Hey all, if you haven't seen "Religulous" yet, would you do me a favor and go this weekend? I swear not for me, I am honestly not interested in ever making a movie again - I'm like Danny Glover in Lethal Weapon, "I'm too old for this shit." But this one I would like to do well so America gets it that there's a lot of people who at least would like this to be a subject we can talk about and debate. And, its a hoot! I've gotten so many e mails and texts from people who say "I just saw your movie, and at the end everyone applauded. " Something must be going on here, how many times do you see that in movies these days?
Thank you!
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«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 600 of 1747 Newer› Newest»You're not just NON-religious; you're ANTI-religious because of how people have abused
religion. Where you're wrong is when you say that all religious people base their faith on
NOTHING. Are you an evolutionist? Does Darwin fill in all the blanks for you? Consider the
design of your own body or the miracle that is Planet Earth. This is, of course, a reference
to William Paley's (1743-1805) "teleological" watchmaker arguement, which I believe kicks
a** and stands on its own even if Richard Dawkins calls himself qualified enough to diss it. Dawkins says people from the Paley school are simply not insightful or creative enough to connect the beginning of the story of evolution to this era of complex organisms. Dawkins
fills in the blanks of the story of Earth with his own brand of possibilities that he tries to push on his audience as probable. His failure to fill in those blanks WITH PROOF _and_ this incredible world we live in makes intelligent design a much more reasonable explanation for life for many, and makes life not a fluke of weirdness, but a human and Godly experience to appreciate, take seriously, and see everywhere one looks, which includes when looking at you. If a theory's failure to "fill in the blanks" makes it ridiculous, then shouldn't you make RIDICULEVOLUTION also?
I can also report from eastern Canada the same three things you said on Larry King last night: a) they laughed throughout the movie b) they applauded at the end c) everyone was talking about it on the way out of the theatre. LOTS of conversation.
This may have been your 'Moby Dick' but don't discount the fact that a pot documentary would also suit you well. Also something you could put your beliefs and comedy behind.
dying to see it but I live in Portugal island named Madeira and guess ill have to wait for the dvd hehe.
a movie like that comes in the right time, I am 24 years old really tired of religious people might as well laugh because they are funny with their little minds they actualy believe it makes sense throwing away the core of human nature the impulse of questionign things for something that was written way after the time of the actual occurances by people in power that had no technology nor the education we have nowadays.
Its actaully funny because i come from Brazil even tho i live in Portugal but Brazil has aroud 200million inhabitants 99% of which are profoundly religious i dont think there is any place in the world where so many religions come together with no problem.
well actaully its a problem they are ignorant and brainwashed into giving money to the most vicious and fake enterprise of the world "religion" which sells an invisible product that every idiot runs to buy because they dont have balls to face truth or stand up for themselves and face life .
i just dont understand how U.S pays so much attention to it i mean in brazil u dont see presidents telling everyone "im religulouso vote for me"
U.S needs to spend billion of dolars from taxpayers not helping banks but helping citicenz get better education. why spend billions of dollars in defense if farmer bob doesnt know what the "launch" button does
"Off with their heads"
Lebanon has actually gay and lesbians rights &many local associations are working on improving them.
It's funny that you mention it, knowing that republicans pride on not supporting gay and lesbians rights.
Thanks for the use "tent" and "osama" and "Behead".I was expecting it from someone obviously very low (r very young or very stupid).
We don't live in tents, Lebanon has a half a christian population and we don't behead people, thank you. We actually valorize the brain because we think it's important, so we usually keep it
and try to develop it...
... As for yours...
so basically, this is exactly what I wanted to verify
You are racist and
whenasked direct questions that you know you can't reply to, you people prefer to attack individually and you directly target people's motivations because it eases your simple brain from understanding complex realities.
In Lebanon, yes we do want the US's intervention but not Bush.
Tried to impose things on us, and he failed miserabely. He supported a war that killed 1000 civilians and he supported a side of the government which was fueling part of the money to actual sunnni terrorists
up north the country. And when those terrorists actually took over a palestinian camp and actually BEHEADED lebanese soldiers, he pretended
he would help and did nothing
So yes, Bush out the door. Hemanaged to indirectly fund the same sunni extremists that want to end christianity in the ME.
I prefer people who have a brain format that comprehends geopolitics and analysis.That's the only way things can go better.
Middle East = Osama= Tent = friend of Obama = me tarzan, you jane.
You have a high IQ ? Compared to who, cheetah ?
"The fool has said in his heart,'There is no God.' They are corrupt,they have done abominable works, there is none who does good." Psalm 14:1. I pray your eyes are opened to the truth before you meet Him face to face, which you will one day, as will we all.
Bill, you absolutely have to read the book "Tortoise Riskies". Although in a different context (fiction) it takes several shots at organized religion, mostly The Roman Catholic Church. Get in on Amazon or at the Santa Monica Borders.
Also, for more insights on topics important to your show, check out the blog www.digiteer.blogspot.com. Great stuff "Palin' By Comparison", "Socialism for Dummies" and "Why Do You Think They Call It The White House". Great fuel and factual support for the show. Keep up the great work!
Hi Bill,
I just sent the following to O'Reilly. I will let you know if I get a response:
Hi Bill,
Boy, a little funny that you and Bill Maher have the same first names and Joe six-pack and Joe the plumber do too!
In any event, I sincerely would like to ask you some questions. I have become closely acquainted with people, over the past few years, who are right wing conservatives. However, they do not make anywhere near the amount of money that would ever benefit them financially to vote republican. However, they are hunters and extremely religious people. Most of what I have heard from them is that they will not vote for a black man, and that they believe in hunting and pro-life because: they have been told to. They cannot voice why. They have not thought about it or read about it. They believe it because they have been told to. They are scared of the democratic party because they are told to be. Now, I will tell you that financially I have always been better off with the republican policy of lowering the taxes for the wealthy, however, morally, I know that I can afford to pay more in taxes and that the people of this nation, the vast majority, need the small extra percentage that I or my family members may have to pay. If you take religion out of the government, what is the argument for being a Republican supporter other than that the rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer? and, I find it amazing that the rich republicans have successfully convinced all of the religious right that there is some other reason to vote republican other than the fact that the rich will get richer and that their religion, which does not belong in government, tells them to vote that way. Julie
Terrific Movie! Yes: New Rule...everyone religous must see this movie. So proud of the work you did! Now don't give up...and produce a new movie called "The Studpidity of Disease" Why we eat ourselfves into heart disease and cancer. Of course everyone could just read "The China Study" and smarten up too. The brain washing of the world is a good business...people are gulable.
I have seen the movie twice and loved it! I will most likely go back and see it again. Bill - you have made a excellent movie. It really brings to lite that there are some crazy and dangerous religions out there in the world. The movie really made we think about the religion that I was raised in and what those beliefs are. I am a big fan of yours. I never miss an episode of Realtime nor the opportunity to see you in standup. No matter if it is politics or religion you are discussing, you never hold back on speaking your mind and getting the audience to stop and think!
Bll, we went to see Religous last night- It was Great- SOOOO True, Thanks- Lots of Christians agree with it but, just will not say it
Im sending you my Avandia story- I heard you make coments about Avandia some time ago- again, soooooo true!!My wife & I Love ya
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, February 13, 2008 - - Pat Kelly and his wife Sandra Kelly of Oklahoma, filed a lawsuit on February 12, 2008, against Philadelphia-based GlaxoSmithKline ("GSK"), the maker of Avandia, in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania - Case 2:08-cv-00667-RK, accusing GSK of causing serious injury to Mr. Kelly due to its negligence, fraud, breach of warranty, negligent pharmaco-vigilance and a failure to warn about the risks of its drug, Avandia.
The lawsuit alleges that Avandia (rosiglitazone maleate) caused Pat Kelly, 59, to suffer from myocardial ischemia, a painful heart condition caused by blockage or lack of blood flow to the heart, which required coronary revascularization.
After suffering his first myocardial ischemic event, Mr. Kelly underwent stent placement surgery on March 20, 2006. Then, on August 27, 2007, after suffering from chest pains, he was taken to the hospital again and required open heart surgery for coronary artery bypass grafting to restore the flow of oxygen and nutrients to his heart.
The attorneys for the Kelly family allege in the complaint that GSK knew, or should have known, that Avandia was associated with a significant increased risk of heart failure, myocardial ischemia and ischemic events such as cardiovascular mortality, myocardial infarction (heart attack), and stroke.
According to Mr. Kelly’s attorneys, "since FDA scientists estimate that Avandia has caused roughly 83,000 heart attacks it is difficult to believe GSK was either unaware of the risk or unable to discover the risk through appropriate investigation and analysis of its clinical trial data," stated Mr. Kelly's attorney, Roger Drake of Baum, Hedlund, Aristei & Goldman.
The lawsuit also alleges that GSK negligently and carelessly failed to fully disclose to physicians, patients, and regulatory authorities the results of testing and other information in its possession from its clinical trials that showed an association between Avandia and heart failure, heart attacks, myocardial ischemia and ischemic events such as cardiovascular mortality, myocardial infarction and stroke.
The complaint further alleges that GSK over-promoted Avandia, carelessly promoted it as safe and effective, and failed and refused to adequately warn the medical community and the consuming public of the risks associated with Avandia until the FDA finally took action.
The complaint includes a claim for negligent pharmaco-vigilance in that GSK has an ongoing duty to continually monitor, test, and analyze data regarding the safety and efficacy of its marketed drugs, including Avandia, but failed in that duty.
Baum Hedlund attorney Roger Drake states that, in the process of his firm’s previous litigation against GSK, the firm acquired a number of internal GSK documents regarding Avandia. He said that GSK may have used a similar method for concealing known side effects of Avandia, which Baum Hedlund discovered while litigating against GSK in thousands of cases involving Paxil. The firm is handling many Avandia wrongful death and personal injury cases, including cases in which patients have required stent placement surgery or coronary artery bypass grafting surgery.
Avandia Black-Box Warnings
The Avandia label has undergone several changes in the seven years leading up to the first black-box warning on August 14, 2007 which warned that patients taking Avandia may be at an increased risk of congestive heart failure. On November 19, 2007, a second black-box warning was added to the Avandia label regarding the potential increased risk of heart attacks and other myocardial ischemic events such as those suffered by Pat Kelly.
About Pat Kelly
Ever since he was a small child, Pat Kelly wanted to be an auctioneer. He did his first auction at the age of 13, attended auction college, and became a very successful professional auctioneer. He felt lucky to be doing something for a living that he loved and did well. Since taking Avandia, suffering myocardial ischemia, and having to undergo bypass surgery, his career has suffered. He has been unable to travel as often as he did before and his health problems have drained his energy and hindered his ability to auction with the same stamina and flair he had before.
Good morning s this is cheetah
Your true colors finally came out, as expected. Then you wonder why Americans have a bad taste for people like you. I copied a couple lines that you wrote and if you were to read your own posts you may notice how they progress to anger and anguish. The only true statement you made was the first one.
1. (I'm foreign, so a bit slower over here :)
2. Just to present myself, I may simply not be "people" to you or some because I come from the Middle East,
3. So trust me,
4. And I simply can't comprehend how Americans have become like the extremists we're ALL fighting (i.e. narrow-minded faith based racist and extremist talk)
5. Can you explain the few points I mentioned about the campaign?
I really want to understand
6.Now that I am actually grown up, no need to mingle around with stupid racists with 10 year olds IQ that won't reply to something in a respectful and constructive manner.
7. Not to be able to discuss anything with that psychopath hanging around.
Then you think that Americans or cheetahs as you claim, have some preconceived notion that we have no understanding about Eastern cultures. Your pattern has been displayed around the Globe for centuries. You are a self-serving person as is your country. Your own war killed a thousand civilians yet you find justice and comfort blaming the Americans. We have never funded Sunni extremists as you claim…putting blame on everyone else is another convenient generalization for radicals that continue to cry over spilled milk. What about terrorist organizations like Shiite militia Hezbollah, as well as the Abu Nidal Organization, are they part of the American military. Gee am I still asleep here in Utopia, soaking up the sun while the hardship of Lebanon is crawling towards mystical sanity.
Freedom of speech is what makes America a great nation and the people here are tough. Unlike the pitiful standards that you hold. So if you ever want to discuss your problem with a psychopath as you put just turn around and be entertained by Fatah al-Islam, if you are not already a member.
Ok I have to have my Cheerios now. you see S Cheerios are as American as most of the people on this blog.
I seriously didn't go through the whole post, because you're really boring and there's no point.
One point : I didn't compare Americans to Cheetahs, I rightfully compared your IQ to Cheetah's when you made simplifications and stupid comments such as Osama, tent, Beheading, and so on and so forth. When I criticize You, it's not even the republicans versus democrats, because I know some pretty cool republicans in Paris, and hey, I love Ron Paul and actually almost like McCain before he picked Palin. I criticize You who think it's a smart argument to call a person interested in your country "Osama".
Do not be as low as transforming what I said to make a false point. It means that you have nothing left to argue for, and sadly for you, people are not stupid and they can actually read.
And I'm glad my presence made you reckon that "most of the people on the blog are americans". You seemed to have a hard time saying it in your previous comments. Glad to have been helpful.
Does it also mean you take back your fatwa on Maher ?
Last (I'm not responding to your stupid comments anymore), thanks for doing your homework on Wikipedia on Lebanon. I suggest Seymour Hersh and Robert Fisk among others, if it's not too much for you, they tell Fatah el Islam's story and their link to US funds better than I could.
Boo hoo hoo S…Listen moron did you know that Osama had interest in the USA. He displayed his interest by killing almost 5000 innocent people. Why would I or anyone on this blog trust you? You went on the defense soon as someone did not agree with you. We are to believe that you actually like McCain, when you referred to him as a pit bull and found some idiotic reason to slam Palin. Since when have you become an authority on American politics? Over night. Wasn’t it you that wanted to learn more? Go back to your cave you are not a challenge for me or anyone on this blog my friend (NOT). I can argue with you till your nose bleeds. So bring it on. I’m sharpening my teeth and wit as we chat.
This is what I have to say to you S.
And another thing rag top, when you refer to america..make sure it's in capitals, AMERICA!
On a lighter note.I hope the Brady Bunch do another reunion.
hey S it's fetwa...
THANK YOU! I saw the movie last week. Smart, funny and long overdue! Finally someone made this movie.
Keep it coming!
Simply said, I very much enjoyed the movie. Have seen it twice and can't wait to buy my own copy.
