the human realm. The native americans understood this, as well as many indigenous tribes.

Our complexity has become our handicap. Helplessness is the welcome mat for mercy, that inspiration provides. I mean to say the task of unlearning is far superior to learning MORE. In that it is my humble estimation that an empty mind could only receive what a mind full of religious beliefs could never grasp.


The other aspect of the problem is that most religions speaking nothing of these teachings being of a SPIRITUAL or non-physical nature. They have taken metaphysical concepts and have attempted to weave them into a human realm.

If however an individual questioned the nature of any writing said to be of a religious nature and attempted to perceive it in terms of a non-physical reality, it makes much more sense.

This is not to say such a view would not encourage followers. It would, because humans by nature are weak. But there is an element within the human being that IS NOT limited, and that is the process of thinking, imagining and conceptualizing.

There are a great many wise beings who over the ages have attempted to communicate a greater understanding than the human realm. These were spiritual but not necessarily religious individuals. They attempted to communicate a higher understanding to the human realm. The native american's understood this, as well as many indeginous tribes.

Our complexity has become our handicap. Helplessness is the welcome mat for mercy, that inspiration provides. I mean to say the task of unlearning is far superior to learning MORE. In that it is my humble estimation that an empty mind could only receive what a mind full of religious beliefs could never grasp.


mommawave said...

I'm poor, so I had to wait for it to reach the $3.00 theater. We saw it last night and can't stop talking about it. I can't wait for the DVD so that I can watch it again and again. Also, My husband and I were really curious where many of the little clips came from. We're hoping to find some of those little cartoons, like the one where Adam was jacking off the stick, and oh the Mormon videos! I have to have them as a permanent part of my collection!

I was thrilled that in the backwoods little town I live in (in the south) the theater, however small it was, was half full and everyone was laughing hysterically. As we left, there were a couple of people chattering on the way out in a language that I recognized as being something Eastern European (also a rarity in my podunk town).

Thank you so much for putting out the plea for those of us with higher intellect to speak up. I would love to one day live in a world where we don't have to keep out thoughts to ourselves while the Jebus freaks are free to preach at any and every chance.

Unknown said...

I obtained a copy of this movie tonight and stayed up way too late watching it. But to be honest, I was thoroughly disappointed. So much so that I actually skipped forward through many parts of the movie (I never do that). So disappointed that I am actually writing this post (I have never previously taken the time to write to some blog).

I'm not going to dedicate any time to argue over the Atheist religion here-although a small piece of me would like to chastise your("your" as in the neo-atheist movement that has jumped on the same deceivingly, bigoted and self righteous bandwagon as their religious counterparts) perverse ways.

I want to keep the focus on this poorly made documentary. Believe me Bill (like he's reading these), I love a good documentary but there is something seriously wrong with this one. To be fair, you haven't blazed the trail for propaganda-like documentaries, you follow in a long line of these.
And to be honest, I haven't watched your show before (except for a few clips on youtube), but I kind of thought that you were a stand up guy(let me emphasize "kind of"). This documentary was garbage Bill, in so many ways that I could spend all night critiquing it.

You picked on a bunch of religious "retards" if you will accept my derogatory choice of words. It's not hard to pick on retards Bill. I figure a guy like yourself with televised fame and an elitist stench would at least try to command a respectable debating partner. I mean really, what a joke. The funny thing about it is that you never really let these people speak their mind in your filmish and give you a clear answer, unless of course it made them sound deranged. Religion is a very serious subject, a subject which guides the lives of MOST of the people on this planet and your self righteous sarcasm and over simplification really doesn't promote your perspective well. You were so smug and rude. In the end all as I got was "what the overtly sarcastic and elite Bill Maher thought about religious extremities". It gave me nothing that I could chew on.

Then you got serious, a ten minute monologue that only people of your faith could appreciate. Nothing really eye opening or inspirational. No real alternatives for all the poor religious fools to turn to next. No help to the already self righteous. Just some good old fashioned hate. WTF Bill, it almost seems like you're suggesting that we need to counter blind hatred and violence with more of the like. It reminds me of that South Park episode where the atheists, led by Richard Dawkins, have successfully "killed"(as you put it) religion once and for all and end up in an epic war for the supreme atheist hierarchy. I suggest all of you guys watch it. One of my favorites.

Ultimately I will have to throw this flick into the collection marked: "Highly subjective material based not on any hard or soft science" along with those old VHS tapes I have of the the Christian pastor giving a 5 part lecture on how to explain things such as dinosaurs and Noah's flood in the context of a 7000 year old earth.

Unknown said...

Hey Bill, I've been a huge fan for years. I just completed my very first dailykos post on a topic that relates well to your conclusion at the end of your movie.
I wrote about how in conservative orange county, a whole bunch of people voted in this years election based on their belief that Obama is the Antichrist. Please check it out! Thanks!

MJ in SoCal said...


I just read and enjoyed your blog entry re: Obama as Antichrist. I live in O.C., and I, too have had to endure the often adamant and animated references to the whole “One World” prophecies coming to fruition in our lifetime from Christian friends. At first, like you, I was waiting for the punch line only to realize these seemingly logical, well educated, upper middle class people really believe this stuff! I have always been respectful and deferential in such discussions, as I don’t need to convince anyone of my way of thinking; however, I just couldn’t let this one pass. Next thing I know I hear myself calmly saying something along the lines, “So, you believe that the Jews, Christians, Muslims, Chinese, Hindus and Russians will all just abandon their religious and cultural differences, stop all territory and resource disputes and join together to form one World Government and one World Bank in the next 40 to 50 years?” Dead silence. Not one person said a word, they just stared. Most of them were looking down or at each other, because they couldn’t look at me. My question had obviously made them uncomfortable. And despite my best intentions not to be offensive, just asking that question for clarification made them feel challenged. After an awkward moment or two, someone said something to change the subject and the moment passed. Interestingly, I was not invited to the next event with this group of friends. Coincidence? I think not … Cheers ~ MJ

QueenFox said...

There have been some really good even-tempered comments here lately and from what appear to be atheists(?) I was pleasantly surprised in their comments and critique even if I don’t agree with everything said. I think one of the last comments spelled out what I had been overlooking and that was: hate. It seems the hate for the religious can be just as vicious and intolerable as the religious against others. One lesson we all need to learn is not to hate the beliefs of others but try to understand and respect them even if we disagree.

I would like to know if any here have seen or heard of the OutThereTV show. They have educators, astronomers, health officials, writers of various books, masonic government conspiracy theories, UFO cover-ups, Chem trail, 2012 predictions, NWO/One Religion concepts . . . One example is of the European Union and proclaim Canada, Mexico and the US will be next becoming the North American Union . . . living in one country will be just as living in either country. Some really weird far-fetched stuff. It just blows my mind (LOL) One guy says he was accidently let in a meeting of oil execs and they were conspiring to allow gas prices to reach up to $7.00 per gallon. Although the prices didn’t reach that high, I think he was right in they were headed in that direction . . . Sometimes the truth can be found among the lies.

Many Christians have a problem explaining this NWO belief but this has not always been a part of their ideology. Most Christians have always believed the destiny of most persons were heaven or hell-bound. However, lately, prophecies of the last book Revelation have lately been interpreted to coincide with conspiracy theorists. The verses point out that a false prophet of a wild beast (government) comes to power and wars against God’s appointed King, Jesus Christ. The governments are destroyed and Christ’s kingdom is then instituted for a thousand years over the earth whereby one of the benefits of this kingdom is everlasting peace.

Rev 16: 13-14: “Out of the mouth of the wild beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet . . . and they go forth to the kings of the entire inhabited earth, to gather them together to the war of the great day of God the Almighty.

Rev: 13:4: “And all the earth followed the wild beast with admiration. 4 And they worshiped the dragon because it gave the authority to the wild beast, and they worshiped the wild beast with the words: ““Who is like the wild beast, and who can do battle with it?””

Reviewing these verses, it appears the world leaders or nations do unite and the people of the earth admire the accomplishment of the wild beast (government) in essence worshiping it, ignoring God as Supreme Ruler of the Universe and thereby blaspheming God and the heavens.

This is just my take on things . . . yes it does sound far-fetched to think such things would occur but all we can do is wait and watch the world scene for the point in time where the nations feel they have achieved a measure of stability, “Whenever it is that they are saying: ““Peace and security!”” then sudden destruction is to be instantly upon them just as the pang of distress upon a pregnant woman; and they will by no means escape.” 1 Thess 5:2, 3

QueenFox said...

Last Post tonight, excerpts from Watching the World and Life, how did it get here:

Dinosaurs Ate Grass -

“It’s a big surprise for scientists” to discover that “dinosaurs ate grass,” says an Associated Press report. The discovery was made when fossilized sauropod dung found in India was analyzed. Why the surprise? It was thought that “grasses didn’t emerge until long after the dinosaurs died off,” explains the report. It was also believed that sauropods “didn’t have the special kind of teeth needed to grind up abrasive blades.” Paleobotanist Caroline Stromberg, leader of the team that made the discovery, says: “Most people would not have fathomed that [sauropods] would eat grasses.”

How Do Bees Fly?

It has jokingly been said that engineers have proved that bees cannot fly. It seemed that such “heavy” insects with a short wing beat should not be able to generate enough lift. To discover the insects’ secrets, engineers “filmed hovering bees at 6000 frames per second,” says New Scientist. The bees’ technique is described as “unusual.” “The wing sweeps back in a 90-degree arc, then flips over as it returns–230 times a second. . . . It’s like a propeller, where the blade is rotating too, “ explains a member of the research team. Their findings may help engineers redesign propellers and build more maneuverable aircraft.


How incredibly fascinating our animal creation that we continuously strive to copy and mimic their design and behavior. If the copy requires an intelligent designer, what about the original? We learn so much from the smallest of creatures. The scriptures also say Jesus learned obedience from the things he suffered as a man although he had previously lived in the heavens as a spirit creature. The scriptures also indicate the angels watch and learn from humans although they are far superior in intelligence. That seems really odd . . . I can see why so many believe in evolution.

It’s confusing growing up being told at home or at church God created us and at school being taught by your science teacher the world evolved. And perhaps views on evolution is at odds with private education.


In the magazine American Laboratory a doctor wrote this about his children’s schooling: “The child is not presented with evolution as a theory. Subtle statements are made in science texts as early as the second grade (based on my reading of my children’s textbooks.) Evolution is presented as reality, not as a concept that can be questioned. The authority of the educational system then compels belief.” Regarding evolutionary teaching in higher grades, he said: “A student is not permitted to hold personal beliefs or to state them: if the student does so, he or she is subjected to ridicule and criticism by the instructor. Often the student risks academic loss because his or her views are not ‘correct’ and the grade is lowered.”

Evolutionary views permeate not only the schools but all areas of science and other fields such as history and philosophy. Books, magazine articles, motion pictures and television programs treat it as an established fact. Often we hear or read phrases such as, ‘When man evolved from the lower animals,’ or, ‘Millions of years ago, when life evolved in the oceans.’ Thus, people are conditioned to accept evolution as a fact, and contrary evidence passes unnoticed.

When leading educators and scientists assert that evolution is a fact, and imply that only the ignorant refuse to believe it, how many laymen are gong to contradict them? This weight of authority that is brought to bear on evolution’s behalf is a major reason for its acceptance by large numbers of people.

An example typical of views that often intimidate laymen is this assertion by Richard Dawkins: “Darwin’s theory is now supported by all the available relevant evidence, and its truth is not doubted by any serious modern biologist.” But is this actually the case? Not al all. A little research will reveal that many scientists, including ‘serious modern biologists,’ not only doubt evolution but do not believe it. They believe that the evidence for creation is far, far stronger. Thus, sweeping statements like that of Dawkins are in error. But they are typical of attempts to bury opposition by means of such language. Noting this, an observer wrote in New Scientist: “Does Richard Dawkins have so little faith in the evidence for evolution that he has to make sweeping generalizations in order to dismiss opponents to his beliefs?”

In similar fashion the book A View of Life, by evolutionist Luria, Gould and Singer, states that “evolution is a fact,” and asserts: “We might as well doubt that the earth revolves about the sun, or that hydrogen and oxygen make water.” It also declares that evolution is as much a fact as the existence of gravity. But it can be proved experimentally that the earth revolves around the sun, that hydrogen and oxygen make water, and that gravity exists. Evolution cannot be proved experimentally. Indeed, these same evolutionist admit that “debate rages about theories of evolution.” But do debates still rage about the earth revolving around th sun, about hydrogen and oxygen making water, and about the existence of gravity? No. How reasonable is it, then, to say that evolution is as much a fact as these things are? [END]

QueenFox said...

This is just in on Foxnews this morning . . .

Citibank or group is still in big trouble even with al the bailout. They are selling off assets and thinking about trying something like "World Banking".

Of course this is nothing new to many of us. It seems nothing is impossible the way things are going these days . . . With the economy of every country so closely linked to each other, what happens in one part of the world affects everyone around the world.

From the events happening in Palestine, unrest could possibly spread to others parts of the world. I tend to agree with Hasan in his interview, Escape from Hamas, Islam is falling apart from within itself. Violence begets violence and those whose ideology is live by the sword will die by the sword. That is: The powers that be. It will be devastating to say the least and persons will be looking to the government(s) as savior. Which could lead to what the Bible speaks of, 'worship of the wild beast.'

This is getting more and more interesting every day.

Unknown said...

Very few people have the balls to QUESTION religion, but if we just follow blindly, we become sheep, and can easily be lead to slaughter. George Carlin said it best, (paraphrasing)"at least the sun doesn't tell me how bad I am, and how I will be punished"

QueenFox said...

God does not expect us to have blind faith. We are told to "Keep testing whether YOU are in the faith, keep proving what YOU yourselves are." 2 Cor 13:5

Therefore, we keep testing to see if what we believe is true through prayer and overcoming the everyday stresses of this world and life.

No one is forced to believe in religion or God, at least not in the USA. Most people don't even go to church. Although we may be brought up to believe in God, we are also educated to accept evolution as an actual fact of science whereas creation is not allowed. Evolution has had equal footing with Creationism if not more so. Yet still many people decide to hold fast their belief and desire to worship God.

I perceive that any government(s) or ideology that restricts freedom of persons to worship in the way they choose will fail. Everyone has the right to believe or not to believe. People have the right to worship the sun if that's what they desire or any creation under the sun.

The sun however does not give everlasting life or promise to restore peace on earth, but God does. God's people are called precious jewels by him. That doesn't mean we should think more of ourselves than we should, nor should we feel like we are so bad we can't do anything right. But we are reminded we are sinful and imperfect and therefore we should treat everyone as though they are superior to us. This way we keep a humble and lowly heart.

Excuse me I think these angry overtones are rubbing off on me, but I fail to see how one movie is going to eradicate religion off the face of the earth and certainly not those that have come to idolize their god, Bill Maher.

Anonymous said...

I for one am not going to let anyone make me question what I believe!

I will be the one to answer for myself when that day comes. You can't argue over who is right and who is wrong, it is what's in your heart that matters! If you believe, great, if not, so be it. Heaven will be less crowded and have no glitter from Hollywood!

Hate breeds hate and haters will suffer the most. This battle over Religion has been going on for Centuries.....GET OVER IT!

As one man on the flight that landed in the Hudson said: "I didn't believe in God before this but, I do now!"

Look in your own heart to find the truth that lies within you. Not what someone tells you.

Unknown said...

thanks bill for this movie
really instructive, even if it's all old stuff for convinced atheists like me, but something is lacking, you haven't interviewed and atheist from a muslim backgroung, neither for jewish one and your atheistic arguments are biased by your christian education. so maybe in another movie...

Spirine said...

Hello Bill and thanks for your film. I just regret yo are really light on israelis, who are these very days the ugliest of religion abuser.

[em]inent said...

I drove an hour and a half to see Religulous, and it was well worth it! You opened my eyes and made me feel like a dumbass, but I thank you for it. My sister saw it with me, and she loved it also. We were laughing throughout most of the movie -though there were a few couples who didn't find it quite as amusing- but most of it truly had me thinking. I wish my family would watch it, they are all VERY religious and probably wouldn't even sit through the first few minutes. I can't wait for this to come out on DVD. I will definitley support you by buying it. I would love it if you came to North Carolina to do some stand up, I'd pay big money to see you live! But wait til July, I'm not quite 18 yet! =P

Thank you for not being afraid to say what you think publicly.

Greenville, NC.

Gauthaman Koyamparambath said...

Saw it recently.....It was nice....But it did have a lot of jerks in between scenes which gave the impression that what was shown and recorded was manipulated....Me i would go along with it...But for those in doubt,those who are slowly questioning religion or on their way sees it as manipulated footage....I don't believe in religion,but i am a Hindu.....This might seem contradictory but the reason why i say i'm a Hindu and not religious is that i see Hinduism as a set of philosophical beliefs and not as how it is viewed today....Religion is man made...One needs only common sense...But i do believe if you have to make a point that others will look to you have to be a little less aggressive...Instead of attacking it and questioning them at the same time,just question them...In some scenes its done proper while in others the aggression took over.....

P.S-I'm a big fan...looking forward to your new shows....

Jversey said...


I'm astounded by your film. You left no stone unturned. You searched and identified every crazy bible thumping organization out there.'s Regilulous.

I'm a little agitated though. All that crap you uncovered and still throughout our history the belief in God is everywhere. What were our forefathers thinking? They all seem to have believed in God. I'm reading the Declaration of Independence, and it mentions God 4 times.

I've read President Thomas Jefferson's letter to a baptist congregation saying that the definition of "separation of church and state" actually means that it stops the government from interfering with the free exercise of the Christian religion not that it should keep references to God, Christ, and the Bible out of public life. Is this true? Tell me it isn't so.

