Friday, October 10, 2008


Hey all, if you haven't seen "Religulous" yet, would you do me a favor and go this weekend? I swear not for me, I am honestly not interested in ever making a movie again - I'm like Danny Glover in Lethal Weapon, "I'm too old for this shit." But this one I would like to do well so America gets it that there's a lot of people who at least would like this to be a subject we can talk about and debate. And, its a hoot! I've gotten so many e mails and texts from people who say "I just saw your movie, and at the end everyone applauded. " Something must be going on here, how many times do you see that in movies these days?

Thank you!


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antimaher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
WMK said...

We saw "Religulous" this weekend (in the Southern Calif region) and our response, Bill, is COMMENDATION to you for being spot-on. More humans have died in the "name of god" pushed to their deaths by fanatics, manipulators and charlatans than for any other cause.

Bill, if you personally read these blogs you will find support in a new book that has just been published on Amazon and displayed on a web site
- a story of personal tragedy under the control of religion brought to personal triumph simply by replacing myth and faith with freedom of thought and reason.

antimaher said...


You should stick to fishing you moron..

Jason said...

Just saw it Saturday, Bill. Had to drive from Cheyenne, Wyoming to Ft. Collins, CO to do it. Not a long drive, but I should tell you this. It was a 3pm matinee and the house was packed. I'm a proud "16 percenter" We were present and accounted for!

Give 'em hell.

P.S. I know you sit on the advisory board for The Reason Project. How about Sam Harris as a guest on Real Time?

Anonymous said...

My friend and I saw the movie yesterday and absolutely loved it. I was surprised that it was playing so close to me in good ol' Plano (bible thumpin') Texas. Now, no offense to the religious folks out there as I was raised a nice Catholic girl ;) but this movie is dead on. I mean, of course it's funny, it's Bill Maher but it's amazing to see such a collection of folks and religious beliefs in one movie.

The biggest takeaway from it that I got was that faith really is driven by how much or how little someone has. I am single (yes, I mainly count this as a happy fact), make a good living, have a great Italian family, good friends and grew up privileged in South Florida. My faith is in my family, friends and myself, not God.

Now, for anyone who is about to jump all over me for that comment, please let me explain. I went to Catholic school for 12 years. I wasn't allowed to question anything because it wasn't allowed. The few times I did question something like "did Jesus really turn water into wine and create that shitload of fish"?, I was sent to the Principal's office. That is my main issue with religion. You can't question or discuss anything and to be honest, that way just goes completely against who I am as a person.

Anyway, I could go on and on but I won't. Go see the movie people and open up your minds just a little bit.

condomondo said...

Well I thought it was "fucking fantastic" as we say in the UK. I laughed tears at some of the captions. Unfortunately, I'm now living in the Battleground state of Florida just a stone's throw from The Holy Land in Orlando (where you had so much fun it almost makes me want to go.) I always wondered what went on in that godforsaken place and I was tempted to visit once when I was stoned, but now you've saved me some time, money and sanity.

You'll be pleased to know that I made a decision after watching the movie: To be more vocal about this nonsense that threatens us as a species. I no longer feel the need to stay silent on this subject out of 'respect'. And as soon as the movie comes out on DVD I'll be buying copies and passing them out to every Mormon and Jehova's Witness that dares to knock on my over-educated door. Or maybe I'll just invite them in to watch it with me over some tea and biscuits.

So anyway, I'm grateful that there's at least one person in this country who's telling it like the rest of the world sees it.

I've recently started a blog I think you might get a kick out of.
Wanna be a guest writer!? I'm thinking you, Richard Dawkins, Victor Stenger, Christopher Hitchens, Al Gore (!) Michael Moore etc. - you get the picture...

Good luck America!

birdgherl said...

They applauded at the end where I saw it also (Princeton area, NJ). I have heard mostly praise though someone called you "rude and mean" which I thought was partly hilarious and partly rhetorical. I won't gush like the others and say you are SO correct but as someone who is constantly saying "I am spritual, not religious", I appreciate the questioning and the "I don't know" of it all.

ZenGrouch said...

Did anyone else catch McBush's faux pas a couple days ago when he responded to an old woman who said she didn't like Obama because he was an Arab or Muslim?

McDummy responded with something along the lines of, "Oh no, he's a good man..." as though Arabs and Muslims aren't capable of being good men?!

NW'er said...

I saw Religulous last night, in a small theater, in a conservative majority town. (12 of us enjoyed the hell out of it.)
My family had been encouraged, while at church (Unitarian), to go see it. I thought it was wonderful!
The only thing that bothers me is the people that NEED to see it will either boycott, picket, or just be ignorant of it.

Thanks Bill!!

antimaher said...


ya plain stupid, did you saw.. and explain what a labbyist;is to us ignorant folk here..ya so educated, ya should be Harvard. hey babe take a walk on the wild side..ya no what I mean..kitty jean..Obama lama hama cama yama oh yes I'm gettin it now.

Unknown said...

Hi Bill, I am a Brazilian Scientist living in US. I am always puzzled by US politics.

My last discovered is that REPUBLICANS ARE PRO CHOICE AND NOT PRO-LIFE. If you think this is absurd, DO NOT TAKE MY WORD FOR GRANTED. Go to wikipedia and look at the number of abortions after 1973. YOU WILL SEE THAT BILL CLINTON TURN WAS THE ONLY ONE THAT ABORTIONS WERE ACTUALLY DOWN. The high scores in numbers of abortions? 1- Bush Senior 2- Reagan IF YOU THINK IS WEIRD PLEASE CHECK IT. THE WIPEDIA'S SORCE IS THE CDC.
BEST Alex M (I will keep in touch)

my email is

Anonymous said...

trying to raise funds using Bills popularity in all reality. Please help.


MadCityJen said...

THIS MOVIE WAS WONDERFUL!! It is thought-provoking, cerebral, and hilarious. More than ever I think that religion is a malevolent force in this world. I would encourage people to check out the Madison-based Freedom from Religion Foundation ( They are a great resource. I am also encouraging everyone I know to see this film (OK, I know my catholic mother won't, but oh, well). Good job, Bill Maher!

Greg said...

This movie is simply honest...and that's what makes it so funny, but also so frightening to those that in spite of all evidence and logic to the contrary cling to "faith" as a virtue above all else. Maher is able to brilliantly combine the irrationality that's comedic genious and also makes the "faithful" and not so faithful squirm because "faith" is not so funny when is turns to fanaticism. In a phrase, a masterpiece of comedy, logic and the courage to say what needs to be said. Well done.

james1974 said...

Thanks Bill,you're the greatest.If I listened to my church friends I would have had 5 kids and just been a kiss ass.I'd probably be divorced and paying child-support hoping I'll be rewarded in Heaven.Now that I know it's bunk.Which it is,the biggest cult-following joke in the history of life.I can live my life,my way.Selfish,No,I don't bother no one.Is not being selfish giving your wife and kids everything why you starve.If it is.Too bad.Thanks Bill.

Mikki said...

I saw the movie this weekend with a fellow member of the "16%". I started out really enjoying the movie and your wit, but 1/2 way through I realized that the subject matter was just to serious to be funny.

I do like the way the representative of each religious belief, when backed into the wall by your questions, always reverts to "you just have to have faith". Kind of like mom's telling kids, "because I said so."

Still wondering if the gentleman you interviewed outside the Vatican was really a priest!

Unknown said...


*** Forks , don't fight with WORD fight with the real issues.

The real issue in front us is I am surprised that EVERY CHRISTIAN ACCEPT WITCH HUNTER Palin .

The real issue urgent to us is I am surprised we accepted a Governor who 'ABUSED HER POWER '

.......and those are important thing we must thing about it.

Chad Massaker said...

Can't wait to see the movie Bill. Check out this art:

Seperation of Church & State... LOL.

Amy B said...

Watching you on Charlie Rose right now and giggling. Going to see it with my husband this week. We're already on your "side" so are going purely for the entertainment factor, on which score I'm sure we'll not be disappointed. Cheers. And thanks.

Unknown said...

*** Forks , don't fight with WORD fight with the real issues.

The real issue in front us is I am surprised that EVERY CHRISTIAN ACCEPT WITCH HUNTER Palin .

The real issue urgent to us is I am surprised we accepted a saggy Governor who 'ABUSED HER POWER '

Dose Palin has some her OWN ??? She claim herself a ‘HOUCKY MOM’; ‘THANKS BUT NO THANKS’ ; ‘ WASHIONTON OUTSIDER ‘ these are revealed lately was a lie. Today she started to copy Obama’s ‘ WE CAN’T AFFORT AN OTHER ….’ ; and she copy Biden’s word ‘ FORKS’ ……..

My question is : can she has some thing really from her own without copy others? Where she stands? Dose she has a BONE?

.......and those are important thing we must thing about it.
the more I think about it I agree, she is insulting to watch !

She is like a clever marketing gimmick designed to fool people. But can you imagine her as President or representing us with other countries as VP ... NO F-CKING WAY !!!FOOLED ONCE SHAME you, FOOLED TWICE SHAME ME.

Ruth said...

I feel sorry for each and everyone on this blog that would watch garbage like that, spending money on pure garbage, whats wrong with you people, can't you see that it's nothing but pure evil. Bill is making a ton of money off you guys, and he claims he cares nothing about making anymore movies, don't believe what he says, he is evil, and we all need to pray for him. If you ask yourself how did God create the world, just look around, look at yourself, do you really think that it just happened? God help this world and everyone in it.

Hey Bill,

Why don't you put some of your money in helping the wildlife preservation, or maybe help starving children all over the world, instead of mouthing off and blowing everyone's money your taking away from them making and saying the garbage you do.

Do the right thing America, Vote for morals, values, and religious beliefs that our forefathers wanted for all of us, and Jesus Christ!

Vote McCain

God Bless All, and God Bless this Nation.

Cat Brown said...

Oh Maher!

Omar is coming.

calegre said...

Saw it. Loved it. I am a 24 year old female law student from Northern California, a public defender, and a former christian. I appreciate your work You are an inspiration.

Unknown said...

Wake up people
the world is being run by reptile shapeshifters.
Bush family, Clinton family, Mccain, the Royal Family of Britain are all reptile. Check the eyes and also the tongues and teeth when they speak. See the movie "They Live", watch the series V the final battle. This is not a joke. Their final purpose is to kill all humanity. WAKE UP

Jeff Diamant said...

Greetings from Newark. I'm the religion writer for the Star-Ledger and hope to interview you, today if possible please, about your movie, specifically about a New Jersey connection I noticed. Any chance? I'm at 973-392-1547. Best, Jeff Diamant

Unknown said...

You are a funny individual, but in a sad way. I doesn't matter that you don't believe in the bible. The fact remains that the Word of God will prevail.
It is very brave of you to challenge God. What a fool!
My heart aches for you.

Axel said...

LOVED the movie, born-again-Christian, me, and all that goes with the culture or BAC in North America.
Religulous is not without its flaws (where, for example is the visit to Golgotha Fun Park?? but but it could have been a LOT meaner. There could have been a lot more about perpetual virginity, but perhaps that's just me....
Personally, I am appalled at how many "religious" people don't know their OWN SCRIPTURES.
I laughed a lot, and not just at the expense of other people's religions.

Jeff C said...

I saw it on opening day, and I think I'll see it again!

Bill, can you read my book Christian No More? It totally debunks Christianity. I think you'll like it. (Your publicist told me you wouldn't comment on it, but please at least read it! :-) )

Jeff Mark

Anonymous said...

Bless you, Bill, for doing something that moves people out of their comfort zones, gets them to use their brains and opens the door to at least look at another option that differs from the status quo.

I was, honestly, surprised that the theater I saw this movie in (in CA) was clearly divided. There were those of us that really laughed, those that uncomfortably laughed, and also a very silent group. I mean, they knew it was a Bill Maher movie before they went in, right? Wake up people!!! Religion is about controlling the masses using fear, and surely, Bill, you will burn in hell for even questioning these eternal truths. You will, however, have company. What scares the hell out of me is that we have become a society so complacent, so afraid of change, so dumbed down that we can’t pull our heads up out of the sand for a minute to even take a real look at what’s going down. And how about that separation of church and state? Same animal, different spots. Fear is a powerful motivator, leads to suppression and enslaves people. Personal comfort isn’t so secure these days, as I’m sure many of those with solid nest eggs in “secure” financial institutions recently discovered. This has induced some serious discomfort and maybe, just maybe, is nudging people enough out of their deep somnolence to begin to take a serious look at what is going on in their country and all around them. Like lemmings we follow along and let other people determine our fate. I hope lots of people see this movie and I hope they are uncomfortable. Maybe then, in lieu of the absurdity of blindly following at the expense of sacrificing your own experiences that are your “truth” and no one else’s, people might change. You know, it’s true, when you follow the herd………..

Unknown said...

*** ...

....The Palins’ un-American activities

Imagine if the Obamas had hooked up with a violently anti-American group in league with the government of Iran.

Editor’s note: You can find Salon’s complete coverage of Sarah Palin here.

By David Talbot

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Read more: Republican Party, David Talbot, Alaska, John McCain, Opinion, Barack Obama, 2008 election, Michelle Obama, Sarah Palin

Todd Heisler/The New York Times/Redux

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and her husband, Todd, at a rally in Vienna, Ohio, on Sept. 16, 2008.

Oct. 7, 2008 | “My government is my worst enemy. I’m going to fight them with any means at hand.”

This was former revolutionary terrorist Bill Ayers back in his old Weather Underground days, right? Imagine what Sarah Palin is going to do with this incendiary quote as she tears into Barack Obama this week.

Only one problem. The quote is from Joe Vogler, the raging anti-American who founded the Alaska Independence Party. Inconveniently for Palin, that’s the very same secessionist party that her husband, Todd, belonged to for seven years and that she sent a shout-out to as Alaska governor earlier this year. (“Keep up the good work,” Palin told AIP members. “And God bless you.”)

