Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Republicans, stop calling Obama elitist

Because the real reason you don't like him is that he's smarter than you.

Sept. 5, 2008 New Rule: Republicans need to stop saying Barack Obama is an elitist, or looks down on rural people, and just admit you don't like him because of something he can't help, something that's a result of the way he was born. Admit it, you're not voting for him because he's smarter than you.

In her acceptance speech, Gov. Sarah Palin accused Obama of using his run for the White House as a "journey of personal discovery" -- this from the lady who just spent 10 minutes of her speech introducing her family -- Track, Trig, Bristol, Piper -- for a minute there I thought she was calling in an airstrike.

Karl Rove described Obama as "the guy at the country club with the beautiful date, holding a martini, and making snide comments about everyone who passes by." Unlike George Bush, who's the guy at the country club who makes snide comments, and then passes out. Now this characterization, of course, was something Mr. Rove just completely pulled out of his bulbous, gelatinous ass, but remember this is America, a land where people believe anything they hear. One of McCain's ads casts Obama as "the one," implying he thinks he's the Messiah. Good, maybe he can raise McCain from the dead.

It doesn't matter to Karl Rove that his country club characterization is fictitious, it's the role that Obama must play if the party of plutocrats is going to win over the little guy. Over and over at this convention we heard about the new put-upon victim in our society, the person in America, like Sarah Palin, who's constantly mocked because they're from a ... small town! Governor Yup Yup's got 'em all riled up about being disrespected.

Barack Obama can't help it if he's a magna cum laude Harvard grad and you're a Wal-Mart shopper who resurfaces driveways with your brother-in-law. Americans are so narcissistic that our candidates have to be just like us. That's why George Bush is president. And that's where the McCain camp gets its campaign strategy: Paint Obama as cocky and arrogant and wait for America to vote him off, like the black guy in every reality show. A black president? Half of Pennsylvania isn't ready for black quarterbacks. Forget Obama, they think Will Smith needs to be taken down a peg.

And finally: As for "country first," you know who's putting country first? I am, by supporting Obama, because a victory this fall for the McCain-Mooseburger ticket would make my job in the next four years very, very easy.


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mike m said...

Speak for yourself. LOL

wilber said...

Wilber is back!!!!

Man, I am tired from all of that copying and pasting!!!!!!

I'm ready for more abuse! This board has gotten boring! So bring it on for entertainment value!

mike m said...

I hope your finger didn't fall off!!!

It seems overall voter turnout ended up being about the same as 2004. All those "new" registrations just didn't matter. So, of course the republicans say "why bother"? They're already talking down felon voting and same day registration. What are they afraid of.

I believe the overall turnout was down because religious right voters didn't turn out in the huge numbers they did in 2004. McCain just didn't appeal to them. In fact, I've heard some of these people say they would never vote for McCain, in the past. That is why McCain picked Palin. She was picked to stimulate that religious right base. The only thing she stimulated was horny old republican men. She fits right in with the Rogaine, Viagra, Paxil generation.

wilber said...

As usual, can't accept Victory with dignity, always have to tear down a person to make yourself feel big.

That's why I love this board!

mike m said...

I'm sorry wilber, but I didn't start it. The republicans are already showing sour grapes. They are already planning on how to derail Obama's plans. They need to regroup and figure out how they are going to change themselves and win back the support of the American people. The American people have just overwhelmingly rejected them and their ideas. I don't want the dems in charge of the entire government for too long.

It's funny. The stories are starting to surface about Palin. She lobbied for the job, she went rogue... She's very ambitious (that's not necessarily a bad thing). I heard someone call her the Alaskan albatross. If the republicans want to win back support, it's not going to be with her.

wilber said...

Turn-a-bouts-fair-play! Obama will be watched "very" closely.

And regarding Palin? It's obvious you rely on "one" source.


The Left has no regard for anyone except themselves.

Obama showed his true colors in his first press conference...he said nothing (when he should have asked for a larger bail-out for the economy, esp. the auto industry, but no, talked about dogs) and made a stupid ass joke...Oh, but he apologized after it was too late.

I am looking forward to Chicago Politics coming to Washington and watching "every move" he makes!

mike m said...

Obama is trying to be respectful right now. He's not president yet. I don't think you're going to hear much from him until he's sworn in. The democrats not the left have won overwhelming victories. America has spoken! Republicans need to moderate what the dems want to do, not stand in the way. If they do, they will lose even more. Even I don't want that. But also, Obama can't do what Clinton did and push the republicans aside.

I heard SP is thinking about becoming a democrat. She was totally rejected by every soccer mom in the NE suburbs. She does not appeal to main stream America. Let's face it. There are more votes in suburbia than in small rural towns. She couldn't "hang" in the Philly burbs, so she said she wanted to go to where the "real America" is. No one is ever going to win an election by being divisive in that way. She needs a total "makeover" not just a $150,000 wardrobe.

wilber said...

If Obama lets the Democrats do to Joe Lieberman what they want to do?

Then he is no better than them.

Just because someone differs from you doesn't mean you try to strip all of his rights and dignity.

This is a wait and see and if Democrats get their way, the Republicans will be on their ass like flies on shit and should be!

Obama will be toast for the next four years and fought tooth and nail on every thing he wants!

Let the games begin! I know I'm ready. Respect for the highest office in the land has gone out of the window for good!

wilber said...


I am posting this on all your blogs with the hope you will see it.


They receive almost 100% of their salary.


At least we are working hard for it.

clydene said...


Yes, Sarah Palin is a human being.

However, the facts are that her Republican Handlers are now outing her for the lack of knowledge that she had regarding the world out side of hunting and I suggest that you look at the report by Brian Ross regarding the issue of taking books out of the Library in Wasilla and what made the Librarian quit.


For these reasons along with her unfounded accusations about Obama during the election, I am glad she is not on her way to the White House.

While I am not call her a Nazi, you should get a book on the rise of Nazism in Germany after WW I. The parallels that exist between that time and our time are frightening.

Censorship of books, racial hatred, all undercurrents to the rise of the rise of one of the most horrible dictatorships in the history of the world.

Regarding all these comments about Sarah Palin, well, we have already have insight into her knowledge base, and all these new comments only further what we know about her.

She doesn't read newspapers and magazine, and could not name "one" newspaper or magazine she reads.

Secondly, she made very uninformed comments about Russia. First, because you can see Russia from Alaska that you could know something about the politics. The comment about Putin rearing his ugly head, and that the Russians had invaded the airspace over Alaska, which was refuted by the military person in charge of the airspace over Alaska.

To me Sarah Palin represents the scariest part of the political process, that someone who lacks such basic information regarding geography and other political polices, such as the Bush Doctrine, that this person could have been one heart beat away from being the president.

clydene said...

Bill Maher

Hope you or your staff will see this post.

It would be interesting to get a panel together to discuss the New Cold War with Russia.

While all the focus has been on the election in this past year, it has been interesting to follow what the Bush Administration and the Putin ( Dmitry Medvedev) Administration have been doing.

The US signed up Poland to be our first deployment of nuclear missiles pointed at Russia. Oopps I mean "anti-missiles" program. :) Which seemed to me like what we did in "West" Germany during the 1960s through the 1980s. Not many Americans know we had small nuclear missiles on trucks that were routinely deployed into the border regions between East and West Germany, pointed at Russia.

Then the Russians start playing with Venezuela, having joint military maneuvers, building up the pipeline, and even the broke Russians are backing them with 4 Billion in development.

For those of you who don't know Venezuela is the 4th largest supplier of oil to America.

Yes, we have huge issues with the economy, but the Russians are saber rattling at our backdoor again, just like in Cuba in the 1960s.


Also, it would be interesting given this new interest in South America to see how the role of Liberation Theology will play a role in the Catholic Church and their mission in South America. One theory that had been discussed on why we did not get the last Pope from South America is that most religious leaders from South America had supported some Liberation Theology in the past.

Anyway, what interesting times we live in today.

clydene said...

Hello Mates
BBC Radio 4 has a bit about our elections on The News Quiz Show. They take the Mick out of our election, which is delightful. They even talk about Sarah Palin. :)


Up only until Thursday.


mike m said...

Well, it seems Bush has sunk to a new low. 24%. The lowest ever. The lowest since they've been keeping records. I tried to warn people four years ago. My guess is, this new low comes from republicans who blame Bush for costing McCain the election. Republicans seem to always want to blame someone. Republicans have nobody to blame but themselves. They should have given McCain the nomination in 2000. But noooooooooo.
"Bush is the kind of person you want to have a beer with." Well, the next time you're in a bar getting drunk, look at the person next to you and ask yourself, "would I want this person to be president?" I hope all y'all republicans learned your lesson. You got what you deserve. A big scary black man! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

I'll take an elitist over a sloppy drunk any day!!!

Now step aside, go hide your heads in the sand, and let someone show you how the country is supposed to be run.

mike m said...


The republicans won't need to be up Obama's ass. He's going to have a transparent government style, like Clinton. Not shrouded in secrecy like the Bush administration. I hope the dems and Obama open all those "Top Secret" documents from Cheyney and Rummy, and put all those bastards in prison where they belong!!!

But they won't. It'll be too much of a national disgrace. And maybe start a war or two. We better hope the rest of the world doesn't find out what they were up to. We'll be bleeding out our assholes for a very, very, long time.

wilber said...

I said "on his ass",not "up his ass" like the Libs and Maher.

wilber said...

One more thing.

If Obama has no secrets? Then he needs to reveal "all" of his records.

I will give him the benefit of the doubt unlike the left who have crucified Bush since day one but, I will be watching every thing he does, carefully.

geniemaker said...

mike: We're all going to bleeding out of our arse holes because of "our" new president.
He shouldn't even be allowed a security clearance because of his close ties to anti-Americans ~ I'm not going to mention the names again, but you know who they are and there are lots and lots of them.
Obama and his wife are the most dishonest, hypocritical people on the face of the earth who've already shown their disloyalty to America many times over.
You'll see. Those of us who did not vote for him will be watching him closely as he is not to be trusted with American military secrets and our sacred freedoms, beginning with freedom of speech and the right to bear arms.
He has to pay back those foreign mega-bucks contributors to his campaign sooner or later.

SaveOurselves said...

Watch out for Ghosts, too. Genies and Ghosts are going to get us after monkeys fly out of our asses. Genie = McCarthy

mike m said...


How can anyone possibly be more dishonest than Bush/Cheyney/Rummy/Wolfo....?

WE need to pay back China and Saudi Arabia $10 trillion dollars. Doesn't that even bother you in the least?

Obama's disloyalty extends to those foreign controlled auto makers GM, Ford and Chrystler right? That's why Bush/Cheyney neglected them for 8 years.

Yeah, I know, all those anti-Americans like Robert Reich, Paul Volcker, Bob Rubin, Caroline and Bobby Jr., Rahm Emanuel, John Corzine, (should I continue?), Robert Gates (he can help Obama give away those military secrets), Ed Rendell, all those damn democrats are nothing but unpatriotic ant-Americans who want to see this country fall so they can take everything they have and move to Dubai and work for Haliburton and The Donald.

When Robert Reich talks even blowhard George Will shuts up and listens.

Dude get a grip already. You need a shrink. You're suffering from paranoid delusions. Stay off of those damn ultra right wing websites unless you are planning on joining the Aryan Brotherhood. Are you?

mike m said...


That's very white of you to give Obama the benefit if the doubt. I'll put in a good word for you next time I see Farrakhan.

wilber said...

You're such a funny guy!

mike m said...

Did anybody catch this? In the TV footage of the Obamas arriving at the White House, when President Bush was reaching to shake Barrack's hand, it looked like he was trying to grab Michele's ass.

My, she's a big woman. She's about four feet taller than Laura.

mike m said...


Here's two more names for you. Warren Christopher and Sam Nunn. Man, this list of anti-Americans keeps getting worse and worse. I'm packing my bags for Dubai. No taxes in Dubai. No socialism, just a dictator controlled Muslim Theocracy. God bless Haliburton!

On a more serious note. I believe when we start pulling our troops out of Iraq, al Qaeda will also pull out of Iraq and look for American targets in the Middle East; like in Dubai. But, I could be wrong.

geniemaker said...

Michelle is even taller than Osama, I mean Obama. Nothing really wrong with that.
Her lack of grace and class scream from the hideous clothing she wears. And ugly, too. What a great first lady she's going to make.
Brings to mind all the fawning over her on national "news", The View, ad nauseum.
Are we a great country or what!?

geniemaker said...

Three books I have read all say the same thing. Islam wants to rule the world. Robert Spencer, noted Islam authority and author of "The Truth About Muhammad, Founder of the World's Most Intolerant Religion" and "The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)" spells out how Islam teaches that Muslims (all Muslims) must wage war to impose Islam law on non-Muslim states and American Muslim groups are engaged in a huge cover-up of Islamic doctrine and history,among other things.
A Muslim woman in Michigan just won a seat in the House. Many Muslims now teach in our universities. Books in our schools now teach our children the Muslim faith.
Brigette Gabriel, Founder of ACT! for America, is a Christian Lebanese refugee who just became an American citizen, and author of "Because They Hate" which describes in first-person detail, the horrors Muslims brought to her country, "The Paris of the Middle East" which at one time had more banks per capita than any country in the world, which for centuries had lived peacefully with Christians, Jews and Muslims until Wahabiism was hatched in the 1920's in Saudi Arabia.
European countries are being Muslimized as we speak. America is next on the agenda.
Dubai is a "moderate" Muslim country and is the least of our worries.
Google "Islam 101" for more info.
Our future president has Muslim roots and no one can deny that. We have met the enemy and they is us! What food these morsels be.

SaveOurselves said...

Genie, if you're as ugly as you sound, we can only hope we never have to see a picture of you. Many people who have good eyesight and aren't negro haters think Michelle Obama is a very attractive woman, FOR AN AFRICAN AMERICAN....there's something for you to turn inside out. GO BAMBAMETTE!!!

SaveOurselves said...

Couldn't be that they just see the sense in omitting that part, eh Genie? Get back in your bottle!

SaveOurselves said...

Up ear in 'Laska, after the oil's been drilled, we "harvest" Moose. What a freak'n tard!

mike m said...


