Friday, October 10, 2008


Hey all, if you haven't seen "Religulous" yet, would you do me a favor and go this weekend? I swear not for me, I am honestly not interested in ever making a movie again - I'm like Danny Glover in Lethal Weapon, "I'm too old for this shit." But this one I would like to do well so America gets it that there's a lot of people who at least would like this to be a subject we can talk about and debate. And, its a hoot! I've gotten so many e mails and texts from people who say "I just saw your movie, and at the end everyone applauded. " Something must be going on here, how many times do you see that in movies these days?

Thank you!


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wilber said...

Bill is computer illiterate but, maybe someday he will learn to use e-mail so, therefore he will get one.

But, your alot smarter than that aren't you Bill?

CCA said...




feblucy said...

Since have critiqued the Christian religion and found it so lacking why not now do the same for Islam- or are you too scared that would be the end of you. You can criticize and ridicule something safe but don't have the guts to cricize a religion that is so brutal that they sacrifice their own children and kill other innocent children also. When we hear the country is moving in the wrong direction have you ever thought which direction is that? The media seems to think too conservative but many feel too liberal. I can't wait to your next movie on Islam.

hollibobolli said...


I'm not a fan of organized religion - but I saw your interview last night on Huckabee... and when you said that all people who believed in a higher power are insane and mentally instable - that just blew my mind. I can understand not liking radical acts brought on by people who mindlessly follow the Church without question... but to condemn all people who believe in any God? You just seemed bitter and hateful... and sad. And who rips Mother Teresa?? Good grief - if only a small portion of this population acted like she did, this world would be in a better place... If less people had your attitude, we might not all be such ridiculous cynics.

Faith is a killer? No, intolerance of other people's choices... THAT is a killer.

QueenFox said...

"Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld." Heb 11:1 We all hope for a better world through our faith and hope, although in reality we have yet to see it. Many put their faith and hope in man and government(s) to bring about everlasting peace. However, from the Christian perpective, we have faith in God's word that he will institute a government that will never be brought to ruin by means of His Christ and restore peace to earth. Jesus said the good news of this kingdom government would be preached in all the earth first and this would signal his return. Jesus also foretold the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem. The Bible foretold the rise and fall of Alexander the Great and the downfall of many other civilizations due to their unrighteousness and immorality. Because of these events in history, we can trust God's word and his promises to end injustice an await the future of a new world. We do not consider it blind faith. We also strive to obey God's commandments and do not consider lightly the commandment against fornication, adultery, drunkenness, murder, thieves, greed, etc.

Evita said...

Bill - just came back from seeing the movie and have to say I LOVED IT!

You open up very powerful and necessary discussion for our world to discuss today. There really is no time like now to wake up and see where we as humanity are headed and only through vocal people like you can we ever get the lines of communication open.

I actually did a review too of your movie and you can find it here:

The Galatian Free Press said...

You can blame lots of bad things on religion, but there are many other forms of human socialization that have caused harm, as well. If we lived in Bill Maher's ideal world, without any religions, we would still have human suffering & violence. In fact, we would probably have more of it than we have in a world with religion, because, net-net, religion is a positive force.

RitaLouise said...

I am in total agreement with Bill Maher on religion. I am an 80 year old female who is convinced she was dropped on the wrong planet! I am so at odds with the mentality that sees religion as political and a power base. Yes, there is good, but that is the bounds within it should remain. Not push on others, not kill, or otherwise coerce, but just live by the charity of do unto others. Why can't those of faith practice quietly, bring their children up with civil morals, and get on with the real issues confronting our country and the world?

Anonymous said...

Just saw Bill discuss faith with Huckabee. I commend you Bill on attempting to open the shuttered door of blind faith and shine the light of common sense but as long as people like Huckabee argue faith, belief, and religion from the point of view of their faith, belief, and religion, it will always be a futile battle. Why, because yes like you wanted to say to Huckabee but politely sidestepped the label, he is completely insane and so is everyone else willing to align their will and actions to the concept that there is a bearded white-haired old man sitting on a cloud somewhere in sky predetermining the destiny of all sentient beings in the universe.

That is, faith is not a prerequisite for doing good in the world, and nor should it be. It is a sad realty of faith in religious dogma that being good and doing good things is the only way one will be rewarded in heaven. Is not being good and doing good things reward enough in itself? It is for me.

So much for humanity's 14,000 year old experiment in social control.

I have yet to see "Religulous" if it comes to a theater near me I will take off work to go but that is unlikely. Please put this out on DVD ASAP for those of us who can think for themselves but do not live in a major metropolitan area.

elise said...

Mr. Maher:

I saw your appearance on Huckabee's show this weekend and would like to make a comment.
I was raised in a pentecostal church and as a child, I never questioned the faith of my parents. In fact, my father was an Assembly of God minister. When I went to college and took a class in philosophy, the professor shared your opinion re. the existence of a higher being. He used the identical argument: If God is all good and all powerful, why are children dying of hunger, why do bad things happen to good people etc. It made sense to me and, although I never called myself an atheist, I became agnostic. There is a problem with proof. No one can prove the existence of God or that he doesn't exist so both positions are illogical and unimportant for debate.
But, consider these ideas:
1) If God doesn't exist, any discussion of good and evil is not valid.
2) The universe is a machine, therefore, there is no free will. Everything that has ever happened or will happen is written in this "machine".
3)Human life has no more meaning than vegetables or animals.

To say God does not exist, a declaration of atheism is an intellectual pretension unless you are attempting to convert others to your way of thinking. In that case, you are creating a religion from a negative which can't be proven.
Consider this proposal by the famous mathematician, Blaise Pascal.

"Pascal´s wager", sane and prudent persons must bet their lives on Roman Catholicism (substitute any religion). If they do, and it turns out to be true, then they have won an eternity of bliss. And if it turns out to be false, and death is after all annihilation, what has been lost? Due to its greater expected value, religious belief is more rational.

A recent study showed if you generate random numbers on a computer, the numbers will show an equal number of even and odd. However, if you add a human mind trying to influence the outcome, you can get a statistically significant difference which would seem to indicate the presense of free will. Quantum physics also leads to a belief of free will.
I still do not call myself a Christian, but do believe in reincarnation and consider taking the position as atheist, an arrogance at best and an adolecent rebellion at worst.

Unknown said...

I finely left Christianity in 2003. I had been questioning it for a while before that. The moral restrictions was getting to me. In 2003 I found out that many of the religious texts contradict themselves, also this universe does not have room for a good Omnipotent Omnipresent being. However I do believe a god like being kicked it all off and may or may not be watching the entire thing unfold. this being may be omnipresent and at least powerful enough to create something from noting however not Omnipotent and may or may not be good, probably curious, may be like a hippy setting off a fire cracker wist on acid. It is nothing worth worshiping or praying to its to powerful and amused with what it created to even realize that you are doing such a thing.

Unknown said...

I will see the movie, and I just saw Bill on the Huckabee show and im glad to see that more people are standing up for the truth. Religion is a tuchy subject and not many are willing to go agenst it. I think that there are more people than most think that just have figured out that there is no backbone to most religions out there. Blind faith is freaking retarded. Let me beleive in something that has no proof just because my parents taught me to. Or because it makes me feel good. Sorry i feel good doing things to help other people, and try to improve the world around me because I have morals. U dont need faith to have morals.

Gerry Rzeppa said...

I just watched you on Huckabee. You really should do an interview with me -- I think I can do a much better job of presenting the other side of the issue than Mike.

Gerry Rzeppa

Dalton said...

Bill -

I just saw your interview with Mike Huckabee, and for the second time in as many weeks, you made the comment that religion has "caused just about every war.." This is simply not true. If you look at the deadliest wars in human history, they have all been caused by devotion to the state, not to a god. Here are a list of wars completely devoid of religious causality: The entire history of Roman expansion, The Napoleonic Wars (Napoleon was an atheist and the French fought for liberty, equality, fraternity); the American Civil War (states' rights and slavery), Franco-Prussian War, World War I (25 million casualties, fought over fanatical nationalism), Sino-Japanese War (perhaps 15 million casualties), Stalinist purges (15 million, he was an atheist), World War II (55 million casualties, and the holocaust was an ethnic genocide as Hitler was essentially non-religious - it was about biological chauvinism. It was not Judaism per se, but the Jewish ethnicity that was the target), Cambodian Genocide, Rwandan Genocide, Congolese Civil War (5 million dead and counting - deadliest war since WWII).
So it seems to me, you really need to re-evaluate your statement. Has religion caused misery and warfare? Yes. Yet devotion to state has caused far more. Is it then rational to do away with the nation-state because it has been the true source of most warfare in human history? If your argument is to do away with religion, then you must argue that we need to do away with the nation-state, as it has been even more deadly. Do religious people have irrational beliefs? Yes, many do. My point here is not to entirely and blindly defend religion, I just can't stand it when Hollywood types like you turn something that is complicated and nuanced, such as history and religion, into a superficial, generalized, grossly-simplified, vaguely accurate at best, watered-down-so-the-commoner-can-digest-it, vehicle to make money. You ought to read William James.

clearvp said...

Bill, I just saw you on the Huckabee show. I haven't seen your new movie but all the clips I see of you interviewing religious people they are all lightweights. Why don't you debate or interview some real apologists. Like Dinesh D'Souza, Lee Stroble, Josh McDowell, David Barton, or Ray Comfort. Google them you'll see that they could debate you and your so called Rationalist viewpoints under the intellectual table.

QueenFox said...

Thank you Dalton and Elise! Very good posts. I've found many Atheists to be very arrogant and not very open-minded. Allegiance to a country, nation,Emperor, Ruler, flag, etc. is also considered a form of worship to a god (mighty one) other than the Almighty God. While denoucing faith or worship of the Almighty God many worship and idolize lessor gods. As far as morals go, whose morals? God commandments include marriage as between male and female. However in today's society it's ok to live together without the benefit of papers and those of the same sex tell us it's ok with God (although God's word says quite the contrary). So the question is whose morals are we to follow? Do we fulfill our own desires or control them? Which morals do we follow? The morals we like or the morals outlined by God in the Bible which Jesus also gave witness to.

QueenFox said...

Feblucy has a point. It's easy to pick on Christianity. We are far removed today from the Crusades of ancient times. My motto is: no one is free from freedom and neither is Islam .

I did send Mr. Huckabee this response below in answer to Mr. Maher's questions as below:

Bill Maher in essence asked why God created a world where people and children are suffering and why God does not do something or he may have implied there is no God since perhaps he seems not to care. It pains me very much when mainstream Christianity cannot address these questions.

The answer to Mr. Maher's question is: God did not create the world to be governed by man without God's direction. Man decided to rule himself in an act of rebellion against God. God could have destroyed this man or created another man. However, if he had destroyed this man, the implication would be that God created an imperfect man. However, this is not the case for the man was created relatively perfect for the purpose which God created him - To live forever on earth, having in subjection the animal creation, filling the earth with children and extending the paradise. Gen 1:28

The man failed to live up to God's righteous standards. His body also began to break down and die just as God had told him within God's day of 1,000 years. He was quite capable of living far beyond the life span of any animal or tree. Therefore, we cannot attribute imperfection (sin) or the condition of the world to God. The conditions we see in the world today are because of the one man whom we all descended from. This is why we all grow old, get sick and die. This is why children are born with imperfections, deformities and why "all creation keeps on groaning together and being in pain together until now." "That is why, just as through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men because they had all sinned". Roman 8:22; 5:12

A good Rabbinical writing on this subject can be found toward the end of page 220, the Social Teaching of Rabbinical Judaism at this link:,M1 and

A Taste of Torah, Page 4:

God allowed the man to continue living and allowed him to rule himself for a time. If God had not allowed this man to continue living, we would not have been born. This was love on God's part because it was God's original purpose for the children of this one man to live on earth and God's purpose was carried out even though it meant pain and suffering in a cruel world "that man has dominated man to his injury." Eccl 8:9 The Bible also tells us these man-made governments rule under the control of unseen wicked spirit forces.

