Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Monday of this week I spent in Denver for the opening day of the Democratic convention, and it was both exhilarating and depressing. It brought to my mind all the ambivalence I’ve had about the Democratic Party my whole adult life. My parents were staunch, true-blue, Kennedy loving Democrats, and I love that about them. I loved walking among the crowd and knowing, wow, all these people, and all day long I’m not going to run into anyone who disagrees with me on the basics. Maybe it’s even deeper than that, its tribal. I could never bring myself to call myself a Democrat (I’m an Independent) because their party is so tepid in either their belief or in the follow through on so many issues that should be Democratic, I feel no one really is expressing what my platform would be if I was king. Democratic politicians don’t talk about shrinking the military budget, ending corporate welfare, ending the drug war, etc.
But as a tribe, I know when I’m with my own. Their hearts are just more in the right place according to how I was raised. And I wish the party and the country were the more decent party and country they were in my parent’s heyday, and I could fully embrace my tribes as they did. But things are different.
In one of my favorite movies, “In the Line of Fire” Clint Eastwood as the Secret Service agent who 30 years earlier had failed to protect JFK and is now slipping protecting the current president, is at one point confronted about the day in Dallas when his and Kennedy’s lives intertwined forever – and he says “I was different! He was different! The whole country was different…” and then something really cool I can’t quite remember, but somebody should look it up.


Ana Renee Jones said...

How can I get a hold of Bill Maher about the Charles C Lynch issue?

I'm doing everything to get the word out about this travesty and to get people involved.

Charles C Lynch was convicted of 5 cannabis-only offenses in Federal court 2 weeks ago and faces up to 100 years in federal prison for operating a medical marijuana dispensary even though his dispensary followed all his business license requirements, city regulations, county restrictions and state laws. This grave injustice happened because cannabis is a schedule one drug under federal law. The jury was forbidden to hear any evidence about medical marijuana or state law and was instructed to come to a verdict solely on Federal law.

I first heard about Charles Lynch on Drew Carey's ReasonTV piece*. It's a sad video, so be warned. About a month ago, I was at a "Know Your Rights" training put on by Americans for Safe Access (ASA) and was informed Charles Lynch's trial was being held in LA that following week. I decided to show up because I was told dependent appreciate all the patient support they can get in court.

I had never met Charles Lynch before but because I am a medical cannabis patient myself and rely on people like Charles Lynch to get my medicine, I decided to show up in court and give all the support I could. I truly believe no one deserves to spend the rest of their life behind bars for helping patients with their medical cannabis needs.

That night, after the ASA meeting, I visited Charlie's website* and emailed** Charles Lynch to tell him I was going to attend court and I got back a very gracious note from him indicating his gratitude and interest in meeting me.

After that, I contacted the LA Times (articles 1*, 2**, 3***, 4****) CNN*****, NPR******, KCRW*******, Stop the Drug********, and other local and national news organizations.

During the trial, I created a list of things people could do to help Charles Lynch like: donating to Charlie*; calling or emailing Charlie**; thanking the media outlets*** who had already covered the story; showing up to the trial, etc. The items and the list were not much but they were what I could come up with and I, myself, donated, and showed up to the federal court for all two weeks of the trial.

I met Charles Lynch the first day of jury selection. He's a mild-mannered, soft-spoken and compassionate man. He was with his mother and sister. His sister stayed for the entire trial but his mother had to return to New Mexico because another one of her sons had to go through cancer surgery. The family has been hit hard by emotional and financial burdens most recently.

During this time I also met with the offices of all three of my Congresswomen (yes, all my congressional representatives are female). I spoke to them about the affects of Federal drug policies on individuals and communities in California and I urged them to support John Conyers Letter* to the DEA and Barney Frank's resolutions HR 5842** (medical cannabis rescheduling) and HR 5843 (personal cannabis use bill).

I also educated them about the history and science of cannabis since a lot of what Congress knows comes from the Office for National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) and by Congressional law that White House department can provide misinformation*. Title VII Office of National Drug Control Policy Reauthorization Act of 1998 (H11225) section 12** allows the Drug Czar to lie about the scientific facts regarding cannabis.

I've come up with a list of how You can help Charles Lynch:

~ I am planning a protest for 10/6 which is the next day Charlie will be in the Federal Courthouse in Downtown LA. Court support will start at 8am and rally will begin at 11am. The courthouse is located at 312 N. Spring Street, Los Angeles. Protesters are encouraged to bring acoustic instruments to the rally. Americans for Safe Access (ASA)* , Marijuana project policy (MPP)**, and National Organization for Reform of Marijuana Laws (Norml) will be helping plan and organize this event. WE NEED AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE TO ATTEND.

~ Email Charles*

~ Donations*. Charles Lynch has been unable to find work since the DEA and Local Sheriffs department violently raided his home and business. If everyone donated a $1 that would be helpful. If people can afford more that's great. I know one senior-citizen medical-cannabis patient who donated $50 because she knew she wasn't going to be able to physical support as much as she wants to.

~ Offer Charles a job. He's a software engineer by trade and lives in San Luis Obispo county.

~ Write Judge Wu and plead for Charlie's freedom. Supporters who wish to write a letter of support regarding sentencing should use the Letter salutation "Dear Judge Wu" and then send the letter to: Reuven Cohen Federal Public Defender at 321 East 2nd Street Los Angeles, CA 90012-4702. A sample outline can be found on Charlie's website*. I've written 3 letters myself (I had 2 other patients sign one of those letters each). And I'm continuing to write letters.

~contact the media to tell them about this story and let them know how you feel.

~contact your congress people. E-mail, phone, write, and visit your Senators and your House of Representatives. If you don't know who your House of Representatives Congress member is go to and put your zip code +4 in the upper left-hand corner. if you don't know who your Senators are go to You can even visit your congress member's offices fairly close to your own home because they have satellite offices throughout their districts. Contacting Congress is vital because laws change in Congress and the only reason why the DEA and federal prosecutors are allowed to do what they're doing is because of a federal law; that law needs to be changed.

~ Pray for Charlie's freedom and for Judge Wu to use divine justice.

~ Spread the word about Charles Lynch and the protest. Talk to family, friends, associates, co-workers, classmates, schoolmates, roommates, lovers, anyone who will listen. Ask them what they think about the situation. If they don't know that much, inform them. Forward this email to everyone on your email list. Repost this on facebook, myspace, craigslist, live journal, blogspot, and any other website or forum you frequent.

~ Thank those that have been fighting for justice in this situation.

~ Join organizations like Americans for Safe Access, Marijuana Policy Project, NORML, etc. These organizations are making changes in legislation so people like Charles Lynch do not have to suffer at the hands of the Federal government.

LINKS to above articles:

suz said...

Bill Maher, welcome back. I know it’s just a matter of time before you, once again, ban me “permanently,” from your website. No one from your staff explained why I was removed…perhaps it was my lack of the use of capitalizing at the beginning of sentences and proper nouns, or, using one of the 7 words you can’t say on network TV. However, we’re here in cyberspace…so much for the free speech you’re constantly preaching. I will throw my jabs now because I know that, somehow, my rights do not equate to yours…for you have your own show and that makes your opinion more important. Therefore, I will capitalize and refrain from swearing…in this writing. I prefer to write about issues but I can’t help making mention of my recent observations about you:

You appeared on Larry King the other day and it seemed like you vomited up some of that Obama punch you’ve been drinking. Then, you went on Leno and lapped it back up. Last night Obama spoke before the multitudes and my best guess is that you've got your crush and champion back. I mean 84,000 people can’t be wrong…right?

The Vazquez Clan said...


I used to love watching Real Time. I am a Republican voter but I am always interested in your point of view because I am open to views from the other side and I enjoy intelligent discourse with some comedic undertones. However, I will no longer watch your show after the first 5 minutes of completely insulting Gov. Palin. A Stewardess! Give me a break. That wasn't funny, nor fair. You had all day to learn how to pronounce her name and it seemed like you didn't want to even put in the effort. You are well read when it comes to all topics and you couldn't even learn how to pronounce her name before your show. Give me a break. I lost a great amount of respect for you tonight and I wish you used your great intellect to make your points and not stoop to misogynistic insults.

Seattle said...

I was out with friends tonight and we were discussing McCain’s VP appointment. I said, “I’m surprised he picked an American. I thought for sure the Republicans would outsource the Vice Presidency. I was just waiting to see if they’d pick a customer service rep from India or the Philippines.” My friend said, “OMG, that is just like something Bill Mahler would say.” Glad you are back on!