So, if Islam is such an "evil" religion and is spreading through the Western world the way Communism did, what are we to do? I guess it's time to declare war on all Muslim people. Let's just start shooting them in the street. How about public disembowelments? It's time to restart the Crusades. We'll use our might to make them Holy. Believe or die!

You seem like the type of person who believes that anyone different than you, has something wrong with them, or is up to no good. This country's entire system of government was based on the philosophies of John Locke. I think you need to take a look at what he said about religious tolerance. If you disagree with John Locke, you disagree with the very roots of OUR democracy.

clydene said...

Very well written Mike!

mike m said...

Thanks Clydene :)

It seems the republicans are getting ready for a big fight with Obama, already. They are taking a STRONG stance against any sort of bailout for the big three auto makers.

This isn't some "fly by night" company(s). We're talking about a national pride. Don't forget, they don't just manufacture big gas guzzling SUVs, they make the commercial service and construction vehicles that help keep this county moving (no pun intended). They also build the cars that run in NASCAR (not that I really care about NASCAR, but there are quite a few people who do care). Many of those "NASCAR dads" vote republican. They built/build the cars of the American Dream.

Does GM have some serious problems? Yes, but they've acknowledged that. They've already made serious changes in corporate structuring, retirement benefits, and the number of product lines. Unfortunately, those changes won't help in the short term (1-2 years).

Do I think the republicans want these companies to shut down? Of course not. Their motives are much more devious. They want them to file for bankruptcy protection. I hear the republicans talking about pensions, overtime pay and benefits. I guess they feel these workers don't deserve what they are getting. If GM files for bankruptcy, all current pensions will be taken over by federal insurance. Retirees will only get about 40 cents on the dollar.

So, what do the republicans really want? First, they want to break the unions. Then, they want the manufacturers to do what Toyota and Honda did. Set up shop down in the southern states (where most of these republican congressmen are from) and use non-union low wage workers.

What the republicans don't understand is that, the relationship between the unions and management is not the traditional adversarial relationship. It has evolved into more of a "partnership". When times were good, GM passed it around. Now, when times are bad, the unions are willing to make certain concessions. However, they can only make so much. If the UAW is forced to strike, and it may be, we may see sympathy strikes across the country from other unions.

Given the current state of the electorate in this country, the republicans are playing with fire. GM is not asking for a $70 billion dollar tax break (handout), like Exxon/Mobile. They are just asking for a low interest loan to get them through a rough stretch. They are NOT being unreasonable, and the American people will see that.

mike m said...

A few years ago, when asked about the state of the American auto makers, "W" said, "I think they ought to build cars Americans want to buy". (What? Like armor plated Hummers?). He owes them and the country a huge apology for that bonehead statement.

SaveOurselves said...

Mike M:

It's a waste of time trying to communicate with Genie. It's clear by the substance you put out that you are speaking from a knowledge based standpoint. You can tell by his very username, he's enamoured with himself, too proud of what he thinks he knows to ever admit that he might be wrong or that someone else knows more than he. What's the point?

mike m said...


I think, therefore I respond. I can't let his stuff go unchallenged. It's bad enough all that shit is going on on those right wing websites. We need to make a stand somewhere. I'm not ready to challenge them directly. I'm too burnt out. Not only that but, I don't want those black SUVs showing up at my door.

mike m said...


About Michele's clothes, I guess she couldn't afford a $150,000 shopping spree at Nieman Marcus like you know who; The Wicked Witch of the North.

mike m said...

Here's a good article I found about the future of the republican party.


I was actually doing some research on Tommy Chong when I found it. I just watched the documentary "a/k/a Tommy Chong" on Showtime. Bill M. had a small part. Very, very good. Why do all the good shows and documentaries only air on "premium" channels. I guess the "general population" of this country "can't handle the truth."

kendell said...

If congress would have allocated the money to the taxpayers instead of the banks, We, the taxpayers could pay all our debt (To the bank).Then the banks wouldn't need bailing out and we dont loose our homes. We show our debt to the government & the money is allocated accordingly, no more ,no less. We get to start fresh, &it wouldn't take anywhere close to $700B. It could work!

SaveOurselves said...

Kendell, I agree to some extent, but what really should NEVER have happened was letting Paulson spearhead the distribution of all that money with absolutely no accountability whatsoever. Our not knowing where and exactly to whom that money went is criminal. The government seems to think people in this country will never revolt, but I'm telling you this kind of absolute abuse of power and influence is too much to accept. I saw Lou Dobbs calling Paulson and others many fine names before all this came to light/ or should I say darkness? What he must be saying about him now behind the set, I'd like to hear. So many things could have been done differently with the distribution and handling of this money, it infuriates me. Of course, our hero, President Bushwacker, did nothing to make any sort of transparency mandatory. Our whole government appears to be totally incompetent and/or corrupt. Why do we continue to vote these wads in? All they do is argue, make things worse, and take care of themselves and their special interests. We should all just stop paying taxes and come together outside Washington. They can't arrest millions of people.

Anonymous said...

Bill,once again,u prove that the left & libs in general are dufus fucking assholes and losers.If u actually think a fucking dolt like Obama,who thinks there are 57 states in the USA and has to use the lib media to win a fucking debate for him(mainly cause hes a stuttering porch monkey without his teleprompter)than u u r even more of an asshole than u look like.I happen to be a Republican,bitch and a man who u characterised as an assclown defeated u & beat u down like his own personal bitch for 8 yrs.Nopw explain that,faggot.How do u expect me to respect the shitwipes and cowardly hypocrites who voted for the stuttering retard Obama if they couldnt beat an imbecile.If libs had brains,theyd know that makes THEM look stupid.Incidentally,Mr Maher,has anyone ever told u u have the face of a guy with a real small dick?That puts u in league with most leftie guys.I mean,the only real MAN who voted for Obama was a chick named Hillary.

mike m said...

Hey greg

I think your family tree is missing a few branches.

clydene said...

Greg, Greg, Greg,

First of all, I am sorry that you find listening to Barack Obama a Magna Cum Laude, Graduate of the Harvard Law School so difficult to understand. For me, I find it refreshing that we finally have someone heading for the Oval Office, who can speak in complete sentinces.

It must be very difficult for you to understand as you are so ignorant and uninformed that you cannot complete a sentince correctly.

So here is a much better written piece on why so many of you poorly educated and illiterate Republicans can't under stand him, he is speaking in complete sentinces. GET USED TO IT....

From Andy Borowitz:
In the first two weeks since the election, President-elect Barack Obama has broken with a tradition established over the past eight years through his controversial use of complete sentences, political observers say.
Millions of Americans who watched Mr. Obama's appearance on CBS's 60 Minutes on Sunday witnessed the president-elect's unorthodox verbal tick, which had Mr. Obama employing grammatically correct sentences virtually every time he opened his mouth.
But Mr. Obama's decision to use complete sentences in his public pronouncements carries with it certain risks, since after the last eight years many Americans may find his odd speaking style jarring.
According to presidential historian Davis Logsdon of the University of Minnesota, some Americans might find it "alienating" to have a president who speaks English as if it were his first language.
"Every time Obama opens his mouth, his subjects and verbs are in agreement," says Mr. Logsdon. "If he keeps it up, he is running the risk of sounding like an elitist."
The historian said that if Mr. Obama insists on using complete sentences in his speeches, the public may find itself saying, "Okay, subject, predicate, subject predicate -- we get it, stop showing off."
The president-elect's stubborn insistence on using complete sentences has already attracted a rebuke from one of his harshest critics, Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska.
"Talking with complete sentences there and also too talking in a way that ordinary Americans like Joe the Plumber and Tito the Builder can't really do there, I think needing to do that isn't tapping into what Americans are needing also," she said.

clydene said...

Greg, Greg, Greg,

Why is it that you Republicans are so interested in who is fucking assholes and faggots and anal sex?

You know that a good psychologist would say that you had toilet training problems or perhaps your own issues with your own sexual identity, as other Republicans seem to have who are fixated on Gay Sex and Men's bathrooms.

Is there something you would like to share with us? Something repressed in your life?

You need help.

Anonymous said...

Hey MIME M,dont worry bout MY family tree,bitch.Judging from your postings,The best part of YOU came up yo mommas ass.I know that cause u actually expect that Im stoopid enough to believe Palin is going to the Dems.Im not a lib,so Im not a fucking dumbshit.And as for YOU Clydene,u fucking tool,Obama never EVER graduated from anything with honors,asshole.Of course uu r dumb enough to believe the bullshit that PC Gestapo know as the Oama campaign tells u.Proof pos that not only is Obama a stuttering black dumbshit without his teleprompter,but that u idiots on the left are so insecure bout your own intellects u have to make up one out of thin air.Explain why Harvard dont release Obamas academic transcripts.This asshole thinks there are 57 states for Christssake!Doesnt anyone on the left have a fucking brain!?Im talking to u,Clydene Asswipe.DOnt criticise my intellect if u cant spell SENTENCE.Its with an e,not an I,assfuck!

clydene said...

Greg, Greg, Greg

Again your obsession with the use of the word asshole. Freud would say that you have this obsession for your own reason. Do you frequent men’s rooms looking to give blow jobs?

Well, Barack Obama is President, if your little pea sized mind really thinks he didn’t attend Harvard, don’t you think it would have come out by now. The fact that Harvard didn’t release his transcripts means he did attend. As a matter of privacy they cannot release the records of their students without permission, but you wouldn’t know that having never attended a university.

My, my, my, such intellectual conversation from you, Greg. I dont' have time to correct your poor punctuation, obviously you are an Ivy League Graduate just like your idol Sarah Palin.

Your anger over the lying bimbo ho didn't win the election is obvious.

clydene said...

Greg, Greg, Greg,

Here is an example:

Explain why Harvard dont release Obamas academic transcripts.

It should read

Explain why Harvard doesn't release Obama's academic transcripts.

Again, the point of my posting is that the people who criticize his speaking in correct and full sentences where the nouns, verbs and adjectives agree with each other don’t understand that he is speaking correctly. Just as you obviously don't know that you are writing sentences which are grammatically incorrect.

mike m said...


I don't think you should be criticizing anyone's spelling.

Who told you Obama thinks there's 57 states? Everybody knows there's 51. Don't forget Puerto Rico. It may as well be a state. But we can't fit another star on the fag, I mean flag. Sorry about that Freudian slip.

Have you been taking your medication? I've been taking mine.

You have neither the intelligence, nor the imagination to be able to insult me.

Obama's president. Get over it!!!

Good things are going to happen. So, BE HAPPY!


Don't forget, he's only half black. I guess that's half too much for you. KKK all the way.

Anonymous said...

Well Clydene,Im glad u finally learned how to spell SENTENCE,asshole.Who taught u?Clydene;thats a cute name.I used to have apet monkey named Clydene.She was a Democrat too & of course she voted for Obama.What monkey didnt?But she was smarter than u.She knew how to spell SENTENCE without an illiterate,uneducated Republican teaching her.U r typical of leftists.U r a dumb fucking asshole who has to go around with their nose in the air pretending to be smart so u arrogant losers can instruct people & insult their intelligence without them beating u down for being a pompous asshole.Inevitably,u idiots make asses of yourselves and fall on your dumb faces,as allways.Check out the idiot asshole Dem Governor of Illinois putting up Obamas senate seat for sale.TYpical asshole liberl crook piece of shit.1 of the few clever things Obama ever did was try to distanc ehimself immediately from it(as if he wasnt involved).Ha ha har har har!We re lauging at your downfall allready & stuttering dumbshit Obama isnt even inaugurated yet. Is this guy the biggest liar/coward of all time or what?By the way,dipshit,if u had brains(real ones)youd know most child molesters & sex offenders are Dems.Check out natl crime stats.THen watch TO CATCH A PREDATOR on NBC.If u dont see those ugly assholes & losers they keep catching are libs,u r as stoopid as u write.Alot of them are teachers and we all KNOW teachers are almost all dumbocreeps.I didnt say Obama didnto got to Harvard,retard.I told u he didnt graduate 1st & Harvard could damn well release his transcripts if he allowed them to.Wonder why he doesnt.Were u referring to Palin as a "lying bimbo"? U must mean Obama. Lets see him debate her?The media & u leftie assholes would HAVE to pretend he won that one.Hey MIKE M,u r the 2nd dumbest asshole Ive ever met after CLydene.If Obama keeps giving free drugs away,youll eventually flip out once and for all for everyone to see what a fucking loser u r.KKK?Dont u mean dickhead Rev.Wright & the stuttering retards remarks about "typical white people" & rural voters?Whos racist now,dipshit?

SaveOurselves said...


Greg, you need some serious anger management, or a psychiatrist....something. Your disease is probably incurable, but the hate welling within you will kill you and anyone within 30 kilometers. Freud was your Great Grandfather, and you sucked on his ass. The kernels of excrement then went on to make up the majority of your brain and are still multiplying. Shit will soon begin to come out of every hole in your head and trickle into your navel, where its bacteria will join with other mutant bacterium to create a new form of super sticky shit, that will then form a giant rolling ball, which will be the basis for the remake of "The Blob." You may star in the movie if I get it written in time for you to be recognized. Until then, stay away from toilet paper. It won't do you any good unless you use it for a pillow.

clydene said...


I hate to burst your bubble, but I am an registered Republican, with a very long line of Republicans in our family including the fact that we were family friends with John S. McCain Jr.

Why don't you go read Andrew Sullivan's blog on Palin. She is 44 years old and doesn't know that Africa was a continent and not a country. She didn't know what the Bush Doctrine when asked by Charles Gibson. She could not list the newspapers and magazines she reads when asked by Katie Couric. She doesn't seem to know anything.

Also, all you are proving by your posts is that you are ignorant and a racist, which is how people perceive those who voted for John S. McCain III and Sarah Palin.

Anonymous said...