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AIP chairwoman Lynette Clark told me recently that Sarah Palin is her kind of gal. “She’s Alaskan to the bone … she sounds just like Joe Vogler.”

So who are these America-haters that the Palins are pallin’ around with?

Before his strange murder in 1993, party founder Vogler preached armed insurrection against the United States of America. Vogler, who always carried a Magnum with him, was fond of saying, “When the [federal] bureaucrats come after me, I suggest they wear red coats. They make better targets. In the federal government are the biggest liars in the United States, and I hate them with a passion. They think they own [Alaska]. There comes a time when people will choose to die with honor rather than live with dishonor. That time may be coming here. Our goal is ultimate independence by peaceful means under a minimal government fully responsive to the people. I hope we don’t have to take human life, but if they go on tramping on our property rights, look out, we’re ready to die.”

This quote is from “Coming Into the Country,” by John McPhee, who traipsed around Alaska’s remote gold mining country with Vogler for his 1991 book. The violent-tempered secessionist vowed to McPhee that if any federal official tried to stop him from polluting Alaska’s rivers with his earth-moving equipment, he would “run over him with a Cat and turn mosquitoes loose on him while he dies.”

Vogler wasn’t just a blowhard either. He put his secessionist ideas into action, working to build AIP membership to 20,000 — an impressive figure by Alaska standards — and to elect party member Walter Hickel as governor in 1990.

Vogler’s greatest moment of glory was to be his 1993 appearance before the United Nations to denounce United States “tyranny” before the entire world and to demand Alaska’s freedom. The Alaska secessionist had persuaded the government of Iran to sponsor his anti-American harangue.

That’s right … Iran. The Islamic dictatorship. The taker of American hostages. The rogue nation that McCain and Palin have excoriated Obama for suggesting we diplomatically engage. That Iran.

AIP leaders allege that Vogler, who was murdered that year by a fellow secessionist, was taken out by powerful forces in the U.S. before he could reach his U.N. platform. “The United States government would have been deeply embarrassed,” by Vogler’s U.N. speech, darkly suggests Clark. “And we can’t have that, can we?”

The Republican ticket is working hard this week to make Barack Obama’s tenuous connection to graying, ’60s revolutionary Bill Ayers a major campaign issue. But the Palins’ connection to anti-American extremism is much more central to their political biographies.

Imagine the uproar if Michelle Obama was revealed to have joined a black nationalist party whose founder preached armed secession from the United States and who enlisted the government of Iran in his cause? The Obama campaign would probably not have survived such an explosive revelation. Particularly if Barack Obama himself was videotaped giving the anti-American secessionists his wholehearted support just months ago.

Where’s the outrage, Sarah Palin has been asking this week, in her attacks on Obama’s fuzzy ties to Ayers? The question is more appropriate when applied to her own disturbing associations.,

Unknown said...

Palin Took Freebies, Help Selling House As Mayor

September 29, 2008 · 1 Comment
The former home of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin on Wasilla Lake in Wasilla, Alaska, is seen Wednesday, Sept. 24, 2008. Two months before Palin's tenure as mayor ended in 2002, she asked city planning officials to forgive zoning violations so she could sell the house.

The former home of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin on Wasilla Lake in Wasilla, Alaska, is seen Wednesday, Sept. 24, 2008. Two months before Palins tenure as mayor ended in 2002, she asked city planning officials to forgive zoning violations so she could sell the house.

Yet more of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin’s distortions and lies have been revealed in regards to her tenure as mayor of Wasilla, Alaska. Contrary to her self-proclaimed role as a fighter against corruption, Mayor Palin was not at all above accepting gifts and seeking favoritism, both for herself and her friends. In a report by Brett J. Blackledge for the published September 28, 2008, he scrutinizes the many benefits and perks of Mayor Palin’s administration.

Though Sarah Palin depicts herself as a pit bull fighting good-old-boy politics, in her years as mayor she and her friends received special benefits more typical of small-town politics as usual, an Associated Press investigation shows.

When Palin needed to sell her house during her last year as Wasilla mayor, she got the city to sign off on a special zoning exception _ and did so without keeping a promise to remove a potential fire hazard.

She gladly accepted gifts from merchants: A free “awesome facial” she raved about in a thank-you note to a spa. The “absolutely gorgeous flowers” she received from a welding supply store. Even fresh salmon to take home.

She also stepped in to help friends or neighbors with City Hall dealings. She asked the City Council to add a friend to the list of speakers at a 2002 meeting _ and then the friend got up and asked them to give his radio station advertising business.

That year, records show, she tried to help a neighbor and political contributor fighting City Hall over his small lakeside development. Palin wanted the city to refund some of the man’s fees, but the city attorney told the mayor she didn’t have the authority.

Palin claims she has more executive experience than her opponent and the two presidential candidates, but most of those years were spent running a city with a population of less than 7,000.

Some of her first actions after being elected mayor in 1996 raised possible ethical red flags: She cast the tie-breaking vote to propose a tax exemption on aircraft when her father-in-law owned one, and backed the city’s repeal of all taxes a year later on planes, snow machines and other personal property. She also asked the council to consider looser rules for snow machine races. Palin and her husband, Todd, a champion racer, co-owned a snow machine store at the time.

Palin often told the City Council of her personal involvement in such issues, but that didn’t stop her from pressing them, according to minutes of council meetings.

She sometimes followed a cautious path in the face of real or potential conflicts _ for example, stepping away from the table in 1997 when the council considered a grant for the Iron Dog snow machine race in which her husband competes.

But mostly, like other Wasilla elected officials at the time, she took an active role on issues that directly affected and sometimes benefited her. Her efforts to clear the way for the $327,000 sale of the Palin family home on Lake Wasilla is an example.

Two months before Palin’s tenure as mayor ended in 2002, she asked city planning officials to forgive zoning violations so she could sell her house. Palin had a buyer, but he wouldn’t close the deal unless she persuaded the city to waive the violations with a code variance.

The Palins, who were finishing work on a new waterfront house on Lake Lucille about two miles away, asked the city for the variance. The request was opposed by one planning official and some neighbors.

“I would ask that the Wasilla Planning Commission apply the exact same rules in this situation that it would apply to other similar requests so that our community can see that being a public figure does not give anyone special benefits,” urged neighbor Clyde Boyer Jr. in a 2002 note to the city.

The Palins’ house was built by the original owner too close to the shoreline and too close to adjacent properties on each side, including a carport that stretched so far over it nearly connected the two houses.

The Palins didn’t create the zoning problems, but they should have known about them when they bought the house, wrote Susan Lee, a code compliance officer with the Matanuska-Susitna Borough, in response to the Palins’ request. The borough, similar to a county government, makes recommendations to the city, which has final say.

Lee, in recommending the city reject the request, noted that the exception was needed to resolve an “inconvenience” the Palins experienced while trying to sell their house. In 1989, another borough planner told a previous owner that a variance for the carport couldn’t be approved because it didn’t meet required conditions and was a potential fire hazard.

But in August 2002, Wasilla Planner Tim Krug approved a “shoreline setback exception” for the Palins’ house being built too closely to the water. He sent an e-mail to the mayor saying he was drafting another variance for the side of the house built too close to the property line, but that he understood from her that the other side “will be corrected and the carport will be removed.”

Krug asked Palin to let him know if he was wrong in his impression that the carport would be removed.

A few minutes later, the mayor e-mailed back: “Sounds good.”

On Sept. 10, 2002, the seven-member Wasilla Planning Commission unanimously approved a variance for both sides of the property, with language covering “all existing structures.” Less than a week later, the Palins signed a deed to sell the house to Henry Nosek.

The carport was never removed.

Nosek said Sarah Palin didn’t do anything more than any other citizen would have done.

“I sincerely don’t feel that Sarah used her position as mayor at the time to get that accomplished,” said Nosek, who no longer lives in the home.

James Svara, professor of public affairs at Arizona State University and author of “The Ethics Primer for Public Administrators in Government and Nonprofit Organizations,” suggested such behavior is part of small-town politics.

“Small towns are first-person politics, and if people are close, it’s hard to separate one’s own personal interest and one’s own personal property from the work of the city,” Svara said. The key questions from an ethics standpoint include whether the politician makes a potential conflict of interest known and removes himself or herself from actions related to it, he added.

“I think in a small town there is a greater likelihood that people will accept that you will pay careful attention to friends and neighbors,” he said, adding that there may be some local gossip about it, but not a lot of public scrutiny. “At the national level, there will be far more people watching, there will be far more pressures to come forward to try to influence the outcome.”

Palin Took Freebies, Help Selling House As Mayor

James W. Pharo said...

I've just gotta say one thing about religion -- and I think it's Something We All Know(tm).

No one actually believes any of this nonsense. We all know that there is no heavenly being watching over us. We all know that Jesus didn't use magic to stretch the loaves and the fishes to feed 5000. We all know that Jesus didn't die and come back to life three days later. And all Catholics know that the eucharist is not actual flesh and blood.

Belief is something that people pretend, for a variety of reasons. It's something people want badly to be true. There's likely a memory of an all powerful care-giver from baby-hood. There's the social pressure of being indoctrinated as a child into a belief system that's held by everyone you know.

But the truth is that no one, really, believes any of it. Ever see a parent lose a child who was happy that little Johnny was now going to be with Jesus? Ever see a Catholic offered human flesh to eat? Ever see a Christian step in front of an oncoming train to see if God wants them to come "home"?

Of course not. We all know perfectly well it's just stories we tell because we like to tell them.

The evil is when (generally cynical) people use these stories for nefarious purposes, like getting rich or punishing their mother (i.e., all the misogyny in religions).

But I cannot say this enough: no one believes this nonsense any more than they believe in Santa or unicorns.

kas said...

hey antimayer -- it's moot, not mute. par for the course.

DaveG4 said...

Hey Bill, my girlfriend and I saw Religulous this past weekend and LOVED it!! We both agreed that, for once, a movie could have been an hour longer and we would have gladly sat right through.

One thing, about Jose Luis de Jesus Miranda, you could have gone on forever on this guy. You never even mentioned that his followers tattoo themselves with 666 and he considers himself the anti-christ. Sup wit dat?

Anyway, I ...we still loved it and love you. Keep up the free thinking!!!!

Penelope said...


Saw you on The View. When Whoopi and Joy asked you about spirituality, you said that you were fine with spirituality, but what is it? And…that it was “on your to-do list.”

I agree that spirituality is separate from religion and have recently started writing a monthly blog called Simply Spirituality for my friends and family. It is short, concise, do-able explanations....for people who have put spirituality off due to time or not understanding.... It is NOT based in religion. In fact one of my most avid readers is an atheist.

People tell me one or both of two things, when it comes to spirituality. First, either they simply do not understand what spirituality is or secondly, that they do not have time to do anything else in their busy lives.

My intention is to provide very simple, concise ways to have a basic understanding of what spirituality is as well as ways to easily apply it in your life, if you should choose to do so. This in no way is saying these are things that I think you "should" do. They are simply things that I have found to be of use in my life. If something resonates with you, try it in your own life. The blog will provide some very simple examples of things you can do today...right NOW if you choose.

The link is:

Best of luck with the film.

Penelope said...

Not sure that link went through correctly. You can also access the page at:


aidtab said...

I was just wondering if Bill's nose is his dick and vice-versa?

Unknown said...

Bill, I've seen it yesterday and man, it's so refreshing to know I'm not alone in that sea of stupidity out there.. First of all, thank you for doing a great job trying to open people's eyes.. Secondly, I also think it's time to do something about it - because if the personal beliefs of people are so important and untouchable, I have some too - and it's against my belief to accept all the bullshit they are dropping at us, it's against my belief that intellectually inexperienced delusional people can vote and make decisions that affect the rest of us, people living in the real world, and there is nothing we can do about it.. It's against my belief that some people are mentally abusing others by brainwashing them and they go unpunished and even get supported by the governments.. And if their beliefs are so important, so are mine.. So please, is you have any book that can be declared Holy, even Holy Playboy will do, let's unite and demand our rights in this madness..

Again, great movie!!! Please run for the president.

Unknown said...

Dear Bill, congratulations on the film. Very brave and very smart!! I have been waiting my whole life to see a movie like Religulous. I just want to say thank you for having the guts and the brains to do it!
daphna in nyc

UKNOWITSTRUE2008 said...

Hey i went to the see the movie yesterday....It was a very good movie ..and Yes ..I wish you could have went into the topic like i know you wanted too..I know you had a budget and time factor.... For those who want to bash...UM think about ..when you say violent or threatening things to Mr Maher think about it..are you acting "Christ Like"....Im tired of being using violence in the name of GOD...this is whats wrong with the whole subject..i know he wanted to go deep into every religion but probably would get him Mr Maher ..keep your head up and keep making them laugh....S#$# i love to laugh ..we should have a laugh "Religion" ..

NECHO II said...

Took your advice and went to see the movie, "Religulous" on Canadian Thanksgiving, (October 13). Excellent movie but I felt there were a number of important things that were left out.

For example, did you know that at one time the ancient Israelities and the ancient Judahities worshipped Jehovah God AND HIS WIFE, ASHERAH??!! This went on for many hundreds of years. Evidence for this was discovered in 1975 by Israeli archaeologists in eastern Sinai at Kuntillet Ajrud and also at Khirbet el Qom near Hebron, Israel. You see ancient drawings of God and his wife Asherah together. Then "prophet" Jeremiah comes along, thought the idea of God having a consort was filthy and with King Josiah in agreement, preached to everyone that God had no wife. But it was only during the Babylonian exile that Jewish people stopped worshipping God with his wife altogether. So what's wrong with God having a wife? He had a son.