Anonymous Democrat said...

Great show, Bill.

To answer your question about In the Line of Fire:

"I was different. The whole damn country was different. Everything would be different right now too...if I'd been half as paranoid as I am today.

Jack Fate said...

Hello, Bill! I've been running an spanish site on "Real Time" and your career called "Nuevas Leyes" (I know, I'm not the brightest thinking names...).

Hope you like it and let's hope someday "Real Time" is shown in Spain.


Gustavo said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Vazquez - if the "stewardess" comment was the catalyst to never turning on Real Time again, you must be pretending when you claim that you have been a fan. That joke was tame, and funny! He has said worse about many others on both sides of the political spectrum. Loosen up.

John - if a teleprompter & a black man is all this country needed to motivate inspiration and change, don't you think we might have experienced a phenomenon like Obama in the past? If we are to minimize what Obama has accomplished simply because he is an excellent writer & orator, then what are we to make of McCain when he near drools on himself & pops a forehead vein when someone asks him about birth control rights?

facedecoolo said...

I don't see Palin as a "soccer mom" at all. I do however see her as yet another GOPer with personal interests in the oil industry. Whether you think ANWR drilling will shed our dependence on foreign oil or not (if you do you're a lunatic), the past 8 years have shown how far from oil, people like Palin are willing to go.....not very far.

DoctorD71 said...

Excellent show Bill; great timing for the return of Real Time.

I saw you last month here at your show at the Chicago Theatre; I thought the way you ended the show, "Thank you for the candidate" showed a lot of class.

As for Senator Obama, the right wing has been underestimating him for a long time; his acceptance speech is just an indication of his strong intelligence and communication skills. You'd think that his writing 2 bestselling books (himself, not ghost-written as McCain's)would have been a clue.

They're welcome to go on underestimating them as far as I'm concerned. Apparently McCain was so surprised and hit so hard that he picked Gov. Palin as if to say, "Don't hit me, I'm with a girl!"

As BTO said, "You ain't seen nothin' yet."

Stellar Drift said...

Damn you Bill! The old website was much better, it had transcripts of the shows! You could always go there and look up stuff if a quote was needed - and now all that is gone for this new annoying flash interface!
(which is harder to navigate if one doesn't have young eyes or sit 2 inches from the screen)

Ismail Rifaat said...

Dear Bill,
I wish to send you an advance copy of a book that I have just completed. It puts the issues you have been addressing for sometime now in a rational framework. Please provide an Email address where I could send you a digital version of the book. Since I share your views, I believe that you would want to check it out!

gomez said...

Joining in the chorus of missing the transcripts. Please bring them back. Oh, and everyone hates flash!

Lollie Dot Com said...

Oh Bill we've missed you!!! And you have the best sore loser comments here. I just eat them up with a spoon! lol Okay, sure, the black background, the tiny letters, made me wonder if you're trying to weed those of us over fifty out.... but no matter, I zoomed the page ten times and read it just fine!

Hey, have you noticed how tight lipped Cindy McCain's smile is since the vpilf appointment? Yeah, watch her. She's really funny. That McCain, always picking a younger, prettier, more politically beneficial woman!

And why not? He's had so much work done he looks younger than he did when he got out of that pow camp (in a waxy, too much work done - way). He NEEDS a younger woman than Cindy and he has out trumped Trump, Edwards, and Clinton.... he's taking BOTH of them to the white house and he's not trying to hide it. He's parading that young, blood thirsty, beauty out like he caught a case of backwoods mormonism.

And if he becomes President and then dies a timely death, our country and our world will pay the price for his addiction to younger women that are politically beneficial to him. I can't blame Cindy for her tight lipped smile. She used to be his Palin.

Bill, don't you worry about the democrats. If Obama wins, we're going to see a difference in politics. And I think you're going to like it just fine.

So sad about Charles. I've got to contribute and write to him. And speaking of Drew Carey, he'd make a great guest on your show.

ss78130 said...


How did this happen? We have 2 current senators as presidential nominees for 2008. Your candidate of choice continued this line of thinking by choosing Biden, another sitting senator. Is it not true that Congress has the lowest approval ratings ever? Please explain.

Rebecca said...

Hello Bill Darling!
I would have loved to have been at this convention!!! How fortunate for you to be in this situation!! You deserve it and you have been there, understanding the weak link in this country all the time. I could go on about animal rights, the environment, getting out of Iraq and the economy, but this election is so much more important than how passionate we feel about these things. I submit to you that the future of our country depends on the civic (history, government..etc...) education of our people and the re-enforcement of our responsibility to not only vote, but to vote intelligently!!!! Many people in our country, blacks and women alike, have died trying to vote, and yet we in this marvelous age treat it with no more respect or reverence than a People's Choice or MTV award!!! Thank you for showing up on time for our Real Time with Bill Maher date last night. You are fantastic!!! Rebecca

Paula said...

Obama's speech was brilliant and as you said, cathartic, but there was one thing that bothered me--he chose to refer to the Bible in the last lines of his speech.

"and in the words of Scripture hold firmly, without wavering, to the hope that we confess."

It wasn't just any quote, it was one that in it's original context suggests that before God we "..continue to hold firmly to the hope that we confess without wavering, for the one who made the promise is faithful." I find it interesting and a bit alarming that Obama chose that line to use in political context regardless of other religious connotations in the speech. I'm a bit surprised you didn't address that, though I have to admit I had to go back to the speech to truly digest what was being said there.

Thank you so much for your show. I can't wait to see Religulous!

Unknown said...

Bill, Now can you put Alaska and Hawaii on your US map on Real Time?
Kate Wool
Fairbanks, Alaska

Ralph Cabret said...

Hey Bill!
Loved the Friday show.
Knowing how you love to call out Religious Lunatics.
What are your thoughts on the Republicans, in particular, James Dobson and "Focus on the Family" praying for rain to fall on Barack Obama's Acceptance speech at Invesco Field.
Way to go "Republicans" , Gustav and Hannah have arrived!!!!


The eye is actually on a beeline for Dobson's hometown of Shreveport.

Be careful what you pray for! Sometimes God answers!

kas said...

Fabulous show as always. Thanks for speaking for so many of us. Here is some fodder from the Heartland. I stand knee-deep in the shtuff:

Sen. Obama uttered the one word that should override all that kwatsch re: pro-life vs. choice: Prevention. May I borrow a McCain oratorical technique? (ie drill, drill, drill and bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran) Prevention, prevention, prevention. As an ultra-conserv gal from Alaska (stewardess was spot on, btw), does Palin mean that she supports the reproductive rights of all sexual predators? That is what non-choice means to me.

Also, pl have the guts, the nerves and the chutzpah to challenge McCain's POW experience as his single biggest ticket of qualification to run our country. Of course it was horrible and we thank him etc etc, as we do all those fellows sleeping on the streets who served with him. But, as Gen Wesley Clark stated, the imprinting of such trauma does not a "leader of the free world" make. Might it create a reactionary type of fellow if military crisis prevails? My first born son is a marine serving in Iraq. I don't want his dedication squandered first by a prez w/ religious delusions of grandeur, only to be followed with a prez who already loves to act the indignant one.

'course, now that McCain picked a newer newbie than the dems did, what in the hell can he say? Oh, I just answered my own question. Fire and brimstone, esp w the super, ultra conserv gal from Alaska he picked to ride his coattails to the White House, are a sure-fire thing. No change there, just a bright, shiny repackaging of the same old stuff in Palin, and an insult to women all over this country, who the GOP must think can be swayed to a vote in the same way they regard a new pair of shoes.

Not this gal from the heartland. Talk for us, Bill, and ask the tough questions. Thanks!

kas said...

Allow one quick amendment to my comment:

that McCain's POW status is rather his single-biggest claim to fame, rather than his biggest qualification. I dare say even he would no longer relish his 90%+ vote-with-George W. Bush-record as something to crow about. It's rather lemming-like, really, and certainly adds polish to the Gatsby-like gilded era of these last several years.

Blankman said...

The direction you have taken with your show, Bill, is just mind boggling. I don't expect you to speak positively, or even respectfully, about Republicans. I happen to be one, but I have always enjoyed your show.

And yet, somehow, now this show is all about 2 things. How hard you can bash Republicans, and how energetically you can fellate the Democratic party.

You talked during the show about having debate. Debate about Afghanistan. Debate about the surge. What about debate on your show utlizing a different point of view? Joe Scarborough was on your show last season (a moderate Republican, of course) and he was booed. And mocked. And he's a moderate!