You know, it took thousand of years to go from a pluri theistic society to our mono theistic society. I don't think "civilized man" will ever really come of age until we move into an atheistic society. This movie makes a loud statement to start us moving in that direction. Time for us all to come out from hiding and help spread the word.
Terrific movie. Thoroughly enjoyed it as much the second time as the first.
You know, it took thousand of years for our society to go from a pluri theistic to a mono theistic society. This movie may finally get "civilized man" moving to an atheistic society, or at least get man to think long and hard about some of the decisions that are made in the name of God.
Kudos to you Mr. Maher. It's official; IT IS OK to be a non believer!
hey Bill, I have to say that Religulous was amusing and really skeptical. There were not many people in the theater that watched the documentary. I should say less than than nine people were in there. Religious people are just hypocritical, manipulative, and corruptive. What can I say? This movie actually points out a lot of things about religion. I ought to think the people in Scientology are the ones who are truly crazy. If your movie does come out on DVD, I want to purchase it. Your film is brilliant and you are a wise, comical man.
I'm in Ohio and I still see no sign of it in theaters. I've been so desperate to see it since I heard it mentioned and even more so since I saw the trailers. Total blue balls going here.
Thank you for this thought provoking movie. I saw it here in NY the 1st night it came out. No one could contain their laughter and yes, we too applauded at it's end. There were discussions among the audience as we were leaving the theater and not just among the people who came together.
You are correct, this is an opinion shared by many but not revealed often enough.
I have faith but mine is not the organized kind. I have faith there is still good in this world. I believe there is still honesty. I believe in Karma. I believe what you put out into the world is what you will get in return. I have to.
What I don't have is a strong sense of Peace or see any type of Resolution, not even in the smallest measurement, no light at the end of the tunnel to the major issues we face today and although it may not be the entire reason for the conflicts we face, Religion can be found at the core of most.
If you believe in God, whichever God, great...just don't try to convince the rest of the world your God is the only God. That's just downright ignorant.
Mr. Maher,
As a fellow Atheist, I would like to thank you for "Religulous." I have been an atheist for 5 years now and I find myself wondering why I didn't think this way sooner. I myself was once a Christian and swallowed everything given to me because it was "God's word." The ridiculousness of that phrase in it of itself is amazing. When I finally had "my fall from faith," my eyes were opened to the hypocrisy of religion and how believing in yourself makes more sense than believing that something that you can't even prove or have any solid facts.
I once had a psychology professor who, when we went over the very touchy subject of Evolution (which is insane that people don't believe that!) a girl stood up and said "There is scientific proof that the bible is full of facts." He simply said, "If you bring me a single shred of scientific evidence that the bible is fact then I will resign from my job." She immediately sat down and shut her mouth.
I find it amazing that people can call themselves intelligent, logical and religious at the same time. Being logical and religious are two completely different ideologies that cannot coincide with one another. I have ALWAYS asked my friends who consider themselves religious the question, "Why?" Their answers are never solid, never have any validity and never make sense. And while I accept them for who they are, I cannot accept their beliefs as fact.
I appreciate you getting the message out that religion is a way to control and brainwash the masses. Religion must be stopped.
Thank you.
OMG, this country is going to Hell!
Oh wait, nobody believes in God so therefore, NO HELL!
We die, we're dead...poof! Your life was for nothing! So why all the bitching?
I got it now!
We saw the movie yesterday. Bill it was less funny and more depressing than we had hoped. I'm sorry I can't say I was completely thrilled, but mostly I wanted you to make fun of religion, and you did, and you did make the world a safer place for those of us who don't "belong." Thank you for having the stones to take on a tough subject and go after it. I thought some of those idiots were going to get up and plant one on your nose. They're so self-righteous they couldn't believe you were really challenging them.
Oh, come on Stillwalkn,
Say "balls"! If you don't believe then what are you worried about?
Bill, my husband and I just saw Religulous and it was exceptionally done. You captured the hypocrisy and sheer fantasy I've always seen religion to be. I tend too steer away from debates about religion because I cannot figure out a way to communicate my views without insulting others....but what they believe is lunacy. The movie was informative; I didn't know there were other belief systems preceding Christ detailing a virgin birth on the 25th of December, crucifixion, and resurrection. I fear for our country as politics become more entwined with religion. Thank you for filming the movie. I encourage everyone to go see it!
Don't worry about debating religion with anyone.
If you don't believe, fine! You die, your gone and poof - your life was a meaningless adventure.
Dang, how many times do I have to say that?
If anyone can look around themselve and think that a monkey created all of this, so be it! But, who created the monkey?
Ok, probably should have said a Dinosaur!
One more thing, it's really kind of sad that Bill has to beg you to go see his movie!
"Fireproof" is making alot of money and "oh my gosh", it's a Christian movie!
I know Bill Maher is an outspoken individual when it comes to religion, but I question his valitidy about what it is he says. Bill, do you realize that the "thou shalt not kill" philosophy is a religious philosophy? One of the Ten Commandments right. How do you feel about one human killing another? I hope the following gives you and the rest of the "so called" atheist a moment of thought.
The "thou shalt not kill", philosophy makes human life more valuable than the planet that sustains it. Do you have any idea of the consequences of that? For as long as man has recorded his history, he's recorded his violence, violence no matter how much everybody doesn't like it, is what allows you all to be here right now, let alone have an opinion.
Did you know that the worlds population doubled from 3 billion to 6 billion from the year 1960 to the year 2000? But why wouldn't it, we go out of our way to make sure that happens, don't we. It's been concluded by Harvard and Yale experts that there was about 1 billion people on this planet 2 thousand years ago. If the human race would have done what the Bible said, and nobody killed anybody for the last 2 thousand years, what would the current human population of this planet be right now? In other words, double 1 billion every forty years for 2 thousand years and tell me what you get. Does anybody realize that we the human race have to build a city the size of L.A. every year to accommidate the human population growth? How long before this planet is one big city?
The problem isn't evil, it's the fact that humans refuse to be a part of the circle of life, thanks to religion. Why is everything round,bubbles, our planet, our cells, our orbit around the sun, the atom? Well, because the circle is the most efficient shape. Speaking of circles, I'm certain most people reading this understand how a virus or parasites works. If one Ebola virus enters a human body, it will do nothing but consume and reproduce, viruses or parasites don't conflict or kill each other, they just consume and reproduce, much like the human animal in the "thou shalt not kill" world. Think of this planet as if it were a cell in your body and we the human race are a virus or parasite, we don;t kill each other, we just consume and reproduce.
You know what I think Bill, I think you're just another gray elephant. Why do I think that, well, answer the following questions. Think of a number between one and ten. Multiply it by nine. Take the double digit you now have, separate it, and then add them together. Minus 5. Take the number you now have, and associate it with a letter in the alphabet, A would be one, B would be two C would be three, and so on. Take the corresponding letter to your number and think of a country in Europe that starts with that letter. Take the second letter in that countries name and think of an animal that starts with that letter. What color is that animal? Well, are you a gray elephant?
How many people reading this think that extremist Muslims are psychologically conditioned? Well, so are you, because at least 50% of the people reading this are going to come to the conclusion of gray elephant no matter what number you picked, but you didn't realize it until now.
Riddle me this Batman, How long before there is 30 billion people on this planet, and where do you put 30 billion people and have enough horticultural and agricultural space to sustain it?
How many people on this planet can agree that 1 plus 1 is two, I'm pretty sure everybody can, why, because mathematics is the only planetary language.
I'm sick and tired of the so called "atheist" who still manage to base there entire lives on the morals and ethics religion has taught, you're either an atheist or your not, pick one and be that.The "thou shalt not kill" philosophy is a mathematical inevitability, and it's going to kill us all. Think of those four words uttered 2 thousand years ago, by the great Moses himself, then go pick up a dictionary and look up the word "ironic"
Bill the next time you want to have a debate on your show about religion don't hesitate to contact me, I'll be more than happy to fix you, and the rest of the planet out, with one simple mathematical question. Remember, the circle of life doesn't start at ocean plankton and end at the lion.
Derek R Speed
Cambridge Ontario, Canada.
Derek R Speed,
That is a great post!
Hey Bill,
First of all, great work on the movie. Sorry you got thrown out of the Vatican! I think my favorite moment was the look on the faux Jesus' face when you retorted, "What if YOU're wrong?"
I've seen religion divide people. I've seen it get people killed...or be killers. I do believe in God, but God as this force, this connection between all humanity and all that exists in the physical world. Bad things will happen to good people, and good things to bad people. God is not a button pushing fella in an armchair on a cloud, rather a concatenation of our collective thoughts-like the internet is basically just all the world's computers all connected together.
Thank you again for a great show-I never miss it-and a great movie.
The faux Jesus "was an Actor"!
Hello? McFly!!!!!????
I just broke a rib from laughing so excuse me please!
Ben Affleck is an idiot! He blames the banking collapse on capitalism, and because 'capitalism' has failed we must go to socialism. The United States hasn't seen capitalism since its bankruptcy in 1933. It is the unconstitutional fiat Federal Reserve Note that has created the economic disparity not capitalism. All 10 planks of the communist manifesto have been implemented including the fifth which is a central bank. So it is communism that has failed, which we knew it would. For the first 150 years of our nation, capitalism brought us the largest spike in innovation and standard of living in the history of humanity. I guess now we can only read about it in the history books.
Similar to Bill, I think that a person cannot be at the same time: religious, smart and honest with themselves. I would like to make to points:
1.People use the term belief loosely. Belief is simply an opinion that that is base on lack of knowledge. Grown-up are supposed to say: I don't know, when asked about something they don't know. Saying: I believe ..., simply means that one doesn't know the answer but is not confident to admit it.
2.Inventing invisible things is a common childish behavior. Most of us that have experience with young children remember fondly our child's invisible friends. Most kids loose their invisible friends before they go to first grade. I guess religious people have arrested development in this area.
Bill would you please make up your mind on this myth about Jesus? On your show Friday the 17th of October you used Jesus as a reference by saying he hated rich people. And what he would do if he came back today. I thought you were an edumuhkaeded dued. wot's up wit dat?
I'm still waiting for your flick to come out in DVD so I may add it to my library.
Well here we are, weeks past the opening of your movie, and yet here in wonderful Alabama there has yet to be a showing of it anywhere near me. "Heaven" forbid anyone ask any real questions about religion around here. Instead, let us all hop in our less than fuel efficient trucks and go watch people get torn apart in Saw V and then see someone make a trip to try and fornicate with a woman he has never met in person in Sex Drive... yes, I'm sure those movies are more to the standards and teachings of this Christian belief. Heck, just look at the Bible, God's killing everyone he deems unworthy then knocks up a married woman and doesn't stick around to raise the child... how can those movies NOT be what the Christians want to see?!?!
Anyways, off topic. If I just send you the cost of a couple of tickets would you just send me a copy of the DVD right away? Seems to be the only way it will be shown even in Huntsville, AL!
I have to say I'm a little disappointed with you Bill, not in your movie but just you (sigh here). You have always been my go to example of 20-something black women dating older white males and this morning I get an email from my bi-coastal similar saying "Bill switched sides!". On behalf of our Caribbean chapter I say, have you tried an island girl?
Hey Kris, did you know that there is only two reported cases of immaculate conception in the history of the human race, one is Jesus Christ, the other is annican skywalker.
My husband and I were so excited to see your movie on the coming attractions list at our local theater...unfortunately, it was pulled from the roster right before it's release. We live in central Nebraska where we are outnumbered by people that must be afraid you are on to something. We hope your movie does well elsewhere and we are considering going to another state to see it!
I saw the movie yesterday, and I must say IT IS ABOUT TIME SOMEONE HAD THE BALLS to do this. I am such a firm believer that religion is truly destructive.
I am making sure EVERYONE I know sees this movie,
it is extremely important even for people who may
not be fully effected by it sees it. It could possibly
plant a seed in their mind and maybe just maybe
one day it will click for them.
this is exactly what our world needs.
THANK YOU so very much
"Fireproof" is making alot of money and "oh my gosh", it's a Christian movie!
Of course it's making more money. There are more ignorant sheep in the world than there are rational individuals. Hell, they're constantly having kids. They preach abstinence and refuse to teach the young and dumb about birth control.
I saw it last night. TWICE worth the price of admission. I think the reason people applaud at the end of your masterpiece is that nobody likes a bully and A LOT of us americans (yeah, small 'a' for now) are sick and tired of being pushed around by the religious right and their "imaginary friends". Its SUPER BILL...faster than a speeding fatwa, more powerful than a loco Hassidic, able to leap over tall tales..... Too bad nothing will come of it...for I believe Religious fundamentalists are like the kids who were bullied at Columbine. One day, when they feel it all slipping away...they'll just don their black cassocks and blow the whole place away. What they dont realize is that blowing yourself to KINGDOM COME doesnt do any good if nobody's left to watch your martrydom on YouTube. Duh.
These people put the MENTAL in fundaMENTAList.
Hey Bill. All I can say that I hope gets to you in 'Thank You'. Very much. I've spent the last three years (I'm only nineteen) trying to figure out how to do what you did in Religulous. Thank you. Now, I've got to be honest...I like porn, right? And I was wondering where you got that "Virgin Mary" porn thing closer to the end of the movie? It's the only clip with boobs. You probably hate me now, but I don't know who to ask other than your team.
Heck, moi applauded at the end of “The Exorcist” and moi t’were the only one.
I mean, a priest kills-off (Fictional) Satan – that’s a heck of a good job.
Hey, wanna see moi’s lill’ film where I kill-off Jesus and JUST THINK OF IT – moi ain’t even Jewish despite my German last-name.
“The Origin of Jesus Christ” Parts I & II
Can you kill a guy that was never alive?
Stay on groovin' safari,
Tor Hershman
We went to see your movie yesterday. If History was taught properly the views expressed in this movie would be out there and in the main stream of study. I was raised Catholic and I too, remember catechism as either boring or unbelievably scarrrrry! And us girls were the responsible for all that first sin stuff! Took me into my twentys and therapy to get past that one!
The biggest joke is the T-rex and the christian living together...and this is all TAX exempt? and $2000.00 suits? I really feel if religious churches where taxed like the rest of us there would NOT be as many. A friend once said, if you want to make a lot of money, declare yourself a religious entity and start preaching. He said he should know...his father was a preacher. He was gay, a dear sweet person and his Christain father disowned him.