God also made arrangements to undue the effects of man's rulership by instituting a thousand year kingdom or government to bring persons back to physical perfection though the rulership of Jesus Christ. This Jesus proved that unlike Adam even a perfect man could remain faithful to God.

Persons resurrected during the thousand years of Jesus' rulership will be given the opportunity to live forever being judged during that time according to God's righteous standards. There are several prophesies concerning this time recorded in the Bible, the ones that will attain to heavenly life: "will be priests of God and of the Christ, and will rule as kings with him for the thousand years." "and they are to rule as kings over the earth." Rev 20:6; 5:10 Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the GOVERNMENT will be upon His shoulder. KJV

The conditions on earth at that time are also recorded in the scriptures: "The righteous themselves will possess the earth And they will reside forever upon it." Psalms 37:29 "And the wolf will actually reside for a while with the male lamb, and with the kid the leopard itself will lie down, and the calf and the maned young lion and the well-fed animal all together; and a mere little boy will be leader over them. And the cow and the bear themselves will feed; together their young ones will lie down. And even the lion will eat straw just like the bull. And the sucking child will certainly play upon the hole of the cobra, and upon the light aperture of a poisonous snake will a weaned child actually put his own hand. They will not do any harm or cause any ruin in all my holy mountain; because the earth will certainly be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah as the waters are covering the very sea." Isaiah 11:6-9

We may not fully understand why God has allowed the world's conditions to continue until now but we cannot place blame on God whom we cannot see and not place blame on man whom we can see as causing a majority of the world's problems. There is enough money and wealth in the world to have solved many problems of hunger and disease. However because of greed and mismanagement many in the world suffer enormously. "Concerning that day and hour nobody knows . . . ," It is our hope that God will soon direct his angelic forces along with Jesus to take over control of earth's affairs. Mat 24:36 - 51

Christian Separatist

Tim McGurk said...

I saw the film.

I was less than impressed.

You profess to be interested in debate, but practice mockery. Mockery is easy. Empathy is difficult. Sarcasm is easy. Understanding is difficult.

Many of your basic premises are either shakey or flat-out incorrect.

For example, it's not reasonable to state that something unprovable (the existence of a god, for example) is therefore untrue. Most human beings hold some form of religious faith, so it's clear that the human mind on some level requires that kind of faith. It's neither a weakness nor a strength, it's just part of humanity.

You've stated that most warfare is the result of religion, and this is patently untrue. Most warfare is the result of border disputes and greed. Sometimes it's in the name of "God"; most often it's not.

It would be great to have a reasonable debate about the place of religion and faith in American society.

Your film does nothing to advance that cause.

Honestly, I was kind of embarassed for you.

Susanna said...

Dear Mr. Maher:
I would suggest that you obtain a book by the title of The Infinite Way by Joel S. Goldsmith.
I love your show and you.

tappelb said...

During Bill's Maher's interview with Mike Huckabee on FOX last night, Mr. Maher asked why an Almighty God would allow such suffering in the world.
With all due respect to Mr. Huckabee, I do not feel that the question was adequately, or at least completely, answered.
Simply put, this is NOT Heaven.
If it were, then there would be no suffering, fighting or sadness.
This world is not God's kingdom, but rather a battleground...and I'm not referring to mankind's physical battles.
There is a spiritual battle for the souls of men. If you lack faith because of the suffering you witness, then you have easily succumbed to the side that inflicted that suffering and they have succeeded in capturing your soul.
Thanks Bill, for the question! Hope this better answers least from the Christian viewpoint.

Mrx said...

I just saw that I'll be able to see "Religulous" in February 2009 in Europe!! You gotta be kidding! Will there be an earlier DVD release?

QueenFox said...

I would like to make one last comment. I am very proud of those of you free thinkers that have spoken up for Christianity or faith whatever the case may be. I find it very refreshing all your comments and that you are highly intelligent individuals not ashamed to express your views. Considering the mean-spiritedness and arrogance displayed even from those that have lived a lifetime, I truly thank you.

Christian Separatist

Stephanie Jones said...

First off, I thought the film was great. And, if I repeat anything that has been said, sorry but I don't have time to read the vast stuff in front of me.
I saw the movie in Montreal while I was visiting friends. My local theatres in Niagara Canada didn't carry it.
Having been raised Catholic, I would have liked to seen the feminist issue explored more, and learn more details from that perspective. You only briefly touched on the issue while the Middle-eastern woman was given a corner.
I did appreciate the homosexual topic, but you never once discussed lesbians and how that factors into religious belief systems.
Presently I am producing a self-written play that tells the true story of a devote Catholic who comes out of the closet, and how her children deal with this. I was hoping to glean some insight into this topic, but you mostly interviewed men.
Regardless of missing out on my own personal agenda for going to the film, I laughed and thought, and reckon it was great. Hire a body guard now. respectfully, Stephanie Jones

zbvhs said...

I saw the interview with Mike Huckabee and I must say, it was an exercise in futility. It was one belief system butting heads with another and going nowhere.

Huckabee can't prove objectively that God exists and Maher can't prove objectively that God does not exist. Both are left with their own subjective beliefs and neither can close an argument that his beliefs are the true ones.

The value of faith either way is what it does for us. What does atheism say to a mother who's lost a child or a worker who might be facing a lay-off. It seems to me that atheists sit in their intellectual ivory towers and offer nothing to the world where it hurts.

A shy neighbor. said...

Hi, Bill. I saw Religulous last week and wondered about your comment that Krishna was a carpenter. Where did you get that idea? I hadn't heard this detail in the stories of Krishna's life and haven't had much luck searching for that info either.

alx said...

Bill - I respect your opinion on religion, I saw you at Huckabee program the other night. The only issue I have with "anti-religionists" like you is when you create a strawman of a certain people of faith and then debunk it, in my opinion that's not how you can get your message out effectively, I think it is childish, any child can do that sort of thing.
I think we (people of faith) and atheists agree on two fundamental things, we believe in reason and we believe that truth matters.
I'm a Christian, but unlike you're Chrstian "strawman", I have not checked my brains out the door to embrace my faith. I had my questions, and still have questions about my faith, I'm kind of in the same boat as C.S.Lewis was, the more I question it, the more I couldn't deny it and has answered some of the most fundamental and existential questions that I have.
In some cases I agree with you that some people of faith looks and sounds ridiculous, but that doesn't give me enough reason to believe that they have some kind of mental problem like what you are suggesting.
I would suggest to you, that if you really want to have an honest and decent and beneficial discussion about religion, (Christianity in particular),
to have Mr. Ravi Zacharias on your show or any member of his team,
(interestingly enough a few of them are from UK)


jennielucas said...

looking forward to the DVD as a homebound disabled American. one of the groups that W wishes would just go the hell away . . i've learned so much from your shows; the movie promises to be informative and hilarious. can't wait! luv,Jen

jennielucas said...

PS - the photo was taken before i became an outcast. your questions, your answers, your pull-no-punches attitude - God :) I can't wait to see the movie. ciao.

jennielucas said...

i never think of what i wanted to say til after i've posted . . . taking the Bible literally has always been a pick-and-choose concept. my fascination is with the interpretation of the so-called scriptures. why do we have to accept the word of those who sought to send their own personal messages, and impose their personal morals on EVERYONE? i was raised Quaker, BTW. my favourite example is the Biblical admonition that women *must* suffer pain in childbirth, b/c having sex in the first place was a sin even if it was for procreation blah blah blah. a newer, Hebraic (i believe; not certain) interpretation shows that the original writers (?) got the noun wrong - women must *work hard* to give birth, not *suffer pain*. morons. i kid the literal interpreters . . . .morons. you can call me Jim.

Unknown said...

Living in Germany I have only been able to make your acquaintance and maintain it via You Tube, and a very enjoyable acquaintance it's been too. Thank you for brightening up my days!

When it comes to religion, I think that it would be fair to say that I am 'in tune' with your sentiments. However, I have just, today, seen the interview with Christoper Hitchens, who I am acquainted with via V.F.... and would like to say that in Germany I do not have to pay a tithe to the church, I have the option to leave the church, nor does anyone much care if I believe in God or not. I enjoy very much the tolerance, respect and space everyone is given.

Keep up the good work! I hope that I will somehow get to see you documentary.

QueenFox said...

Giving of tithes or ten percent of animals, sacrifices, drink offerings, gold, silver, grain . . . originated with the Jewish Law covenant to support the priestly class or Levites for they did not recieve any property rights but were committed to service to God and the temple living among all the tribes of Israel. At the time of Jesus a box was used for persons to drop in donations to the temple, etc. Christians are not under the Jewish law or Mosaic Law covenant although we still hold to the principles of the law which never change concerning adultery, fornication. stealing, murder, lying, etc. Most Churches still used the verse in the Old Testatment to make persons fell obligated to give 10 percent of their income although to follow this law they would also have to follow the law of the Sabbath as well which is on Saturday and not Sunday. Giving whatever we can whether money or time to the kindom preaching work or or neighbor needing help, a needy cause and from our heart I think would suffice. It may have been the Apostle Paul that said if you follow one(Mosaic)law (613 laws), you would have to follow them all. Jesus died to release us from the curse of the law that condemned all of us to death. Imperfect people could not follow the perfect law and were deserving of death. If we are insist on following all the Mosaic Law then Jesus died for nothing. Concerning morals, I suppose we would be like children taking whatever we wanted whenever we wanted which was probably the case doing Noah's time before the flood. Being adults we teach our children that it is wrong to steal or take from others and we learned this not from trial and error but from the laws of God.

alx said...

Silly Rabbit says

"he is completely insane and so is everyone else willing to align their will and actions to the concept that there is a bearded white-haired old man sitting on a cloud somewhere in sky predetermining the destiny of all sentient beings in the universe."

This is what I'm talking about, this is ignorant-blabbering about something he doesn't care to understand, it's easy to create a strawman and beat it up! That's not very hard to do, and people that resort to this kind of argument is not really interested in exchange of ideas but are just weak minded and scared.
I can make a strawman out of people like Bill Maher, he already admitted he just does NOT know if there is a God, so is he trying to convince everyone to believe in something he does NOT know?
What kind of logic is that?
See how easy and silly it is to create a dummy out of someone's philosophy, and mock it?
But does that get us anywhere?

You know, in some cases, I think it's not the lack of evidence that something cannot be proven to be true, sometimes it is the SUPPRESSION of the evidence that gets in the way of getting to the Truth.
(case in point, the Simpson trial)

think about it....

Healing Millions said...

Knowing nothing about you, until I saw the you tube movie review, I wanted to Just make contact and say Thank God for you

Then I wondered how you got away with your insights, without being attacked

-The genius of Comedy

You are my new superhero, parting the oceans of bullshit for god to step into our lives, something I thought would never happen
Thank you Bill Maher

Healing Millions said...

Wow now I have discovered by reading the blog above my head that you don't even believe in god

Hallelujah and Amen - Just goes to show belief has nothing to do with divinity :)

QueenFox said...

By the way, Hallelujah means Praise Jah or the shortened form of Praise Jehovah (The English form of God's name YHWH from Hebrew). It's amazing how much religion has influenced even those that say they don't believe in God.