Your stewardess line, by the way, bewilders me. That woman has more balls than half the people you parade around on your show, including that reporter you put on half the time. Since she happens to be on the opposite side of your ideological fence, she gets mocked.

And regarding the reporter: teach him how to tell a joke. Write them for him. I have never watched anyone so unfunny, smug, and frankly - ignorant - in my life. I don't care what his politics are. He's a doof.

Now I know you won't read this, Bill, but that's ok. Had to get it out there. Tell me how the Democrats taste.

Sasha said...

Did anyone notice at the McCain's VP annoucement that McClain was looking at his nominee's ass while she spoke?

Anonymous said...

Maher keeps asking (with good reason), who is the candidate that champions the true opposition to the misguided policies of the last 8 years?

He mentions that Obama, while excellent in many regards, still favors war as an instrument of foreign policy, for example in Afghanistan.

But there is at least one politician that believes in strength through peace, and that's Rep. Kucinich. He is, and has been, firmly opposed to the aggressive pro-war policies of this administration.

If Maher is looking for someone to support, he needs to take another look at Kucinich. Heck, he's even had him on the show before!

Krista said...

So glad you're back on air Bill. I have been a fan of your shows for many years. I don't agree with everything you believe - but I am on board with the huge majority. On the issue of poverty, I think you are seriously off base. The fact is that the top 1% of earners in this country make 20 percent of the income yet pay 40 percent of the taxes! The top 20 percent of earners pay 92 percent of the taxes in America! And this is unfair? The most important point, though, is what higher tax rates do the country. Unfortunately for class warriors, they actually do not make high earners pay more. These high earners have the ability to divert, avoid, evade, etc taxes. Most don't even need to work if it's not worth it. Yet these people create most of the jobs and economic growth. If you look at what the Bush tax cuts did to what the highest end of the economy pay, they actually pay far more than when tax rates were higher. Obama is seriously mistaken on this point and he could send the economy into a huge depression if he gets elected. What we need to do is stop wasting money on the war on terror and spend that money on health care for everyone and good education for everyone. If we make sure that everyone has health care and education, then let the chips fall where they may - if you are poor - if you are rich - you had the chance to pursue your happiness just like everyone else!

donna said...

omg i lost lthe longest comment- i'll try again- i am not computer literate i guess you've guess- i am a single mother college graduate practicing rn- you talked about the poor- well i consider myself the working poor- i work 3 jobs 1 40 hr 1- evenings 1 w/e- levaing me little time to get on this computeri cannot survive even with all my jobs- i went grocery shopping today and spent 320.00 for 2 people to hopefully last 2wks since i cannot shop again until i get paid-you see all my jobs are with the same co- visiting nurse svce of ny-which requires me to drive to patients homes- gas- need i say more? i'm able to get on the computer today because i am on vacation and since i cannot take a real vacation i am at home - cleaning house- obama as i have heard him say the middle class are those who make 75,000 and below with all my overtime necessary to barely survive i made 83,000- cutting me out of the stimulus package i consider myself the working poor- not middle class- i feel as i guess you have guessed that clinton had a better grasp on the needs of the working poor- i feel once again the democrats have made a poor choice- i know you will say it was the people when in fact the press and people like you constantly condemned and ridiculed her- she was a strong- experienced- caring- candidate-she was the strongest candidate- i have no fear that obama will help the poor - but where do people like me fit in- an other strong point i'd like to make is the use of the term post 911 as bash on bush- sept 11,2001 was the most horrific frightened and sadist day i can never forget- people jumping out of buildings- to prevent burning to death- i watched more funeral processions that i should ever have seen in my life- i burn myself with an iron - the pain- then tears well up thinking about those innocent people just going to work that day = innocent working people we should not be in iraq= but as the greatest most powerful country attacked by one master mind dialysis patient- he should be caught and tortured by the families of the victims- we should never forget 911 and those who lost their lives for no reason-please when attacking george bush refer to the iraq disater not 911-911 did not cause fear- 911 caused anger- hate- the need to avenge the lost lives which as of date has not-i can't remember what else i wanted to say- i lost the last comment- please bill you are an intelligent- knowledgeable man-help me to understand how you think obama is going to help this country help our diminishing middle class and increasing working poor-our children their children - all i hear is change- but no plan- it's funny how i now hear the candidate using hilary's ideas words and no one else catches it- i hope you or your staff read this to you and somehow reassure me- because for the first time i will not be voting for president-

Blankman said...


Not alot of people out there, save for neo-conservatives, are pro-war. Nobody loves, likes, or promotes war.

What Obama recognizes is that war, at times, is necessary. There HAVE been necessary wars in our world's modern history. Thats just how it goes.

Now, of course, misguided policies of the current administration exacerbate the negative results and possible disasterous consequences of war.

You want to tell me that should this country get leveled by another massive attack, I'd have to put my faith in Dennis Kucinich to get the job done? And then am I supposed to lay down and accept the attack, and then join the "blame America" crowd to rationalize the thinking of terrorists?

Sorry. Life doesn't work that way. You can go sing kumbaya with DK all you want.

adam12 said...

Dear Bill,

I like your humor. I'm an independent and I agree with what you say about religion. But I'm puzzled as to why you are supporting GOD Obama for president. He is God, forget the Beatles. People cry when he walks in a room or when he walks on water. How did he get to earn such respect from Americans? From his extensive background and all of his great accomplishments? Has he ever even held a job for four years? At least the Beatles were great musicians, so crying upon room entry was understandable.

Also, if God is elected then that's the end of late night TV (especially with Leno going). You can't joke about a black man in the USA. In offices we even have to whisper "he's black." Perhaps electing Obama makes people feel like they are absolved of the sins of slavery. I can't remember meeting any slave owners (although I met some in Africa). But God Obama's (half black) ancestral background was that of slave owners in Africa. So why does this man deserve to be God and have you supporting him - especially as someone who doesn't believe in God?


adam12 said...

Dear Bill,

I like your humor. I'm an independent and I agree with what you say about religion. But I'm puzzled as to why you are supporting GOD Obama for president. He is God, forget the Beatles. People cry when he walks in a room or when he walks on water. How did he get to earn such respect from Americans? From his extensive background and all of his great accomplishments? Has he ever even held a job for four years? At least the Beatles were great musicians, so crying upon room entry was understandable.

Also, if God is elected then that's the end of late night TV (especially with Leno going). You can't joke about a black man in the USA. In offices we even have to whisper "he's black." Perhaps electing Obama makes people feel like they are absolved of the sins of slavery. I can't remember meeting any slave owners (although I met some in Africa). But God Obama's (half black) ancestral background was that of slave owners in Africa. So why does this man deserve to be God and have you supporting him - especially as someone who doesn't believe in God?


Anonymous said...

maybe i'm still too dumb and too young, but i don't think that "heyday" you were talking about will come back anytime soon. i've been following you on real time since i was a freshman in high school...i'm a senior in college now. i've had plenty of time thanks to my relatively conservative catholic upbrining to piss off plenty of people with my liberal "rebellion" between the ages of 15 and 22.

even so, i have a hard time calling myself a hard-nosed democrat when it all comes down to it. i think especially now, even though american society is already so individualized, one has to be a [politically] independent thinker for public discourse to even occur. it might not always be civil, but it won't happen otherwise. democrats have a more innovative and progressive direction (in my opinion), but they lack the balls to really give it their all. the GOP is incredibly organized in terms of where they stand on issues and how they plan on attaining their goals, within reason...i just think they're completely insane.

then again, as i said, maybe i'm still to young and dumb...but i have an idea as to where you're coming from.

good to see you on the air again, bill...i guarantee you'll see many comments from me this season.

T said...

Bill, it's a sanity-saver, having you back on the air. Seriously, just to hear someone on US television talking about political issues in a way that reflects reality is ... just such a relief. Please don't retire any time soon. Thank you.

Unknown said...

Saw your bit making fun of Palin's baby. It takes quite a man to make fun of a disabled child.

Anonymous said...