What's worse is that I just read through every Presidential Inauguration speech from George Washington to Barack Obama and every single president of the United States referred to this so called God of the Bible in his inaugural address. They all mention God; some even quote scripture. What the heck is going on here?

I'm going through the history of the Pledge of Allegiance and the phrase "Under God" was actually added to it 50 years ago by congress. By Congress! What the heck where those crazies thinking?

You might be on to something here...they're all nuts. It's Like they all have some kind of genetic abnormality in their brains... all of them from the day this country was created. All those bible thumping crazies running our country. When will it all stop?

Hopefully never.

God bless you and God bless America.

J Versey
Monument Colorado

Mike said...

try my new blog www.wizard If you like bills views you might be interested

QueenFox said...

Versey's post seemed a bit odd at first. I guess he did give us some things to think about.

The reason this country was founded was because people wanted freedom to choose how they worshiped God. The founding fathers were not crazy in recognizing the existence of the Amighty Creator. However, at the same time, made sure no church or religious body could dictate or control state or governmental authorities. We are reminded as was formerly the case the Church of England and the Catholic Church in its rise to power.

The thought of God was not the idea of insane people and certainly the founding fathers were very intelligent minds to guarantee the rights of individuals in what is today leader of the free world. The thought of the existence of God was passed down through generations of people from the beginning of time. God/gods and religious philosophies existed among all nations of people long before the writng of the Hebrew scriptures or before the nation of Israel received any law from their God.

They say you catch more flies with honey than vinegar. The way to win someone over is not by beng condescending or overly critical. Ridiculing, laughing and poking fun at others only hurts them and they will view your hatefulness as persecution and make them stronger in their determination to hold fast what they believe.

So I'll go back to my same argument. Religion (manmade or otherwise) is not to blame for making people believe in God. The blame should be placed squarely upon evolution for its defect in creating within the minds of man, an insane nature to worship a diety.

Belle said...

Thank you.

I live in a small town with more churches than cows...and that's saying a lot for my town. I only know two other atheists and one of them is from England. It's hard living in an EXTREMELY conservative town being an "out of the closet" atheist.

I get harassed at work. They don't teach evolution at the schools. I asked my college professor (who was researching religion and the snake handling churches at the time) if he thought that IQ or anything neurological had anything to do with people being religious and he got offended. He accused me of implying that I was better than these people and publicly chastised me. I was 19 years old. That was over 7 years ago and I wasn't hurt by it but I was in awe of the indecent. I continued to question things but what about the next 19 year old who asks a similar question and stops questioning things.

The movie was ironically inspiring. It made me realize that I don't need to try and walk around on eggshells anymore. It's scary to think what could happen if this persists but it also gives me hope that maybe, just maybe, if we all "come out" and speak up we can help people to come to their senses.

Patrick Hughes said...

I wrote an essay titled 'Was Superman my first Religion?' about a year ago, and then I saw Religulous about a week ago...

I thought you might like the essay. I really enjoyed the film.

Keep up the good work.

QueenFox said...

This is just my personal opinion . . . but believing in God has nothing to do with a person’s IQ or a person having any neurological problems or damage. There are very many stable minded, highly intelligent people that believe in God or gods. Many scientists, geologists, astronomers, educators, doctors, lawyers, rich, poor, in-between that believe in God even if they don’t completely follow doctrine. Many persons believe in God but don’t go to church. So the threat of eternal condemnation is not a motivating factor. What motivates persons to believe in God is the desire to worship a higher power and for many the desire to live forever.

If you ask most persons if they want to live forever in good health, many would say yes. People spend most of their young life being educated and the next few decades working and by retirement when they should be able to enjoy all their hard work, they are plagued by sickness and old age and death. So living again for them and being in good health in some kind of new world is real to them.
Was it God that created people with this desire or evolution?

Others have insurmountable problems in their life and have no one else to turn to for help. So they pray, ‘God please help me.’ Miraculously they see how their problem(s)is solved and so they continue praying knowing help is just a prayer away. Others pray, ‘God if you really are God, show me.’ And this prayer is also answered.

The newly elected president, a Harvard graduate(?) believes in God and said the oath of office twice stating ‘So Help Me God.’ He along with his top campaign workers magnificently overcame great odds to achieve what seemed at the outset an incredible possibility. I’m sure they also believe in God. Being that this country was founded because people wanted a choice in how they worshiped God, it does seem odd for someone to say they don’t believe in God. Believing in something you can’t see sounds illogical and irrational. Whether there is a God or not is something everyone has thought about at some point in their life, even the religious.

Many ask if there is a God than where is he and why doesn’t he do something, especially in light of current events? Why does your ‘barbaric God kill women and children in your holy book?’ Those are all valid questions to ask and it is always good to keep asking questions and looking for answers. And there will always be extremes based on misinterpretation of scripture. However, I truly believe it takes an open mind to believe in God. So let’s not close our minds or our hearts to that possibility.

Anonymous said...

To all you superman fantasizing religulous suckas: Gotcha!

I am a scientist and I have this to say to you all:

I live in your world. During my career I have paid over 1.2 million dollars in income taxes alone and I am in mid-career; I do not need you, I am your benfactor. Yeah, and fuck you too. For my contribution I have been harassed and persecuted by the victimized childlike adults and the dull muggers you refer to as cops... lawyers... judges... congressmen... senators...'president'. All this time, I withheld my pearls until I finally realized that my gift is before you swine: you do not comprehend my values, you do not understand your failings: you are not able to recognize your own fault.

You fucked up. You have seized fantasy salvation over hard work and merit. You are not capable of supporting yourselves and therefore you do not deserve to live.

You are parasites.

When your economy collapses and you cry out for someone to bail you out and God does not come, but the sharks do; when you beg for the really, really smart people to save you and you cry out, 'where are they! Do they exist' as Nancy Pelosi did last year; when you are all dying of starvation and animal brutality, against each other, remember me.

I could have saved you what lies ahead. You did not listen. You promoted your socialist ideals before reason: I am speaking especially to Republican social engineers. You put self interest before reason, guns before logic, cheating before merit.

I live in your world. During my career I have paid over 1.2 million dollars in income taxes alone and I am in mid-career. For this I have been harassed and persecuted by the victimized childlike adults and the dull muggers you refer to as cops. All this time, I withheld my pearls until I finally realized that my gift is before you swine: you do not comprehend my values, you do not understand your failings: you are not able to recognize your own fault.

To the politicians: I cannot fire you, but I can withhold my ability. Yes massah Pelosi, Isa gwine ta do it affa I polishes youse eyebrows.

I have withdrawn from the world a talent that you did not reward and apparently could not recognize. I can recognize you for what you are.

You fucked up.

When the plane crashes ask God to save you, not the competent pilot. When the fake economy is exposed, ask God to save you, its too late.

You should have invested in your children.

Fuck you, I quit. Find another slave. Hurry, your world is collapsing!

QueenFox said...

I rest my case . . . Having a high IQ does not make a person speak or think intelligently or have the common sense of a walnut. (No harm intended) I think a bit of respect for oneself and others would be the higher plane and a level of decency.

Gijs said...

Dear mister Mahler,
I thank you very, very much making 'Religulous'. Keep up the good work!

Kind regards,
Gijs van der Sluijs
The Netherlands, home of one of the biggest atheist communities in the world!

Skirt said...

Hi Bill!

Saw Religulous and LOVED it! I have been an Atheist for more than 10 years now and you totally make sense. I would love to be able to talk to you in person. I know that will probably never happen, but I know we would totally get along. I live in south western Pennsylvania and am originally from NY. Here in Pennsylvania people literally go insane when I tell them I am an Atheist. I can't believe that we are in 2009 and people still have these archaic ideas stemming from religion. There is no logic supporting it and no eveidence. I have a question got you Bill. I do believe there could have been a man named Jesus, but it has occured to me that he was schizophrenic. Do you think that could have been? I know you are a busy person but I'll give it a shot, my email is if you would like to respond.
Lou Quaresimo

Lebanese From Abroad said...

First, and I wish I could see the faces of unaware Americans as I say this. I am an Arabic Christian. I noticed a difference in Arabic and western Christianity, arrogant westerners think they have the divine right to impose their way on the world. I see no difference between a western athetist and a western christian however, they both arorgantly preach their way. They both have the same character.

The second note I need to make, soe anti-Bill Maher think it's a support to "them" (i.e. Muslims) if one criticizes "us" christians. As anaarabic christian I can tell you this: 1- the near east is religiously diverse and as an arabic christian I am appalled by the bigotry of western christians towards muslims. 2- Arrogant power-hungry bigots of all nationalities form one kind, and opposing them are enlightened people of all nationalities as well.

Konain Saif said...

I am now an agnostic-period. I was a muslim in kashmir.

How hard is to understand , "If evolution waited for a talking snake to get rid dinos n longed for adam n eve to celebrate their honeymoon in Eden, and mind u they are there cos they were being naughty with a fruit, also now god leaves em unsupervised"..

Bless u Maher..;)

Anonymous said...

I'd like to see the raw footage from the interviews. It seems there was a lot - I mean A LOT of poor editing going on to try to make Bill Maher look intelligent. I find the literal interpretation of scripture less ridiculous than the fact that Bill Maher travelled the world and could not find one person to say anything smart or profound about religion. Bill needs new researchers to find his interviews - unless the researchers were finding fanatics and uneducated interviewees deliberately because this is the only way Maher could come out looking smart.

One word Bill - 'parable' - come on this is 4th grade english and you want me to believe that not one person mentioned this in all your interviews.

I encourage people to watch this film again and look at how it cuts everytime Bill has something 'funny' to say or to 'shut them up'. For Bill, how about putting the full interviews on the DVD as special features.

I am not a religious man by any means, but the truly sad thing about this film is that some people actually think that Bill Maher is the voice of reason. His ignorance in not believing is far greater than those who do. The big difference. Most people actually gave Bill a chance to speak and they listened to what he said. The one time someone spoke over Bill, he got irritated, rude and walked out.

In closing, this film is such a manipulation that it definately goes in the propoganda category of anti-religion. It is too bad, because there was a real opportunity to explain why religion is a fundemental part of humanity and society as opposed to poking fun at all the 'crazies'. Mediocre filmmaking from a mediocre comedian - I guess it fits.

Anonymous said...

I saw your movie a few days ago with a friend and absolutely loved it. Right on the money.

Sig said...

So help the normal fucking people organize. Many people are trying to do it, but don't have the mass media exposure to get all the people in the same place.

There are a lot of atheists in the US, not to mention the world. There are lots of people who will contribute their writing, their coding, their graphic design, their promotion.

You've hopefully opened some people's eyes. Why let it die here?

Brian Keith said...

I loved Religulous.
I know you a supporter of PETA. I also support their viem that animals should be treated ethically. Bill, don't you think PETA is starting to become a religion itself pushing all of it's views on other people. Their website dedcates a section to making the NFL give Michael vick a brain scan because they think he has brain damage. It also has a section dedicated to renaming the english word 'fish' to 'sea kitten' so people would be less likely to eat fish. And somehow they have amassed so much extra money the can afford to advertise during the Superbowl that a study shows vegetarians have better sex.
I think PETA has gotten out of control.
What are your views? Do you support PETA 100% on these issues.

Mom and Grandmom said...

I don’t imagine that anyone reads all 1258 entries here, but I wanted to at least up the number by 1; so here I am. I have to live vicariously through people like Bill Maher as I live in the bible belt, am a single woman, in the country and lonely as hell. Hard to find good friends with integrity when they live their lives six days of the week and have a façade come in to cover on Sunday. Great movie, Thank-you SO VERY much for making it.

Orlando said...

I saw the movie in it’s entirely and it was very interesting; however, it lacked objectivity from professional theologians. Majority of the people interviewed were average religious people. Interview Charles Stanley, John Hagee, Crefo Dollar, etc. I'm not a practicing Christian, but I could possibly convincingly answer all your questions. P.S. the water, ice, and steam analogy, I learned that in
Sunday school.

Nihalf said...

Just watched it - I swear to God (sic) that was exactly what i think. Its the biggest con job in the world, and you're trying to pull the lid off. I love it - where do i enlist?

edutain1 said...

Hi Bill, I really hope you read this. I see all the new movies and this is by far the best and funniest I have seen in years and years. I LOVED it.

I think you are a hero and I hope you don't take too much shit for your views (and smoking pot on camera-which took guts!). We all know how closed minded and judgemental (and violent) some conservatives can be.

I too am totally against organized religion and had the same athiest views as you. However 12 years ago I went to AA as my drinking was out of control. Oh no, they too want you to have a "Higher Power". I was against that crap and felt it is only fair to want proof. They told me to pray to any God of my understanding (or misunderstanding)
so I did it, just to say it did not work. Amazingly, what I was totally unable to do, I could do (stop drinking). I was still not convinced and wanted even more proof. Well, after you hear over and over that prayer works if you "turn it over to a higher power" I tried it simply to be fair and so as to be able to say it did not work for me.
Incredibly prayer did work again for me. If I am unable to do something, I ask for divine help (to a God I can't even visuallize or understand at all) and it works! I was unable to stop smoking (which I did for 25 years) on my own.
I prayed a few times to be able to, and suddenly was motivated to finally do it.

I have now heard hundreds of the same stories in thousands of AA meetings over the last 12 years. It seems that when you cry out in desperation to a higher power (you have no clue about), somehow you get some power that was absent before. .

Now I have tons of "proof" that there is some sort of power that can help you if you sincerely ask.

I used to wonder why every culture that ever existed came up with the same delusion of some type of God. I now realize that some of them must have discovered the efficiency of prayer and then tried to tell the others, and then a perverted religion grew up around the truth that prayer works.

I don't think some guy with a white beard sits in Heaven (or in the virgin birth BS etc), just like you. Organized religion has been totally perverted. However, I think AAs approach of making up your own God of your understanding (any higher power will do as long as it is not you) works very well. It is a pity that you did not find the place that has PROVEN there is a divine force. Bill W the founder of AA had one of those white light experiences they talk about, founded AA and now millions of once "incurable" alcoholics have been able to stop drinking by getting a personal relationship with a "Higher Power" as he suggested. (he would not be on the cover of Time magazine and badly wanted total anonymity)

Anyway, I love your stuff Bill, but please try prayer with a totally open mind. You will see for yourself the results and then realize there must be some type of force making prayer work.

Most of us in AA are now grateful to be alcoholics as the steps they suggest proved there was a divine power when we were sure (like you) that there was not.

Keep up the great work and if you want more research go hit an AA meeting rather than a church ; )

All the best.... Ian H (Perth Australia)

edutain1 said...

Hi Bill, I really hope you read this. I see all the new movies and this is by far the best and funniest I have seen in years and years. I LOVED it.

I think you are a hero and I hope you don't take too much shit for your views (and smoking pot on camera-which took guts!). We all know how closed minded and judgemental (and violent) some conservatives can be.

I too am totally against organized religion and had the same athiest views as you. However 12 years ago I went to AA as my drinking was out of control. Oh no, they too want you to have a "Higher Power". I was against that crap and felt it is only fair to want proof. They told me to pray to any God of my understanding (or misunderstanding)
so I did it, just to say it did not work. Amazingly, what I was totally unable to do, I could do (stop drinking). I was still not convinced and wanted even more proof. Well, after you hear over and over that prayer works if you "turn it over to a higher power" I tried it simply to be fair and so as to be able to say it did not work for me.
Incredibly prayer did work again for me. If I am unable to do something, I ask for divine help (to a God I can't even visuallize or understand at all) and it works! I was unable to stop smoking (which I did for 25 years) on my own.
I prayed a few times to be able to, and suddenly was motivated to finally do it.

I have now heard hundreds of the same stories in thousands of AA meetings over the last 12 years. It seems that when you cry out in desperation to a higher power (you have no clue about), somehow you get some power that was absent before. .

Now I have tons of "proof" that there is some sort of power that can help you if you sincerely ask.

I used to wonder why every culture that ever existed came up with the same delusion of some type of God. I now realize that some of them must have discovered the efficiency of prayer and then tried to tell the others, and then a perverted religion grew up around the truth that prayer works.

I don't think some guy with a white beard sits in Heaven (or in the virgin birth BS etc), just like you. Organized religion has been totally perverted. However, I think AAs approach of making up your own God of your understanding (any higher power will do as long as it is not you) works very well. It is a pity that you did not find the place that has PROVEN there is a divine force. Bill W the founder of AA had one of those white light experiences they talk about, founded AA and now millions of once "incurable" alcoholics have been able to stop drinking by getting a personal relationship with a "Higher Power" as he suggested. (he would not be on the cover of Time magazine and badly wanted total anonymity)

Anyway, I love your stuff Bill, but please try prayer with a totally open mind. You will see for yourself the results and then realize there must be some type of force making prayer work.

Most of us in AA are now grateful to be alcoholics as the steps they suggest proved there was a divine power when we were sure (like you) that there was not.

Keep up the great work and if you want more research go hit an AA meeting rather than a church ; )

All the best.... Ian H (Perth Australia)

QueenFox said...

I remember someone once said people think of God as their own personal Savior crying out to him for help and once they're on their feet, they want him to go away. Which reminds me of the Iraelites. When God had given them peace all around from their enemies and prosperity, he says: "According to their pasturage they also came to be satisfied. They became satisfied and their heart began to be exalted. That is why they forgot me." Hos 12:6

God is not only the higher power but as said 'The Most Powerful Force in the Universe.' Who of us would request an audience with the President of our country and expect to recieve a personal invitation immediately? Or even to meet a city official? Yet God is available 24 hours a day to hear us. He's never to busy, he never gets sick or dies. "Everyone asking receives, and everyone seeking finds". Mat 7:8

If we recognize the highest power in the universe can help us by means of some force(spirit), it is this same active force or spirit that the man Jesus was also born into the world to restore everlasting life to humans in the future. By means of a kingdom he inherits from his ancestor, the Israelite King David, all governments of the world would be replaced and the kingdom itself would restore peace to earth forever. Dan 2:44

Ranex said...