Hey SAVEOURSELVES; exactly WHO the fuck are YOU to be talking about fecal brain matter,fuckwit?Arent YOU 1 of the fucktards who voted for this stuttering dumbfuck criminal whos tied in with every shithead liberal mafioso in Chicago?If my shit brains are so feeble,how come I voted twice for Bush who fucked u over and made u his bitchass for 8 yrs while dipshits like u failed to impeach his dumb ass?I dont think its me with shitforbrains,retard.I have it on damn good info that YOU were dropped out of yo mommas ass at birth & conveniently landed on your head,thereby making u eligible as a registered Democrat.I understand thats how the pty recruits most of its members.Ive seen your face,asshole & an asshole looks better than your face,which is a fucking disgrace,along with the other mongoloid looking fuckheads in your family.As a matter of fact;assholes have more brain cells than liberals and usually smell better.By the way,if u saw my last posting referring to Dem molesters,u may be interested that I have video of U among those twisted,ugly pervert liberal assholes & u fit in perfectly.Is yo momma still peddling her mouth in the red light dist?Is your daddy still trolling for lil boys at the Y?Hey CLYDENE;stop lying,dickhead.I never believed a fucking thing u ever said & I wont now.Youve NEVER been a mufucking GOP,asshole.Your family is a pack of monkeys,so they cant be registered as Repubs.Only Dems register monkeys.How do u think they got so many votes for Obama?Why dont any of u assholes mention BLAGOGATE?Why so suddenly silent,bitches?Afraid of aomething?

mike m said...

Hey greg,

You're funny. I almost pissed myself laughing at your latest posts. Yes, I'm laughing AT YOU and not with you. I don't think you are for real. You're a fake. Nobody could possibly be so ignorant and not live in a "protected" environment. I didn't know they had computers in mental institutions. You've been sneaking into the office and using the computer, haven't you? Please, you need to start taking your medication again. I know you enjoy the "ups" of your condition, and the medication has bad side effects, but I'm sure you are driving the people around crazy. No pun intended.

I don't think you are stupid, I think you are incurably insane. Please, stay away from guns! I think you're crazy enough to be a member of alQueda. Don't shoot up any post offices or bomb any abortion clinics. Liberals are people too. Even though God may tell you it's OK, DON'T DO IT!!!

Oh, and don't forget, hide your white women!


You're a sick bastard. Lol. Good imagination!

mike m said...

Here are two comments I sent to Sen. Bob Corker:


I am writing in support of the loans for the auto makers. I can't believe you are trying to negotiate with the UAW, and try to force them to take a pay cut from the get go. Please tell me what a senator from Tennessee knows about union negotiations. I understand that you owned a construction company. I also own a construction company. There's one thing you MUST understand. Construction unions and labor unions are not the same thing. But being from Tennessee, you probably don't have to even deal with construction unions. I am no big fan of the construction unions. I've seen them intentionally run jobs behind schedule in order to get their 7-12s, and rack up the overtime pay. However, I can't understand how or why you would want to risk the survival of the Big 3 by trying to bust the organized labor in this country. I know you understand what's at risk if the auto makers fail. You are playing with fire. I can't help thinking that republicans won't be satisfied until this country is in a full blown Depression.


I must apologize for my earlier comments. I didn't realize that there was already a deal between the White House and Senate Republicans. Apparently, the W.H. agreed to use TARP money for the bailout thus, allowing Senate Republicans to grandstand on the Senate floor to "save face" with their constituents. But, you would know more about that than I. Don't get me wrong, it's a brilliant scheme. Make Bush the "bad guy". But, it's still a scheme. I am also aware of the larger scheme of the southern republicans. You would love to be able to have the American auto makers relocate to your southern non-union states. Keep dreaming, and stop playing games. The big 3 will hire illegal Mexicans, before they relocate. You are going to plunge this country into another civil war.

America, what a country. It's no wonder why this country is in the shape it's in. You all are playing "games" with the economic prosperity of this country and I am outraged! It's the average worker who is going to get screwed, as usual. Instead of telling your constituents what's really going on, you would rather fool them. But, I guess people really WANT to be lied to. Please, stop trying to tell people what they want to hear, and tell them what they NEED to hear. Educate them. And lay off the unions. They are a pain in the ass to deal with sometimes but, they want to do what's right.

mike m said...

The senate republicans were trying to "negotiate" a complete deal. The auto makers were asking for 30-45 billion. The House approved 15 billion in order to allow the auto makers to stay in business for the next three months. It was during this three month period where all the parties involved were going to negotiate and restructure the companies before receiving the balance. That's basically how things get done. I'll give you a down payment to pay your creditors and make payroll while you do the work. Then, when the work is complete, you get the balance. Or, structured installments as specific goals are reached.
Unfortunately, most Americans don't understand this simple concept. Republicans are feeding of the stupidity of the average American. If you don't believe me, just ask Joe the Plumber. This is why republicans try to cut funding of Pell Grants ands GSLs. Instead of having Joe buy a business, send him the fuck to college! But no, keep people stupid. They are easier to control when they are stupid. The fucked up thing, is that there is a cure for stupidity. But when you try to educate someone, they get all defensive. I'm sorry if your lack of knowledge makes you feel like less of a person. Get over it. You do have the ability to learn, and it's never too late. There's nothing wrong with being stupid, it's what you do or don't do about it. I know I'm stupid, that's why I'm always trying to learn more about everything.

SaveOurselves said...

My, Greg, thanks for writing back. It's always nice to hear from a friend. You appear to have the intellect of a kindergartner, but the vocabulary of someone with a PHD in toilet training. I certainly hope the scientists don't miss out on the cryogenics opportunity you present. Once our world destroys itself, anyone or thing that comes after us will be able to see the cause when they look into your tube. As Hanibal would say, TATA!

SaveOurselves said...

How in the hell does anyone expect a company that has lost 86 billion dollars over the last three years to make anything happen with 15 bil? I don't know when or how this free market crap happened to put us into freefall in the first place. All I know is that too many people have profited for too long and not made enough of an investment in the USA. Now, millions of honest, hardworking Americans are about to lose their jobs. We know who will walk away with enough money to live on the rest of their lives, and don't you believe they won't! We also know many of the losers will lose their homes too. How doesn't paying mortgages in foreclosre forward one year, while adding another year of obligation to the mortgage, until these people can find a way to affect their situations for the better, make sense? Payments would go the banks being given the bailouts. How is that not better for all, rather than giving all that money to banks who are not doing anything to help anyone? It's fucking nuts!

mike m said...


We are in a recession. We will eventually come out of it. When we do Ford and GM will make a lot of money. The same way they did when we came out of recession of the late 80s. Those early 1990 GMs were some of the best cars ever built. GM was the leader in technology. They were the first with a distributorless ignition system. I still own a 92 Buick Regal. It has over 150,000 miles and runs great. It never needed any major work, and hasn't really nickel and dimed me. I also owned a 92 LeSabre and a 91 Lumina Eurosport. All were great cars. They just need to change their designs. They need better packaging. You know how superficial Americans are, don't you? I know I am. And I'm pissed that GM canceled production plans for the Z28 model of the new Camaro coming out next year. Now, I'm not going to buy one. I want that Corvette LS3 motor, but, I don't want a Vette. I guess I could buy the LS3 motor in a package, and have it installed but, that's very expensive, and I don't think the bank will loan me the money for that. I need the extra money to have an aftermarket supercharger installed. Wait, I'll wake up in a minute. OK, awake now.

There are some serious problems in the entire corporate system in this country. People are demanding 7 and 8% returns on their investments every year! Corporations didn't evolve for that. They are for long term investors. Nobody wants to wait anymore. The 70s were the "Me" generation. Now we have the "NOW" generation. RIGHT NOW!!! The investment companies just can't keep up, because corporations weren't designed for that. So, they came up with derivatives and credit default swaps and Ponzi schemes. All look good on paper in the short term but, are unsustainable in the long. But they couldn't tell investor's that, because they would lose their business. It's difficult to look at the big picture when you're under that kind of pressure. Don't forget, promotions are handed out to people who make the most money for the company, period.

The government needs to get a grip on this and there needs to be some sharp changes in business and investment ethics. If not, the country will either go Socialist, or a civil war will cause anarchy. Take your pick. One is just as bad as the other.

SaveOurselves said...

Mike, there's no arguing your business sense. I'm no economics major. I leave that kind of stuff to my brother; however, I did spend 7 years in the mortgage industry, so I'd like to hear your thoughts on the second part of my bitch/moan. I'm just trying to finish school and get a job so I can save my home. Some bad things happened, and I made some unsound financial decisions; but never did I rig any of the subprime scam loans like the media talk about. I never saw anyone with less than stellar credit get a loan without full documentation and at least a 44% debt to income ratio. When it was that high, they had to have some assests to offset the high ratio. All the money went to the real criminals, and the public gets the shaft. I drive an 89 Oldmobile Ciera my Great Aunt owned - just had the transmission overhauled for $1400, all because my old man didn't see any reason to change the fluid. At least I don't have payments, but I won't make it without some help, help I would be glad to pay for after I get things turned around. Meanwhile, politicians keep showing our young people just how not to act. Our school system has blinders on, and we think they don't learn from what they see. Sure, some of them learn what we teach them about the RW&A etc,. but the lessons they learn about our society are dog eat dog. The two don't jive.

Anonymous said...

Hey,MIKE M(bitch)1st off;Of course Im not AL Qaeda u fucking idiot.But then,how would u know? U r too fucking stupid(like all Dems)to even know what a fucking terrorist is,so how the dfuck would u know if Im one?U cant even spell AL Qaeda,asshole.Obamas such a punkass weasel bitch he had to hire a girl as sec state cause he aint man enough to stand up to them.Not only is stuttering dumbfuck too dumb to catch Osama,he doesnt even know if shithead Emmanuel is invloved in BLAGOGATE.incidentally,why dont any of u genius shitheads talk about this shit?Your silence is deafening.This stutttering shithead is failing allready & hes not even inaugurated.U people think theGOP is stupid and everything u idiots on the left talk about and think is retarded.Youre losers!The losers actually won!Why do u think WE fucked up the USA?Look at every corrupt dumbfuck on the left.Theyre all in power now!Hey SAVEOURSELVES,u need to save yorself,dickhole.TheSpeaking of eugenics,u idiots need to clone yorselves cause u r the only assholes who seem to trust stuttering dickfuck and vote Dem.If someone drilled into your punk ass with their dick,theyd come up through so much dumb shit it would squirt out the top of yo pointy head and spew a gusher of shit so thick Obama & his idiot Dem accomplkices would think it was oil and outlaw it cause theyre too fuckin stoopid to know they aint gonna get an alt energy revolution goin.Too fuckin stoopid and too greedy.Why do see allthese lib shitheads drivin SUVs?Tell that idiot Gore to stop flyin a pvt jet and tell fuckhead to turn O-FORCE 1 into a green plane to start,dufus.Oh,& dont forget to check the airpressure in the tires,idiot.Blagogate.Ha ha har har har!

SaveOurselves said...

Calling Bill, Calling Bill: Whoever controls the power to the outlet Greggy is plugged into, please turn it off. This guy is so vile, he makes Lenny Bruce and the Dice Man look like Billy Graham. You heard it here: I aint respondn to this tard no more, no matter what he says, and I suggest all of the rest of you do the same. We all know you're an imposter, Greggy. No one could be as unbelievably foul as you and be allowed to leave their hole, much less communicate with the outside world.

mike m said...


Would you like to have a real debate, or just call each other names? It doesn't take very much intelligence to call someone a name you Nazi bastard. See what I mean? Easy. If all you can do is call people names, and insult them you are part of the problem. You obviously have no real opinions about anything substantial. But you are entertaining. That's the problem with this country. The news media doesn't want to tell people what they need to hear, they tell them what they want to hear. They want to entertain us rather that inform us.
So greg, please tell me what you mean exactly by BLAGOGATE. Is that some new ice cream flavor? You'll have to forgive me. I don't pay much attention to O'Reilly , Hannity, Coulter or Limbaugh. They're just entertainers. Would you like to be entertained? "Let me entertain you". Personally, I enjoy getting my entertainment from the Chinese massage parlor. "Me love you long time". I guess down south in Bum Fuck Egypt, you would call them cat houses. Have you ever been to a cat house, or are you too ashamed of your sexuality? Maybe you tap on the floor in the men's room stall, hoping for a response. That's OK I won't tell anyone or pass judgment. You know how us "liberals" are. You can suck all the cock you want, and we won't care.

mike m said...


Business and finance are two totally different animals. Personally, I leave the finance to the accountants, and I try not to borrow. But, that's why I am having trouble expanding my business.

As far as the sub-prime mess, it wasn't so much the loans themselves, as it was what the investment companies did with them. They wrapped them up in neat little packages and basically provided insurance with no capital backing (credit default swap). Sounds insane doesn't it. How can someone provide "insurance", with no capital behind it? That's why AIG had to be bailed out.

You're idea sounds good on paying forward a years mort. payments. But you know what people are going to say. "It's just not fair to the people who are making their monthly payments". Actually, the gov. would only need to make the interest payments for a year. But from what I understand, the first five years of mort. payments ARE payments on the interest. Like I said, finance is not my strong suit. My mathematical background is in Calculus.

Next you need to consider how it would be disbursed. First someone would need to apply, either personally or through their mortgage company. So, you would need a form. Then you would have to fill it out. Ever filled out a gov. form before? Could take weeks. Then you would need to send it in. then it would need to be reviewed at at least three different levels for final approval. See where I'm going with this? By the time you finally got the money, you could be on your fifth home foreclosure.

In my state, primary residence mortgages are allowed to be considered in bankruptcy court. Not all states do this. Perhaps, that alone would be enough.

mike m said...


Concerning your own personal misfortunes, I don't like to give advice. Just make sure you talk to your mortgage company. You can renegotiate yourself or with an attorney. I did hear somewhere, not to talk to the collections department. I forget exactly which department to talk to, but I know it's not collections. The last thing the mortgage company wants to do is foreclose. It costs them at least $20,000 for each foreclosure. Try to use that to your advantage without actually mentioning it. And stay in school!

mike m said...

OK Gregiepoo,
You want to know what I think about ol' Blago?

I haven't said anything because I wanted to get a little more info. See, that's the problem with you guys on the right.
"Quick to judge, quick to anger, slow to understand,
Ignorance and prejudice and fear walk hand in hand".
Let me start by saying that this "I'll scratch your back, you scratch mine" is the way of politics. In fact, it's human nature. That's why we socialize. No man is an island.

