Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Friday, May 29th, 2009


Following are quotables from “Real Time with Bill Maher” for Friday, May 29th, 2009. “Real Time with Bill Maher” airs Fridays at 10:00PM ET (10:00PM PT, tape delayed) on HBO, with additional replays throughout the week on HBO and HBO 2.

Sonia Sotomayor, her background, wow, graduated first in her class at Princeton, Yale Law School, a prosecutor, a sitting judge for the last 18 years. Or as conservatives call it, "unqualified."

- Bill Maher in his opening monologue

Here’s a woman who was raised in the Bronx, tough neighborhood, without a father. And that's how you know America is a great melting country - when your Supreme Court justice has the same back-story as your lap dancer.

- Bill Maher in his opening monologue

The last time Rush Limbaugh talked to a Hispanic woman, it was his maid, getting him his drugs.

- Bill Maher in his opening monologue

What happens on your plate represents your most important engagement with the natural world and the biggest impact you have on climate change. Meat eating in particular represents a tremendous amount of greenhouse gasses produced.

New Rule: Before the Supreme Court welcomes its first Hispanic Justice, Clarence Thomas must admit he's a little disappointed that Obama didn't pick a lesbian.

- Bill Maher in his “New Rules” segment

New Rule: Honey Nut Cheerios have to take the bee off the box. It reminds me that all the bees are dying, and if I wanted to start my day staring at something that makes me want to kill myself I'd watch Fox and Friends. We lost almost a third of America's bee population last winter. I can't take another morning thinking about a beautiful striped animal going extinct. Which is why tomorrow I'll have Frosted Flakes.

- Bill Maher in his “New Rules” segment

This week's guests were Richard Pollan, John Bolton, Heather Wilson and Harper Hill.


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ZenGrouch said...
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ZenGrouch said...

"Meat eating in particular represents a tremendous amount of greenhouse gasses produced..."

Yeah, but when I'm grindin' a bite of medium rare filet mignon between my molars, savoring the texture and flavors...

...my carbon footprint is the farthest thing from my mind.

We're all going to die anyway. Might as well enjoy a good hamburger while we're here!

Fuck, steak and a carbon foot fuckin' print?!

Try going to New Orleans and telling 'em that their food is unhealthy!

Unhealthy is when Chef Paul crushes you against the wall, with his modified golf cart, when you complain.

Anonymous said...


You can get around the Walmeat by asking for kosher meat. Its more expensive but its far better - no sick cows or mysterious bits.

Anonymous said...


Did you notice that Dick Cheney is no longer posing as a feeble old guy in a wheel chair?

“The liar's punishment is not in the least that he is not believed, but that he cannot believe anyone else.”

George Bernard Shaw

Anonymous said...

I will go to what they call a court. Only they call it a court.
Jack Kevorkian

This is not a trial. This is a lynching. There is no law.
Jack Kevorkian

When your conscience says law is immoral, don't follow it.
Jack Kevorkian

All the big powers they've silenced me. So much for free speech and choice on this fundamental human right.
Jack Kevorkian

Listen, when you take my liberty away, you've taken away more-something more precious than life. I mean, what good is a life without liberty? Huh? None.
Jack Kevorkian

Am I a criminal? The world knows I'm not a criminal. What are they trying to put me in jail for? You've lost common sense in this society because of religious fanaticism and dogma.
Jack Kevorkian

You're basing your laws and your whole outlook on natural life on mythology. It won't work. That's why you have all these problems in the world. Name them: India, Pakistan, Ireland. Name them-all these problems. They're all religious problems.
Jack Kevorkian

The American people are sheep. They're comfortable, rich, working. It's like the Romans, they're happy with bread and their spectator sports. The Super Bowl means more to them than any right.
Jack Kevorkian

I gambled and I lost. I failed in securing my options for this choice for myself, but I succeeded in verifying the Dark Age is still with us.
Jack Kevorkian

Let's hope you feel better now.
Jack Kevorkian

Macherlas said...

Bill, I admire your passion about Religion and I cannot agree more with you especially when I think of all the division it creates in the humanity. I wish all the politicians needed one prerequisite - that they be plucked at a younger age from the parents and taught by a guru like Jiddu Krishnamurthy - free from all the conditions of the world - only then can be peace and tolerance in the world.

Anonymous said...

I don't think our 'leaders' are as bright as a streetwise American kid. Their collective bargainings are on the level of paperboys. So they will revert to military 'solutions' as an expedient before you or I would, because they are morons.

I have an idea. Lets shut down the free trade agreements and get fucking serious.Even in this decline we are about 80% of the buying power in the world. Fuck 'em. The deomocracies have been birthed, cribbed & coddled, let them run on their own.

Lets make sure they don't eat their mother as they leave the nest.

We can start by boycotting ALL the human rights violators, then the worst G20 menaces to humanity.

We can begin by turning the Bush administrators over to the UN, to be tried in Hague.

Don't fret. They will be fairly represented by lying cheats and scumbags just like themselves. Woe be to the Ivy League Jiddu Krishnamurthy coddled mouthpeice who doesn't comply with the full disclosure!

paul said...

I would love to have listened to this show via the Itunes podcast - and would love to have offered a comment on the show, but as usual, the podcast is rife with technical problems. Who is the incompetence techie in charge of the podcasts?

Bill, Please please please - get someone new to ensure that your podcasts are properly edited and prompted uploaded in the right format. THanks.

DropYourAllergies said...

Hello Allergic Asthma > Bill:

We have TWO Things in common:

#1) Our DisTrust for Pharma
#2) We are BOTH involved with Allergic ASTHMA.

Case in Point...

My Company > DropYourAllergies.com Supports YOUR Primary Care Physician with:

> Enviro & FOOD Allergy Testing
> FOOD Allergy DIET Plans based on Your FOOD Allergy Test Result
> and Immuno-Allergy Vaccine DROPs ( same as Old School Allergy SHOTs ) which are Custom Formulated specifically to Neutralize YOUR Enviro Allergic ASTHMA Attack Triggers based on YOUR Allergy Test Result.

Regarding Pharma > Our Immuno-Allergy DROPs are Drug FREE and Neutralize the SOURCE of YOUR Allergy Disease Vs a LifeTime of Medicating Your SYMPTOMs > While Your Allergy / Allergic ASTHMA Disease Continues / Exacerbates ...

Leading YOU on a LifeTime, Slippery Slope of multiple "Allergy Driven" Diseases (Allergic Asthma to name one), recalcitrant Health Issues and compromised Quality of Life ( Achoo & Ouch !).

My Problem is this:

How can I Raise Awareness in our Breathe-IN-Life National Allergy Program ( See Below ) via Media & Dr.'s > When Allergy Symptom Masking Pharma / Drugs represents a Multi-BILLION Pharma Industry, 65% of ALL Media Advertising & 35% of Non-Specialist Physician visits are related to treating Allergy "Symptoms" ? Vs Neutralizing the SOURCE of Your Allergy Disease.

Why would these Pharma / Media & Physicians / Entities > Wish to promote an Allergy Disease SOLUTION that would compete with / lessen their Source of Major Revenue ?


For FREE > Via Your Primary Care Physician > I will Neutralize YOUR Enviro Allergic ASTHMA Attack Triggers by Allergy Testing ( a Single Blood Draw) You for your Geo-Regional, Seasonal & Year-round Enviro Allergy Sources AND Provide YOU with 80 Weeks of Immuno-Allergy DROPs > Which have been Custom Formulated specifically to Neutralize YOUR Offending Seasonal & Year-round allergens as identified by YOUR Allergy Test Result....

If you can Help Me / Suggest a way to build Anti-Allergy Awareness with Allergy Parents of Allergy Children.

Our CUSTOMER = Mothers of > Mommy, I FEEL Yucky > Allergy Children.

Mothers / Parents > Who have Experienced the Real LIFE impairments caused by their Allergies / Allergic ASTHMA > Parents Who want to STOP the Progression of their Child’s Allergy Disease > Before Disease Entrenchment Deepens and their Child’s Health / Quality of Life is “Negatively Shaped” by their Allergy / Allergic Asthma Status.
To Parents > Who Know First Hand, the Health / Quality of Life Debilitation > That their Allergies have
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NOW > From the CARE Synergy & Convenience of YOUR "Just around the Corner" Primary Care Physician, A Patient-Centric > CUSTOM Allergy Program > Designed specifically to Target / Identify / Treat / Neutralize > YOUR > Unique > Environmental and FOOD Allergy Disease Profile.

In a One Size Fits ALL World > NOW > A One Size Fits "ONE" > YOU ! > BeSpoke > Allergy SOLUTION.

Best Health = Wealth Regards,

DropYourAllergies.com & Breathe-IN-Life !


ZenGrouch said...

Had a friend that tried your product, and it worked like gangbusters!

I can't believe the FDA hasn't approved it, for lack of any evidence that it actually works.

It knocked that allergy out cold.

There were a couple of tiny problems though.

One being the severe rectal bleeding that just won't stop.

And the second tiny problem is that my friend said that everything now taste like pocket change and old car keys.

But By GOD he can't smell a thing and that's a good thing since it knocked out his allergies cold!


ZenGrouch said...

Oh, I almost forgot one of the *good* side effects!

My buddy said he'll never have to go out shopping for Rose Colored Glasses again... EVER!

Nope... The bleeding in the back of his eyes now gives everything a Rosy Red tint!

Once again GOD BLESS you & DropYourAllergies.com

Anonymous said...

Oh My God!

I've read everything now!!!


Anonymous said...

I don't believe in minorities. If any of your racists ever had sex with a woman with the lights on, you'd know they are all pink (and wet) on the inside. Besides you monkey boys, if you ever had sex with the lights on with/without company, you know that all jizm is white.

My research confirms this: 100% of the time. Incredible? Indisputable.

Unless you are really, really unattractive, or neurotic, or brainwashed you should check this yourself before you go do something stupid that will get you fried by the Lieu.

So, Bill,

I really do expect elected officials to be true to their spouses. See they made a promise to someone they claim they love, and if they'd break that I - who they only fleece - have no expectation that they'll not rip me off and leave me high and dry with their debt & bad credit.

I'm really dissapointed that the citizens are too mesmerized by TV to rise up as one and burn some of these treasonous fuckers. Giving a $100,000 a year job to a prostitute or gay lover? Burn them! BURN THEM!!

I smell bread...

Anonymous said...

$100,000 of YOUR TAX DOLLARS!!

Dude, we can solve both the meat shortage and the green issues when we start practicing cannibalism on a large enough scale.

That should be pretty soon.

Anonymous said...

Do you have any idea what a pound of Charlie Manson would be worth to Satanists?

Harvesting organs too - how did Dick get outa that wheelchair? I think I see a way out of our economic dilemma. Just spread the rumor that its an aphrodisiac... let big pharma handle that end of it.

Anonymous said...

Given that we are a humane society, not a bunch of spineless worms,

Off the battlefield, terrorists are dangerous, mentally ill people. They should be institutionalized in high security facilities for the criminally insane, until they are deemed by professional to be no longer a threat to others.

There's your loophole, the out we need right now, and a manageable long term resolution to handle future problems like the recent ones.

Treating them with kindness & teaching them English, then providing them with cable news as their sole distraction beyond therapy until they readjust, is about the most cruel thing I can imagine.

After psych rehab they can serve any criminal sentences they were convicted of, in the prison 'rehab' system.

Anonymous said...

Here is what happened and why we all (except the pigs, worldwide) have to tighten our belts to pay off the economic crisis:

Playing poker with Wall Street, pt. 5

It would be really cool if you could interview Benoit Mandelbrot...

Straight from the whores mouths to yours:
Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey

So, maybe on your back is the only way college students are going to make it today.

Ron Paul, talking over your heads

All this didn't start with American banks. It started with the Japanese banks, then the 1998 Russian uber bankrupcty set in motion the economic tsunami that is washing over us for the next 15 yrs or so... so kids, turn off the tv - before The Man turns it off because your electric bill is 60 days late - and start learning to trade with each other directly. The barter system is coming back around!