Whar about "prophet" Elisha, the mass child murderer? One day while travelling, Elisha was spotted by some 42 schoolboys who teased him about his baldness. Elisha cursed them, summoned two female bears and commanded them to tear the 42 children to pieces!! This the bears did and then Elisha went on his way. No condemnation from God whatsoever for this wicked deed but then later in the New Testament when King Herod murders the male children of Bethlehem two years of age and under, the Bible is outraged at this. ( There is no evidence that King Herod ever did this. ) So why the obscene double standard? Read it for yourself in the Bible at 2 Book of Kings Chapter 2 Verses 23 - 25.

Is this the Book that Sarah Palin wants taught in all American classrooms???!!

What about the work of Israeli archaeologist Aviram Oshiri who has discovered evidence that Bethlehem was a ghost town at the time of Jesus' birth and had been a ghost town for some 550 years????

I know you don't care to but I earnestly hope that you will make a "Religulous II" movie as there is much important work that is needed still to be done.

Finally, please accept my condolences on the untimely death of your mother before the release of your movie, "Religulous."

PointlessBlogger said...

I just got back from seeing Religulous. I loved it.

I found it to be a huge shame that most of the people who are 'the problem', will never watch this movie (at least not in it's entirety), or if they do, they'll just put it all down as blasphemy, and be sure that you will go to hell for it.

I wished you had delivered a 'knockout blow' to some of them... some were just asking for it, and one of your clever, rational 'finishing' responses would have been really satisfying... but I suppose it doesn't really matter, since apparently the irrational/stupid mind can't be truly beaten.

Maybe you'll release a special edition "agnostics cut" DVD, with some satisfying closes to some of the interviews (or should that be 'rationalists cut').

I hope you, or others, continue to try to get the word out... not that there "is no god"... because that would be as bad as the religious crazies - but just to accept that "no-one knows for sure..."

Religion is just a crutch for people who can't stand the possibility that there is no 'reason' for anything... and a book of stories (sorry.. facts) that tells us everything that happened 2000 years ago, with 100% certainty, (but if it wasn't "THE BIBLE" people would put down as your average fairytale/science fiction) is a really convenient way to get over that.

chipcoaster said...

Bill - I liked the movie. I am an agnostic as well and agree with many of your points.

However, after reading how you approached people for the interviews, it seems as if it was an unfair battle.

You came prepared with your arguments, knowing what you were combating. The people you interviewed evidently had no clue you, Bill Maher the left-winged celebrity, was coming at all. And you covered up your true intention of attacking, telling them it was a spiritual journey-based documentary.

In other words, You caught them all off-guard, with no time for them to prepare for the attack. It was a one-sided battle.

In addition, the idea of attacking people for their beliefs is not too cool. Some people just need to be attacked, that's true. And we all know who these self-righteous people are. But the people who are trucking on the road, just looking for a place to find some hope for their lives? In this case, I stand up for the guy who left the chapel.

Unknown said...

Thanks for your interest in Christians. I don't think you have been educated or loved enough to enjoy the prosperous life your living. I can see your hart and there is something missing and you know it but cat find it. I know what it is because i have it, you just need to open your eyes and your hart. I'll pray you but I'm sure it's to late, it would be if it was up to me, its not. Please remember this message on your way to hell. If you do repent and make it to heaven God bless you.

Chagall said...

To James W Pharo
Dear idiot try this on for size
No one cares what you say
No one cares what you believe
No one likes your silly picture and smirk
Parent’s hurt when they lose a child but feel some comfort real or not real, knowing that the little one they have lost is the hands of the Lord. Whether you believe there is a higher Spirit or not…

Now many of us here would love for you to stand in front of a speeding train, and watch Bill save you…in fact Bill would be the first one to extend his compassion as he ties your feet to the rails.

antimaher said...

I noticed that the blogger was down for awhile is this Bills way of monitoring the once that have something intelligent to say. Come now Bill you have been challenged by many on this blog...or do you feel more comfortable with you stupid celeb friends...that are as idiotic an lame as you....

Stefan said...

Absolutely fantastic movie! I hope it will expand to more theaters soon, the more people see it the better. Check out some other cool stuff about the idiocy of Republicans at

antimaher said...

Laurieca33 wrote:

Religion is about controlling the masses using fear,

Much like the Democrats.

wilber said...

I for one would like to thank all of the "Anti-God" people on here for making my Faith even stronger. If you care to believe that you are here on earth for no reason then, so be it. When you die, you're done! I'm not. I haven't gone through this life only to believe it was for nothing. I'm glad our current President has the faith that he does otherwise, how could he survive:

The dotcom bust that started just before he got into office and burst in his very early days.
_The airline industry crash because of fear from 9/11
_Huge stock decline because of 9/11
_Hurricane Katrina devastating the south.
_High gas prices due to... whatever actually caused it. Have they actually found out why yet? Speculators? Opec? Increasing demand from China? Other?
_Adjustable Rate Mortgages
_Housing bubble
_New troubles with Russia
_Hurricane Ike
_Now all the banks crashing
_And the Democrats who are responsible for the financial crisis

All of those are above and beyond what a normal president has to deal with. They usually get one or two big ones and that's it.

You have to have a strong faith to survive all he has endured and what he has heard said about him (by the likes of Maher and his friends).

Now, if you think Obama could handle all of that, more power to you. As for me, NO WAY I put my trust in him. (GOOGLE: ODINGA -

So, again to all Agnostics and Bill Maher, Thank you. Also, those people who wrote the Bible sure had a good imagination! Don't even think Hollywood could have written that one!

TheSantaCruzExperience said...

Thank you so much for this movie Bill. My girlfriend and I came out of it laughing and disturbed all at once. It truly should be a subject that everyone can talk about. People should be able to confront religion just like they are able to confront smoking or racism or sexism. I appreciate your candor and courage. Keep the rationalist movement coming.
-Austin Twohig
Santa Cruz

Unknown said...

Yes! Saw it yesterday. Bill Maher makes me laugh a lot more than Ben Stiller.

Unknown said...

Loved it, the best movie ever, But there is a factual error (I was brought up as a Hindu) Krishna was nor born to a virgin mother (I think he was 7th or 8th child of his mother) He was not a carpenter he was a cow herder.

great movie but one factual error spoiled a lot of fun, some of your researcher fooled you, please correct it.

Laurie said...

In the movie trailer you question why God doesn't rid the world of evil. It has to do with free will. Why are atheists so obsessed with religion ? Atheists want to say and/or do what ever they want but Christians can't? If God so chooses to rid the world of evil I bet he would start with Hollywood and the media. You're killing our children and our families. Why don't you research school shootings and violent behavior in children and see if statistics show they're being raised by an atheist.

Denise said...

I have been waiting for months for this movie to come out and planned on seeing it the first week it opened. Guess What? Not a single theater is showing it anywhere in the Youngstown, OH area. WHY NOT???

just a christian said...

I as a Christian agree, religion is useless!

Unfortunately, religion has nothing to do with Christ. It is sad to me that so many people equate Christ with so called "Christians" of today. There is no comparison.

John 3:16 says "For God so loved the world he gave his only son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." Rarely mentioned today is the next verse, "for he sent his son NOT TO CONDEMN THE WORLD, BUT THAT THE WORLD THROUGH HIM MIGHT BE SAVED."

Christ deserves better treatment and more respect. Religious people have ruined his name.


Christ only loved people, was not judgemental, and his greatest command was to love others as yourself. He urged "let he who is without sin cast the first stone" and "first remove the log from your eye before you see the spec in your brothers eye."

I suggest you read Matthew 25 verses 31-46 to see what Christ is all about. He is about serving and loving others.

Don't listen to religious hypocrites and make a judgement about Jesus from them. Read the gospels yourself and then make a decision about Christ.

You don't want others to blindly follow their faith, so don't blindly follow others who don't believe because of religious zealots.

Give Jesus a chance, he can change your life.

Unknown said...

Hi Bill, this is a MUSE SEE.

....The Palins’ un-American activities

Imagine if the Obamas had hooked up with a violently anti-American group in league with the government of Iran.

Editor’s note: You can find Salon’s complete coverage of Sarah Palin here.

By David Talbot

* S S S
* Print Email

Read more: Republican Party, David Talbot, Alaska, John McCain, Opinion, Barack Obama, 2008 election, Michelle Obama, Sarah Palin

Todd Heisler/The New York Times/Redux

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and her husband, Todd, at a rally in Vienna, Ohio, on Sept. 16, 2008.

Oct. 7, 2008 | “My government is my worst enemy. I’m going to fight them with any means at hand.”

This was former revolutionary terrorist Bill Ayers back in his old Weather Underground days, right? Imagine what Sarah Palin is going to do with this incendiary quote as she tears into Barack Obama this week.

Only one problem. The quote is from Joe Vogler, the raging anti-American who founded the Alaska Independence Party. Inconveniently for Palin, that’s the very same secessionist party that her husband, Todd, belonged to for seven years and that she sent a shout-out to as Alaska governor earlier this year. (“Keep up the good work,” Palin told AIP members. “And God bless you.”)

Enjoy this story?

Thanks for your support.

AIP chairwoman Lynette Clark told me recently that Sarah Palin is her kind of gal. “She’s Alaskan to the bone … she sounds just like Joe Vogler.”

So who are these America-haters that the Palins are pallin’ around with?

Before his strange murder in 1993, party founder Vogler preached armed insurrection against the United States of America . Vogler, who always carried a Magnum with him, was fond of saying, “When the [federal] bureaucrats come after me, I suggest they wear red coats. They make better targets. In the federal government are the biggest liars in the United States , and I hate them with a passion. They think they own [ Alaska ]. There comes a time when people will choose to die with honor rather than live with dishonor. That time may be coming here. Our goal is ultimate independence by peaceful means under a minimal government fully responsive to the people. I hope we don’t have to take human life, but if they go on tramping on our property rights, look out, we’re ready to die.”

This quote is from “Coming Into the Country,” by John McPhee, who traipsed around Alaska ’s remote gold mining country with Vogler for his 1991 book. The violent-tempered secessionist vowed to McPhee that if any federal official tried to stop him from polluting Alaska ’s rivers with his earth-moving equipment, he would “run over him with a Cat and turn mosquitoes loose on him while he dies.”

Vogler wasn’t just a blowhard either. He put his secessionist ideas into action, working to build AIP membership to 20,000 — an impressive figure by Alaska standards — and to elect party member Walter Hickel as governor in 1990.

Vogler’s greatest moment of glory was to be his 1993 appearance before the United Nations to denounce United States “tyranny” before the entire world and to demand Alaska ’s freedom. The Alaska secessionist had persuaded the government of Iran to sponsor his anti-American harangue.

That’s right … Iran . The Islamic dictatorship. The taker of American hostages. The rogue nation that McCain and Palin have excoriated Obama for suggesting we diplomatically engage. That Iran .

AIP leaders allege that Vogler, who was murdered that year by a fellow secessionist, was taken out by powerful forces in the U.S. before he could reach his U.N. platform. “The United States government would have been deeply embarrassed,” by Vogler’s U.N. speech, darkly suggests Clark . “And we can’t have that, can we?”

The Republican ticket is working hard this week to make Barack Obama’s tenuous connection to graying, ’60s revolutionary Bill Ayers a major campaign issue. But the Palins’ connection to anti-American extremism is much more central to their political biographies.

Imagine the uproar if Michelle Obama was revealed to have joined a black nationalist party whose founder preached armed secession from the United States and who enlisted the government of Iran in his cause? The Obama campaign would probably not have survived such an explosive revelation. Particularly if Barack Obama himself was videotaped giving the anti-American secessionists his wholehearted support just months ago.

Where’s the outrage, Sarah Palin has been asking this week, in her attacks on Obama’s fuzzy ties to Ayers? The question is more appropriate when applied to her own disturbing associations.,

October 14, 2008 12:40 PM

Anonymous said...

I was surprised as hell when it made it to Wichita, KS. It didn't play in the Warren Theaters, but did make it to the second tier theatre. The place was packed on the third day of showing. We expected religious nuts to start interrupting the movie, but all went well. Everyone seemed to really get the movie and there was a group of us that met in the lobby after the showing and had an impromptu discussion.
I have to say you were taken in by the liquid, solid, gas explanation of "trinity". Water can only exist in it's different states at different times. The trinity exists in three different states at the same time while remaining one person. Don't you remember your catechism? Three persons in one god.........
Although I'm now a recovering catholic, some of that brainwashing q and a still remains. Good Luck on the movie. I hope it makes a bundle for you.
Jim in Wichita, KS

Anonymous said...

I was surprised as hell when it made it to Wichita, KS. It didn't play in the Warren Theaters, but did make it to the second tier theatre. The place was packed on the third day of showing. We expected religious nuts to start interrupting the movie, but all went well. Everyone seemed to really get the movie and there was a group of us that met in the lobby after the showing and had an impromptu discussion.
I have to say you were taken in by the liquid, solid, gas explanation of "trinity". Water can only exist in it's different states at different times. The trinity exists in three different states at the same time while remaining one person. Don't you remember your catechism? Three persons in one god.........
Although I'm now a recovering catholic, some of that brainwashing q and a still remains. Good Luck on the movie. I hope it makes a bundle for you.
Jim in Wichita, KS

Unknown said...

America has been hijacked by lunatic people. Wake up people, there soon is going to be a north american union and a new currency called the Amero, and then they will chip everyone, and anyone who refuses is going to die. Look at the concentration camps that FEMA setup. BUSH=HITLER

antimaher said...


Thank you....par for the course.

Anonymous said...

Would you update more often?

David M Payne said...