Now, having said that, there is a line. Blogo not only crossed that line, he drove about 100 miles past it. What he did was so blatant, that it doesn't even constitute corruption in my mind. In order to have corruption, there has to be some sort of cover-up or covert action. He didn't even try to hide it. In fact many are saying the man has literally lost his mind. My personal opinion is, he got in over his head with drugs, or gambling or prostitutes or something like that. It's typical addictive behavior. The so called "cry for help". I've seen it before. The former Camden County District Attorney, Sam Asbell, shot up his own car and said it was an assassination attempt by Camden City drug gangs. Sam was sent to that place with the rubber walls for a while. But he's "feeling much better now".

I guess the real question is, who in Obama's camp knew about it. That remains to be seen. Personally, I think those people wanted to get away from Chicago politics as fast as they could. Sort of like getting released from prison. You want to get as far away, as fast as possible, from that jail. Besides, they had more important things to worry about. Like, picking a cabinet. Duh!

It's funny, I was watching a reporter from The Chicago Sun Times on one of those talk shows. She was very critical of her own newspaper for not catching this. She said they were more worried about running stories about the Obama's dog.

Didn't I just say that. The news media in this country is more worried about telling people what they want to hear and entertaining us, instead of informing us and doing some real investigative reporting. They are more concerned with increasing circulation and raising ratings. Money, money, money, fuck everybody else. That's what good ol' American capitalism has become. Where do we go from here? Are we past the point of no return? We certainly can't go backwards.

clydene said...


I agree with you and add this point. I think that the only difference in this situation is that Governor Blagojevich got caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

Who knows what favors are being exchanged for the open senatorial seat in New York.

I don't think the situation would have been any different regardless of Chicago politics, or the mob or ???

My favorite quote for all of this comes from George Orwell's "Animal Farm";"The pigs are walking on two legs."

mike m said...

Wow, Animal Farm. Believe it or not, that was required reading in my 8th grade social studies class. And yes, our jr high library had a copy of Huck Finn. I remember that because Tom Sawyer was required reading in my 7th grade English class. My 6th grade class did a performance of Macbeth. I never really thought about it before. Shakespeare, Twain and Orwell, all before high school. Is it any wonder why I was labeled a rebel, for questioning authority?

I'd like to see what some of the required reading is today, for some of these "schools" across the country. That's one of the problems. People want to teach our kids WHAT to think, rather than HOW to think. This country was founded on the idea of free exchange of ideas. What good is it if nobody has any ideas of their own?

And about that Senate seat in NY. It's going to Caroline Kennedy. If I were a bettin' man, I'd bet the farm on it.

mike m said...

My retired Aunt told me her 401k was down to about $5,000. It was at $25,000. Holy shit!
So, I went to The Vanguard Group's website and did a little investigating. Their retirement "no load" indexed mutual funds are down about 32% YTD. The industry average on mutual funds is about 42%. So, on average, if someone had $20,000 in an IRA or 401k, they just lost about $8,400 YTD. Actually, more like in the past 3 months. However, if you had money in a money market account, you gained about 3.2% YTD. Thank God for capitalism.

Anonymous said...

Hey MIKE M,u dipshit fucking asshole;why are u coward ass,faggot lefties such hypocrites? U sound like u take cock up yo ass every time u write a sentence,dufus.Let ME emtertain u,asshole;1st off,u dipshits like to call everyone who beats u,catches u in lie or humiliates u a Nazi.Whys that?Oh,probably cause u caint beat me in a debate & youre a sight dumber than me & anyone else who didnt vote for Obama.Nice try minimising Blagogate.Thats typical of faggots.If a Dem gets caught bein a piece of shit,its not really serious,its not so bad;everyone does it.Yeah,asshole.Obama did it.Alot & that fucking lying,stuttering sack o shit pig is of course hiding behind people who are smarter & braver(or just tools) like he allways does.Yeah,Hillary MUST have a fuckin bigger dick than him.So does every 2 yr old girl in the world.U too,bitch.Stuttering assholes goin down,faggot.Just wait.He & those other idiots are too stoopid to make it in the USA.Since lefties like u got a problem with capitalism,I guess it must be why u assholes like taking bribes so much.Obama still hiding details bout Rezsko.Whatd that idiot say again bout white mans greed?Har har har.Typical Marxist;Liar,thief hypocrite,asshole.I guess thats capitalism.Hey SAVEOURSELVES,who da fuck are YOU calllin crazy?Are u the dumbshit who posted all that stoopid nonsense about shit streaming through my bloodstream& sucking >Freuds ass & using TP for a pillow? U sound crazier than I do,asshole.Hey CLYDENE,u r acting like a typical hypocrite coward lib piece of shit when u suggest banning me from this shithole blog.Why do libs allways act like the biggest coward Nazis.Theyre allways the 1st ones who wanna censor or arrest anyone who disagrees with their lying,coward asses.Ive had u shitheads try to hav me arrested for wearing my FUCK LIBERALS t shirt and some lib faggots pressed to have me banned from public access cause I called every male lib a punk faggot & begged any lib to come to the studio & fight me.Of course,no libs came out to fight but tey called thepolice.U r all cowards,losers,liars & hypocrites.Im glad Bush killed all of u assholes.U were his bitches for 8 blissfull yrs.FUck u all.Obama is apiece of asshole shit.Well take his dumb ass out.Fuck him & all of u.

mike m said...

First of all, when Bush/Cheney lied we got over 3,000 dead brave American soldiers, fuck wad. We also got $4.00 a gallon gasoline from all his oil buddies. How many people did that hurt, huh asshole? How many people had their careers and reputations destroyed just for speaking out the truth against Bush or by lying for Bush (Colin Powell), you fucking root hugger? You fucked up, holier than thou, right wing assholes are nothing but a bunch of mean vicious children. How many people got hurt because of what Blago did? How many would have got hurt if he didn't get caught? The answer is zero. That's what you are, a big fat zero. What's wrong? Didn't your mama love you? Did your daddy fuck you up the ass in front of your brothers and sisters? You don't care about anything but yourself. So, go ahead and stick your head in the oven. Or are you too much of a coward? Tell me, how many bruises does your wife have today from your hand? I know you beat your wife. You molest your children. You even fuck the family dog. From now on I'm going to call you Sling Blade. Stupid. That's S-T-U-P-I-D not S-T-O-O-P-I-D!!!
I'll give you some money if you go buy yourself a brain.

mike m said...

Although it may be fun, resorting to name calling, like resorting to violence, is a sign of limited intelligence. Not only that but, inevitably, someone goes too far.

Who me?

Poppy Champagne said...

Speaking of our soon-to-be new president: I would just like to say congratulations on your birthday being the same day as the most historically significant presidential inauguration of our time. Seriously, you must have a super super super party planned.. ENJOY IT ALL!!

-from a happy fan with a great deal of respect for your outspokenness on both silly and serious issues.

Anonymous said...

He should enjoy his party, it only cost $668 million of unknown contributions!

Little does he know, the party has just begun!

SaveOurselves said...

Independent thinker, eh? YOu assholes can't wait to make sure his Presidency fails. Some fucking American you are! Lousy piece of shit, I hope you get run over by a social worker bus. And...GO TO HELL, where you and all the rest of your type belong. You make me sick!!!

Anonymous said...

SaveOurselves said...

Independent thinker, eh? YOu assholes can't wait to make sure his Presidency fails. Some fucking American you are! Lousy piece of shit, I hope you get run over by a social worker bus. And...GO TO HELL, where you and all the rest of your type belong. You make me sick!!!
January 3, 2009 11:01 AM

Oh, I get it! "I'm" a lousy piece of shit American because I'm no Obama fan but, you are the King of the Crop whose shit don't stink because "you Hate Bush"! I forget, it's okay to bitch, moan, demean, demoralize and whatever the hell else you left loons do or say towards our Current President, that's okay!

That's like calling the kettle black, don't ya think? Practice what you preach and, I "REALLY HOPE AND PRAY OBAMA SERVES US WELL"!

mike m said...

"He should enjoy his party, it only cost $668 million of unknown contributions!"

I don't know where the "so called" money came from. But I can tell you where it didn't come from. It didn't come from Exxon/Mobil, Enron, Haliburton, Blackwater, or any other defense contractor or pharmaceutical company!

Maybe it came from Bernie Madoff. God Damned Greedy Bastards. I'm moving to Italy to retire on the Adriatic Coast. Nobody in this country cares about this country anymore. It's all me, me, me. My taxes...my bailout...my retirement... and everyone is stuck on their bullshit ideologies. ALL OF THEM! Everybody is right and everybody is wrong. Nothing meaningful will ever get done here. Ever.

"Everybody is so full of shit!"
- Perry Farrell-

mike m said...


Take your patronizing bullshit, and shove it straight up your ass!!!

mike m said...

Here's a fun game for all of you Bush "lovers".


Anonymous said...

At least I'm a lover and not a hater!

So get your hate on me now!

mike m said...

I am not a hater. I am however, extremely angry! For eight years King Baby and his cronies have behaved like kids in a candy store. Eating up not only all of the profits but the capital as well. They completely neglected oversight of the business, financial and investment communities the way they neglected New Orleans after Katrina. Now, the stock market is down over 40%. Can you possibly imagine the consequences if Bush had his way in investing FICA (social security)funds in the stock market? And he completely neglected Israeli Palestinian relations. Look at the result. And it was all facilitated by a republican Congress which neglected its Constitutional duties of Checks and Balances. Now, republicans have the nerve to patronize Obama and his supporters for wanting to fix all the bullshit created by Bush and the republicans? Keep it up. If your lucky you can plunge this country into complete Anarchy. Or Communism. I know that people in those think tanks such as the Heritage Foundation really admire China. They won't admit it but, they would love to have the same control over the masses that China has on its population.

Well, I don't want to get too long winded. I don't want to lose your attention span.

geniemaker said...

mike m: Pull your head out of your butt. We've had a Democratic Congress for two years and they've already managed to have a lower approval rating than President Bush.
I hope you Obama adorers are happy. We'll soon find out if he can walk the walk. We know he can talk the talk. And every one knows talk is cheap.
I wish Hussein all the best and hope he succeeds in repaying all the folks to whom he owes his election. Let's hope our new fearless leader can pull miracles from his turban, er, I mean hat, and remember the ignorant masses who elected him.

Lilith said...


Obama has always been better choice than Grandpa Munster and the Meth Whore from Wasilla.

Lilith said...


When is the wedding?

Levi and Bristol are now 18, when is this make believe wedding going to take place?

Hillbilly is, as Hillbilly does.

mike m said...

Hey genie,

How DARE you try to lay all this bullshit on the Dems. Have you been living under a rock? Obama is going to need a miracle after all the shit the reps have done. That's right, it's all their fault. I tried to warn people in 2000. This country is even more fucked up than when the first Bush left office. I know you have a short memory and don't know much about recent history. Tell me something. What's the value of your 401k. 40% less than a year ago? 50 %? That could not have been accomplished in 2 years. It's been 8 years of neglect. Besides, in the past two years the republican Senator's vocabulary consisted of one word: filibuster!
Sit down, shut the fuck up, and let someone show you how it's supposed to be done. Bush/Cheyney fucked this country so bad with all their buddies in Exxon/Mobile, Haliburton, Blackwater, etc, etc, etc. And all you republicans have nobody to blame but yourselves. YOU let him do it!!! I think maybe Bernie Madoff and his Bush appointee buddies at the SEC can help you get some of your 401k back. By the way, how are things in Kingston, Tenn? Clean up that giant shit yet? Yeah. Keep burning coal, baby.

The only reason the dem congress has a low rating is because they haven't been able to suppress Bush and his cronies. It's not what they have done, it's what they haven't done. I'll be the first to agree, Reid and Pelosi are weak whining spineless leaders. But all that is going to change. It seems to me, the dems gained even more seats in '08. You had your chance. I think you're just a nigger hater.

mike m said...


I heard a new poll that showed 80% of Americans are behind Obama. That puts you in that 20% of extremists. The Commies, Fascists, Anarchists and Racists. Good company!

mike m said...


Want to crash the wedding with me? I've got some good meth to get us in the door.

Anonymous said...

Well, well, well mike m.,

I have never respected your post because you come off as "It's my/our way or no way" attitude, self righteous, arrogant and smug and you accuse "everyone" who may disagree with you as "The Commies, Fascists, Anarchists and RACISTS".

Yet, I read at the end of one of your rants.........

The "N" word!?!

You just demonstrated in whole the kind of person you are!

And....attack me all you want, you will never be able to defend using that word....to me? You're just a pot to piss in!

mike m said...

What kind of person does that make me? Oh no, not a racist. Insensitive? Cruel? Mean and nasty? Hateful? Have I just lost any credibility I had because of one word? OHHHHHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I'm not afraid to use that word when it is appropriate (it very rarely is). There isn't a better attention grabber than that. You can't tell me that's not what genie is thinking. And you can't tell me there aren't a lot of "Americans" that feel that way towards our president. That's probably how you feel, but you're too much of a pussy to admit it. Instead you make snide little comments about his middle name and I'm sick of it. You have nothing substantive to say. If you disagreed with me with something that actually came out your head and not some regurgitated right wing propaganda, or lame character attack I would give your comments the respect they deserve. However, you comments are so shallow and ignorant, it seems the only way I can get through to you is by sensationalizing a word. Use your God given ability to think MAN! Be a credit to your screen name.

"It's my/our way or no way"
You're confusing me with George W. Bush (King Baby). You think I'm smug and arrogant. Maybe I am a little. But I give my opinion and then try to back it up. I tear down opposing points of view the same way. It's called an "argument". More specifically a "logical argument". I try to tear down all those "rigid ideologies" people get stuck on.

My sincere apologies to anyone whom I may have offended who is a direct descendant of slavery and/or segregation.

mike m said...

Oh, one more thing


Anonymous said...

Nice response! Keep making me look ignorant! You're doing a great job.

mike m said...

You make yourself look ignorant. C'mon, give me some meat to feast on. You know I live for this shit. Please, say something stupid.

mike m said...