Anonymous said...

Listen to this gem - Ron Paul summarizes the Libertarian role of government in terms even the sheep can understand

Anonymous said...

Frank Zappa zapping squares

Willie Nelson on Big Brother

Big Brother on Willie Nelson

Remember to arraign Tony Blair with the Bush Cronies, m'k?

ZenGrouch said...


Thanks for that link to Frank Zappa on Crossfire from 1986!

Frank really spells it out...

Everyone should set aside 21 minutes of their life to watch this one:


ZenGrouch said...

A high school girl was killed a few days ago, on her way to the prom, due to the fact that she wasn't wearing her seat belt.


In order to teach the kids at Fairfax High, the importance of wearing their seat belts, they brought in a huge rock for the kids to climb, noting the importance of wearing a harness, which was suppose to be like a seat belt...

This pisses me off because there are better ways to spend the dwindling education dollars.

Besides, if kids are too fucking stupid to wear their seat belt and they end up dead, isn't that kind of like culling the herd?

Anonymous said...

Here's Joe, while George Sr. was growing his CIA transgressions and dirty tricks into a presidency bid...

What exquisite sarcasm; no wonder Tippy & Hilly & Joanne don't get it. At all, in fact. Seems like they weren't invited to any of their hubby's partys

Anonymous said...


Tragic, but life goes on and life is for the living.

Try this for perspective:

When I was 13 a 'student' incarcerated in the 'educational' institution w/me crashed his motorcycle - a Kawi KZ900 - and died. He was hanging a turn, the center stand came down - bad springs? - and he launched off to The Bardo, around 80MPH in a 30 zone.

In the John Bender classes at Babbysittin, High, they showed us the polaroids - the puddle, the dead guy, grey turning blue in the road, the point where the centerstand tore up the tar, from many angles & closeups.

As you know, all little children do what they are told, except for the natural born killers.

So that summer I found myself on a run to the 'package store' - these yuppies are in total linguistic denial - on the back of that same KZ900 murdercycle. I was ballast, to make sure the beer & my friend's money came back at all.

At 110MPH with no helmet, if you squeeze your eyes shut as hard as you can, the wind blows them open anyway.

That was a simpler time - no helmet law, no child worship laws, the only crime was the dude selling beer to my friend, age 16.

I wonder how many current laws we broke... never mind.

ZenGrouch said...

Ahhh... murdercycles! If you're gonna kill yourself THIS is the way to go. At least you'll have the experience of flying fairly intact before you splatter or your head comes off.

In my younger days, we'd get so fucked up that the only way to drive straight was to aim that bitch and open up the engine to the point where the gyroscopic force from the wheels would hold us upright.

To be young, stupid and indestructible!

Living to thirty was just a matter of luck, and I was pushing the odds.

Had a piece of shit Sportster when AMF was building 'em. My Honda 550 was faster, but would peg out at around 108. You wouldn't think the eyes could water that much with no goggles or helmet.

Saw a friend when we were out getting fucked up. At first I thought he was a bag of laundry that fell out of a car.

Tried to talk him into going out drinking with us that night, but he didn't want to die.

Poor fuck was helping a broke down motorist when he got hit by an old VW and launched about 50 feet into the air. Then to top off his bad luck, he landed on the back bumper of the same car and was dragged until the big parts broke off and rolled away.

We went out and got even more fucked up when we recognized the specific parts. Blind drunk on our bikes, and the careful fuck was like a bag of trash on the side of the road.

Blah, blah, when it's your time, luck and all that thar...

They tried to teach us in driver's ed with these horrific movies, where they'd marry scenes from actual accidents with cheesy film with guys that looked like the dead meat.

It would be a couple Black guys drinking MD 20/20 drivin' down the road having a good time, then they put their acting skills to work like they're looking at the angel of death, then they cut to a couple actual heads in the road with bodies sticking half way through the windshield.

Great production quality for the obvious low budget, but my buddy and I would stand and cheer, with people throwing shit at us callin' us all kinds of sick motherfuckers.

Decades later we'd be getting drunk saying, "I can't fuckin' believe we're still alive..."

On the subject of when it's your time. When I was a piggie, I took care of a dead guy on the sidewalk.

Seems he was a professor who called a fellow instructor to tell him that he was going to kill himself.

His friend rushed over and the professor met him standing on the second floor balcony.

Seems he saw the light and changed his mind. Something about life being precious and worth living no matter what.

He was excited about his new knowledge and said he'd be down in a minute to open the door.

Poor fuck fell down the stairs and broke his neck dying instantly.

Funny shit!

Cyd said...

The Kenyan has decided to alienate Europe and appease his brothers, the Muslim world. He snubs the Queen, Brown from the UK. He pisses off Merkel in Germany. He disses Sarkozy and his whorish wife in France. He grovels to Muslims, however. What a turd this Kenyan is turning out to be. An anti-white, anti-European Marxist turd.

Since the Ball Licker is mentally challenged and has difficulty reading, YES, I do not think The Kenyan Turd was born in the US. Clear enough, retard?

Anonymous said...

President Obeah man has reigned in the evil credit fairies. Does he have the mojo to do this to the IRS pimps? Who do we have to sacrifice to get this, is the Bush dynasty enough?

Anonymous said...

The unlived life is not worth examining, too boring.

No suburban zombie pen for me. Thats not life.

Anonymous said...

A fetus isn't alive until it takes its first breath, just as we are all dead after we take our last.

If you surrender responsibility for any aspect of your life, you are a slave to whoever you surrendered it to. Surrendering is not always voluntary. Some examples of our masters include:

Socialist Security
Bankers, and other leeches
Crooked politicians, judges, all lawyers, dirty cops (every one I ever met) and other organized criminal enterprises
Insurance carriers who bribe govt goobers to make their grift mandatory
Pharmaceutical industry

Not everyone has all these masters & none of these parasites kills the host.

Anonymous said...

Too bad Obama doesn't tour the suburban death camps & people farms of North America, Europe & Japan, to warn the descending nations to not make the same mistakes we did.

ZenGrouch said...

"YES, I do not think The Kenyan Turd was born in the US. Clear enough, retard?..."

You little flip floppin, slow witted, piece of shit!!!

If you believe Obama was born here, why did you say earlier that he had a:

"*Kenyan birthright NOT American"...

Couldn't quite make that turd stick without making the Republicunts look even more Pussified than they already are, 'eh?!

Wow! You really are some kind of dick cheese eatin' Stupid Twat!

ZenGrouch said...

"Too bad Obama doesn't tour the suburban death camps & people farms of North America, Europe & Japan, to warn the descending nations to not make the same mistakes we did..."

Are these "death camps" and "people farms" undercover, hidden from the media and right minded citizens?

If so, how did you learn of them, and why should it be up to the president to dig deeper into this problem and warn the world?

Are you such a limp dick that you and others like you can't sound the alarm, it the situation is so shocking to your sensibilities?

Sweet Jesus son...

If you know about secret "death camps" in the good old U.S. of A. why are you here, and not writing a book or on the national news, NPR and PBS every fucking night until every last one of the "Death Camps" are closed down?

Instead, you question our president and wonder out loud, why he doesn't investigate, and warn the world to be careful and not follow our horrible path?

...ya' fuckin' drama queen

Cyd said...

You need anti-psychotic medications and a crash course in English grammar, Ball Licker. I'll be waiting here while you figure out this "complex problem" of what exactly I said.

Let's see how long it will take before your drug addled brain begins to creep out of its haze.

ZenGrouch said...

"He grovels to Muslims, however. What a turd this Kenyan is turning out to be. An anti-white, anti-European Marxist turd..."

Thanks for bringing some more sunshine into my day, ya' stupid cunt!

1) How did Obama "grovel" to ANYONE/ANYTHING?!

2) How exactly did he show himself to be against the white race, or anti-white?

3) Don't the Republicunts see Europe as being Marxist?

4) When did you cocksuckers start giving a flying fuck about the opinions of the Europeans, or those from any other country for that matter?

You guys are in the high speed *flippity-floppity* mode, doin' backflips off the U.S.S. Republicunt, along with the ship's rats!

Anonymous said...

President of D Block

ZenGrouch said...

"I'll be waiting here while you figure out this "complex problem" of what exactly I said..."

What's to figure out?

I posted a direct quote from one of your posts, where you said Obama has a Kenyon birthright, "NOT" American!

Typical fucking homeschooled Republicunt.

ZenGrouch said...

Anybody else catch that episode of *30 Rock* where Kenny the page was talking about being home schooled, and said his favorite subject was *Science*...

..."Especially the *Old Testament!*

Cyd said...

Yeah, get back to your "30 Rock", Ball Licker. That's more in line for your "reality". LOL

Leave the real world to people without psychological issues.

For someone who states "what's to figure out?", YOU sure had a problem with it over the last couple of "daze" in your lunatic tirades.

Here...let me help you out....


The Kenyan Turd groveller. It has a nice and accurate ring to it, wouldn't you say Ball Licker?

ZenGrouch said...

"For someone who states "what's to figure out?", YOU sure had a problem with it over the last couple of "daze" in your lunatic tirades...."


You are off and running in circles today, aren't you, dick cheese!

Now if you can just calm down for a second Tom Cruse, and answer the question, "So, what's to figure out?"

You stated that Obama was born in Kenya, right?

Then when I put a if/then question to you, making you and the Republicunts look simply cuntlicious, you crawled under a rock.

Today you emerge, doing a spectacular *flippoty-floppoty* landing on your face, NOW claiming that *The Kenyon* was born here in the U.S.

Again, "So, what's to figure?" you stupid fuck wit?

What's taking you so long coming up with the answer about who paid for the reporter's jet?

And are you not of the opinion that Obama saved the taxpayers a truckload of money when he took 2 small private jets to New York, rather than the 747 that's at his disposal?


Anonymous said...

Suburban deathcamps? Lets see...

Paying 30-40% income to federal + state taxes, + mandatory 'insurance' & Socialist Security slushfund + 8% sales tax when you spend whats left = 38 - 48%, not including property tax, hidden excise taxes, add'l taxes on every type of service bill and gas taxes. Lets call it 45%.

Allow about 2 weeks unplugged from the machine, 50 work weeks * 0.45 = 23 weeks slaving so that Rick Wagoner, criminal bankers and politicians can have a multimillion dollar golden parachutes, for their sterling contributions to destroying the economy, that really got under way with the S&L bailout.

Rows of houses lining concrete tributaries to the freeway, all garages facing out, lined with concrete walls, under the toxic sky that used to be black & brown until they changed the fuel additives to emit the carcinogenic aldehydes instead of SOx & NOx - at no expense to themselves.

Anesthetized by TV, They are vaguely aware that the bottled water isn't clean. When heated or frozen, the plastic releases carcinogens into the water... and the tap water? Has PPM 5 times acid rain. You know about the chlorine & maybe the insecticides, but not that fluoride is toxic when it reacts with the metals in the water. I think the most interesting PPM are the synthetic estrogens, which big pharma has most women hooked up on. These pass through their bodies intact.

I wonder if this is why so many little Johnny's are effeminate. It may explain why the amphibious critters are mutating...

Its The Matrix, hidden in plain sight.

Remember when Steve Jobs claimed that the PC would produce efficiencies that would lead to the 4 day work week? It did, but the value was redistributed away from the producers...

On Monday, you work to pay for the S&L bailouts, that went to the politicians & their frat bros;

On Tuesday, You pay for the Federal pork;

On Wednesday, the State pork;

On Thursday, the international bribes;

1/2 Friday, you pay for the legitimate programs - roads, hospitals & schools, cops who arrest you for calling them to help - that is, if they don't all shoot you, over 250 rounds from 8 weapons into you; 'under investigation' white wash, firemen who answer the phone slow because they are haggling for union bennies. Interesting that this is the sector is crumbling most...