Healing Millions said...

I am aware of my words
I do not believe in god or any religion. I find religion detrimental, But
I have a deep and beautiful expereince with the Divine

What I find refreshing in my brief encounter with Bill is that he sees through the madness of believing in the invisible because your parents told you so. Nobody finds god in a belief system nor doctrine. God is an expereince of the heart requiring no belief at all,present in every moment of every experience, encapsulated in the words of praise
According to me of course :)

Healing Millions said...

And more...

It is belief itself that prevents us accessing the experience of the heart. Belief keeps us in the head where all we can do is make informed choices and decide to accept or reject. It is irrelevent which choice we make it is just a belief system evidenced through tunnel vision.
Amen :)

wilber said...

It appears the Lube needs to be passed out on this blog also!

David said...

I've seen it. Now What? You can't put an amazing piece like that out in the world and not follow it up with some kind of organization!?

Where do we go to start our lobby? Where do we go start our own non-Kosher Zombie army?

Unknown said...

Hi Bill,
You've been a hero of mine since Politically Incorrect, right up there with Michael Benner (for those out on the West Coast) and Jello Biafra, Noam Chomsky, and Howard Zinn, which says a lot. Thanks for everything you've done to shake people up.
Religulous brought up all the right questions and comments that are considered taboo, in thoughtless, puritanistic country. Thanks so much for that! They're finally on record!
And, thanks for throwing in the COMPARISONS of the other western religious cults out there (Jesus being the albiet incorrect-ly represented, charismatic, unquestionable, "main dude").
If you've studied eastern religion or the Seth books you would see that the main problem with western religion is that there are no other teachings allowed by society as a whole to be put out there. Or nearly. It's called being raised in a vaccuum. You either leave your brain at the door, or, if you can't stomach what is being said, go to a bar.
A great book you might be interested in that would shed a lot of light on the RELIGULOUS situation we're in now, concerning our concepts of spirituality, would be Elaine Pagel's "Beyond Belief." You will be mind-blown.
Take good care,

Paul Brinkman
Holland, MI

Jon said...

Bill, with all due respect to you as a fair-minded human being who seems to be somewhat interested in understanding and discerning truth, whenever i hear you criticize or respond to Christianity (not considering what you say about other religions) you seem to be responding to caricatures of it. I mean, if you are interested in understanding it or its origins, why don't you read and/or respond to its best scholars- rather than some of its worst adherents...? I mean, i would love to see you dialogue with someone whose intelligence at least matches yours- like Bishop Tom Wright (Anglican Bishop of Durham and longtime Oxford Bible Scholar), or Dr. Timothy Keller (Pastor of NY's redeemer Presbyterian Church) or Dr. John Piper (A theologian-pastor from Minneapolis,MN)...... just a thought. It would give you a bit more credibility to engage Christianity a bit more genuinely. And whenver you do mention religious academia platitudes, don't just accept the token "liberal" perspectives. Theses ideas have been debunked over and over again. At least give a hearing to an equal on the other side....

smashie said...

I loved the movie. Everything made perfect sense to me. I understood and agreed with most of your opinions and statements. And as always I loved your sarcastic responses to idiocy and stupidity.

I'd recommend everyone and anyone to watch this movie. Religious or not! But even if everyone saw your movie I think some people are not capable of thinking critically though. I think some people are happy believing in what they believe in. The fact is that there are people who will watch this movie and it will go in one ear and out the other, without really penetrating through any brain matter, at all. That's something that will never change unfortunately.

Your movie points out the obvious though...the point is we are killing each other in the name of our beliefs and belief systems. That's the point of the movie that really touched me. You're honestly right and it is just so beyond my comprehension WHY there are people in the, women and sadly even children...who don't see that! It boggles my mind and it breeds such ignorance and such unhappiness in the world. It's the most terrible part of our world.

I was brought up Catholic and I have been educated as a rational, logical human being. As a ratonal person I know that there is a difference between knowing something and believing something. Your movie did a great job pointing that those of us who are humble enough to understand that.

I think all of us who have our radical ideas...right wing, left wing, extremist, athiest, islamic, Christian....we can all agree to disagree...we just have to agree on that first! ;)

My boyfriend and I love your humour and think you're brilliant. We have tickets to see you this Sunday in Toronto! Woooo!! :)

Katie V. said...

Dear Mr. Maher,

I saw you for 5 minutes tonight on Larry King and I was so insulted by the way you spoke about Sarah Palin and Bush and half of the population of America who believe in God. I'm Ivy-league educated...but also am a faithful Catholic. You make it seem that people with values, people who respect the right to life of unborn children as whacked out individuals. I've got news for you...we're pretty darn normal. You're pretty arrogant to think that Obama is the answer to all of our problmes.

QueenFox said...

Thank you Katie . . . I thought I was the only one that recognized the total lack of respect for fellow human beings and the total lack of tolerance while the critics label believers of God as intolerable. I hope and wish most people do not adopt these attitudes of belittling, riduculing, condescending hurtful attitudes. I'd rather be mentally challenged in my faith than have such mean-spirited ideology. I don't know who they are winning over but I hope it will make those of faith stronger and nore determined to hold fast to the example Jesus set for us to follow loving neighbor. Loving your neighbor does not include such ugly mean-spiritedness and ridicule.

Anonymous said...

I'm proud of my faith and I'm not a crazy person. I know people have questions and that is normal but, it doesn't mean you have to degrade a person in order to sway them to your side. Religion is good, unfortunately, some use it the wrong way, and that is what should be focused on.

After reading this blog and the others on this site, I definitely know I'm not crazy.

One of them sounds like a 3rd grade playground fight, bullies ganging up on 1 or 2 people. Alot like your show! lol

Bill, I just hope someday you will experience the true feeling of having faith!

Unknown said...

Response to Larry:
Just because I have faith in the one and only God doesn't mean that I have blind, untested faith. I, and BILLIONS of others throughout history, have had the courage to challenge our faith and have tested it to be true. Faith is all about a personal relationship with God and NOT world problems like the ones in the Middle East. THE problem is people and people only! We as people have preverted what God truly wants for us, a loving, personal relationship with Him. Just because you don't see it or understand it that way doesn't mean it is not the truth. That is what faith is defined as...believing despite things unseen not as you say "unproven".

mike m said...


I don't think I can describe the ridiculousness of religion and the human race better than Greg Lake and Peter Sinfield.

"Hallowed Be Thy Name"

Ther may be an om in moment
But there's very few folk in focus
Not the first, not the last, not the least.
You needn't be well to be wealthy
But you've got to be whole to be holy
Fetch the rope, fetch the clock, fetch the priest.
Oh this planet of ours is a mess
I bet Heaven's the same
Look the madman said, "Son,
As a friend, tell me what's in a name,"
Hallowed be thy name.

I give you the state of statesmen
And the key to what motivates them
On the left, on the right, on the nail
Still I don't see a man in a mansion
That an accurate pen won't puncture
Go to town, go to hell, go to jail.
And there's bars and saloons
Where the jukebox plays blues in the night
Till the madman says "Son,
Time to go we could both use some light"
And thy will be done.

We live in an age of cages
The tale of an ape escaping
In the search for some truth he can use
But many a drunk got drunker
And mostly a thinker, thunker
Set the place, set the time, set the fuse,
The optimist laughed and the pessimist cried in his wine
And the madman said "Son,
Take a word they'll all wake given time"
Let thy kingdom come

The madman and I got drunker
Till both thought the other thank you
And we laughed all the way to the stars
The optimist asked for a taste of the pessimist's wine
And the madman said "Son,
How do you feel?" I said "Me? I feel fine
Lead me into temptation
Into temptation
I said into temptation
I need my allocation of recreation
I want a revelation in degradation
No hesitation, give me variation, give me inspiration..."

QueenFox said...

That whole poem was ridiculous and sounded lack an episode of lack of morals and self control. Hardly an example to set for our children and young adults in the world. By far, the Christians and free thinkers have made more sense in this board and in my opinion certainly more level-headed and resonable.

mike m said...

Of course it was about lack of control and morals. That's what is deep inside all of us. We all break the law, we all sin. Yet we keep pushing our own beliefs onto others, thinking, "if only everyone could be just like me", knowing we are not perfect.

Please don't insult me by thinking for your/our children. Think for yourself.

I've heard people say "Our laws are based on Judea/Christian beliefs." Maybe, maybe not, but laws were created to control people's actions, the same reason why religion was created. The difference is, religion uses your own personal beliefs in order to control you; using yourself against you. And on top of that, they try to tell you what to believe.

The question is: are we better off as a civilized society than when we were living in caves? Is Mother Nature better off?

The difference is, we live longer, and there are many more things to "feel". That is all anyone wants; to feel. Does God put the "good" feelings in us, and the Devil, the "bad" things? Do I need to say how ridiculous that sounds? Nobody puts feelings in us. We create our own feelings. And boy, how we love to feel.

If public transportation were available to everyone, would we still make and buy cars?

It is impossible to control anyone else's feelings for more than an instant. So, we try to appeal to their sense of reason. When you break it down, reason is nothing more than another feeling.

Man is nothing more than a glorified, out of control ape. So, man created laws, religion and economics. And that is why so many have been killed in wars.

clydene said...

Bravo Mike!

SaveOurselves said...


You can have faith in anything. Once you commit your entire way of thinking to that philosophy, you are mesmerized, have lost faith in yourself and never really had any confidence. You are afraid to live, afraid to die, and for what? We're all in the same boat. There are good people out there! But when you go out in the morning, you can only look ahead, at the traffic you know can kill you. YOUR hands are on the steering wheel!!! Did you check your brakes? Do you know how to take care of yourself, or are you so weak that you have to hand over the reigns to someone else? GET THIS THROUGH YOUR THICK SKULL:


SaveOurselves said...



mike m said...

Any questions, please read "The Lowest Animal" by Mark Twain.

antimaher said...

Mike you must get great pleasure in talking to yourself and feeling some disturbed sense of satisfaction...Glorified apes.Look around at the beauty.

SaveOurselves said...

Mike, OR Mike M?

We are ALL OBAMA!!!!

antimaher said...

Mike you are an unhappy person. We face small miracles daily. You travel the sphere with blinders that only cover your eyes they blanket your soul. Do you believe that during your birth God looked down and said, “I want this kid to grow up and look at the world through demonic eyes” “I want his evilness to match that of Bill Maher”. Bill is a loser as we all know, and no matter what his abnormal believes along with his 16% crippled disciples are, he can never be taken seriously no matter how many films or discussions he has. He is what he is, a joke.

antimaher said...

Any questions Mike read the Bible.

mike m said...


I do remember one thing.
It took hours and hours but..
by the time I was done with it,
I was so involved, I didn't know what to think.
I carried it around with me for days and days..
playing little games
like not looking at it for a whole day
and then.. looking at it.
to see if I still liked it.
I did.

I repeat myself when I am distressed.
I repeat myself when I am distressed.
I repeat myself when I am distressed.
I repeat myself when when I am distressed.
I repeat..
The more I look at it,
the more I like it.
I do think it's good.
The fact is..
no matter how closely I study it,
no matter how I take it apart,
no matter how I break it down,
It remains consistant.
I wish you were here to see it.

I like it.

mike m said...


Is reading the Bible going to make me more like you?

Wouldn't the World be a better place if everyone were just like you?

Will it make you "feel" better if I were just like you?

You can't argue the facts so you attack, like the lower form of like you are; we all are. Show me one point I made that was wrong!

It is you who are the demon. I don't want or need your religion, but you will keep pushing it on me until it kills me and everyone else. Literally.

antimaher said...