You're not going to let me off that easy, are you? Tell me what you really THINK!

Anonymous said...

I don't really have to say anything stupid, you're doing it for me!

mike m said...

What's this? Reverse psychology? Wow! Maybe you're smarter than I thought.

Anonymous said...

...than the average Bear, BooBoo!


geniemaker said...

independent_thinker ~ you told mike m spot on. He talks out of both ends of his body. Must be some pretty bad white trash up around his neck of the woods.

mike m said...

There is a lot of white trash, and they are all racist, right wing idiots. I was on a job site over the summer when a famous black actor passed away, and I can't remember who it was. It will come to me some time later today. But anyway, this, gun toting, right wing drunken idiot hillbilly said, "that's one less vote for Obama".

Nice, huh? That's what I think about when I read all of your right wing propaganda.

And you are right that I talk out both sides. Some of what I say is bullshit. But at least it ain't ALL bullshit.

I'll give you an example of misleading, uninformed right wing propaganda... Ready? Here goes.

I was reading, on a right wing website, a challenge to the effects of global warming. Someone was trying to make the argument that sea levels will actually drop, not rise, as ice melts in the Arctic Circle. You know, when ice melts it actually takes up less volume. That is correct. What the author doesn't understand is that most of the melting ice is not presently displacing water. It is covering a land mass (Antarctica). Misleading or uninformed? Take your pick. Idiot or asshole?

Lilith said...


out again? didn't you take your pills from the people on their last round around the ward?


mike m said...

It seems those right wingers are up to their same old tricks again [Tricky Dick(s)]. It is my opinion that the right wingers told Chief Justice Roberts to intentionally screw up the oath. That way they (the RW) could turn around and say "Hey, he isn't really president", and put Bush/Cheney back in charge.

O.K. That's a stretch. But shouldn't the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court know what's written in the Constitution?

All right, all right. Maybe he was just nervous. Maybe being that close to a black man scared him a little.

clydene said...


This is so FUNNY!

"Maybe being that close to a black man scared him a little."

I haven't laughed this hard in a long time.



Anonymous said...

Mike m

Reading your posts I feel like I'm interrupting a group therapy session. I especially appreciate your references to the intelligence fitness gym, I am so sure they don't get it. I wouldn't waste my time taunting the baboons but you are obviously enjoying the catharsis.

Your sparring partners conjugate their plain dry profanity perfectly, must be american ijukay+d. Their perspective is so narrow and limited I can tell they have pointy heads. You know, like the Pope - or that other fine christian youth group, the KKK.
Speaking of the K, My favorite racist slur is 'conehead', because its misapplication in American culture by that brilliant canook Dan of A. reflects the total ignorance of the demographic it references. Too stoopit to be insulted, or to realize the disadvantage of repeatedly sharpening one's mind with Jesus' pencil sharpener. Don't know, don't want to know, their best rebuttal: "Nah, nah, nah".

I disagree with you about the auto industry bailout. How capitalism is supposed to work is based on the system of value, including the value of capital. If the auto makers act as the distressed businesses they are, they file Ch. 11 and restructure their debt with private capital until they weather the distressed period, then in exchange for their entrepreneurial effort, capital and risk, the PRIVATE INVESTORS who bailed them out receive their share of the profits then. If the incompetent ceo & board have so fucked up that they can't find investors then its a loser. There is absolutely no valid reason to throw taxpayers money at it, it just digs a deeper hole and drags more - in this case completely innocent - people down.

On that note, why is Nancy Pelosi flying around in a private jet when the American Machine is in the toilet under her misadministration? I would like to see the fed legislatures accept $1 for their salaries - including all the retired ones who got us into this clusterfuck.

SaveOurselves said...

Mojojo, it is indeed a catharsis when we get to hear from the elite of the contributors, as you've identified yourself to be with these erudite comments, replete with poetic conventions. Mike, Clydene and I have been relatively bored with the help we've received until now (didn't mean to leave others out, as there are some - Mojo, see the comments of Greg lately, so abundantly strewn with epic examples of intelligencia so vast, so cruel, that no man who has yet to hear them has lived to tell of it....I digress, Mojo. Welcome aboard! We look forward to hearing more from you.

mike m said...

Ind. Thk.

It's nice to see someone who at least referred to something in the title of the original post. I am referring to the word "elite". I'm not sure who you were referring to.
"So vast, so cruel"; I wasn't aware Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh were posting here. Fight fire with fire I always say. Beat them at their own game. Okay. Enough with the cheesy cliches.


We all know how Capitalism is "supposed" to work. Unfortunately, those in the big investment firms fucked everything up; including the banks. The banks were snookered into writing the bad mortgages by the investment companies. The government should have let them fail, and distributed their good investments to the banks as compensation. Instead, we got this:

{Gov.: "Here's some money. Now go make loans".

Banks: "We don't want your damn money, we don't want to be beholden to you. We don't need to make loans right now. We can survive without it."

Gov: You have to make loans. Especially to all those corporations that are propping up their bottom lines with credit. Like GM, Ford, Circuit City etc. They need it, desperately.

Banks: "Fuck you, and fuck them. It's their own God damned fault. And it's your fault for letting them, by not enforcing the regulations".

Gov.: "Don't tell us how to run the country. Now, you're going to take this money or we're going to shove it down your fucking throats!"

Banks: "All right, we'll take it. But we'll only take half."


Gov.: "What happened to all that money we gave you. Why haven't you been lending it out? Ford and GM are about to go out of business. You were supposed to loan that money out."

Banks: "We agreed to take your money. That's all. We didn't say what we were going to do with it. We didn't even want it in the first place. If Ford and GM are having problems, you give them the fucking money."

Gov.: "O.K. We will. But if you want anymore money, you're going to have to open up your books".

Banks: "Argh!"

mike m said...

Save ourselves

Sorry, I had you confused with somebody else. I THOUGHT it was too well written to be IT. You've been away awhile. Everything OK?

mike m said...

Don't expect too much from the Obama team anytime soon. It seems the White House computers are still running Windows '98. I guess if Bill Clinton wasn't elected, they would still be running DOS 3.01. It makes you wonder, how many problems could have been avoided, just by upgrading the computer systems. It's kind of scary to realize that our enemies were more technologically advanced then the White House.


mike m said...

Jenny said, when she was just about five years old
`You know, my parents are gonna be the death of us all
Two TV sets and two Cadillac cars
Well, you know, ain't gonna help me at all`

Then, one fine morning, she turns on a New York station
She doesn't believe what she hears at all
Ooh, she started dancin' to that fine, fine music
You know, her life was saved by rock'n'roll
Yeah, rock'n'roll

Despite all the computations
You could just dance to that rock'n'roll station
And baby, it was all right, yeah
Hey, it was all right
Hey, here she comes now

-Lou Reed

mike m said...


Well, I guess you were right about Osama Obama Hussein. Now we know where all that money came from. First, he ordered the closure of Gitmo. Where are all those inmates going to go? I guess they'll send them to Brooklyn or Queens. Maybe even Newark. Hell, I'd rather be in Gitmo than Newark. Then, and this is the topper, the first interview he gave as pres., was with an Arab Muslim news agency, Al Arabiya. I guess he cares more about the Muslims than Americans. He's going to be a "kindler, gentler" USA. He's going to coddle to all those terrorists, making us appear weak and ripe for the picking. Eventually, we will hand over Israel to the Palestinians. Hell, we'll even round up all the Jews in this country and send them to Lebanon. It's all becoming so clear to me now.


If you believe any of that shit I just wrote, you really are stupid. What you are seeing is an end to "Cowboy Diplomacy". An end to "shoot first, ask questions later". An end to "kill them all, let God sort it out", mentality.

If you think that type of diplomacy is wrong, answer me one question. When was the last time a bomb went off in Belfast?

Anonymous said...

Oh ok, America bad, enemy good!

They can kill us but, we can't touch them.

Got it!

clydene said...

Dear Independentthinker/Genie, etc.

Unfortunately, in your black/white analogy of the previous justice, or should I say injustice, system we exercised under the last 8 years, you don't seem to understand that we we go against the principles of freedom and justice for all we dilute our own legitimacy in being the world's largest democratic government.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

clydene said...

Dear Independentthinker/Genie, etc.

Unfortunately, in your black/white analogy of the previous justice, or should I say injustice, system we exercised under the last 8 years, you don't seem to understand that we we go against the principles of freedom and justice for all we dilute our own legitimacy in being the world's largest democratic government.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

clydene said...


The Geneva Convention should be amended to say that NO ONE should be sent to Newark as a form of punishment as it is inhumane. *wicked grin*

Anonymous said...

Yeah, you're right! It was a total injustice for us to imprison men who wanted us dead, defend ourselves against others who wanted us dead. What the hell were we thinking?

I say send the prisoners to Hollywood! That way, they can get into the movies and tell their story as to how we mistreated them in prison. Dang, Bill could have them on his show!

We are so much safer now! Gitmo's over, War's over so let's build that campfire now. Our enemy loves us now, the whole world loves us again!

Happy Day's are here again!

clydene said...

Dear Independent thinker....

Oh, so you have a Ouija Board or Crystal Ball that tells you who is guilty. Cool you should go work for our military. Oh, I forgot you can tell by their name or the color of their skin.

I suggest you read this story below on the BBC World News service of a man who was held for 6 years because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

BBC World Service has a very interesting interview of Juma Mohammed Al Dossary who was held by the US Government for 6 years never being charged. I thought it was an interesting interview that shows the extreme disconnection between a nation that is suppose to be the leader of the Western Democratic countries, a nation professing Freedom of Speech and based on the foundation of freedom and facilities in Guantanamo Bay.where people are/were being held without being charged. Not everyone here agrees with what is being done and it is a human rights violation.

This interview is just over 26 minutes and very eye opening.

Interview of Juma Mohammed Al Dossary


More about Guantanamo Bay


Inside Guantanamo Bay


Questions and Answers on Guantanamo Bay


mike m said...


You don't get it do you? Bush/Cheyney really fucked things up. You see, they came up with a new classification - "enemy combatant". They housed them outside the US so that they could be treated differently than US inmates. In other words, they wanted to MAKE THEM PAY! They were hunting "The Great White Whale". They overlooked the fact that with enemy combatants and prisoners of war, once the war/combat is over, they have to be set free. What they should have done from the beginning is, charge them as criminals under federal law. Then they could have locked them up in a federal Super Max prison and forgotten about them. This is just another Bush/Cheyney fuck up that someone has to clean up. That's what happens when you try to make up the rules as you go. Were they trying to protect this country? Yes. But they were so blinded by vengeance, they made things worse. So bad in fact, that now, most of them are probably going to have to be set free. Don't blame the cleaner, blame the person that made the mess.

You didn't answer my question about Belfast. You know, The Irish Republican Army (IRA)? For years the British government refused to negotiate with those terrorists. Bombs were going off every other day in Belfast and around Northern Ireland. British officials were being assassinated. The British were hunting them down like dogs in the streets to no avail. So, why hasn't a bomb gone off in Belfast for over 10 years? TELL ME!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Say that to the families of the 3000+ who died on 9/11.

Why don't you just invite some of them to live with you if you care so much about them?


The IRA, through intermediaries and its political wing, Sinn Fein, opened talks with the government of British Prime Minister John Major in the mid-1990s. These talks led to the announcement of an IRA cease-fire in 1997 and, through several setbacks, to a peace pact. In April 1998, former U.S. Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell helped broker the Good Friday accord, a landmark agreement among most of the main political parties in Northern Ireland, including Sinn Fein, and the British and Irish governments. Its signatories renounced violence, established a new Northern Ireland legislative body, increased cross-border ties, and freed prisoners. In October 2001, the IRA began "decommissioning" its arsenal—in effect disarming, an action the unionists have long demanded as proof of the IRA's commitment to peace and to pursuing a purely political strategy.

The 1998 accord was jeopardized in October 2002 as Unionists accused several members of Sinn Fein of involvement in an IRA spy ring. The British government suspended Northern Ireland's power-sharing government after Unionists announced they would not remain in government with Sinn Fein until the IRA "put its weapons beyond use" and renounced violence. Reacting to accusations by the British and Irish governments that it was involved in a December 2004 Belfast bank robbery, the IRA withdrew its disarmament offer in February 2005, but reinstated it in July 2005. Two months later, an independent arms decommissioning body verified that the IRA had, in its view, put all its weapons beyond use. In July 2006, the British and Irish governments indicated that they believed that the IRA had ceased all centrally organized criminal activities, and subsequent reports indicate that the IRA is continuing to take steps to wind down, and even oppose, its paramilitary operations stemming from its splinter groups.

hmmmmm...negotiating? Give the IRA what they want and let them take over.

hmmmmm....don't negotiate and rid them.

Tough decision.

mike m said...


Good. Did you copy that from Wiki?
If you did, and I know you didn't, you'd see this - "Having lost the civil war, this group remained in existence, with the intention of overthrowing both the Irish Free State and Northern Ireland and re-establishing the Irish Republic declared in 1919." I guess the British did give them exactly what they wanted. If someone with your train of thought was in power, we, if any, would be living in a post nuclear war world. Negotiation is the backbone of diplomacy. Kahn, Napoleon, Hitler etc.; those intent on world domination abandoned diplomacy for brute force.


You have no idea about Newark. I've done a few jobs there. If a dog took a huge shit in the middle of the sidewalk, it would be an overall improvement to the city.

And to all you people out there who have never had to directly deal with the threat of terrorism - I've done a few jobs in the Prudential building in Newark. One before 9-11, and one after. In fact, it was just after that so called terrorist "wish list" came out, and the Prud. bldg was at the top of it. Ever had a bomb sniffing dog go through your truck? I didn't think so.

clydene said...


What about the 500,000 Iraqi men women and children we killed and the 2.5 million we have displaced who are now living in tents in Syria with no clean water or sewage treatment. I guess we need to explain to them because their skin is brown and they don't worship the way we do, that their lives are subject to death at the whim of the US Government for made up stories of weapons of mass destruction.

If you read the stories on the BBC you will see that we imprisoned people with out due process of law and tortured them violating the Geneva Convention innocent people who had nothing to do with 911. But we should be able to do this because they don't look like us and they don't have names like ours. Now these cases will be thrown out of court because many of the "confessions" were obtained through torture.