The other half of Friday & Saturday is yours, to pay for rent/mortgage/car, INSURANCES, Walmeat, alcohol & pharma and whatever charities you feed - including child support, alimony, etc.

If lucky, you work only 1/2 Saturday & the other half is for honey-dos. Working to 'retire' - oh the fun, when you are too old to fuck & getting out of bed is a drag! But you'll have the money to be secure, oh yessiree.

Thats not a community, its a concentration camp. The only ones who can see this are those who built it & the kids who you don't listen to, who haven't yet been conned into submission. This is a 2nd generation of Bundys, with their heads firmly planted in the sands of TV...

Anonymous said...

I forgot to remind you that the insurance never pays more than they take, and if they did, they raise your rates to get it back.

On top of raising your rates to support their own cash treadmill race.

This used to be a society that was generaous, friendly, sexy and fun. For years everyone is pissed off, suspicious, jealous. What a fucked up ant farm.

Call me RAID.

Anonymous said...

No wonder W treats the maze dwellers with contempt. Do you realize that the American people have been fucked over for 46 years and still haven't rallied a response?


"Once is happenstance,
twice is circumstance,
3 times is enemy action." Ian Flemming

What a pathetic herd of sheep.

There are still a few animals left out in the yard

ZenGrouch said...

"Thats not a community, its a concentration camp...."

OK, I'm guessing you're young and haven't figured out how to find your ass with both hands yet.

But the thing about these concentration death camps you're talking about, is that the occupants have something called "freedom."

They're free to leave, or to not work and pay taxes.

They're free to choose, well, for the most part, depending on your abilities, how they choose to bust their humps.

Sure, we're losing some of that freedom, but to say we have concentration and death camps in the U.S. is a bit much. And if you keep spewing this kind of tripe, the only one's who will be listening are other idiot hypocrits who would go into withdrawals, if someone took away their designer clothes, MP3 player and Internet access.

Cyd said...

you crawled under a rock....

Stop projecting, Ball Licker. I do not crawl or hide from anything.

Today you emerge, doing a spectacular *flippoty-floppoty* landing on your face, NOW claiming that *The Kenyon* was born here in the U.S...


You really DO have comprehension problems! What a pathetic asswipe. Get back to me when you learn how to read and understand what you are reading, idiot.

Anonymous said...

Free? Not quite. The forces preventing them from leaving include the organized effort to keep them stupid and seperated.

Of course this is not all documented, a good conspiracy can't be proven. But the covers have fallen from enough previous prgrams to reveal the workings of the trap.

Read about Jane Edgar Hoover, he was so fucking dirty. And Cointel Pro, which is still out there in another form. Farming phone records, the UnPatriotic Acts, framing and imprisoning civilians who speak out (Geronimo Pratt & his 2 face lawyer, for one), murdering civilians who speak out (Malcolm X), politically expedient assassination, or how the unelectable Rascal Nixon managed to arrange to run against lugs he could beat (Watergate; The Pentagon Papers; Air America; etc)

"If you complain you'll disappear, just like the lesbians & queers" - The Who

Shut up and take the money? Whats it good for, anesthesia? There are some things money can't buy, that they kill you for.

Anonymous said...

I have no designer clothes or MP3 player. Internet access? I can get from any public building I'm paying 1000 times over for, borrow time from a friend, or if really pressed, pluck from the sky.

Captain Midnight got away!

ZenGrouch said...

"You really DO have comprehension problems!..."

Apparently so...

It's difficult to understand what you're trying to say from underneath your rock.

I've given you several direct questions, and you can't quite seem to answer them, due to your very obvious agitated state of mind.

Guess for some reason, Obama has you scared frantic, unable to carry on any kind of worthwhile discussion.

If you don't believe me, go back over what you've written since I called you on your blatant Flippity-Flop!

You're in hysterics, unable to answer the simplest of questions, or explain this changing of your mind, regarding Obama's birthplace...

You could be having a stroke...

There's a 4 hour window to get blood thinners at the E.R. to prevent/reduce permanent brain damage, if you are stroking out.

Anonymous said...

"Do as you're told, or be put in with the sodomites. You think you've had it tough so far? When they're done with you you'll feel like you were fucked by a train..."

The Shawshank Redemption

Oh I am so motivated to contribute to this institution...

ZenGrouch said...

"Free? Not quite. The forces preventing them from leaving include the organized effort to keep them stupid and seperated..."

Are you saying that you can't achieve freedom, because you're stupid, and some evil force is keeping you that way?

OK, and I'm guessing you believe the 9-11 attacks were perpetrated by Bush and Co., that Evil Genius and his henchmen?

...BushCo Keeping America in the dark for 8 terms now!

ZenGrouch said...

You say you'll change the constitution
Well, you know
We all want to change your head
You tell me it's the institution
Well, you know
You better free you mind instead
But if you go carrying pictures of chairman Mao
You ain't going to make it with anyone anyhow
Don't you know it's gonna be all right

--The Beatles

Cyd said...

I've given you several direct questions, and you can't quite seem to answer them,..

You must be joking. You have given "direct" questions that you want answered? LMAO!!!

Listen you asswipe, you do not dictate to anyone when they will or will not answer any of your psychotic screeds. Maybe you should lead by example and actually ANSWER a question or two when it is directed at you? You seem to unravel into your lunatic drivel almost from the word go. Then having the nerve to demand answers to your "questions" is just way too rich.

With that said, asswipe, I did not answer your stupid, reading comprehension questions because there is no need to. I made myself clear from the onset about my beliefs regarding The Kenyan Turd's citizenship. At least clear to anyone without burned out brain cells due to a long history of psychedelic use. Go back and read it, asswipe, and get back to me.

What fucking dumbass.

Anonymous said...

When 'Bush' and 'stupid' and 'direction' are used in the same breath, the arrangement usually differs from your by illustrating my point.

I've already had as much discrimination as there is, plus insider trading, favoritism, nepotism, denial and just plain stupidity.


Anonymous said...

I just want to know when is Bill Maher going to have the courtesy to come on here and post something to his "fans" (excluding me a former fan) instead of his usual blogs?

No fun Maher!

Your dedicated fans deserve more from you and it's not like you are having to email each one personally!

One Post to them is all it takes...Hell, I might think twice about you if you did it!

Anonymous said...

Geeze Grouch,

1st you say you hate Bush then you all but argue for him, supporting the more immediate results of his despotic reign.

Are you bored? Are you being Satan's Avocado?

ZenGrouch said...

Ouch... I went back and read your post again and you're right.

I misread your statement proclaiming your belief that Obama was NOT born in the U.S.

Your point... on that point.

However... this is ever better!

It shows that you and the Republicunts are totally powerless to convince anyone of any importance or control that Obama's country of birth should be investigated!

For all you know, we got us an illegal in the White House, and the Right Wing Nuts are powerless Pussies!

Eight years of Bush just cut all ya' all's nuts off clean!

...Republicunts, how apropos!

ZenGrouch said...

"1st you say you hate Bush then you all but argue for him, supporting the more immediate results of his despotic reign..."

Bush fucked up enough shit in the real world so that I don't have to travel to *Fantasy Island* to come up with shit that he's "responsible" for like shooting the last Unicorn.

Anonymous said...

Frankly, I'm tired of everyone getting blamed except for the "terrorist"!

They started it and all's we did was defend ourselves for a change and had a President unafraid of going after them!

Oh, I know, it's all because of Iraq.

That doesn't matter, they would have fled there in the long run and we still would have had to go in.

Doesn't anyone on here care that our own people were attacked and murdered?

More sympathy is going out for the terrorist prisoners than our own well being.

That is so totally screwed up!

ZenGrouch said...

"Doesn't anyone on here care that our own people were attacked and murdered?..."

...and Bush gave the responsible party a *get out of jail free* card, while he protected the interests of not the American people, but the energy companies BY INVADING IRAQ?!



OK, so now Obama is concentrating on going after the motherfucker who was really responsible for 9-11...


Anonymous said...

Oh pooh Zenny,

Saddam had power and water, not the people!

Nobody got out of jail with Bush! Don't you recall him being the Death Penalty Gov?

And the WMD's are in Syria right now!

Then Zenny said:
OK, so now Obama is concentrating on going after the motherfucker who was really responsible for 9-11...

Our Soldiers are the ones trying to get him but, we can't go into Pakistan where he is hiding moron because, Bin Laden is a chicken shit!

Oh, I want to see Obama go to Pakistan and say: "Bin Laden, please come out, you were a bad boy!"

But, Obama is "loved" by the terrorist so, he might just get what he wants!

Anonymous said...

All's it takes to solve the whole War issue:

"Bin Laden, you are grounded son! How many times have I told you, you don't kill innocent people because you don't like them! 2 weeks with no "I'm a Caveman and I Rule" Wifi game for you!"

ZenGrouch said...

The power and water to the people of Iraq was in much better shape before we fumbled into their country than it is now, after what? 6 years of dumping money into a bottomless pit called Iraq?

And people most certainly did get out of jail with Bush!

He took terrorists and turned them over to our "good friends" the Saudis for rehabilitation!

Only problem is, a good many of them went back to their old terrorist ways.

Bush is a douche bag for this alone.

The WMD's have proliferated all over the place thanks in much part to Bush...

Clinton had an agreement with North Korea to help them with their infrastructure so that their people could in some part, stop dying in the cold and dark.

Bush shit canned all of that from the get go.

Sooo, North Korea was left with little options other than to keep using their power reactors, which can also produce weapons grade fuel.

Hopefully, Obama can put that Genie back in the bottle.

Bush felt that treating Iran like dog shit would teach them a lesson they'll never forget, and bow down to the great and powerful Bush.

Yeah, THAT was just a wonderful idea! If you think Bush isn't a total fuck load, that is.

"Our Soldiers are the ones trying to get him but, we can't go into Pakistan where he is hiding moron because, Bin Laden is a chicken shit!"...

You dumb bunny...

What do you expect bin Laden to do, come out and challenge Obama to a duel?

But he was hip hopping across that border when Bush was on top of things.

Yep, Bush threw insane amounts of cash at Pakistan, thinking that would solve the problem.

But years later found that they did nothing with the money that seemed to vanish. That cash was a gone orphan that nobody talks about anymore.

Bush is a stupid mother feltcher for THAT one alone.

Now our good buddy Pakistan is in great part run by the fucking Taliban and al Queda!

Way to go Bush, you road kill blowing sack of shit!

OK, you say the terrorists love Obama.

You and I both know that's total horse shit, coming from a demented mind.

But in all seriousness, if anyone is a friend of the terrorists it's the Bush family.

Where did the majority of the 9-11 terrorists come from? Ah, they came from the long time family friend of Bush and Big Daddy Bush, Saudi Arabia!

Who did Bush and Poopie Pants Reagan make a deal with that helped them to beat Carter in the presidential race?

They buddied up with our good friends Iran, at a time they were holding U.S. hostages!

The minute Reagan was sworn in, they released the hostages to make Carter look bad.

Can you say, Treasonous Cocksuckers, using dirty tricks to gain entry into the White House, where they plotted other crimes against the country, but found Ollie who was more than glad to fall on his sword.

Reagan and King George the First should both have been raped to death in a federal prison for their crimes against this country...

And that Bush apple didn't fall far from the tree of dumb fuck!

And Laura Bush murdered her fuckin' high school sweet heart for breaking a date with her.

**Hey! Here's a great idea, let's elect the most fucked up family to the White House imaginable!

Yes! Lets!

Lets! Yes! Twice!**

Yeah, Republicunts are always looking out for the good of the people of this country!

Anonymous said...

You contradict yourself everytime you touch the keyboard Zenny!

Zenny said:
You dumb bunny...

What do you expect bin Laden to do, come out and challenge Obama to a duel?

Oh now you say it but you accuse Bush of not getting him? My point was, our Soldiers are the ones trying to get him...cut Bush, you cut them!

Zenny said:
And people most certainly did get out of jail with Bush!

Yeah, ones proven innocent or not on death row!