We must sometimes look beyond faith and recognize, the undiscovered faith.

SaveOurselves said...

Did you say something, Antimaher? If so, shut up!!!

mike m said...

Any questions, read a history book.

SaveOurselves said...


There is so much hate in this country to help us work out our love. Don't worry, with the help of these concerned Bloggers, I know we can o it. Be Happy!!!!

antimaher said...

I’m not attacking you. I attack the follower of misjudgment. The deeper Mike that allows his stress level to climb with each post. Why would I want anyone to be like me? Don’t be silly. I enjoy the originality I possess. I struggle with many unresolved issues with religion and spirituality, but never will believe that Maher is the answer…I’m way to smart for that.

SaveOurselves said...

Are you kidding? Maher the answer. Nobody in their right mind shoudl subscribe to that. He's human, just like we are. Give humanity a try, without looking to Howard Powers! Let's start a new commune. We can do better than Karesh.

antimaher said...

saveourselves...Your comment leaves me to believe you are another intellect here.

QueenFox said...

Well, I should say that is what's wrong with the world. People do not think of their children or others. Everybody for him/herself and whatever feels good to me and whatever I want no matter if it hurts others or society as a whole. That is the cause of WARS. After perhaps thousands of years and yet with all the advancement in science and technology, man can't solve the rape of innocent children, the breakdown of the family unit and broken homes, homelessness, hunger, the breakdown of what people feel are good morals defined by man's laws(?) or religions, the ever increasing number of criminals . . . the list goes on. To answer your question - No, we are not better off. And yet I know many people that have been able to raise their families in a civilized manner and do not act like glorified apes whatever that means. They are able to act like intelligent human beings because of their faith in God and the principles of their religious beliefs following God's righteous moral standards.

I can't seem to understand what atheists offer to solve these problems besides being critical of these same beliefs. One of these beliefs is stated by Jesus in God's word, to love ones neighbor as yourself. "Love does not work evil to one's neighbor; therefore love is the law's fulfillment." Romans 13:10

This law was not dreamed up in the minds of men but is a commandment of God himself. "Love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, self-control. Against such things there is no law" These are qualities we should strive to develop as intelligent humans beings so that we don't act like glorified apes. Gal 5:22, 23

It is my wish that Mr. Maher and others make a genuine study of scriptures and what they mean. I have studied the Bible and religions throughout the years as well as some of the ancient Christian writers, Rabbinical writings as well as the writing of Sir Isaac Newton (Christian) and others.

We all have within us the ability to do good and evil within us. If we did not we would not have free will or the freedom to control our desires. Satan does not put bad things into us or make us do bad. If that was the case, than we would have no control over ourselves and would be virtually robots controlled by Satan or God. This concept of Satan making us do bad and God making us do good is a false concept. The scriptures bring out it is our own desires that cause us to do wrong if we do not get control of them. (Jas 1:14) Being that we are imperfect and therefore our bodies and minds are at war in a sinful state against the will to do right, it is easier for us to do wrong. That doesn't mean we can't for the most part get control of our bodies and minds and be determined in our heart and minds with God's help to do what's right. Even Satan can do good becoming an Angel of Light or God can cause evil to come upon ungodly or unrighteous people. Evil is not always synonymous with wrongdoing. As with the case of causing the first woman and her husband to rebel against God, the wicked spirit creature did not force them to take what was not theirs, but because of their own desire to rule themselves they believed the lies they were told. In effect, they believed they could still live forever and rule (govern) the world according to what they believed was right and wrong. Yet they died and passed on death and imperfection to all their children that would be born to them. In essence what we have today is he government they started astranged from God's direction.

Well this has gone on longer than I expected so I'll end this here. I apologize and meant no harm in my opinions but as the scriptures relate: "Sanctify the Christ as Lord in YOUR hearts, alwasy ready to make a defense before everyone that demands of YOU a reason for the hope in YOU but doing so together with a mild temper and deep respect." 1 Peter 3:15

mike m said...


I am not an unhappy person. I do not see life through demonic eyes. I feel we need to recognize our faults as human beings and accept them if we wish to continue being able to live.

On my coffee table I have three books:

"Dhammapada, The Way of Truth" essential wisdom of the Buddha

"The Wisdom of Insecurity" Alan W. Watts
"Aesop's Fables"

There is enough in these books for anyone to live a happy and productive life without hating, killing, waging war or destroying the planet.

antimaher said... are a confusion within yourself. Human is to love and see prosperity in life. It would be a contradiction for Bill to attempt any of these emotional gifts.

antimaher said...

Mike put the books away. Look inside yourself and ask yourself. What is it that I need to help me, mirror the results of believability? I have been a songwriter all my life and know that sometimes we need to search beyond the scope of normal reality for the answers. You appear to be, a very genuine individual, I can see that.

mike m said...


Very good. No one man has ever waged war. Only organized groups. The philosophy of the New Testament is a very good philosophy to have. But do you really need to go to church to find out what you're supposed to do. All you need to know is one thing. Do unto others... I'm sorry but all the rest is bullshit. Organized religion is responsible for more death and hate and destruction than anything else known to man. What is the First Commandment? But yet, Christians are the biggest perpetrators of this.

Please, don't stop believing. But do question the actions of organized religious groups.

antimaher said...

I applaud all promoters of peace and unity; using whatever media they choose to relay the positive message. Unfortunately as long as we have borders, egos and discrimination our efforts will be challenged.

antimaher said...

As a young boy I was shackled under the gothic stones of this mystical Catholic temple for a good portion of my youth. The sunlight penetrated the stained glass art through the bodies of the immortal characters, as the hooded monks waved their incense back and forth, chanting words that would often send chills to my being. These are not the comforts that a six year old feels sitting on the hard wooden piers...With age I was able to filter my decisions of dedication.

mike m said...

It's not what's inside myself that I am concerned with. It's Man in general. I really don't see Man surviving very far into the 21st century.

I am not an Atheist, I am Agnostic. Big difference. I once had a physics professor pose a question: "Why does it take 8 electrons to fill the second shell of an atom? Because that's the way Mother Nature intended it."

Of course, it was tongue in cheek. But why should we burden ourselves with needless restraints? There are only a few restraints humans need. The others just make things worse. Live strictly to those few instead of loosely to many.

mike m said...

They said there'll be snow at Christmas
They said there'll be peace on Earth
But instead it just kept on raining
A veil of tears for the Virgin's birth
I remember one Christmas morning
A winters light and a distant choir
And the peal of a bell and that Christmas Tree smell
And their eyes full of tinsel and fire

They sold me a dream of Christmas
They sold me a Silent Night
And they told me a fairy story
'Till I believed in the Israelite
And I believed in Father Christmas
And I looked at the sky with excited eyes
'Till I woke with a yawn in the first light of dawn
And I saw him and through his disguise

I wish you a hopeful Christmas
I wish you a brave New Year
All anguish pain and sadness
Leave your heart and let your road be clear
They said there'll be snow at Christmas
They said there'll be peace on Earth
Hallelujah Noel be it Heaven or Hell
The Christmas you get you deserve

QueenFox said...

Thank you Mike for you response. There was another post recently where someone posted numerous wars of leaders not considered to be religious that surpass even the religious world. However, my thought was devotion, dedication or allegianze to a ruler, country, nation or it's image is in itself worship of an idol or lessor god. I don't particularly like churches and rebelled against them so much so that I was beaten brutally in the middle of the night for not saying an Easter speech at perhaps the tender age of 5. Between the preacher yelling hellfire and the women getting happy with the spirit and flinging their arms everywhere, I thought I was going to be knocked unconscious every Sunday and lie there dead burning in hell. (smile) I wonder why the men didn't get happy with the spirit?

If you could add another book to your table as well as Mr. Maher? I would recommend the Bible and try to read about 3 to 5 chapters a day from beginning to end. If you have any questions or need help understand anything, please feel free to email me personally. Take Care.


antimaher said...

White Sails

I stand alone on the white sandy shores
Watching the sunset bid me farewell
In the distant a vessel is peaceful and still
Massive white sails shadow the blue waters
The horizon is an endless dark line
Without movement or reflecting concern
The rhythm of the tide rushes to my feet
Bringing ocean treasures to rest aver
The breeze dances on my face
Whispering her voice from far away
With eyes shut she is present
Grasping my invisible silence
I have loved in so many ways
Unloving with mirrors of gray deceit
Sometimes with dignity unafraid of virtue
Nestled in her seeds of security never to wander
I stare at the abyss in constant fear
Watching her sink she fades in waves
Knowing I have loved without end

antimaher said...

We need what we need. Some require more, Is that wrong?

mike m said...

Do I need to explain what Henry VIII did? One needless restraint, still practiced by the Catholic Church. How many innocent men, women and children were beaten, tortured and killed? It's still going on today in Northern Ireland. All because one powerful man wanted a divorce.

mike m said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mike m said...

It could be argued that the church split was a long time coming. Many Englanders resented Rome having so much power and control over them.

antimaher said...

Many Englanders resent that we have better teeth.

antimaher said...

Lighten up Mike. Don't make this a history lesson. Better to express how we feel now and not linger the lessons of some overweight King. Religion is the infinite spectrum. Sometimes diluted by time. It’s like a continuous sequel of epic proportions. I was seven when I first saw The Ten Commandments. My parents thought it would be good to get some early theatre culture…boy.

SaveOurselves said...

Antimajon, I'm not confused at all. It's as simple as go and do unto others. What do you do to others?

antimaher said...

The Catholic Church is an old institution. Rich, but old.

antimaher said...

ucipositron: Most people do reason that killing a person is wrong. It's the few that can't reason in general that will attempt or kill another person.

catching up.

antimaher said...

s.o.s. I try and respect them, whether we see religion in a different light... or music for that matter.Now it's your turn.

QueenFox said...

Mike, I don't know if the last quote or comments were for me but I'll try and answer. I perceive religion cannot do anything of it's own initiative. It would take a person or people to actually practice a religion or set of beliefs for it to actually become operative. Some people worship their religion instead of God himself. So the religion becomes their idol. Some of my Muslim acquaintances tell me continuously, 'Come to Islam" or they tell people to say the Shahada that 'No God but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger' and then they are Muslim without knowing fully all the rules and regulations they have agreed to. And if they change their minds and no longer want to be Muslim, they and their families are perhaps threatened and become fearful for their very being.

I have seen weak-minded persons succumb to this sort of thing in the Islamic chat rooms. I hear the words 'Come to Islam' 99% more than I hear them say serve God. This disturbs me greatly. I have never asked them to become a Christian. To me, the truth is not something you have to brow beat someone over the head with and people will basically believe what they want whether they want to believe the truth or a lie - Just in the case of Adam and Eve. It was not God's original purpose for man to live a few short years on earth and die. If they had obeyed his instruction (commandments/religion), they could have lived forever along with their children. Because of their wrong desire, they in essence killed all their children. So it was Adam and Eve that killed their offspring and not God's commandment's or (religion).

God no longer uses any nation, government or entity to execute his divine judgment against unrighteous or ungodly people as was in the case of the nation of Israel. That is why Jesus said all "those who take the sword will perish by the sword." (Matt 26:52) If you read the history of the early Christians, they did not participate in war. Many Christians and their children died horrifically at the hands of the Romans in the coliseum eaten alive by wild animals and also at the hands of the Jews. They all died just as Jesus without taking revenge upon their aggressors or oppressors. There was a case in the Bible where I believe a Roman Army officer and his family became Christians after Peter witnessed to them. However, anyone that became a Christian did not join the army and anyone in the military upon becoming a Christian unlisted. I can send you references concerning this if you like.