Your movie was playing in only one theater here in the East Sacto area, but fairly well attended. I will purchase DVD when it comes out. My sister and I saw you in person last time you were in Sacto, hope you come back.
Carlie, opie's friend
I just saw the movie. It was fantastic! I appreciate your willingness to speak up about the dangers we face as our country, and our world, gladly leave reason behind and instead embrace blind "faith" and ignorance. I had a good laugh and more than one shudder. Only one theater here in Albuquerque playing it, but it was a good crowd for a Saturday matinee. Thanks!!
I just saw religulous with my girlfriend and was a down right riot. I have been a "doubter" all my life and you just struck a big chord with me. I think people use religion just like Hunter S. Thompson used drugs. I felt so motivated to get out on the streets and start cautioning others on the threat that organized religion will ruin what its trying to save. I have a bumper sticker on my car that reads: "Agnostics aren't perfect, just not self deceived". I love the show Bill and you've helped me mold my own political ideals. You just make sense and that is good thing nowadays when everything just seems so confusing and complicated. Obama 08!
hey bill greetings from an argentinian(living in LA) i just made a phrase an wat to share with you(you can use it its not copyright, ha,ha) "god is the santa clous for adult people"
hey bill greetings from roman,an argentinian(now living in LA) i just made a phrase an wat to share with you(you can use it its not copyright, ha,ha) "god is the santa clous for adult people"
You are IT Bill Maher! Thank you, thank you for this movie, your insights, your courage, your authenticity and your amazing ability to pierce through the illusions!
I loved every scene, every sentence! Brilliant! Witty!
I hope everyone on the planet sees Religulous and then slaps his/her own forehead as hard as they can! Time to wake up people!
Laura relax you sound like you just sucked his dick...give us a break..yuk omg yuk
and roman is name for stupid people, go ahead use it there's no copyright on this either...
Derek it's a waste of time. Bill will only recognize people that stroke him and his little ego. BTW loved Cambridge, great town, did a concert there a couple of years ago.
Oh come on Bill. There's nothing new about bashing religion. And why bother? It's not going anywhere. Man is the only creature burdened with the knowledge that one day he's going to die. Religion is his way of dealing with that burden. As long as the world stands religion will be with us. Don't wear yourself out trying to get rid of it. Save your strength for doing political satire. That's what we need today more than ever.
I finally figured it out Bill. You must be a Hindu or a Buddhist!...as they are about the only major religions in the world you didn't trash in Religulous. I know in our ADD world you have to keep things short, but they all deserve a good kick in the ass once in awhile.
Many of you say it's about time someone has the balls to make this kind of movie. I'd like to point out that I made one in 2004. "Six Characters in Search of America" covers religion, gun control, capital punishment, medical marijuana, assisted suicide, freedom of choice, the Supreme Court handing the presidency to Bush, gay marriage and racism.
"Religulous" is tame by comparison, although I did enjoy it tremendously.
Here's an excerpt from my movie:
Excerpts from "Six Characters in Search of America" on YouTube
~ I watched your short clip on YouTube and I found it to be more creative and entertaining than anything that Maher has had to say or produce all the years he has been on the air. Don't ever think that he will take the time to view it. Unless it say's Bill you're wonderful. Bill you are God, Bill you look like a Bassett Hound. My point is when someone is so far into themselves they are blinded by their own senseless stupidity.
Good stuff.
First I would like to say that I believe that religion is a system of mind control and a complete scam. Your movie is great, however as a critical thinker I have to say everything in the movie is not correct. When you say that the muslims you spoke to are saying what they say to outsiders like you but believe something different themselves I have to tell you thet you are 100% wrong. I grew up with a partially muslim background although I never considered myself a muslim and my parents were not religious, but some of my relatives were, I can tell you that 95% of muslims abhor violence and the idea of Islam taking over the world wouldn't cross their minds. The best way to understand this is to go live in a muslim country and see what the actual people are like. In a billion people you are going to get some radicals but the reality of the way people are is not the media images of extemists that we're used to seeing here. I can tell this to you for a fact. If you went and actually spent some real time there, your eyes would be opened to this issue.
I saw the movie Sunday, this movie I thought offered a decent level of hilarity with its deadpan responses from the people interviewed, his jokes, the stock footage, ribbing. What I like about bill, even though I don't always agree with him, and sometimes catch of whiff of racism from him (i.e. the fake Jesus guy cut in with scenes from scarface lol) is that he stands up for what he believes in and is an original person. Or so I thought. As I sat back and Watched Religulous, I couldn’t help but feel like I’d heard each and every atheist argument before, down to the point that within 20 minutes of viewing this movie, I’d even predicted what angles he’d go at. And worse, my predictions were correct. “Come on Bill!” I thought I was going to be able to see someone say something new, but instead Religulous, was a “Rinse and Repeat” of things said by any average atheist. Hell, Bill didn’t even know that the theory of evolution had been tossed out! Bill this is YOUR movie, crap like that’s unacceptable, dude. All in all, as far entertainment value goes, it’s a great documentary to see on cable when nothing else is on, it’s humor offers more than a couple laughs. Will you walk away feeling any different? Maybe if you’re THAT confused on life, or a little stupid. Will you be offended if you’re a christian? Maybe if you’re THAT confused on life, or a little stupid. Christians, Billy is not saying anything you haven’t heard before, give it a rest. I mean after all, how seriously do you take a guy who tries to make Superhead an honest woman? Its all in good fun, people. Stop being so “Religulous”
I saw the movie Sunday, this movie I thought offered a decent level of hilarity with its deadpan responses from the people interviewed, his jokes, the stock footage, ribbing. What I like about bill, even though I don't always agree with him, and sometimes catch of whiff of racism from him (i.e. the fake Jesus guy cut in with scenes from scarface lol) is that he stands up for what he believes in and is an original person. Or so I thought. As I sat back and Watched Religulous, I couldn’t help but feel like I’d heard each and every atheist argument before, down to the point that within 20 minutes of viewing this movie, I’d even predicted what angles he’d go at. And worse, my predictions were correct. “Come on Bill!” I thought I was going to be able to see someone say something new, but instead Religulous, was a “Rinse and Repeat” of things said by any average atheist. Hell, Bill didn’t even know that the theory of evolution had been tossed out! Bill this is YOUR movie, crap like that’s unacceptable, dude. All in all, as far entertainment value goes, it’s a great documentary to see on cable when nothing else is on, it’s humor offers more than a couple laughs. Will you walk away feeling any different? Maybe if you’re THAT confused on life, or a little stupid. Will you be offended if you’re a christian? Maybe if you’re THAT confused on life, or a little stupid. Christians, Billy is not saying anything you haven’t heard before, give it a rest. I mean after all, how seriously do you take a guy who tries to make Superhead an honest woman? Its all in good fun, people. Stop being so “Religulous”
While I think Bill did a good job of pointing out the need for open and rational discourse regarding religious belief, he kind of softpedaled on the root cause of the problem - belief vs knowledge. I believe in something which is referred to by many people as 'God', but I know (have knowledge) that I am wrong in my belief. So the last thing I would do is fight to defend it.
But religious believers do not accept that the very concept of belief is that the assumptions it makes are groundless; instead they confuse it with fact. And fight to defend their 'truth', or worse, 'revealed truth' (somebody else's, so they don't have to think about it - cafeteria fundamentalists)
That we can do this and still be considered sane is scary. That we base much of our laws and philosophies on these ephemera is the herald of the undoing of the human race.
Bill illustrates this nicely, but darn it (can't damn it - to what? - but maybe we can treat the world like a worn-out sock and darn it) Bill, give us some solutions!)
Anyway, if you have not seen this movie, do so. Then go to church next Sunday, and right in the middle of the fire-and-brimstone sermon, stand up and say, "Yeah, right! You actually believe that tripe?" And laugh loudly as you walk out the door, free.
This movie was pure genius!
I hope that you would make a sequel to this. Even if not, here is a suggestion.
'A Hallucinated God'
This would not be the first religion in the world to come about by eating a hallucinogenic chemical substance. Tribes in the Amazon still today use DMT which is found in many plants around the world for example; Ayahuasca.
Hallucinogenic substances could have been the whole root of people's mind expansion (pre-civilization) and the questioning of life & death.
And most likely spawned many of the Psuedo-religions...
For those who don't already know, mushrooms can grow on the ground, wood, moss and even trash. They are most present in the morning upon a good rain or high humidity.
'Magic' Mushrooms are present on every continent in the world, and easily found by any hay/grass feeding mammals. Wonder why many religions believe cows are sacred?.
The passages below shout out 'Magic' Mushrooms to me...
Then said the LORD unto Moses, Behold, I will vain bread from heaven for you; and the people shall go out and gather a certain rate every day, that I may prove them, whether they will walk in my law or no (16:4).
And when the dew that lay was gone up, behold, upon the face of the wilderness there lay a small round thing, as small as the hoar frost on the ground (16:14). And when the children of Israel saw if, they said one to another It is manna: for they wist not what it was. And Moses said unto them, This is the bread which the Lord hath given you to eat.
And Moses said, Let no man leave of it till the morning (16:19). Notwithstanding they harkened not unto Moses, but some of them left of it until the morning, and it bred worms and stank: and Moses was wroth with them (16:20). And they gathered it every morning, every man according to his eating. and when the sun waxed hot it melted...(16:21)....kept a flock of Jethro, his father in-law the priest of Midiam: and he led the flock to the back side of the desert, and came to the mountain of God, even to Horeb (3:1). And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed (3:2).But now our soul is dried away: there is nothing at all, beside this manna, before our eyes. And the manna was as coriander seed, and the colour thereof as the colour of bdelliaum. And the people went about and gathered it, and ground it in mills, or beat it in a mortar and baked it in pans: and made cakes of it: and the taste of it was as the taste of fresh oil. And when the dew fell upon the camp in the night, the manna fell upon it.
And the house of Israel called the name there of manna: and it was like coriander seed, white; and the taste of it was like wafers made with honey (l6:31). And Moses said, This is the thing which the LORD commandeth. Fill an omer of it to be kept for your generations: that they may see the bread where with I have fed you in the wilderness, when I brought you forth from the land of Egypt (16:32).
And after the second vail, the tabernacle which is called the Holiest of all: Which had the golden censer and the Ark of the Covenant overlaid round about with gold, wherein was the golden pot that had manna.
If manna is indeed the psilocybin mushroom, then this means that the Koran, Bible, and Torah were all inspired by psychedelic induced visions. The very foundations upon which these religions rest were derived from the mushroom experience.
Just a thought, but I believe this is the next direction in investigating how religion came to be and why people believe it so much.
Thanks for reading!
Jeremy H. (23)
Anchorage, Ak
You can email me if you have comments or questions
I would also love to see it, but I can't find a theater in the entire state of Mississippi that is showing it. Do you know if this is a decision of every theater outlet in the state, or a marketing decision by Lionsgate? I've written a letter to the local paper, but I can't find an eMail address for Lionsgate. I can't find one for you, either, so this is the best I can do. If I have to, I guess I'll wait until it comes out on DVD and see if I can stage a group showing.
Oh man can't wait to see it, DVD sales for this movie are gonna be huge.
Hey, funny story: I found a post inside The Daily Show forums saying that Bill Maher is going to hell (weird place to find something like that, I know, lol) and it's pretty amusing, it's in the religion section. I'm gonna have some fun there, if anyone cares to join.
KEEP GOING BILL, U R THE MAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Johnny Sack
I have come across some interesting
information about Sarah Palin
I would like to start off by saying this is NOT a hoax!
This is very real and legit...
Here is the name of the man that Sarah Palin had an affair with him between 2000 -2005
I have a friend who grew up in Wasilla, Alaska and knew Sarah Palin and some of her friends. The time of this was between 2001-2005 When Palin was Mayor and running for Governor for the state of Alaska.
Anyways, One of my friend's, friend's came forward and claimed he was having an affair with her.During this time. He was a close friend of Sarah Palin.
I really don't know what to do with this info I have...
So here I am passing on to you.
Below is the name of the Man and his wife.
Did I mention that they were both Married at the time of this event..
Here is the name of the man that Sarah Palin had an affair with him between 2000 -2005
Please check into this.... And Good Luck!
Thomas S Hannam
Palmer, AK 99645-2786
I have come across some interesting
information about Sarah Palin
I would like to start off by saying this is NOT a hoax!
This is very real and legit...
Here is the name of the man that Sarah Palin had an affair with him between 2000 -2005
I have a friend who grew up in Wasilla, Alaska and knew Sarah Palin and some of her friends. The time of this was between 2001-2005 When Palin was Mayor and running for Governor for the state of Alaska.
Anyways, One of my friend's, friend's came forward and claimed he was having an affair with her.During this time. He was a close friend of Sarah Palin.
I really don't know what to do with this info I have...
So here I am passing on to you.
Below is the name of the Man and his wife.
Did I mention that they were both Married at the time of this event..
Here is the name of the man that Sarah Palin had an affair with him between 2000 -2005
Please check into this.... And Good Luck!
Thomas S Hannam
Palmer, AK 99645-2786
I have come across some interesting
information about Sarah Palin
I would like to start off by saying this is NOT a hoax!
This is very real and legit...
Here is the name of the man that Sarah Palin had an affair with him between 2000 -2005
I have a friend who grew up in Wasilla, Alaska and knew Sarah Palin and some of her friends. The time of this was between 2001-2005 When Palin was Mayor and running for Governor for the state of Alaska.
Anyways, One of my friend's, friend's came forward and claimed he was having an affair with her.During this time. He was a close friend of Sarah Palin.
I really don't know what to do with this info I have...
So here I am passing on to you.
Below is the name of the Man and his wife.
Did I mention that they were both Married at the time of this event..
Here is the name of the man that Sarah Palin had an affair with him between 1996 - 2002*
Please check into this.... And Good Luck!
Thomas S Hannam
[Personal Listing]
PO Box 2786
Palmer, AK 99645-2786
well it's bad enough i'm blogging (my roommate cringed when i told him i'd be blogging. Wait-is this blogging or just commenting? anyway, i guess i'll put my thoughts on the subject of-DAH DAH DAH!!!! Religion! Cue the happy sunny day music.
as far as god being real or not, i'm not really interested in that argument. Bottom line, christians can't prove there IS a god, and atheists can't prove there IS NOT a god. So both of you bitches can just find that shit out when you die. lol, but that's a hell of a gamble if your an atheist and there is one.