Zenny again said:
Clinton had an agreement with North Korea to help them with their infrastructure so that their people could in some part, stop dying in the cold and dark.

Clinton was too busy getting blow jobs to care about us!

Again, Zenny said:
Sooo, North Korea was left with little options other than to keep using their power reactors, which can also produce weapons grade fuel.

North Korea never tested us this way under Bush!

Lastly Zenny said:
Bush felt that treating Iran like dog shit would teach them a lesson they'll never forget, and bow down to the great and powerful Bush.

So, you have sympathy for the man who held our own citizens hostage in the 80's but got away with it?

Worst of the Worst said by Zenny:
And Laura Bush murdered her fuckin' high school sweet heart for breaking a date with her.

That post right there proves how stupid you are .... No, I take that back, not Stupid but:

The Lowest Form Of Life ever Put on this Earth!

Be Proud of yourself Zenny! You will be the only one who is!

Anonymous said...

Zengrouch, (you are no longer Zenny)

I've had alot of banter back and forth with you but, that statement just put it over the top!

You are no American or even a human!

Go move in with Bin Laden! 2 peas in a pod!

ZenGrouch said...

Speaking of treasonous limp dicks...

It must be driving 'em nuts that we got an illegal in the White House and they can't do jack shit, except beg to see his birth certificate.

Obama's laughing his ass off over that one, telling all his friends and Hillary, "Well if I did that, then they'd know I was born in Kenya, came here on a student visa, and never went back, because there aren't that many white women in Africa worth raping!"

I hear he uses Airforce One to scare the shit out of people in New York and Buzzes New Orleans at least once a week, to buy that greasy delight, Popeye's Famous Fried Chicken, with a extra heapin of biscuits and gravy! Ummmm-umm!

Finger lickin good, but he prefers to wipe his hands clean on the silk drapes, and trained the new dog to piss all over the fucking place, trying to not hit the same place twice!

*Love dat Chicken from Popeyes...
...an white bitches too!

Anyway, the Republicunts can't be this Pussified...

They must love the abuse.

That's it...

Little bit of S&M "heavy on the M please!"

Oh well, almost as good as going to jail for sucking strange cheese dick in the airport and truck stop toilets...

Can't wait for The Kenyon's second and even third terms!

None of that pussy bird shot to the face for him.

If he doesn't like your shit, it's a .45 to the face.

Maybe that's why the Repubussies are leaving him alone on the birth certificate issue.

He can find out where they live and load up Marine One with some Homies and do a fly by shooting!

Anonymous said...


How come you "never answer" anything directed at you?

Come on, call me my Super Name! It's all you know how to do!

ZenGrouch said...

Oh yeah...

It was an accident when Laura's high school boyfriend broke a date because he was sick.

Then she saw him pulling up to an intersection with absolutely NO obstructions for a quarter mile. Crystal clear view of the guy that broke her heart not sick at all but in his car pulling up to the intersection, when she floored it, running a stop sign, slamming into his car MURDERING the poor son of a gun.

But, what the heck, no harm done, not even a ticket for running the stop sign, cuz Laura was from a "good" family!

Funny how just about ALL of the documentation on that MURDER vanished over the years, and at an alarmingly elevated rate, during the Bush years...

Sure, she wasn't charged with or convicted of MURDER...

...but by that measure O.J. was an innocent victim too.

ZenGrouch said...

"Go move in with Bin Laden! 2 peas in a pod!..."

Maybe Laura should move in with him.

Sooner or later he'll piss her off and she'll have to run his ass over.

Anonymous said...

You are one sick son of a BITCH!

Anyone on here who sides with you are just as bad!

I wonder how many nights your wife lays in bed thinking....

Oh My God....what the hell was I thinking?

Unless she looks like you!

Anonymous said...

I know she does because OMG...

You couldn't pay me enough to even touch you!

ZenGrouch said...

Oh, and nobody on the right ever accused Hilary of murdering Vince Foster.

It is a FACT that Laura Bush, committed homicide and got away with it.

To say she actually murdered someone, is speculation, based on fact.

As far as the comments about the wife go...

I could speculate on your love life, but I'm a prick...

...not a hurtful prick, or not, I don't think of myself as one though, could be wrong

Anonymous said...

Vince Foster committed suicide asshole! As to why or how, still a mystery!

You are accusing a Former 1st Lady of Murder!

That is Libel and slander! I hope someone else reads this other than the little piss-ant followers of Maher! I believe Maher would want to kick you ass over this one!

Myself on the otherhand, married 33 years, 1 daughter, 1 stepson (deceased) and 2 granddaughters!

My hubby respects me and all form of life!

You will never fit that mold!

Anonymous said...

I hit a cow once in high school!

Is that homocide?

Anonymous said...

What's the matter Zengrouch?

You commit libel and slander then disappear?

I hope someone comes after you big time!

Anonymous said...

Just as I thought! You only feel like a man when you degrade women!

ZenGrouch said...

"Vince Foster committed suicide asshole! As to why or how, still a mystery!..."

Still a mystery?

Whatever... But tell me that the assholes on the Right never accused Hillary of murdering him.

Accusations that are/were total Republicunt bull shit, smoke 'n mirrors.

"You are accusing a Former 1st Lady of Murder!..."

I stated that she's guilty of homicide. That's a fact sweet meat.

I speculate as many others do, that she did commit a murder she got away with.

Sheesh, you Republicunts are so fuckin' thin skinned when the tables are turned.

You accuse the current president of being a friend of the terrorists, with absolutely NO facts pointing to that conclusion.

Unlike speculating that Laura Bush committed murder.

Libel much?

"I hit a cow once in high school!

Is that homocide?

If the cow walk on two legs and wore shoes, then yeah, that would be a homicide.

"Just as I thought! You only feel like a man when you degrade women!..."

Please excuse me for not being at your beck and call 24/7...

Look, there's a difference in disrespecting a Stupid Cunt and/or a crazed homicidal maniac, attracted to drunken rich boy, draft dodging, coke snortin' fuck ups, and women in general.

Get over it ya' ignorant cunt

Anonymous said...


You are still accusing a former 1st Lady of Murder!

That is libel and slander! I still hope and pray "somebody" sees this or I will make sure they do!

You will never be able to redeem yourself!

All other chicken shit believers as you are too scared to agree with you!

Even Bill Maher would not agree with you on this!

You have sunk to the lowest of the lows and I will not stop until you are!

Anonymous said...

Your wife must be a "huge" cunt in order for you to Love that word so much!!!!

Anonymous said...

Come on you low life son-of-a-bitch!

Or are you too busy trying to think of something "clever" as usual?

Anonymous said...

Cluck Cluck Cluck

I am going to make you miserable!

Twitter is next~!

Anonymous said...

Just as I thought chicken shit!

ZenGrouch said...

"You are still accusing a former 1st Lady of Murder!..."

Accusing her of murder would be silly, since she'll never pay for the crime of killing another human being.

I SAID she most probably *got away* with murder.

The D.A. *accused* O.J. of murder.

I say he *got away* with murder.

"I am going to make you miserable!

Twitter is next~!

Well... at least you admit to being a stalker.

I guess I'll never know what/who hit me.


And my deepest apologies for not being available for your abuse 24/7.

...ya' Psycho Cunt

ZenGrouch said...

...almost forgot to grovel.

Look, do what you will, but PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE don't go to my web site at:


and post anything about me claiming Laura Bush has committed homicide on the blog there.

You could do irreparable damage to my reputation, you ignorant Cunt.

Oops, sorry about that *Cunt* thing, reflex you know...

Got a photo of Bush fucking a dog on the home page you might enjoy!

Anonymous said...

You are still pathetic with a Cunt of a wife!

Anonymous said...

You would have to be a True Cunt and Whore to be married to you!

How does that feel?

Anonymous said...

Is she as fat, hairy and stupid as you?

Anonymous said...

Oh my, trying to come up with worse insults than that?

Bring it asshole!

ZenGrouch said...

"How does that feel?..."

Like I said, I don't think of myself as a hurtful prick, but I could be mistaken on that issue.

How do I feel? I'm feeling kind of bad for you.

Look, I did post earlier that I'd ease up on the *stupid cunt* thing if you would just ask me to.

I even started that machine, when I called you a *dumb bunny* rather than the usual.

FACT: Laura Bush committed homicide, by crashing into her boyfriend on a clear day with no obstructions.

FACT: She wasn't even charged with the stop sign violation that resulted in the homicide.

FACT: The records of the incident have vanished to great degree.

It's MY opinion that this crazy bitch who married a playboy, drunken, coke snorting, piece of shit riding on his daddy's coat tales, total failure, AWOL fucktard, lying miserable fuck, got away with 2nd degree murder.

Get over it and stop making a fool of out of yourself.

I'm only saying this because I can sympathize with people doing shit when they're drunk that they later regret. And I'm guessing you've been hitting the bottle tonight.

Calm the fuck down and maybe shut the fuck up for a few hours.

Anonymous said...

Give me a break Mr. Almighty!

You have no idea if I'm sober or drunk!

I am passionate in what I feel and you crossed the line with your stupid slander!

Anonymous said...

Also, I don't give a crap who see's my post....

I'm not the one accusing our former Commander and Chiefs wife of murder and covering it up!

ZenGrouch said...

Big deal...

Laura Bush probably got away with murder of one young man...

...while her mother fucking husband got away with the murder of thousands of young men, thanks to his LIES!

ZenGrouch said...

"You have no idea if I'm sober or drunk!..."

For your sake I hope you're shit faced drunk...

...otherwise you're way too thin skinned for the Internet.

ZenGrouch said...

Do a Google search on:

"Laura Bush murdered"

"Hillary Clinton murdered"

and you'll see that there are about 2 million sites on the first and around 3 million on the Clinton "murder" with Rush Limbaugh's baseless accusations regarding Vince Foster showing up early on the list.

So, lighten the fuck up ya' Stupid Cunt!

ZenGrouch said...

What's the Stupid Cunt's perspective on when Rush Limbaugh called a then 13 year old, Chelsea Clinton, "the White House dog?"

Any phony outrage over this, you ignorant twat?

Anonymous said...

I was going to respond but, I'll let your post speak to how pathetic you really are!

ZenGrouch said...

"I was going to respond but..."

Well if this isn't a response what is it then, ya' stupid cunt?

calfit32 said...

Hey, I know it's late, but I just posted a review of your movie, Religulous on Blog Critics -- check it out, whoever runs Bills blog! I even added a NEW RULE!


This comment has been removed by the author.
calfit32 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

What does Spongebob and Bill Maher have in common? Check it out on BlogCritics.org!

felinegroovy said...

I live in Vancouver, they want to allow houses to be allowed to keep chickens in their back yards. I think if people had to actually kill and clean their meat, we wouldn't consume so much.
I don't think tofu's the answer either.

Have you tried hemp seeds??????? Very high in protein.

Crusader said...

Thank you for being a fighter for the truly oppressed Bill. Humans complain a lot, but they are not experiencing the pain of the animals we slaughter. A lot of people accuse anti animal cruelty activists of not caring about humans enough. Well, the truth is, we are a reflection of society's subconscious. For instance, on a movie like Independence Day, everyone is dying in flames in multiple cities, millions of people, but the dog can't die. We wait in tension as the dog jumped from car to car and finally into the doorway where Vicica Fox is waiting to catch him. The audience was relieved that the doggy made it. Humans in general find it hard to look at humans being violent to animals, while being a bit more callous towards viewing human on human violence. Because animals are like children, reckless and irresponsible, but wearing their heart on their sleeve, pure. And their joy and love is far more pure in ways. We have much to learn from the animal kingdom. besides, while maybe a few million humans die a violent and tormented death every year, tens of billions of animals do. We humans are above torturing and slaughtering animals, and eachother I might add. We are Buddhist. Buddhists believe you can eat the meat if you don't kill the animal. Well, eating the meat necessitates killing the animal, and yet the nuance does display greater compassion, because we just don't want to think about how the meat comes, for it hurts too much.

felinegroovy said...