Read more, watch TV less.

Anonymous said...


Would be nice if terrorist groups only existed for about a week and had no agenda. Dang!

Is Hitler still in power?

And if it was a "so-called" terrorist wish list(?) then, no biggie on your part. It wasn't real!

Furthermore, I don't even know why I respond to terrorist supporters and America haters. I don't rely on "foreign press" to get my news.

Bill will be back soon and everyone can start kissing ass again.


mike m said...

And what the hell do you know about the 9-11 families. A vast majority of them, and residents of NYC in general, the ones who actually lived through 9-11, opposed all of the Bush/Cheyney policies. They overwhelmingly supported Kerry in 2004. What do you know that they don't? What do you know, that they didn't live through? I guess you know what's "best" for them. I don't see any terrorists talking about blowing up some corn field in Iowa. Or a hog farm in North Carolina. How dare you try to speak to those of us who actually have to deal with this on a regular basis?

clydene said...


Yes we know you listen to Rush and the Savage Nation and are devoted to Fox News.


HOW DARE YOU call me an American Hater and a Terrorist Supporter. I detest violence in any form and terrorism is the worst type of violence known to man, but I also detest institutionalized terror, which is something that we as Americans have supported by our acceptance of the last 8 years.

I also detest that we have been lied to by our President and his administration. If you really want to know why were are protected why not look up WildFire.

mike m said...

No, Hitler is not in power anymore. The people he refused to deal with, defeated him. He was the one who abandoned diplomacy, like you want us to do, and he was defeated. What does that tell you?

Did you ever hear of a "hostage negotiator"? Most law enforcement agencies have one or two. Do you know their function. If you refuse to negotiate with a hostage taker, you can be guaranteed that the hostages WILL be killed. If we refuse to negotiate with Iran, it is guaranteed that they WILL have a nuclear weapon before long. If anything, negotiating will at least postpone that. We can't dominate the world and make everybody do what we want them to do. As much as we would like to think that, it's just not possible. The more we try to force our will on other sovereign nations, the more they will push back.

mike m said...


Just ignore the snarks. They are just intellectual laziness.


This guy was just on NPR today talking about his new book. Very informative. I think NPR is still a domestic news agency.

mike m said...

What is snark? You recognize it when you see it -- a tone of teasing, snide, undermining abuse, nasty and knowing, that is spreading like pinkeye through the media and threatening to take over how Americans converse with each other and what they can count on as true. Snark attempts to steal someone's mojo, erase her cool, annihilate her effectiveness. In this sharp and witty polemic, New Yorker critic and bestselling author David Denby takes on the snarkers, naming the nine principles of snark -- the standard techniques its practitioners use to poison their arrows. Snarkers like to think they are deploying wit, but mostly they are exposing the seethe and snarl of an unhappy country, releasing bad feeling but little laughter.

mike m said...


Although some of the detainees at Gitmo probably were not involved in terrorism, you can almost be guaranteed they will be after they are released. This is a real problem. Like I said, they should have just tried them in federal court as criminals from the beginning, and locked up the real terrorists in a Super Max. Have you ever seen any documentaries on the federal super maxes? I was in one of the worst county jails in the country, and it's nothing compared to them.

Anonymous said...

Kumbaya my lord, kumbaya
Kumbaya my lord, kumbaya
Kumbaya my lord, kumbaya
Oh lord, kumbaya

Someones(Obama) singing lord, kumbaya
Someones singing lord, kumbaya
Someones singing lord, kumbaya
Oh lord, kumbayah

Someones(Osama) laughing, lord, kumbaya
Someones laughing, lord, kumbaya
Someones laughing, lord, kumbaya
Oh lord, kumbaya

Someones(Blago) crying, lord, kumbaya
Someones crying, lord, kumbaya
Someones crying, lord, kumbaya
Oh lord, kumbaya

Someones(America) praying, lord, kumbaya
Someones praying, lord, kumbaya
Someones praying, lord, kumbaya
Oh lord, kumbaya

Someones(Congress) sleeping, lord, kumbaya
Someones sleeping, lord, kumbaya
Someones sleeping, lord, kumbaya
Oh lord, kumbaya
Oh lord, kumbaya

just being "snarky"

mike m said...

Thank you for admitting defeat. I won't gloat. Except to say - Someone once said, "Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer."

Let me say, I think the government learned their lesson. Right now, there are a half dozen or so rogue terrorists on trial in New Jersey for planning to attack Fort Dix. They are being tried as criminals, not enemy combatants. They will be found guilty and sentenced to a very long prison term, and we can forget about them while they are sitting in a super max or Trenton State Prison. That's how the Gitmo inmates should have been handled in the beginning. We are a nation of laws. And if we can't follow our own laws, then no one else will. The people who want to break these laws are the real America haters. This is NOT The Soviet Union. We will not become the "Evil Empire", that the terrorists would like to define us as. They will have a fair trial, and they will go to prison. But only through due process of law. It's what distinguishes us from them, and makes this country great. Ben Franklin said, "Anyone willing to sacrifice freedom for security, deserves neither."

mike m said...

"The word should go out to any other would-be terrorists of the homegrown variety that the United States will find you, infiltrate your group, prosecute you and send you to a federal prison for a very long time," said acting United States Attorney Ralph Marra Jr.

mike m said...

As for the Fort Dix Six. They lived in Cherry Hill, NJ. I lived in the Haddonfield/Cherry Hill area for over 30 years. It is a mostly white, middle to upper middle class suburb of Philadelphia. It is comprised of many small and medium sized businesses. The tax burden is high, but the standard of living is high. Our local banks are not failing. Our property values are not falling nearly as much as the national average, nor is our unemployment near the national average. We have no large corporations controlling our destiny, at least not to the extent of other areas in the country. We work hard and are successful. We are mostly liberal democrats. We know how to get things done. We convicted a group of terrorists with good old fashioned rule of law. They will no longer be a problem. Tell that to all your Texas justice buddies.

Yes, they were tried in federal court, but the jury pool was comprised of local area residents of Camden County.

kumbaya, BABY!


SaveOurselves said...

Guys, you should know by now that you cannot ever hope to get I.T./Genie/whatever name they choose to call themselves for the sake of mistaken identity (a ruse for insecurity and ignorance hiding)to admit they are conspirators in a cause that is ruining our country. They are more concerned with the appearance of being right than they are in knowing whether they are or not. The level of self-confidence is so outrageously arrogant that is elimintates the possibility of knowledge acquisition. Let them speak in tongues of idiocy....let them speak to themselves. Let them pass......ever ever on.

Anonymous said...

HaHa SaveOurselves, that's too funny but, I believe you have it backwards.

It's the shear "hate and loathing" from the Left towards the Right that is ruining this country and has been since 2003. The arrogance stems from your side of the isle with the "I am right and you are wrong so, shut-up attitude".

HaHa, you crack me up! Also, aren't you behind a keyboard also?

mike m said...

"It's the shear "hate and loathing" from the Left towards the Right that is ruining this country and has been since 2003."

I thought the left were a bunch of peace loving "kumbaya" hippie, flower children (according to you). Which is it? The latter are not capable of the former.

You can't even make up your own mind without consulting Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh or Bill O'Reilly, for the snark of the day.

Yeah, talk about hate and loathing.

I see all that starting in 1992 with the election of that pot smoking, draft dodging womanizer, Bill Clinton. Who, by the way, was only elected because of the spoiler Ross Perot. Like James Carville says, "I don't know what part of the Clinton presidency the right doesn't like. The peace or the prosperity." I guess it was the fact that he got a hummer from a chubby intern. Just look at the state of the Union. First, when Bush 41 left after 4 (recession), then when Clinton left after 8 (balanced budget), and then when Bush 43 left after 8 (depression).

I think it's just shear jealousy on the right towards the left. C'mon, get with the program.

clydene said...

SaveOurSelves and Mike,

I think IT/Geniemaker/etc is a plant by someone, NO ONE could be that ill informed and stupid at the same time. I mean they would have to be living in a trailer park with only a radio for information and go to the library to post messages, or maybe live in Alaska in Wasilla, and work in Juno. he he he

mike m said...

Personally, I prefer Fear and Loathing, In Las Vegas.

Hunter S. Thompson
Gonzo journalism, BABY!

clydene said...

SaveOurSelves and Mike,

I think IT/Geniemaker/etc is a plant by someone, NO ONE could be that ill informed and stupid at the same time. I mean they would have to be living in a trailer park with only a radio for information and go to the library to post messages, or maybe live in Alaska in Wasilla, and work in Juno. he he he

mike m said...


Yeah, it's probably Bill's writing staff looking for some material for the new season. We are intentionally being poked and prodded.

mike m said...

HEY! I want royalties! Or at least acknowledgment.

mike m said...

How about tickets for the show. And travel and accommodations.

Anonymous said...

Good job proving my point!

SaveOurselves said...

(TW)IT, I'm trying to teach a class of kids not to grow up to stay stupid like you. And, yes, I am behind a keyboard at the moment, Dork! What has that to do with it?

Anonymous said...

I rest my case!

mike m said...

It seems that Rupert Murdoch (I always think of Rupert Pupkin, the main character in the movie "The King of Comedy") the founder of Fox TV and Fox News, the man who denounced his citizenship to Australia, has conceded. At the summit going on in Switzerland he agreed that these are exigent circumstances, concerning the world economy, and that government needs to take immediate action. I guess greed trumps ideology.

mike m said...

On a more positive note:

I caught this on CNBC this morning before I left for work.

There's been talk of nationalizing the banking system in this country in order to deal with all the bad assets. At least temporarily. Apparently, the Obama economic team has come up with an idea. They want to create a "bad bank". A place for all the banks to "dump" their bad loans. This, theoretically, will free up money for the banks to loan. I didn't catch any details on exactly how it would work, so I can't express an opinion, yet. But, on the surface, it at least, seems better than having to nationalize the banks.

mike m said...


GEORGE W. BUSH has been ruining this country, not the left's attitude. Bush was the one with the power. He abused it. The right has been in the driver's seat for too long now. It's time for them to get in the backseat and let someone else drive for a while! You guys just can't handle not being in control. Sit down and take a nap for a while. "Take your shoes off". We'll wake you if things get out of control.

SaveOurselves said...

IT, your case has been resting, empty I'm afraid, for a long time.
Keep replying... as the case gets emptier and emptier and emptier

geniemaker said...

IT ~ "Oh ok, America bad, enemy good!

They can kill us but, we can't touch them.

Got it!"

Well said, fellow patriot

Anonymous said...

If all of the "hate and attacks" the left have spewed towards fellow Americans and our President had been directed towards "the Enemy", this war would have ended a long time ago. Their hate emboldened the ones who want us dead.

More hate to follow this post therefore, I rest my case again!

mike m said...


Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire! If you want "peace", and "goodwill" then denounce Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh
And quit whining. I think I'm going to puke.

I know we need destroy the "axis of evil". But even the Washington Times, (not Post, you do know the difference, right?) said that it is imperative we begin negotiating with Iran. I guess the left got to them too. Don't forget about the 74% of American Jews who also believe that. I guess, however, it would be easier just to nuke the bastards, right? Hey, I said that a long time ago, seriously. But no, we had to invade Iraq instead. That only strengthened Iran. You Big Dummy. We invaded the wrong country. Well, it's too late to do anything about that. Now, we have no choice, but to negotiate with Iran. Somebody really fucked up, don't you think? Oh, I guess it was that 2 years of a democratic Congress.

mike m said...


Well right about that time, people,
A Governor
Who was strictly from Wasilla
(Strictly Commershil)
Had the unmedicated audacity to jump up from behind my igaloo
(Peek-a-Boo Woo-ooo-ooo)
And she started in to whippin' on my fav'rite baby seal
With a pair of red naughty monkey heels . . .
I said:
With a red
A RED-HEELED snow shoe
She said Peak-a-boo

She went right up side the head of my favorite baby seal
She went WHAP!
With a red heeled snow shoe
An' she hit him on the nose 'n she hit him on the fin 'n she . . .
That got me just about as evil
As an Eskimo boy can be . . . so I bent down 'n I reached down 'n I scooped down
An' I gathered up a generous mitten full of the deadly . . .
The deadly Yellow Snow from right there where the huskies go
Whereupon I proceeded to take that mitten full
Of the deadly Yellow Snow Crystals
And rub it all into her beady little eyes
With a vigorous circular motion
Hitherto unknown to the people on this area,
But destined to take the place of THE MUD SHARK
In your mythology
Here it goes now . . .
THE CIRCULAR MOTION . . . (rub it) . . .
(Here Fido . . . Here Fido)
And then, in a fit of anger, I . . .
I pounced
And I pounced again
I jumped up 'n down on the chest of the . . .
I injured the Governor
Well, she was very upset, as you can understand
And rightly so
The deadly Yellow Snow Crystals
Had deprived her of her sight
And she stood up
And she looked around
And she said:
(DO . . . DO DO-DO DO DO DO . . . YEAH!)
(DO . . . DO DO-DO DO DO DO . . . YEAH!)
(DO . . . DO DO-DO DO DO DO . . . YEAH!)
(DO . . . DO DO-DO DO DO DO . . . WELL!)
NO . . . I . . .
She took a dog-doo sno-cone
An' stuffed it in my right eye
She took a dog-doo sno-cone
An' stuffed it in my other eye
An' the huskie wee-wee,
I mean the doggie wee-wee
Has blinded me
An' I can't see
Well the Governor
Stood there
With her arms outstretched
Across the frozen white wasteland
Trying to figure out what she's gonna do
About her deflicted eyes
And it was at that precise moment that she remembered
An ancient Eskimo legend
Wherein it is written
On whatever it is that they write it on up there
That if anything bad ever happens to your eyes
As a result of some sort of conflict
With anyone named Nanook
The only way you can get it fixed up
Is to go trudgin' across the tundra . . .
Mile after mile
Trudgin' across the tundra . . .
Right down to the parish of Saint Alfonzo . . .

Decided to have a little fun with an old Frank Zappa classic

Anonymous said...

How mature!

clydene said...