I liked your humor and the movie, Im not american by the way but thats not of difference and I would like to comment a point. I liked the feeling it gave in the end, that even stupid people are entitled to an opinion. I guess the flavour streamed from that chapel with the truckers back in the begginning. Cheers it was nice.

Ranex said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alpha Bitch said...

Religulous comes out on DVD today!!! The local video store opens at 10 am. I'll be there at 9:55 to purchase my copy.

I saw it three times at the theatere, but it wasn't enough.

hakan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hakan said...

please visit this page and read the collection... it will be very helpful for you... and for your questions...

Ryker and Lyndee said...

It's amazing. Your fuc*ing hot. I share your passion for it all being bull shit so much, that it has left me feeling all hot and bothered! I want to make a difference, tell me what to do! How can I be a part of tearing down the wall of stupidity?? I am your servant.. Lead us to freedom from it!! And please.. Share the love!!! ;)

QueenFox said...

Where is the leader and God Bill Maher to counsel his flock of frustration and eternal torment?

Unknown said...

I think the film could have been done better. I know it's your style to be creatively witty and demeaning - and it's incredibly funny. And really, you obviously know this...

But what's your intention? The film to me simply speaks to the choir; those of us who already agree with you. So it was a great funny movie to laugh along with - feel some commodore in feeling shitty about the state of religions.

However, it you wanted to "convert" anyone who is questioning their faith -- I think you missed the mark... Your only alternative was "doubt" and self-righteous doubt at that... It's very negative... Someone with doubts would not be drawn to it... That's the trick will religion they draw people in... Sarcasm doesn't draw the majorities in.

The same film would have left a more appealing image with a more "possibile" future by keeping an open mind, one in constant curiosity along with "your doubt"... That "hopefulness in the unknown" was missing in the film.

Think about it, if evolution has come this far - from chimps to humans - well, there's no saying where it can go... Unless of course, we blow everyone up first. Which is the point of your movie - I think you want to avoid that, as do I. But pissing people off by making fun of them isn't the best way... Kind-of like the bully-ing religion itself -- with a "my way is the only way" attitude.

You were so close to something so great, but I think you got caught up in the emotion of human conflict, couldn't turn the other check and really get us out of our anthropocentric beliefs. Instead of realizing where science is pointing us in an ecological understanding you just present another anthropocentric point of view.

Aldo Leopold's ecological consciousness is far clearer and more attainable to everyone's thought process that your film's "gotchas" moments for doubt...
Where's your message of hope - you say it's necessary for a change in thinking about religion in the world. But there's a reason it's so powerful -- and your message is not likewise as easily accessible. If your "no religion" is going to catch on, you need to learn from religions the art of manipulation. Otherwise you ended up making it harder for people to change... Just more pointing fingers...

Sorry Bill, you're funny but not productive in your message. You didn't offer a new light...

QueenFox said...

It's said, 'you catch more flies with honey than vinegar.'

Do be manipulated, a person would have to have an open mind or open to manipulation . . . wouldn't they?

A person with a closed mind would not be susceptible to such influences or have any interest in changing their minds or position. Any thoughts?

mommawave said...

Yes Janice, closed minded people can be manipulated if the manipulator has found a way to cater to their perceived needs. This is how cults recruit. People are so desperate to believe and to find a way to better show their faith; many are susceptible to fall prey to people people with charismatic personalities. Do you think Jim Jone's followers were open minded? They had one thing on their minds and they thought Jim could take them to it.

You also said that people are not forced to believe in this country. What about children. So many people believe simply because they had no choice as a child and it was ingrained in them so deeply that they don't know there's another way. The mind of a child is so open and willing to believe anything their parents tell them. When the age comes that they figure out Santa and the Easter Bunny were lies, they're still young enough to lack the awareness to figure out that God is the same lie. Bottom line, no one should have their beliefs chosen for them, not even children. Belief should be chosen after a well rounded education, and enough living to feel what truth is to them. My children have been taught that their religions are their choices, but they should not make that choice until they are older. Right now, they lack the maturity to decide. When they are old enough, I don't care which they chose because I know it will come from their heart, not what some misguided person (including me) has told them.

Unknown said...

Hi Mr. Bill, Your Movie is awesome!Try to examine this controversial Filipino televangelist is like "Bible Answer Man", Hank Hanegraff. This guy is unbeatable in religious debates.

Browse this link:

Batsheva said...

Bill (Not that I expect you'll read this, but I've got to give it a shot), I saw the movie today, and frankly, I was disappointed. While it did have a few sincere moments in it (the trucker trailer church, and the Jesus actor's comment about the 3 states of matter, and your response to that come to mind), and it was quite funny throughout, it really was a cheat. You basically spent the whole movie setting up straw men so that you could knock them down. You repeatedly emphasize, "I don't know," and claim that you're selling "Doubt." These are the words of an agnostic, and I get that. I have moments when I lean that way myself. But then you turn around and imply that anyone who believes in God or the Bible is crazy--that it's all fairy tales. These are the ideas of an atheist, and while I have no problem with atheism, I do have a problem with people who pretend it's not just as much about faith as any religion. Faith is believing in something without proof. You have no more proof that God doesn't exist than I have that God does. And before you say, "Yeah, but you don't see Atheists killing on massive scales," go check the body count on Stalin and Pol Pot. I think they top any religious guy you can think of.

Anonymous said...

i just watched Religulous and i thought that you do have some valid points. however i was disappointed because you just scratched the surface and didn't really go deep in the issues. I admit that you have great debating skills but you definitely should have interviewed more "qualified" people to answer your questions.

p.s: the translation that you put for the guy talking Arabic in the Jerusalem mosque was not accurate. He did not say " I Know that Jew..etc". He said that " You should not be strolling around in the mosque its a place for prayer".

Unknown said...

I have been watching the news lately and have seen all the media attention being given to the pardoned Catholic Bishop. Has anyone brought up the fact that the Pope was affiliated to the Nazi Party in his youth? Surely someone has thought of this also. I mean if the pieces fit then by all means put them together....Nazis covering Nazis?


Nick said...

i honestly feel sorry for people who dont believe in anything. no faith. like the 81 year old atheist down there. what has he lived for?? do you honestly believe that all life on this entire earth was made from an explosion and one cell evolved into billions+ of other types of cells. have you researched the complexity of a single cell? have you researched how the human body works? how come we havent been able to create a computer as complex as the human brain. you think that evolved from one cell? i dont think so. if you took the time to see and realize how incredible our world really is you would soon realize that it didnt happen by accident. we were created along with everything else.
sure, there is no proof. but instead of believing in something that has NEVER been proven wrong. people believe in evolution which has been proven wrong. Darwin himself denounced his theories on his death bed.
the truth is, we dont know how we got here. no one ever will for sure. but say im right. i get to go to heaven along with my fellow"blind faith" pursuers. but those of you who chose to believe it is bs will burn in hell for eternity and never get to realize how much God loved you. and if you are right then i have lived a good life anyway and we decompose. but then again in that perspective, why live a good life if its not for anything? we were built in the image of God and that is why we debate over whether there is one or not. that is why there is right from wrong. our constitution was built on the 10 commandments. the people that started this country believed in God. More and more scientists are becoming believers who formerly were trying to disprove creation. you can be rational and have faith. try it and you will see. i am in no way stupid or weak minded. ive studied psychology, biology, chemistry, sociology, physics and all that. our world is too complex to try and figure out. we will never comprehend creations complexity. most people who belive in evolution dont even know the full theory or science at all. in my opinion you cant follow a way f life without considering other options and being educated about them. or else you have a "blind faith"

MJ in SoCal said...


I'm always interested in the aguement that without God there is no meaning in life. I believe that life has whatever meaning you assign to it, and your purpose is whatever you claim it to be. Those waiting for some sort of "sign" regarding what direction their life should be going just lack the creativity and/or courage to follow their bliss!

Living a good life has it's rewards in the here and now. As an adult, you attract to you the people and experiences you have with every decision you make, so being a good person who lives and makes choices on a conscious level with the intent to create good will and win-win situations in their life will create and abundance of those things. If heaven exists, and living a good life is a requirement for entry then that's just icing on the prevebial cake. But, if in fact all non-believers in Christ are going to spend eternity in Hell, than at least they will have enjoyed their time on earth and hopefully made a positive difference while they were here.

Have you ever considered that 66% of the world's population will not be going to Heaven?! That's the percentage that do not believe Jesus is the son of God, so according to the Bible they are all hell bound. Hard to imagine that none of those 66% feel a sense of purpose or meaning in their lives, isn't it?

Binky said...


I read your post and firstly I would hope as a good christian you would simply respect the choice of others, the right to question whatever they would like. If that means not believing in the same thing as you I would hope that you would walk by whistling contentedly in the knowledge that you are right. As far as I am concerned the bible doesn't count as proof so if you can find me something else that proves your story I would be willing to consider it. The bible was assembled by Man, and Man lies, thusly a book that large is bound to have a few whoppers in it.

Secondly, you said the people who started this country believed in God, and you are correct, but they also believed in a man not being tortured or ridiculed for his beliefs. They believed that man had a choice believe what he wanted and worship how he wanted.

Thirdly people like you do have blind faith, because no matter how much you read or what you look up or find out, in the back of your head will always be the thought that there is a God and the world was made just like the bilbe said it was.

As far as I am concerned all we can do is call a spade a spade, do your best to do the right thing, and if you do the wrong thing try not to do it over and over again. And though I do think that you have blind faith in something based so far from reality, I hope that you continue to be happy in it. The rest of us nuts who you so blithely send off to hell will just have to touch, taste, learn and experience it all with no preset notions or convictions. Besides if I am going to hell I would like to know that I did it all.

On another thought, heaven sounds kind of boring every time it has been explained to me. But I do gather there would be no bar, no sex, and no pot, what kind of after life is that. I think I might take burning in hell if it meant I had a handy light for my bong, a cool beer, and well endowed company.

Nick said...

and the bible says that some men will chose to hide in the darkness (get drunk, smoke weed, and have sex outside of marriage) instead of coming into the light. i am merely debating and getting the gears in your head to consider other things. faith in itself is blind. faith in anything. faith that your parents will catch you if u fall backwards, but if they fail then you are flat on your back. then your faith failed you. your faith that there is no god is a blind faith. i am content in my beliefs, and im not pressuring anyone to be a part. i just hope that you think about it and research the backgrounds of your faith and all others in order to make the choice you feel is right. and hopefully God speaks to your hearts

QueenFox said...

Good comments people . . .

The Bible says God is a God of Love but in no way exempts anyone from punishment or the consequences of their actions.

Jesus also said the majority of mankind would be destroyed whereas only a few would be saved in comparison. Only 7 survived the flood of Noah's day although the world at that time was clearly warned that day would come but paid no heed.

God imposed the punishment of death to a wicked world and also punishment of sin and death upon the first man. He passed onto his children what he himself had become - imperfect. His children died as well.

Absent from the Genesis account was the pronouncement of eternal fire. God told the man he would return to the ground from which he was taken. There is no mention of him burning forever. Eternal torment as a punishment is also absent in the law given to the Israelites although later many would come to adopt this belief for themselves.

The question that lingers in my mind is why are we, the children of this one man, condemned to a worse punishment when it was not we ourselves responsible for our imperfect sinful state? And why is it our first human father who was created perfectly to live forever simply return to dust? He is responsible for our condition so shouldn’t he be burning in hell for causing our demise?

Perhaps to an atheist, agnostic, evolutionist it would seem an impossible thing for a person to burn forever if 'your God is a God of Love?' A troubling thought for me as a child and also as puzzling was just what would I do in heaven? I think I would just go there and float around and play a harp or flute or something. Others think there's a lot of milk and honey and they will just eat honey and drink milk all day. Hummm . . . that does sound a bit hilarious . . . (smile)

So nobody knows what they will do in heaven, but think it's some kind of paradise to be like the angels flying around. But they are sure what will happen to the wicked in hell and they will burn forever in fire a hundred times hotter than fire itself.

It's just this hellfire thing doesn't seem to be a great incentive to make the world walk the straight and narrow path. This burning factor isn't motivating persons to do what's right.

Jesus did use an illustration concerning the valley of Gehenna and the burning of dead bodies and refuse. Jesus was not crazy or schizophrenic or trying to confuse people. But he used many illustrations to instruct and peak the curiosity and interest of those whose minds were eager to learn the deep things of God. The Valley of Gehenna no longer exists as it did in ancient times. So apparently Jesus used this lesson as a representation and it should not be taken literally. The vision of the wild beasts in Revelation are not literal wild beasts. The wild beast however is thrown into a lake of fire. Hell itself is thrown into the fire and even death. Death is not something that can be literally burned, but the Bible does say death will be no more.

What we learn from Revelation is that there will be kings and priest or rulers with the Christ and 'they will rule over the earth for a thousand years' in which peace is also restored to earth. It would only be logical to conclude that there will be people living on the earth as the Bible says, 'the righteous themselves shall inherit the earth and they will live forever upon it.' Ps 37:29; Rev 5:10

This verses are not hidden in the Bible but somehow the pagan belief of immortality of the human soul or spirit, heaven and hell have overshadowed this wonderful good news for the earth and our future.

Jesus promised this good news of his kingdom would be preached in all the earth as a witness to all the nations and then the end will come.

Lowell Ballard said...

The Religulous movie raised lots of valid questions that the intellectual proponents of each religion should respond to in a systematic, documented way.

The answers are out there, but I was surprised that, given that there are over 330,000 paid Christian workers in North America (estimating one paid Christian worker per church in America and Canada) and with all the various Christian ministries, no one had posted a systematic rebuttal of the approximately 167 assertions made in the film (that I could find). So, I spent some nights and weekends working through and responding to each assertion from a Protestant Christian perspective at Answers to Religulous Questions.

I found the quick clip of Kirk Cameron in context and included the links to info on the various people/locations interviewed.

In any event, when deciding on any key question it is important to look at both sides of the debate before deciding.

Anonymous said...

It's not like you don't have enough people trying to boost your ego, Bill, but I just wanted to contact you in some small way to tell you what a great job you did (and everyone involved) on Religulous. I watched it the other night and my brother and I couldn't stop laughing. On the serious side, I am (currently best fitting label) an agnostic - I don't believe it's possible to know these things that are so unfathomable - even fathomable things are unknowable in my opinion, but that's another matter of philosophy. Bottom line is, I'm with you on this one. Excellent work, everyone.

danny said...

I know. Im not "spiritual" or "realigous" (incorrect spelling) but please understand you didnt touch the surface of gOD. Im not a prick or a wanna be know-it-all. Let me pretend to be smarter than you....just for 3 minutes. Please give me this opportunity to state my opinion of the crutch people created for comfort. Please, test me. Honestly....give me this one chance, i only ask for an opportunity. Please do this. Please. You'll be happy you did. GUARANTEED.

QueenFox said...

That was funny Danny LOL. That's my second good laugh for today. We need some counter comics in here for sure.

You be good.

Unknown said...

Just saw "Religulous" Thank you for making a film that poignantly reveals the heart of agnosticism, which is the basic truth that some things are unknowable. Michael Shermer, editor of Skeptic Magazine and author of "The Science of Good and Evil," is a self-proclaimed agnostic non-theist. That is to say, he acknowledges that some things are unknowable, but does not believe in "god" in any way, shape or form. I would like to describe myself as a theistic agnostic. I believe in a spiritual part of us that lives beyond this body, and I believe in a higher being that exists outside the limits of our perception, but I do not portend to know anything about those things. In other words, I think God exists, but I have no idea what's (s)he is like. Fortunately for me, I recognize the manipulation of men (people with penises in particular) in the construction of religious mythologies and therefore I conveniently don't have to believe in Hell. Yet, somehow, I live a peaceful life, try to spread goodwill, do right by my friends and family and fellow people, and do so in a manner consistent with a moral code best described by the Wiccan reed: "An' it harm none, do as thou wilt." Funny, I have no fear of going to hell or enduring some other form of spiritual suffering that causes me to behave in a descent, non-criminal, healthy, and progressive lifestyle. I have no need. Doing "good" for it's own sake seems to be motivation enough, and my particular moral code allows me to do all the things that others consider "bad" with sufficient rationalization that I do not carry any burden of guilt. I don't kill anyone or advocate the killing of anyone. I don't steal from anyone, or participate in conspiracy to do so. I don't discriminate against my neighbors for any reason. How can any of this be possible without having a fear of going to hell? Let me turn back to my favorite answer and yours: "I don't know."

Anonymous said...

Evolution and Creationism are totally compatible and complementary. Huh? It’s very simple really. Evolution is based upon the start of everything from the “Big Bang”. Everything in the universe evolved from that original explosion. However, what was there Before the “Big Bang”? In nature, matter – all the matter in the universe, is finite. It can change form, but it cannot be destroyed, or created. All that is, IS. So, prior to the bang, there HAD to be something.

Now, in Creationism, some supreme power started the ball rolling. If you believe in a “Creator” of the universe, you cannot attach human attributes to this ‘power’. Whatever it is created whatever existed just before the “Big Bang”, well, banged. No one can say how long a day is to this ‘creator’, man was made in the image of this being, but that does not necessarily mean a physical image – more like a spirit, soul, or nature.

Therefore, the universe had to have been created by some “power”. All that exists today in nature evolved from the origin of the universe.

The concept of god is merely an invention of mankind to explain the inexplicable; a vehicle for requesting aid and comfort; and a fall guy for all that goes wrong in one’s world.

Its all really very simple, compatible, and totally adverse to what everyone wishes to believe. Mankind has an innate requirement to have an explanation to all that happens in life. So, we have created an idea of a supreme being to turn to for all our answers.

Anonymous said...