The myth of free will.
Free will is decision making pure and simple. Everything a human does voluntarily starts with a decision followed by action. So where did free will or more concisely unfettered decision-making come from? Well the true believers in the Abrahamic God/religion biz say God did it. I would say the evidence for free will is simple and part of the evolution of the human being. As we became more and more human through evolutionary progress we started making more complicated decisions. Those who made good decisions survived and passed on their genes. Those who made bad decisions didn't live long enough to pass on their genes. Pretty simple logic really, and easily understood by people who have real free will, freethinkers. So free will or more precisely unfettered decision-making is part of the evolution of the human race over millions of years. Of course the fact that the human race has been around for that long causes other problems for the true believers, think young earth, but we won't get into that now, lets just look at the free will concept.
Now lets look at the Christian view of free will. They say God gave us free will, but there are a few problems with that viewpoint.
1. There is no mention of free will, the concept, in the bible. I know this because I have a CD called Bible Tutor 2000 and it has three bibles on it as well as a program that allows you to search for things in the bible down to one word. When I type in Free Will I get nothing, as there is no reference to free will as a concept. It does give me every place the words free and will are printed in the bible but they are not connected to the concept of free will, just the words free and will wherever they are printed in the bible. I have looked at all of them and none of them refer to the concept of free will. So it isn't in the bible, where did it come from? No one knows, but you true believers continue to insist that God did it but you can't show us where it is in the bible. Nor can you say with certainty where it came from. If you think you know where it is in the bible, don't just post some passage numbers, post the whole passage so we can all look at it. This will be a wasted exercise for you though, as I've looked at and studied this problem for over ten years and no one has been able to show us clear non-refutable written passages that say God gave humanity free will. Though I can't find where the idea of God given free will came from, I do suspect I know why it got made up by whoever made it up. It is the go to excuse for all of the acts of evil done by or in the name of God. For example free will, or more to the point the misuse of free will by humanity caused the great flood. God did it because humanity had free will and didn't use it the way God intended us to. What a pathetic excuse, especially considering the fact that this God of yours is supposed to be omniscient, or all knowing of past, present and future. This leads us to:
2. If God is omniscient, then there can be no free will as God, knowing what every person is going to do negates the concept of free will. If God knows what every person is going to do, then all of our decisions are pre ordained and there is no free will, just the slaves of God doing what he already knows they will do. So, either there is no free will, or God isn't omniscient, take your pick, but logically you can't have both unless you fall back on the idea that it is a miracle (Magic) another go to excuse when people like me point the gaping holes in the logic of the bible and the concept of God given free will.
3. The third problem with free will is the idea that the great flood as well as other evil acts done to humanity by your benevolent, kind, just God were caused by the misuse of free will by the human race. Though there is no proof of a great flood that covered the tallest mountain, in fact there isn't enough water to do that even if you melted all the ice on the earth, the true believers blithely go on repeating this mantra even though it is devoid of any facts that could support the idea of a great flood. Now in this last point we see the real evil behind the concept of God. This God of yours according to the bible drown everyone except Noah and his family. This would include babies and little children who can't even say evil, let alone do it. Also there are all the innocent animals who were drown according to the bible even though they are incapable of free will.
Let me save us all a little time here, the idea that the human race was contaminated by evil fallen angels and that’s why God committed genocide is in conflict with the idea that your God is Omniscient or all knowing of past, present and future. If this omniscient God of yours is truly omniscient then your God already knows what the decisions of humanity will be, and logically there can be no free will if everyone's actions are pre ordained. Also your God had to know that the angels would fall and contaminate the human race, and as he created the contamination it is his fault, but humanity is the victim of free will decisions made by your God to kill almost everyone save one family. So in essence your God committed genocide against the human race for mistakes of his doing. Well where is the kind, just loving God in these actions of his? There is no logical, rational or MORAL answer to this point. Which leaves you true believers stuck with a monster for a God, and you are welcome to him, I'll stick with reality not myth.

nm said...

I saw it on Sunday - the sabbath day. It sure was funny. Laugh out loud, fall off your seat funny. I took the teens to see it too - got to raise them right.

Binky said...

Bill loved it saw it twice on the same weekend. Not an an atheist but have serious hang ups with organized religion. You think Christianity is bad here you should see it in Jamaica, very scary. Completely plan on taking my bible reading dad to go see it. I figure he'll either say well done and I never thought of it like that or start cussing off the screen and walk out, yelling in patwa. But no worries my Mum saw it and thought it was a little scary how right you were. And by the by you got a full applause in both shows at the Hollywood Arclight.

antimaher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
antimaher said...

There has been so much publicized about the assault launched by John McCain against Obama's character. Am I missing something? I have not heard anything that would upset the apple cart. Now if Obama’s association with Bill Ayers is considered a moot point, then why won’t he defend his position on the matter and get on with it. Why? Because he’s a monkey that swings whichever way his party asks him to. What about the issue of his birth certificate? We just want to know who you are Obama, is that asking too much? Ok let’s forget about his birthplace. I really don’t care if he was born in China like Maher. My main concern is the bogus votes that ACORN has been providing to the potential socialist commander. Without being repetitive, Americans are followers. They display very little initiative when it comes to standing as individuals to proclaim their ideals. They are drawn by popularity events, like their attraction to Dancing With The Stars or American Idol. That is so obvious by the lame posts that I read on this blog regarding religion and faith. Satan Maher would like us to believe that his arena of satanical ceremonies through HBO is a filter for the common person who has no understanding of what they stand for. He is the Lone Ranger coming to rescue their lack of theological beliefs. He is a little man in more ways than one. His insecurities are fueled by his dimwit behavior that is allowed by a station blinded by cynicism and a hyperaspist mentality.
Bill, if you had any character within that transparent shell you would respond to the millions that honestly believe you are a fraud.

werescrewed08 said...

Just saw it. Loved the Al Pacino Scarface references mixed in with the interview of the man claiming to be the second coming of Jesus. Hilarious! Suprised you didn't get killed shooting this movie. Loved every minute of it. Could not get anyone I know to go with me to see it. Most of them don't even claim to be that religious. I told somebody I know I was going to see it today and they told me they'd pray for me. I just love delusional people.

Unknown said...

I mean...uh...Hooray!

Fantastic job to you and the lads! Loved it. Can't wait until it comes out on DVD so I can send it to my Christian, Republican father.

Thanks for all your hard work...

werescrewed08 said...

Just saw it. Loved the Al Pacino Scarface references mixed in with the interview of the man claiming to be the second coming of Jesus. Hilarious! Suprised you didn't get killed shooting this movie. Loved every minute of it. Could not get anyone I know to go with me to see it. Most of them don't even claim to be that religious. I told somebody I know I was going to see it today and they told me they'd pray for me.

Valerie said...

As a big fan of yours, I'll be first in line when Religulous opens in my town. As a "raised Catholic" (its own new "sect") who has never read the Bible and has become quite anti-organized religion, I have started my first blog, Confessions of a Bible Virgin ( I hope you'll check it out!

Thanks for keeping the debate alive.

ackthbbft said...

Great movie, and covered so much of what I've been thinking even when I was just a kid.

You might be interested to know that the theater where I saw the movie left it off their marquee listings.

If you read this, Bill, I'll be happy to send you and/or Lionsgate Films a copy of the photo I took of the boxoffice omitting your film. Seems to me they are violating your distribution agreement.

antimaher said...

Suprised you didn't get killed shooting this movie.

There's still time.

Eric Hartley said...

"There's still time." Very Christian of you, "antimaher."

Unknown said...

Great movie Bill. I've been making very similar arguments that you used for years.

Looking forward to your show in Toronto in November (saw you there a few years ago too).


antimaher said...


That's what Bill does and enjoys. He brings out the anger in people...and I for one, would not shed a tear if he went home to hell where he belongs. Now I understand my comment may be a bit harsh… but like many others on this blog would agree. He is the American Bin Laden…so I apologize if my remark offended you.

antimaher said...

Bill...supported Bob Dole in the 1996 U.S. presidential election on the basis that Dole was a war hero and the kind of "old-fashioned" Republican he appreciated

Unfortunately Bill flip-flops like his friend Obama...and let’s not forget McCain is a hero many times over.

Anonymous said...

I saw the movie. I can only say: I really, really like it. I am not sure if the real religion people will like it? Now, you may be called "socialist", besides "atheist". However the movie helped me personally in a very different ways. I am not saying that I will never ever be confused, maybe if I see something with my own eyes. But, that may be aliens not god. Anyway, I lost my mother recently and death and religion sometimes can be confusing, even though I know....
I WISH YOU SAID (as Joe Bidden during his only vice presidential debate with Sara-how ironic - Good Christian girl with Jewish name?):
..................., maybe if you keep repeating someone will get it, specially in Mid USA.

Unknown said...

I saw Religulous with my gay brother and his partner. It was refreshing to see that we're not the only ones thinking this way about religion. There is so much hate towards the GLBT population and the hate often comes from those who are supposed to be 'good Christians' and 'love they neighbor' or 'treat others as you want to be treated.' It's so hypocritical and it literally makes me sick when people call themselves Christians, but then turn around and say hateful things about other people or deny them the rights they deserve as Americans.

My favorite line of the movies..."Religion is dangerous because it allows those who don't have all the answers to think that they do." SO TRUE!

I was raised Catholic, but always felt deep down that I was out of place. I never related to the readings in church, the bible 'stories,' and it never seemed like anything made sense. I believe in some sort of a higher power, but not organized religion or what some random people who are supposedly 'holy' shove down your throats and manipulate people into believing. Noah and the Ark...Moses parting the Red Sea with his special Harry Potter powers... I mean, honestly....

I think religion causes people to hate, discriminate, and it justifies violence. And it's all 'in the name of God.' Who says that God would want to go to war? Who says that God hates gays? Why would God create gay people and then hate them? If God is so loving and forgiving, would he really send ANYONE to the supposed burning, fiery pit of hell?! We're probably in hell right now with George W. Bush as our President and Ann Coulter actually selling books...

What should we do, Bill Maher!?

wilber said...

Roni R,

I'm sorry for the loss of your mother as I am Bill's but, I hope and pray that you believe she is in a great place and didn't spend her life on this planet for nothing.

I refuse to believe that I have not lived my life for a better purpose and that I wasn't just wasting space.

Being a Christian doesn't mean your perfect, nobody is perfect and God knows that. Anti-God can bash Christians all they want but, until they truly understand it's not the religion, it's Jesus Christ that they believe in and trust to guide them on the correct path of life. Life isn't easy and it's not suppose to be but, in death God comforts the one suffering to prepare them for their next journey.

antimaher said...

ron r said

What should we do, Bill Maher!?

Are you a f - - - - - loser, you are asking this creature what we should do. Is your life so lost that you need advice from someone that probably sleeps with animals. Let me assure you, God does not hate gays. Bill does.

antimaher said...

Ok it's getting close to debate time, as Bill licks his chops and probably anyone else around him. I love this blog. For the record this is extremely great entertainment. Although I still can’t stand you Bill later.

antimaher said...

laurieca33 said

Bless you, Bill,

That's funny...

Unknown said...

Antimaher -

Get a life, will ya???!!!

Do you have nothing better to do than being one angry blogger on this site???

wilber said...


Don't stop! It's a free country with free speech. Isn't what they say they are all about?

They've tried this before with another blogger!

antimaher said...

Tanja you’re the one that said Bill is cute..@#$$%(*&^%$ yuk, .that leads me to believe you are one - - - - babe. To set the record straight, I'm not angry I'm feeding Bill what he wants. You are to stupid to see that what we do here is not anger, it 's entertainment.Ok maybe a little anger.

antimaher said...

Thanks Wilber. It would take more than a lame Tanja to discourage my rants.

PS Tanja I'm one of the many people in the entertainment industry that feel Bill is a disgrace.

John McCain was great on this debate. He kicked ass. Unfortunately Obama tripped many go ahead and vote for a man that I now name FLIPPER

Unknown said...


LustingWanderluster said...

My husband, my daughter, and I saw 'Religulous' last night and loved it!
Thank you for producing this wonderfully truthful piece. I know you have probably seen these youtube videos already but my husband and I are true followers of this woman and have been pretty much all our lives. You know her - Ayn Rand. How can we get her to
the masses? Here she is with Phil Donahue.
"You are never called upon to prove a negative." Isn't that brilliant? And so before her time...or in her time...all time.

antimaher said...

This a subliminal message vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain This a subliminal message vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain This a subliminal message vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain This a subliminal message vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain vote McCain

see Tanja I'm not angry

gamingkrib said...

Mr. Maher,
Great movie Bill...You passed on our Board request...I have another.
When your on Larry King, mention us endorsing Obama, since his recent quotes "They've got to turn off the TV set, put away the video games...start instilling that thirst for knowledge that our students need." (Obama Debate #3), are inline with our Company. The Gaming Krib addresses these issues. We list ten non profits in which users give 10% of membership to each month...We will list PETA -it will generate millions for us!
Mike Vitelli

wilber said...

Want this type of Religion?

Raila Odinga, Dr. Khalid Al-Mansour & Obama

Obama helped with Odinga Campaign. Odinga says they're cousins.

Then we have Khalid Al-Mansour, the man who helped Obama get into Harvard Law School.....who was Obama’s economic backer, mentor, and who was principally responsible for getting him admitted into Harvard Law School, clearly stated that Black people have a “Godly” justification (and duty) to MURDER and MUTILATE White people in America let alone his insane ideas about Jews.

Add Rev. Wright and you have the perfect trio!

Let us not forget Ayers and Acorn. How much needs to be said?

antimaher said...

On a serious note:

Perhaps many of the scriptures or writings that evolved from the tales of Jesus, John or Buddha interpreted from teachers or scholars in some form or another were altered or even exaggerated in it’s final completion as a transcript that was passed on over the years.(the old fish tale)

Given the actual evidence of some of these claims we are to believe that religious dogma is to be taken at face value. Many would agree that it is easier to prove a positive claim than a negative existential claim. We as educated individuals over time have become cynical thinkers allowing that “the benefit of the doubt” is a useless cliché and that facts speak volumes for themselves. When I decide to meditate and be one with myself I am entering that personal alpha of ones self-being. A place where my body and spirit unite as one in an open focus format. No intrusion, no distractions. This form of conscious release is used in many religions and spiritual practices. In this modern trend of social awareness some practice their form of meditation through prayer. The words that have for centuries formed a connection with the mind and spirit. My point here is, if religion or any practice of defining truth is reachable through our mental exercises or beliefs, these things seem more plausible. The positive allows us to feel that we have achieved a sound virtue of quality sincerity. I will never understand why anyone would try and hinder what is good within our souls.

hot chocolate said...