Speaking of Ann Coulter...someone should check under her skirt to see what she is packing or at least get a strand of her hair to see if she has the Y chromosome. She sounds like and looks like a man in drag, or something.

Anonymous said...

hmmmmm...You're talking about one of Bill's best friends!

Sure he loves that!

mike m said...

It wasn't meant to mature. It was meant to be funny!

If you want mature, listen to this, when you have some time. Click on the little "play button" under hour 1.


Who is Marty Moss-Coane?


mike m said...

I was always suspicious of Ann's gender. But I also think that Bill's been nailin' that.

Cute couple like Carville and what's her name.

Alison said...

The election of 2008 was a buzz topic of everyone in the country. From the beginning heated debates within party lines, then later months before election day, parties went head to head. Opinions could be heard everywhere, at every time of the day. Through the use of a web log, Bill Maher was able to introduce thoughts to people all times. He mixes his strong, points of view with his brash brand of humor. On this blog he adds clips from his past form of mass communication “Real Time with Bill Maher”. And while he hasn’t posted since before the election, I’m hoping he’ll return with insights on the Obama administration soon.
A reader who favors the elephant will think Maher's comments snide and ruthless. However, in every debate he is a man who is not afraid to ask the taboo questions or ruffle a few feathers. If you sway to the left in the political swing, you will feel right at home on his personal jabs on the nation’s leading politicians. He does not discriminate, yet has a grand old time pointing out the ugly truths about conservative’s lives. No one is safe, not Sarah Palin’s pregnant teenage daughter, to George W. Bush’s past problems with alcohol. The political arena is not his only topic. He pronounces thoughts on the Olympics, and tributes a passing comedic icon, George Carlin.
His weblog entry that I have taken to the most is one concerning why people are not voting for Barack Obama. During this time in September, the Republican Party was attacking Mr. Obama for being an elitist, and looking down on his fell man in rural parts of town. Maher takes a direct hit at their accusations. “Admit it, you're not voting for him because he's smarter than you.” He later goes on to showcase Barack Obama’s long list of accomplishments in school, while pegging the complainer of intelligence as a discount shopper, and menial laborer. Not that all conservatives fit into that description, but during the campaign, John McCain’s people wanted the nation to think that the Democratic Party didn’t know who those people were. Bill Maher states that he believes that we live in a nation full of self-centered who like to see themselves in office.* Yet, in a country with such vast differences as this, that is a hope the country can rarely entertain. Instead, we look for someone who is empathetic and can understand the problems that face everyone. Moreover, we (the white race) still believe we represent what is best for a nation, and cannot entertain that thought anymore than we can living on the moon.
As evident in his movie "Religulous" Bill Maher likes to probe his audience to think about unimaginable possibilities. He wants to unite and give a voice to freethinkers of the nations. Any entry on his page is furthering that dream.

SaveOurselves said...

Cly and MikeM, call me please! We have to talk... Conference call! Look for my email. I'm incredulous!!!

Anonymous said...

Someones laughing, lord, kumbaya
Someones laughing, lord, kumbaya
Someones laughing, lord, kumbaya
Oh lord, kumbaya

geniemaker said...

mike are you an idiot? "bad bank" is Obama speak for government controlled banking system.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I hope that "new car" pork for the congress goes to GM and the contract employees who help build them.

Give me a FUCKING BREAK! How many people "need" cars? and Obama wants Congress (all)to have brand spankin' new fuckin' cars but will it go back to our middle class hard workers.(out of "his" stimulus package"?)

Are we not in a dollar crunch.....

Conference call please.....cly, mike m, saveourselves....answer please...

Oh, Fine Arts...let's not leave them out....Sean Penn needs that erection to make himself honorable among fellow Americans. Gay, Straight, we are all here for each other...yeah, right! Screw the right, I am GOD according to "Yo, Mista Hand"!

STD....you screw without protection....don't worry, the government is protecting you.....

We Are sooooooooooooooo screwed

Bill Maher, You are the King Of Slime!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome back even tho I won't be watching.....

Anonymous said...

genie...don't you know we live in a "stupid is a stupid does" society now?

Mike m, cly, save,

Bring it on....I love every minute of it!!!!! the hate, love it.....xoxoxoxoxo

Now Bill, get our asses on your show...You want true debate from average Joes....oops...I'm not a plumber,

I'm a frickin......never tell......

mike m said...


So, you think this "bad bank" scheme is just a plan to eventually take over all the banks, huh? What you don't seem to understand is, things are so bad that the government doesn't need a scheme. They could walk in, right now, and take over Citi and BOA if they wanted. Geitner already said he's not going to do it. You are so paranoid. It's not Nixon or Carter running things anymore. Even the Right's beloved Rupert Murdoch thinks something needs to be done. I guess Obama got to him also. It's like "Invasion of the Body Snatchers". There must be some sort of Obama disease spreading across the country. Better watch out, it might get you next. It seems the only way to avoid the "Obama Disease" is to keep clinging to those rigid ideologies, the Evangelical religious beliefs, and guns.

I am not an idiot. I have not formulated an opinion as of yet. The details have not yet been released. If you've been reading what I've written, you would know I favor breaking up the big banks and distributing their assets to the smaller banks, at least what's left of them. The only reason Citi and BOA are so big, is because they bought up most of the little banks, trying to eliminating the competition, and increase their bottom line. Yes, I'm in favor of Competition Laws. Unfortunately, the Bush administration has taken the teeth out of Antitrust legislation by moving enforcement from the Judiciary to the Commerce Department. Yet another Bush, fuck the little guy, policy. But, it's not really about screwing the little guy, it's about World Domination.

mike m said...

Charlie Freak had but one thing to call his own
Three weight ounce pure golden ring no precious stone
Five nights without a bite
No place to lay his head
And if nobody takes him in
He'll soon be dead
On the street he spied my face I heard him hail
In our plot of frozen space he told his tale
Poor man, he showed his hand
So righteous was his need
And me so wise I bought his prize
For chicken feed

Newfound cash soon begs to smash a state of mind
Close inspection fast revealed his favorite kind
Poor kid, he overdid
Embraced the spreading haze
And while he sighed his body died
In fifteen ways

When I heard I grabbed a cab to where he lay
'Round his arm the plastic tag read D.O.A.
Yes Jack, I gave it back
The ring I could not own
Now come my friend I'll take your hand
And lead you home

-Donald Fagen

Anonymous said...

I believe someone protest too much!

You guys crack me up!

Just let History tell the real story!

by the way, Bush wasn't the one that caused all of this crap (financially and gas) 2002....wanted congress to drill....NO say the Dems.

2005....Bush wants Fannie Mae and Freddie regulated....NO say the Dems.

I for one, was doing much better in 2006 then,...and who took control?

You guys are so fast at spewing your hate, you don't know which hole to piss out of!

mike m said...

"....wanted congress to drill....NO say the Dems."

- All Bush had to do was release the strategic oil reserves, but Exxon/Mobil said NO!!!!!! It was the individual states that said no to off shore drilling, and continue to do so. They know one small accident could ruin their economy that is so dependent on tourism.

As far as Fannie and Freddie - I've already shot down that argument, with the help of some in depth reporting from 60 Minutes and National Public Radio. See - mortgage backed securities, credit default swaps and derivatives. Keep watching Fox news and be entertained instead of informed. Let people tell you want you WANT to hear, rather than what you NEED to hear. OK. Maybe you get your information and opinions from groups like the Heritage Foundation. Well informed, but extremely antiquated. Under normal conditions I would probably agree with many of the things they say. But these are not "normal" conditions. If the government doesn't step in and do something, this depression could last for ten years. You may be secure in your situation. But as conditions erode for the rest of the country, eventually, so will yours. You know, nobody wants to have to do all this shit, but if we don't do something, this country will spiral into an abyss so deep, the Saudis won't be able to get us out. I put a lot of well deserved blame on the Bush administration and their lack of oversight and enforcement. There's plenty of blame to be placed on the big investment firms. But they were just doing what businesses do; take advantage of a situation. If businesses could get away with charging more for their products and services, they would. If they could get away with paying lower skilled workers less, they would. (that's why there are so many illegal workers in this country.) They only care about one thing - MONEY! The government needs to temper that greed towards what is good for the entire country or region. Otherwise, the rich would keep getting richer and the poor would get poorer, and the middle class would be divided. Most probably winding up in the latter. Anybody with half of a brain in their head can see the mistakes of the Bush administration. But it means nothing if we don't learn from them.

mike m said...

"The government needs to temper that greed towards what is good for the entire country or region."

I feel I need to expound on this statement.

I'm not saying government needs to completely control businesses. They just need to provide a steering mechanism. They actually have a very good one; tax incentives/disincentives. They are just not using it properly.


Many saw the mortgage/credit crisis coming. (Although, nobody thought it would have a snowball effect on the entire economy.) All the government had to do was place a small tax on mortgage backed securities trades. This would have made it slightly less profitable, eliminating the size of the investor demand, and the banks would have not written so many "bad" loans to satisfy this demand.

The government also needs to ensure fairness in a free market.

"Every violation of the antitrust laws is a blow to the free-enterprise system envisaged by Congress. This system depends on strong competition for its health and vigor, and strong competition depends, in turn, on compliance with antitrust legislation. In enacting these laws, Congress had many means at its disposal to penalize violators. It could have, for example, required violators to compensate federal, state, and local governments for the estimated damage to their respective economies caused by the violations. But, this remedy was not selected. Instead, Congress chose to permit all persons to sue to recover three times their actual damages every time they were injured in their business or property by an antitrust violation."

- US Supreme Court (2004)

(It was after this ruling the Bush administration moved enforcement from judiciary to commerce, making it easier for large corporations to buy out smaller businesses and form mergers between the larger ones, eliminating, fairness and competition.)

Without fairness in a free market economy, large corporations would be able to merge and buy into a single entity. One corporation for each sector.

Exxon/Mobil - energy

ConAgra/ADM - food

Ryan Homes - housing

Verizon Wireless - communication

Comcast - Cable TV, internet access

and so on and so on and so on.

mike m said...


I'll be awaiting your usual pithy little snark. Do me a favor. If you disagree with what I've said, form an "argument" to state why.

SaveOurselves said...

YOU GO, MIKE! Tell that Geniemamba to put his money where his mouth is...If he can get his pants undone. He's probably as fat as Limbaugh; his mouth is certainly as cavernous!

SaveOurselves said...

Mike, you know if any of the greedy bastards that are for billion dollar parachutes to land on private islands of retirement were for fairness, the sky would crack. It doesn't have to be socialism, just people caring about one another as much as they care about themselves. Since that will never happen, what's the point of all this crackpot competition. We're DOOMED I say....We're fucked, we're doomed! Yes, if it's hate you want, Genie and IT....GO FUCK YOURSELVES. You're a couple of real stinkers.

Anonymous said...


"l'expérience a montré que les hommes sont plus disposés à
souffrent, tandis que les maux sont sufferable, que de droit par eux-mêmes l'abolition de la forme à laquelle ils sont habitués. Mais quand un long train d'abus et d'usurpations, poursuivant invariablement le même objet manifeste une conception pour les réduire en vertu de
despotisme absolu, il est leur droit, il est de leur devoir, à jeter de ce gouvernement, et de fournir de nouvelles protections pour les sécurité future."

La Déclaration d'indépendance américaine

Comme l'a dit Lewis Black, tous les républicains suffit Hummers.


I see a series of policies and artificial dams in the ecosystem implanted & maintained by the status quo in order to maintain their affluence, regardless of competence. The banks weren't succkered, they were in on it.

An honest day's work is a good thing if you get an honest days pay; I find the only way this ever happens is when I work for myself. I suggest you start practicing the barter system; the cash isn't worth the fire & mold-proof denim its printed on.

Win98, what idiot did they give our money to to set that up? Fedora is free & runs on NSA secured code; you would think the left hand would stop playing with the genitalia long enough to notice what the right hand is doing.

www.loureed.com is an awesome website & Lou keeps it fresh. I like 'Songs For Drella' best, I think the technical excellence of it was a tribute to their friend.

mike m said...

Hey everybody,

This is important. Read this article from the local newspaper. (You have to copy and paste each line).


Gallo GMC has been a local dealer for commercial vehicles in the area for the past 40 years. This is not some "fly by night" operation. No cars, just trucks. Everybody that needed a work truck in the area, went to Gallo. I bought my truck from them. I am friends with the founder's son, who is a private mechanic. They run a fair and honest business.

Now, GMAC has changed their policies, and Gallo can no longer comply. So, instead of working with them, they just came and seized the vehicles. Imagine, a dealer who was actually selling GM vehicles, only to have their inventory repossessed. What the hell are they thinking? And yes, GMAC did get TARP money in addition to the money loaned to GM. And GMAC repays the community by practically putting a successful dealer out of business. This is a disgrace beyond comprehension. Do you think a nationalized bank would have done this? Something REAL has to be done. No more pussyfooting. Either nationalize these banks, or seize their assets and sell them off to the smaller banks.

mike m said...

So IT,

You think you're safe and secure in your situation? As more small businesses fail, property values decline. You're home is your biggest single investment. So, along with you're 401k losing value, so is you're home. So, what do the republicans want to do? Provide more tax breaks for the big corporations. They want to reward them for their bad behavior. What's that? You say some of those tax breaks will go to small businesses? What good is a tax break to a small business if they're not making any money in the first place? I guess Exxon/Mobil should get another huge tax break on top of their $45 BILLION in profits last year. Can't you see how the big business doesn't care at all about you or me. Trickle down DOES NOT WORK! Unless it's running down your leg. Is it fair that the top tax brackets are only paying about 20%, while you and I pay 35%? And we need to give them more? Is it fair that after about $80,000 of income SSI tax is no longer required, even though a retired person with a $250,000 pension can still collect? Can't you see how you are getting screwed? Can you see why we will eventually move to a Socialist government as more and more Americans are disenfranchised?

mike m said...

"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution."

-Albert Einstein

mike m said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Politics is a big steamy pile:

"Everyone wants to live at the expense of the state. They forget that the state wants to live at the expense of everyone."

- Frederic Bastiat

Happy said...

More tax cuts say the GOP.