From the earliest of Christian perspectives, Jesus was sent as an example of peace for us to follow for there will no longer be any wars under God's new government by Christ. We are being tested in this world as to whether we will be followers of Christ and good candidates of God's new world of peace or persons of war. Therefore, the Catholic Church and Henry, VIII was wrong and did not follow the true path. By the time the Catholic Church rose to power it had swayed tremendously opposite in the teachings of Jesus and his apostles. There was much dissension and conflict in the Church and pagan ideologies of the Greeks and Babylonians had infiltrated Church doctrine such as immortality of the human soul or spirit . . . also foreign to Christians was Fertility rites (Easter), celebrating their birthdays or Christmas, , etc. "For the customs of the peoples are just an exhalation, because it is a mere tree out of the forest that one has cut down, the work of the hands of the craftsman with the billhook. With silver and with gold one makes it pretty. With nails and with hammers they fasten them down, that none may reel." (Jer 10:3,4) All these things were incorporated into the Church over time. I believe it was one Catholic Encyclopedia that said Instead of the pagans embracing Christianity, Christianity embraced paganism.

To keep a hold on power, the Church sought to keep the truth of God's word from the hands of the common people by burning people at the stake and launching crusades, excommunicating and exiling anyone that opposed them. This certainly wasn't the ways of Christ. In my opinion the Church was certainly not a good example of Christianity.

Armageddon is the war that will end all wars and erase wickedness from the earth and will issue in a peaceful new world. Therefore, let us as individuals continue to "Return evil for evil to no one. . . . if possible, as far as it depends upon [US] be peaceable with all men." Romans 12:18

SaveOurselves said...

Oh, the water! Oh, oh, the water. Let it run all over me. Oh, the water. Get it myself from the mountain stream. You should get there, soon. No need for John the Baptist.

SaveOurselves said...

Janice ante meridian:

Preach to the poor of spirit. Do so as long as you think you have the spirit. Get out there and preach to the spirit. Don't use this impersonal method of spreading the gospel. It's no different A.D. than it was B.C.
you don't need any of the conveniences modern life tempts you with. All you need is your two arms, two legs, feet, hands, torso, and essential organs. If you have that, and the head has its necessary components, you are fit to survive. Can you? If you can, then go. If youa re afraid, then I there is no other conclusion to reach but that you value modern conveniences more than you do the religion you cling so desperately to. I feel sorry for you and the rest of these Godbloggers who haven't the strength your creator gave a snake. There might be some imagery there.

antimaher said...

I believe I have the spirit and perhaps many others, also have it. I imagine it may be different than your spirit. But as much as you say, you do not preach, it appears you are doing a wonderful job….I’m fine with it. Views are always a consideration when filled with education.

SaveOurselves said...

YEAH, when that foghorn whistle blows, you know I will be coming home. I don't have to fear it. Come running to me. Into the mystic. No preaching, just a nice merging!

QueenFox said...

Yes, SaveOurselves, I am using my body and mind as often as possible to share what I believe are Bible truths with others and at their homes. It is strictly voluntary. I have only been on this forum since last Saturday or Sunday while I was watching the Mike Huckabee show with Bill Mahers and felt compelled to help Mr. Huckabee answer the questions of Mr. Maher about God or his lack of belief in the existece of God. I sent Mr. Huckabee an email and this is the only address I could find for Mr. Maher. I feel that as long as people ask about God or question the beliefs of people of fath they should be ready to answer. If they cannot answer why they believe as they do, than they should not believe. I am compelled and obigated to answer the questions of others as far as I am able. Communication is important at least for it helps us understand each better. I prefer we discuss issues and beliefs in a forum such as this instead of butting heads so much in conflict. Maybe someone will be encouraged to reflect on what they truly believe or deeply study these things, research and make a firm stand for what they believe or want to believe whether they believe in God or not. It's important for all people to keep searching for the truth and for God's will and purpose for us and for the future of the world. "This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ." John 17:3

At any rate, since this forum has taken up quite a bit of my time for today, I have some other things to do. But as long as the topic is religulous, and this is a free speech forum, I will contiue to express my views and beliefs. That is part of my faith and God's commandment to preach the good news of his kingdom.

SaveOurselves said...

Fine Janice, but the forum isn't for asking questions about the Bible. It started as a comment board on Bill saying that he sees no proof a magic man in the sky. Since your Bible verses tell you there is, you do what you have to do. None of what you are bringing to the table can't be found in your good book. Anyone interested should go look for it. There's way too much time being spent here reciting verse. That doesn't prove Bill wrong or right. You have a lot of work to do. Better you do it. Heck, give your email address to those "seeking answers," and do it between yourselves. I post too much that isn't pertinent either, so I should follow some of my own advice. Not perfect, but visibly concerned with the Church of Bill Maher being used for not much mnore than cutting and pasting. I'm glad you know the verses by heart. You're probably a good person, so good luck. I know. God speed!

mike m said...

Those who do not learn from history are destined to repeat it. It seems we keep repeating and repeating and repeating.

mike m said...

I find it very difficult to believe. A creature, the only one of its kind.
Created billions of galaxies, filled with hundreds of billions of stars with unknown number of planets just to create human beings on one tiny, insignificant planet in a simple solar system, with a sun that will eventually die out.

Oh, I forgot. Religion tells us the Earth is the center of the universe. That clears up everything.

SaveOurselves said...

Mike M, I see a bible verse in your future.

Bret said...

Bill Maher is correct in his depiction of how inaccurate and contradictory "Christianity" in America is. Religion in America and otherwise generally serves the purpose of dividing people and creating unsolvable problems. That having been said, there are way too many people who have prematurely given up on their search for God and the Truth. Too many people are willing to just write off God or the Bible based on their observations of "Christians". True Christians do not contradict what the Bible says and they do not make God look like he does not care or is not interested in humans. When tragedy strikes, they do not say things like: "oh it was just Gods will". These statements reveal just how much they don't know God or the scriptures. Jesus accurately foretold about them when he said "there will come a time when people will not put up with the healthful teaching". Because so many people have misinterpreted the Bible, there is a huge contengency of people who just give up. Bill Maher is one of these. He is a very smart man, but he is not very wise. Wisdom only comes from above. I am a true Christian, and where other people who call themselves Christian look at the world and feel a deep since of uncertainty, I feel peace because of my assured expectation of things hoped for. Sure, the world is an ugly place, but that doesn't mean it always will be.

mike m said...

(music by King Crimson, words by Adrian Belew)

long ago and far away in a different age
when i was a dumb young guy
fossilized photos of my life then
illustrate what an easy prey i must have been
standing in the sun, idiot savant
something like a monument
i'm a dinosaur, somebody is digging my bones

ignorance has alway been something i excel in
followed by naivete and pride
doesn't take a scientist to see how
any clever predator could have a piece of me
standing in the sun, idiot savant
something like a monument
i'm a dinosaur, somebody is digging my bones

when i look back on the past
it's a wonder i'm not yet extinct
all the mistakes and bad judgments i made
nearly pushed me to the brink
it doesn't pay to be too nice
it's the one thing i have learned
still, i made my fossil bed
now i toss and turn

i'm a dinosaur, somebody is digging my bones

QueenFox said...

Save Yourself, If you have a problem with my posts you can delete them or petition the owner here to block my posts. I did respond to Mr. Maher's questions last Sat or Sun several posts ago. I don't have his personal email. As long as people respond and ask questions of me in this public forum and not mail me directly, I feel I have the same right to respond to them and answer them in this forum as well. I was not responding to you as I didn't feel your posts interested me. You responded to my post that were not directed toward you at all. So if you please I would rather share what I believe with those that are interested and it appears that doesn't include you. If I disturb you that much you don't have to respond and I will try not to respond to you. And what is it that's so upsetting to you I just don't know. If you don't believe as I do, just ignore what I say. Thank You.

Bret said...

Janice Am.

You sound like a Witness.

mike m said...


Yes the world in an ugly place, and no, it will not always be that way. That's because there are a few more rungs left on the evolutionary ladder to go. You can't expect Man to solve Man's problems any more than a fictional character called God. God did not create Man. Man created God.

QueenFox said...

Thank you Bret for your post and understanding and wisdom on these matters. I forgot to add in my last post that it's important to be able to find scriptures to support what you believe and way even if you can't memorize them all. By the way, the Bible does not teach the earth is the center of the universe, so we can see some pagan concepts concerning the world crept into religious ideals.

Bret said...

I left Bill Maher an email to make his ears ring! I congratulated him for unveiling the level of unintelligence involved with today's religions. But I let him know that there was a religion out there without hypocisy, the Jehovah's Witnesses. If you are someone who is really going to put out a movie denouncing all belief in God you should give these people a try. You will not be able to make them look stupid by catching them in a Biblical contradiction. You might even be convinced yourself to become a real Christian, like so many others have. (about 7 million)

MJ in SoCal said...


I will be the first to defend your right to espouse your belief in the Bible, but I've always been curious why religous people quote their holy text to non-believers as part of their argument that God exists. It's like me quoting a Dr. Suess book in an effort to change your mind that Whoville is a real place. If I believe it is and you don't, me quoting a book saying it's so isn't going to sway you. Nor should it. Most people are going to require concrete evidence of its existance beyond the fact that a story was written about it, and a lot a people say it's true. A lot of people have believed a lot of things through the ages that we now know were dead wrong.

We all believe what we believe because it fulfills a deep seeded human need to understand and make sense of our uncertain and ever changing world. For some, we will always be seekers with a hint of doubt, never able to believe that we have found THE answer. Understanding that what we believe today could possibly be disproved tomorrow. We'll always stay open to alternative views because diversity of thought is exciting and makes us feel most alive. While others are unsettled by that type of uncertainty or constant change, so it makes perfect sense they would find solice and be passionate about the structure and certainty of organized religion.

I respect that you believe you've found your truth, and that you feel the need to share it. But, your truth is not my truth, and I'd ask that you respect that, too.

Bret said...

Hey Mike

I just don't believe that people evolved from animals. Animals have absolutley no idea what is going on around them. We do. We have the responsibility to take care of the Earth and all that is in it. They don't. I just don't think things like conscience, love, hate, etc are things that can evolve. They have to be created. And God created Man, not otherwise.

SaveOurselves said...

Witness Janice, the Christian Separatist, or separate Christian, not answering anything, just showing off how much Bible study she's been to. Just who is asking you, and what are they asking, and how are you answering it other than retyping a bunch of hearsay anyone who is interested can find if they want to. Again, I say, post your email to the person(s) wanting to hear you pontificate, and go have a Bible study. I don't think anyone on this blog is vindictive or hateful enough to send you junk mail. Try, and I think you'll see.

SaveOurselves said...

Furthermore, Madame Separatist: Didn't you say you had to help some people in some class somewhere? You sure are fast with this online theology life saving.

Bret said...


Why do you feel so pressured by what others have to say? Nobody wants to argue about whether its alright to post what you want. The movie Religulous strongly denounced any form of Religion and God. Isn't if fair for someone to try and make answer to that?

SaveOurselves said...

Jebus, Bret, no one knows who created whom. We're here. Humans can use the human heart to do good. We should just get on with it. None of this posturing on the basis of unprovable truths can possibly come to any worth. You either live your life with respect to others around you, or you throw Bible verse after Bible verse at one another, warming your sad little toes until you can go to sleep to hurl another verse, like Janice, the Christian Separatist. She feel so good about herself, and is "proud" of you good little children for being inquisitive. Don't you all just feel so warm and fuzzy?