Evolution and Creationism are totally compatible and complementary. Huh? It’s very simple really. Evolution is based upon the start of everything from the “Big Bang”. Everything in the universe evolved from that original explosion. However, what was there Before the “Big Bang”? In nature, matter – all the matter in the universe, is finite. It can change form, but it cannot be destroyed, or created. All that is, IS. So, prior to the bang, there HAD to be something.

Now, in Creationism, some supreme power started the ball rolling. If you believe in a “Creator” of the universe, you cannot attach human attributes to this ‘power’. Whatever it is created whatever existed just before the “Big Bang”, well, banged. No one can say how long a day is to this ‘creator’, man was made in the image of this being, but that does not necessarily mean a physical image – more like a spirit, soul, or nature.

Therefore, the universe had to have been created by some “power”. All that exists today in nature evolved from the origin of the universe.

The concept of god is merely an invention of mankind to explain the inexplicable; a vehicle for requesting aid and comfort; and a fall guy for all that goes wrong in one’s world.

Its all really very simple, compatible, and totally adverse to what everyone wishes to believe. Mankind has an innate requirement to have an explanation to all that happens in life. So, we have created an idea of a supreme being to turn to for all our answers.

Theo van Ramshere said...

Saw it. Loved it.
Bill, here is a quote I thought u would appreciate. I ran into it today on Wikipedia:
"Civilization will not attain perfection until the last stone from the last church falls on the last priest." — Émile Zola

Unknown said...

I just simply love this movie. Your points are not all that new, but that does not make them less important. The info on Horus was though new to me. Very very interesting

8run8 said...

Great film

I'v sat down with many people over last twenty years, posing the same talking points.

This film gets the point across and reaches far more people than i can ever imagine.

Keep up the good fight, for all our sakes, please!

alicia said...

It was worth the hour drive. I'm proud to be a non-believer so....thank you.

alicia said...

It was worth the hour drive. I'm proud to be a non-believer so....thank you.

Rick said...

Great Documentary!!! I wish you would have gone further with it! You started talking about Lott, but you never got to the point where he got drunk and slept with his two daughters!

The religious that I have talked to seemed to have never read anymore of the Bible than the preacher read to them on Sunday morning. When I point these fun little Bible stories out to them, they yell, I have faith and that's all I need~!"

Please do another documentary!! Get four or five of American's best know preachers and four or five actual Biblical Scholars {Not people who believe they are scholars, but people who have really read the damned thing.}

Thanks for the Doc! It was right on target!

afarid said...

Just saw Religulous.
The documentary made you look like you are the most intelligent person in the world and everyone else who does not think like you as an idiot. However the truth is that there are people that are more intelligent and wiser than you and not everyone who follows their religion is an idiot. Unfortunately you did not talk to those people. If you did your documentary would have been like an open dialogue instead of a medium to portray the idea that there is something wrong with people who believe in God or religion.
You are entitled to believe that Religion is wrong but when you start preaching that, you become the same as the people who you despise.
I think your main aim was to ask questions but I am afraid you ended up polarizing people. It’s easy to preach to the choir and that is what "Religulous" does best.
In addition to this I would like to say something as a Muslim.
You say that if Muslims got laid than there won’t be any terrorism. Its funny and it gets a laugh but the sad part is that you actually believe it. You have to be an absolute ignorant moron to believe that people in the Muslim world don't engage in sex, premarital or marital. But by making a joke of this situation in such a way you are discounting the complicities in life, which are manipulated by the extremist to motivate young men to strap a bomb to their chest and blow up innocent people. Their motivation is not pussy but revenge.
As a Muslim I just get the feeling that you just hate us. You cannot fathom the thought that majority of us really don't hate the west and are peace loving people. I will be the first to admit that are problems in the Muslim world. Yes there are terrorist and extremist who kill innocent people in the name of Islam. But they are of the minority but the main reason, which makes them such a big problem, is that they have power. They have the guns and ammunition and financial backing of some of the richest people in the world and all they want to do is kill not only non-Muslims but Muslims who come in their way.
I am from Pakistan and terrorists have hijacked my country for the last 15 years. They are behind numerous bombings and the main reason Pakistan is unstable. And according to you we Pakistanis love Osama and people of his ilk? How stupid do you think we are? I won't deny that there are sympathizers of Osama in Pakistan but the vast majority of the country does not hold him up as a hero. Yes we are suspicious of American politics but we don't hate Americans. And that’s the point I want the west to understand.
Talk to an average Muslim; go to a Muslim country before you write all of us off as crazy lunatics who just want to kill.

afarid said...

Just saw Religulous.
The documentary made you look like you are the most intelligent person in the world and everyone else who does not think like you as an idiot. However the truth is that there are people that are more intelligent and wiser than you and not everyone who follows their religion is an idiot. Unfortunately you did not talk to those people. If you did your documentary would have been like an open dialogue instead of a medium to portray the idea that there is something wrong with people who believe in God or religion.
You are entitled to believe that Religion is wrong but when you start preaching that, you become the same as the people who you despise.
I think your main aim was to ask questions but I am afraid you ended up polarizing people. It’s easy to preach to the choir and that is what "Religulous" does best.
In addition to this I would like to say something as a Muslim.
You say that if Muslims got laid than there won’t be any terrorism. Its funny and it gets a laugh but the sad part is that you actually believe it. You have to be an absolute ignorant moron to believe that people in the Muslim world don't engage in sex, premarital or marital. But by making a joke of this situation in such a way you are discounting the complicities in life, which are manipulated by the extremist to motivate young men to strap a bomb to their chest and blow up innocent people. Their motivation is not pussy but revenge.
As a Muslim I just get the feeling that you just hate us. You cannot fathom the thought that majority of us really don't hate the west and are peace loving people. I will be the first to admit that are problems in the Muslim world. Yes there are terrorist and extremist who kill innocent people in the name of Islam. But they are of the minority but the main reason, which makes them such a big problem, is that they have power. They have the guns and ammunition and financial backing of some of the richest people in the world and all they want to do is kill not only non-Muslims but Muslims who come in their way.
I am from Pakistan and terrorists have hijacked my country for the last 15 years. They are behind numerous bombings and the main reason Pakistan is unstable. And according to you we Pakistanis love Osama and people of his ilk? How stupid do you think we are? I won't deny that there are sympathizers of Osama in Pakistan but the vast majority of the country does not hold him up as a hero. Yes we are suspicious of American politics but we don't hate Americans. And that’s the point I want the west to understand.
Talk to an average Muslim; go to a Muslim country before you write all of us off as crazy lunatics who just want to kill.

QueenFox said...

If Osama ben laden was a hero to the Islamic world then surely he would have been elected president with all his powerful weapons and financial backing. (That's a statement but I'm really asking a question?)

Why is he hiding when he has all these brave men willing to do his fighting? He is hurt or afraid he'll get hurt? He could be sick maybe? I don't know. And what is this revenge? American policies? It just seems people get more done by peaceful means. That's what I was taught. 'There's a time for war and a time for peace.'

Another thing I don't understand is why these Taliban, Alqueda, Saudis want the women all covered up. Are they afraid of women or afraid of their desires?

They can have up to 2 to 4 wives if they can afford them. So what's the problem? I understand the modesty of it which all persons should dress modestly so as not to attract unnecessary attention.

Many of these women are killed by cars because they can't see, the ones that are allowed out by themselves at least. Last night on ABC news a Pakistani woman said they are second class citizens or not even considered citizens at all. Several girls had acid thrown into their faces but were brave enough to go back to school. At least the schools that had not been blown up. The education of girls in Saudia is also limited and I'm reminded of the girls in Saudia that were made to go back into a burning building because they were not covered. There's also 3rd world women working in Saudia that are either killed or kill themselves for being abused or become pregnant. Many times their children are taken away and they are sent back home. Muslims for the most part don't talk about these things. It's like women's rights are taken back a hundred years. We in the West have free press and we know the ills of our society. But there seems to be a fear to speak lest one becomes a target of some of these nut cases.

What's in the dark always come to light. I'm just rambling on in my head, so forgive me if I say something wrong for I realize many are sensitive to this subject.

On another note, concerning Lot. I don't want to paste a lot of verses here but to sum of the situation:

In real life people do wrong or make mistakes. The Bible does not hide the good or bad of what people did. It about real life. Lot was not considered as one of the other known prophets in the Bible but as Abraham's nephew. His daughters grew up in two cities that were destroyed because of the immoral degradation over an extended period of time or decades. These wrong attitudes influenced Lot's daughters and their sense of judgment was not stable. They got their father drunk and lay with him fearing there were no men around to marry the and they would have no children.

The sin of the daughters cannot and should not be attributed to Lot, a righteous man. What we see instead in this story is God’s patience goes a long way before he decides to destroy the unrighteous.

This event does seems appalling but that was the situation then and we cannot be so overly righteous when we know these things happen in society all the time. That doesn't make it right, but that's life. So we learn from these events that were recorded and try to make life better for ourselves and others.

A good person can do bad things and 'a wicked person knows how to do good things.' It just depends on the situation they may be in at the time. However, we should never deliberately do wrong when we know what it right.

If so much in the Bible seems crazy, ridiculous lies, I should say just as strange are happenings in parts of the world as well. I recall on the nightly news just recently the British Air Force was commanded to shoot down a UFO that was playing games coming close to colliding with an airline passenger jet. By the time the Air Force was about to fire the UFO disappeared.

Whether you care to believe this story or think people that see these strange things are crazy for believing what they think they saw can be your opinion. But just in case there are other beings in the universe besides humans whether UFOs or spirit beings, friendly or evil. They are real.

I welcome your thoughts.


Simbaah777 said...

The movie was very funny Bill and I agree it is dangerous and not good to legislate faith in goverment but why did you pick the biggest flakes and hypocrites to interview, they were all either stupid, fake, crazy, money hungry hustlers trying to sell something in the name of religion, or uneducated, I wish you would have interviewed me with all respect, I am well rounded, can speak to all people on any level and maybe this will get your attention, I saw Jesus lol but I am not joking, and I have a right to believe that as long as I do not advocate voilence or injustice in the name of what I believe. If you want to have a debate with someone with (a brain) then I am one of a few. You sure picked some bright pennys for your movie, I mean it was funny, I was in tears laughing at what (all) of the people you interviewed had to say in response to what you said, seriously is was that funny. With all respect try and find people with 2 brain cells to rub together next time.

afarid said...

Hi Janice,

Osama is hiding because he does not want to get caught. It’s as simple as that. He wants to stay alive so he can spread his hate amongst young Muslims.
As for your point about women, I would agree that they do not enjoy as much freedom in the Muslim world but neither do men.
A country like Saudi Arabia, which by the way is America’s best friend has not only been violating women’s rights but rights of immigrants for the last 50 years but no one does a single thing about.
As for the honor killings in Pakistan, yes they do go on. It has nothing to do with religion it’s unfortunately a cultural thing that takes place in the rural parts of the province of Sindh. The Pakistani media over the last 10 years have shed and are still shedding light on this issue to try and eradicate it from our society but that never gets mentioned in the western media. To the west are just women hating Barbarians. Tell me if we really were that way why would we elect Benazir Bhutto R.I.P as our Prime Minister twice. We are human beings as well and know what is right and wrong and are trying our best to make things write. But change does not happen over night.
In addition let me make this clear for everyone. Majority of the women in the Muslim world do not wear Burkhas but the ones that do, do it out of choice because it’s a part of our culture and religion. Simple as that. A woman’s freedom is not dependent on the quantity of clothes she wears or does not wear. A stripper is buck naked, but that does not mean she is free. A woman’s freedom is measured by what she can or cannot do. If a woman is being forced to wear a Burkha than yes it is wrong but if she is wearing it out of her own will than you have no right to tell her what she is wearing is wrong because you will be hindering her freedom. I suggest the next time you see a woman wearing a Burkha is to go and ask her what she feels?
Lastly, I want to say that majority of the Muslim countries are 3rd world, where its hard even for a educated man to get a job and move up in the society so you can imagine how hard it would be for a woman. Freedom is a luxury of the developed world. Countries like Pakistan and Egypt are trying hard to develop their economy so we can offer our people this luxury of freedom.
My plea to all the people who read this blog is to venture out of your mainstream mindset. Here are some websites that will help you do that.

Unknown said...

OK, so I just saw your movie and I have to admit I liked it. I am a religious Jew and understand where you are coming from with some of your questions. Especially, evidence based issues such as evolution.

You REALLY should have interviewed Dr. Gerarld Schroder (search wiki). He taught physics at MIT and wrote Genesis and the Big Bang which takes the Bible and ancient Jewish commentators and explain how it perfectly fits with modern scientific thought. He is really interesting AND an observant Jew.

You could have also interviewed the team who worked on the Bible Codes (search for it in Wiki). They got published is an accepted statistical science journal.

There are some really knowledgable religious people who could have answered your questions much better than who you interviewed. Movie was still interesting though!

QueenFox said...

Thank you Afarid,

That was a really nice post and summation. I will be sure to read your websites.

It's good to be able to dialogue with people that are intelligent and can express themselves without such hateful rhetoric toward religious ideals.

Something I think Osama ben laden and Bill Maher have in common is cowardice. Pehaps Bill would like answers to his questions but he's afraid to really search for the answers.

I believe the world is moving toward freedom and democracy for all people. And we will all have the right to choose either the governments of man or the rulership of God.

You are right in that no one has absolute freedom. Freedom is relative. No one is free to run a red light when it would endanger the life of others.

I remember a time in the West if a person's underwear was showing in public, they were whipped in the street or handcuffed off to jail. Things have really gotten lax and not for the better.

I guess the images that stick out in my mind are Iranian women that were beaten in the streets and interviews I've seen of Muslim women, Palestinian, Pakistani, Iraqi, Afghan, Saudia, etc. They were brave to speak of their situations under fear of reprisals. One Palestinian women now in the West said there are more rapes of women there than in the US and she felt safer here to go out at night and get her child medicine if she had too, but the Muslims she spoke to did not want to hear it. I suppose as you say there are many Muslim men that are just as suppressed in their society. I am thankful that hopefully Muslims are becoming more free to speak of these things and progress. If a problem is not acknowledged how can it be addressed?

I wish you well and thank you again for your input here.


You can catch me on Yuwie if you like:

It's a new socializing site.

hgthomas said...

You got questions, here are some answers....

Pastor A. R. Bernard....

hgthomas said...
You want answers...

Rob said...

Hey, Bill! I just finished viewing "Religulous." I have an undergraduate degree in Philosophy and I also did graduate studies in theology. Yep, you guessed it... I was studying to be a priest! And right now I am so fucking angry at you! If you had come out with this film a couple decades ago you would have saved me from many years of bullshit indoctrination! But I can't stay angry at you... I like you! Kudos!!!

8run8 said...

Great film

I'v sat down with many people over last twenty years, posing the same talking points.

This film gets the point across and reaches far more people than i can ever imagine.

Keep up the good fight, for all our sakes!

deenac38 said...

I rented this movie and it is absolutely the best film. I think religion is the scarest mind control out there. Religion fuels hate and murder. I watched this film with my teenagers and thank you so much for making this film.

Psychocosmos said...

I had Netflix send me this DVD the day they offered it. I'm watching it again right now.

Bill, I love you. Please wear your seatbelt.


Unknown said...

Hi Bill,
I just watched the DVD and really enjoyed it. The ending didn't include the ultimate solution to the whole mental illness that is religion, but I would be interested in hearing how you convince someone that what they believe is wrong when logic doesn't matter to them. I usually just make people angry when I've tried it. How about tricking these poor people into thinking science is a religion. After all, they are simple enough to believe anything.

QueenFox said...

Is scientology some sort of science religion? I don't think they recognize mental illness as a condition that should be treated with prescribed medications. Any input?

There are people with major mental health issues that need therapy or medications to control their conditions. And there are those that are alleged as mentally ill due to their belief in God or affliation with a religious or spiritual thought. I'm not sure all of them need to be on medication or maybe they can be retrained not to have these thoughts.

I would be interested to see where this new movement is a year or two from now. Maybe there will be a new movie or part II that will be more serious in nature and really get an indepth study of why people believe as they do. I would like to see interviews with renowed scholars, psycologists, religious leaders, President Obama, etc.

This is a serious subject and maybe it should be treated as such. It's good to laugh but we don't want people to conceive us as total clowns else they will not listen to what we have to say.

R said...

Well, I finally got to see Religulous, which I'd been meaning to see for some time, and I thought it was good but not quite so good as it might have been.

As an ardent agnostic, the arguments and comedic dressings down in the film were a sight for sore eyes. However, I felt the film gave a bit of a free pass to Judaism, particularly in terms of images related to the film's commentary on religious violence. Israel and other theocracies are basically given a free pass besides a little dig at Iran. Of course it's tougher to go after the average Jew when you're in the entertainment industry, but that's why it's all the more important.
It also would have been good to see you take on some of the more "benign" religions... Buddhism, etc. They're just as stupid.
Anyway, kudos for making the film. It's still nice to have an alternative to Mel Gibson.

Ladybug75 said...

Bill, I see your movie today, the best, please do not tell me you will not make another one.
Nothing offensive, the movie just make you think, I do that sometimes even if I have been in Ga for many Years, but born , raised in France, and no I'm not Catholic....
I have to add, you are a sexy Man....


Anonymous said...

Bill Your movie is an intellectual and artistic MASTERPIECE! You succintly and deftly echoed my own beliefs which I came by the long way around myself from, a Catholic as well like you. I am ecstatic you have given us this starting point. Thank you for your hard work. DaphneeLee

tota_fikry said...