Religion being this institution of evil, that destroys the world? Naw, atheists. I'm sorry to disrupt your worlds, but PEOPLE are evil. Saying religion murders and all this, is just people doing the same thing christians do. You're trying to put a reason behind things that happen, which you're mind cannot seem to explain. Because you're very...very stupid. Bottom line is this, religion by itself, if nothing else is good. Good Moral lessons, with a means to not only feel a lot less alone in a cruel world, but to feel loved at all times when you're surrounded by the sick, selfish bastards that make up most of mankind.
But like anything, people will use it for personal gain. You can turn a blind eye to that fact. People try to turn a profit out of each and everything that can turn a profit. And religion just happened to be the easiest.
The sick thing about atheists, is i can be a sick, sick, son of a bitch. But I'm a lil self concious about being forever remembered for the shit i do. So all i have to do, is say "I'm a christian." and when you guys finally find me out for the sick shit i did, you blame religion almost SOLELY, without realizing, "hey, this guy's a sick bastard, because HE'S A SICK BASTARD."
I'll literally be able to get away with this shit. I'll just claim i'm a christian preacher, preach a little, and start cornholing little boys and smoking meth, and when i'm caught, i'll say, "Religion was too hard, and mind numbing for me to handle, i went off the deep end." Then I claim atheism, and you'll welcome me with a pat on the shoulder saying, "we know. We know."
Bottom line is you just have to realize the truth. People are sick sons of bitches. They murder, rape, and destroy, and manipulate people into thinking that they actually believe its religion that told them to do this. People that murder and destroy are sick, because they're sick, not because of religion. You gotta blame PEOPLE first. If something was bigger than religion, they'dve used that as an excuse to do what they did.
You can use anything to murder and destroy. Here are some examples of things that can also be used in a similar way to the crusades and other religious violences. lol, some may be a lil laughable but bear with me.
Atheism-Excuse:"Religions have historically resulted mass murder, destruction, and genocide and should be stopped for the preservation of the world."
action:Bombing churches, murdering all that claim a religion.
Animal Rights Activist/Environmentalist(Tree Hugger)-Excuse:"With wars, pollution, violence, and historical atrocities caused by man kind, we believe mankind will come to an end."
action: We must end human life, that will end anyway, quickly before the earth and its plant life and animals are destroy along with it. Bio Warfare that ends all human life(lol, yeah i know)
Gender(Woman)-Excuse: Same as the tree hugger argument, but specifically and only to males.
action:Civil War between women(who outnumber men) and men, resulting in a utopia where men, few in number, are imprisoned in a amazonian-esque lesbian society where they are allowed to live just long enough to produce sperm, they're sperm are frozen, then they're killed.
I know this all seems stupidly far fetched, but so does manifest destiny. The only reason, other things weren't used as an excuse for personal gain, is because there is nothing in life bigger than religion.
Judge PEOPLE before the religion. And know EXACTLY what you're talking about before you start talking about. Because both atheists and christians, are ignorantly speaking and taking a lot of shit out of context, or just plain making shit up.
Let people believe what they want to, and stop badgering the crap out of each other. While you're arguing, some leader is probably pulling some very scandolous bullshit on you. Bush isn't a christian, he's a dope-nose. He just used that shit to get elected, and use simple minded people to do what he wanted to do. If the majority of people were atheist, he'd have claimed atheism. IF the majority of people were Pauly Shore-ist, he'd have claimed Pauly Shore-ism. It's as simple as that. You can take anything out of context and do anything, and use that against people.
If you wanna know my religion it's this: Don't blow my buzz by preaching to me. Christian OR Atheist.
kisikis: you are fun and fi
I saw "Religulous" yesterday and it was great! Bill Maher is one funny guy and his ability to cut through bullshit is unequaled. I recommend this film to anybody who wants to breathe in a bit of honesty for a change and laugh their heads off at the same time. If you're not religious, the movie will only confirm what you're already thinking, and if you are religious, it might help expand your mind.
I have consolidated by posts in appreciation of global warming and Al Gore who invented it.
cocoa: give it to your Liberal friends they will eat it up like they crap for meals.
jonhnnysack: old news bill sucks anything he can.
monkeyfish: hold your breath until it comes out...that's it now turn blue
snowmansdsm09: try hallucinogenic cereal with soya milk moron
dasher: always defen God it can't hurt.
kisikisi: don't feed the scum it grows.
moaveni: our eyes would be opened...?
G-man: Bill is detergent that you buy at Big Lot.
Joe the Atheist: expand your mind. Smoke a joint idiot you will get more from it, than anything Bill does or says.Can you say sheep.
Ok it's early and I need some coffee...there you go, I left you guys wide open for comments. Wilbur take over for a minute while I pour me some juice to battle those demon spirits Bill likes to masturbate.
Anyone else notice how large Maher's nose is?
By "sheep" do you mean to imply those of us who think there is truth and wisdom in Bill Maher's observations are being lead by some sort of blind faith in him?
By "sheep" do you mean to imply those of us who think there is truth and wisdom in Bill Maher's observations are being lead by some sort of blind faith in him?
mj in socal: I'll be right back I have Fed X at my door.
MJ in SoCal,
I believe the answer is "yes".
Third definition of sheep:
a. A person regarded as timid, weak, or submissive.
b. One who is easily swayed or led.
3. like sheep (of a group of people) allowing a single person to dictate their actions or beliefs
And I'm going to post this just once!
Perhaps sheep was a little harsh. How about individuals that are magnets to propaganda and can’t determine right from wrong without the claws of desperation in their sides. This is not about religion or faith. This is about an evil person that experienced discomfort growing up as a kid and who knows what else. Now with the help of HBO he is returning his anger to all the girls that would not go out with him and the boys that pushed him away because he picked his large nose and ate the garbage from it in front of them. I would never insult your OC intelligence by implying such a moot point. Blind Faith: what an awesome band.
And please do not use wisdom and Bill Maher in the same sentence...I'm getting itchy already.
Anti Maher,
If using the words wisdom & Bill Maher in the same sentence made you itch, you better prepare yourself for anaphylactic shock:
Because, I think Bill Maher is and his big nose are sexy as hell!
So there! Go call 911 before you die :0)
I have said this before. If you think someone like Bill is sexy you are one - - - - and desperate babe. But, I appreciate your consistency in using Hell. ciao
MJ in SoCal,
I am completely there with you Bill is sexy as all hell, big nose and all?
Are you choking Anitmaher?
Not really. I imagine you both belong to a society set up for really - - - - women.But enough of this tit for tat.If you have anything worth responding to then add it, if not...go get a facial or do your nails.
Although I have to admit Bianca is a sexy name.
Antimaher -
People who speak against the common thread in an insightful and intelligent way often tend to look hotter than even a hot guy who is reasonably smart. In a world where it is more common for people to be "yes men" rather than responding with the truth. People with such obvious zest for seeking out more than what we are told to believe gather followings as he has.
And as much as you hate him and think that he is wrong, you are still on this site blogging with the rest of us sheep, and far more frequently might I add.
Stop...I'm beginning to like you.
was wondering if you'd heard anything about this.... kind of scary!
Talk about living in a police state.
I'm not answering MY cell phone anymore!
What do you know:
Interesting article.
Bianca what can I say I'm rich republican and bored, that's why I'm here...latte mocha anyone.
My wife and I along with a friend saw your film yesterday and we all loved it. Very funny and at the same time disturbing. Required viewing I think.
I just saw the movie and I can't tell you how surprised I am that anyone has the kind of guts it takes to shine the light on the ridiculousness and mindless horror of religion in such a public way.
Now we just need to have everyone read Richard Dawkins's The God Delusion and the point will be driven home (to those people who can still manage to think for themselves - after the religious indoctrination in tandem with intense social pressure).
Thank you Bill. I hope it isn't too late.
I haven't seen "Religulous" and probably won't until it comes out on DVD. I live in the Philly suburbs and the only theaters showing it are those Ritz theaters. You know, the ones that show all those artsy fartsy films. The last time I was in one of those was to see "Children of the Revolution". They show all those gay films so I'm afraid to touch anything in there. I'm also afraid to buy any refreshments because someone might slip me some "e".
Your movie was "Right On". I'm not an atheist but I have been a constant critic of organized religion and the hatred and insanity that it leads to. Thank you for stating it so clearly and putting the word into a medium that will reach many people. If we don't get the masses to see all organized religion for the organized delusion that it is then our kids will be in for a literal "Hell on Earth", thank you Joe Tassoni
Emma is that your real name sounds Christian to me.
Our city of 600,000 only has one theater showing Religulous. But we made it down to the other end of town today to see it. It has a very powerful message and one that I have believed for a long time. Thanks for making it.
I'm trying to figure out where "all the Hate is with Religion". Is trying to help people live a better life hateful? Sending food to countries that are starving, hateful? Sending medicine to other countries to help them, hateful?
Ridding the world of terrorist to protect people, hateful?
People who scream "Praise Allah" then blow you up are the hateful ones!
Oh, my bad, I forgot that Bill is the Poster Child of Sweet & Nice! I got confused!
I saw the movie and was moved. My question is what do you feel about people who believe in the Quantum Physics "God"? That energy is everywhere and we are all connected by it and to some extend our attitudes and beliefs or the energy we exude attracts people and events into our lives? Purely random? How do you explain thinking of someone and the phone rings and it's that person? The connection factor... not that there is an organizing "Intelligence" behind it, but that it's possible we are all part of something we don't understand completely.
Dear Bill:
I just came back from watching your film, Religulous. I approached it enthusiastically, but I came out disappointed, not because I was offended by the film, but because you fell short of what your movie was supposed to be about.
I was shocked by how small our numbers are (us, the atheists and agnostics), only 16 per-cent? I would have expected more. I approached the film enthusiastically, thinking that finally one of us, a famous one, is going to expose the fraud that is religion. I was looking forward to in depth interviews which will show how dumb not only the religious people are, but how their religions themselves are.
Instead, I found you clinging to the most shallow, already laughable aspects of the religions such as Christianity, Mormonism, and Scientology (you know, that dinosaurs lived alongside humans, that Eden is in Mississippi or that we have alien chips in our bodies) and the most well-known, already publicized problems with religions such as Islam (violence, women, etc…). I was hoping you actually get deeper into the issues, challenge people, and sometimes even sit back quietly and give them enough rope to hang themselves. Alas! I was also hoping that you challenge many other religions, even those who do not claim that their only god is the one and only true god. But I did not see or hear anything about Hinduism or Buddhism either. Even on Judaism you went too soft, not even challenging the whole idea of the Golden Gate of Jerusalem and the Raising Messiah who is supposed to lead the people out of it, using that opportunity to further nail the point against Islam, neither did you run an interview with that Extremist Jewish Activist who was telling you about the crazy flight of Muhammad. I was waiting for some criticism of the fundamentals of Islam, instead you stuck to the tired guns. I did not hear you making any comments about the crazy new age religions either.
In any case, I am disappointed, that’s all!
There are plenty of negative values expressed in "Religulous"
Are there any positive values??
there is belief in the spirit within allowing many human beings to have a sense of humor.
the film is dedicated to " in loving memory of his mother"
there is a belief in the spirit associated with loving one's mother !!
there is a belief in the spirit that leads people to be incredulous
there is a belief in the spirit that leads people to perceive the ridiculous.
there is a belief in the spirit that is intelligent enough to read between the lines:
Intelligence or interpolation.
There is belief in the intelligence to extend the lines or trends an alphanumeric or two beyond what is written or said,: Extrapolation or fuzzing up the edges.
there is belief in the spirit of
justice -- no stealing or murder.
Have I ignored anything else??
The spirit within of beauty in the choice of music??
choice of scenes??
PS Ruth (my wife) liked the movie..
Saw the trailers, looks hilarious and timely for this era in US history. Check out my website, getridofbothparties.com. Me and Bill are on the same page. Bill, keep up the great work, have been with you for 15 years starting with Sunday mornings watching PI.
Mike Leonardi
Aurora, IL
Bill, just saw your film and loved every minute. I wanted to make you aware of a disturbing advertisement that played before your movie. The audience was forced to sit through a 6 minute commercial for the National Guard which was basically a Kid Rock music video with images of Nascar and soldiers in a desert. Who decides what ads are played before each movie? It was almost as if the theater owner was attempting to punish those intellectuals who choose to see your film.
I saw the movie twice and loved it! But the word "jealous" in Exodus is a mistranslation. Growing up Jewish we used "zealous". The 1962 JPS translation is "impassioned". I have a real problem with people who adhere to "literal" interpretations of the Bible which are based on poor translations.
Dear Mr. Maher,
I recently saw Religulous with my wife, and though I have never before posted a blog comment or otherwise put my views on anything up for public review, the movie succeeded in moving me to do so. The main point I would like you and your readers to understand is that you failed to make a critical distinction in making your case against religion. There is a big difference between religion and religious fundamentalism (which I concur is a powerfully scary thing). The vast majority of people you spoke to in your film were fundamentalists, which is appropriate - they are who you have a problem with. However, there are literally hundreds of millions of "religious" people in the world who would never dream of choosing those few wackos to represent them or their views on religion. Those millions do not believe in literal interpretations of the words in the Bible, that Santa Claus is a person, or that Jonah actually lived in a fish. I study human evolution and religion professionally, and it is an unfortunate truth that most people who stand firmly on one side of a “debate” between science and religion (or religion and non-religion in this case) have limited understanding of what the other side truly believes. I think that your fear of religious fundamentalism is well founded, and fundamentalism of any sort is usually something to be afraid of – people who can’t or won’t see things from other’s points of view are narrow-minded and ignorant. You risk doing the same thing by ignoring this important distinction.
Great movie, but nobody laughed or clapped, sorry. There was only one couple there besides us.
Bill and all must turn to the Flying Spaghetti Monster to be saved. Only Pastafarians have the answer:
Bill: Loved the movie. A suggestion: A question came to my mind when I was being told of the talking snake in the Garden of Eden (Sunday school.) Adam and Eve had children (one of whom killed his brother). God told them to "multiply and replenish the earth." So I was wondering, did the children have sex with each other or did they have sex with their parents in order to fulfill God's commandment?
I was looking up on Yahoo, a theatre palying Religulous. The following ad is inserted next to the movie credentials:
"Increase Donations with a Giving Kiosk - Accept bank card donations at church with SecureGive."
I found that ironic and funny too!!!