Dear Bill Maher:

I love you to death, but I think that YOU might be the anti-Christ!!.....okay, just joking!

I just spent the last hour and a half watching funny videos of you on youtube. It's 5am now, and I'm about to go to bed.

I will watch Religulous, but after my pediatric board exams (i'm a doctor)...I'm Catholic, so will try not to let your movie affect my faith. I just want a good laugh.

Take care, and good luck!

Obama 08

ggallen said...

Saw the movie and loved it. Keep preachin' to the choir, my friend. Unfortunately, common sense is an uncommon virtue. said...

Dear Bill,
Your documentary was brilliant. There were maybe 15 in the theater with us and I noticed that only my friend and I laughed out loud. For the first time I felt that we were not alone. I had no idea we are 16% of the population. And here I was in hiding since I was thirteen! I went to an American school, a French school and a German school all run by nuns. The last two, an all girls schools, in Jerusalem. By the time I was thirteen I gave up on the holy ghost. When we had religion classes our teacher (a German priest) loved to gather us around him and rub his hands up and down our arms. You can imagine all the pushing and shoving that went on to keep ourselves away from him. I laugh now as I did then.
In the 90's I went back to work in Amman, Jordan for a short while. I had a Moslem secretary, who during Ramadan would be a real bitch to work with. she wanted to smoke so badly that she made the office a miserable place to be. Finally, I could not take it anymore and confronted her. I said if it made her feel better I now totally absolved her from all sins that she made during the fasting period and asked God to bring his wrath upon me instead of her for anything wrong she did. Before I could finish the sentence she lit up a cigarette.
Your documentary was just too short and you did not elaborate much on the Jewish side, I think mostly, in respect for your dad, maybe?
When I was in Jerusalem once visiting, an incident happened at the Wailing Wall. The pious male Jews were throwing excrement at the women who dared pick up the courage and ask for equal rights to bang their head on the wall. One yelled that a dog had more rights then women did.
Living in the states gives you all the freedom that you need to express your views. I lived in all types of societies: democratic, socialistic, (studied in the Ukraine for 4 years in the mid 70's). monarchies, occupied territories and had a grand time laughing at all the stupidity that went with it! My parents come from Greek Orthodox heritage that can be traced back for centuries. We went to church a lot and were pushed to kiss the ring of the priest every time we went. When I was brave enough I stopped doing it and would just shake his hand vigorously and ask him how he was doing.
Thank you for your brave documentary and I wish you luck in all your endeavors.
Christina (my name is an oxymoron)

Binky said...

antimaher -

I keep reading your posts and I have tried not to respond. But then you had to throw in the whole "good war hero" bit. What does being a war hero have to do with being a good President? Absolutely nothing! It doesn't add to your credentials that you did your job. He was supposed to protect this country and I am happy that he did it well but that has absolutely nothing to do with being ready to lead this nation. As far as I am concerned he can never know how hard it is to live in the real world. He went from his fathers house straight into the armed services and, news flash they pay for your housing or put you up on post. And by the time he left the service he had married Cindy McCain and went to go work for her daddy and moved into one of her houses. He graduated in 1958, economics were not the same, and I could let that go if he had graduated in the middle but he graduated 894th out of 899th. Bob Dole has both an undergraduate and a law degree and unlike McCain after his injuries in WWII actually took the initiative to go back to school and get it. Which is more than I can say for McCain who liked working on the hill. And on the point of flip flopping, have you ever switched milks? My point is as an American it is your right and your duty to review all facts before making a decision, and if you read something that makes you change your mind then so be it. I would rather have someone who realizes that constant re-evaluation of important issues is necessary than someone who will just take it at face value.

antimaher said...

Bianca thanks for the response:

My war hero comment was in answer to another post. I agree with you, that really has nothing to do with running a country...It stems from the debates concerning the war in Iraq, which at one point was a major issue. It appeared to take second place when the subject of economics came into play and was not even mentioned in this last debate. I still stand firm that Obama is not qualified to run or change our economic crisis, during his debates, which are on record, he went on to say he would raise taxes to those that make 42,000.00, I would bet that is a high percentage of the American people. I believe in less government. The Democrats have been using our system for their own personal agenda for years.

Binky said...

Antimaher -

I too believe in less government but am unwilling to see some social programs stopped. Other countries are able to provide more to there citizens without all of these problems. I want someone to fundamentally fix the system and I don't believe that someone who has lived within and operated through that system for 26 years can now change it without a lot of compromise. So much compromise that we end up right back where we started. I have read both candidates tax plans, have you? I am positive that the comment you are stating is completely out of context. Obama's plan is almost identical to Bill Clinton's. His plan will increase taxes on people making more than $250k a year. Versus McCain's plan which cuts taxes for everyone including corporation. Do you think Exon Mobil is going to give you some money from there 4 Billion dollar tax cut. And with the amount of spending the government has done, don't you think we need to pay for it. Someone has to the debt isn't going to go away.

As for the democrats using the system, the republicans have been in the House and Senate for the last eight out of ten years so it can't all be the democrats fault. In my opinion you should do some more research because your arguments are not holding up.

antimaher said...

Bianca...glad I caught you before I ran out the door.

I'm confused I just watched Joe the plumber on the tube. And why shouldn’t corporations have more tax incentives and equal breaks Maybe, just maybe they can give back to their employees. I’m not sure I understand your rant.

You wrote: Obama's plan is almost identical to Bill Clinton's. That should tell you enough.

I don’t believe you read Obama's tax plan I don’t believe Obama has read his tax plan, which seemed to appear out of nowhere. This is America and fair is fair for all. Exxon and other oil companies employ thousands of people, so perhaps the language of tax breaks are not defined enough for us. Maybe we as the masses should offer more solutions to our politicians and not keep crying the blues. If you think Obama's plans are what satisfy you, then by all means vote for him and his socialistic plans…I will not be fooled by his lack of experience.

antimaher said...

PS Bianca

I'm not interested in who's more educated. It is obvious that not all our Presidents over the years were the sharpest knives in the drawer.

MJ in the OC said...

Auntie Maher,

I for one welcome your comments on this blog, and appreciate the opportunity to dialogue with someone from the other team.

You say, "The Democrats have been using our system for their own personal agenda for years". Can you help me understand whose agenda the Republicans have been serving?

I am left with the impression that Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and crew are the poster children for pursuing a personal agenda. We're not in Iraq because the Iraqis had anything to do with the 9/11 attack, which we knew going in, so a personal agenda is the only logical reason we are occupying that oil rich (Isn't Bush oil rich, too?) country that needs to be rebuilt by Haliburton and Cheney's other contractor friends?

antimaher said...

mj in oc...Cute on the auntie thing.

As a Conservative I am embarrassed by the Bush administration for their past performance. But like many of our sports teams we support, we do not abandon the team because they have bad coaches. We rebuild and find a better representative to take the team to a higher level. Also the fact that Congress, has for the past couple years been controlled by the Liberals is also a point that needs to be recognized.

Unknown said...

Posted by sean - "By making this documentary, you are going against why our founding fathers came to america. You breaking down the very Constitution that gives you the right of freedom of speech. In my opinion, you dont deserve to be an American. Being an American means: being willing to defend the rights of the Constitution at all times, defending your families, defending our faith. Do you think we won the Revolutionary war by chance or plain strategy? Only a Divine intervention could have allowed such a victory..."

Go back to school you dumb shit. I love debating the religulous, my daddy is bigger than your daddy. You should at least quote Daddy Bush when trying to decide who should be 'allowed' to be Americans.

Bill, I think you should start a group called MAD AS FUC (Militant Athiest Diests Agnostics Secularists Freethinkers Unitarians and Commonsensacalists.) I nomonate myself as Treasurer.

Amy George said...

I saw Mr. Maher on the Daily Show plugging “Religulous.” My only reservation about your long-needed film-project is that making a dog smell its poo is not going to housetrain it.

Perhaps you know there are sound answers for all the questions you were asking Jon Stewart’s show – the difference between the Devil and Antichrist, why God doesn’t do away with evil, etc. I would send you my answers if you were interested. For now – in reference to the pro-cannabis remarks made by you and Jon Stewart – I would like to direct you to an essay just published on Reality Sandwich called “Getting Stoned Makes You Solid,” which presents Jesus Christ as a marijuana advocate:

Thank you,


Amy George

M said...

I agree, everyone likes their own brand.

Anonymous said...

Jews sure are committed to the lie? To be tortured and persecuted for the last three thousand years.

yallneedmarcusaurelius said...

I just saw religulous and I'm absolutely inspired. It is the revolutionary thinking presented in this film that started movements to free slaves, liberate women and obtain the religous freedoms many use to justify their unjustifiable acts of oppression and discrimination. When people stop accepting everything that they're told as truth and start thinking for themselves, only then can we progress as a global society. The film has inspired me to work toward coming out of my anti-religious closet and encourage others to do the same. Bravo, Bill (et al).

amy1960 said...

Hi Bill,

Long time fan, we've followed your career and appreciate all of it.
Plan to see Religulous soon; faith is innocent enough as a meditation, but organized faith almost without exception feeds on the individual, corrupts reason and replaces the soul you were born with. How can THAT be fulfilling?
To be fair, coming from a New England Protestant family, some congregations do engage in the exchange of ideas, including current events discussion (First Congregational Church and Unitarian Universalist) so there are a handful of churches that welcome individual thought (but probably not actual zealots).
Re: the Election, have you read November issue of Esquire, editorial penned article 'Esquire Endorses Barack Obama for President'(p. 150) - This for me really nailed the truth, and by the way? It's f**cking TRUE!
Also, after watching the last debate Wednesday night, my thoughts:
McCain v. himself
John McCain of the Senate, John McCain of 2000 has devolved into a spiteful little man. Surely he resents Obama the new guy for stealing the promotion that was rightfully his. Finally it was his moment, his political rite of passage. But it’s the golden boy Obama they want, despite everything McCain did, bending to the will of his handlers, becoming less whole as the great day approaches. This is his last chance for the presidency, and it has slipped away, again.

Unknown said...

Did see the movie, twice, and I wanna' tell ya', it's better the second time...

Have been researching Joel's Army and I really wish someone would do a school documentary on these folks; they recruit kids all the time.
Ted Haggard, when he was in Colorado Springs, had people walk around in "prayer marches" drizzling Wesson oil encircling neighborhoods that he considered evil. Why did he have people do the thing with prayer and Wesson oil? Because they were binding the demons by annointing the area; Joel's Army protection. (ha! old Ted Haggard and wesson oil).
And while your at it, take a look at a link on youtube of a lady named Stacy Cambell doing an annointing over Todd Bently, the leader of Joel's Army...just link to "Stacy Cambell Fraud".
We need to educate our children and make them aware of who is out there ready to recruit/prey upon them via a "free" rock concert or "family" party.

Unknown said...

To Gregory...
Gregory, Gregory, have bought into the mythological creation of a man named Darby from 1862 who made up this weird little Utopian world of make believe "secret rapture" by a god who has an "invisible church"...hence you believe in American characters and myths of things that have no real historical're talking about hollywood americans, Gregory, personafied characters conceived by writers to make a plot believable so people like you would want to "act" like the people on the screen. Back in Darby's days, he didn't have "hollywood" so he had to make up his story and plot. Divine intervention played a role in the American Revolution?? These are myths for followers like you, not reality. How can you tell someone to go back to school when you make up fairy tales about the American Revolution.
Religilous was made so that people like you can stop acting, pretending like your insiders, who think they are outsiders to the mainstream because "the ungodly" doesn't know about the "invisible church" and it's "secret rapture" made up by Darby in 1862...and Darby wasn't even an American! You're parents really did a number on you, but, there is hope or, you wouldn't be here. I'm praying for your reality check, lookin' for that sign, waitin' on that word...

antimaher said...

2706 It appears to me that you have bought into the mythological creation of a man named Bill Maher. As far as having a historical reality, individuals like you and Maher are figments of your own imaginations. I can understand why someone like Bill having no direction in his youth, his mother being what she was and a father he never knew would result as a character of distasteful views. You, I don’t know, so I will limit my opinion about you.

Religilous was made for desperate people like you to spend $11.00 so that actors (I use this term loosely) like Bill make money, so they can feed their noses with delights of “secret raptures”.

Patronizing one for his views is about as low as the common mainstream you refer to. I think you believe you are an insider because you align yourself with Hollywood losers like Bill who have no concern for you or others. In my estimation he probably has never read any of these posts, much like your “invisible church”

AJ said...

Saw it twice already. In New York and in Boston, crowd applauded.

You should have included Buddhism and Hinduism in it too.

Blaq Ops said...

I finally have a grievance with Sen. Barack Obama. Although, I applaud his performance, and commend him for remaining unflappable during the entire campaign, I believe he has not thoroughly defended himself personally, or his policies, when McCain goes on the offensive. I’m not saying he needs to go “Nuclear”, but retort a little more forcefully, and lay out the differences in policy, more CLEARLY.

I know Sen. Obama is attempting to be “graceful”, since he is currently leading in the polls, but with Election Day less than a month away, and, since it was the FINAL debate, I feel as though it was a missed opportunity to deliver the prove rbial, KNOCK OUT PUNCH, to the opposition, particularly with the “Redistribution of Wealth” accusation.

When Sen. McCain referenced “Joe the Plumber” as his example on how he is going to fight for the Middle Class, my blood began to boil, and I almost lost it. Why didn’t Sen. Obama use this as an opportunity to clarify more effectively, how OUT OF TOUCH Sen. McCain is with the plight of the Middle Class, which consists of a MAJORITY OF AMERICANS?