Line of Fire is a fucking great movie by the way. Well...times change, but I really don't think that people change much overtime without a true revolution of thought. I really don't identify myself neither with the Democrats, first of all because I am Colombian and our Liberal though is about having guts to fight Conservative ones to the death or by true unity (that's why there are too many Guerrilla groups in my country and sad moments in our history))...and second... to be a Democrat you have to be a real big pussy. People have become too conformist though and that's the same reason why no one wants to address the issue of the Drug War seriously...and if they do it would seem hypocritical to me based on the pharmaceutical companies...or as I like to call them "drug dealers with a degree and a federal permit." Anyhow, times change because we ARE a process of evolution yet, we've remained as primitive morons in a way... the funny thing of it all is the fact that people cannot acknowledge themselves as part of evolution or forget what history America has gone through. I know that the Conservative side in this country wants to pose themselves as the "Great Old Timey" group of people with classical 50s values... but they themselves ARE the reason why people still remain today so fucking attached to insane morals and mediocre beliefs...if you really look at it both Democrats and Republican are responsible for slowing down the process of evolution and the only time any of them seem to have unity is when they really want to fuck things up badly. The Democrats do have shrewd beliefs, but no ambition behind a real revolution. The Republicans have way too much ambition but not an ounce of intellect. I ask myself...would a day of true social revolution come to America...and if so, would people evolve this country to an actual level of inspiration or just fuck it up even more (if possible)? Also... my best of compliments and gratitude for addressing the issue with John Edwards. I don't consider what he did a mistake though... how many people have had affairs in government? Should we really consider Edwards skirt issues as something new? We really need to get over that one America and sadly, sexual freedom is a place we have not evolved to as of yet. Though times change... I dream not for a hurricane more than I do another fucking nimrod in the white house... I dream that America enters an age of Renaissance because after all...we are falling behind the the way... whatever the fuck happened to Ron Paul?... I think that McCain's VP pick proves the evolution theory that as you get older, you loose your mind. Talk about "Twit" for "Twat"...shit Palin makes Romney look trustworthy. hahahahahahaha

DeBo said...

Dear Bill,
Well, you certainly bring a lot of emotions out of a lot of people (as if you're actually reading this.... weird). But, regardless, I am beyond glad to see you back on the air. Now, I have never been one for our political system, nor gave much thought to voting as I feel that most of what really goes on, myself and the American people, will never really see or hear/know about. This election however, I feel a slight shift in our country, and for the first time I actually want to sit through all of these conventions and debates. Now I am a 22 year old poor collegiate student studying computers and web design, with horrible credit, so I consider myself to be part of the average youth of America group. One of the younger generation, whom has not considered voting as really a choice, but more of a joke or chore that has no real effect on its supposed outcome. I still however, do have hope for this country, and I see that in Barack and I have always seen that in you. I usually have a strong distaste for debates and political propaganda that we are fed through countless avenues exploited by the people with money, (Not to say that you or Barack don't have money to throw around as well) but I still feel that you hold no ties to anyone but yourself and what you feel is best for this country. Which is how I feel about Barack as well. I feel that things are slowly changing. That rather than oil, money, race, sex, or miscounted votes (which if we do not forget people, is the reason that retard of a president even got there in the first place. 2 enormous conspiracy theories in 1 presidency? Weird.. Oh and did I mention that he's mentally handicapped [to be "politically correct" this time around]?)
So, rather than oil, money, race, or sex, or miscounted votes swinging an election this time around, I actually feel that there is someone there with the voice of the majority of the American people in his/her heart... and in there mind. Barack and you, have truly inspired me to get involved this year. Now I love all of his promises and plans of "changing" America. They are all great sounding. But if he fails, it would not be the first president to make promises to get elected and then say.... not COMPLETELY follow through. lol, But anyway, I think that most of the older generations are moved more so in this election by this feeling and thoughts stirred up with it already, that feeling of change. I just want to put everyone on to this strong feeling of change I see/feel, also of actually knowing about what your government is doing behind closed doors, or sometimes evenwith some things, arrogantly displaying their lack of respect for the people they govern and whom elected them in the first place (or did they?). Something that also moved me recently, was your show. The piece you displayed the other night, about the parties and free speech at the convention. (For those that missed it, That gentlemen to me is on to something, and that african american woman whom was a panel guest is as well. When was the last time most of us heard about these issues or for instance, say 20,000 people standing up for more alternative energy? Never. Now I think the drop off really is that people think that there is nothing they can do to change the outcome of there elections and ultimately there governments choices... (Vote Or Die? Rock The Vote? We all know what that was about... Did that change any outcome? In my opinion... no, but were John Edwards or Al Gore necessarily stand out/better candidates at that time? Not really. Again opinion.) Well I believe I have a solution to all of that, and I feel that you (Bill Maher) would be the best person to help provide a personal backing to it. I do not want money, or any recognition what so ever really, I only want change and for the power to go back into the people's hands, and minds as well. This is because I feel both of those lack as In ways that I have previously stated. I just think that a small time broke college web designer with no real public forum besides facebook and myspace will get much notice unless he pays say Tila Tequila to say she's down with his cause or maybe he looks like her (weird image but you get the point). For my idea, all government activities I believe are the right to public knowledge, media however filters this. I was thinking of creating a site that is completely unbiased. How so you & like what do you ask? Well of coure I will tell you, my idea is that we would show/list everything that the government does that the people have a right to know about. Be that one place people can go to, in order to just to get updates on it, stay informed on its activities every day, and be able to talk and comment about it. Even get national critics thoughts about them (whatever there side may be). The way I see it, a but for our government, laws, lawmakers, and politicians. I think that if it was just simply a list of what the government did today or what some politicians did or said today and then you can choose if you disagree or agree on each, on this page we would get a more valid idea of the people's opinion and a better informed public on the issues. This includes all the dumb laws they throw in about toothpicks at convention corporate sponsored parties/events as well. I think it would stir the american people and since it's the world wide web, possibly become a world forum for a national rating on our governments/politicians performance (scary thought however). I would love to get your ideas and feedback on this because I feel that being that you are so passionate on the issue of America and what is right for it and especially with how completely unbiased I feel you are. Even you readers of this comment, for any feedback. I am one man, with very little political resources, if I had the capabilities this site would have already been up and running (maybe even shut down due to content already?). I understand that noone may ever read this, but I urge whoever does to take this seriously, and even if you feel my ideas or views are in the wrong, you must share my passion for your country and your countrymen. We deserve the right to believe in our country and our countries leaders/lawmakers again and we deserve to regulate them just as much as they regulate us. Why don't we act on it? Everything is about opportunity, and I feel we have one. I feel there is an opportunity to end these years of being lied to and disguising the truth to make us just feel ok and content can end. It can end with us. Now. I do appreciate your time, whomever you are. Bill. Pleasant to see you back on the air and still maintaining a great and diversified panel (main reason i love your show, the almost freestyle talks you have with people you disagree with on live television. The average American, or I'll even go as far as saying the average politically knowledgeable person, whom is in todays politics, would shy away from, except from when forced in national debates like our presidential canidates. This definitley shows to me your confidence in your ideas and thoughts towards your politics. Something I feel the latter of the group lack.). Again thanks for your time.
- Daniel D.
- for anything further

tcavan said...

Hopefully, we will follow the teachings of the great thinkers like Einstein,Dr King and Gandhi who realized that war and violence is self-perpetuating. The idea that nobody likes war is absurd. Mc Cain's family has chosen war as their pastime for generations and people have somehow been convinced that patriotism supersedes moral and spiritual teachings. War is terrorism and obama is right in there in his support of war, just not in Iraq. This man does not honor the teachings of Dr King or Jesus.

Killing under the cloak of war is murder. Albert Einstein

M said...

Is it true that Governor Palin eats moose-knuckle?

Mary said...

Dear Mr. Maher,

I live in CH and have just ordered my voting papers (sounds like I am getting a licence to urinate); however, I am trying to find "de-subjectified" articles about the elections. Especially now that Gov. Palin has been nominated. I would be much obliged if you were to help me on this. And please come to CH and show them that it is important to have an opinion, regardless of the consequences.

Thank you very much and warm regards,


BJF said...

Can somebody explain to me my why a Republican presidential candidate would elect a women who is a conservative, right wing evangelical to be his running mate (for that very reason) who has an unmarried 17 year old daughter who is pregnant?

Now, I'm not judging because I had sex for the first time when I was an unmarried 16 year old. But from the assumed persepective of the Palin family, their daughter not only committed a "cardinal sin", but was also "raped" (statutory) when you consider her age. They not only accepted the situation, but welcomed her boyfriend into their family. All of this is great from my persepective. Support your daughter. PERIOD.

But, is this how the typical conservative evangelical christian family acts when they find out that their daughter is sexually active, underage and unmarried? Seems unlikely when you read that sex education is vehamently opposed by this community. Which is why it seems completely unlikely that John McCain and his campaign knew about this. Serious right wing christians are not going to take this little faux pas lightly, which totally wipes out the reason for her inclution in the GOP ticket.