QueenFox said...

MJ, like I said to Saveyouself. I was not directing my comments but to one person here as he asked questions and I tried my best to answerthem. If you don't agree with my posts or the verses I quoted from the Bible you have every right not to do so. Now if you believe in Dr. Suess amd want to quote something from his book, that's fine with me if you want to try and convince me. I still don't have to believe it if I don't want to and you can't make me. And neither can I make you believe what I believe. But we both have the right to try to support what we believe.

SaveOurselves said...

I've no problem with that, Bret. Just say something other than what is written in the Bible or "God created man." Be original for crying out loud. How old are you? It matters.

Glen and Darlene Snyder said... don't have to pass an I.Q. test to make a movie...

Bret said...

If this is the land of free speech, then let it be just that. Anybody and say anything they want to to anybody else they want to. I am here myself trying to sway people who may agree with Maher about how non-christian Christianity in America really is. That is the reason the movie Religulous was made. Because of Maher's inability to see why people are drawn to Religion. If we as a society are going to improve the way life on Earth works, we should be willing to ammend the way we think. That is what seperates us from animals. We are able to evaluate ourselves. I just feel like for people who are really serious about it Bible is the best way to do that

mike m said...


You forgot one little thing. Man is not the only intelligent animal on the planet. Dolphins have been known to protect people from shark attacks. That makes them aware. And they are also self aware. The next evolutionary species may not come from the apes. It may come from Mother Ocean.

Bret said...


If you say to me: "Noone can prove that God created man"

Can I not then tell you the same thing in reverse?

Prove to me that God didn't create man!

QueenFox said...

Why Thank you SaveYourself. Yes I am very proud of my knowledge of the Bible and if I boast I boast in God. And like I said if you don't like my posts delete the ones with my email or hopefully you can block my email address. And if you could please tell everyone to not respond to my posts and respond to me privately by email that would help if you are the owner and dictator of this forum. And I'm sorry I don't have any Bible studies today but I'll see what I can do to find some if you leave me alone.

Bret said...

But Mike,

Do you think that Dolphins have debates about whether or not there is a God?

Certainly not. I didn't mean that intelligence is central only to man. I am just saying that the ability that man has to know himself is unique. No dolphin can do that. No dolphin can feel the depth of emotion we can. Awe, grief, love. Man has the ability to feel this emotion, and then act in a way that either changes the emotion or adds to it. No animal ever tried to utter a prayer or felt the need to. Just because animals think, doesn't mean they understand.

SaveOurselves said...

Bret, you just don't get it, or you're too young and naive to know that religions have separate teachings. One persons Bible is special to them, so special they feel animosity toward another's if it is put out there in place of theirs. That's why they say to keep it to yourself. Not the idea that you don't believe, but the idea that you do and why. You and Janice are so insecure with your religion that you have to come to a website like this one and post what can be found in one of the Bibles. You think you're saving people's souls, and if you do, even one, you've done God's will. People who are inquisitive about God go to church to find out more about Him. This is not church. It's for debating philosophies, and it just so happens, you and Janice don't have any. Ir, it's for making people laugh, but you two have to be some of the most boring people on Earth.

SaveOurselves said...

Mike M, we've truly known dolphin and whales that think more and better than these two do. How do they know what a sea creature does in his spare diving time. They are actually quite spontaneous, emotional and pensive creatures, but I'm sure you know that.

Bret said...


I am 25 years old. I have not been around very long, but I do know that in order to really grow in understanding you must humble yourself. There is so much out there that we can learn from others. The people who wrote the Bible were not just being original. They were inspired. Bill Maher says that the Bible and Science contradict eachother. They don't. Only those who misinterpret its meaning. Did you know that the Bible refers to the earch as a spere? or circle? That it floats on nothing? How did these people who lived thousands of years ago come to these conclusions?
Moses put the order in which Gods creations appeared on the earth in the same order the evolutionists do. He says that life first appeared in the seas. How did he come to such an accurate conclusion?

mike m said...

Religion, like all things, should be taken in moderation. The Bible should not be taken so literally.

If God spoke to Moses to present the Ten Commandments, how do we know God did not speak to the man that bombed the abortion clinic.

God is in your head, and you created Him.

SaveOurselves said...

Well, Bret, he looked into the ocean and saw life. He figured it had to come from land or crawl out of the ocean. Moses, what a thinker!

SaveOurselves said...

Bret, do you know who Haven Moses was?

Anonymous said...

It's not hard differentiating the children from the adults on these blogs.

I thought this site belonged to Bill Maher? I think he would be the first one to say that it is wrong to try and silence someone for their beliefs.

Free Speech! Does that ring a bell?

(and Blowfish?)

Bret said...


I have come accross this may times. Why do you feel like you have to insult people in order to prove your point?

There are people who die a grand old age and are quite naive about the way things are. You don't like to hear things that you don't agree with, ok. Neither do I, but that doesn't make me right or wrong. People are entitled to their opinions. If you say: "let all faith die!" I will be there to defend my faith. And I am not one of Jehovah's Witnesses. But I want to be. They have convinced me that there truly is a God out there who cares. I just wanted to share that with you. You of little faith.

mike m said...

Science has been disproving the Bible since the days of Galileo. What will the religious people say when they find evidence of life on Mars?

Why should anyone believe a book that lies, makes up stories, uses fear, and promises eternal life in Heaven, to get people to do or not do what they already know is right or wrong? The Bible is obsolete!

SaveOurselves said...

Independent thinker, you're free to say what I say you can say. NO more, no less. Bret, I'm just having a little fun with you. By the way, if you want to learn about the teachings of Haven Moses, visit We can learn a lot from the game of football.

QueenFox said...

SaveYourself, if we are that boring than what we say should not interest you enough for you to respond. It seems like we are irritating you. And I don't see how discussing the philosophy of whether there is a God or not can exclude what's written in the Bible or other books about God or gods. As for me and I don't know if I speak from Bret, I can read any philosphy or religious book and if I don't agree with it I just don't. It doesn't make me get all hot under the collar at the person that tries to share some words of what they believe. I frankly still don't understand your hostility. You should check youself as to why you are so angry about hearing some words that don't mean anything to you anyway.

Bret said...

In order to be convinced of something you have to think! I do think. I think a lot. But the thinking done here is biased! You here what you want to and you think the way you want to. I am just saying that the people who wrote the Bible were not just ordinary thinkers. None of you have answered my point that these Bible writers did come to the RIGHT conclusions about science! They weren't wrong. I think that is remarkable

SaveOurselves said...

It's not that they don't mean anything to me, but that they don't mean anything at all. I'm not hot under the collar. I grew up in a Protestant family and learned long ago there is no Santa Claus. I've heard every verse you feel so proud to reproduce here. I'm just not sure why you and your pupil don't have the Bible study elsewhere. You aren't bringing anything to light with scripture. Bret, at least had the testosterone to posit what a dolphin thinks about, knows, or feels.

Bret said...

Scientists themselves say that the thought that all of this in the Universe came about by chance is like one in some impossible large number! Plenty of scientist speak about how the Earth is the jewel of the Universe because it is the only planet that THEY know of that has just the right conditions needed for life. They will never find life on Mars. They themselves have said it.

SaveOurselves said...

Let's see, Bret. What scientific data were they using back then when they knew so much about science?

QueenFox said...

Mike, God no longer speaks to people or prophets as in ancient times. That is why God had recorded the Bible so that we could read his words for just as you said anyone can say God spoke to me and told me to do this or that.

SaveOurselves said...

Ah, the glory that is man!!The Earth is a great big playground, dangerous, but a lot of fun if you're not afraid to die. I worship the Earth every day. What a beautiful place to treat with respect. The church of science has so much to study and learn, so much more than asking people who toss Bible verses around like breadsticks.

Anonymous said...

A Blowfish thought span is 10 seconds.

Now it makes sense.

Bret said...

As for me. I never met Janice excecpt for today. But I could recognize from here quotes of the Bible that she is using the New World Translation. She is not my teacher. I am only defending the idea that not all religions are all that bad. Bill Maher had plenty examples of inconsitant faiths in his movie. That is why I wanted to display a faith that is consistant, that is researched, that does have a ring of truth to it. I think that Bill Maher was raised in a religion that misrepresented God and that is why he gave up. He found out that there was no basis for what he believed might be true. I just want to offer him and others the chance to be convinced the same way I was. Everybody likes to be loved whether they are religious or not. In a world filled with hate and injustice, their are people like Maher who are just ready to throw their hands up in frustration. But if you really would give my faith a chance and get to know all of its facets, you could not come to the same conclusion that Maher did.

SaveOurselves said...

I think I've angered Janice, the Separatist Christian. Either that or she's typing the whole book of Deuteronomy!

SaveOurselves said...

Wow, indpendent thinker is a marine biologist with grant for studying blowfish. I think he ate one. How about the Lionfish. What's his thought span?

Bret said...

The Scietific Method is to observe, experiment, and conclude. I am saying that Moses and Isaiah and Job did not have this level of science available saveyourselves, but they were still able to accurately describe what has just recently (in the last 200 years) been discovered.

SaveOurselves said...

Independent thinker thought thanklessly until he threw up, a blowfish appeared, thinking what he was looking at was thinking back at him, But what were the two really thinking? How in the hell did you get here? They thought some more, but there was no answer, until Janice showed up. Bret joined the conversation, and together they figured out everything. And Bill Maher was saved, not to mention the rest of the earth and his blog.

SaveOurselves said...

Come on, Bret, you don't actually believe that??? What scientists are finding out is constantly becoming more and more clear, but very little will be so clear that we stop enjoying the search.

QueenFox said...

Mr. Saveyourself, the scriptures may not bring anything to light or mean anything to you but that doesn't mean they haven't enlightened others. I think I've even heard Mr. Maher agree Jesus was a good man and said good things to help people.. Everybody's not like you. Many people actually learn many things from the scriptures. The feelings of dolphins are not recorded in the Bible, however, the ways of the ant are: "Go to the ant, you lazy one; see its ways and become wise. although it has no commander, officer or ruler, it prepares its food even in the summer; it has gathered its food supplies even in the harvest. How long, you lazy one, will you keep lying down: When will you rise up from your sleep? A little more sleep, a little more slumbering, a little more folding of the hands in lying down, and your poverty will certainly come just like some rover, and your want like an armed man." Proverbs 6:6-11 I thought this was a valuble Bible lesson for us all.

SaveOurselves said...

You're very young, Bret, and you have a lot to learn, but no more than I can learn before I die. Just have fun doing it and don't be a stick in the mud like Janice. All Bible study and no play makes Bret a dull boy. I really don't think you're boring. You're just being too much like Janice at the time. I know you are more diverse.

Bret said...

All I know is that people can be wrong. I wonder what side of independent thinking you would have been on 50 years ago when everyone thought that evolution was the antithesis of the Bible. Evolutionists have to have faith in their beliefs just like I have to have faith in mine. They theorize and pontificate, but they turn out to be wrong so many times. The theory of evolution itself borders being just another different form of religion

SaveOurselves said...

Go rent the Grasshopper and the Ants, all you fun-loving bloggers who seek knowledge. It's done in a whole lot more interesting and less snooty language than this passage Mrs. Janice has blessed us with.

Bret said...

I am not being a stick in the mud! I like Janice because she agrees with me. You don't like her because you disagree with her. Its ok to disagree, but don't assume everyone thinks like you. You remind me of my brother. He thinks that the way he thinks is better than everyone elses way of thinking. That is the same wrongheaded attitude that the evolutionists of the past had. They can be blamed for the wrong idea that some people had that people who live in small villages and don't where clothes are closer to being an ape than they were. They judge those people based on their own way of thinking. All men are the same, that is the point. None of us can come up with all the solutions or all the answers. Its just that some are bigger than others in admitting that. (referring to the evolutionists, not saveyourselves)

SaveOurselves said...