Bill, My mother and I went to see your movie, we loved it! It truly represented our own opinions with some fun and some "Oh My God" moments. Ridiclous! Well done. I am an agnostic, myself, and you and I often agree on this topic. I am a big fan of yours...have been for years. Keep up your great work! The movie was a pleasure to see even while my 401K dives daily. erggg
Dear Bill,
I did see it and I have to say I am disappointed. I always thought of you as politically astute and most definitely smart but your particular take on the Muslim religion was simply put, well, not too smart. Too simplistic, almost as if lazy to do your homework taking the easy way: “oh, Muslims are terrorists” route. You could have taken much from the Qur’an or the Sharia law and put it in the same light as the other religions you addressed “hmmm, would you believe in x y or z?..please!” Instead you pushed for the old “Muslims are out to kill anybody that doesn’t believe what they do or offends them”. Talk about giving ammunition to the Republicans (you know, their attempt to “Obama = Muslim = bad” nonsense!). Bill I am just so disappointed in you, I expected better. Some people that saw that immediately said “well what do you expect, he’s a Jew”…yet your whole point being that you’re not! The very least, just for balance, you should have thrown some insight on Blackwater‘s US government paid work in Iraq (yes, same thing, Christians out to kill the “infidels”… they just cover their tracks better) Just so you know I am not a Muslim but lived in Muslim countries where my life depended on my team 100% Muslim and I the only not Muslim. I respect and love my Muslim friends for the wonderful people that they are, even if I don’t share their beliefs. I am not a catholic (baptized but nobody asked me!). I live by “Amanda’s way”: Make it a point not to harm others or I, directly or indirectly, do what I can to help others, try very hard to understand others and be compassionate and of course I am here to be happy! Not easy to live by but it works for me and I’ll call that my religion. Bill, I have very much enjoyed your show and your insight, but when doing a movie, make sure you don’t give ammunition to the wrong side…or at least address all in a similar way.
On a different note it was most interesting to listen to comments while leaving the theater. People were not necessarily applauding many sounded confused and offended (I live in Washington , DC). Yes, I believe that opening the door for discussion is important, I’m not sure you nailed it on this one though…but at least I had some good laughs.
Very Disappointed Amanda
Living in the middle of Nebraska, I had to drive two hundred miles to see it opening weekend with no regret. It was a matinee, sorry Bill. After returning from the movie, my fundamentalist Christian boyfriend told me that I had demons inside of me. (I’m not making this up) so I told him that my demons, and I were dumping his ass.
Thanks for the laughs
Dear Bill,
just saw your movie and appreciate and agree with the viewpoints and the warning message that your movie is trying to convey. I do believe that there is a God. I've come to understand over time that that term means vastly different things to different people. I personally believe that the term refers to something that cannot be compared to anything else and is in a category of its own. So, God is not a giant man or woman, etc. The closest description I can think of is that God is a power - the power of goodness - the innate goodness that resonates with each individual's innate conscience. If God is goodness, then as your movie shows, many of us in the world, with religious people being at the top of the list, have forgotten God - instead subscribing to sheer arrogrance, bigotry, self-righteousness, intolerance, hatred, murder - none of which could possibly be God. Yet all of which is plastered with the label of "God". Also, like you pointed out in the movie, the "holy" books that say that God is an angry, murdering God were written by people - with agendas.
Hey Bill, I saw your film and offered some of my thoughts.
Dear Bill:
We had to travel 176 miles to see your movie, it was GREAT! Hope it comes out on DVD we would love to own a copy. Keep up the good work and hope to see you in person on of these days.
My friend Tracy and I saw the movie over the weekend and we are so happy that we did not get swayed by the review of a major film critic here in San Francisco. Undoubtedly, the movie cut a bit to close to the bone for this reviewer to be able to give you an objective review.
This is a documentary that had to be made, but that few would have been willing to undertake, given that, like politics, religions is a topic that people take very personal and it is for most people a taboo subject, unless when talking with others who think alike.
However, a serious approach would not have worked here and would probably not have the same impact. The movie would have been written off as another liberal diatribe. By allowing many of the interviewees to shovel their own bovine excrement, it re-enforced how in reality, many articles of faith are truly untenable.
Moreover, I was very impressed by some of the background research. I was aware between the similarities between stories of the bible and older myths from ancients civilizations, such as the Noah flood story, and Moses' exodus from Egypt. However, I was not aware of the commonality between the Horus and Jesus figures. Personally, that was a major revelation for me.
Now this documentary will be panned and villified in many corners, but we laud Bill's courage to having made this movie, and we hope that it will plant a seed in many people's minds that will grow into a serious reflection and discussion on faith, relgion, and its powers for good and evil.
Tracy Falkson and Herman Maes, Can Francisco
Mr. Manata, I’ve read your movie review and was amused at your attempt to discredit Bill Maher’s intelligence. Last I checked, Cornell University doesn’t issue BA’s to the village idiot, which you slyly implied about him with your village atheist comment.
I can’t speak for Bill Maher, but I know I agree with most of his observations. I suppose it’s feasible the Wharton School accidently let me slide through their MBA program and that my intelligence should be eyed suspiciously, since I too have dared to question the legitimacy of all religious text. For the record, I’ve read them all: The Torah, The Bible and the Quran, as well as many books on Eastern religions. I haven’t memorized them verse for verse, but I have a full grasp of the stories and concepts. I’ve lived in Saudi Arabia and traveled the Middle East extensively. I’ve traveled to Israel and toured the holy sites, as well as lived in Europe where they actually keep church and state separate. Now there’s a novel idea! And despite all my long thoughtful conversations with faithful and well educated Jews, Christians and Muslims, I’ve concluded that all religions do one thing: They require their believers to suspend logic and not question the contradictions or inconsistencies of their teachings. And they’ll all have you believe the reward for your self-imposed ignorance (or “faith” as we like to call it) is some mystical eternal after life and the punishment for thinking outside the box is fire and damnation. Scary stuff for sure, especially to illiterate people, which the vast majority of the human population was when each of these religions came to power and is still an issue in some parts of the world today. I give credence to the possibility the seeds of these faiths may not have been planted as tools to manipulate their believers to do evil in God’s name, but history has shown that is exactly what their leaders have done; hijacked the faithful to fulfill their power hungry agendas.
So, you can nitpick Bill’s approach and presentation, both of which I found to be hilarious, but his argument that there is no proof outside of a holy text or in peoples minds that God exists is solid. You say the bible is based in history, and I do believe that to be true. But, have you ever read the American Indians version of how the white man came to rule the West? Not surprisingly, it’s very different than the white man’s version. The point being that just because someone wrote it down a long time ago does not automatically mean it’s the whole story or even the truth. We know there are books that were omitted from the Bible because a council of men decided that if they were included they would be too divisive. They decided what story to tell, and they manipulated the text to tell that story and that story alone. They even went so far as to try and destroy those texts, so no evidence of their existence could be found. So, since that’s all in recorded history, how does one believe beyond any reasonable doubt that the Bible is anything but the definitive word of the men who assembled it? Oh, that’s right; they don’t teach that part of the church’s history in Sunday school, so most Christians don’t know about it.
@John Asmussen: In response to your question how the earth got replenished by Adam and Eve...My understanding is that Adam had many sons and daughters, including Abel and Cain. He chose a sister bride for each of his sons. He picked his pretty daughter for Abel. Cain didn’t like his bride. He liked Abel’s. So Cain killed Abel. Then the story becomes hazy we don't know if the killer brother finally married the pretty sister or the ugly one, or another brother took his place. All we know is that Cain moved his family to the East of Eden...And yes by that time sexual intercourse was already an old ritual invented and spread around by their own mother, Eve. It evolved from “biting an apple” to a more sophisticated “laying by his wife”. So that is how the earth got replenished and that is how we are all, in a cynical way, brothers and sisters, and ALL carry the same twisted genes. I mean all of us...I hope this is helpful.
Attention Bill Maher:
I saw Religulous and was generally pleased. There are 2 major flaws i came across however.
The first was brought to my attention while eavesdropping in the ladies' room post-viewing. At least one of your theater-goers thought that "it should have been funnier". So for your consideration, next time you try to dismantle a monumental (and monumentally flawed) institution like religion and actually educate people, please - could you make it a little funnier?
The second, and profoundly more serious addendum is about the spectrum of religions criticized in your film. Was it your intent to criticize religion as whole, as I interpreted or am I wrong? If I am not wrong, then where the criticisms on eastern religions like Buddhism and Hinduism? Surely they are major religious contenders and when talking about religion as a whole they cannot be ignored?
I would very much appreciate a response.
Love the show.
Keep perpetuating an open dialogue.
I am planning on seeing the movie next week when my wife's boss is out of town and we can take a long lunch and get super savings. I don't know if we evolved from apes or apes are evolving from us, but I do know there's an empty plot of land full of hopeabunchers and doverylittlers and saywhateveryoneelsesayers who would rather sit in their houses of glasss and hurl stones than there are who would join in and add to the discussion. Am I saying that there are a lot of stupid Americans out there resting on their laurels? Yes! The Stupids are doing more to ruin the USA than all the politicians combined. What have you got to fear? Nothing but fear itself. I'm looking forward to some more laughs, Bill.
Saw "Religulous" here in Colorado Springs...home of James Dobson and New Life Church...today. Laughed out loud many times. When I walked out of the theater, there was a shitty, broken down van in the parking lot with "God Help Us If Obama Wins" painted all over it. I laughed out loud at that. Thought you'd appreciate the irony, Bill.
Thank you Bill!
I've seen the film, and I come at this from a somewhat unique perspective. I worked in the national labs at Berkeley, Livermore, and Los Alamos for well over a decade. Particularly in the latter, I was engaged in weaponry and defense related projects, including the then so called Star Wars, or SDI program.
I know from direct personal experience what the world might look like after a nuclear and/or biological confrontation. Trust me on this one, if it comes to that, no one wins, absolutely no one.
And yet, to this very day, my biggest concern is not with Russia or the former Soviet Union, but rather with the irrational motivations of religiously indoctrinated fanatics, with whom concepts such as logic and reason do not exist.
I can't thank you enough for having put this film together and getting it out to the world.
It's one thing to be spiritual from the perspective of compassion, service to others, charity for those in desperate need and so on, which has always been my orientation.
But if we humans, as a species, as a civilization, cannot extricate ourselves from the dark predatory enterprises of the world's major organized religions and their militaristic agendas, then all bets are off.
At that juncture, we and our planet, at least as such currently exists, will be toast, done, game over.
Well done. thank you again!
best regards
Berkeley CA
Never have I seen the Christian right misconstrue the teachings of Jesus Christ more than they have since Bush first ran in 1999. I don’t get how the Republican party can use words like liberal and socialist to describe the democratic party or Obama or Kerry than the RNC when if you look at the teachings of Jesus himself you can plainly see possibly the most liberal man that walked the earth. Take the story in the new testament referring to the sheep and the goats. A man comes to him and Jesus tells him he is not written in the book of life and the man asks why. Why when he was such a good church going Christian was he not in the book of life? And Jesus answered, “I knocked at your door and you didn’t answer; I was hungry and you never fed me; I was sick and in prison and you never visited me.” The man said to Jesus, “But you were never hungry, needed clothing , you were never sick or in prison so I don’t know what you mean.” and Jesus replied… “What you do unto the least of my children you do unto me.” I could easily update this story and piss off a lot of McCain and Palin supporters, but how hypocritical can you be when you hint that Obama is Un-American because he is Socialistic or the most liberal senator we have when the very definition of those words are the way Jesus asked us to be. How could the ones so wanting war, to take away social programs to help the poor, to always wish to throw the book at prisoners without regard to the positive effects of rehabilitation be the very same party that claims in Jesus name and as for the rich well we know the bible also says that it is easier for a rich man to enter the eye of a needle then to enter the kingdom of heaven so why are they so greedy to hold on to their money and how do they expect to pay for the big spending Bush has been doing and Reaganomics left to pay off as well… leave it to the grandchildren to worry about? I sit up many nights with this on my mind and I just had to say my peace about it once and for all because it seems so obvious to me. I plead to all the Christians out there to stop for a moment and realize what Jesus meant by his words and try to stop pretending their party has the golden ticket to heaven. I’m sorry, but if Jesus came back today do you think he would be in the background of a Palin rally yelling… “Drill Baby Drill! No more money to social programs for the poor! Punish those prisoners more! Liberals are Un-American , who can we bomb next or that black guy is a liberal commie!” IS THAT HOW YOU GUYS REALLY SEE THE TEACHINGS OF HIS WORD? I just say if your going to keep using his name, stop pretending you want to be like him because logic must tell you truly that Jesus was about love and not slander, gossip or hate mongering and he sure wasn’t about giving more tax breaks for the rich, taking away funding for the poor or going to war pre-emptively, but I guess if your preacher says it loud enough then the truth about it all becomes blurred because after all, faith is belief in something you don’t see in front of your eyes and I guess they found the easiest followers when the Roves and the Murdochs of the world were writing the playbook. They picked a group they thought would be the easiest to persuade and gee.. You sure didn’t prove them wrong now did you?
Dang SpaceTracy,
Everything you said Jesus was against you just did!
Now, don't be a hypocrite. Jesus doesn't like that!
Bill, loved the movie and by all means do another...but I have one beef...I know you live in LA and forgot what cold feels like but you need to go to REI or somewhere and get some hipper cold weather cloths...the big puffy jacket with a scarf your mom knitted for you is not the right look for you...believe me you can do better...you wouldn't believe the cool cold weather cloths they have these days...your brother from another mother...rob in Boulder.
We love your documentary, RELIGULOUS! Want to see it several more times. Bravo! Am appalled at the masses willing to suspend all Reason in the name of Faith, not to mention killing and being really nasty in the name of faith. Thanks for pointing out much of the folly.
But Bill, dahling, we must work on your pronunciation of the title of your film: G followed by U is always a hard G: gulf, gulag, gull, gullible, gum; regulate, regularize, regurgitate . . . etc. And the C in ridiCulous is a hard C. Since Religulous is trying to sound like Ridiculous, don't you really mean to pronounce it: Ree-liggg-yoo-lus? Of course you do! (Not Ree-lidge-you-lus. Forget its link to Religion and think of its link to Ridiculous.) Practice it a couple of times before bed tonight and I'm sure you'll have it.
Love your documentary, your show, your humor, your appearances. Love YOU.