Hello? Can you really elect a guy who doesn't do his due diligence on his most watched decision before he even takes office?


aluminumfree said...

Saw your comments tonight about VP choice Palin...surprised you and your panel also missed the obvious energy solution McCain is choosing...drilling in AK for oil with Palin as biggest advocate (she openly supports drilling in Alaska). Like Bush he seems to be avoiding obvious and cheap strategies to reduce energy prices like carpooling, reducing our energy consumption, conservation, investing in public transportation and alternative fuels/energy sources...essentially helping Americans to change their gluttonous ways.

I loved McCain in 2000 primaries, could not believe the GOP chose Bush instead of him, but after hearing someone in this campaign (Obama) finally say he supports windmills, solar energy, alternative energy during his acceptance speech he has won me over. McCain would have been a great president in 00, but times have changed and he does not seem to have good solution to one of most pressing issues of this campaign...the environment and a national energy plan...these are at the root of the wars we are currently engaged in and affect international opinions of the US. Drilling in Alaska is not a big deal to me, but is a short sighted plan to get a rather small amount of oil versus cutting back on demand.

Narcissa said...

Seems to me the Palin's are an unfortunately accurate reflection of today's American family--a young daughter who is the perfect testament to abstinence-only education.

I'm waiting with interest to see how hard-core evangelicals will react. Probably with lots of bug-eyed arse-kissing about "doing the right thing."

Maybe the idea is that stalwart, soon to be grandmother will mollify the ultra-conservatives, get the crazy pro-lifers on board, excite the oil barons, and perhaps interest some of the pissed-off Hillary supporters?

As an Independent woman voter (who would have fallen at the feet of Ron Paul but for his stance on abortion), I cannot stand Palin already. Women politicians intent on setting women's rights back put my teeth on edge even more than the clueless, old, white douche bags who who think they have any business all up in my uterus.

Finally, I'm sick of my own teen daughter being bombarded with the ridiculous images of over-privileged teen mothers all aglow with their baby bumps and glorious futures. How I would love to see a shot of young Bristol running off the convention stage to hurl into Babe Buchanan's hat, or Jamie Lynne in her Orange Julius uniform, signing her 6 wk old over to a crappy daycare for her shift at the mall.

As for the stewardess comment, it was offensive. And also funny, and true. That's why I watch Bill Maher.

Kitzi said...

BIll Maher, you're showing yor misogyny again on Friday episode. I'm a staunch supporter of Barack Obama. But what is it with your attack on Sarah Palin? Come on. You really don't like women, and you're not good at hiding it.

Unknown said...

Bill, You are amazing and I'm saddened you have to be bothered by all them hoodrats you've dated. If they were at least in anyway interested in what you are interested in you wouldn't have to argue with them and belittle them (but they do deserve to be belittled, they are indeed scum). Anyways, I'm a political junkie too and I S*** a mean d*** (probably better than Karrine)..and I'm not that expensive either, lol. I would love to play mind games with you and in return give you some of the best "brain" power you ever had. Take my S/N to Gmail...I'm in NYC, Hope you like Latinas...NSA ;)

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Me said...

"You can't go from the PTA to Pentagon without at least an EGO"

observer said...

Bill as usual you are a sexest pig. I love your show and listen to all the jabs to women but was complelled to comment on you lack of judgement and respect for Gov. Palin. You don't pick on gays or blacks in office but feel it's ok for women with your sexist comments. All I can is PIG, PIG, PIG.

ripped247 said...


During the DNC, there was a poorly planned and drug induced assassination plot aimed at Barack Obama. Granted they were white supremacist meth addicts, it still was thought of.

My question to you, is should Barack Obama concern himself with perhaps a more planned assassination attempt or should he not worry so much? If it could pose a problem down the road, how should he handle this threat while still being the person everyone rallies behind (at least people "in touch" with reality)?


Vintage Girl said...

Palin isn't his running mate. She's his cunning mate. I read her husband works for BP. She is against everything Hillary stands for but McCain must have thought he'd pull a fast one on us women. Oh! she is a former beauty contestant too. Hey. Let's get the Girl's Next Door to campaign in 2010. At least then McCain can cal a spade a spade when he says it is a popularity contest. And there is no way I could listen to Palin talk for very long. Her whiny, high pitched voice makes marble mouth Lieberman appealing. I read all the comments before mine and I am sorry that some people can't get over their Hillary. I liked her too, but your choice now is between more corporate sanctity versus actually moving beyond Bush's "strategerie" and McCain's intent to spend more money we don't have (China's Money?) on a war we didn't need. Or start caring about the people who are in THIS country, working and slaving every day. I hope you open your mind to see the bigger issues at hand.

One more thing. P.J. O'Rourke said that God is a Republican and Santa is a democrat. I am reading a book about Jesus right now. (Bill, don't delete me) About his deeds just as a man, his teachings, his journey in the world. If Jesus were here in the flesh today he'd be a DEMOCRAT! Jesus was for the underdog, Also, I watched the RNC. Was it just me or were there only white people there?

Anonymous said...

Dearest Bill,
By now you have heard about all of the drinking games in which we... um.. I mean, THEY are participating while watching these conventions.

You know... every time Obama says "Change", we have to drink a shot. Every time McCain says "P.O.W." (or some derivative), a shot. Any time Bushie says "terrorist", and/or Guiliani mentions "Nine Eleven". Shot, shot, shot.

My buddy told me that there would be a new one for last night's launch of the RNC. Every time you saw a person "of color" in their audience, you had to take a drink.

We were completely sober all night. Damn Republicans! Ruined a perfectly good Tuesday night (again).

C. Hanna -
Dallas TX

Anonymous said...

I posted this on the HBO sites New Rules forum and they removed it.

"New Rule. The spa service Brazilian Waxing needs to have the name changed to THE OBAMA. Because it entirely removes the BUSH and things go smooth for 8 years.

They should also start providing the McCAIN service. With this you pay 10X more, the BUSH remains exactly the same, and at the last minute a hot chick comes in and anally rapes you with a moose horn."

I just hope they didn't remove it because it was offensive. I hoped they removed it because you actually want to use it.

bbabe said...

I'm so glad you are back on the air and I can't wait to see Religulous! You make me feel less alone (I'm an agnostic, liberal in Alabama).

ceh19 said...

Thank you for your distinction of being "independent", when belonging to either party. I've been unable to declare that I am a democrat just because I fall under the basic criteria. I can't even beleive this whole process of determining who best to make our country's decisions. It's a sick joke. I can't remember who said it but, someone made note that if the government split in two we soon would not be able to govern ourselves. I think this is not to far from the truth.

G Luscious said...

Couldn't find another way to contact Maher but, I wanted to say: Despite the BS Michael Steele was selling, Sarah Palin is the FULL Jesus freak. I'd love it if Bill looked up some of her Pentecostal preachings: "We all need to pray because it is God's will that this pipeline gets built across Alaska!". (Heard that one on NPR yesterday...

Anonymous said...

Bill, you should have Levison from Texas Law on. Fantastic critic of all things.

P.S. Long time fan of Biden

Anonymous said...

Hey Bill-
Here's a little item that now is little known, but will become widely known soon. Check out Anne Kilkenny, someone who has known mayor & governor Palin for some time and has just released an e-mail to the world uncovering all the "dirt" on her while she was in office there. It has already been posted on Washington Independent. That's all I know, but it shouldn't be hard to find it.

Independence Residents said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Independence Residents said...

Bill, Makes two of us.. in fact almost everything you believe in, it makes two of us

Sage said...


If you aren't watching you probably won't read this but just in case...

Lighten up! And by the way, I mean that as a double entendre.

Bill is a COMEDIAN. If you can't take his jokes, or possibly understand them as they are meant, then perhaps you can start your own show.

MJ in SoCal said...

Hi Bill,

Just want to say I love your show and am so glad you're back on air! The election coverage was sheer torture without your informed perspective and sharp wit.

I could so relate to your DNC
"tribe" comment. That's how I feel when I watch Real Time. Like I've found my peeps!

As an American who's lived in both the Middle East and Europe, I'm aware of how the U.S. is viewed around the world. Over the last 20 years there's been a substantial shift from admiration to just short of animosity. I believe Barack Obama understands how urgently we need to reclaim our position of respect in the world. And you gain respect by being respectful, not by waging war!
McCain either doesn't get it, or is just pandering to those who think the US is the world,and that our people are the only ones
"proud" of their country. It's shameful how some people are proud of being ignorant isolationists!