Sen. Obama reiterated that McCain has voted in line with the Bush administration in regards to the economy, over 90% of the time, but he should have used the “Joe the Plumber” example to blow McCain’s theory/policy completely out of the water.

First of all, I don’t know about you, but I don’t know too many Middle Class “Joe ANYTHINGS” earning 250K+ annually. If Sally the secretary, Ben the bus driver, Chris the cop, Tim the teacher, and Craig the carpenter, don’t have enough disposable income to consume goods and services, after barely being able to take care of their primary cost of living expenses, even if Joe the plumber benefits in the short term from a tax freeze, his business (many businesses for that matter) will continue to fail in the long term.

Wall Street is a glaring example of that fact, and the Bush administration’s failed “Trickle Down” economic policies are directly implicit, in the demise of our markets.

Our economy sustained growth throughout the Bush years, but with jobs being outsourced at a break neck pace, the cost of living (gas/housing/food/etc) spiraling out of control, the Trillion$+ war, the nearly Trillion$ Wall Street bail out, although a small minority may have profited enormously during this period, a majority of Americans have been inundated by the financial squeeze, finding it increasingly difficult to sustain a moderate quality of life.

The current economic catastrophe is indicative of this troubling trend.
Jobs were NOT CREATED during this period, a staggering number of jobs were actually LOST. As a result, our institutions are FAILING, retail sales are DECLINING, COSTS continue to $$$RISE out of control. and investment portfolios have been DECIMATED, which will result in further JOB LOSSES, PROFITS/REVENUE will continue to DECLINE, decreased TAX REVENUES, ENTITLEMENT cut backs, further INFRASTRUCTURE NEGLECT, and an ever increasing NATIONAL DEBT$$$$, for U.S. ALL, without end, if responsible action is not taken NOW!!!!

WASTEFUL spending should be cut across the board, and we need to preserve the American way of life, but not at the expense of vital services, quality of life, education, and our collective futures. We don’t need BIG GOV’T, but we do need ACCOUNTABILITY, OVERSIGHT, & TRANSPARENCY. Socialism is not the answer, but we’re all inherently responsible for the well being of our Nation, similar to when we call up our young men and women to sacrifice their lives in combat, but the difference here is, this is only money, which is material, and can always be replaced.

We should take heed from the history of past civilizations. Greed begets more GREED, and absolute power CORRUPTS, ABSOLUTELTY, EVERY TIME!!!!!! Big business does NOT deserve, and should NOT continue to receive Billions in tax breaks, if they are not creating jobs/wealth for the ENTIRE American constituency, Democrats, Republicans, and Independents alike.

If we don’t make a significant reinvestment in America, by putting an emphasis Education/Healthcare/Entitlement programs, Border Security, and, initiating dialogue with “rogue” Nations, this deficiency in leadership is far more detrimental to our National Security than misleading quotes about “palling around with terrorists (Ayers a 60’s radical)” or Rev. Wright (insignificant)!!!!

Ensuring a majority of Americans remain gainfully employed, and able to consume goods and services without flinching with every $$dollar$$ spent, is a good thing. By keeping the Middle Class strong, businesses are ensuring their own viability, and ability to generate revenue over the LONG TERM.

So what if they pay a slight increase in taxes now. As a single middle class American, I get absolutely no tax relief year after year, why are the rich complaining about an increase? If the end result enables businesses to remain profitable for the foreseeable future, what exactly is the drawback??? Besides, how are we going to BEGIN to put a dent in the National Debt, if people can’t consume and profits are disappearing?

Sen. Obama, I implore you. Make the case to the American public, in a clear concise manner, utilizing “layman” terms, since a great many of your critics accuse you of being “professorial” (intelligent), “slick” (smooth/calm) and too “charismatic” (likeable), as if those traits have ever been characterized as deficiencies in the past. But we don’t have to go there.

Lay out the differences in black and white, and emphasize why our entire economy needs a correction NOW, and how a progressive tax policy will benefit ALL AMERICANS in the long run, THEN……. let the chips fall where they may.

&n bsp;

Yours truly,
Blaq Ops

Unknown said...

Mr. Maher... you are awesome and your interview today on Larry King Live was awesome. I want to work for you! Where do I send my resume and schedule an interview?
Please email me at

antimaher said...

Blaq Ops: Very nicely said. Unfortunately no matter how Obama disguises his views he remains “professorial” “slick” (smooth/calm) and too “charismatic”. It’s called the University of Clinton.

wilber said...

Blaq Ops,

Have you "looked" at what Obama's financial policies are going to cost? Not going to help the economy, it's going to drive the deficit higher!

Have you looked at who's in control of the Senate and Congress the last 2 financial devastating years?


Being a "smooth" talker doesn't qualify you for President!

Oh, and one more thing -


rhonda said...


Katherine said...

Hey Bill - this comment regards your segment "Exit Strategy"
"If it's Palin, I'm bailin'"

kentuckygirl said...

Just saw your movie, loved it. I am a 61 year old female who announced at age 8 that I was an atheist. I grew up in the south & was drowning in evangelical hypocrisy & bloody beatings. Keep shining a light on the darkness. Thanks, Diana

wildcat said...

I just saw Religulous! All I can say is Hallelujah Bill!

I'm in Harrisburg, PA. A blood red dot in a blue state. We are lucky to have a renegade theatre that runs independent films; so you had a showing here.

There was so much laughter in the audience some of the movie was inaudible. I can't wait for the DVD to catch what I missed.

Don't sell yourself deserve an Oscar nod at the very least for this effort.

Talk about a "prophetic" message: Long live Religulous!

wilber said...

OMG....Bill, you are loving all the stroking aren't you?

Praise Maher! Believe in him and nothing else!

Now can I have a job?

kentuckygirl said...

Did you notice the Confederate Flag hanging behind the Senator from Arkansas?

blythe said...

saw you on larry king, brilliant as always. I am not religous, maybe
spiritual. I have to remind you that organized religion does many
great things. Especially Catholic Charities. Near me ,building more for low income people. Sending food and money to poor countries.
Love you for your mind, your common sense and healthy lifestyle
your love of Animals.

Anonymous said...

I have not seen Religulous yet but I intend to. I've watched you on and off over the years and would love the opportunity to correspond. However, I'm pretty skeptical of you reading the comments on this blog much less all of them and I can't seem to find a way to email you or even write for that matter.

I think you're hilarious and intelligent and you just don't run into that too often. I'm not hitting on you I'd just really love the opportunity to pick your brain. Not in the Hannibal Lecter kind of way but I think I'm pretty intelligent too and the conversation would be interesting considering how religious I am.

I'd like to give you the opportunity to convert me if you'd give me the same opportunity. Well, not really to convert you since I think that's a choice you should make on your own, not be subtly coerced into it. But you seem to have a lot of questions about religion that I might just be able to clarify. I'd let you interview me.

See, alot of the questions you raise and observations you make are valid and deserve clear concise answers. Most religious people don't have a clue what or why they believe what they do so you can't ask them. Most clergy are self-serving and unwilling to ask whether or not what they teach needs to be examined and corrected. And you're right most of it is just handed down generationally. But there is truth in there somewhere. It's been glossed over until it laquered but its there. I'd love to answer your questions.

God shouldn't have to take the blame for what religion does. And whether you think he will or not he's going to step in pretty soon to clear his name. If you were him wouldn't you? I'd really like to discuss the how and why its taking so long.

There are no short answers but there are answers. Not all that well hidden as some of the clergy have tried for centuries to make people believe. You're right it is mass delusion. But the delusion will surprise you.

Unknown said...

OSHO LOVER!!! Didn't know much about the movie..just saw you on larry king! Somebody needs to do this..thanks!
Just one question you listen/read OSHO! I strongly believe you do. I'm a "follower" of his philosphy.

wilber said...

My question is, why should we believe you, Bill Maher? You didn't write the Bible, you were not my father or mother.

Why is it so wrong to have an individual belief? History has repeated itself over and over but yet, people still refuse to believe that something greater than ourselves exist!

I blame the terrorist for everything. It all started on 9/11, otherwise, these conversations would not be taking place. I have yet to hear "ANYONE BLAME THE TERRORIST FOR OUR SECURITY, RELIGIOUS OR FINANCIAL" situation.

I give credit to "W" for having the balls to protect us and endure what he has had to over the past 8 years.

If 9/11 had never happened, these topics would not be a factor.


Anonymous said...

Saw Religulous last weekend. It really resonated for me, but of course, you were preaching to the choir. (pun intended)

I produced a feature length talkumentary ("Six Characters in Search of America") that covered the ridiculousness of religion quite a bit. Inspired by Religulous, I put a small excerpt up on YouTube. We shot the movie in 2004. We cover assisted suicide, medical marijuana, gay marriage, capital punishment, religion, and much more. We even quote you at one point. Have your "people" contact me at info at scisoa dot com and let's have lunch. Best, Rachel Wolf

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU! I saw the movie last Friday and loved it. Long overdue! Finally someone with real balls made this movie.

I have a new tag for you... Real Time with Bill Maher should now read REAL BALLS ON BILL MAHER. Sorry, couldn't resist being a comedian. I'm a fan of your show too.

Keep it coming! This country needs another wake up call.


Reading During Math Class said...

I have just returned from the theatre and I have to thank you for making such a great movie. I am a Canadian living in Orange County, California and I am always amazed by the obtuse narrow minds of the large Christian population that lives here. Today was a particularly bad day as the supporters of Proposition 8 were out in droves with signs for motorists to read at many intersections. Proposition 8 would abolish the right for homosexuals in Caifornia to marry.
It is unbelievable that people today would demonstrate such blatant stupidity towards such issues, but then again, members of the government tell them it's ok. And now with Sarah Pallin boasting about God and all his great teachings, there is no hope.
Thank you again Bill. I watch your show religiously....good pun!

Frankie Rio,
Laguna Niguel, Ca.

Unknown said...

2706 - please try not to debate the 'faithful' without reading what they have to say. At least if it you are representing me as a rational....

rmason said...

Mr. Maher,

I just saw your interview with Larry King. From your responses, I gathered that you align your views with those of Senator Obama, regarding taxation. Since it looks like Obama will win the election, I would like to expediate his "spreading the wealth" concept. I do not make as much money as you, so to help out poor pitiful me, could you please send me a portion of your monthly salary.
Thanks for you kindness.

Ben Tobin said...

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU...I really cannot thank ou enough...brilliant movie!!!!! it's the only documentary I've ever said everything that needed saying...Religion is nothing more then a disease that needs a shot of reality up its ass...I'm going to speak out more about...proud to be an may just be my new hero...I'm putting in a request to have this played at Simon's Rock

wilber said...

the-planet-janet said...

THANK YOU! I saw the movie last Friday and loved it. Long overdue! Finally someone with real balls made this movie.

I have a new tag for you... Real Time with Bill Maher should now read REAL BALLS ON BILL MAHER. Sorry, couldn't resist being a comedian. I'm a fan of your show too.

Keep it coming! This country needs another wake up call.


The Wake-Up Call was on 9/11/2001 and the one with Balls stood up to the "bad guys". Little balls just used their pampered tv life to try and cut off the one with the "real balls"!

Petunia 2728 said...

Saw 'Religulous" in Santa Cruz this past weekend; now watching you on 'LKL' (that would be, Larry King Live). Obviously, I can't get enough.

stephanie said...

Hysterical. Literally. At age 47 I went back to college to get a degree in Religion, because I was intellectually interested in the will to faith. After 3 years of intense study I ended up in the psyche ward ranting about god and the devil. This stuff is dangerous. Literally.

Cole1 said...

my wife and I have different beliefs on religion. I believe in the energy of life, what makes cells mutate, what make the flowers bloom in the spring and leaves die in the fall. much like what obi wan was describing to luke in Episode4 when he is explaining the force. but from antiquity, religion (which is man made) has been a business - the profit is human souls. my wife on the other hand is a loosely devout Christian. We sometimes have arguments about going to church, because I don’t really see the point given my dis-belief in religion. These are not relationship threatening arguments, more like differences of opinion. We were watching you on Larry king about a month ago and did wind up mad at each other for about a day or two because I was laughing hysterically at everything you said about religion, politics etc. because almost verbatim, I have said these same things to her before. I say all that to say I will probably be going to see the movie alone, not because she isn’t open minded, but there is a slight “I told you so factor involved”. I am by nature very skeptical, of just about anything that cannot be proven logically. Religion defies logic. 2 people populating the earth in 5000 years? Are you serious?

Anyway, I really love your work your commentary your approach and outlook on life, politics, religion, America and the world. At the risk of deifying you Bill, I think in 1000 years people will be looking back and calling you Christ, not Bill Gates as some have suggested. But if we are all still here in 1000 years, hopefully we will have lost the need for religion.

Have you ever thought of doing anything with Michael Moore (excuse my ignorance if you already have)? That shit would be out of the park.

Anonymous said...

My Mom and I watched the movie along with about 8 others in the theater (but it was an odd time of day) but I'm proud to say there was a multi-generational audience and a lot of laughing, and this is in red Orange County, CA.
There are so many people who agree with you and we need to organize. I have always voted and always will but I'd like to do more and I'm not sure what I can do to help stop religion from taking over our schools, government and politics.

Any suggestions on where to go or is having & sharing my own opinions that differ from the ones in charge enough?

dominique said...

hey bill
how did you put it? to paraphrase "it's a luxury to be a non-believer" - you've validated my agnostic tendencies. now if you can just help with my love life - please make a sequel "caligulous" - discuss the ridiculous nature of dating sevices, text sex, web cams and the like as opposed to old fashioned dinner and a movie. you could rock it out...dominique

hoodoomeatbucket said...

bill, i live in humboldt county, in eureka, and i can't fucking believe that religulous is not playing here! bill, you are a stoner, this is the pot capital of the universe. you smoke our product but deny us religulous? how can you justify that?! please fix this!!!!!

hoodoomeatbucket said...

bill, i live in humboldt county, in eureka, and i can't fucking believe that religulous is not playing here! bill, you are a stoner, this is the pot capital of the universe. you smoke our product but deny us religulous? how can you justify that?! please fix this!!!!!

wilber said...