Hey Bill, i finally saw your movie religulous and i've never been more impressed and relieved. i always said that the smartest people in the world are the people who have the ability to say "I DONT KNOW" because thats the only truth...the only thing i can say with certainty is that i dont know all the answers. unfortunately in the world we live in, people find it shameful to admit that they don't know! however, i cant go that far as to say with certainty that Christianity or Islam or Judaism is certainly wrong. because using the same logic i cannot know that for sure. there is one thing that sticks out to me that i do not agree with you on. you said that people who question and who have doubt are more privileged or have it easier or something along those lines however i think that its much easier to believe in something and that its a lot more difficult to question, because every person needs to feel that his or her life has meaning and that we wont just die and become nothing. in all honestly that's the hardest most painful thought. so if you are a believer you don't need to think of the possibility that you will become nothing and that makes life alot easier.I know that like me, you believe in I Dont Know, However, i still want to hear what u think will happen after we die.if u had to take a guess? =)anyways i just wanted to stop by and say thank you for making this movie and thank you for being honest and that i admire you and i think your come not married? ahahahha just kidding
if u have an answer to my question...maybe not a vertain answer but a maybe answer email me at
if you wanna know a little bit more about me..i'm a 22 year old girl who loves intelligent people who remind me of mt late father who was the most brilliant man in the world ....sorry more than you!!!!!
anyways thanks again for inspirinf me with your movie
i hope to hear from you!

tota_fikry said...

i hope you got my message i cant see it =(

Mr. Berkey said...

I bought this movie, watched it, then made some friends watch it. I am tired of people, who genuinely and intentionally hurt other people, allowed to use religion as a veil to hide their crimes. How has morality crept its way into the legal and political systems that govern our every movement?

The ONLY improvement I would suggest is to get an interview of an abortion clinic bomber and run it next to a suicide bomber so the viewer can see how they're both babbling the same nonsense. The movie is worth the money and has great replay value. Buy it!

QueenFox said...

From the founding of the world there have always been good and evil forces. A short definition of morality is: Conformity to the rules of right conduct. Man cannot set the standard of what is right or wrong in society, although this is what he has tried ineffectively to do.

Mr. Maher seemed a bit agitated tonight on a talk show. To rephrase his question without the bleeps: Any person has to be mentally ill to believe a snake can talk! So seemingly all religious people are nut cases so to speak to believe these tall tales in the Bible.

So I asked myself: Am I crazy to believe such a thing? The Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus and Easter Bunny syndrome has since left me a long time ago. When we were children were we crazy to believe in such things? Or simply believing what our parents were telling us to be true? Do parents view their children as mentally unstable because they willingly believe what they are told?

The answer is no . . . children are not crazy. They simply are believing the lie as the honest truth for the enjoyment of the parents or the occasion until they are older and wiser to know the difference.

Back to the snake . . . The answer to Mr. Maher's question or statement is: No . . . Animals cannot talk . . . period. Dummies cannot talk. But a person with a dummy throws his voice and makes its seem as though the dummy is talking. It must take a lot of practice to talk while your mouth is not moving to make a dummy seem as though it comes to life.

This is what happened in the Garden of Eden. An unseen spirit force talked through the snake. The spirit was clever not to show itself so as not to frighten Eve in any way. So it used this very cautious and slow serpent. Just as spirit creatures for the most part do not show themselves to humans today, although some people have what they call seances and such where they try to speak to dead relatives, etc. An account of this happening in the Bible was when King Saul went to a spirit medium to get advice from the Prophet Samuel who had died. God did not approve of his people contacting spirit mediums for the information they received was from wicked spirit forces. So the voice that was heard through the spirit medium was not the Prophet Samuel but a wicked spirit portraying itself as the dead prophet.

Today, some ordinary sane people do see strange or unusual occurrences . . . They should not be regarded as crazy or mentally ill. I used to hear a story that my great-grandfather used to tell of seeing people walking down the street in broad daylight with no head. Sometimes you can be almost certain someone is calling your name when you know no one is home but you, so you go check and no one is there. Different things occur in different ways, whether people see things in their home or in the sky . . . They do exist. We are not the only creatures in this universe.

Eve should have gone right away to her husband as her head and told him of the incident but the lie that was planted sounded good to her and she decided she could become like God deciding for herself what was good and bad as well as Adam. They decided to rule themselves and establish their own code of morals right and wrong. Hence we have the legal and political system of government founded by them apart from God's direction and guidance or his protection.

Both Adam and Eve knew the animals could not talk. Instead of going to their head and rightful authority, their Creator, for selfish reasons they believed the lie. They believed they could rule the world and still live forever.

I know this reasoning may still seem ridiculous to those that can't believe what they don't see. It's hard to believe a man and his family built a boat and a bunch of animals followed him in and it rained forty days and nights wiping everything off the face of the earth. It's hard to believe those things really did occur when the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy were so real to us and now we know they are not. I had to keep reading the Bible and the stories of Joseph and others and praying until one day those stories came to life.

And the promises of a brand new earth through God's mercy and the kingdom of Christ.

Donovan said...

Ive askedthe same questions you did in Religulous when debating religion with others. I liked the question you asked about Christianity being a copy of past civilization's beliefs because this is a valid point I raise in my discussions, as well as other facts not opinions you stated. The film left a lasting impression because your views were identical to mine. It also made a very strong and valid point by saying that religion is the reason that life as we know it will end because of individual ignorance. People do need to stop searching for false promises and allowing religious figures to fill in the void of god. When these people realize that religion is a con and that it is all business and personal gain for these "religious" figures the world will be better off. The problem is they will not realize this anytime soon because of the false hope promised to them. People need to take charge and speak up, not be brainwashed and believe in nonsense fairy tales. Your message was the same one I try to spread. I only wish I could reach the same amount of people you do. I commend you on the film and hope you continue to speak the truth. Someone has to...

QueenFox said...

A false hope may be hoping in something that will never come to be.

The greatest hope would be for a peaceful world where no one is hurt either by religious nuts or a government showing it's right hand. The West through the ages has kept an eye on Poland, Soviets, China, Germany, North Korea, and others. The threat from these countrys were not because they were religious. By far, many people have been persecuted for trying to practice their religion in these same countries. Instead many of these countries crumbled because of their lack of freedom.

True freedom comes with the ability of people to be able to worship in the way they choose. This is what this nation was founded upon and why it is still free today.

A person does not need a religion to do wrong or pose a threat to society. They can be just as angry at government policies and use religion as justification.

It used to be said the only righteous war is a war ordained by God. God had the right and obligation as Supreme Law Giver of the Universe to destroy the wicked. However, not all wars fought by the Israelites were dictated by God and God is not directing any nations today to war in his name.

A false hope would be believing that all religion will be eradicated off the surface of the earth or the false hope of men that governments will one day accomplish peace and security in the world. The Christians hope comes from God's Word that by means of Christ Jesus' return true peace and security will be established and earth restored as was in the beginning.

Christians do not consider their faith as false hope but one they look forward to.

Mike Vargo said...

Dear Mr. Maher,

Enjoyed the movie. But I have to say that the real human connection you shared with Father Foster was a highlight. I'm with you on the "I just don't know" front, but I have to tell you that my idea of a Higher Power (you can go off on that if you like, it's funny) was encapsulated in that man. And I could tell that you love him. Let's hear it for Father Foster!


Psychocosmos said...

I don't know what the most up-to-date information is but when looking for more on the two Fathers who impressed me, I read this link and sincerely hope Father Foster is better.

jjewler said...

Your documentary confirmed my long-held belief that ultrareligious people are nuts. Just before the millenial, a Southern Baptist lady approached my Jewish wife and said, "Honey, if you don't accept Jesus before the millenial, you'll burn in hell. I love ya' darlin', but you'll burn, baby." Nonplussed, my wife answered, "Great! I'll be with all my friends down there." At a Jewish owned clothing store, a Daughter of the Confederacy told one of the clerks, "I just love shopping with the Jews." Now how do you answer that? "Well, mam, if you love shopping with us, why don't you pray with us and give up this Jesus stuff?" I am Jewish by culture, agnostic by faith...if that is a faith, and I believe it is. When I "pray" for guidance, I'm talking to an inner voice: ME. And it works for me.

Unknown said...

Bill, I saw "Religulous" and my wife and I were amazed on how people with so many different believes can't get along and kill themselves over a peace of LAND, that they can not take with him to "heaven", mmmmm, kinda sounds like a GANGS!!!! Are religions a legal form of GANGS?!?
I'm with you God is not a spaceman, it's with in us, God is that little voice inside all of with a brain, that let's us know what's right and wrong. God is the inner you that makes you funny and gives you that rush when you are making people laugh. God is the high we all get after getting laid, religious people just took God's name in vain to make MONEY!!!!
I was raised Catholic, but then I woke up

dublAron said...

"Holy" shit!
Great piece of work, Bill and Co.
It's great to see and know that I'm not the only person silently [it seems] raging against the stupidity - insanity, even - of religion as a concept in human society. What a ripoff! "We'll sell you eternal salvation, happiness, milk and cookies, virgins, whatever. And all you have to do is give us your obedience and cash while you're alive! What a deal, eh? Eh? Just sign right here..."
I live in Utah [with a background in antrhopology and comunication] and I wish you could have delved a bit more into the idiocy that is the multi-named Mormon church, starting with the submarine that brought them from Asia. [They will iterate it was a BOAT THAT SAILED UNDERWATER, not a submarine, but that's just the tip of the proverbial scalpel going into the forebrain.]
Also spectacular in 'Religulous': the Vatican senior priest and astronomer. If only the faithful could understand what these 'holy' men do - God is not necessary to explain creation, and never has been, except to superstitious, dumb, inbreed, monkey fuckers.
Not that the monkeys don't have fun, but it distracts from their whole overall joie de vivre.
Loved dinosaurs and humans in contemporaneous circumstances, as well as the braindead Kiwi director [looks like a kiddie toucher, to me]. And ol 'Jesus [the surfer one] who pulled out every cliche with which people tried to brainwash me as a child [ant and a television? How about using the tools you have! The ant would figure it out, eventually, and maybe even have a hit show. Dipshits.].
My overwhelming experience with religions - all of them - has been that they are for people who have no desire to take responsibility for their own lives and actions. You are ABSOLUTELY correct when you say we should never have another leader who feels a two millenia-dead carpenter is the answer to our current problems [ALL of 'em].
I wish I knoew more about Judaism, so I could ridicule it, as well, but I will have to stick to Mahayana mockery.
It was a hilarious show, but there is too much truth in it to be relegated to the "comedy" section of the local video store [and Utah probably won't carry it, to be honest]. This should be required viewing for all middle-school age kids, while their minds are still supple enough to be able to put up defenses against the bullshit their elders would lay on them to control them.
Thanks for the yucks and viewpoint, Bill!

PS- Fuck you, Propa-gandi. Want jihad? I'll give you jihad, little bitch. Talentless violence-monger who doesn't even have the testicular fortitude to man up other than to rejoin others to do viuolence. I'll teach you about violence, boy - I'm from the West in the US, and I will kick your monkey-loving, cock-sucking, camel-riding mystic bitch ass forward PAST the stone age.
Hypocritical lying fuck.

Thanks again Bill!

dublAron said...

"Holy" shit!
Great piece of work, Bill and Co.
It's great to see and know that I'm not the only person silently [it seems] raging against the stupidity - insanity, even - of religion as a concept in human society. What a ripoff! "We'll sell you eternal salvation, happiness, milk and cookies, virgins, whatever. And all you have to do is give us your obedience and cash while you're alive! What a deal, eh? Eh? Just sign right here..."
I live in Utah [with a background in antrhopology and comunication] and I wish you could have delved a bit more into the idiocy that is the multi-named Mormon church, starting with the magic submarine that brought them from Asia. [They will iterate it was a BOAT THAT SAILED UNDERWATER, not a submarine, but that's just the tip of the proverbial scalpel going into the forebrain.]
Also spectacular in 'Religulous': the Vatican senior priest and astronomer. If only the faithful could understand what these 'holy' men do - God is not necessary to explain creation, and never has been, except to superstitious, dumb, inbred, monkey fuckers.
Not that the monkeys don't have fun, but it distracts from their overall joie de vivre.
Loved dinosaurs and humans in contemporaneous circumstances, as well as the braindead Kiwi director [looks like a kiddie toucher, to me]. And ol 'Jesus [the surfer one] who pulled out every cliche with which people tried to brainwash me as a child [ant and a television? How about using the tools you have! The ant would figure it out, eventually, and maybe even have a hit show. Dipshits.].
My overwhelming experience with religions - all of them - has been that they are for people who have no desire to take responsibility for their own lives and actions. You are ABSOLUTELY correct when you say we should never have another leader who feels a two millenia-dead carpenter is the answer to our current problems [ALL of 'em]. Or any other batch of bullshit we can't prove.
I wish I knew more about Judaism, so I could ridicule it, as well, but I will have to stick to Mahayana mockery.
Stupid Buddhists...
It was a hilarious show, but there is too much truth in it to be relegated to the "comedy" section of the local video store [and Utah probably won't carry it, to be honest]. This should be required viewing for all middle-school age kids, while their minds are still supple enough to be able to put up defenses against the bullshit their elders would lay on them to control them.
Thanks for the yucks and viewpoint, Bill! I am in total agreement, and you parsed it extremely well.

PS- Fuck you, Propa-gandi. Want jihad? I'll give you jihad, little bitch. Talentless violence-monger who doesn't even have the testicular fortitude to man up other than to enjoin others to do violence. I'll teach you about violence, boy - I'm from the West in the US, and I will kick your monkey-loving, cock-sucking, camel-riding mystic bitch ass forward PAST the stone age.
Hypocritical lying fuck. Your 'rap' sucks, and you are a coward.

Thanks again Bill!

QueenFox said...

I don't agree entirely with Mormonism, but they don't believe God is a Trinity and and neither do Muslims. This is something about their faith I admire. I guess it's always good to be able to find something in common with people and not focus in so much on differences.

There are good religious people of possibly all faiths but it seems everyone is being branded a fanatic. I'm beginning to wonder exactly what the purpose of the film is: To cause hate and division or make people think and understand the beliefs of others atheist or otherwise.

If I had a choice between the company of a Mormon and Muslim or those with such limited vocabulary they can't express themselves intelligently with dignity or respect for themselves or others, I would choose those more religiously inclined.

-pat said...

Gosh, I fuckin' hate you for having done a half-assed job on this movie! Somehow, it was thrown together... what was the rush?

Course, having said the above, it's still not bad and offers kindergarten style, thought provoking material that might spark some doubt within the established minds of worshipers; that is, if they ever get to see it! Luckily you're not responsible for carrying the entire burden of awakening the masses. But geeze, you're smart enough... you could have done a better job.

You're a modern day prophet of sorts. A different kind of doomsday preacher, but a doomsday preacher nonetheless. Self appointed and made... maybe yes, maybe no. Are you playing your own strings and how can you know for sure?

hmmm... did you ever think the mind might have (be) a gateway, a black hole of sorts, that can experience something that is not explainable, beyond what science can measure presently, and beyond anything drugs can expand upon it within our limited ability to interpret the findings? What if a few had walked upon this earth who could see and hear 'more', though 'see' and 'hear' translate into everyday terms...but well, how else to explain? And man, well, man wants everything that is seemingly beyond his grasp/knowing and so he'll make it his mission to get it, possess, or pretend he has it. Hell, he'll even make a business out of it. And if he doesn't have it now, he'll earn it, and if he can't earn it someone will sacrifice themselves so that he and anyone who believes in the same can eventually get it in the beyond, and so on, and so forth. Funny thing, though... 6.7 billion people, 6.7 billion religions. You only covered 3, sort-of-ish.

It's not man's fear of death that makes him crazy... it's his greed. He wants to be righteous, he wants to be all powerful... he needs recognition.

The known is nontransferable.

MightyMike2885 said...

Pastor Bruce Grimmet of Springfield,MO.....Pastor Sherman Burruss of Sarcoxie,MO...Try these two people Bill and see if you are so smart in what you think you can prove....I am calling you a fake of your own beliefs....I am not trying to be rude, like you say I am just saying what I feel and How I see it....I am serious take your camera and make another video while you speak to these two men and than if you don't cower down, put it on DVD or something.....It looked to me as you pre-examined people, edited Im sure....Just give them a call....They would be more than willing to talk to you.....But You won't Right...This is probably no even your site right????? Ya know I was a fan, but even to me this film was a disgrace...You could have done better by talking to some people who have some sense...

imlminak said...

I absolutly LOVED the movie! Wake
up America! Think for yourselves once in a while!

ozlace said...

We just bought the DVD. This is a fantastic movie/documentary. Thank you for representing the opinion of the 16 million minority!!

Anonymous said...

I am an "I don't know" man. I just saw the movie and most of it makes sence.

My question is it all about religion? or is it about ideology in general? Is there any difference between the secular Zionists who talked about a "country with no people for people without a country", and the religeous Jews who want to take back the "promised land"?

By the way, the only Jewish group you've critisized was the one who rejected the state of Israel, why is that? I mean you could've been more fair and critisized the Jews as much as you've critisized the rest. Wasn't Judaism the one that started it all? :-)

Another note is that the word "Madrasa" means in Arabic "School", and that is every school even the secular ones. So it can be Jewish Madrasa, Christian Madrasa, a Muslim Madrasa, or just a Madrasa. Every child in the world has to go to a Madrasa in order to get an education, so it was surprising to see you using such a word in the way you used it in the movie. You are way better educated than that.

Jose Arroyo said...

Thanks so much for opening my eyes to the truth. I've spent 40 years of my life trying to make sense of religion and God and I'm finally free.
I live in Pasadena and wanted to see your stand up show on 2/24 but it sold out ;-(

Brandon's Dad said...

- The good news: One-third of Americans are liberal (as defined in the dictionary -- not by foul, cheesy guys like Mr. LImburger) enough to accept Darwin's theories.

- The bad news: Liberals don't believe in over-populating the world.

Get on it, folks! Lib genes, do your stuff!!

If we fail to out-number and displace the Armageddon freaks, they'll eventually bring their self-fulfilling prophesies down upon us all.