A friend in Saudi Arabia explains the Arab stance on the US occupation of Iraq this way: You have a 4,000 year old man (Arab people) who are being told by a 232 year old punk kid (USA) that they've been doing it wrong all these years. It's the lack of respect that infuriates them. They are proud people, and don't take kindly to being disrespected. They do exactly what Americans do when they feel dishonored. They attack!

Someone has to lead the way to reconcilation, and I believe Barack Obama and the Democrats have the best chance of starting the restoration process of America's good name.

Thanks for what you do, Bill. You give me hope that reason will trump ignorance. Can't wait to see Religulous! Good luck w/everything.

whatwhat said...

Even if John McCain was the father of Barrack Obama's daughter's illegitmate child he would still win the presidential election. We are all told this election is not about race and nobody will address race as a factor, however the reality is if Barrack were white this election would have been over three months ago and the republican (small caps on purpose) party would have put Ron Paul forward as a sacrificial lamb. This country is just stupid enough to deserve a slate that takes us four to eight years closer to Armageddon (large caps on purpose).

Luna said...

I can definitely relate to that. My parents are equally staunch Democrats that told me all my life, "Democrats heal the country. Republicans tear it apart." Never really understood it because I was never into politics until the end of The Dunce's first term (I assume you know to whom I am refering). While I identified more with Democrats I wouldn't dare call myself one. Especially, after I watched the world crucify Bill Clinton for doing something that has nothing to do with the way he runs my country. While I agree and empathize with many of the Democratic views on the important issues, being an Independent fits is the better fitting shoe. One side is too namby pamby. The other too.... old.

But, Barack Obama is the first Democratic politician since Clinton that's made me proud of the Democratic party. FINALLY, they're doing something relatively right. Now if only they'd pull their heads out of their asses and win this thing, I might actually be able to keep a U.S. address.

TexasMOM said...

Be my guest and move.

Now excuse me while I go wipe my eyes.

professor l said...

I loved your comments on the Rachel Maddow (sp) show tonight on how Americans are not intelligent enough to be governed (remember the charts on states by IQ and presidential voting in the 2004 election?)
I have tried to be patient until this most unintelligent President is finally out of office, but I fear for the future with this electorate...will it ever be better?

MP2008 said...

Has your house been bombed by Al Queida in the past 8 years?


YOU WOULD BE "DEAD"!!!!!!!!!!


Ask Obama how much money he received for the now "broke" Fannie Mae!!!! He was #2 on the list of most money recieved.

Unknown said...

A few people on here have brought up the Beatles...

Both the Beatles and the Democrats fell apart at the end of the 60's.

They also believed many of the same things, so that got me to thinking...

What has happened to the D's?

Well, they've fragmented, just like good music has fragmented.

In the early days of rock, we had the aforementioned band to offer us both Helter Skelter and hey Jude.

This goes back further than the Beatles. Elvis had goofy crooner songs like "Love Me Tender" (complete with poetry) and harder songs like Hound Dog.

In those days, freethinking people listened to "rock". Safe rock was "pop".

Today, freethinking people don't want to be pop. As some will recall though, pop = popular.

Freethinking people don't want to be pop.

Freethinking people don't want to be Democrats.

It isn't because being a D is wrong, it just signals to others that maybe we're not so free. Maybe we're drinking the kool-aid.

We don't want to be pop, because that is for 14-year-old girls.

We don't want to be punk, because that was a phase in college.

We don't want to be into metal because it seems dumb.

We don't want to be into jam band because its for hippies (see metal argument).

We don't want to be into emo because, grow a pair.

We don't want to listen to indie because... its the obvious thing for a college educated, ipod owning, white pre-suburbanite to do.

Instead, we "listen to everything". The more exotic something is, the more we like it.

There are no Beatles today, there are no Democrats. There are just people who sense something very wrong with modern country music. Johnny Cash is okay.
Think about Bill Clinton- he’s the perfect example. The most successful D in generations and his selling point through “triangulation” was to say “well, I’m not REALLY a Democrat. Those guys are pussies!”

So, if one were to say "Hello, I'm Bill Maher and I'm a Democrat" as you just about did in your blog- then...

Well, what would happen?

You'd have committed. Personally you might feel like you're no longer searching for the answers. (I sometimes wonder the same thing about my own public commitment to the D's.)

Maybe some of your audience, like some of the cry babies commenting here would fret that you'd lost your objectivity- as if ANY person didn't have a bias.

Or as if it were a good thing for a media personality to PRETEND to be a manikin devoid of opinions...

Would all the "independents" who regularly apply common sense and vote against all things Bush abandon ship? Or would they recognize that...

"gee, if I keep voting for them...I too, might be a Democrat?"

Hard to say. I'm not advocating you announce you're a D. It would be interesting for me to see that, but I can't say for sure it would be the best thing for you.

I’m just telling you why the D’s ain’t what they used to be.

You're right- the modern D's are missing something: a united, homogeneous audience.

Maybe at their best, today’s D’s are U2. They say a lot of things everyone knows are true. They attempt to be cheerful in spite of seeing the world for what it is.

But people have a hard time singing along.

Does U2 inspire people? I dunno...sorta. But not like the Beatles. It isn't the sort of inspiration that comes when you know every enlightened person in one's culture is singing along out there.

Maybe its a good thing that freethinkers are fragmented. It is nice to be oneself. But individuals don't put a man on the moon, stop wars or write at the genius level.

The Beatles tried it as individuals. They were more free, but they were never more than the sum of their parts the way they had been as a band.

Ya know Bill, you have a biting sense of humor and a good grip on common sense. That’s the same stuff that made “Revolution” such a good song.

Hopefully, you’re part of a movement toward freethinking. But John Lennon wasn’t the first person to say something like religion would shrink and die. Aristotle thought the same thing.

I think freethinkers need allies too. You aren’t the guy to pen Hey Jude and Matt Taibbi ain’t Ringo.

So I say, Give D’s a Chance.

MP2008 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Palin knows that she is guilty of abusing her gubernatorial powers for personal reasons!

The more that is reveled about this woman the more frightening she appears. She obviously does not permit anyone to stand in the way of her “succession up the ladder”, even her handicapped son who has a real need for his mothers support and love. Every smart American should see through what kind person she is. We don't need a Vice President who is handicapped by so many issues. Her son and daughter both need her; family should her first priority. We are all mothers and we all know we have only one heart and two hands. If we give our heart to politics and a demanding campaign how could she be a good mother?

We don't need a PART TIME Vice President! WE need a Vice President who can make a complete commitment to our country. Look what she did in her speech; all lies! She never called up the National Guard or left the country to visit American soldiers. In addition she never said “NO THANKS to CONGRESS” regarding the “bridge to nowhere” incident. Instead she kept the money ($238 million dollars) to build a hockey facility further abusing her gubernatorial power as if she were a professional criminal!

Palin also claims she is an expert regarding energy policy when she said that Alaska produces twenty-five percent of America oil in her FAMOUS SPEECH. Her claim was then rebutted by Anderson Cooper’s team (CNN) after they had learned from the United States Department of Energy that the actual oil production from Alaska was only three and one half percent of total American oil consumption!

These are the words and claims of an irresponsible person, a person who only desires to jump on the McCain ticket and become elected. Please be aware she is make a Vice Presidential speech (not a Wal-Mart manager speech), millions and millions of Americans are listening. Because of this I think she is a dangerous and suspicious person who should not command such power.

Unknown said...

Palin knows that she is guilty of abusing her gubernatorial powers for personal reasons!

The more that is reveled about this woman the more frightening she appears. She obviously does not permit anyone to stand in the way of her “succession up the ladder”, even her handicapped son who has a real need for his mothers support and love. Every smart American should see through what kind person she is. We don't need a Vice President who is handicapped by so many issues. Her son and daughter both need her; family should her first priority. We are all mothers and we all know we have only one heart and two hands. If we give our heart to politics and a demanding campaign how could she be a good mother?

We don't need a PART TIME Vice President! WE need a Vice President who can make a complete commitment to our country. Look what she did in her speech; all lies! She never called up the National Guard or left the country to visit American soldiers. In addition she never said “NO THANKS to CONGRESS” regarding the “bridge to nowhere” incident. Instead she kept the money ($238 million dollars) to build a hockey facility further abusing her gubernatorial power as if she were a professional criminal!