Have you read Ishmael by Daniel Quinn? The animals allowed us to evolve. They didn't kill us off when they had the chance. We lived in harmony with the animals. It wasn't until the introduction of the Bible that everything got messed up and man believed it was his god given right to rule the earth and all who roamed it. That is what we have done. Although in the process we have destroyed our selves. We are no longer tribes, we are individuals. Most of us bought into how the bible was telling us how we ought to live. go to school, get a job, get married, have kids, etc and you should be happy. We did this and we are not happy. Read Ishmael or my Ishmael, then you will really have an appreciation for how we are destroying ourselves and through this process we are destroying the very animals, trees, plants and oceans that allowed us the chance to evolve.

Anonymous said...

Chickens produce eggs, you don't have to kill them.

Twelve voices were shouting in anger, and they were all alike. No question,
now, what had happened to the faces of the pigs. The creatures outside looked
from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already
it was impossible to say which was which.

ZenGrouch said...


Humans have evolved eating meat.

Many animals survive by eating meat.

So, are you saying that we should go against our nature to eat more tofu, out of a loyalty to the animal world?

Most of the cows, chickens, sheep and other animals we consume would never have been bred if we didn't harvest them.

So, is it better for an animal to never have lived than to have lived and then died in it's prime, so that we can benefit from their deaths?

Sorry, but I can't feel guilty for enjoying prime rib, or turning on my air conditioner, because both acts increase my carbon footprint.

ZenGrouch said...

"Chickens produce eggs, you don't have to kill them..."

You don't HAVE to kill them, however, you'll WANT to kill them if you're lucky enough to have crazy fuck neighbors with chickens, and a god damned rooster that rejoices at the rising of the Sun everyday, by crowing it's head off.

ZenGrouch said...

I really doubt that a cow's life flashes before it's eyes, right before the sledge hammer makes contact, thinking to itself, "I've got so much to live for, I can't *die* like this!"

Anonymous said...

Forget about the past Baby
Things ain't what they use to be
Keep on Straight Ahead
We got to stand side by side
We got to stand together and organize
They say power to the people
Thats what they're screamin'
Freedom of the soul
Pass it on, pass it on to the young and old.
You got to tell the children the truth
they don't need a whole lot of lies
Cause one of these days Baby
They'll be running things.
So when you give them love
You better give it right
Woman - Child - Man and Wife
the best love to have is the Love of Life.
- Jimi Hendrix, The Cry of Love 1970

felinegroovy said...

Humans have been sacrificing animals to the gods for centurys. They give some to the gods, then feed themselves. I am not against the meat, what concerns me the diet the cows are being given, prior to our digestion of their meat. There are antibiotics, steroids, who knows what else. These animals for consumption are now being breed to be be bigger so they can weigh more, therefore increasing the farmers profit. The eggs from the chickens are the same, you need a science degree just to buy eggs. Are eggs suppose to be a source of Omega-3's? I think not, fish is the source of that fat, and of course my beloved hemp seeds. What a source of protein. What you are consuming should concern you. No wonder Americans are obese.
Being proud of leaving a big carbon footprint is ridiculous. You must be American to have such an attitude. You people are unbelievable.

Anonymous said...

So if you are living under a corrupt, repressive regime, pass on your knowledge to the kids so they can wear the fuckers out after you are too old to kick ass & take names.

Thats what all the music was for, Lennon said the same thing.

O bla di!

ZenGrouch said...

"I am not against the meat, what concerns me the diet the cows are being given, prior to our digestion of their meat..."

Good point.

When I was a kid, I don't remember so many 9 year olds with huge tits all over the place.

Then in the past couple days, a 10 year old girl has been in the news, thanks to her breast cancer.

Anonymous said...

Government that actually works as advertised. Wow, thats a heady vision.

No wonder the fucking lamers are scared - their ineptitude & corruptness is being exposed!

So succer moms & baseballs dads, sending your spawn to work as community organizers is a far better fate than breaking their spirits & selling their souls to become Ivory League yesmen & white collar felons.

Barack Obama's actions reflect his understanding that you don't create a lasting peace by stomping on the 'minorities' w/o rrestraint, just because you can. This is what the Repomen did, would do and fear most right now; getting back what they've been dishing up, that they oh so deserve. This lesson is still lost on them, they didn't get past the Stanford Experiment.

This lesson is lost on Rust & O,Really too. They are liars, fearmongers & cowards. It would be nice if there were such a thing as pro-choice fanatics, then these false Napoleans might get gunned down in kind, as they so deserve.

Better still, Rust & O,Really are truly terrified of people from other races & cultures other than milketoast. Ahahaha, they are going to be increasingly miserable every day for the rest of their lives!!! Yes!! See kids? This is karma in action...

felinegroovy said...

Rock and Roll did start a revolution, and the governments and police put an end to it. They had to stop it from happening. What would happen if people actually got to see people living happily? The government can't have that, they need you to conform. Look at what John Lennon and Yoko where trying to accomplish with their bed in for peace. Forty years and still no peace. War generates too much money. Look at how much George W. personally gained from the war he started.No wonder he had no rush to end it. Will it ever end? Does the government really want us to be happy? don't they make more money off our misery? Such as drinking and smoking and eating?

felinegroovy said...

My daughter turned nine this year. I am praying she doesn't get her period before she is 13. I know some little girls who did get their period when they were nine. No longer a girl, now a woman. Wow. That is what the meat is doing to our daughters. Did you hear about the yams in Africa? They boys started turning into girls around the age of 12 because of so much estrogen in the yams. Are yams native to Africa?????? Or is the white man over there imposing his way of life on these people. They were doing fine before you came, why do you think your way of life, is the only way to live a life?

Anonymous said...

Rust & O,Really can get out of their self imposed Hell when they evolve.

This has to be the #1 lesson of this plane of existence: compassion. If the Jews learned anything in 6000 years, its wasn't to be compassionate toward minorities - as they claim to be - as demonstrated by their savage treatment of the Palistinians.

Same as the racism in America and as the whiny wannabe haters pointed out here, the xenophobic nations that have & do ethnic douche, regularly.

This is one of my main concerns about the perversion of the US government to cater to special interests. All the speshul interests lobby for the government to grant their group favored citizen status, so they can advance their programs of social engineering.

Just because they aren't gassing & cremating doesn't mean they aren't culling the herd. Poverty & descrimination work just as well exercising genetic selection, without the mess, cost and social protest of open war.

Keep recycling the same bullshit & nothing will improve.

Anonymous said...

Yes Virginia,

Yams are native to Africa and have been a main staple for as long as I know. The big difference is that in the last 10 years the global monolithic ag corp Monsanto has been introducing genetically engineered yams into the ecosystems. These are disease and drought resistent, providing greater yields. The African politicans are very interested in resolving the starvation problems so they want this food. You would too.

Didn't know about the estrogen though. If I were a megalomaniac I would compassionately provide the overpopulated and helpless with sustenance, but enforce birth control regulations on them to prevent a crisis population explosion like the one caused by global smallpox innoculation. To enforce this, I would put the BC into the food & water I provide.

So, whether they know or not that the charity food will sterilize them for the greater good is a moot point.

Perhaps Monsanto hasn't got the formula quite right. You know, like the way the AIDS genetic marker targetting designer virus failed to detroy its isolated demographic, mutating rapidly into unselective strains.

Anonymous said...

Gotta go dress my dinner. Last night on my way home I hit a unicorn...

Anonymous said...

Gotta go dress my dinner. Last night on my way home I hit a unicorn...

felinegroovy said...

Dinner, you must live on the East Coast. I was at ball and now work.West Coast liver.
First they locked up the food and made us all work for it, now the genetically modifying food to push their agenda. Again, the Christians are imposing their way of life on EVERYBODY. You really should read Ishmael by Daniel Quinn. Also, they don't need birth control in Africa. Do you know why they have so many children? Because they know that if they give birth to 10, two may survive. The parents will inevtiably die and they just want a child old enough to take care of the rest of the children. It is their way of surviving. Why are we trying to harm them? Why must we interfer with people who were much happy before the White Man came (Christians) UGH!!!!!!!! I am a caucasian, Canadian who has seen the light and it isn't Christianity.......

Cyd said...

Or is the white man over there imposing his way of life on these people. They were doing fine before you came, why do you think your way of life, is the only way to live a life?

No offense, but it is the White Liberal dipshits that have caused a population explosion in Africa. Geldoff and his ilk, you know with their "feed the world" do-gooder mentality just fed them and they no longer were starving so they started fucking like rabbits. Africa tripled in population thanks to Liberal idiots, therefore you are partly right about "white men" imposing their will. Unfortunately you probably did not consider it was the Liberal and their great ideas that was the cause of the African mess and they are the reason you will see mass famine and death in mind boggling numbers as only a fraction of the people alive over there today were truly meant to be.

ZenGrouch said...

At least the Liberals used their own money to feed the starving in Africa.

When the cocksucker Bush's buddies at the pharmaceutical companies started sweating bullets, when drug manufacturers in other countries decided to start producing anti-AIDS drugs for a small fraction of what the US companies are charging, guess what?

Bush decided to use taxpayer dollars to purchase the higher priced drugs, at retail I'm sure from his good buddies, and distribute them to those suffering from AIDS in Africa, insuring that no god damned doo gooders make the drugs without giving the American pharmaceutical CEOs their obscene profits.

Too bad he couldn't have shown that kind of generosity to those in the US suffering from the disease, or any other disease once their insurance is canceled, for being bad risks.

Anyway, Bush measured his success by how much money was thrown at various problems.

Such as Iraq, where they couldn't be bothered with counting the cash sent over there. They measured it by the ton.



Anonymous said...

Thank you for considering what I wrote. I post to amuse, and to invoke ideas. I use it to determine the range of my views to the rest of us.

Dinner as regional? Thinkaboutit, the homogenization of the country precedes you. West coast liver? I was thinking unicorn haegis with a fine glass of 2 buck chuck & f-f-f-fava beans... west coast liver sounds like something they serve at the boat parade, glands of the Creature at Party Beach.

The Palin worldview nation of Africa. You should shelve Quinn for a while & go here:
The CIA World Fact Book

For the noids, thats

If that stupid white cunt had a brain, the truth was made available to her since 1973 through the government. That she is not yet aware of this leads me to think she really is the bimbo we saw on TV last fall. I bet if she has "property of the RNC tattooed across her 4x4 butt, and its faded.

Africa is a continent. Not to condescend, but to generalize its people as a single entity is like saying that there is only one ocean. Its true, but obvious.

People have a perceptual bias toward the tribe. When you generalize 'white men', 'Christians', 'them' & 'they' you cross a psych boundary that in your mind sets that group apart from the groups you identify with... the outcome is competitive, combative, harsh comparison of that bunch of foes.

Go ahead, try it. Answer these questions:
0. Do you know a white man/Christian/corporate tool you don't hate? With them in mind,
1. Does this person do what Hangover, Rust or O,Really says their kind does?
1. Does this person do what your concept of that tribe does?
1. Which do you choose, your view of your friend, or their view of that group evil doers?
2. If you chose their allegations over your experience, have you ever been boned by ETs at HoJos?

After you practice this a few times, without extensive reprogramming you are never going to imbibe "the news" the same way ever again. Its just like gossip... same spin, same it said/it said bullshit.

Bill Gates has made and probably still is making a serious effort to use his wealth and his stewardship of this mass of the valuation of all mankind to make a difference. You can read about it here:


and here:


In a nutshell (help! I'm stuck in a nutshell!) the causes of population issues in south Africa are directly proportional to mortality. The greater the death rate, the greater the birth rate. Correct me if I'm wrong, but 1 billion people died in Africa, 1980-2000. Its probably more.

In south central Africa - the Congo, Rwanda - imo the leading cause of death is politics. Gives new meaning to Stay Outa South Central!

In my experience in central west AIDS is the #1 killer, followed by as you go north and east, religion.