That would be good if we had a "growth" problem. Cut taxes to reduce overhead to allow companies to expand.

However, the problem is cash/credit. Companies are laying off workers because the demand for their goods/services is not there. Over 500,000/month. 6.1 million collecting unemployment. About 1.5 on the federal extension, meaning they've been unemployed for more than 26 weeks.

"We want to make sure what we do works", say the GOP.

The problem is nobody knows what will work. NOBODY! Not even the wise and all knowing GOP. It must be such a burden being omnipotent.

mike m said...

I've been having technical problems with this blog.

mike m said...

I have no idea how my post showed up as Mike instead of mike m.

Anonymous said...

I am so excited!! Obama had the charges dropped against Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, USS Cole bombing suspect.

I say "LET THEM ALL GO" they are human beings for God's Sake! Don't keep them behind bars, let them live a full exploding life!

Is there no justice in this world? Putting guys like this behind walls and under the supervision of the US Military, that is out outrageous!

Go Obama! I want a date with you!

mike_m....are we suffering from multiple personality disorder?

mike m said...

mike_m....are we suffering from multiple personality disorder?"

Please explain.

Unfortunately, we are a nation of laws. It would be nice if we had one Supreme Leader who could just make them up as we go along. And it would be really great if we could lock up anyone we wanted for whatever reason. You said" it yourself - "USS Cole bombing suspect." Emphasis on suspect. It is extremely easy to place suspicion on someone. It is much more difficult to prove guilt. I guess it could be argued that we need not concern ourselves with rules when dealing with non-citizens. So, does that mean we need a different set of rules for non-citizens? Should we be allowed to just pick up any non citizen for whatever reason and hold them indefinitely? Who is going to make that determination? You? Me? W? Maybe we can resurrect Saddam, and let him make the determination. He was pretty good at it when dealing with the Shia. Do you really trust the government? Don't you think it should be decided by a judge and jury? People a hell of a lot worse, and more of threat than this guy walk everyday in this country. But we can take solace in the fact that this is a protection of everybody's rights. What happens if you are falsely accused by somebody you pissed off? Should you get a fair trial, or should we just take your word for it? Or should you be locked up? What if you pissed off your neighbor, and for payback she went to the police and said you molested her son? People do that kind of shit. I threw out an ex and she went went to the police and said I hit her and had a gun. I did have a gun, but I didn't hit her. I spent that night in jail. But I got my day in court, and she didn't bother to show up. So, the charges were dismissed, but I never did get my gun back.

I don't think this guy should have just been released. But don't blame Obama for following the rules. Blame W for not. If he would have handled this properly, from the beginning, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, I blame Bush for protecting your sorry ass!

I know, everything Obama does wrong it will be Bush's fault. That's a given.

Time will tell so stay in your shell! Who knows, they may be coming to live next to you! Hopefully you never come face to face with an American Victims family member who knows how you feel about the poor terrorist!

mike m said...

How I feel about the poor terrorist? I say lock them up, but do it right! And yes, they do live next to me, dummy. I guess you didn't read my post on the Fort Dix Six. They are going to prison for the rest of their lives, because they were treated as criminals. Unlike the people that W locked up - enemy combatants. There's a right way, and a wrong way! Perhaps you could show me some evidence that this person was a terrorist. Something, anything. Oh, I forgot. He's Arab. He MUST be a terrorist. Those fucking people don't have any more right to live than the fucking Negros, or Beaners. Hey, I know! Let's invade a country and kill their leaders for no reason. That will protect us for sure! Oh. I forgot. We're trying to spread democracy. We say we're trying to spread democracy, but we can't even follow our own rules. That's gives us immense credibility with the people we are trying to "liberate".

Look. All I'm saying is that if we are going to do something, fucking, DO IT RIGHT! Don't make this country look like a bunch of fucking idiots and assholes. Every other country in the world laughs at us because of our health insurance system. Denied, denied, denied. That's all the HMOs know how to say. I'm not trying to trash America, I'm saying FUCKING DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!! But republicans say "everything is fine. Just listen to us." Yes, it's going to be difficult and painful, but we will be better off in the long run. I know, it's just so damn hard! It's too much work. Meanwhile, the HMOs are pumping millions of dollars into their campaign funds. And after they get defeated in their reelection bid, they get jobs as lobbyists for those companies with seven figured salaries. Hell, after the first Bush, Ceyney was rewarded with the CEO position at Haliburton. Can't you see something is really wrong.

The Bush people did do one thing right. They took their money and exposed their fund raising scams. But, you know, a lot of their money still comes from rich Saudis. Where do the Saudis get their money? Yeah, that's right - OIL.
Something we don't really need, but because we're greedy and lazy, we'll keep buying it. And if you think drilling off the coast is going to supply our needs, you are either really stupid, or really gullible. But we Americans would rather fund terrorism than spend more money for synthetic fuel or electric cars.

Anonymous said...

You have got to be "fucking" kidding me!

mike m said...

Did I say Americans actually fund terrorism? All we need to do is follow the money. If it's true that terrorists get money from rich Saudis, (individuals, not necessarily the government) then where do these individuals get their money? Are they not the beneficiaries of Saudi government spending? Isn't Bin Laden's father one of those beneficiaries? He owns a construction company. How many of his contracts are for the Saudi government? How many workers does he pay with government money? How many of these workers donate to questionable organizations? We know that the Saudi government gets all their money from oil, right?

It's an interesting concept that we Americans might indirectly be funding terrorism. All because of our addiction to oil.

So, if this is true, and I challenge you to prove me wrong, wouldn't it be in our own best interest to stop using oil? We have the technology. All we need is the will.

If it costs $2.00/gallon for petro diesel, and $2.50/gallon for biodiesel, which is actually better for America? Does the US government need to place a "floating" tax on petro diesel? God forbid, the government should raise taxes. Why should "I" have to pay more taxes. What is the government going to do with "my" taxes. "I", "me", "my". What about "we", "us" and "our"? Am "I" better off, or our "we" better off? I think that document says "We the people".

There's another interesting concept. Solidarity. But, it seems there are very powerful forces at work here. Forces that want this country divided. And it all falls on this "adversarial" system of government that we have.

mike m said...

I used solidarity as a term for unity of the middle class. I am not trying to promote Socialism, or Catholicism.

Anonymous said...

I guess Bin Ladens father would be a beneficiary if he weren't dead. I guess they should just shut down the business because you can't tell people what to do with their money, especially the Saudi's!

Stop using Oil? Okay, everyone buy a new horse and buggy and buy super thick blankets for the winter. I also didn't know that it was a "bad" thing for anyone on this planet to make money.

Terrorist are going to get their money any way they can and I am tired of the "Blame America First"!

Plus, there will "never" be solidarity on our part as long as the hate continues from the left and the likes of Bill Maher!

geniemaker said...

mike, your comment "So, does that mean we need a different set of rules for non-citizens?" is ludricrous for the following reasons: Non-citizens can be visitors to this country who have certified visas, verifiable exchange students, foreign embassey employees, ad infinitum. You lump all non citizens together whether or not they are here legally or illegally. Yes, there definitely should be a different set of rules for those "non citizens" who are here illegally or to do us harm wherever or whatever country our interests are at work.
Get a grip and look at the whole picture.

clydene said...

Hi Genie!

Good to hear what you are saying, because it is wrong. Once anyone steps on US Soil, which includes our foreign embassies. Unless they have a diplomatic passport, they are subject to the laws of this country, which includes illegal aliens. That means that they are subject to Due Process of Law, the only ones exempt from this are here on a diplomatic passport.

Of course you left out the part about Order 17 where the US Government gave immunity( no authority of Iraqi authorities) to Blackwater employees who broke the law, and other contractors

And while we are on it...."A staff report compiled by the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform on behalf of Representative Waxman questioned the cost-effectiveness of using Blackwater forces instead of U.S. troops. Blackwater charges the government $1,222 per day per guard, "equivalent to $445,000 per year, or six times more than the cost of an equivalent U.S. soldier," the report alleged."

Thank you Erik Prince - Good FRIEND and contributor to GEORGE BUSH and Tricky Dick II

mike m said...

Where to start?

"Stop using Oil? Okay, everyone buy a new horse and buggy and buy super thick blankets for the winter.






Here are just a few of petro oil alternatives. Take a little time and try to learn something. We have the technology. We've been studying it since Eisenhower. So why do we continue to send our money to Saudi Arabia? Why, why, why???????

"I also didn't know that it was a "bad" thing for anyone on this planet to make money."

It all depends HOW you make your money.

""Blame America First"!"

I'M NOT BLAMING AMERICA. I'M SAYING FUCKING DO SOMETING ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!! What can't you understand about the concept of, if something is wrong, fix it? That's all I'm saying. There's a problem and we need to fix it. Are Americans that lazy? I don't think so. Sometimes we just need a swift kick in the ass.


"Yes, there definitely should be a different set of rules for those "non citizens" who are here illegally or to do us harm wherever or whatever country our interests are at work.
Get a grip and look at the whole picture. "

So, who is going to write these laws? Who is going to determine who exactly is a threat? Let me tell you a little story about Anthrax. Do you remember the Anthrax mailings? I do. You want to know why? I'll tell you. It's because my regional postal distribution center was completely shut down and quarantined for three months due to Antrax contamination. They had to set up trailers outside to handle the mail. Do you know what we were told? We were told it was a terrorist attack. But now, we know that to not be true, right? It was really some whacko Unabomber wannabe named Ivans, who worked on bioweapons for the government in Maryland. Wow. How could the Feds have been so wrong? They're never wrong, are they? And what about that guy in Atlanta during the Olympics? I sure as shit hope you are never falsely accused by anti terrorist specialists.


Blackwater shouldn't even be allowed to have government contracts.

he Anti-Pinkerton Act of 1893 (5 USC 3108) prohibited the US Government from using employees of the Pinkerton Detective Agency or similar companies as strikebreakers. In 1977, the US Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals interpreted this statute to prohibit the U.S. Government's employment of companies that offer "mercenary, quasi-military forces as strikebreakers and armed guards" for hire. United States ex rel. Weinberger v. Equifax, 557 F.2d 456, 462 (5th Cir. 1977), cert. denied, 434 U.S. 1035 (1978). A DoD interim rule effective 16 June 2006 revises DoD Instruction 3020.41 to authorize contractor personnel other than private security contractor personnel to use deadly force against enemy armed forces only in self-defense.
On August 18, 2006, the U.S. Comptroller General rejected bid protest arguments that U.S. Army contracts violated the Anti-Pinkerton Act by calling for the contractor to provide armed convoy escort vehicles and labor, weapons, and equipment for internal security operations at Victory Base Complex, Iraq. The Comptroller General reasoned that the act was not violated because the contracts did not require the contractor to provide "quasi-military forces as strikebreakers."

I wonder how Scalia would rule on this one?

mike m said...

Do yo people see what I mean when i say we can't even follow our own rules. Or we follow them only when it "suits us".

Hell, credibility is overrated.

mike m said...

I live on the front lines with regards to terrorism in the US. I am not willing to give up one scintilla of my freedom just to "feel" safer. If you want to sell out your freedom, than get the fuck out!

mike m said...

I would rather be beheaded by three men wearing black masks than give up my freedoms.

clydene said...


IT/Genie really don't understand that when we treat the accused with out due process of law that we are tarnishing, diminishing, and diluting the principles that founded our "democracy". Where was the due process of holding someone for 5 plus years and not charging them, and what about the torture? Have you seen the water boarding demonstrations on youtube? If we sink to their level or worse, then how are we better than they are, why should we be incharge?

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for All."

It doesn't say, some or not you with funny names and brown skin. "WE" jailed a lot of innocent people and denied them due process under our laws; and created a lot of martyrs by killing over 500,000 Iraqis, and displacing 2.5 million of Iraqis living in tents in Syria.

mike m said...

You fucking cowards make me sick! Ohhh, I'm scared Bluto. Those big bad terrorists are coming for me. Somebody please protect me. You don't deserve the freedoms our founding fathers fought and died for. General Washington would run you through. Go! Go hide and cower in your hole. I hope the terrorists pull you out like we did to Saddam. Give me a sword and a musket, and let them bastards come!

mike m said...

Don't forget about all those Japanese Americans we imprisoned during WWII.

mike m said...

What do they say? Those who do not learn from history, are destined to repeat it.

mike m said...


It's not that they don't understand, they just don't care. We are the US, and we can do anything we damn well please, and fuck everybody else. Sort of like the way the British felt about the 13 colonies.

clydene said...

Funny thing about those Japanese Americans...

1. Most of the "land" that was taken from the Japanese was prime agricultural farm land. They were given pennies on the dollar for their land.

2. While the Japanese in California were placed in Internment Camps (thank you Justice Earl Warren, then Gov of California), the Japanese in Hawaii, where we had the bombing of Pearl Harbor where never placed in camps on the islands of Hawaii. Little known fact is that boats went to Hawaii from the mainland filled with goods, and left there empty. If the Japaneae had been a problem they could have easily gotten them off the island.

mike m said...

The German Americans were never imprisoned. It would have been very easy for the Germans to place operatives in the US on the east coast to coordinate with a u-boat attack or something. They probably did. Before our entrance into the war, the German subs were shooting the shit out of our cargo ships headed for Europe. I wonder how they knew where they were going to be. Just a lucky guess?

mike m said...

To get back to my colonial rant...

To the British Empire, The Sons of Liberty were just a terrorist organization. The British actually gave them a "credibility". Had the British handled them discretely, instead of trying to make examples out of them, they would have just faded away.

mike m said...


mike m said...

I heard an interesting story today. I think it's happening in Michigan. People who are normally good parents are having their children taken by Human Services. The reason is purely financial. These people have lost their jobs and been evicted from their homes and can no longer properly feed and clothe their children because of economic hardship. so, the state steps in, and takes their children and puts them in foster homes where the state pays the foster parents for taking care of these children. Is there something wrong with this?

mike m said...

I heard Spike Lee is working on a new movie. It's going to be a biography of the President. It's going to be called "Mo' Better 'Bama". Not to be confused with "Mo' Better Butter", which was produced by the Wayans brothers.

mike m said...


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