Peaceblossom (68 - in your Geezer demographic)
We love your documentary, RELIGULOUS! Want to see it several more times. Bravo! Am appalled at the masses willing to suspend all Reason in the name of Faith, not to mention killing and being really nasty in the name of faith. Thanks for pointing out much of the folly.
But Bill, dahling, we must work on your pronunciation of the title of your film: G followed by U is always a hard G: gulf, gulag, gull, gullible, gum; regulate, regularize, regurgitate . . . etc. And the C in ridiCulous is a hard C. Since Religulous is trying to sound like Ridiculous, don't you really mean to pronounce it: Ree-liggg-yoo-lus? Of course you do! (Not Ree-lidge-you-lus. Forget its link to Religion and think of its link to Ridiculous.) Practice it a couple of times before bed tonight and I'm sure you'll have it.
Love your documentary, your show, your humor, your appearances. Love YOU.
Peaceblossom (68 - in your Geezer demographic)
I would love to see this movie...and was really excited about it coming out...then I call the two local theaters and neither of them were playing it...I was so pissed..but not surprised at all..I live in Charleston,WV..I guess I should have expected it. So I guess I have to wait for it on DVD...
I live in LA, I brought a friend from Oklahoma to see your film this weekend. It's the 3rd time I've seen it. It was loved by my guest. Bill, thank you for this movie and stating the fact that it's time for the 22% of silent Americans to assert themselves.
The opening weekend, in LA, people did applaud and people were talking as they left the theatre. I think it's great.
I just saw Religulous. I am moved and inspired. I am a philosophy major with a minor in religious studies...I am also an atheist. However, I am not inspired to preach the religion of Atheism. There would be nothing more hipocritical than that. Instead, this movie has helped me realize that I can make a difference as an atheist. I can speak out about problems that may stem from religion and try and HELP humanity. I especially like the message of doubt. Even as an atheist, I am still never certain of my rightness in disbelief and this is an attitude that I feel religious people should adopt. I have always felt that a degree in Philosophy and q minor in something like Religious Studies would lead me to a dead end when it comes down to finding a job. I have struggled through my entire college career wondering what the hell I am going to do when I graduate. However, this movie has inspired me to do just exactly what a philospher should...teach.
Where did I say I myself was a Christian? haha, I learned who put the presents under the tree long before someone had to tell me. You see you can't take the truth out of the head once it is REALLY found. Once you let go of childish dreams of living forever, you start to grow up a little in more ways than one and the humanitarian stuff comes natural and in the end. It seems we just want to make it the best one life possible. I am not an atheist and I don't like labels of any kind, but I won't lie to myself a minute longer and pretend one day when we die we get sent to heaven or hell and in the end become immortals. Honestly I've seen better Hollywood scripts than that one!
Please, oh please release Religulous on DVD soon. The other two atheists in SC and I would buy it. If it were playing within 200 miles of us, we'd go to see it 50 times, but there just isn't a theatre playing it. Help me out here! I have a license plate that says 'In Reason We Trust.'
ebwrite: just saw your post of Oct.10, and your points are well taken. Progressive Christians, however, just doesn't jive. I've always felt/believed that parts of the Bible can be taken literally, and the rest need a word from on high in a place of solitude for Him to speak and tell you Himself. Whatever you're into, but progressive Christianity, please? Folks like Wilbur are half Christian, pseudo do gooders and feel gooders who should be taking the route of Mother Theresa. What have you to worry about? Go out and do God's work. He's spoken to you and you have not listened. Your life is meant to be in service to others. You don't need to speak. Let your actions speak for you and the rest will fall into place. The little birds of the wood worry not about their next meal, or something like that. Did Jesus feed the throng with one loaf of bread? Probably not, but his faith made fishers of men... and all that stuff. The Wilburs of the world should get to work. Mankind needs them, and their reward is in heaven if they believe. If not, they are just a bunch of moral weaklings unwilling to go the distance in a world of mammon worship. At least your words were provocative to some, and better than Antimaher sucking wind. I leave you with this:
Existence is a stage on which we pass,
a sleepwalk trick for mind and heart;
it's hopeless, I know, but onward I must go
and try to make a start
at seeing something more
than day to day survival, chased by final death.
if I believed this the sum of the life to which we've come,
I wouldn't waste my breath.
Somehow, there must be more.
There was a time when more was felt than known
but now, entrenched inside my sett,
in light more mundane, thought rattles round my brain:
we live, we die...and yet?
In the beginning there was order and destiny
but now that path has reached the border
and on our knees is no way to face the future, whatever it be.
Though the forces which hold us in place
last through eons in unruffled grace
we, too, wear the face of creation.
As anti-matter sucks and pulses periodically
the bud unfolds, the bloom is dead, all space is living history.
It seems as though time must betray us yet we're alive
and though I see no God to save us, still we survive
through the centuries of progress
which don't get us very far.
All illusion! All is bogus...
we don't yet know what we are.
Laughing, hoping, praying, joking, Son of Man,
with lowered eyes but lifting hearts, we're grains of sand
and though, in time, the sea may claim us for its own
we are the rocks which root the future - on us it grows!
We might not be there to share it
if eternity's a jest but I think that I can bear it
if the next life is the best.
Even if there is a heaven when we die,
endless bliss would be as meaningless as the lie
that always comes as answer to the question
"Why do we see through the eyes of creation?"
Adrift without a course,
it's very lonely here,
our only conjecture
what lies behind the dark.
Still, I find I can cling to a lifeline,
think of a lifetime which means more than my own one,
dreams of a grander thing than we are.
Time and Space hang heavy on my shoulders...
when all life is over who can say
no mutated force shall remain?
Though the towers of the city are denied to we men of clay
still we know we shall scale the heights some day.
Frightened in the silence, frightened, but thinking very hard,
let us make computations of the stars.
Older, wiser, sadder, blinder, watch us run:
faster, longer, harder, stronger, now it comes...
colour blisters, image splinters gravitate
towards the centre, in final splendour disintegrate.
The universe now beckons
and Man, too, must take His place;
just a few last fleeting seconds
to wander in the waste,
and the children who were ourselves move on,
reincarnation stills its now perfected song,
and at last we are free of the bonds of creation.
All the jokers and gaolers, all the junkies and slavers too,
all the throng who have danced a merry tune...
human we can all be, but Humanity we must rise above,
in the name of all faith and hope and love.
There's a time for all pilgrims, and a time for the fakers too,
there's a time when we all will stand alone and nude,
naked to the galaxies...naked, but clothed in the overview:
as we reach Childhood's End we must start anew.
And though dark is the highway,
and the peak's distance breaks my heart,
for I never shall see it, still I play my part,
believing that what waits for us
is the cosmos compared to the dust of the past.
In the death of mere Humans Life shall start!
Mrs. M:
Perhaps they are showing it at an underground theatre, you know, the one where the canary checks your tickets.
Love your documentary! Bravo. Want to see it several more times. Am appalled at the masses of people willing to suspend Reason in the name of Faith, not to mention killing and being really nasty in the name of Faith. Thanks for pointing out much of the folly.
But BILL, dahling, we must work on your pronunciation of the title: G followed by U is always a hard G: gulf, gulag, gull, gullible, gum; regulate, regularize, regurgitate . . . etc. AND, the C in ridiCulousis a hard C, like a K. Since Religulous is trying to sound like Ridiculous, don't you really mean to pronounce it: Ree-liggg-yoo-lus? Of course you do! (If you had wanted to pronounce it ree-lidge-you-lus, you would have spelled it Religiulous. Forget its link to religion and think of its link to riDICKulous.) Ree-ligg-you-lus. Ree-ligg-you-lus. Practice it a couple of times before bed tonight and I'm sure you'll have it.
Love your film, your show, your insightful humor. Thanks!
Peaceblossom (in your Geezer demographic -- age 68)
Love your documentary! Bravo. Want to see it several more times. Am appalled at the masses of people who are willing to suspend all Reason in the name of Faith, not to mention killing and being really nasty in the name of faith. Thanks for pointing out much of the folly.
But BILL, dahling, we must work on your pronunciation of the title of your film: G followed by U is always a hard G: gulf, gulag, gull, gullible, gum; regulate, regularize, regurgitate . . . etc. AND, the C in ridiCulous is a hard C, like a K. Since Religulous is trying to sound like Ridiculous, don't you really mean to pronounce it: Ree-liggg-yoo-lus? Of course you do! (If you had wanted to pronounce it ree-lidge-you-lus, you would have spelled it Religiulous. Forget its link to religion and think of its link to riDICKulous.) Ree-ligg-you-lus, Ree-ligg-you-lus. Practice it a couple of times before bed tonight and I'm sure you'll have it.
Love your documentary, your show, your insightful humor. Thanks!
Peaceblossom (in your Geezer demographic-age 68)
Bravo for making this movie. It is so needed right now. It is as Bertrand Russell said so long ago "One world or none." Thank you Bill!!
Had to drive all the way from my hick High Desert town in California to Riverside to see Religulous. The drive was well worth it. Amazing material, almost shocking to see in an actual theater. I felt like Sarah Palin was about to break through the screen and start slaughtering people who were watching this "Satanic" film. Great stuff. And yes, it was the first movie I have ever seen where people actually applauded at the end. Me and my girlfriend applauded loudest!
Oh Bill, I want to suck your nose but could you clear out the bugshit first!
Faith in God is not the same thing as church doctrine. I think at some level we can all separate the two. As you pointed out it's the "certainty" of doctrine that is suspect.
That said I must say it was disappointing to hear you on The Daily Show say you hoped Obama was lying about his religious views.
So basically lying is acceptable as long as it conforms to your value system then ? What makes your value system the model for everyone ? Lying is wrong....period.
I saw religulous last evening. Many funny things in it. I would like to own a copy. I am a minister of Christ. I work with a very small congregation and have a M-F job to help support my family. I believe you are right that the religions of man are bologna, and that much evil in the world is the fault of human religions. You may not take this as a compliment, but I believe that your movie actually has struck a blow for the Lord. True Christianity is not represented by the media, or the world's religions. True faith is not mindless, nor does it fear questions and doubt, and it does not speculate, but is based only on facts and sound warranted conclusions. It is not "a leap in the dark." Those who speak loudest and longest and seek money to promote themselves do not represent true Christianity. I do not call myself a Christian because I do not presume to declare myself so. I will wait to see if Christ determines whether I was. I am merely trying to be one. I have studied the Bible all my life and continue to do so on a graduate level. Working now on my second and third grad degree in Biblical Studies and Ministerial Leadership. Making my second trip to the "Holy Land," soon (Lord willing). I do not know it all, and never will, and I noticed in your movie that you have some inaccuracies too when you refer to the Bible. The Bible is not the problem. It is what humans do with it. I urge you to study it seriously for the balance of your days minus the sarcasm that you justly feel for the idiotic hypocrisy of the people who claim they represent it. I do not claim to represent it. I urge people to study it on their own and make up their own minds. I am still studying it and consequently am no "Scholar" or "Source" on the Book. I have just tried to base my life on it, and have not regretted it. I was a virgin when I married. My wife and I have been married 39 years soon (Lord willing). We have 4 children, all of whom have degrees in Bible (not religion) and 3 are married to people of like minds. The married ones have given us 10 grandsons, and so far they are being home schooled because the parents decided to do so (different from my wife and me, who sent our children to public schools). One son-in-law, even though trained as a minister works for the state as fish pathologist, with his second degree in Biology. Our son, trained in Bible, is a computer tech for a world-wide company. One son-in-law is a minister for a church. I have never used drugs or alcohol except under doctor's prescription, (including nicotine). I have always been faithful to my wife and we look forward to ending our lives together. I had been to Europe at 19 before I ever drank a soda-pop. I never liked the taste, and only learned to tolerate them in my 30's. I am now trying to loose 90 pounds and kick my daily diet Pepsi habit. I have sinned, and I do sin, but I do not willfully live a life of known sin on purpose. I ask forgiveness in every prayer, and try to overcome anything that I think is in anyway bad behavior for others or me, or God. (By the way, I do not think being overweight or drinking Pepsi is a sin, I just don't want to do those any more).
Since you are an agnostic, wanna hear an agnostic joke? "A Theist and Atheist were holding a debate. The Agnostic went for coffee."
I did not say it was a good joke, or a funny one. (I made it up years ago). I think Agnostics are on an extended coffee break.
By the way, it seems to me that you are awfully "evangelistic" for an agnostic. You judge Catholicism and other human religions to be wrong according to the Bible, then you throw away the Bible. You use it and reject it to the advantage of your own mind's position, just like the people you judge. You seem to really want others to believe what you believe: i.e., that the Bible is merely human, and that there is not enough evidence to conclude on the God question. Am I wrong about that?
Also, I believe that you and I would agree that all government needs to stay clear of all religions influencing them. Woe to the country that is governed by any religion. I could not be elected President because I would not address religions or use churches for campaigning, and if I were elected, though I would urge everyone to use their own value systems to support the nation when it was doing good, I would not use my position as a grandstand for faith references. Nations need to appeal to everyone of their citizens, and not just a majority, or perceived majority. I believe in a separation of church and state. But I also agree with a Philosopher I once read that any value system becomes a religion, with or without a god, which would class your agnosticism as religion too. My religion is the Bible. It is better than I am. I try to treat others by it the best I can, and pray to God to forgive my failings after asking forgiveness of any humans I learn I have transgressed. Enjoyed your movie. I wish us both well in learning more truth, and in both living only by truth as well as we can learn it. D.W. Jones Letter to Bill Maher per his web-site - 10/25/08
I nearly peed myself laughing. The audience laughed all the way through it and did indeed clap at the end of the movie.
The yenta in me wanted to know more about your mother and her views on Judaism. I know that is not what the movie is about but I keep trying to fill in the blanks.
I told you, it's the yenta in me.
You are very clever and very funny. Keep up the good work.
You and your co-film maker are very brave because you have taken a very strong position and have probably pissed a few lunatics off.
All the best for a fantastic show in Toronto, November 9th.
Break a leg!
Marla Powers
I'd love to see you interview someone like Tim Keller, a NY resident, published author and Pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian in Manhattan. Rather than interviewing many uneducated Christians. Most Pastors, myself included, are frustrated by the lack of ability on the part of the majority of North American Christians to articulate their Faith.
Someone like Tim Keller may actually be able to give you much better answers. Many of the people you interview are simply ignorant of the faith they claim to have. It's like asking a 5 year old with a gyro to explain a rotary engine, it's just a worthless exercise.