You don't have any idea what starvation is like. There are many people there living with chronic & crippling illness that was preventable, but theres no money to get the hypocritic big pharma oafs medicines to them.

More than 1/2 the people in Africa practice voodoo & maybe also christianity or islam or whatever: any diety who will ease the suffering will do.

The Vatican sits on their vast fortune of art & 'tithings' and has scholarly conversations about what they might do - and does nothing. This while also having claimed IP space in every nation on Earth, being the only entity to openly do so.


You know they had a reason.

There is no them, there is only us.

And most of us are stupid, self centered followers of stupid, self centered followers, of stupid, self centered followers, of...

Do what you can - look after yourself first.


Lens who died and will not be resurrected/coming back

felinegroovy said...

I wonder if what they are really interested in 'over there" is the poppy crop. There is enough poppy's to make demerol, morphine, heroin, etc. The american pharma companies would love this crop as their own. The oil is just a distraction away from the real reason the americans went in: DRUGS

Anonymous said...

No, 'America' went to war because George Bush is a twit. The powers steamrolled over him so hard & fast that Dick still thinks he's VP...

Anonymous said...

Consider this:

1. After the dust settled, Bush did lose the 2000 election to Gore. You know Al Sr. the pussy who wouldn't take what was granted him by the population that desperately needed him to have a spine? Better that he's as much a son of fop twit as W.

2. Until W, the incumbent president has always enjoyed a 5% advantage to competitors to reelection. Even with the fixed Diebold voting machines, W did not 'win' by 5% in 2004. So excluding fraud, John Kerry did beat him.

While the government security agencies stood by and did nothing - except take bribes.

Anonymous said...

Stay out of politics? Educate your own...

Cyd said...

Oh STFU you Ball Licking psycho. Some things are just NOT Bush's fault so deal with it.

Some facts for you to ruminate on...

Liberals are just as big of crooks as Republicans, if not more.

Libs did NOT use "their own money" for Africa.

The cause for the African population crisis falls squarely at the Liberal's feet.

Now fuck off with your one trick pony postings. I got better things to do, like live a vibrant life. I'll be back later to go through your 100 comments saying the same thing over and over again.

felinegroovy said...

A mother on the softball team has decided to home school her nine year old daughter this year. I can understand why, but unfortunately most people don't think the way we do and the sooner this girl realizes life is not easy the easier her life will be. Her mother didn't want her to bullied at public school. I asked her if the daughter HAD been bullied. The answer was never. What is this mother truly trying to accomplish. Just because the mom was bullied doesn't automatically mean the daughter will. People are funny.They certainly are only looking out for themselves.

felinegroovy said...

I am new to this. Who are Rust and O'really?

Cyd said...

From Ajna, I keep hearing blame blame blame, yet it wants help help help from the white man. Hmmm...interesting, that.

Anonymous said...


Use your orgasmatron. That request sounds like a mench lawyer

Anonymous said...


You came back! No asshole, I am speaking from a perspective you haven't attained yet.

Go cower in the back with Rust et al.

Anonymous said...

Groovy Feline

Did you notice how he generalizes into categories? Those liberals, etc?

Its easy to hate an abstraction, but try looking one in the eye.

felinegroovy said...

Honestly, I think everyone generalizes. It is easier to only have two groups to manage as opposed to ten groups. We are all just given labels and eventually we will grow into our labels. This keeps it easier to manage. I do think the republicans are a bunch of crazy, red necks. I have yet to see or meet one who isn't a crazy, red neck.......

Anonymous said...


You got it: its easier. And in this is the hook.

Home schooling is great. You can now use the internet to find and work with other home schooling parents; awesome! you can leverage each other's education, time, expertise & experience, plus bring like minded social companions to your children.

...and still your kids can play with the the spawn of the system trusting, public scholl mindfucked, if you want. I think a little contact with the damaged ones is healthy, for perspective.

No, I was not homeschooled. I know people who were, and lots of pvt/public school people. I have watched all these kids grow up these ways & I think home schooling is the most responsible, loving way, as long as you also provide adequate socialization opportunities.

Its not that hard. People have blinders on about things that are different - in America most of all - and the 'gut' response is it must be bad if its not the company policy. Home schooling is the school of life, as much a pleasure & learning experience for you as for your kids.

It just takes love & imagination.

felinegroovy said...

Unfortunately for home schooled kids, they do have trouble assimilating with the ones who have already dealt with the reality of living in a world that is corrupt. these home schooled kids may be able to change the world but there had better be alot of them. Ironically, the mom and daughter have to go to a school board meeting on Tuesday because the education ministry is cutting funding for the home school program. They want it shut down so all children will be sheparded into the takers way of life. Like I said, this is the easier way.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately for home schooled kids, they do have trouble assimilating with the ones who have already dealt with the reality of living in a world that is corrupt. these home schooled kids may be able to change the world but there had better be alot of them. Ironically, the mom and daughter have to go to a school board meeting on Tuesday because the education ministry is cutting funding for the home school program. They want it shut down so all children will be sheparded into the takers way of life. Like I said, this is the easier way.

Well, thats a crock of elephant dung. The home schooled kids I have known typically had some culture shock when dealing with the assembly line children of their age, but this was always due to assimilation issues directly realted to the parent's biases. As the parent is the teacher, they reinforce what they are most comfortable with: the sharing that the internet enables also makes available the diversification of multiple perspectives/teachers.

This is a tremendous buffer.

The socialization of the children is also good for the parent doing most of the teaching... keep it in your pants!

Fuck the ministry of education. They are just prejudiced and they don't want you to explore the world with your kids by taking them there - they can't under any circumstances do as much for their 'herd'.

Do you love your children? Will you do anything for your babies, sacrifice anything for them? So, what is the question?

Where I worked in Africa, the children eat first. If there isn't enough food, the adults (often) go hungry.

They are honest and not dependent on any government subsidy: there isn't any!

Kurt Vonnegut wrote about this alot in the 60s. He took his master degree in sociology. As he tells it, he wanted to do a paper on how the successful novels follow the pattern of the Cinderella story: rags to riches, against insurmountable odds. But Northwestern (, or U of C, wtf) refused this. They accepted instead a paper on the "extended family" - clans like the Joseph Kennedys.

After wiping his ass with the sheepskin, Kurt went on to be the second most proliferous scifi writer of the 20th century, following only PKD - who gots no degeree.

Kurt wrote serious articles for magazines in the sixties. Who are we? Where are we? Where are we going? While pop authors wrote in pastels about raising the Pentagon with mystical powers of love & LSD, Kurt wrote about the genocide in Africa and the roles of the Power Nations.

I can go on, but you will always do whatever you are truly comitted to. Anything I say you will "generalize" into a reason.

Try not to be so stupid as to try to live in generalizations.

felinegroovy said...

You said: "Try not to be so stupid as to try to live in generalizations."

if you look at my previous posts, I said (some to the effect of)you shouldn't generalize although this is the easier way to deal with people. Group them and then it is easier to control them. that is why removing the funding fromt he home school program is one way to get us all in the same groups.......

Anonymous said...

Wiki Kellogg, Post & how Hitler tried - sincerely - to create a socialist utopia, based on assembly line methods.

We all know how that endevour ended. It did start well... then the Power Nations crushed Germany. The thing you are taught is how effectively they fought, and almost won, + lies about how & why they were wrong.

Same question. You love your babies, you'll do anything for them, what is the question? When I said fuck the ministry of education, I did not mean 'assume the position', I meant do it without them, even if you have to get outside their sphere of influence.

Anonymous said...

btw the home school - assembled kid culture shock was less than the assembled kid - indie boundary

Anonymous said...

...and the assembled kid - indie boundary does not exist at all for the home schooled.

felinegroovy said...

ironically, you must have your child enrolled in a "school". You cannot just say I am not sending my child to school. The government would get involved and make us send our child to school. This is just another way the government is keeping us all in line.....

Anonymous said...

Thats a lot of questions.

I am not under constraint of any government entity other than myself.

Do not limit yourself.

Anonymous said...

Its really simple. The state has a bunch of tests. They are pretty easy. If your child passes them, you can drop trou & give them the finger, + the 7 dirty words: they have no real power. They are bluffing.

felinegroovy said...

different topic: since the original poster deleted his comment, I thought we could start a new one, with all the old posters. I swear there is an irony or pun in there somewhere.
Obama smokes. I bet he smokes pot every chance he gets. My stimulus package for the USA is this:
we teach you how to grow your own pot, 10,000. per recipe. Then you can keep your own demand, cocaine and guns, in amply supply in the country where it is your right to bear arms. In Canada we don't have that right, and thank goodness for that. This grow up business could put all your unemployed back to work. Although what will you do with all those people in prison on misdemenor drug charges? I guess those are the people who know how to run a grow up. It is big business. They are killing each other for it up here in metro Vancouver. If it was legal all these problems would go away.......

mike m said...


If it was legal all these problems would go away

I agree. But how long do you think it would take for the big corporations to take over the business and put all those start-ups out of business? ADM, Con Agra, Kraft? They'd all have their greedy little hands in it. Then, they'd all cry about all of the taxes imposed on it. Just look at the Atlantic City casinos.
They are all owned by huge corporate conglomerates (Trump included). They all cry that they are not making any money, and they cry when the state imposes a parking or lodging tax (that must be paid even on comps). Now, they are crying about the unions. Everybody knew, when the law was passed, that all the casinos would be 100% union. From construction to housekeeping. The Sands Casino just "reclassified" a bunch of union workers to get out of paying health benefits. But the CEO just took a 19 million dollar raise. The Tropicana was so mismanaged, the state had come in and close them down.

When Bruce Willis (the actor) wanted to start a riverboat gambling operation in Penns Grove, NJ (along the Delaware River, his hometown), all of the AC casinos coughed up a ton of money to grease all of the state politicians to deny Willis's venture. But, they're not making any money, right?

If your idea could be reserved for individual farmers only, that would be great. But we all know, as soon as it starts to turn a profit, it will be taken over by the greedy. Drug dealers or Wall Street brokers, take your pick.

mike m said...

And about that chicken thing. My ex-girlfriend had chickens. They were not caged, they roamed free. (She lived in a rural area.) Every time I stayed there, about 5:00 AM in the morning, that damned rooster would start squawking on the back porch outside her window. Well, one morning, I got up and went out the front door, around the house, grabbed the hose, and cornered the little fucker on the porch. He got a good bath! And he never did that again. I can't imagine chickens being kept in populated areas.

mike m said...

I got a thing about chickens - Mickey Rourke, "Angel Heart"

mike m said...

Sorry, it wasn't the Sands Casino, it was Ballys which is owned by Harrah's.

Crusader said...

Zengrouch, you are the reason I'm a conservative. My environmentalism and passion for ending cruelty to animals seems somewhat liberal, except for the fact that I've recieved more flak from the left concerning this issue. There are a million arguments I could throw at you to show why humans need to evolve to eating other things besides meat, I'll leave it at the fact that I haven't eaten anything that lived for almost a decade. I am in good shape because I eat eggs, which provide protein, B12, iron and all the other vitamins and nutrients that meat does. Eggs, though, provde far more nutrition than meat and in fact are the must nutrient-dense food source on the planet. Then, I eat rice and beans to recieve all the amino acids. Grains are good. Blah blah blah. The point is, I'm in good shape, probably far better than you, because I eat proper and work out, all without causing suffering. You, on the other hand, live a life where your meal has caused great suffering to an animal. You tore a baby away from its mother, you forced a mother into a pen for her entire life, you brought them to the terrifying moment that is their slaughter. You forced all this. It's far worse than when leftists complain of products we buy, from diamonds to coffee, that come from Africa from semi-slaves who are forced to labor in the mines or orchards. It's different because there's nothin intrinsically bad about the product, just how it is attained. All things in Africa are attained that way, because they are violent and intellectually inferior. However, if we were buying human meat from Africa, the product itself is wrong because it must necessarily come from a dead African. I assure you, if we were slaughtering Africans for meat, I would be the first to protest. The eating of meat necessitates killing animals. The factory farm process adds years of torment to the whole tragedy. You are part of that. I hope you feel proud to know such suffering is on your hands.