I am so happy to know that "Star Wars" was real!

Bill Maher seen as Christ?

I'm too busy laughing and can't come up with anything to say!

downtown tim said...

I just saw Religulous...thank you Bill. Great should be shown in all elementary schools! I grew up in a very religious town called Steinbach manitoba. Everyone loved thy neighbor"1" day a week "sunday" then stabbed them in the back the other 6. Our schoolboard cancelled a rock concert in '84 because it was the "devils music" as if Satan was the lead singer himself. i convinced 500 students to protest and we had media coverage coast to coast! i watched so many kids harmed by their fanatical parents mentally. I also visited back there years later and everyone was pushing a baby stroller because no one talked about "sex" it was too evil...oh well keep up the good work...i saw you years ago on the tonight show when i was on vacation and you are still a funny guy! cheers Tim..if you are ever in whistler canada send me a note so i can take you out sinning and skiing...haha

Denaeus said...

Look Bill, Let's be honest. You love the Church. You want it to be true. But life is more complicated than Hollywood's way of doing anything. In a word, I know you didn't get approval from ANYONE to use Our Lady of Mercy but everyone thinks you did because, hey, you're Bill Maher - the voice of reason and truth. In all honesty, I believe you are - sometimes. You just don't know how big is big regarding the meaning of life and how we learn it. But why should the viewing public have to suffer because of your own confusion? It's obvious you don't know what you're talking about or you would stick to comedy.

M said...

Hey Denaeus, let me borrow your keys to the universe when you get a sec.

antimaher said...

cole1 wrote: Have you ever thought of doing anything with Michael Moore

He has. They give head to each other.

Unknown said...

Found some "relevant" google ads on, which I found were really funny! I took a screen shot and put it here -

Is the idea that people getting turned off by this movie can find solace in these temples, churches, etc...???

Unknown said...

I'm going to see it tonight! :D

luciniab said...

If you want to make a great movie,
you should make one from the book
"Jesus Is No Excuse".

SilkMeadow said...

We need more movies like this to educate the ignorant folks out there and for them to start questioning what's been brainwashed into them from other ignorant folks over hundreds of years. Thanks for putting the energy out there to show the truth. Every little bit helps!

Corina said...

Hey Bill,
I live in Georgia ( huge mistake) and I have nowhere in my 100 mile radius to go see the movie. No movie theater has show times for Religulous. Maybe I live around too many Christians around here. Something is not right.

antimaher said...

Silkmeadow: you are the ignorant one.Cheers

Corina: You are fortunate and don't realize it.

It's typical of Stone, Moore and Maher...they are sensationalists in their own minds. Why Hollywood caters to these 3 stooges is beyond me. My guess is they all have small penises.

Bonnie said...

Yes! Will see the movie. I caught you on Larry King last night. You were terrific. What a great mind you have, and an ability to clearly express yourself with relevant arguments. You made so much sense, which was so refreshing. I have to admit that I hadn't seen much of Real Time, but now I'll be sure to check it out. Thanks for doing what you do.

The Prince of Know Where? said...

I'm dragging my significant 'udder' this weekend. I have a suggestion for your "Real Time" show-Invite an average "Joe" to sit in on your panel-I'll be your first guinea pig. I know for certain I could be more entertaining than Will I Am!

READ MY BLOG, then decide.

Euge said...

Great movie, Bill. Here in Seattle you're preaching to the choir, so to speak, but it was very entertaining. As is it, it's going to make the non-religious laugh and the religious think that we're all arrogant jerks. I actually had hoped it would be a more balanced look at the commonality we have with religious folk to try and bring the sides closer together (and thus talking). In particular, I think it's important to show that while religion brings a lot of bad things to the world, it also is a force for good in many societies in terms of pushing generosity, kindness, etc. We need to show the religious people of the world that those good things are all possible without the hocus-pocus of unprovable assertions and mythology. Most religious people I know agree that science continues to find plausible explanations for phenomena that used to be attributed to "God." They will also point out that science has yet to explain many things about our universe. It's just a question of the certainty that one assigns to any possible theory for those things. I wonder whether it would be more effective to talk about the value of making decisions in our lives based on those beliefs rather than eliminating those beliefs altogether. There is a human tendancy (in some, at least) to want to assign "meaning" to life. I'd like to make that an accepted flaw in our psychology that we learn to control, just like greed, lust, envy, etc. We all know that to function in society we can't just to around killing and screwing people whenever we feel like it. One day I hope we will recognize that we also can't go basing our daily lives around these urges to believe in fantastical myths. But I think portraying us (non-religious) as arrogant, insulting jerks to the world hurts our cause. Nobody wants to be seen that way, so by presenting ourselves like that, we're putting people in the position of asking, "do I really want to be one of these rude, offensive guys insulting and belittling people all the time?" I mean, if George Washington himself came to you and said, "Democracy is good, you stupid, ignorant ass! Admit it!" wouldn't you be reluctant to admit he's correct? That's my $.02. Of course it is much more entertaining to watch someone being impolite, which is why I still enjoyed this movie. And it's unfortunately much easier to be rude when trying to convince someone. We need to find a way to have this dialog with the religious without driving them out of the conversation.

khalid said...

Hey Bill! I have been desperately waiting to see this movie when I first heard about it back in May or June (somewhere around that time). But down here in Mobile, Alabama, I can't find it in any theatre. I am an agnostic who grew up in Saudi Arabia with ultra strong religious values but now I feel that I am living in "Saudi Arabia" of the western world. This is very frustrating for me! Where can I watch this movie?? Please help!

antimaher said...

Euge: very well put.

Ocean said...

Hi Bill, I watched your movie in the first night of the show. It was vey interesting and thought provoking! You did a good job and I think it was not too harsh
Which is good. Keep up the good work. Your fan

antimaher said...

I'm so amazed that many of the A&A's on this blog, say things like "Bless you Bill" "maybe there's hope" "we love you Bill"...dah get hip A&A's you don't know how to love, there is no hope for you and the big one please... "Bless you Bill" you guys are all hypocrites, at least stay true to you colors.

Have a nice day..oops!

Unknown said...

Maher is such a douche! He better hope a god doesn't exist or he's in for it.

Lucious said...

Hi Bill I'm a Christian and was wondering if you know the bible has predicted a lot of whats going on now. I don't know if you read these but I will give a few examples.The best to read out of is the Amplified Bible.

The reason why Arabs and Jews have never gotten along is found in Genisis cha. 16

Isaiah cha 66 tells how the Jews got their country back in one day in 1948.
Ezekiel cha 37 and 38 also speak of this and future wars with Russia and Israels neighbors. These are just a few examples but there are many more.

I have a question about evolution. Why did it stop? How come we don't see apes evolving into people today?

If everyone followed the commandment about not committing Adultery and only slept with their own wife or husband how many STD's would get passed around?

If everyone slept with only their wife or husband how many abortions and unwanted pregnancy's would there be?

See Gods laws are perfect and want to keep us from hurting ourselves or someone else. Just because people choose not to follow them does not mean God is not real.

In your movie you asked "What if you are wrong?" I say if I'm wrong nothing will happen but if your wrong and I'm right then you will be in hell, but you don't have to be.

I may not be able to see him but I see the things he has made and he is real.

Lucious said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

let's get rid of poverty. let's work together, put our philosophy, and failing minds aside. atheist, christian, muslim, and all people, let's join hand in hand to help the billion children dieing each second from the lack of food. stop debating and arguing,and do something real for people.

Kerrie said...

I went to see it last weekend and maybe because it was a Saturday afternoon, but my sister and I were the only ones there. And this is near Dartmouth College campus, no less! I was very disappointed in the turnout, but loved the movie. I do hope this helps open up the issue and allow some discussion without people hiding behind "faith." I've tried talking to religious people and ask "WHY do you believe it?" and I've never been able to get a solid answer, because they don't have one!
A friend of mine who's in his 60s (and raised strict Catholic) has been driving himself nuts because he wants to get the issue of religion "resolved." He feels that with organized religion as it stands, the world will continue to go to shit. He's got the right idea, to try to get a conversation going, and I hope Bill's film prompts one.

lopomis said...

Found this example of the far right "Christians" in the US.

wilber said...

Why does everyone depend on other people to tell them what to believe?

If you don't believe in God, so be it! Your After-life or No After-life will tell.

Do your own research, read the Bible or, be like Clydene and read the entire Library - at least she does!

Bill Maher is "NO EXPERT" on Religion! He has questions just like alot of people. You have to go with what's in your Heart! In mine, I believe and nobody is going to take that away from me just like you don't want anyone taking your belief away from you.


The Donated Mentor said...

Bill - here's the Donated Mentor's take on faith and politics. The DM even gave you a shout out!!

Keep up the great work.

S. said...

Does it show in Paris ?

Btw, I discovered you only two days ago (I'm foreign, so a bit slower over here :)) on the Dailyshow episodes and I've spent the last couple of days watching all your standups on youtube !! At some point, I think I passed away from laughing too hard !)
This election is really important, and it's a relief to see that most Americans understand now what the rest of the world has been experiencing for the last 8 years.

Anyways, thanks for the good laughs and hope Religulous shows here or somewhere not too far


wilber said...

I just love how people overseas knows everything about us. I will repeat what I posted on the other blog:





S. said...

Hello Wilber,

Just to present myself, I may simply not be "people" to you or some because I come from the Middle East, Lebanon to be more specific although I've lived in Paris for the last 6 years. And sadly for some future potential comments , I'm Catholic, thus (in some's line of logic) not a "tewwowwist"


Irak had nothing to do with 9/11 and if you don't know it by now, then there's no use in this post but I'll take my chance on you.
If you still think it's linked and are willing to discuss this, I'm more than willing to share as much as I can
So trust me, and trust every person out there INCLUDING BUSH, it has not link to Al Qaeda. Oh and a little detail, Al Qaeda exists now in Lebanon and perpetuates explosions against civilians and Christians in Beirut and the North because some fighters have come from Irak. That's a direct consequence on my country and my family from this war that Bush and Cheney conducted.

Then yes, I spend a heck of a time reading stuff about your country, because I love it and I've grown up dreaming of going over there, and I simply can't comprehend how americans have become like the extremists we're ALL fighting (ie narrow-minded faith based racist and extremist talk)
I'm more than willing to discuss this if you'd like, but I'm sorry, I can't understand how some people can criticize Obama, especially when he's running against that weird couple.
23 years in the Senate for McCain, was it ? And you want people to believe that he is a maverick ! Come one the last time I saw a maverick it was on Top Gun when I was 10 and since, the guy has gone completely kookoo (I believe scientology is mentioned in the film ?)
Now, I don't pretend to know everything about your country just as I'm sure you don't know much about mine.
But explain to me some things:
1. You're blaming the democrats for holding the Senate the last couple of years. Do you believe that an economic crisis that has spread worldwide can reach this level in 2 years or rather 8 ?

2. Obama is being accused by the pitbull of having been on the same board as Ayers.
2.a What do you have to say about the republicans that were on that board, created and funded by a ex-Reagan advisor ?
2.b Versus Palin and excluding double standards: what do think about her being close to sessionists in Alaska ? Are they good friends of America ?

3. Acorn: there is no prosecution headed towards Obama, as far as I know, and nothing is out there to suggest that he's involved, except for the out-of-arguments republicans. But there is an impeachment over Palin's head up in Alaska. Why the double standards ? Why not wonder about that ?

4. You are the most important country in the world, and yet, McCain finds it funny to block a ban on late abvortion for the one simple reason that it excludes the case where the mother's health is in danger ? (Democrats would have voted for it, so it was the Republicans who blocked it in my opinion, because they did not want to include the mother's condition)
Would you think it's funny if your wife - present or future - got sick and you had to lose her because she would not have the choice ?

5. Mccain said in the last debate that he was involved in every major decision concerning foreign policy, right ? From this, I draw the conclusion that he was then involved in Irak and the losses you have encountered in Afghanistan because of the lack of focus, etc. This means that he's pretty weak on foreign policy.
do you agree or not, and why is that ?

Please explain. I don't understand, and people overseas as you say, take interest in your country because it has a great deal of impact on the rest of the world (check the stock markets in China, or HK, to get a better idea) so it's completely normal that we watch this very carefully. You shouldn't be pissed by that, you should be flattered and understand the extent of its importance. Furthermore, the fact that the whole world out there loves Obama and prefers hims to the bewitched pitbull who believes the world is 6,000 years old who held her first passport 2 years ago ("Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness", Mark Twain) and McCain, shouldn't be held against him. What's up with that ?
Understand this : if McCain-Palin win, I'm confident it will be hell for the US, thus for the rest of world, and that can only help terrorrists. If the US economy goes into depression, we're all weaker in front of this and we're all screwed. It's just that simple in my opinion.

Final thought to you : Where do you think it will lead to answer to extremism by extremism, rather than by diplomacy. More wars ? More crimes ? And how much time can we still afford it ?

Sorry for the long post


Laz said...


I agree that, like me, there are many atheists out there waiting to exhale. This gives us a point of discussions that, for many, is deeply rooted and refuse to discuss. The only way that I comprehend religious people is to believe that they understand these stories are implausible, but are too scared to question something that is so obviously ludicrous. Death may be scary, but religion is frightening.

wilber said...

I know Iraq didn't attack us but, Sadamm was given 18 months to prove he wasn't a threat! He refused! He was paying $25,000 to families of suicide bombers families and was harboring terrorist (Achilles Laurel).

9/11 opened the eyes to all threats and if Sadamm had of complied with the U.N. resolutions and come clean, he would still be in Power along with his scum sons.