Thank You
David Smith
I saw the film, and I Laughed my ass off! SO True
Bill Maher, I am glad your movie is not the box office smash you expected. You are a liberal/socialist who can't handle anything normal or conservative. You are part of the liberal/socialist news media as well. That is why you are always blasting any conservative, fair and balanced reporting.
Couldn't agree with you more, Clydene. If all goes as planned, after student teaching ends in April, I'll find a job and then have summers to help elsewhere. I grew up in New Orleans, and the challenges Bobby Jindahl and his fellow politicians have are huge. If the levies aren't able to withstand the next storm, all the work your friends and others are doing could be wasted, so I hope they don't delay. I see a great many hurdles we can overcome, but if we cannot get corruption out of politics, the intentions of the public are severely limited. It does start with us, though, and the mindset of Americans has to change. If the candidate who loses the election cannot get his party to call off the dogs, the hunt will go on; both sides have done the same thing for years. Instead of working together, the focus has been to keep the other from getting what they want accomplished, get power back, and expect the cycle to be broken. We need to end the revenge cycle, and if the politicians won't, then we have to remove their ability to affect the situation. 225 years is a very short time to have been a country, and already we are on the verge of collapse, just what many countries would liek to see. Bloggers who take advantage of this idea claim all sorts of bogus reasons, but our detractors see our short lifespan, see it just like a child attempting to educate the adult. Every country may not want the same kind of government we have (I wonder why???), and we are always saying we are the greatest country in the world, and our people are the hardest working, etc. Arrogance speaks volumes, and if we just did more rather than running our mouths all the time, we'd have more friends. Not all enemies would disappear, but we'd get more support. Modern convenience has made us too fat and lazy, and so many want to sit in a chair, push a button and make cash. That's not living, at least not the way I see it. I liken my belief to the blind piano player. What beautiful music can come from a person who cannot see the audience, just plays for the joy of playing and hopes everyone else will enjoy. If we couldn't see how black or brown our skin was, how fat or thin our bodies were, we would have so much less to poison our hearts. Opponents will call me liberal, bleeding heart, dreamer, and we cannot cut out our eyes. It is a dream, but it causes me to keep an open mind when I meet someone and look for the best before assuming the worst. Here on the blog, it's simply react to what is said, and although I may be misinterpreting what some are saying, I don't think I'm that naive after all these years. I've seen and heard just about every kind of individual, and the buzz words are not hard to identify in context.
Saw it in Boynton Beach, FL, as it wasn't available here in southern GA. Right on target. Faith has the veracity of a hammer in the right hands, or should I say wrong hands. I was taught in my seminary apologetics class not to try to argue with reason, but rather state that belief in God is a "faith proposition." Unfortunately some do try to argue, especially the ones willing to quote Revelation. Keep up the good work. There are millions who are ready to wake up to all that life here has to offer, without the eternal consolation prizes. The reason the world is in the shape it is in now is because of the people who think the world could end tomorrow. Those religious zealots here and abroad.
I don't think that kins of blanket statement tells the complete story, Insane. Those who feel the world will never end because their reflection is such a warming effect are to blame as well. Somehow, some way, there has to be something in between carpe diem and pluribus diem. Rational peace loving human beings are often taken advantage of by the meanies.
My 23 yr old daughter and I just saw your movie (Columbus, OH). Right on the mark, Mr Maher! Two people people walked out, but after that there were only clapping and cheers. Kudos! And thank you for speaking the doubtful truth.
My husband and I have seen it twice in Spokane,WA. It's wonderful, funny, sometimes horrifying, but in the end extremely thoughtful. We loved the burning bush at the end.
It was a brave movie to make. Thank you.
I look forward to your film on Islam- oh, wait, I forgot...you'd need a set to do that. Why do you always take the easy road, Bill? Because in this case, the Catholics forgive you, the Mormons send missionaries to your house, the Jews defend your right to free speech, etc. For once, let's see some courage and journalistic integrity, and "Religulous II, Islam" in our local theaters.
Here's an interesting perspective for ya - I'm a Bible believing follower of Jesus Christ AND I endorse this movie.
I'd like to use an excerpt from my review to explain this point:
"The bottom line is this. Religulous basically states that the religious are hypocritical, judgmental, intolerant, uneducated in personal beliefs, free of personal experiences, interested in marketing a product and downright selfish – and you know what? It is absolutely right! We have, throughout the ages, corrupted and defiled what God established for our good. Whether it be Mormonism, Buddhism, Islam, Catholicism, Scientology, or yes, even Christianity, if it is centered around religion alone and all of her vile ways, it is, in fact, ridiculous. "
Should anyone be interested in exploring an extremely alternate view, the entire article can be found at my name link.
I saw the film last night. It was pretty much what I expected. I have always loved your standup, and watch "Real Time" every Friday..religiously :)...(I even go back to "Politically Incorrect" days"
There's only one thing in which I was slightly disappointed. Bill used to say that people who were religious, but who didn't preach it, or indicate that anyone else was bad, was just fine. At the end of the movie, he/you went into a bit of a rant, and seemed to condemn ALL religious people—even those who don't preach to others. That's a bit of a switch, isn't it, Bill? :)
I'd love to see it but its only showing in 5 theatres in Toronto. Should have released it more widely for us suburban atheists to enjoy :)
THANK YOU for this movie. We all stood up and applauded at the end. We will be purchasing the DVD for everyone in our family - especially those who forced the Passion down our throats for months!! Bravo for going outside the box and bringing something to the public that we've believed for a long time.
Michelle and Jason
I just want to thank you so much for finally saying what so many of us have been thinking all along.
As a young woman of 22, seeing Religulous truly inspired me. Faith is suffocating this country, and it's about time someone stood up to this disease.
I agree 100% with your views and love the way you went about it.
I wish the movie was streaming online because I want to show it to everyone I know.
Thank you for making this.
- Cori
Before i begin, I just wanted to say that about 6 years ago when i was still in the middle east, I googled my name (Maher Akil), then your name Bill Maher came up, and I've been a fan ever since.
I just watched the movie by myself today, since my friends either found it offensive or just didn't care for it. Like you, I'm against the fact that religions use fear and power to brain wash helpless people, helpless as in little or no logic or cognitive abilities to differentiate between facts and fairytales. My mom is a Buddist, my dad is a Muslim, I went to a catholic school for 6 years, I lived in Hong Kong and Lebanon 9 years each, and I've been in the states for 3 years now...trust me, I've got my fair share of religions and beliefs, and I'm only 21! All these religions tend to have the same concepts, if all believe in one devine being i.e. God, why divide into sects or groups? But I do love the creativity behind scientology and mormonism, I don't want to offend their founders, I think the SNL writers are very talented and shouldn't be making fun off. One thing I have to disagree though, is the part when you talk about Islam, as someone who has seen Islam from the outside and from the inside, I disagree that Muslims are violent people, or more violent then other people. I believe that the middle eastern culture are rather the violent ones. This could be from obressions from the west or other reasons, I'm not worried about explaning it. But I', just saying every violent act in the name of Islam were done by "Middle Easterners", you would rarely see someone from Indonesia commiting the same violent acts being that Indonesia is the country with the largest Islamic population. People need the seperate culture from religion, in addition, the so-called Islamic representers in the movie were very naiive and have no logic behind their talk, speaking non-sense through out.
To wrap it up, I love your view cause I can relate to it, I'm not an athiest but I don't believe in religions. If God want to reach me, he has my number, no need for any middleman.
Thankyou for reading this.
Maher Akil
Before i begin, I just wanted to say that about 6 years ago when i was still in the middle east, I googled my name (Maher Akil), then your name Bill Maher came up, and I've been a fan ever since.
I just watched the movie by myself today, since my friends either found it offensive or just didn't care for it. Like you, I'm against the fact that religions use fear and power to brain wash helpless people, helpless as in little or no logic or cognitive abilities to differentiate between facts and fairytales. My mom is a Buddist, my dad is a Muslim, I went to a catholic school for 6 years, I lived in Hong Kong and Lebanon 9 years each, and I've been in the states for 3 years now...trust me, I've got my fair share of religions and beliefs, and I'm only 21! All these religions tend to have the same concepts, if all believe in one devine being i.e. God, why divide into sects or groups? But I do love the creativity behind scientology and mormonism, I don't want to offend their founders, I think the SNL writers are very talented and shouldn't be making fun off. One thing I have to disagree though, is the part when you talk about Islam, as someone who has seen Islam from the outside and from the inside, I disagree that Muslims are violent people, or more violent then other people. I believe that the middle eastern culture are rather the violent ones. This could be from obressions from the west or other reasons, I'm not worried about explaning it. But I', just saying every violent act in the name of Islam were done by "Middle Easterners", you would rarely see someone from Indonesia commiting the same violent acts being that Indonesia is the country with the largest Islamic population. People need the seperate culture from religion, in addition, the so-called Islamic representers in the movie were very naiive and have no logic behind their talk, speaking non-sense through out.
To wrap it up, I love your view cause I can relate to it, I'm not an athiest but I don't believe in religions. If God want to reach me, he has my number, no need for any middleman.
Thankyou for reading this.
Maher Akil
just saw religulous. i respect your premise. i'm one of the 16 million who thinks the holy books are novels - a kernel of truth twisted and slanted by men over time.
some of the movie was thigh-slapping funny. some of it was not understandable and only sound bites - maybe get another editor, unless it's you, of course.
it's so...so....discouraging to see how so many people are just stupid fools. no other way to put it.
Critical thinking courses should be mandatory in our public schools. these people don't know HOW to think...
thank you for doing this. nothing will change, but it's good to know there are others like me out there.
Jfwilliams, you are very wise. As a masters in education student, I am of the firm belief that thinking for oneself is the skill most untaught in the public schools. Don't give up hope, though, because charter schools and other avenues of learning are becoming more and more prevalent. If kids learned to communicate and interpret language before all of the other skills they may or may not choose to learn are taught, it will make them so much more productive. Glad to know you!!!
Bill, I have enjoyed watching your show from time to time and have taken the christian bashing comments with a grain of salt. I have respected you as a person of intelligence, but lately I am questioning why an intelligent person would have to continually bash to make a point. I consider myself to be a born again christian. However, though I'm a registered Independent, I usually vote Democrat 90% of the time. I take a stance of pro-choice. You can't lump all christians into the category of the "republican religious right" because many of us are pretty liberal minded. That would be like saying all Muslims are evil extremist nut jobs. Look at Jesus - if you read the bible you can see that he was a non-conformist who continually defied and challenged the religious leaders of His day. He hung out with the outcasts of society and his first chosen disciples were working class people -fishermen. He didn't have any elite upper class society people in His group. Feel free to read more about Him anytime and discover who I and many other liberal minded Americans call our Saviour. All I ask is give us a fair shake and not a bad rap, because you're too intelligent for that.
Bill (if I may be so bold), my wife and I saw RELIGILOUS last weekend and were we SHOCKED! Firstly, that the mental-midget Christians that run joke-lahoma let this flick hit the screens, and secondly that there were only 14 of us at the 7:20PM showing on Friday eve. We figured that there would be more attendees than 14...but it IS the "stupid-belt" here LOL. BRAVO to you sir, for making such an evocative and truthful movie! It is a refreshing change, especially when we are a definite minority here. We believe that you should champion the 16% of America that believe in "Freedom FROM Religion"! From an Agnostic's POV, the change we need HAS to revolve around the separation of church and state. I say TAX the churches! If they're going to "preach the Neo-con agenda", then let them pay their share of the taxes...
Bravo sir! Bravo!
Medieval Maid,
I understand what you are saying. You have to understand that Bill is coming from a different place entirely, and I am fairly certain his ideology would spell out the following: "Medieval, those of you who have gone to the born-again trough to drink have given up on the spirit that gives others the will to survive, to compete, to challenge, to fight - A peaceful fight for recognition, a challenge to rise to the top in human accomplishment, whether it be in the arts, the sciences, or altruistic endeavors...whatever one strives for. What you accomplish because you feel the strength, that mysteriously uncommon human strength you attribute to nothing, BECAUSE you can't know how you came to exist, is all the motivation you should need. The search for meaning is not as important as the search for fulfillment; and though I know you feel the need to be fulfilled, the need to know why you are here and what you were put on this planet for is shortchanging the potential outcome of what could be, if you only had more faith in yourself. IF you only had more confidence, and if you believed that if you went in search of others who would join you in proving that we are not a lost species, doomed to fail again and again, doomed to slit one another's throats for the almighty dollar, you could find the strength within you to search inside and conquer your fears. None of us can do it by ourselves, but nor can we see a brighter light of intelligence if we don't seek to learn what is right here on the planet in front of us, sometimes hiddeen behind a maze of distraction, sometimes clouded by so much noise, the sound is deafening... but it is there, and once you get past those hurdles that are there to keep you from finding your inner strength and learning what it's all about, you realize you can do so much more than give up. I leave you with these lyrics, lyrics that tell of fruitless searches that reveal submission before complete devotion and a willingness to try JUST A LITTLE BIT HARDER:
The Habit of the Broken Heart
"Oh, the Sisters of Blindness
from the Convent of the Broken Heart,
they want to smother it with kindness,
they want to tear it all apart.
And there's a rock of sterile virtu'
in the centre of the bay....
I'm so sorry he hurt you,
but don't throw yourself away.
You only wanted to have some fun,
you only wanted to try it;
you only wanted to be someone,
but everybody denies it.
Why's it so hard to make you listen?
Don't go and change your name...
learning to lose can be
the start of winning the game.
You're so special, such sadness seems a shame.
I know that you've got a service to catch,
I wouldn't want you to miss it,
but there's something so mismatched,
some motive inexplicit...
is it the call of the Convent?
You only wanted to find someone
or something more than pleasure;
penitence for the Chosen One
you can indulge at leisure -
by the light of the sinking sun,
don't turn your back on the treasure.
Whether or not you want to face it, you're a beautiful girl
and your lay-lady laughter has a right to be heard;
but what can I give you if you've already got the Word?
Don't go
don't start
don't take on
the Habit of the Broken Heart"
The Siren Song
"Letters in pencil, some of them as heavy as lead,
as dated as carbon, as black as coal, but burning as red.
Clues faintly stencilled: the message, though leeched, is unbled,
as secret as marble - as young, as old, as living, as dead.
And always that laugh
that comes as though it's from pain:
though I'm lashed to the mast
still it hammers round my brain.
Laughter in the backbone,
laughter impossibly wise,
that same laughter that comes
every time I flash on that look in your eyes
which whispers of a black zone
which'll mock all my credos as lies,
where all logic is done
and time will smash every theory I devise.