Anonymous said...

In a small urban henhouse, say 12 hens - what does the rooster contribute? Does he cause the hens to lay eggs? If not, I would expect that excellent breeding stock can be obtained from rural farmers & the loudmouth pecker is obsolete.

As Bill pointed out a few weeks ago, now (for most) its the damn garbage trucks! Can't shoot 'em, wouldn't want to eat 'em, definitely need 'em.

Fish farming is easy enough. Instead of poi, trout & bass from the local fishery.

mike m said...

I worked in a small slaughter house in the Italian Market in South Philly for a short time. I didn't work on the kill floor, I was in the boning room, and made deliveries. It was a very small operation. 20 head was a busy day. For the most part it was fairly humane. They had a "gun", similar to a Hilti. One shot to the head, instant death. There were, however, exceptions. The Hindus would bring in goats. We weren't allowed to use the gun on the goats because of some religious ritual. The throat of the goat had to be cut by a Hindu priest. The animal was then hung by its feet to bleed to death, sometimes living for several hours. Then there was the Easter massacre. They bought the wrong cartridges for the gun. It was just before Easter, and there were a shitload of lambs. I have never heard screaming like that in my life, and hope I never do again. But that was the way they did it years ago.

I still eat meat. But I am reluctant to eat lamb, and I will never eat goat. Not because of the experience, but because of the smell. After the goats were killed, gutted, and washed, they stunk the whole place up like male cat piss. Disgusting creatures. Worse than hogs.
My experience was with a very small operation. The animals were mostly raised on small and medium sized farms in fields, not in boxes or crates. I am sure this is not the practice on todays "production line" corporate farms.

mike m said...

Yeah, I know what you're thinking. It was years before The Silence of the Lambs movie came out. When there were still Italians in the Italian Market.

Anonymous said...

What I'm thinking is that the Obama's dog a sideshow. What would be excellent would be if Michelle & Barack had told the girls they were instead going to have a little brother, exactly 9 months after taking office.

ZenGrouch said...

Crusader wrote:

"You, on the other hand, live a life where your meal has caused great suffering to an animal..."

This is the point I find debatable.

Perhaps by raising animals to be killed I am causing them to suffer.

But while they're alive I don't believe the suffering is all that great.

The animals need to be kept healthy for obvious reasons.

They need to be well fed so that they can grow at their full potential.

Some of the cows in Japan are beer fed and receive hand massages on a regular basis.

OK, so then there's the death by other than natural causes.

How wonderful is it to die from old age, especially when your ability to contemplate birth, youth, old age and death most likely aren't even there.

The suffering from death is brought to a minimum, and probably not even there with modern techniques for slicing chicken's heads off, or plowing a foreign object into one of the really critical area of a cows brain.

You mentioned living their lives out in pens. From what I've seen of small farms, that doesn't happen.

And from what I've seen from the huge corporate farms I drive by, there seem to be enough cows wandering around, and electronically kept track of, when it comes to feeding and milking.

I could be wrong, but I'm guessing these cows are more contented than the average Wal-Mart worker and have more genuine pride in their life than your average *slip n' fall* lawyer or politician.

Granted, the way future veil is treated isn't pretty, so I don't eat veil, as tasty and tender as it is.

So, until we take that last walk on the green mile of life's slaughterhouse, we'll probably never know the answer to the question I've posed, regarding, "Is it better to have lived to make a delicious hamburger, than to never have lived at all?"

Because if we weren't eating these animals, we sure as shit wouldn't be raising them so they can live out their lives in petting zoos.

Living on the fringes of various Asian communities, I know a shit load of Buddhists and other vegetarians.

I even tried giving it a shot myself for over a year, but found that I couldn't exist on creamed corn in the university cafeteria.

But the thing about the vegetarians I know in the real world, is that they pretty much shut the fuck up about their eating habits, except when it comes to deciding on where to go when one person is buying everyone's lunch where the wife works.

So, eat your tofu and shut the fuck up about me going to *In and Out* for a burger.

It's like when I quit smoking some time back.

Many people who knew about the habit I gave up, complemented and congratulated me vigorously. But not for giving up 3 packs a day. They thought of me as having broken the stereotype of the typical smoker, because I just shut the fuck up about it, and didn't try and convince every other god damned smoker that NOT smoking was the greatest thing ever...

...like NOT eating meat.

And another thing...

If I want shoes and belts made of leather, that's MY business.

I'd have leather furniture too, if it weren't for the cats fucking up everything that touches the floor.

OK, my inside cats fuck up everything they can get their little claws into, walls, furniture, clothing...

But when I brought them into my life, I knew this was their way, and think that only a fucking idiot or monster would have a cat declawed, to keep their precious world copacetic.

Anyway Crusader...

Being a vegetarian is cool, and I would never try and push a porterhouse steak on you.

So, unless you can answer the question I posed about whether it's best to never have lived at all or to be born so that you can live fast, die young and leave a good looking fillet...

...keep your opinions on my eating habits to yourself.

ZenGrouch said...

"...keep your opinions on my eating habits to yourself..."

...or not

Don't know why I threw that one in there. Guess I was on a roll, but that last sentence comes off a bit *stick up the ass'ish*

Feel free to comment on any of my quirks as you see fit.

Anonymous said...

Well done Bill, insightful and witty as always. Your problem, however, seems to be that you're unwilling to follow your logic to more profound levels. I'd love the opportunity to debate you just once... Aha, keep up the good work though.

felinegroovy said...

I have to completely agree about how well the animals on farms are treated. These animals are blissfully unaware of their ultimate reason for being alive. Humans wonder for decades why are they here. These animals do not have such misery. It is the food these animals are given which is of the most importance to me. The antibiotics, the steroids, and lord knows what else, just to make sure they are profitable.

I have discovered hemp seeds, so my days of eating meat are on the way out. I stopped eating veal long ago, the way those animals are treated is criminal. They are not allowed to gain any muscle because muscle is tough. Veal is baby cows who are kept in small cages and in the dark, just so they won't develop. Just so the human can enjoy the tender meat.

I wear leather and fur. Canada was founded on the fur trade (we stole it all from the Indians). I love my fur. There is not a warmer winter coat you will find. It is a fox. Just like me :)

The cats don't chase the squirrels in the back yard. They co-exist together. Seeing this warms my heart. I also have two eagles that circle above; I wonder if they are hungry.

Gypsy said...

What happens on your plate represents your most important engagement with the natural world and the biggest impact you have on climate change. Meat eating in particular represents a tremendous amount of greenhouse gasses produced.

When people start blaming meat eaters for green house gases. I know they don't know what they are talking about. Look at the natural world. Other animals eat meat. It's a fact of life. Animals balance each other from over population. Nature is capable of maintaining population management. Because animals who are food, the prey live in larger numbers than animals who are the hunters. That is an example of Nature and balance. Another reason that eating meat does not hurt natural balance is that eatable plants are insufficient to maintain the food needs of the planet. Earth evolved with meat eating and eaters and it is a constant in earth natural world. Humans play a role in population balance. As do all predators.

People who talk about nature need to learn how to look at nature to find the actual problem.


felinegroovy said...

Fair enough Gypsy, but lets imagine we never started "farming" these animals. If we didn't farm them there would not be enough meat to feed the humans. maybe that is your first clue. You are also right in saying that there is not enough vegetation to maintain mankind. Maybe that is clue number two. The only reason there are so many humans is because we have food to feed them and drugs to keep them alive. Remember in the good ole days when the elderly died from pneumonia? Not any more, we have antibiotics to cure them, to keep them alive. Who cares that they have dementia; they don't recognize their families, they don't want to eat, they don't want to go to the hospital. The family intervenes. "I want my mother or father to live, I am not ready for them to die, I still need them, please do what ever you need to do so that I may still have a mother or father. who cares what the universe may have done. We have conventional medicine, I still need my mom or dad...........Maybe there are too many humans. If it wasn't for the farmed food, most of us would die. School only prepares you to be dependant on someone else. They certainly don't teach you how to farm or garden....the food is locked up. that is the only reason we have to work...

Gypsy said...

New Rule: Honey Nut Cheerios have to take the bee off the box. It reminds me that all the bees are dying, and if I wanted to start my day staring at something that makes me want to kill myself I'd watch Fox and Friends. We lost almost a third of America's bee population last winter. I can't take another morning thinking about a beautiful striped animal going extinct. Which is why tomorrow I'll have Frosted Flakes.

- Bill Maher in his “New Rules” segment


They didn't die bill.. george bush kicked out the African bees for being illegal aliens. I heard the bees complaining as they were escorted out "hey george we are not African bees we come from south america" The American bees were horrified seeing them handcuffed to those bear honey jars deputized by W for the occasion. As they were put out of the country. I hear that the American bees are considering moving out in protest,


mike m said...

I disagree with your premise. You can not compare man's existence with anything in the natural world. Man is the most unnatural creature on the planet. Not since Native American Indians hunted buffalo in the Great Plains has Man been in harmony with nature. I hear people talk about how Humans are supposed to be the "caretakers" of the planet. So, what? Man is supposed to protect the planet from Man? How ironic. Do meat eaters contribute to global warming? Everything we do, contributes. Technically, just breathing (exhaling CO2), and farting (methane) adds to global warming. But breathing, and farting didn't get us into this mess. It was/is the excessive use of fossil fuels. Add to that the deforestation of Mexico, and Central and South America. For what? Farmland, of course. So, we are adding significant amounts of CO2 to the atmosphere, while removing Mother Nature's ability to convert CO2 to O2. Talk about burning the candle at both ends. Maybe, that's what the scientists at GE should be working on, rather than new wind turbine technology. Converting CO2 to O2. They can convert raw sewage to potable water, can't they? People don't want to hear that they have to stop using cheap fossil fuels. They want to hear that scientists have come up with a way to remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. Good luck!

mike m said...

Overpopulation. This generation of young adults will be the first to see the world's population double within their lifetime. Think things are bad now? Sure, most of the population growth will be in underdeveloped, third world countries. But there will be significant growth within the developed world. This planet is just too damned small!!! Bigger, bigger, bigger! More, more, more! Mine, mine, mine! Kill, kill, kill! How much longer do you really think humans will be around?

mike m said...

Too melodramatic?

Anonymous said...

Bill Maher

Thanks for the tip about twinkies. I have added 60 cases for my bomb shelter.

God bless you.

Anonymous said...

High tech talent search for Bill Maher's replacement

Anonymous said...

Here is Steve Balmy threatening to create more slave jobs overseas if the US taxes corporations for creating slave jobs overseas. Stamp your feet and have a tantrum Steve - the aliens are establishing equitable standards of living and eventually will blame you for their imperialist thralldom? Already by far #1 H1B exploiter... its not about the shareholders, its always been about the imkpact on the middle class of using slaves for personal gain.

Anonymous said...

RFC #1 I mean using slaves to boost short term profit for immediate private gain of a small, insider minority at the long term expense to the system & the majority. Nothing wrong with personal property.

ZenGrouch said...

"Oh STFU you Ball Licking psycho. Some things are just NOT Bush's fault so deal with it..."

Sure, some things are not Bush's fault, but tell me he's not at fault for keeping the price of AIDS drugs sky high, by paying retail, rather than letting some South American drug company produce them for next to nothing and distributing them in Africa.

Responsible for keeping drug prices artificially high, while taking U.S. tax dollars to pay for them, increasing the deficit, like it didn't even matter.

Tell me he didn't send money to Iraq by the pallet, measuring it by the ton, then scratching his balls when it would vanish.

Tell me he didn't send Pakistan hundreds of millions of dollars that vanished, rather than being used to fight Al Queda?

But other than that, yeah, Bush wasn't responsible for everything...