Hey, WE can save THEM! Our kids can take control, stopping the missile fire and nuclear brimstone!

Wow, that makes BIll Maher a savior whom we should honor for thousands of years, and pray to him at bedtime... Oops, this stuff can sure get out of hand.

Maybe we should just respect him as a brilliant, dedicated, courageous (and entertaining!) teacher who arrived when he is needed most. Hmm, how does the dictionary define Messiah?

Our 12-year-old son recently said that he is an athiest. Thank God!

Agnostically yours (too old to breed, but still enjoy trying)
Brandon's Dad

Unknown said...

Mr. Maher, I applaud you. I finally got to watch Religulous and enjoyed it. Thank you for showing some balls and also for letting me know there are many other people who agree with what you are saying.

I live in Texas and was raised Southern Baptist, Pentacostal, and finally Episcopalian. What a mindf**k! Talk about being confused...

I have had to keep my mouth shut most of my life, even through college in the 80's. In college I was horrified at how violently and vociferously people would try and defend or justify their religious beliefs. Hell's population must be to overflowing with all the unbelievers (sarcasm)...

I could ramble for quite awhile, so I'll just close by saying "Thanks!". I think you did a great job. Hopefully more films like this will come out.

Best Regards,

pH said...

Best documentary ever.

It's something that had to be made.

Unknown said...

I just watched the movie and everything Bill says totally resonates with all my beliefs.
Sometimes living on an overly religious continent you can feel alone in your non-belief so this movie was very comforting in that way.

It is interesting that my non-beliefs came from muslim/jewish parents..maybe we need more religions to get together to create a society of rational human beings.

Anyway...thank you for making such an informative and entertaining movie.

You are right...WE DON"T KNOW!!!

Sunshine said...

Religulous was an awesome documentary. I really feel that you answered all of my questions about religion and now I am just like you Bill, a doubter. I really enjoyed watching the movie and wish that the entire world would watch so they can see how foolish they are in actually believing all the crap that pastors, priests and religious leaders tell them. Religion is a business and people need to see that. Great movie Bill

John said...

I must admit I have not seen your movie, because you are so out spoken and inflammatory. I am more of an Expelled type of movie watcher. I do think you are very intelligent person, and I plead with you not to tempt God. I hope that in this fallen world you can find truth and wisdom, and that some how God can reveal himself to you. God Bless, My friend

QueenFox said...

Thank you John for your comment.

I wanted to ask did anyone happen to catch 60 Minutes tonight? The conditions in Basra, Iraq are better there now but it was astonishing the number of women they showed killed because they did not adhere to the strict code of dress. It appeared from the scenes in the photos they were fully dressed except their faces and hands. Still trying to figure that one out . . .

On another note, religion has reaped much bad seed and continues to mislead the world. It has not portrayed the humble life and teachings of Jesus. The church especially has strayed far from its beginnings where many were persecuted and killed by the Romans and the Jews to become the persecutor of others.

'To the extent that she glorified herself and lived in shameless luxury . . . The traveling merchants . . . who became rich from her, will stand at a distance . . . the great city, clothed with fine linen and purple and scarlet, and richly adorned with gold ornament and precious stone and pearl . . . no voice of a bridegroom and of a bride will ever be heard in you again . . . by your spiritistic practices all the nations were mislead.' Rev Ch:18

This prophecy was from Jesus himself to the Apostle John visioning the failure of religion as a whole and its complete destruction.

From secular history we know that Jesus lived on earth and his prophecy concerning the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem came true. The Christians heeded the advice of this prophecy and left the city before its fall and devastation by the Romans. We also know that secular history proved true many events and prophecies recorded in the Bible centuries before they occurred.

There's something to be learned from the Bible even if many of the events seem impossible, or the thought of a God or superior being seems illogical.

We learn from the Bible that the first man wanted to be like God so he became God to himself instituting his own code of morals right and wrong. The spirit creature that initiated that rebellion against God also wanted to be worshiped.

Recalling some of the ancient Greek philosophers or our native ancestors whom the White man called savages, they seemed to give honor to every spirit in the sky or to every animal that roamed the earth.

I'm not an expert in this field but is it possible that among this whole universe and trillions of trillions of galaxies they say are continuously expanding that we lowly humans in this little milky way with all of our superior knowledge and arrogant minds know more than these our ancestors? Do we know more than all the religious people we call crazies?

For what seems to others as lunacy, mental instability, or just plain illogical ideals, they have had the perception and have known all throughout the history of the world that we are not in this world alone by ourselves.

123now said...

You are amazing at what you do. Nobody trips an interviewee like you do. Your honesty and openness about politics and religion is heroic. But...
While you shed light on religious fairy tales, you also shed light on a true story of men degrading women. I feel the "tuna bath" "smell like pussy" bit was tacky and took away from the true message of Religulous. Thus, you leave me seeking the answer to a question similar to one of your own: Why do intelligent leaders say and do stupid things?

ps-I love your show:)

QueenFox said...

People say and do the wrong things no matter how educated they are or how intelligent they are because they are all imperfect and make mistakes.

According to the Bible, there were only two men on earth that were actually capable of saying and doing exactly what they wanted to say or do without mistake, and that was the first man, Adam and the second Adam, namely: Jesus

With that said, even a perfect man could do wrong if that's what he decided to do.

To say a perfect man could never do wrong, we would also have to say an imperfect man could never do right, which is not a true statement. It all depends on the individual developing a wrong thought or desire and continuing not to dismiss it.

Bill Maher does not wish or desire to conform to the right standard of speech or try to control his tongue. He likes to speak the wrong things to insult others or in ways cause hurt maybe for laughs.

Enough said about that -

Back to the first man . . . The concept is that his will or desire to become like God and decide for himself right and wrong through his own free will had the the power to corrupt a perfect world.

Some very good Rabbinical Writing on this is on page 219, 220. Really Great Read!!,M1

Jill said...

My husband and I saw "Religulous" last summer and we both enjoyed it. We're both atheists and like nothing better than laughing at the faithful for a couple hours.

I just wanted to touch on a major issue in your whole argument about religion that you're overlooking. The root of all the issues we have today related to terrorism, religious extremism, and faith based wars is not rooted in religion. All of our conflicts come down to power and money. Religion is just a tool that is used to rally people around a specific cause.

The Israeli-Palestinian fight is viewed as a religious conflict. But it's really about power, money, and land. If the Palestinians and Israelis didn't have religion as the reason for their fighting, they would use something else. People don't need religion to fight, they can use nationalism or ethnic divisions or bigotry as justification for their cause.

Saudi Arabia is a country that's run by fascist who use Wahabism as a way to control and terrorize their people. I truly believe that the people on the top, the ones running the country do not believe much of Wahabism themselves. They just know how to use it to control the populace. The Nazis used nationalism to whip people up into a frenzy to gain support for their desire to take over the world. They could just have easily used religion as their final justification for war. Religion is not the cause for these actions, it's just a means to an end.

Focusing on religious extremism as the root of these conflicts is not the right approach to take. I think what's more subversive are the regular everyday people who go to church and believe the bible and think they have the market cornered on morality. These are the people who can have long term detrimental effects on society by making abortions and gay marriage illegal, attacking science and literally writing into our laws what they believe is the right moral code to live by.

The extremists will always find a justification for their wars. I'm more worried about the guy who lives around the corner from me who's still kind of on the fence about evolution.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mr. Maher, I just rented your movie this weekend and thought it was very good and being religious (well, at least a believer in God), I really didn't find it offensive at all. I love a good conversation about religion/God. That being said, I was fascinated to learn that other tribes/communities had the same Jesus story. That was very intersting, thanks for sharing -- I loved that.

Drew said...

I live in a small town in Indiana, and like every small town in Indiana there is a church on every other corner of every other street. From the time you're born, in the mid-west, religion is just an everyday part of you're life. The local news papers sometimes have entire pages devoted to when and where you can get your god on. In this area of the United States saying Jesus was not the son of God, and that Mary could have just been trying to hide her infidelities with the whole story is just asking for trouble. Oddly enough trouble is the last thing I've been asking for. I don't care what other people beleive in, as long as it dosn't effect me, and when our government relies on a God to place their trust it worries me!

This movie was just what I needed to help assure me that I'm not alone in this world! Fight the good fight Bill! Let's use our minds to better this world, not our fears.

Drew Minier
Concerned Citizen

Unknown said...

I just say your movie and it left me a bittersweet taste, cause you exposed a lot of bad things in religion and it gives a feeling that you want to impose your atheistic, because let´s face it you are one and if you are do not consider yourself one guess what you are wrong, view on all who watches making the same as the religions you expose. You only exposed the bad none of the good, making religion looking like a disease and it´s not, religion is not bad, I´d admit there is some crazy shit in each one, but is not bad, fanatism on the other hand which I think you mixed up with religion is bad. Everything that is taken to extremes is bad. If you are a thinking racional being there is no reason why free thinking and religion can´t coexist. Think back into the movie all the bad thing that you said, well maybe not all but most of it the killing for faith the stupid strict rules most of it is fanatism, you yourself did give any explanations why you dont believe in the thing you crtizied , you just say no that is stupid and most thing were but not all. If you were looking for the ultimate answer to the why? question you know if as you said are a smart person you know you'd never find it, you never disproof anything you just said I dont believe it that's stupid or that can´t happen, just because you dont beleive in it, doesn´t mean it is not true, how do you dare to ask someone what will his or her God will do, of course they don´t know nobody does, is like repeteatly asking you why did you do the thing´s that you do. In one part of the movie the guy dressed as Jesus managed to shut you up and what did you said oh that is just stupid why? because you said so, you fell in the same situation that you are critizing. I believe is great for religious fanatism to be critizied because is the cause the drives people away, scares them and fill them with doubt, but you suggested to elimiate religion and fill that hole with doubt, people are already ignorant you want them to be more, doubt is not the answer, just because it works for you doesn´t make it right, religion should be taken with intelligence I know this may sound ridiculous to you and to many people but it can be this way. Religions may not be perfect but they have a lot of good more than bad why dont we expoit that instead of bringing them down. Why? no profit in that?

Rasmus Hochreuter said...

I saw this movie earlier this month. I had at the time gotten a copy of Richard Dawkins - The God Delusion, and saw the movie to get Maher's perspective as well. Both are absolutely spot on.

I've always been a non-believer of gods, but living in Denmark, it has for me as with many of my friends been traditional to be a member of the Danish People's Church (Lutheran). Here, about 18% define themselves as believing in a god but 81,5% are member of the Church. This movie along with Dawkins book managed to take away whatever little sympathy I had left for the Church because of their cultural value and last week I withdrew from the Church.

Religulous is a fine piece of film-making. It puts its message across with in a humorous way, never failing to emphasise how harmful religion actually has been and still is.

Highly recommended.

QueenFox said...

God has in ancient times been active in making himself known to mankind, so there was never any doubt concerning his existence or the existence of gods in general. The Bible mentions an event whereby unseen spirit creatures forsook their natural positions and materialized into humans taking the daughters of men as many as they wanted. Their offspring resulted in a sort of superhuman race that was inherently evil which led to God destroying the world at that time by flood.

This event spurred tales throughout civilizations of superhuman sons of gods such as Hercules, Apollo and others and gave way in the minds of man fantastic superheros such as Superman, Fantastic Four and the list goes on. There’s always a little bit of truth among the fairy tales.

God having allowed the first man to rule himself and also his offspring for the most part has not interfered. With the theories of evolution during our modern era, eventually came the denial of God’s very being.

That is why printed on our currency the words, “In God We Trust”, because God has always existed and these ideals were passed down to us from the very first man.

We should also keep in mind the prophecy of the harlot in Revelation is destroyed by the wild beast [nations] on earth. However, it is not a joyous time but quite devastating for the “traveling merchants . . . because there is no one to buy their full stock anymore . . . and no voice of a bridegroom and of a bride will ever be heard [in you] . . . again”. Rev 18. The world and many merchants depend on the holidays of religious occasions and especially Christmas at the end of the year to reap their most profit or to at least break even.

The wild beast [nations] then quickly go on to remove every last vestige of Jesus’ followers but they themselves are destroyed forever. God says: “He that is touching YOU is touching my eyeball.” Zec 2:8

If religions fall it will be because God allows it and has foretold it’s demise in his Word many centuries prior to our time. Changing the world does not start with obscenities, vulgar, foul language and criticizing everything people hold dear to their hearts.

Hate does not make a better world but ‘love can move mountains.’

Chuk_Kam said...

"The hardest thing to explain is the glaringly evident which everybody had decided not to see."
Ayn Rand
The above quote was made by a person whose work, like yours Bill, I greatly respect. She like yourself was not an advocate for "faith" as I may gather from the body of work I have encountered of yours and hers. Your intelligence like hers I would never put into question. It is upon the subject of embracing doubt that you so vehemently profess that draws a deep line of demarcation, in my mind, between your two schools of thought. Ms. Rand would say that there exists an objective reality and that it is within our power to understand that reality. To accurately perceive then draw from that action the understanding through our own use of reason conclusions to ultimately reach a conviction. Put simply there is a right and wrong and our morality must never be in conflict with that reality. "Faith" for many has become a means of abdicating this duty to ourselves individually in favor this unfocused mind then following blindly, and often, into a gadarene rush to whatever is popular at the moment. It is this grouping by the guise of "religion" to perform amoral acts that I believe you greatly object to, as do I. That being said, I find in myself no contradiction for my convictions I hold concerning my adamant trust in an Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent God, specifically the Elohiym presented by Judeo-Christian belief in the Bible, and my choice to always attempt to act morally.
P.S . It might be useful in the future to provide a contextual understanding of the passages attributed to the Bible. To those who would enjoy a compendium of Christianity’s core beliefs might I suggest “MERE CHRISTIANITY” by C.S. Lewis, who by the way also was an atheist until his conversion later in life.

Thea said...

Hi Bill, I'm a fan of your show and I like how your mind works but I getting tired of how disrespectful you are to people of faith. My spirituality is the most important part of my life. I am a member of the Congregational Church which I love because it walks the walk and doesn't just talk the talk. I am completely open to everyone that I meet and I would never discriminate against anyone because of race, creed, or sexual orientation. The bible doesn't do it for me but if it does for other people, that's cool. I certainly don't take it at face value. I do believe that Jesus, the person, existed, he was a minister and he died on the cross as did many others of that time. The point is, none of that matters- what matters is what is in my heart. Yes, religion has driven people to do terrible things but it has also driven people to do wonderful and loving things as well. The basic truths of all the worlds religions have the same tenets and they are all good and positive. So, stop judging us. When you judge people and make sweeping generalizations, you appear narrow minded and you hate narrow mindedness, right? After all, that's ignorant. You don't know everything, Bill even though you are pretty smart. Take your ego down a notch even though that's how you make your living. Oh, by the way, I read in Rolling Stone that you don't really believe that Obama is a person of faith- that he just has to say that. I know that you relate to him so you can't imagine it could possibly be true but I beg to differ. You just don't get it but maybe someday- or time- you will.

Michelle said...

I just purchase Religulous and it was phenomenal! This documentary was an amazing look at the inconsistencies in religion and all the rediculous hypocrisies that exist. There is fundamentally no proof that there is a heaven or hell - yet people walk around with blind faith and then use it to rationalize some of the world's most horrific injustices - child molestation, greed, killing, etc. It's outraged me for years - yet difficult to argue with crazy people. They fundamentally believe in proof that exists only in thier minds. Needless to say this was perfect. It was funny, justified and needed. Thank you for doing this and being brave enough to have it made. Because we all know that these religious people who are so god like, peace loving, and non-judgmental are now likely sending you death threats.

Thanks Bill for the laughs - you are not only "hot", your funny, smart and now brave!

Halloweena said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Halloweena said...

I am from Turkey and I've just had the chance to see your documentary. What I want to say is a big thank you for bringing up such an important issue and big "Kudos" for doing it so simply but at the same time intelligently. I personally used to believe in God and Islam (although I was never a good Muslim) but in time with the education I had and the free will and open mindedness my family taught me, I ended up questioning what the religion imposed in Kuran. Now I do not believe in religione, in gods, eternal life or anything of the same token and neither so some of my friends but apart from me and my friends and a bunch of people like us (college educated, open minded, free thinkers) it seems as if everyone around (be it Muslim, Christian, Jew...) believes in things that allegedly happened some 2000 years ago. In my country you would hear a lot of people talking about Islam and Kuran without even knowing what it actually says. You can't say that there is no god because that offends them; you can't argue about religion because they are offended, etc... So, what you did in that documentary had everything I had in mind since the beginning of my religious questioning and the people you talked to are very similar to people I talked to here, in Turkey, independent of what religion they belong to because at the end it is all the same BS! I am using a deragotary term here and I don't regret it because religion is not a neutral and harmless opinion. On the contrary it gets believers kill human beings, be intolerant to other opinions and politically, socially and even economically influential in people's lives. So to make a long story short, I wanted to thank you for your courage and your equal distance to all 3 religions.
It was a pleasure to watch your documentary... Hope to see more in the future
Ceylan Ozge Kunduz
30 , f, Istanbul

Lucky's Hermit said...

I bought the dvd so I could see the movie. I live in Kansas. Probably never got shown in this state at all. We had a pizza party with family so we could all watch together. Party consisted of 3 athiests, 2 believes, 1 "I don't know what I believe, but I like going to church," and 1 very impressionable 16 yr old girl. Bill, you should come sit around a fire sometime at our little rural place. You'd find kindred souls here.

QueenFox said...

If I may, sometimes I have to think about what people say to see if what they say is true or if what they say doesn’t quite measure up.

First of all . . . a brave person doesn’t mock and ridicule people or laugh at them. That’s what cowards and bullies do. There is anger or extremes on both sides which I’m sure even Dr. Phil would say anger is an emotion that disguises fear.