Palin also claims she is an expert regarding energy policy when she said that Alaska produces twenty-five percent of America oil in her FAMOUS SPEECH. Her claim was then rebutted by Anderson Cooper’s team (CNN) after they had learned from the United States Department of Energy that the actual oil production from Alaska was only three and one half percent of total American oil consumption!

These are the words and claims of an irresponsible person, a person who only desires to jump on the McCain ticket and become elected. Please be aware she is make a Vice Presidential speech (not a Wal-Mart manager speech), millions and millions of Americans are listening. Because of this I think she is a dangerous and suspicious person who should not command such power.

Unknown said...

Palin knows that she is guilty of abusing her gubernatorial powers for personal reasons!

The more that is reveled about this woman the more frightening she appears. She obviously does not permit anyone to stand in the way of her “succession up the ladder”, even her handicapped son who has a real need for his mothers support and love. Every smart American should see through what kind person she is. We don't need a Vice President who is handicapped by so many issues. Her son and daughter both need her; family should her first priority. We are all mothers and we all know we have only one heart and two hands. If we give our heart to politics and a demanding campaign how could she be a good mother?

We don't need a PART TIME Vice President! WE need a Vice President who can make a complete commitment to our country. Look what she did in her speech; all lies! She never called up the National Guard or left the country to visit American soldiers. In addition she never said “NO THANKS to CONGRESS” regarding the “bridge to nowhere” incident. Instead she kept the money ($238 million dollars) to build a hockey facility further abusing her gubernatorial power as if she were a professional criminal!

Palin also claims she is an expert regarding energy policy when she said that Alaska produces twenty-five percent of America oil in her FAMOUS SPEECH. Her claim was then rebutted by Anderson Cooper’s team (CNN) after they had learned from the United States Department of Energy that the actual oil production from Alaska was only three and one half percent of total American oil consumption!

These are the words and claims of an irresponsible person, a person who only desires to jump on the McCain ticket and become elected. Please be aware she is make a Vice Presidential speech (not a Wal-Mart manager speech), millions and millions of Americans are listening. Because of this I think she is a dangerous and suspicious person who should not command such power.

MP2008 said...


Are we having a little problem using the blog?

One time will do.

Unknown said...


thanks for the reminding... yes, I posted 3 times on the same message....

Unknown said...

Today, Mcc make himself looks like a leader , play game again which will really make a lot of people so disported. He postponed his debate tomorrow night said he need back to WDC to deal with this Wall Street crisis, but, the House Speaker Nancy Polocy said we don't really need Sen. Mcc involved on the table at this moment..

He is all about WDC. insider's game! He use every opportunity to make himself looks like ONLY patriotic in this country. What a fake!

.I am really tired of this his '26 year WC. cooker game' .... I can see if let him handle this country PLUS that low educated redneck woman Palin, our country will poor and weak soon.

The Presidential debate set up month ago, and how can he just such arrogant to cancel and don't care whole country people? that makes recall that Palin refuse the US investigation.... I can see they THINK they can above the law.....I am sick of this kind cooker, they don't know economic but screw this country. He isn't reliable at all.

Obama said' well, I talk to The House leader and Fed chairman as much as they needed ....United State President should be able to handle more than one thing at one time' I will keep my worlds to be there[ University of MIssipp] anyway.

Unknown said...

I can NOT believe it that Sarah Palin is a WITCH HUNTER. and from this video can see that she was and is benefiting from what she believed....,,

Unknown said...

What I find interesting is how the Republicans criticized Obama for his lack of experience, but then defend Palin as a good selection who’s prepared to become the President should McCain die in office.

I wonder what would have happened if McCain had gotten Condoleeza Rice to be his VP candidate? I think that might have scared the Democrats because she’s a woman, she’s black, and she has significant foreign policy experience.

someone who was a mayor of a small town and then the governor of the state with the country’s lowest population density for less than two years is prepared to assume the Presidency? Someone who didn’t even own a passport until a couple of years ago?

Obama’s weakness is his lack of experience, but Palin makes Obama look like a seasoned veteran.

Palin’s energy expertise not evident

Keith Olbermann points out that Sarah Palin, for all of the hype about her energy expertise, doesn’t seem to know how much of America’s energy comes from Alaska. And her surrogates are apparently equally poorly informed.

Palin resurrects Iraq-9/11 falsehood

The Nation’s Chris Hayes talks about Sarah Palin renewing the false link between the terror attacks of 9/11 and Iraq. Also discussed are Gen. David Petreus’ comments that he was unsure whether the word “victory” would ever be used to describe Iraq.

Olbermann: GOP trademarked 9/11

Keith Olbermann talks about the politicization of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, especially by the Bush administration and the GOP who use the event to terrify Americans.

Only the McCains know war?is he the ONLY one hero?

In the debut of Countdown’s “McCain in the Membrane,” Keith Olbermann discusses Meghan McCain’s statement on the Today show that “no one knows what war is like other than my family. Period.”

Unknown said...

Jack Cafferty: If Obama loses, it’s because of racism

posted at 1:10 pm on September 17, 2008 by Allahpundit

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Technically he’s asking, not asserting, but it’s no more an earnest question than the chyrons on Cavuto’s show are. Could it be that McCain is a strong candidate and The One simply hasn’t run a very good general election campaign, as many Dems admit? Nah. The flaw in that theory is that it would legitimize a McCain victory, and we simply can’t have that: It’s an article of leftist faith that not only has no Republican been legitimately elected since Bush I in 1988, no Republican could possibly be legitimately elected after eight years of Bush II. If Maverick pulls it out, there’ll simply have to be an alternative, discrediting explanation. And so here it is, preemptively, just in case there are no Diebold snafus on Election Day to demagogue. Expect much more next month, needless to say, as well as the odd veiled threat or two if McCain holds tight in the polls and the Democrats start to panic. Biden’s and Sebelius’s comments are just the start.

Update: Forgot to mention — stick with it until the end or you’ll miss the viewer hypothetical about how The One, supposedly doomed by racism, might be faring right now with Hillary as his VP.

Unknown said...

Jack Cafferty: If Obama loses, it’s because of racism

posted at 1:10 pm on September 17, 2008 by Allahpundit

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Technically he’s asking, not asserting, but it’s no more an earnest question than the chyrons on Cavuto’s show are. Could it be that McCain is a strong candidate and The One simply hasn’t run a very good general election campaign, as many Dems admit? Nah. The flaw in that theory is that it would legitimize a McCain victory, and we simply can’t have that: It’s an article of leftist faith that not only has no Republican been legitimately elected since Bush I in 1988, no Republican could possibly be legitimately elected after eight years of Bush II. If Maverick pulls it out, there’ll simply have to be an alternative, discrediting explanation. And so here it is, preemptively, just in case there are no Diebold snafus on Election Day to demagogue. Expect much more next month, needless to say, as well as the odd veiled threat or two if McCain holds tight in the polls and the Democrats start to panic. Biden’s and Sebelius’s comments are just the start.
Update: Forgot to mention — stick with it until the end or you’ll miss the viewer hypothetical about how The One, supposedly doomed by racism, might be faring right now with Hillary as his VP.

Kitty said...

TO:“I am amazed that people still think she is great, how embarassing for the Alaska people to have voted her in and they like her. We deserve so much more in this country. Good thing is she is killing any chance of McCain winning”……

…...NONONO, People in Alaska don’t like her because she is follow her WITCH HUNTER PASTOR and spell her poisoning to church other peoples;

she abusing her political power ;

people also don’t like the ‘first dude’ makes phone calls to excierse her power;

she don’t know how to manage that small town 5000 people;

she is the BIGGEST GOLD DIGGER for the FED EARmark money she hired 4 labbyist;

she got $296 million dollars earmark for 5000 person, my frieds, you do the math and when she left that town, she left a debt,


she formed her friends, colloquies to gain her personal ends; forks, this purely corruption;

and she said she and Mcc will server the people, do you believe it? I don’t !!!

This makes me doubt about how she get elected. She elected by 614 votes for that Mayor job;

and she elected by 137,400 voters even that’s the 53% popularity.

I can see Mccine will suffer big pain by this WITCH HUNTER woman since she had a history to betray her MASTERS. She betrayed her former Mayor who she met at the gym who invites her to work for him. After 1 year , she kicked him out of the Mayor's office.

2 years later, she meets the Governor and he ask her to work for him at the Oil&Energy department, 1 year later, she kicked him out of that office.

but, I just wonder, why the Governor hug her and said 'are you happy? are you ok? we will do everything to get you elected' ---------this segment in her Bio Review from CNN, FOX and MSNBC.