Are you learning about ants, Bret? I know that in Africa, there are many different species. IN fact, I taped a special recently that detailed them. Some are huge, some small, but all fascinating, and many dangerous. Here, they crawl onto my blanket, into my picnic basket and get on my food. The southern variety of fire ant has a nasty disposition and a bad bite. I remember seeing them crawl on top off one another trying to avoid being drowned, kind of like people running from a Hurricane. That was in New Orleans, probably the only city in the US as sinful as sin city. Do you know where that is, Janice? Let's learn more about insects!

SaveOurselves said...

No, Bret, I didn't say you were being a stick in the mud. You spoke of sea mammals. But evolution has every bit of the certainty and so much more that creationism does. PLUS, it's far more fascinating, and REAL, even today. Have you ever been to the Galapagos Islands. Have you ever read Darwin, or Origin of the Species. So much more valuable than the Bible, I THINK; but then you have to have an open mind. Clearly, Jan does not.

QueenFox said...

There are many fun things to do besides renting movies. Get outside and get some fresh air and enjoy the wind and the trees and talk to your neighbors about God. Besides, I already have a baby animal video and some others I still have to watch. Something interesting is how man designs and imitates creation. A vehicle's surprisingly low-drag design was inspired by the boxfish. A new higly maneuverable aircraft mimicks a seagull's wings and researchers are trying to copy a gecko's feet. They don't get dirty, never leave a residue, stick to any surface except Teflon and attach and detach with little effort. If the copy requires an intelligent designer, what about the original?

SaveOurselves said...

OK, I'm missing Thursday night football. Do either of you know who is playing? I'm also missing the Wild versus the Avalanche. How apropos with all this talk of evolution. See you guys later. HAve fun!

QueenFox said...

Yes Saveyourself. I live just above New Orleans in Mississippi.

Anonymous said...

Denver vs. Cleveland

10-7 Cleveland leads in the 2nd quarter.

Bret said...

I liked hearing about the Siafu ant recently on Veoh Nation Geographic. Now that is one tough creature! But saveyourselves, don't you think that sometimes the evolutionist are really hardpressed to prove what they theorize? I mean take for example the idea that everything came out of some primorteal soup! The thought commented on recently by real scientist who logically concluded when they tried to bring some soup to life be zapping it that such a method is ludicrous! But then when they can't prove it they just say that they have a long way to go. They are just flat wrong about it. Why is it that people can't talk about politics, or religion, or evolution? How come people say that its just in good taste to keep your opinion to yourself? It's because the proof needed to definitively conclude either just aren't there or have yet to be revealed. They used to think that the stars were gods! for crying out loud until we proved that they were just balls of gas burning billions of years away. Where life came from, though, is a topic that will leave everybody stumped until God reveals himself and then we will know.

SaveOurselves said...

Oh, I'm sorry you two. Before I get back to the sports without the interruption of all this Bible nonsense, I have two funny things to relate. One, I saw on a bumper sticker: "I love animals. They're delicious!" The other is a quote: "You can lead a whore to culture, but you can't make her think."


SaveOurselves said...

That's primordial, Bret, but don't seat it. Yes, I find a great deal fascinating, and I would like to discuss things with you later. You're a good kid. I like you.

SaveOurselves said...

AND, believe it or not, I know I can learn something from you, but it's unlikely it will come from the Bible. You go there if you have to. I'll consider it. Also, I meant don't sweat it. Later

QueenFox said...

Save Yourself Have you ever heard of Sir Isaac Newton. He was also a Christian and very smart. This is one of his quotes: "The earth shall continue to be inhabited by mortal [humans] after the day of judgment and that not only for 1000 years, but even forever." Isaac Newton even the father of Evolution never denied the existence of a Creator. While "there are many theories of evolution . . . "when charles Darwin advanced his theory of evolution he conceded that life may have been "originally breathed by the Creator into a few forms or into one." But present-day evolutionary theory generally eliminates any mention of a Creator."

QueenFox said...

Sorry I meant Darwin as the Father of Evolution in the last comment.

antimaher said...

I step away for a couple of hours and return to a revolution...yes Religion has a way.

mike m said...

Sorry, but I can't hang around and play today. I have to work. The last couple days of rain here have really backed me up. And it looks like more rain tomorrow.


Scientists have said, that because of the sheer size of the universe, life elsewhere is not only probable, but likely. Scientists have recently found life on this planet, where they thought life couldn't possibly exist. Like, in the caves in the deep ocean between the crust and the lava. Scientists now believe this bacteria was the first form of life on the planet. Funny, I didn't see that in the Bible.

As far as Ancient Man making predictions. Was it a Christian God who taught the ancient Mayans to very accurately predict the phases of the moon, solar and lunar eclipses, and other astronomical events, including comets? By today's standards, they were only a few seconds off.

By the way, the Mayans predicted the end of the world to be Dec. 18, 2032, I believe, but don't quote me on that exact date.

LongfordHarp said...

Channel surfing led me to your appearance on Huckabee's show. I'm glad you care enough to have made a movie on the ridiculous religion subject. One must step back from the small print of upbringing to get the BIG picture. In so doing, I eventually rejected my ancestral religion. Religious leaders hassled Jesus Christ relentlessly; so, your theme is an old one. He pointed out to them how they "strain out the gnat, but swallow the camel". I wonder if you quote anything like this (NT Matt. chapt.23) in your movie. Imagine - Bill Maher co-authoring with Jesus Christ! Liked your question to Huckabee about how God talks to him. I have something to share with you about that, concerning guidance for making a trip to Ireland, but I don't see an e-mail or snail mail address for you. While rejecting the ridiculous, be cautious not to also reject the honorable. Honest seekers get the best reward, while mere mockers get deeply embarrassed.

Anonymous said...

I think you should consider having Ray Comfort from the Way of the Master on your show. Would be a very interesting conversation. He also has a blog

Unknown said...

Bill, my husband and I love everything you do and have done. We support and totaly agree with your views on most everything.

We are very upset that your new movie "Religulous" is not showing anywhere near us. We would have to drive 2hrs to see it and we have limited resorces to do so.

Would you consider hosting your movie online, even in a pay per view format? At least it would be avalible to those of us that cant see it due to lack of showings in our area! Im sure there are many that are in the same boat!

Please consider it. We really really want to see this film. Its what we have been saying for years and it will be nice to see it verified on film.

Thanks Bill, Keep up the great work!

Julie and Brent in KY

Yes Kentucky, but we are fighting on the front lines of this culture battle in America! Go Obama! Go Healthcare, end the War, gay rights, green living and Decrim &/or Medical Canibis laws!

Unknown said...

Found a clip on youtube today with an atheist stand-up in church in Sweden. The guy is making fun of God and Christianity inside a church with a full crowd, and people are laughing with him.Wonder if we will ever see something like that in the US. Check it out, could be good material for your show!

SaveOurselves said...

Proclaiming your stance on whether or not religion makes sense, even to a degree that is intended to poke some fun at the ideas people have is one thing. Going as far as erecting a church to mock everything religious is going a bit too far, especially since it is such a deeply sensitive subject to those who place their very existence, every fabric of their daily lives on that line. Constant verse throwing, which proves nothing but that you know your bible, is equally as obnoxious. Once you see that people at least have a sense of humor, and are able to stick to their guns, there really isn't any further you need to go. Keep it somewhat sane and sensible if you can. Not to say I haven't crossed the line a bit, but I don't think I'd go as far as to do the aforementioned. Comics have to have better material to hang their hats on. I think Bill does.

Br. Alphonsus Mary said...

To those of you so virulently opposed to religion and faith, why is there so much venom and vitriol spouted? Only one with faith can understand what it means to believe in God and to those without it, it indeed makes little sense.

My question is this: Why do you go out of your way to insult, ridicule and mock people of faith and the beliefs they hold dear?

Do you not yet realize that your actions only cause us to hold on to our convictions and our faith all the more?

If you insist on continuing this course of action go right ahead, but it doesn't make sense to me to spend so much time and energy on it. It seems like the only thing you live for is to deliberately make fun of people of faith.

I am certainly not trying to win you over since it's clear that you cannot be won over, but just to tell you that your hate and smear campaign will leave no mark or blemish on the faith and the people you seek to unfairly harass and denigrate.

It's sad because you all seem so bitter and unhappy. I am quite content and am not in the least swayed by any argument you can muster.

Someday we will all die and I can assure you that there is life after death, whether you agree or not it is a fact that nobody will escape. Everybody will believe in God after they die, do doubt about that.

Anyways, thanks for the opportunity to say my peace and I hope that you do not immediately break out the flamethrower, you try to understand my point of view.

for the last 2000 years people have tried to discredit, dismiss, attack, dismantle or otherwise destroy the catholic church, and it cannot be done, so you will ultimately fail in your mission.

I just hope that you turn to more fruitful use of your time from now on.

God Bless.

QueenFox said...

Mr. SaveYourself, The discussion of God or the non-existece of God cannot exclude the Bible or the things Jesus said or did in the Bible.

This is part of the post of LongfordHarp "Religious leaders hassled Jesus Christ relentlessly; so, your theme is an old one. He pointed out to them how they "strain out the gnat, but swallow the camel". I wonder if you quote anything like this (NT Matt. chapt.23) in your movie.

As you can see above he saw fit to include saying of Jesus from the Bible to discuss his points.

Sir Isaac Newton was an "English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, natural philosopher, alchemist, theologian and one of the most influential men in human history." He was certainly smarter and more intelligent than Mr. Maher or everything I've heard you say thus far. To quote his words again, he believed "The earth shall continue to be inhabited by mortal [humans] after the day of judgment and that not only for 1000 years, but even forever." (Sir Isaac Newton) He believed the things written in the Bible concerning the Kingdom of God that would in the future bring peace to the earth.

There was never any doubt about the existence of God until the beginnings of our modern era. The founder fathers of our country(USA) believed in the "Creator" and the father of Evolution himself never denied there was a God.

"There are many theories of evolution . . . "when Charles Darwin advanced his theory of evolution he conceded that life may have been "originally breathed by the Creator into a few forms or into one." But present-day evolutionary theory generally eliminates any mention of a Creator."

"The word of God is alive and exerts power and is sharper than any two-edged sword and pierces even to the dividing of soul and spirit, and of joints and their marrow, and is able to discern thoughts and intentions of the heart." Heb 4:12

If the Bible disturbs you, than it is simply revealing your true heart.

QueenFox said...

Thank you John. I really enjoyed your comments and common sense.

Anonymous said...


You are a breath of fresh air to this blog after all that I have read so far.

Don't stop, no matter how bad they attack you. That's their specialty!

QueenFox said...

Thank you independent for your encouragement. It's easy to get discouraged in this evil world that influences so many to do and say the wrong things to hurt people.

It would be truly sad if there were not good stable-minded opinions and views like yours and others that supply us with different points of views as opposed to some of the closed-mindedness witnessed in this forum.

Belief in God absolutely requires an open mind and requires deep thought, meditation and reflection on the existence of life. It doesn't take much of a mind to believe we evolved from a fish or an ape.

mom2saj said...

My husband & I just went to see Religulos tonight & I just wanted to say THANK YOU for trying to get the voice of reason out. I'm sure you're getting a lot of hate mail from the religious fanatics out there. I don't know why, but I feel like I should apologize for them like they're my retarded sibling who won't stop flinging his own feces at people. Don't give up on your message and hopefully the 16% will grow :)

mom2saj said...