We certainly should not generalize all people into one stereotype including the religious. I haven’t noticed one death threat to Mr. Maher in this forum except maybe one doom and gloom which we Christians here agree was inappropriate and judgmental.

Blind faith would be never questioning what you believe. Blind faith would be believing heaven is a place to play harps all day, drink milk and eat honey or that a part of the body burns forever in a fiery hell of sorts. A person with an open mind always searches for answers about these questions and the true meaning of life and why we are here. Thinking and meditating about these things are important and requires deep thought. It doesn’t require a college education to be a free thinker. Educated fools come a dime a dozen, including those running this country.

There are just as many doctors, lawyers, astronomers and scientists that believe in God and those that don’t. There is child abuse, greed and killing among the general populations and atheist governments, so why are the religious being singled out. Because they use religion to hide behind their unrighteousness to justify doing wrong doesn’t mean the religion is necessarily at fault, as we also keep in mind Jesus words that a ‘bad tree produces bad fruit.’ Matt Ch 7

The most powerful and intelligent force in the universe gave to men knowledge, wisdom and power does not require men to have blind faith. “Faith is not a possession of all people”, that’s why we are told to “keep testing whether YOU are in the faith”. 2 Thes 3:2; 2 Cor 13:5

It seems to me mortal humans or closed and narrow-minded because they can’t think beyond what they can see with their eyes. They think evolution is the answer to end all and we are the only creatures in this vast universe without considering the possibility of other life forms.

There is nothing wrong with questioning religion or our beliefs or the beliefs of others. That is why we have brains to think, evaluate and come to some reasonable conclusions.

Let us not dismiss our God and Creator and become like the first man in his rebellion to rule the world.

Joel Klinepeter said...

"It seems to me mortal humans or closed and narrow-minded because they can’t think beyond what they can see with their eyes. They think evolution is the answer to end all and we are the only creatures in this vast universe without considering the possibility of other life forms."

I'm sorry Janice but this statement couldn't be more inaccurate.

1) The scientifically minded think beyond what is visible with their own eyes all the time. We cannot see electrons, or quarks, or even bacteria with the naked eye. We cannot see gravity or any of the other principles of physics. If we only went by what we could see with our own eyes then there would be no field of astronomy beyond looking up a the pretty lights. I would even feel comfortable saying that the more religiously minded who do not accept the scope of science better fit your description. Religion looks at the stars and sees lights placed there by God (or gods), we look at the stars and see the very forges which have made the elements heavier than helium and hydrogen, we see galaxies of stars billions of years old, many of them with myriad planets. You would look up at the night sky and notice that there are more stars than you can count, we look and seek to understand, knowing that our known universe contains somewhere to the order of a hundred billion billion stars, with hundreds of billions of planets orbiting them. Religion would have left you to believe that everything orbited the earth and that the planets we could see in the night sky were all there were, but science learned that our place in the universe is rather insignificant, that we orbit our star near the outskirts of our galaxy and further from the center of the universe than the edge.

2) Find me an Evolutionary Biologist who claims that the theory of evolution is fully complete and will never need to be reevaluated. Anyone who understands science knows that all theories are open to discourse and debate, while the principle of the origin of species through natural selection is supported by so vast an amount of evidence that it is widely accepted, the finer print of the theory regarding dispersion methods and the like is still under debate and being tested. Nothing in science is the 'be all end all', because science by nature is open to revision. We don't have the arrogance to claim some absolute truth. Instead we present the best possible explanation for the currently available evidence. Even Newtonian physics was found to be unsuitable on the smallest scales which is why we are developing quantum mechanics. As a whole though Evolution is the best possible explanation for the mountains of evidence that this planet provides us.

3) Very few scientist would make the claim that earth is the only harbor for live in the universe. The sheer vastness of it all lends credence to the notion that there is likely life on other planets. There are probably very many planets with simple life, single celled organisms, bacteria, small multi-cellular organisms. Fewer would have developed complex organisms akin to our plant and animal life. And while the development of consciousness is likely a rare occurrence in the universe it is perfectly logical to think that on at least one other planet in this vast universe sentient life exists. These life forms may look similar to what we have on earth, their evolution may be newer or older based on the age of the planet, or they may look nothing like anything we've seen before, that all depends on the conditions on the planet and the adaptations which would have been necessary for those life forms to thrive.

I would even go so far as to argue that it's possible that a being exists out there which would appear as a god to us. A fairly well known saying applies here... Any sufficiently advanced technology will be indistinguishable from magic. This can be plainly seen when previously sheltered peoples first come into contact with modern civilization. It is logical to go further and state that any sufficiently advanced being would be indistinguishable from a god. This does not mean that the being would be a creator and the likelihood of any of the deities of the worlds religions existing is incredibly slim. I find no reason to doubt the possibility that there are beings and civilizations out there which are far more advanced than we are (granted they are likely too far distant for us to ever make contact with them which i find unfortunate), beings which on first glance some would be likely to call gods. But these beings would be evolved creatures just as we are.

Daryl said...

Although I am certain that this message shall never reach its intended target, I find myself hopelessly compelled...

I just finished watching 'Religulous' (excellent film, kept me laughing throughout)! The point though;

The ending... Why? If your figure in the film (16% of Americans) is the amount of 'silent atheist' (that you claim), why would you incite such a force? Was it to provoke some sort of passive revolution? I fear that radicals exist without the necessity of religious fervor.

Or, from another point of view;
If I wanted to create and amass a following, religions aside, I would use something as humble as peace, understanding and a future riddled with healthy environmental (or economic, these days) goals, but then I would be a politician, and politicians have the ability to employ fighting forces (i.e armies) and technologies to achieve there goals.

So... What is saved?

QueenFox said...

Thank you Joel for your response. I enjoyed your reasoning and it's good to hear from someone that's not spewing out hate. Perhaps I'm a bit agitated myself.

I get from what you're saying is that there may be other life forms out there but they would have also had to perhaps evolved in some way as well . . .

Some points I'd like to bring out - before man built his microscopes and telescopes, science had not evolved to discover germs, bacteria, viruses or causes of sicknesses. God's laws in the Bible governing the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, were unquestionably responsible for the comparatively healthy condition of the Israelites.

The importance of clean water was emphasized and washing even for the priests. Precautionary regulations governed the handling and disposal of dead bodies. Quarantines acted as barriers against the spread of contagious diseases. The law of circumcision also had hygienic merits. Also sewage disposal by burying excreta was a sanitation requirement far in advance of the times and frequent bathing and washing of clothes were also beneficial provisions in the nation of Israel’s code of laws.

These laws and regulations were found to be centuries later far ahead of their time. So the maker of these laws was intelligent to know far beyond the minds of man before his discovery of the vast numbers of stars in the sky. The Bible also mentioned before man discovered the earth was not flat, that the earth is a circle and hangs upon nothing. There are more stars than any telescope man can make or see and yet each one God knows by name. Isa 40:22

So in all, maybe some religions are backwards when it comes to science and technology, but from what I see, the Bible was far ahead of man’s discoveries.

linda said...

For a chuckle: just finished watching on DVD and wanted to share what my 11 year old son said after being in the room the last two minutes of the film: "What's cool about this, it's like the guy's saying, 'C'mon religious people, get a grip'". Wiser than many adults I know personally.

Rebecca Church said...

I live in Eastern Washington, which is far from the Seattle area, not geographically, but in every other way. This area is a firm Republican stronghold with a massive Christian force, so there was no way this movie was coming anywhere near me. But I preordered in as soon as the DVD release date was set. It was everything I knew it would be, absolutely fantastic.

The fact that I am an atheist and a Democrat (and the fact that I have a big mouth that I can't quite keep shut) puts a big red target on my back. Thank you, Bill, for being the unofficial spokesman for us "rational" people.

(Yes that really is my damn name!)

pft said...

First of all i would like to congratulate you on your film and the way you think, i agree with you that religion is an obsolete doctrine, that, if not stopped, will bring humanity to his knees.

I joyfully remember the day when i started to use my head and actually broke loose of the doctrine from this so called "god". And i can assure you Mr. Maher i had grown a lot as a person being free to think and analyze the situations in front of me with my own mind, and with no one to tell me how to think or speak. I wish more people would wake up as i did.

Although i might disagree with some parts of the film, i found most of it appealing and quite funny.

The reason why i am sending you this message, besides of congratulate you, is also to comment in what i thought was an unbalanced portrayal of all the religions on the planet, what i mean to say is you talked about Islam, Christianity, Mormonism, and quite an assorted mixture of small religions, but you failed to comment in deep on the start of all this nonsense, which is Judaism.

The part of the film that actually deceived me, its when you began talking about extremism. IMHO you failed to portray that Judaic extremism exists as well. In order to make a balanced point i think an analysis on both sides of the flip coin must be presented. Specially when talking about the politics of religion and the situation on the middle east.

I wish you well Mr. Maher and keep up the good work, i will be expecting to see more material from you.

Eduardo Santibanez
PS. I tried to send you this message by mail but it was impossible for me to find it (i can imagine why, hate mail much?)

PSS. I excuse myself for all the misspellings but i am Spanish spoken, and this is the best English i could write so far.

Anonymous said...

Not a snowball's chance in hell (which I'm sure you con't believe in anyway) that I would pay a cent to see anything that espouses your views. Thanks for the invite.

Anonymous said...

religiosity is a human phenotype that has a selective advantage under low population density conditions, but is counter-selective under high population density conditions.

Nick said...

you people are ridiculous. you are no more rational than religious people. how do you KNOW that there is no god? you dont. therefore; atheism and all that is a faith too. just as blind as all the others. God will never be disproven any more than evolution will. thats the mystery of it. no one will ever know until we are dead. so stop pretending you are more rational than a religious person. cuz ur not

Binky said...

The difference between the religious and the atheist is that we don't base our decisions or the way judge other peoples lives based on a really old book. Or what a preacher screams from the pulpit on Sunday morning. We actually make decisions based on the things we know or the experiences we have had. And though you seem to think that atheism requires faith, I think it is more the act of questioning what is preached rather than just believing deep down there is no god.

So yes there is a big difference.

Nick said...

well you all just have this way of questioning the intelligence of the religious and it isnt right. there is no difference between you and me. i think just like you. i have free will and i use my brain just like you. i am not a brain washed conservative republican. in fact i voted for obama. the very morals you all follow come from the bible. you cant just believe in 20 verses of the bible. you either accept it or dont.

Michael said...

Dear Bill,

I have been aware of the events predicted for 2012 for 30 years now. In 1979, however, the information wasn't presented to me in that context. I had received my Earth Changes information from a nationally-renown deep-trance medium, Elwood Babbitt, who at the time lived in Wendell Depot, Massachusetts. He passed on to the Other Side in the year 2000.
From that point onward, I struggled with this knowledge; partly because I didn't know what to do with it, partly because I truly didn't want to believe it, and partly because it involved me directly. I was being presented with the information because I was designated to be part of the 'rebirth situation' as Spirit referred to it. To say that I was shaken up by this information would be putting it mildly.
At the outset, I didn't realize that what Spirit had been referring to were the events of 2012. Then I did some investigation on my own. It is clear if the pole shift happens as was prognosticated, then it becomes a life-changing (or ending) event for a great many people. That realization has been brought home in a forceful way with the exposure these events have received. I think the world has caught up with me now.

I have written a book entitled Truth Never Changes: Earth Changes which describe the deep-trance session and my subsequent attempts to digest and cope with the information over the ensuing years. I did not take a sensationalist approach in writing it because the potential events of 2012 pose a serious crisis that demands a serious response. My book is a real story written about real people and events which really happened. I took the approach that 'life goes on' because quite frankly it does regardless. I didn't write a script for a Hollywood 'disaster' movie. I wrote a heartfelt piece that asks provocative questions; not to exploit human tragedy but hopefully to explain why it’s happening and how to cope with it. Frankly I'm not certain there is a way to avoid it, but one thing I have learned from my investigations is that some things are out of human control. They are supposed to be.

My book is available from Green Dove Press. However I would like to send you a copy. I also have a Website which contains more information and a Blog for you to comment as you see fit on the material presented there (see the website below). Please contact me at the sending email address if you are so moved.

Michael L Kilday

Michael said...

Dear Bill,

I have been aware of the events predicted for 2012 for 30 years now. In 1979, however, the information wasn't presented to me in that context. I had received my Earth Changes information from a nationally-renown deep-trance medium, Elwood Babbitt, who at the time lived in Wendell Depot, Massachusetts. He passed on to the Other Side in the year 2000.
From that point onward, I struggled with this knowledge; partly because I didn't know what to do with it, partly because I truly didn't want to believe it, and partly because it involved me directly. I was being presented with the information because I was designated to be part of the 'rebirth situation' as Spirit referred to it. To say that I was shaken up by this information would be putting it mildly.
At the outset, I didn't realize that what Spirit had been referring to were the events of 2012. Then I did some investigation on my own. It is clear if the pole shift happens as was prognosticated, then it becomes a life-changing (or ending) event for a great many people. That realization has been brought home in a forceful way with the exposure these events have received. I think the world has caught up with me now.

I have written a book entitled Truth Never Changes: Earth Changes which describe the deep-trance session and my subsequent attempts to digest and cope with the information over the ensuing years. I did not take a sensationalist approach in writing it because the potential events of 2012 pose a serious crisis that demands a serious response. My book is a real story written about real people and events which really happened. I took the approach that 'life goes on' because quite frankly it does regardless. I didn't write a script for a Hollywood 'disaster' movie. I wrote a heartfelt piece that asks provocative questions; not to exploit human tragedy but hopefully to explain why it’s happening and how to cope with it. Frankly I'm not certain there is a way to avoid it, but one thing I have learned from my investigations is that some things are out of human control. They are supposed to be.

My book is available from Green Dove Press. However I would like to send you a copy. I also have a Website which contains more information and a Blog for you to comment as you see fit on the material presented there (see the website below). Please contact me at the sending email address if you are so moved.

Michael L Kilday

QueenFox said...

Hi mlk, we got your posts. The posts don’t show the most current so you will not see yours if ever, but we get them in private mails. I think the moderator’s favorite posts show for the most part.

Hummm Silent . . . that was kinda funny, hahaha . . . I'm still laughing,

Anyway, I was just thinking cause I think about a lot of stuff . . . (smile)

This evolution theory again . . A person would have had to investigate the evidence to their satisfaction and believe or have faith it is true, even though it is still in debate in many areas. It hasn’t been proven as actual fact.

On the other hand, it would almost be stupid to give someone a brain to think for themselves when you want that person to only think what you want him to.

If there is a God, why create a man as a free moral agent if your goal is to have robots that only obey you? That doesn’t make sense, does it? If you give a man a brain he could possibly decide to do totally the opposite of what you want.

There is a right way and a wrong way and we have many choices in-between. We can’t speak as to yell ‘fire!’ in a crowded theater as a joke for that is against the law and people could be injured. We can’t run a red light even though we see from a distance no other cars are at the intersection for it’s also against the laws of our community. Good citizens always try to obey the laws of society and bad citizens have brushes with the law which could end in jail.

We either to a certain extent do or say or think what society tells us what is right or wrong. If we hate our neighbor and say bad words to slander him, he may decide to sue us. There are consequences to our actions - good or bad.

The laws of many societies say we do not recognize you as married just because you say you are. You have to have a license or you may lose benefits. The Bible says to obey all of man’s laws unless they conflict with God’s laws and that is why Jesus said to pay back Caesar’s things to Caesar [taxes] for the governments are allowed to rule for a time as God’s public servant in providing services.

Some in society say it’s ok to have physical relations with an under age person as long as they give consent. But society says it is wrong to think or do such a thing.

Whether we adhere to God’s laws or man’s, there’s a right and a wrong standard. Some live according to the standards of society and some don’t and some try to live according to the standards of God and man. Whichever the case, we have a wide range of individual thoughts and free will to speak, think and analyze our actions daily.

And this is the way God created us.

Unknown said...

jesus freed people from the old covenant...freed us from religion for a relationship.

luke....josephus....some people who give a historical account of jesus...once you learn that jesus really was a real man.

can one explain jesus power of nature, demons, sickness, and death? fulfillment of prophesies...... what great lengths his followers went death...spreading his message

if you want to continue your search for truth...i highly suggest the case for faith by lee strobel.

QueenFox said...

Wow Brett, good to hear from you . . . another voice of reason. Sometimes it feels like I'm talking to the wall in here.

Big Mowma said...

Bill, I am one of your 16% and have been here flailing away with a million questions for a long, long time. Nearest theater showing was 180 miles away. I had to ask the video store to buy it, which they did (2 copies) and I rented it today. The guy behind me was renting "The Passion of the Christ". I'm not an tag line is "you don't know and neither do I". Thanks for asking the questions!

Big Mowma said...

RE: "Even wikipedia says all that." All due respect to you, Deepak, but anyone can create a Wiki site. It is not official. You may be right, but don't trust wiki.

Lollie Dot Com said...

I made a fool out of myself in a Walmart in the reddest corner of the reddest state in America when I saw your movie there. I shrieked with Religulous zeal! Man oh man, I have been waiting for this.

I loved Religulous and I still, as usual, I want to just pinch your head off. Biiiiilll!!! Would it have killed you to do your homework? There are three specific mentions of homosexuality in the bible.

In Leviticus it is an abomination for a man to lieth with another man. A little detail you might have looked up... Leviticus is an instruction manual for Levite priests. We dont' even know any Levites for cryin out loud! And we have to live by their Priests' rules? That's some bs!

Then there's the guest thing you brought up... and finally third and in some ways most important because Paul said it and I hate that bastarrd, but in this case he was fair. He was upset about the pagans worshipping their God's by having sex, all kinds of sex, with everyone. He said that's no way to worship. Prudish, but not homophobic.