The money it has cost to be Iraq would have eventually gone somewhere else to fight these dirtbags.

We were attacked and it is our right to defend ourselves from anyone who threatens harm.

We live in a different world now and I would hope that "any" country would defend themselves against extremist such as this.

Clinton sat on this terrorism for 8 years while our men died in their bunkers and on the USS Cole.

At least Bush had the guts to stand up for us!

Also, DEMOCRATS supported it as well! If Hollywood and the Democrats had of kept their stupid mouths shut after the fall of Baghdad, this war would have ended then! It was after they started spewing and going back on their votes that the bad started happening. They fueled the fire for the Terrorist!

Bill Maher was one of them.

S. said...

I don't believe Saddam would have sat on his thrown with his scum sons (rightfully said, I agree) because this was planned a long time ago.
Lots of documents out there if you want to google them, and I mean, even Bush said that he wanted to "transform" the Middle East. Do you want to know how he transformed it ? There are more radicals out there, and do you know who are the people that have to deal with it each and every single day on the streets where the cars are being exploded? Us.

I completely agree with you on the fact that the US has the right to defend itself. Do you want to know what I did when I saw the News on 9/11/2001 ? I weeped.
But this administration has bullied every single country that was not aligned to its policy and didn't follow its agenda. It has actually treated European countries as ennemies and a couple of days ago, McCain was actually wondering if he should meet with the Spanish prime minister, Zapatero. Is this serious ??

And there is a difference between the hot reaction you have at the moment, and the feeling that you wanna gutt everyone out there who criticizes the US, and who attacks it, and the moment afterwards, where you sit and reflect on it, and analyze it. And I believe the Bush administration has done everything to stop you from understanding the full extent of this.

I believe in constructive criticism. If someone critizes you, furthermore if it's an american - Obama, who is running for president not to turn the country into a muslim one like the stupid moronic arguments I've read somewhere, but to clean up after Bush, like Clinton had to clean up after the first one.
His criticism doesn't make less or more patriotic (what a filthy argument on behalf of the republicans, btw), but because analyzing the past and criticizing the mistakes is the best way to avoid them in the future.
Imagine you're raising your kid, and he has a fight at school. Don't you try to understand what happened, in order to explain to him what went wrong and what he should do in the future ? I's the basic nature of the human being, that's how we evolve.

Anyways, thanks for your reply. Hope we continue this conversation tomorrow if you still have the patience, right now I gotta sleep. It's alsmot 5 am over here !!


S. said...

I forgot though
Can you explain the few points I mentioned about the campaign ?
I really want to understand


Rebekah said...

Bill, how have you arrived at having an 'intellectual problem' with believing in God? Can you prove for certain that he--or any realm outside of, or apart from, that which is strictly physical and tangible--does NOT exist?

Why can't we just admit that no one knows everything, we should all be seeking truth, and if another person believes differently from ourself he/she is not moron because of it. And Love and sex have driven people to violence and hate as well, but I haven't heard any anti-those opinions much... Just my thoughts.

antimaher said...

I direct this to s...
It is obvious that the western propaganda has reached Lebanon and I imagine the rest of the world by now. What I am reading in your post, are pieces of material that you have taken from many of the written posts on this blog and combined them to create a long effort of concern. My friend to answer some of you questions. Yes the economic crisis’s was developed over the past couple of years. In 2005 McCain told the Senate and Congress that if something weren’t done to stabilize the housing market (referring to Fannie & Freddie) the consequences would be astronomical. The controlled house by the Liberals laughed and basically did nothing. Research your facts and you will see that the stock market was at a consistent high as early as 6 weeks ago.

Obama denied any association with ACORN as he did with Ayers. During Obamas senate campaign he had another connection with a man named Ed Smith of the Laborers Union accused of voter buying. In Obamas Audacity of Hope, he takes a few swings at Wal-Mart, presumably because of the non-union status of its workers. These are facts and not fiction my Lebanon friend. It took Stanley Kurtz of The National Review Online to ask permission to see the files held by the publicly funded University of Illinois Chicago. This is what he wrote and I won’t bother going into all of his rant.

It is highly unusual and legally questionable for a publicly-funded archive to deny access to records in its collection, particularly when they have a bearing on matters of intense public interest: the qualifications of a man seeking to be Commander in Chief.

Obama and Ayers were not only friends they were in bed together. Ayers served on the Chicago School Reform Collaborative of which Obama chaired that made recommendations to where millions of dollars would be appropriated. During his helm on this committee it failed to produce any measurable academic gains, and this was according to their own final report. I would love to supply more Obama entertainment for you, but I am so sick of ignorant travelers on lost roads of selfism.

So my friend in Lebanon would you like to come to America…welcome

antimaher said...

Wilber...will that be a non fat latte with sprinkles of chocolate.

wilber said...

We have voting booths over here. Which ever way the vote goes, I accept it but, the left does not.

I'm not going to argue or say my points as it is meaningless. I just know that I am "PROUD" of my President no matter what! At least he put our safety first instead of bj's in the oval office.

I know Bush will probably be relieved to be out of office after all the scorn that this one man has had to endure. Bill Maher would be off the air right now if he had to suffer what Bush has.


Of course!

antimaher said...

Wilber I'm on your side...there are too many on this blog that refuse to admit what he did was courage’s. Yes there were mistakes made, but both parties need to take responsibility for their contributions.

MP2008 said...


I love your post and you, for that fact.

Keep them coming!

I'm the one they tried to run off!

antimaher said...

MP2008....Poopoo on them.If they can't take a joke...wait they can take a joke they kneel to BILL.

Unknown said...

Saw your movie twice loved it ! Felt that way for years.

I grew in Ireland and I have so many crazy stories about nuns.
Before one of the divorce referendums, nuns came to our school and told us to make sure our parents voted no for divorce. They told us if divorce became legal all our parents would get divorced.
I was only 5 at the time. My parents fought all the time, so in my world this was definately happening, no question.
I went so far as to hide my Dad's car keys, so he couldn't go and visti"the woman" who was going to become our new mum.
Of course we all laugh about it now. But at the time I was terrified.
Religion is such a danergous thing.

Keep up the good work.


S. said...

"I am so sick of ignorant travelers on lost roads of selfism.

So my friend in Lebanon would you like to come to America…welcome"

Actually, I said I wanted to come when I was growing up. Now that I am actually grown up, no need to mingle around with stupid racists with 10 year olds IQ that won't reply to something in a respectful and constructive manner... Or if I go, it will be something like NY or Boston. Probably far, far away from pathetic people like you.
And please find yourself a more creative name, I'm sure you can get the two neurones you have left to do that.

Wilber, I guess it's true that the Democrats tend to forget that they actually existed in government all this time, so yes, it is true that Bush took all the blame himself while the people around him shied away discretely. I guess sometimes we forget that because everyone benefits from focussing the blame on one individual.

Anyways, this is too tiring, not to be able to discuss anything with that psychopath hanging around. I'd rather watch the standups, it's much lighter. Can't believe you have had this going on for 2 years..

Thanks for your replies anyway.


Unknown said...

I just saw the movie today and it is well done. I think the general premise that religion is leading to the mindset of armagedon is certainly the most important issue in the movie whether you are religious or not.

The movie gives an atheist a chance to drag a religious friend to the movie. It is quite unfortunate it has an R rating to keep young people from sneaking in to it. Hopefully, the DVD will sell better than the movie does and the kids can pass it around.

There is enough doubt put forth genuinely by Bill and by some of the facts he brings up to help people question their own faith. I think tripping up so many believers in the little scenes where they try to say why they believe was well done.

I was not pleased with the insinuations about Bush and McCain as they are no different than all the people in congress since none of them will admit to atheism. If Obama is not supporting christianity or the muslim religion of which both are in his background, there is no reason to believe he wont lead us in to armagedon too. Democrats may have most of the atheists in their party but our financial situation created by the democrats and their socialistic and pacifistic policies will take us to the armagedon faster than the republicans religious beliefs.

I really enjoyed the right on attack on the Mormon religion, since if anyone investigates it, they will find that Joseph Smith is the latest profit followed legitemately by the most people who control a state in the united states in which I live and he wrote everything down and is undeniably a false prophet. It is a modern day farce to think these people can be so duped. In comparison why would the rest of the religious world not see that their prophets who have nothing written down that is proveable would be any different to believe than Smith who said he spoke to god and got everything from him. And the Mormons actually believe they have the only true religion and these guys are leaders in congress with the democratic whip being a mormon.

Last, the call to unite because we are a powerful force of 16% nonbelievers is interesting. I know that Richard Dawkins book God Delusion got me out of saying I was agnostic but I am wondering how I become an atheistic activist?


Lisa said...

Food for thought when mulling over Republican attempts to tie Obama/terrorism/Bill Ayers.

Had it not been for all of the different activist groups - both peaceful & violent in nature - what would our current political & civil landscape be?

While I don't condone or encourage acts of violence - I can look back & see that they shook & shaked the American people into having more of a voice - being more willing to openly question government & expect government to be accountable. Had it not been for groups like Weather Underground, would the political climate have evolved to allow such things as Watergate investigation to occur? Or how long it would have taken for an awesome show like Real Time to ever be on TV?

Yet all that McCain campaign is pushing is word "terrorist" & trying to say it as many times as possible with Obama as if it were a tongue twister challenge. Not mentioning any of details regarding Bill Ayers, or the period of time that his group operated in. It is sad they are instead taking out-dated & out of perspective information to try to push fear button in Americans to avoid any close scrutiny of how their policies & proposals come up short.

Bevworld said...

okay I have f-d up my comments twice. So I just want to say it is a courageous, important and timely piece. Thank You.
And the next time my neighbor gives me that holier than thou look because I have a few pumpkins and a scarecrow on my front lawn I will refer her to your movie and remind her that another name for pagan could quite possibly be her great great grandma's

I'm coming out

Unknown said...

Hello Bill I am probably one of your biggest fans and i just came back from seeing you movies. I absolutely loved it, brilliant is all i can say. I live in Chapel Hill one of the liberalist cities in the south and I have been an Atheist for most of my life. I know i will most likely never get to meet you but i just wanted to say how happy i am to know that there are people out there who are on the same page as me. Of all the things that stood out in your movie there was one that stood out the most. It was how you said that not having a religion is a luxury. I have been saying the same thing but using a different word. I had been saying elitist. It was not the word that i wanted to use but i could not think of a better word to use. Anyways i hope you get a chance to read this and if you are ever in north carolina please let me know i would love to speak with you. Anyways great movie i love your show and keep on doing what you are doing
-Much Respect
Brandon Alexander

MP2008 said...

Why would anyone post their email address on this blog?

Tell Bill to get his own! He said on Larry King he had one, but I have not found it!

If anyone has it, I would love to have it!

skidsteersolutions said...

Just saw the movie Bill and you are right on target. I have often said that there is something missing in ones life that makes them turn to religion. I am challenged a lot in my day to day life and wish I could articulate my feelings the way Bill does in the movies. Any chance that some of your comments will be made available in a transcript?

MP2008 said...


You are disgusting! Clean out your own toilet!

Oh, and I want your money if Obama wins! I'm downgrading in order to get it!

Ann will get you now! Some friend you are.

wilber said...




antimaher said...

Gee s did I hurt your feelings. I thought we were getting along so fine my Asian friend. If you really are in Lebanon, for that matter we could be chatting with Osama but let’s not go there. I’m sure your insecurities are well received in a nation that still condemns Lesbian women and homosexuality. Off with their heads. Ok sorry for the condescending tone. You asked for a rebuttal and that’s what you got. It appears you CAN”T HANDLE THE TRUTH. Wasn’t it your amigo Najwa Bouhamdan that said that they were there to bring down the government and did not want any influence from the United States.

Please don’t try and pull your compassionate stroke on others or me. You are glued to the tube and any form of communication waiting for someone like Obama to be power, so you can take advantage of his lack of foreign policies. You and many others in your tents would love to see a socialized America. And another point for you to swallow, I have a very high IQ..Have a nice day

Apachejew said...

The movie's barred from showing anywhere in Grand Junction, CO... no big surprise. I'm 30 miles from the Utah state line. Here I might as well be living on the moon.

antimaher said...

Dear Francis let's celebrate, come on really. We should break bread together and sing songs of joy.Let the world and all it's glory know that ReDiculous the movie will not be showing...pass the cheese

MP2008 said...

Ben Affleck,

I want your money too!!!

Leave Joe the Plumber alone!

My gosh...he works harder than any of Hollywood!

antimaher said...

Ok I want to say goodnight... come on people smile on your brother everybody get together try and love one another right now, right now. You too s

MP2008 said...

I love you too antimaher, unfortunately, followers of Hollywood never feel that love!

MP2008 said...

I am so disappointed in Frank Luntz(whatever it is, and they say Fox News is biased?) and Martin Short, you are off my list.

Dang, my celebrity list is growing shorter and shorter.


Anonymous said...

This movie is the best darn movie I have ever seen! It should be mandatory for everyone on the planet to see. Wish all schools showed this movie. Hoping to see this movie for a second time tomorrow night with a brain washed Catholic I have been dating. We will probably have to break up during your movie. I can't stand idiocracy in the world (of course that movie was pretty funny too...not to worry..yours was better).

Do not stop making are the last hope on this planet to educate. Therefore you are a profit....ha! From a fellow health freak who understands casein protein, acidity, etc. If you need help on that movie let me know. The stupiditity of killing and damaging yourself through diseases you can prevent easily.

MP2008 said...


Do your girlfriend a favor and break up with her!

She deserves better!

Anonymous said...

I wish I could go. I sold my Van and ride a bike now, refuse to pay over $1.25 for gas. I am sure it is outstanding I love every episode of Real Time. Now I am just sick of politics, but promise to buy it when its out on DVD.
Gerry Jaworski
Go Obama

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