My husband & I just went to see Religulos tonight & I just wanted to say THANK YOU for trying to get the voice of reason out. I'm sure you're getting a lot of hate mail from the religious fanatics out there. I don't know why, but I feel like I should apologize for them like they're my retarded sibling who won't stop flinging his own feces at people. Don't give up on your message and hopefully the 16% will grow :)

northalabama said...

Bill, I found a theatre in Alabama showing Religulous! I thought I would have to drive to Nashville tomorrow to see the film, but here it is, in Huntsville. They say they are the ONLY theatre in Alabama showing the film...I don't know, but give 'em a plug on your show or blog...they have earned it and deserve it. And, by the way, the film was completely on point, as you so often are. It's a must see, and I'll direct everyone I know to give it a view.

Anonymous said...

Why do people who don't believe have to always be so mean and vulgar?

I can see now, we are headed for disaster when all's I read from non-believers is hate. From the ones you don't agree with, they show compassion for you in their post.

What do you do? Just like Bill Maher, you spit in their face!

Is this what you call debate or unity?

I think not.

I truly fear for our country after being on "Bill Maher's" damn it all to hell blogs!

wilber said...


It's the way they are. To hell with anyone who has an opinion opposite of theirs.

Just like Bill Maher who doesn't do his homework before he opens his trap!

Just keep believing what you believe!

They want to take over the world, but it's not going to happen!

Bring it on!

Unknown said...

Mr. Maher,

Why do you not collaborate with Penn & Teller??? I'd fly to Vegas to see that.


Bret said...

Bill Maher and all other evolutionist, haters of any intelligence except their own who believe they have solved the God problem I have only this to say:

"Nuthin from Nuthin leaves Nuthin, you gotta have SUMTHIN...If you want me to Believe!.

:) Now, Top that

Bret said...

If you want real answers about why the evolutionist are always so hostile about their answers go see a REAL movie, Ben Steins: Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed.

I love when he interviews people like the evolutionist latest prophet Mr. Dawkins. They always answer the same way: "People who don't believe eevolution (his funny accent) are just stupid...STUPID STUPID STUPID!" and "I'm not listening anymore!...LA LA LA LA LA...I can't hear you!...LA LA LA LA"

Very scientific

Mac said...

Why? Why does our nation think the way it does and why are the thoughts of the people so foolish?
Psalms 2:1-2
Verse 1 "Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?" Verse 2 " The kings of the earth set themselves, and and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying,

Today in limited theaters, Bill Maher is releasing his "comedy" movies called Religulous. The theme of this movie is to poke fun or ridicule the "Church" and all religion. From what i have read Maher is taking particular aim at the Catholic Church, but does spend time making fun of Jesus, even questioning his existence, The Cross, The existence of God the Father, get the picture. Bill Maher is a person who is giving out counsel against God and is commiting blasphemy. I would not want to be in his shoes when he faces The Father at the Great White Throne Judgement. I have no idea what past experience has triggered this mode of thinking and this anger and resentment toward God. But this i know. When you push God out of your life and you outright tell the Holy Spirit you no longer need him, you set things into motion that are difficult to stop. God is a gentleman. He and the Holy Spirit will not go where they aren't wanted. Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is THE UNFORGIVABLE SIN. When you curse and defile the Holy Spirit and you curse and defile God ordering Him away and you lend your self to something else or your own way then you have commited the sin from which there is no return. Mocking god seems to be a "trend" in our culture right now. George Carlin mocked, ridiculed, and blasphemed the Lord too. I wonder of his amazement when he stood before God realizing his sin and his judgment. Psalms 2 says it all.
verse 4 "He that sitteth in Heaven shall laugh; The Lord shall have them in derision."
verse 5 "Then shall He speak unto them in his wrath and vex them in His sore displeasure."
God will have His way and He will judge them in wrath for their disrespect of Him!
He has surely set His King upon Zion His holy hill.
Jesus is on the Throne. He will surely triumph!
God the Father is in control and He is worth of praise, glory and honor!!
verse 11 says Serve the Lord with fear(reverence) and rejoice with trembling.
We need to serve God with a loving reverence for the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords and give Him due honor.
Bill Maher is a man of unwise counsel and needs the truth of scripture. He fancies himself to be a wise intellectual. I'm afraid Bill is a man who is misinformed and has no idea of what he speaks and the foolishness of this movie and his actions. Maher would tell you that I am the one who is foolish. But i can back up my beliefs with science, math, history and wisdom. All four of these sources prove God, the historical Jesus, the origin of Life, the scriptures and their immutable truths and the very basis of my faith. Bill has nothing to hold onto but conjecture and lies.
By faith am I saved. My faith, My life, My hope, My joy, and my salvation all belong to God and lie within my Love and devotion to one can move me from His service and i will not walk away on my own accord. Pray for Bill Maher and i pray that the church uses this movie to as an evangelistic opportunity. Maybe i will send him this post.
Posted by Pastor Dennis at Friday, October 03, 2008 0 comments
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Anonymous said...

I always thought bill was very witty and funny too bad he doesn't have the balls to challange Mike Murdock, Kenneth Copeland or Pat Robertson Whose experiencial wisdom and understnding of the very God that created Bill would blow him out of the water and land him on the other side in no time!!

mike m said...

It seems to me, people of religion don't know how to argue logically. Most of their arguments come from quoted scriptures. If I don't believe in the book you're quoting, your argument means nothing to me. It's an empty or fallacious argument.

"Why do people who don't believe have to always be so mean and vulgar?"

Probably, because we have read history books instead of religious books. Books that deal with facts. It's because of all the "mean and vulgar" things religious organizations have perpetrated on their fellow man throughout the course of history. It's a knee jerk reaction. I reject all forms of organized religions, because they can so quickly be turned into mob mentality. People following blindly. Good people, doing horrible things to their fellow man.

I don't fault or ridicule people for what they believe, only the organizations they choose to follow.

wilber said...

Hellooooo????? mike m!

Have you read your post lately?

I've been called every name in the book and the "only" person I called names was Bill Maher!

You attack at every opportunity you get. You say you read History books, well, isn't the Bible a History book?

Man, I love this board!

mike m said...


When did I ever ridicule you for your religious beliefs? Others may have, but I did not. Political beliefs are an entirely different animal. Please do not accuse me of things you know I have not done.

There are three basic controls over society in every civilization: politics, economics and religion.

The Bible is not a history book. The Old Testament, as far as I'm concerned, is nothing but fairy tales. Did Moses part the Red Sea? Yea, and Santa Clause comes to every child's house on Christmas Eve. If you to believe that, fine. If you think I am ridiculing you by not believing it, you are just being defensive.

wilber said...

It's wilber, not wiber...

No, you just ridicule me for everything else!

I am no different than you! I have beliefs and want things for my country....we are the same but, you can't accept another opinion or debate that is different from your own. Just like clydene....rut roh, here she comes!!!!

And YES, the Bible "is" a History book!

wilber said...

Pooh, this is when I wish wilber was male....have to go cook!

Be back soon and in between!

mike m said...

Pastor Dennis

I must take issue when you say you can back up your beliefs with science. Scientists don't know enough to prove or disprove the existence of God. The only pure truth scientists know is that there are four fundamental forces in the universe: gravitational, electrical/magnetic, strong nuclear, and weak nuclear. And now, that is even coming into question with the theory of dark matter/energy, which I am not up to speed on.

Scientists have only one goal; to find the truth. And it is fueled by an insatiable curiosity, nothing more. It is the engineers that create weapons, and devices to make money. I'm not saying engineers are evil, greedy people. Although, one could argue.

Anonymous said...

OK, Bill Maher, I have been waiting and waiting for your movie to come to Rochester Minnesota and as of today Nov. 8th 2008 it is still not in any theaters. I emailed the manager of two large theaters in town to find out when your movie would be here and did not get a reply. I emailed a second time and got a reply. The manager said it was not coming to Rochester and say it was not scheduled to come to our city. Is that true??? Rochester Minnesota is a very conservative city. I am just wondering if they are trying to keep it out of the theaters here. Am I right?
If the theaters are trying to keep the movie out of our city, would everyone here email the Chateau Theaters in Rochester Minnesota and complain? I don't think it is right that someone controls what we view in the theaters. Thought this was a FREE country.

wilber said...

Now see mikey, there you go!

You would argue with Billy Graham (who by the way is the only one I trust) if he were on here......

I love this board...back to cooking!

mike m said...


It seems some parts are more free than others. People are afraid.

mike m said...

I'll argue with anyone. But just because I argue, doesn't mean I disrespect (not always). Yes, I do have a tendency to be disrespectful, but I'm trying. BUT, ALWAYS QUESTION AUTHORITY!!! NEVER FOLLOW BLINDLY!!! The founders of this country tried to guarantee us that right. At least when it comes to politics. As far as religion, they tried to guarantee us the right to change our, or reject religion.

I just don't want Pastor Dennis to confuse religion and science. There is a very distinct difference.

Anonymous said...

The bible was translated into many languages. How do we know through all the translation, the wording was not transcribed correctly? How do we know the person or persons that wrote it were not just like our modern day Jim Jones and the mass murder-suicide in the supposedly utopian community known as Jonestown or David Koresh and the Waco Incident and there are many other men like these in countries all over the world. How do we know that the bible and the koran and other holy books weren't written by intelligent men to give people everywhere something to believe in and to bring world order? Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and beliefs. Pastor Dennis you have no right to dictate to anyone who or what they have to believe in. That is what makes this country great, FREEDOM. It is a country of christians, buddist, muslim and those who believe in evolution. You have no right to judge anyone, like you said yourself, God will judge.

mike m said...

Man, I hate this blog. Every once in a while, when I hit "enter" my comment disappears and it says "Field must not be let blank". Well IT WASN'T BLANK YOU IDIOT! YOU JUST ATE IT! I love computers as you can see. Oh well, you'll just have to wait for my next comment, I need to eat something.

wilber said...

lol.....mike m,

Arguing with you is like arguing with a brick wall with double cement.

I tend to read 'every' line of post,not every other line.

And, as far as being respectful?

Calling me a "tricky bitch"? I'm not tricky, just smart!

mike m said...


It's not just translation, it's all the different interpretations of the Bible. All the different denominations. No one can say for sure who is right and who is wrong. Apparently, God hasn't spoken to anyone since Moses. You might think with all the confusion he would want to clarify.

Anonymous said...

The bible was not written in english but translated into english as well as other languages. And there have been many men since Moses that "claim" they have spoken to God. Jim Jones, Mohamed to name a few.....oh Sarah Palin's pastor too, he told her God said she would be VP. You Betcha! *wink* *wink*

wilber said...

mike m,

How do you know God is not talking to a surgeon who is in your brain?

Or one who is removing a disc in your back? Or delivering a baby?

God can speak without saying a word!

Anonymous said...

the House Foreign Affairs Committee had concluded that cult leader Jim Jones "suffered extreme paranoia." Modern medicine did not exist in the day when the bible or the koran was written. How do we know the the men that wrote these holy books didn't suffer from "extreme paranoia" or other affliction? We don't know.

Anonymous said...

Is there solid fact God can speak without saying a word? Maybe it is simply a human thought or dream or a memory. Remember Doctors have gone to medical school so when they are performing surgery they are using the skills they have been taught.

wilber said...

Well cheryl,

I do know that if they (the writers of the Bible) were alive today? Hollywood would be knocking there doors down hiring them as writers to make movies!

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