And the hour-glass is shattered
only by the magic of your touch
where nothing really matters....
No, Nothing matters very much!
So the siren song runs through the ages,
and it courses through my veins like champagne;
and with all the sweet kisses of addiction
it's calling me to break my bonds again.
Future memory exploding like shrapnel,
some splinters escape on my tongue,
some of them scar comprehension...
beneath the scab they burn, but the wound becomes numb.
And always the song draws me forward,
rejoicing in the search and the prayer,
bored with all but the mad, the strange,
the freak, the impossible dare.
Still your laugh chills my marrow
till I embrace it on my knees....
Oh, when the mast becomes a flagpole,
what becomes of me?
What becomes, oh, what becomes of me?"
Don't give up hope Medieval. You have what is inside you to make life worth livig precisely because it is a mystery. Take care of your body and your mind and don't let anyone tell you you can't feel good about the fabulous things you see every day that make life worth living. All the terrible things are not your fault, so why take the blame for them? Just be honest and true to yourself and the rest of those around you will fall in line. That, at least to me, seems as good a credo to adhere to as any one of blind faith.
Totally agree, with Bill that is. Religion is over rated.Raised Catholic(without my consent) I think alot of people say they are religous, not because they truly believe,but because they are afraid too question it all(it's the). Can't see the film ,I live in Louisiana, where we don't have counties, but PARISHES.How ironic!!Religion is like real estate. It's all about Location, Location, Location. If I was born in Iraq, I would worship Ala. Or a Hindu in India. So as a smart person, I am totally ReligusLESS!!
Bill for President!
I saw the movie a couple of weeks ago by myself, and am taking my wife to see it again tonight. I'm pissed at you because you articulated almost every feeling I have about religion, thus nullifying my chances of having an epiphany and making that movie myself--of course that puts me in the position of requiring divine intervention to have the talent to produce such a product--thus creating an odd irony.
Fortunately for all of us intellectually open enough to see Religulous, you have the natural talent and vision to create something that needed to be created and we collectively applaud you. (I think this is the written equivalent of a blow job--let's just keep that between us).
The sad reality is that those that really need to see your film never will--though they will have no problem condemning it. You know the rest of what I have to say about that because you've said it a thousand times.
The real shame of it all was that not only was Religulous the perfect debunking of religious absurdity, it was really fucking funny. That's the real genius at work here. Most atheistic writers and such spend so much effort trying to disprove religion that the message gets lost in their effort to be infallible in their atheism. Your "I don't know" doctrine is so fucking brilliant in its simplify that it completely validates every point you make and allows for piss-your-pants laughs to meet slap-your-face insight.
Bravo. Keep up the good work. We all need it.
I saw Religulous twice already.. and I'm a college student! (limited funds is what I'm getting at here haha) And I'm seeing it again this Saturday! I don't think there's one friend of mine who hasn't heard me rave about it.. I swear you should start paying me to promote this film!
I cannot stress how much I love your work. From the time I first heard your response to Jesus Camp, I knew I'd consistently see my very own opinions reflected in the material you make public -- except you make it funnier! Keep up the AMAZING work. If I ever had the opportunity to chat with you for even just 5 minutes about these pressing issues holding back society, I'd be the happiest girl in the world.
Oh, if only you were 30 years younger.....ha
Thank you for giving voice in film to much of what I have been thinking and wanted to say about religion. I feel emboldened to continue the fight against religion and all it corrupts, poisons and destroys. It was so cathartic to watch religion dissected and laid bare for the falsehood that it is. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!
Check out this guy on youtube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sk0el9nH6Q4&feature=related
I didn't want to be mean but I left the following comment:
Evidently your the intelligent, all knowledgeable religious guy he should be interviewing. If your all that, please make that happen. What's really funny is that after he tears you apart, you will have the crutch of religion to claim victory.
Bill, If you have the time to respond, I am wondering what you thought of Ken Ham when you met him.
I like the documentary Religulous because it allows people to see that we cannot let religious doctrine get in the way of communication and understanding between people.
It's the only word to describe how I feel about this movie.
I have been dying to see the movie as well..but alas, i live in the antiquated religous hole that is Utah. There is only one theater playing the film but it's quite far. I'm making an effort to get there however. From the ads and clips I've seen so far, I get the gist of it. This experience won't be an enlightment I fear, because I've felt this way about religion for a very long time. I've done my research, read lots and lots on this particular subject, and it's pretty hard, I think, not to come to the realization, that religion has played a horrible role in the history of man. And frankly, it has been man that has created the wars, tyranny, and the distruction of so many lives. I'm actually quite sick of hearing about "God" "Jesus" "Allah" etc. All of them and religion is just a fantasy land created by bitter and hateful "man". I think it takes more character to "believe/have faith" in one's self than it is to follow a set of dogma. There's no responsibilty taken, no qenuine effort needed, in just believing something someone told, because that's how it is and is how it's supposed to be. I'll stop here, or poor Bill will have a novel on his hands. I do however, want to thank Bill for doing this movie. If only there were more. It's takes a lot cajones' (sp?) in this day and age to be one of the few to put this out there. thanks bill...would love to chat more about this with you or anyone, unless you're a brick wall then what's the point. :)
p.s. someone was writing something about "thou shalt not kill'? It's actually suppose to read "thou shalt not murder" :) just fyi
Loved the movie---wish more people would see it---might even wake them up! I grew up catholic myself so i can relate to your viewpoints!!!----keep up the good work!
ken h.
topeka, ks
Hey Bill:
I loved Religulous and thank you. I hope you're lying about never making another movie. ***PLEASE discuss Senator Barak Obama's double standard with regard to gay marriage in the media. He justifies his homophobic stance by saying that striking anti-miscegenation statutes (benefitting his parents) did not fly in the face of strong religious belief, therefore, OK. But striking anti-gay marriage statutes would be offensive to deeply held religious beliefs. Senator Obama is mischaracterizing history to hide a double standard. Anti-miscegenation statutes were based on religious belief: that god put the different races on different continents so they would not mix, marry, cohabit, et cetera. Senator Obama is only willing to disregard religion/belief that interferes directly with the rights of his race-mixed family. However, when the same religion/beliefs interfere with the rights of queers, the Senator proposes separate but equal (AKA "civil union"). Preposterous.
Hey Bill:
I loved Religulous and thank you. I hope you're lying about never making another movie. ***PLEASE discuss Senator Barak Obama's double standard with regard to gay marriage in the media. He justifies his homophobic stance by saying that striking anti-miscegenation statutes (benefitting his parents) did not fly in the face of strong religious belief, therefore, OK. But striking anti-gay marriage statutes would be offensive to deeply held religious beliefs. Senator Obama is mischaracterizing history to hide a double standard. Anti-miscegenation statutes were based on religious belief: that god put the different races on different continents so they would not mix, marry, cohabit, et cetera. Senator Obama is only willing to disregard religion/belief that interferes directly with the rights of his race-mixed family. However, when the same religion/beliefs interfere with the rights of queers, the Senator proposes separate but equal (AKA "civil union"). Preposterous.
Jen T:
Not so ramblin girl, why don't you settle down? Utah's ain't your kind of towns. There aint no God, and no movies like Religulous to see. Get on the bus and come to Denver, to me.
Northern Michigan. No theater within several hundred miles of me shows it.
I'm sure/hopeful that someone has already pointed this out, but just in case.
This is for STEVE---
Actually there is proof that there were Dinosaurs in which we can believe, even though we weren't there...They are called DINOSAUR BONES!!!
But thanks for the attempt at the point anyway...
Please come see my movie...talk about pathetic! Just my opinion though, but it's the truth none-the-less!
Love in the Truth,
I'll have to wait until it comes out on cable. Sorry Economic problems! You know how it is. One thing I would like to say though. I do think there is a god. God didn't say anything about go forth and make a government. God didn't make evil, Men did! All these constructs that are hurting us are man made. I hope that is the point of the film. I really would love to see it.
By the way I think that McCain should have put Vanna White on the ticket with him. I think that she is better looking and smarter. She already has a better less expensive wardrobe. He could have saved $150,000.
Good luck and great job. Thank you for seeking truth and laughing about it.
Dear Bill,
PLEASE listen to Donna Brazzeale's (spelling?) comment on the necessity of saving non-believers today, October 30, 2008 on CNN's Situation Room.
Her comments are incredulous!!!!
I would like to thank you for offering an interesting argument up with Religulous. I grew up in the methodist church and as of now I don't really know whether I even consider myself a christian anymore. I like to be optimistic towards the idea that there is a god;however, I feel that the organized aspect of religion has truly perverted religion into something that I no longer feel I can be apart of. I tried going to church the other day and I was asked for my tides to the lord, but I noticed they were building a basketball gym for a contemporary worship service... I asked myself is it really necessary for a church to not only take money from its people to make half assed rock n' roll songs with a spiritual message. I guess what I am trying to say is that I am glad that you have brought your argument to the main stream. When I saw Religulous a few weeks ago I was really shocked to see the variety of ages in the crowd. I think you have really done something really good here. So thank you and keep up the good work. Maybe next you can bring weed to the mainstream and get it legalized.... wishful thinking. Keep up the good work.
I would like to thank you for offering an interesting argument up with Religulous. I grew up in the methodist church and as of now I don't really know whether I even consider myself a christian anymore. I like to be optimistic towards the idea that there is a god;however, I feel that the organized aspect of religion has truly perverted religion into something that I no longer feel I can be apart of. I tried going to church the other day and I was asked for my tides to the lord, but I noticed they were building a basketball gym for a contemporary worship service... I asked myself is it really necessary for a church to not only take money from its people to make half assed rock n' roll songs with a spiritual message. I guess what I am trying to say is that I am glad that you have brought your argument to the main stream. When I saw Religulous a few weeks ago I was really shocked to see the variety of ages in the crowd. I think you have really done something really good here. So thank you and keep up the good work. Maybe next you can bring weed to the mainstream and get it legalized.... wishful thinking. Keep up the good work.
not screening in NZ till 09!!!! stink buzz!!!
As an avid Mark Twain fan, I can appreciate religous satire. I agree that all organized religions (and religion) in general is bullshit. That said, I have not seen this movie yet for one major reason: Why weren't ther any movie trailiers bashing Islam? It is easy to put mock a [currently] passive religion, it is another to put your beliefs on the line when your life and health may be on the line. Bill Mahr is a COWARD!! The truly gutless will rail against anything so long as there is little chance of it coming home.
religulous is being censored on hilton head island, south carolina. it was shown for a week at the local indie theatre and booked for two weeks until the "powers that be" demanded cancellation and also lied in their weekly email sent to their mailing list that it was due to poor ticket sales:
Due to low attendance, the final showing of our scheduled feature, Religulous, will be Saturday evening. We are pleased to bring back The Rape of Europa, after many requests from our patrons, for the remainder of the movie week.
Contact us at info@colignytheatre.com
A Richardson Group Property
stop the madnesss, srsly.
Hey Bill I just have a simple question, and whoever is out there who wants to answer feel free to do so. My question is this, Religion, in you movie is seen as deeply controversal and political chaging virus. For the most part your right. However how can you argue this for any other place in the world where religion is the last shred of hope for a better life. It drives thier will for greater community service and free school programs. It helps them choose over a drug cartel economy and "holiness" towards a better community within and without the household. These people can be found in countries like Africa, Mexico, and Columbia. People, holding thier beliefs and preaching it to a friendly environment, desiring only a better life for thier young ones and thier community are murdered for thier beliefs while they harm nobody. I'm asking you, can you apply everything that you have said in "Religulous" to these people in these situations? Situations where givernment is clearly corrupt and has some hand on drug money. Situations where gang violence and drugs lead the politics and communities. When you come down to the fact its the money that moves everything in a way to greatly harm people. So, do your arguments apply to these people or just to ourselves, the over confident and fat Americans.
I was shocked to find it playing at a theatre less than 35 miles away from me -those who think California is a hotbed of liberalism need some geography lessons. Anyway, the theater was packed, the audience diverse, and the response was overwhelmingly positive (clapping and cheering). This film needs to be seen by everyone. Can't wait for the DVD, so I can do my part.
Bill, you're so much like me...taught to believe in the supernatural magic, i.e. miracles, life after death, leaning on an imaginary friend in time of need, etc., etc. But like me, you evolved. Welcome to the real world and thank you for stepping up to share - when I and so many others are fearful of public embarrassment, career suicide, family disownment, etc. THANK YOU!
Goddamnit bill...
How do I send you (or... your email screener) an email!?
Well I saw the trailer and said to myself "I'm not going to pirate this movie" because I really support you. That's the problem here. I saw Religulous and now I've got this overwhelming urge to talk to you about all this stuff and I know that it will never happen.
I want to know how you see ethics issues, how you see philosophical issues, how far along you are with the meaning of life. I want to know the network of justifications and reasoning that you base your beliefs on. I know you have a freaking opinion, and it's not just "I don't know, I'm a skeptic". That's BS, and we both know it. Religious people are skeptics, you are not a skeptic, you base your beliefs on evidence. An area of thought devoid of explanation is always filled up by something, that's why religion exists in the first place.
Anyway... nobody I know really cares about these philosophical issues or has put much thought into them (then again I'm still in college I guess they think that's something that's solved later in life) so yeah it's just frustrating to know that there are people out there who do care and who have competent thoughts but I'll never be able to communicate with them.
Hoping you somehow read this, a response would be the most awesome thing ever (obvious exaggeration...)
akking (at) uci.edu
Response to John (Religion can help the decision making process)
Bill's point is that we shouldn't need religion to tell us what is right or wrong. Religion is a traditionalist methodology, it's based on having complete faith that certain testimonial sources of knowledge are correct. We should be able to reason, without religion, that turning to a drug cartel is a bad idea. We should be able to reason that killing a person is wrong, that stealing is wrong; we should be able to think about future consequences based on actual logic rather than traditionalist superstition.
Another post (oct 18, by 't') stated that evolution was just as ridiculous as religion.
sorry this just bugged the hell out of me. You think that a couple of missing fossils among hundreds of thousands of ACTUAL fossils means that evolution is just as bizarre an explanation as an ethereal, invisible, all powerful creator? We literally 'see' creatures evolving over time. The idea makes perfect sense, the logic makes perfect sense, all the evidence we have access to supports evolution... so it's obvious that it's wrong. -_-
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