She is not qualified for VP but she is more qualified on how good that she capture and seduced him.

Did you guys saw Cindy broken her arm ? fight with her husband?

I guess Cindy don't want her get elected too: HUGS VS. HANDSHAKES... MSNBC

New York Times Elizabeth Bumiller talks about the body language and running mates. Walter Mondale and Geraldine Ferarro were more formal then, as opposed to how John McCain and Sarah Palin are more likely dating. .

RjMonty said...

OK BILL, Now I thought you where an intelligent person. But when I awoke this morning to a news story, about a show you have coming out making fun of religion and people who believe in it. I'm thinking, what an IDIOT! You know you just insulted 90%percent of the world. So I just want to write you and say thanks, because if the majority of terrorists weren't sure our country houses the devil, THEY'RE SURE NOW! Now everones going to think we are bunch of
G-D less (I will not write HIS name in vain)Fag, Lesbian, baby molesting, killing, raping, greedy dirty rotten F#@ks.
Couldn't you just KEEP YOUR OPINION TO YOURSELF on this issue(BIG MOUTH).
Myself I believe in G-D but I don't preach anyone that don't want to hear it I have raised 5 children Teaching them the right things Like: Religion, Love, Pride, Integrity, Bravery, Honesty, Self Control, Respect, Politness, Forgiveness, Compassion, Caring. Helpfulness. All because I feel these things are needed to live in peace with your fellow man. Now I believe that a man thats in the publics eye, he is responsible for the things he says and the direction he leads people that listen to him. Kind of like a preacher. WELL SIR, YOU JUST SENT ALOT OF PEOPLE TO HELL THANKS AGAIN! I'll Pray for G-D to remember you're a Comedian. So he can hold you accountable and not your constituents. I also want to tell your followers not all religious People are that extreme. I get up say a prayer, try to stay busy all day give anything my children need which is mostly time an assurance that we love them. I pray the world gets more intelligent people to lead us to peace not oblivion. Because even if the world erases it's self and there is no G-D there is no future anyway, but if G-D does exist I am covering my back by getting on my knees which are full of arthritis and pray everyday and be kind to my fellow man everyday , And if G-D doesn't exist what harm have I done to the world? Not like some folks. Because of people like Mr. Bush and yourself(you guys must be best friends.) This is why the world is full of fear and hatred, Disrespect, Deceipt, Distruction, How can you smile at people while your stabbing them in the back? I would Like to say I hate you now but I don't. Cause G-D knows You know not nothing of what you do. BECAUSE YOUR AN BIG IDIOT!!! BYE and

Unknown said...

Anonymous said...

belonging...being a member of a tribe...How you felt, Bill, at the democratic convention is how Jews feel when they walk in were born of a Jewish mother, yet you have no idea what it means to be a're not a Jew because your mother's Jewish, you're a Jew because you have a "Yiddeshe Kop" a Jewish, intelligent, inquisitive mind...and everyone craves that feeling of belonging that you had at the DNC...that feeling that the values you cherish, everyone around you holds dear as well...the only Jews you were able to Mock in your movie were the ultra far right wingers (you had to go so far as to find the weird tiny fringe that says Israel has no right to exist until the Messiah comes)...come know that's not the majority of the rational, intelligent Jews that are making a difference in the just come off as a self-hating Jew, ignorant of the reason that a religion of such tiny numbers, persecuted for centuries continues to exist...I'd love to have a one on one with you to clear up some of your questions, but I doubt you even read this blog...if you did, I'd love to "do lunch" sometime and set you straight...Deb

Unknown said...

Hi Bill, I really low estimated this woman Palin, she is play the low and dirty card with Obama now. I think Obama should tell Americans what kind woman she is.

Here are some link may helps you., Witch Hunters, Witch hunters

Keeping Palin honest, — CNN's Randi Kaye reports on the battle over earmarks - and Gov. Sarah Palin's record in seeking them. She said thanks but no thanks on that bridge to nowhere, but she said yes to the money. Palin asked for and took more earmarks per capita than ANY GOVERNOR IN THE COUNTRY.

Palin Ethics


The former home of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin on Wasilla Lake in Wasilla, Alaska, is seen Wednesday, Sept. 24, 2008. Two months before Palin's tenure as mayor ended in 2002, she asked city planning officials to forgive zoning violations so she could sell her house...

Unknown said...


here is the pictrue of Palin's house in Alaska...

URL: ,

The former home of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin on Wasilla Lake in Wasilla, Alaska, is seen Wednesday, Sept. 24, 2008. Two months before Palin's tenure as mayor ended in 2002, she asked city planning officials to forgive zoning violations so she could sell the house.

Unknown said...

I find this is very share with you...

I'm a little confused. Let me see if I have this straight.....

* If you grow up in Hawaii, raised by your grandparents, you're "exotic, different."
* Grow up in Alaska eating moose burgers, a quintessential American story.

* If your name is Barack you're a radical, unpatriotic Muslim.
* Name your kids Willow, Trig and Track, you're a maverick.

* Graduate from Harvard law School and you are unstable.
* Attend 5 different small colleges before graduating, you're well

* If you spend 3 years as a brilliant community organizer, become the first black President of the Harvard Law Review, create a voter registration drive that registers 150,000 new voters,

spend 12 years as a Constitutional Law professor, spend 8 years as a State A 0Senator representing a district with over 750,000 people, become chairman of the state Senate's Health and Human Services committee, spend 4 years in the United States Senate representing a state of 13 million people while sponsoring 131 bills and serving on the Foreign Affairs, Environment and Public Works and Veteran's Affairs committees, you don't have any real leadership experience.

* If your total resume is: local weather girl, 2 years on the city council and 4 years as the mayor of a town with less than 5,000 people, 20 months as the governor of a state with only 650,000 people, then you're qualified to become the country's second

highest ranking executive....

when you talk to Couric need your grandPa Mcc supervised you; then all you probably need to do is back to your Alaska looking at Russia from your back yard;

* If you have been married to the same woman for 19 years while raising 2 beautiful daughters, all within Protestant churches, you're not a real Christian.

* If you are a WITCH HUNTER or cheated on your first wife with a rich heiress, and left your disfigured wife and married the heiress the next month, you're a Christian.

* If you can make the RIGHT decision at the first place then you don’t have a leadership;
* If you form a clique and friends to gain personal ends gang up for selfish purpose , then you qualified for having LEADERSHIP;

* If you teach responsible, age appropriate sex education, including the proper use of birth control, you are eroding the fiber of society.

* If , while=2 0governor, you=2 0staunchly advocate abstinence only, with no other option in sex education in your state's school system while your unwed teen daughter ends up pregnant , you're very responsible.
* If your wife is a Harvard graduate lawyer who gave up a position in a prestigious law firm to work for the betterment of her inner city community, then gave that up to raise a family, your family's values don't represent America's.

* If you're husband is nicknamed "First Dude", with at least one DWI conviction and no college education, who didn't register to vote until age 25 and once was a member of a group that advocated the secession of Alaska from the USA, your family is extremely

OK, much clearer now.

Michael said...


I have been waiting for Bills movie Religious and can not see it.

I live in Mobile Alabama and the movies here will not show your film. I have been waiting for months and i am so dissapointed.

Bill what do you suggest.. It is a violation of my rights and this is descrimination.

Mike S

Carla Niles said...

Hey Bill, I'd like to see Laura Flanders from Grit TV as a guest on your show. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got 3 more of your shows to watch, recorded while I was visiting my mother. Keep up the lobby to legalize marijuana. CN

Dean Jackson said...

In 1997 NORAD said they insure, "Aircraft flying over our air space are monitored seven days a week, 24 hours a day."

In 2004 the Air Force contradictorily said, "Before 2001, 1st Air Force was charged with keeping an eye on the nation’s borders, usually looking for threats in the form of Russian aircraft skirting too close for comfort to the mainland. In those few hours, the command’s mission went from looking outward to looking inward."

See the 5 articles on NORAD at

Rod McDonald said...

Love the show, and the retarded comments by the Palin/Angle/RNC lovers. Wish you were full time, But you have a life too.
Anyway, on your last show you mentioned you were going to San Rafael, CA for a show. Being a long time Californian (I know, my problem - for over 70 years),you pronounced it "San Rah-fay-ELL". Sorry, it's "San Rah-FELL".
And sorry FOX, Fair and Balanced? You don't have any idea what that means other nice sounding words - Bill's got it, listen to him.
Rev Dr Rod McDonald

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