So there's the three mentions of homosexuality in the bible. See? The Bible, even though I'm no fan of it, doesn't put down homosexuality for anyone except Levite Priests.

It was a great show and I wish you'd covered the homosexual thing. It's not the bible, it's the damned homophobic preachers that's put that bull into people's heads. In this case, the bible is pretty innocent.

Thank you Bill. I only bitch cause I love ya. You're a hero for making that documentary. I can hardly wait to share it with my daughter and grandson, tomorrow. :)&-=

'HayMan' Marc said...

(1,375 - That's a lot of comments.)

I just gotta say this....

Thank God for Bill Maher!


Organized religion is a detriment to Human society. It causes too many disputes among people who would otherwise probably get along fine.

This all makes me want to found a non-religion, but wouldn't that be a religion?

Humans are strange. Thanks Bill.

Annett said...

Dear Bill,
I was waiting for a movie like this. I saw it on DVD yesterday and just want to say "Thank you". You have a lot of guts to make a movie in a country that has freakin' GOD on their money. I thoughted I was the only one in America "not believing". Born and raised in Germany, I have been a minority whereas in Germany it is the other way around. Where are you all of you 16%? I would like to meet one of you ;-) Bill, Thanks again for telling it like it is. not just on religion but on the USA as a whole. I do love living here. I just sometimes wish it was easier being my non-religous self.

Unknown said...

Thank you for being the voice of reason. I do believe in a higher power, but all the social agendas that go with organized religion are...well, ridiculous.
The tales found in the bible are just that. Also, just discussed Jonas and the whale, but even more absurd is Noah and the ark. Since all the millions of species of animals were boarded on the ark, two by two and it rained for 40 days and 40 nights, I wonder how Noah managed to keep all the predators from eating their natural prey? hmmmm...Maybe he thought ahead and also brought on a pair of butchers and a herd of Angus Bulls to keep all the lions, tigers and bears (oh my) happy.

phyllis nasta said...

Bill you are a breath of fresh air - thank you! I missed the movie - it was here and gone in a flash ( arizona ) but just rented it and am watching for the third time. As an ex catholic with a degree in philosophy I particularly appreciate your ability to see through things and comment astutely , and humorously simultaneously. you are a genius and a big part of the solution.

jess said...

Hi, Bill. I just rented and watched your film, and I have to say that it was quite entertaining. I am a 25 yr. old female who is a member of the LDS church. Since I have grown up with experiences that are not the norm from lets say the typical Mormon in Utah (and I know because my husband is one), I feel that I keep a pretty open mind about all parts of life, and was not really surprised, upset, or angered about anything in your film. Not even the things about my own religion. Ya know, we're pretty used to skepticism. However, I do have a question for you, because while I have continued to question and work on my own testimony of what I believe is true as religion stands, I want to be a good person. Religion aside, I want my life, my presence on earth to be valuable to my fellow men. I want to live honestly, respectfully, and regardless of what is to happen after this life, be a good person, and not for points in heaven. And so my question is what is your motivation? How does Bill Maher judge his actions and choices in life? Just was wondering...

QueenFox said...

A Closer Look

Going over several posts, there’s a lot to be said for religion and truth.

Many people have turned their backs on religion as a whole, for they see the bad effects of religion coupled with its failure to unite the world in harmony and see it as divisive and a total failure, in addition to not buying into the bliss of heaven or the torment of hell - which is also understandable.

Taking a closer look, the Biblical account of the world and creation was not the beginning of religion, nor was Judaism. In successive stages within three months after the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt they entered into a covenant agreement with their God to become “a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.” God then proceeds to give the Ten Words or Ten Commandments as the basic part of the Law, but were combined with about six hundred other laws. Exodus was written in the wilderness of Sinai, in the year 1512 B.C.E, a year after the sons of Israel had left Egypt.”

In the book of Leviticus were laws governing the Levitical priesthood, as well as regulations regarding festivals, treatment of illnesses, blessings for obedience; maledictions for disobedience, sacrifices, etc. The contents of Leviticus applied to the priests as well as parts pertaining to the whole nation of Israelites. The contents are also beneficial for us today in learning about God and how God dealt with his people at that time.

Prior to Moses writing the first six books of the Hebrew scriptures and parts of Psalms, other religions had flourished among the ancient civilizations. Egypt was an ultra-religious land rife with polytheism. Every city and town had its own local deity, bearing the title “Lord of the City.” A list found in the tomb of Thutmose III contains the names of some seven hundred and forty gods. (Ex. 12:12)

The majority of religions got their start from among ancient civilizations of Chaldea, Sumeria, Akaad, and Babylon [Babel] from about 2,269 to 2030 B.C.E and/or before that time period. Triads of deities were prominent in the Babylonia religion. One of these made up of two gods and a goddess, was Sin (the moon god), Shamash (the sun god) and Ishtar; these were said to be the rulers of the Zodiac. The Babylonians believed in the immortality of the human soul. Nergal was their god of the underworld, the “land of no return,” and his wife Eresh-kigal its sovereign lady.

The Babylonians developed the pseudoscience of astrology in an effort to discover man’s future in the stars. “The great archeologist and historian, Austin Layard, concluded that the religion of Greece and Egypt was derived from ancient Babel. "Of the great antiquity of this primitive worship there is abundant evidence, and that it originated among the inhabitants of the Assyrian plains, we have united testimony of sacred and profane history. It obtained the epithet of perfect , and was believed to be the most ancient of religious systems, having preceded that of the Egyptians…… The zodiacal signs……show unequivocally that the Greeks derived their notions and arrangements of the zodiac from the Chaldees" (Layard's Nineveh and its Remains, vol. ii. p. 439-440).”

Among these ancient civilizations were common mythologies including immortality of the human soul, gods and goddesses, a once paradisaical beginning of the world where man was at peace with the animal creation, and from the myths of China, the Aztecs, Incas, and Mayans and in the ancient Epic of Gilgamesh, a global flood. To skeptics this event would seem impossible to have occurred for one man and his family to enter a vessel with animals of every kind. However, there is evidence of vast destruction that occurred suddenly earth-wide as well as a drastic change in climate, and just as all races of humans originated from one man and one woman “not all varieties of animals needed to be in the ark. All interfertile types of the dog family, for example, could have come from just one pair.” “Thus, not all of today’s animal varieties needed to be in the ark. Only representative numbers of each “kind” would be required.”

I think many are basically overlooking the main root of why people believe in God or choose not to believe in God. It was desire that caused the first man to turn away from God as many do today and it is desire that many choose to serve God or gods today. As long as man sits and thinks deeply to himself, ‘Why are we here?’ ‘Is this life all there is?’ He will always have the desire to live in a better world and live forever.

As Jesus pointed out, religion like a tree that produces bad fruit is ultimately chopped down.

1RaginCajunScot said...

cc: To 'REDIGULOUS' Bill Maher!!


Bless him (Graham) or having the courage and insight to say the words.


'Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask your forgiveness and to seek your direction and guidance. We know Your Word says, 'Woe to those who call evil good,' but that is exactly what we have done. We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed our values. We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery. We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare. We have killed our unborn and called it choice. We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable. We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self esteem. We have abused power and called it politics. We have coveted our neighbor's possessions and called it ambition. We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of expression. We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called it enlightenment. Search us, Oh God, and know our hearts today; cleanse us from every sin and Set us free. Amen!'

Commentator Paul Harvey aired this prayer on his radio program, 'The Rest of the Story,' and received a larger response to this program than any other he has ever aired. With the Lord's help, may this prayer sweep over our nation and wholeheartedly become our desire so that we again can be called 'One nation under God.'

 you probably know, Paul Harvey died yesterday at the age of 90! "And now, you know.... rest of the story!!" RIP!!!

Retired, Starving Artist
Sr.Sophomore@CofC SOTA
Cell....: 843-296-3240
Fun e.:

Anonymous said...

Hi Bill,

Just watched Religulous - downloaded from iTunes. Awesome... very well done. I think what you did took balls. I admire you for saying all you said... and putting it out there.

Excellent work. Please keep going.

Many Thanks...
Andrew John Harrison

QueenFox said...

Correction to Previous Post:

The books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Psalm 90 (possibly also 91) are attributed to Moses and not necessarily the 1st 6 books of the Hebrew scriptures.

1RaginCajunScot said...

Man, why don't you nuts move somewhere that wasn't founded on Christian principles!? Then you wouldn't have to fight these battles!! Quit trying so hard to convince us!!! If you're happy with your beliefs, fine! Just let us enjoy ours!
Same for gays - just keep your mouths shut!:}
Like I said, "I'd rather believe and be wrong, than like you, not believe - and be wrong!!
GOD bless America!!!

Ian Bock said...

I just saw it. This year since I have been at college I have watched more of your show as well. I liked your documentary. My friends generally did not agree with me on this point. They have faith I have doubt. This does not mean they are not my friends, but still I thank you for making this film. I am an atheist and probably because of this film I have told more people that I am.

Anonymous said...


A widely released film that questions religion and god has been long overdue. Religulous not only lets God’s servants show how intolerant, stubborn and wacky they can be, but leaves an intelligent and powerful question in your mind that people should not take lightly. The fact that religious people accept the horrible job God is doing, managing the world, follows the same lack of intelligence of why someone would elect Bush Jr. as president. It boggles the mind. Why would you idolize a maker who does such a shitty job running the show? If God were a CEO, he would be one of the corrupt individuals who robbed the American taxpayer out of money through the bailout. Or he would be Maddoff. Your willingness to put your face on this type of subject matter, which crazy religious people would find offensive and probably threaten to kill you over, is a courageous decision. I only hope there will be more individuals who accept scientific evidence as a basis for there existence and grow out of the old school of thinking.

-Matt W.

Orthomentor said...

RE: T. Smiley, you might think about Abe Maslow (Eupsychian Party), extending his SELF-actualization to SOCIO-actualization: "What America CAN be, it MUST be." I know of no other way out of the psychological trap.

Also, see Maslow's humor about Matoff at


QueenFox said...

Although God sustains life in the universe, he is not directly managing the affairs of men on earth.

This is why Jesus said his kingdom was no part of the world, which meant the kingdoms on earth were ruled by an adversary. You may recall when the wicked spirit creature showed Jesus all the kingdoms of the world perhaps present and future and said 'these have been given into my hand', Jesus did not deny that the governments or kingdoms belonged to him or that he was in control of these kingdoms but simply told him to go away. Luke 4:6

The future kingdom of Jesus was not from the authority or rulership of men but from God himself. Hence when asked by Pontius Pilate if he was a king, Jesus said to him, ‘this is why I was born into the world and to bear witness to the truth.’ John 18:37

Jesus' rulership or government would be established over the earth only after all human governments were destroyed at Armageddon. Daniel 2:44; Also see Revelation Ch 5:10

God created man as his own free moral agent meaning he could choose between right or wrong standards. Man chose to rebel against God's righteous standards and decided he wanted to rule the world himself without God's help, guidance or intervention. Therefore we cannot attribute the sin of man to God. The world we see today was because man decided to rule himself and the world and for the most part God has allowed him.

God created a prefect world and not the world we see today.

Unknown said...

Bill, I just watched Religulous and I have to say, as a 26 yr old who has gone to church his whole life (well up until I went off to college), "following orders" by dragging my ass outta bed early to master the art of sleeping with my eyes open, sitting strait-up; I loved it! Downright hilarious and insightful.

One thing that you touched on was the fact that one has to "pick the right one" with regards to denomination. Well, I would have liked to see this fact presented to each and every "faith leader" that was interviewed. I think that this particular idea is the key to understanding why it is all so confusing. What if you grow up in an area where Christianity is unavailable and not taught? Do you burn in the Bowels of Hell!!!????

How could you know that you picked the "right one" in order to be saved, because most religions claim to be the "exclusive path" to redemption? i.e. The other nutjobs following their respective faith as opposed to yours is considered incorrect by the standards set forth by yours. Hmmmmm (pardon the quotes, I find myself using lots of them when commenting/questioning this subject.)

Jurassic Mark said...

Religulous is now available on DVD! I watched it for the first time and let out several big chuckles (the kind that make you say "Man, I really needed a good laugh"). It's one of the best films of 2008, but I have one major complaint. The film makes startling comparisons to the Egyptian god Horus and Jesus. While you can find books and websites that support these claims, they are not reputable. None of the significant connections between Horus and Jesus are substantiated by modern scholars of either secular or religious background. Mr. Maher, when you're dealing with a subject this sensitive, you have to be extra careful to get your facts straight. For the record, I'm not a Christian (or a Horusian???). Overall, Religulous is still an entertaining movie that packs the kind of punch that Maher fans have come to expect.

QueenFox said...

Most religions or denominations claim they are on the right path. Some religions are inclusive of others. I have spoken to a Hindu and perhaps semi-Muslims that like to celebrate with the Christians or go to Church during the Christmas festivities.

We should remember that during the judgment period recorded in the Bible during Noah’s construction of the ark, he preached during those years and warned the inhabitants at that time of the upcoming flood. But they either mocked him or went about their everyday lives as Jesus said ‘eating and drinking and marrying’, until the flood came and swept them all away. Which there is nothing wrong with eating, drinking or marrying, but the seriousness of the times escaped them while the world was full of violence, they took no note of God’s displeasure with the world at that time.

Today in this present world, violence and crime is all around us. Children and people are being kidnaped, abused and killed daily. Many people are afraid to leave their homes in fear or at least be cautious of their surroundings in many areas.

These are everyday stresses of life people have to deal with including the economy. Many look to the leaders of their nations and particularly the leader of the free world to make headway into solving these problems but clearly the world will not be a perfect place to live in under man’s direction.

Certainly, calling people nut cases or mocking them is not the way to make the world a better place. This movie may make people who have always had doubts or not solid in their faith to feel perhaps they have placed their hope in unrealities, but for the faithful, they will always remain faithful to God.

With that in mind, looking at the event of Noah’s day, God did not destroy the world at that time without giving due notice over an extended period. It appears a similar warning will be given before the beginning of Armageddon. Jesus stated in the Bible, a worldwide preaching or warning would be a sign to the world when he said, ‘this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the earth, and then the end will come.’ Before God commands the destruction of the wicked and governments, the world will have received this message just as in the days of Noah. Mat 24:14

The Bible also says in Revelation those killed will be left as manure on the surface of the ground and not buried. The birds of prey are told to have their fill of the small and the great. As far as hades and death itself, they are thrown into a lake of fire which is symbolic for total destruction.

Revelation also brings out that the kingdom or government ruled by Jesus will last for a thousand years over the earth and the benefits of the kingdom are everlasting. The religious do not feel it realistic to put their hopes in man and science to bring about a peaceful new world but instead they put their hopes in God’s promises and assurances as outlined in the Bible.

QueenFox said...

Last thought for today . . .

I was thinking to myself again . . .

It seems everyone is angry and feed up. I for one find myself sighing daily at bad news and can get quite agitated at what seems to be extremes or what we like to call 'nut cases', people blowing themselves up, schools and buildings, clinics, attacking women with acid and the list goes on.

Violence begets violence and anger breeds hate. I guess we need to at times step back, think, and reflect what we can each do better ourselves so we can better the world, not judging others so much but showing a little kindness perhaps. I find myself constanting trying to refrain from saing something negative so people can respond in a positive way or listen to what I have to say.

I guess we all need to be a little patient with each other. Well . . . Thanks for listening.

VNP said...

I liked Religulous.
It is a pity Communists and Fascists did not make the final cut, they were like the guy at the Creationist museum only better. Ah../ genetics, cybernetics, formalism...what occasions to miss...
Being stone drunk with Absolute is something Karel Capek wrote about in the Absolute at Large. Like there it seems the scientists ans the Catholic priests seem to be the most immune...

Lee said...

I'm an atheist. Live in the Bible Belt. Was married to a wife beater who now considers himself a Calvinist minister!

My folks told me that the fear of the unknown is the basis for religion. I love the unknown. If we had all the answers, well, we might just die of boredom.

I could go on endlessly, but you know all this stuff already. So let me just say, THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

Pawel said...

I am looking for contact with Bill Maher.
Please help

Unknown said...

Mr. Bill Maher,

There is one man which is also known to answer all questions in life his name is Bro. Eliseo Soriano and if you still want to get the answer like you said you want to know cause you don't know in your documentary "Religulous" he's the one you should be asking, because all you have done is ask the wrong people and he also got this article The Claim That There Is No God Is An Escape From All Realities which is an invitation to you to ask him directly. Here's his Youtube channel where you can directly ask a question through video and be answered back with a video response Ask Bro. Eli, the Bible Answers-Post Your Video Responses

Anonymous said...

Mr. Maher, That was the most honest, open movie I have ever seen. It was phenomenal!

Thank you,
Jake Jones, Ca.

djzzar said...

Voltaire once said; "Four thousand volumes of metaphysics will not teach us what the soul is".
Certainly an adhoc entertainer like Bill Maher will not shed an inkling of light for people that feel or do not feel a spiritual connection in this world.

djzzar said...

Very one sided point of view, and editing...besides, there are many scientists that believe in God. However, the very critical most powerful leaders in the scientific community do not accept free expression, as this will result in a career change.
Narrow mindedness runs rampant. Perhaps there is truly a spiritual side of this world that connects us all somehow or someway.

Jurassic Mark said...

Re. djzzar's post: since it's impossible to prove that we have a soul, Voltaire seems to be stating the obvious.

Lisa Carbone said...

ok this is just how i feel in my heart, i lLOVE Bill i'm his biggest fan, and i truly enjoyed this movie, but i don't pray anymore. i use to, in the shower, not everyday but often. i feel stupid for thinking there is a god. i know there are crazy people out there ready to push the end the world button and die for their religion... but i want to pray, and i can't now. it felt weird like i was forcing it. before it felt good, like i was talking to my heart and soul. i want that back, can these two things exsist, ?????????

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