...except for the murder of thousands of U.S. soldiers through his lies, you stupid father feltching, mother fucker.

"Libs did NOT use "their own money" for Africa.

The cause for the African population crisis falls squarely at the Liberal's feet.

I had no idea you were this stupid and hateful...

...sure, I suspected as much, but thanks for verifying my suspicions!

Cool, I just lost even *more* respect for someone I think of as a father feltching mother fucker!

ZenGrouch said...

"Sotomayor drew praise today from former first lady Laura Bush, who said she was pleased President Barack Obama nominated a woman for the Supreme Court.

"I think she sounds like a very interesting and good nominee," Bush said of Sotomayor. She said on ABC's "Good Morning America" that, "as a woman, I'm proud that there might be another woman on the court. I wish her well"

I wonder if Rush is going to accuse the former first lady of being a ball bustin', man hating, homicidal lesbo?

Gypsy said...

This is not a trial. This is a lynching. There is no law.
Jack Kevorkian

The problem is not there is no law, but far to many laws. You can,t smoke, you can,t drink in public parks a and beaches, you have to have a licence to get a job, there is a licence needed now to be a waitress, you can't raise your children at home. You have to wear a helmet to ride a bicycle. You can't heal yourself with herbal remedies including marijuana, you have to go to the doctor when you are pregnant, pregnancy is not an illness, and so on and so on. Everyone has lost so many rights it is unbelievable. When it comes to law we see only the one we are facing. But the list is unlimited, We are the only animal on the planet that has all these laws barring our enjoyment and fulfillment of life.


mike m said...

Corporate taxes aren't the entire problem. I heard a report on NPR that the top 2% only paid an average of 17% in taxes. And the conservatives talk about class warfare and redistribution of wealth? Yeah, the Middle Class is getting hammered. How much longer are we going to take this shit? And people like Rush tell us to bend over, and wait, wait for it, BAM! HAHA, you've been fucked up the ass by an idiot like me! Take that you weak, chickenshit liberals! (And make sure you tune in everyday, and buy all of my books.)

Gypsy said...

You're basing your laws and your whole outlook on natural life on mythology. It won't work. That's why you have all these problems in the world. Name them: India, Pakistan, Ireland. Name them-all these problems. They're all religious problems.
Jack Kevorkian

You fogot to include United States of America in that list.
Religion is a secret form of government. They along the way have imposed so many laws to cater to their narrow view that no one is free today. Time to make religion illegal and see what we can do about fighting for our rights.

Gypsy said...

In a One Size Fits ALL World > NOW > A One Size Fits "ONE" > YOU ! > BeSpoke > Allergy SOLUTION.

Best Health = Wealth Regards,

DropYourAllergies.com & Breathe-IN-Life !

Talk about a line of 100% bullshit, snow job sales man. Selling us more sour lemons. Laws should not be there to protect every dumb ass ailment out there. How to get rid of sinus congestion, eat something spicy hot. clears the sinuses. No need for chemical pharmaceuticals. We have been made dependant on doctors for the sniffles when a common sense self healing is available. I am tired of hearing about the great peanut fear. Governments doesn't have the right to take away my right to eat or enjoy peanuts because YOU have an allergy. I ate pie, I broke out in huge hives, had a hard time breathing, I stopped eating pie. A few years later I tried eating pie again. Allergy is gone. I didn't call the press I didn't call it an epidemic, I didn't blame the pie company. Life is full of bumps and bruises. We all have something that inconvenience us, THAT'S LIFE. People like you that "raise awareness" for your little problems go away. You expect us to give up to many rights so you won't sneeze. Get over yourselves. the world shouldn't evolve around one person or a small group of people's problems.


ZenGrouch said...

"How to get rid of sinus congestion, eat something spicy hot. clears the sinuses. No need for chemical pharmaceuticals..."

I accidentally ran across a natural way to make my sinuses drain like fire hoses in the morning, while brushing my teeth.

Part of my morning ritual is to brush my teeth, gums, tongue and roof of my mouth.

I brush the heck out of my tongue, having learned how to control the gag reflex to a degree.

Anyway, one day as I was brushing the roof of my mouth, I thought, what the fuck, and scrubbed down my uvula with the toothbrush.

A few seconds later, all of my sinuses drained at the same time, producing enough fluid so that I was also able to hose out my nasal passages, blowing that funk into the sink.

Works every time for me, I don't know about anyone else though.

Everyone I've told about this has a fear of throwing up and won't try it.

Anonymous said...

"And for whom should I work more than for myself?" - Odysseus

mike m said...

Religion is a form of control. Along with politics and economics. People need to be controlled. Without controls, there would be anarchy. Stupid people need to be protected from themselves. And guess what, we are all stupid. Quite literally, any new product, placed on the market for sale to the general population, must be idiot proof. Why is there a warning label on a hot cup of coffee? And even those who are not so idiot prone, shit happens. Even to professionals. That's why we pay through the nose for insurance. Ahhh, how many of those "idiot" laws are made to protect the insurance companies?

I got a lie
A fat fuckin' lie
About a law
Idiots obey
They made it easy
Now cheaters have their way
You hi-di-ho's
You're living on your knees

Forget the rule!
Oh - idiots rule!
Forget the rule!
Oh - idiots rule!

Now there's a time...
But i say none like now
There's a line
Where idiots are bound
If there's a pole
Planted in your back
Then you're a fixture
Not a man

Forget the rule!
Oh - idiots rule!
Forget the rule!
Oh - idiots rule!
Idiots rule!
Idiots rule!
Idiots rule!

You know that man
You hate?
You look more like him
Every day everyday
2 good shoes
Won't save your soul
Idiots rule!
Idiots rule!

Anonymous said...

"Ignorance and obscurantism have never produced anything other than flocks of slaves for tyranny..."
- Emilio Zapata

felinegroovy said...

The quote from Odysseus is great. Do you think that is why Homer wrote about Achilles and Odysseus? That was the start of the changing of the world. Achilles decided not to fight either. He chose love, albeit for a man, but he would not fight for Agamemnon. Not till Patroclus died did Achilles go back to fight. (I have studied the Iliad.) This is when man decided to change the world. It would take time to change everyone's thinking. It took 400 years, but this was the Iliad and the Odyssey speaking about the beginning of man living for himself, not for someone else. Why else would Homer write about it? I am sure there is alot we don't know about that time, but we know what Homer tells us.
Shakespeare writing about Julius Caesar, and Cleopatra, are also land mark literature for us to still study today. Christianity was born in these times. Caesar died 41 BC, when was Christianity born? 41 years later. Did Shakespeare see the ill ways of Christianity? I have. Is that why he wrote about it?

Our new ( same old, same old) government was sworn in today, just like your presidents, our newly elected government holds a holy bible to be sworn in with. I thought there was no religion in government. I remember reciting the lord;s prayer in school. Any one else?

Anonymous said...

"And for whom should I work more than for myself?" - Odysseus, from
'Ajax', a play by Sophocles ~450BC.

Follow the blue lines to answer that question & all I meant by it.

This story is how the evil hero Ajax is killed by the hero Odysseus with a little help from the Gods. Its relevance is that it illustrates that nothing has changed in 2500 years. Also this play models perfectly the propagandists set up of the evil hero OBL as a replacement for the evil Soviet Empire to keep the prolis in line and surrendering their earnings for nothing. More entertaining to me is that W is the hero against the crazy OBL, but the tables are turned when W becomes the bloodthirsty mad puppet pawn of the gods in Saddam's takedown.

Saddam & his boys, friends of the Bushs.

Manny Noriega, friend of the Bushs.

Osama bin Laden & family, friends of the Bushe.

America is stupid to have been friends with the Bushs.

The deeper you look the shallower it gets...

Don't trust the Bushs or their friends.

The Greeks created their 'Gods' to airbrush the disconnects in their moral stories. not much different than Bill S. painting London as Elsinore & England as Denmark. Besides carrying the story they were defensive measures to avoid the despots' wrath.

Recognize in W's faith how stupid the despots still are.

WW3 is being fought on the global economic battlefield & has been since 1973. It was started in Israel in 1967 by the aggressive acts of war of the Israelis against their neighbors. It can be argued that this is still WW2, the connector being the seizure of the Palestinian territory by the European Jews.

WW3 is also being fought in the minds of this & the next generation.

Gypsy said...

independent_thinker said...
All's it takes to solve the whole War issue:

"Bin Laden, you are grounded son! How many times have I told you, you don't kill innocent people because you don't like them! 2 weeks with no "I'm a Caveman and I Rule" Wifi game for you!"

Get off of it. How to stop war is put down your guns. And you should look at all the reasons George W Bush gave for his war on Iraq, Everything Bush said Hussein was guilty of, BUSH and the American government is guilty of, to even a greater degree. It's time USA got off it's high hypocritical horse


Gypsy said...

felinegroovy said...
Fair enough Gypsy, but lets imagine we never started "farming" these animals...

Every time a flu shows up, the warnings is that old people are vulnerable. and a bunch of old people die. That they stop calling it pneumonia, and doctors call it a different name don't matter, it is still congestion of the lungs that make breathing difficult. and old folks are dying. Now most are warehoused in old age homes and hospitals, waiting to die. Humans evolved to be cognitive animals, farming is the next logical step in survival. this is natural. Schools not only teach us to be dependant they punish great thinkers, by grading you on how well you think like others not how well you think for yourself.
You say why there is so many people on the planet. with birthrates greatly on the decline, the population is far smaller than it could have been.

You also said
"the food is locked up. that is the only reason we have to work..."

people don't see that work is part of life, it is good for the body mind and soul. We think that work equals money. We can grow our own food, hunting is still available. Not to long ago we use to know how to cook, preserve for the winter.

We don,t know how to begin to see nature and the less we see nature and our place in it, the less we will become till we are extinct. Drugs ain't going to stop it. The illnesses and virus are growing faster than the chemicals drug companies are developing to fight them. the base of these drugs are actually deadly poisons. All the while governments are making plant solutions illegal, preventing us from taking care of ourselves.

Between governments and religions we are headed for the extinction list.


Gypsy said...

I disagree with your premise. You can not compare man's existence with anything in the natural world. Man is the most unnatural creature on the planet. Not since Native American Indians hunted buffalo in the Great Plains has Man been in harmony with nature. I hear people talk about how Humans are supposed to be the "caretakers" of the planet. So, what? Man is supposed to protect the planet from Man? ....

You don't mention all those wars,the bigger and bigger bombs being built and of course the destruction of these native people's lands traditions and cultures through religion

Science, governments or business are not looking for solutions, just like the religious blind, chasing their tales after the all mighty buck and nothing else


ZenGrouch said...

fuck me...

I really AM starting to miss the *Intelligent Thinker* formally known as *The Stupid Cunt*

felinegroovy said...

Gypsy, I agree that work is good for the soul. Just ask anyone who isn't employed who would like to work. Being unemployed is a huge stress, why? Because you need money to buy the food and shelter.
Maybe if the food wasn't locked up, we could do what we would like to do. Basket weaving, fishing, sewing, cooking, etc. Our children could FIND something they are interested in and learn that skill. Why teach a person trigonometry if they are interestred in Basket weaving? The tribe needs basket weavers and net makers, do we really need trig? And does everyone need to learn it. Only the government says we do. We leave school only dependant on getting a job. We have learned no skills for survival, only skills for dependancy.
This is the way the government keeps us in line.
I am at work. In health care in British Columbia. Talk about
keeping us in line. We aren't' even allowed to strike anymore. Might look back during the Olympics if there is labour unrest here. Unbelievable what will be done to make sure the Olympics are a success. health and education suffer,but the Olympics will be fun.

felinegroovy said...

If you can afford to go to the Olympics. All the big corporations bought all the tickets and Craigslist is making a killing on resale.......

mike m said...

I didn't know basket weaving was a viable profession. I know I use about 20 different baskets every day, and I've always wondered to myself, "who the fuck makes these things"? What a waste of a good mind. I guess they're made by people who weren't smart enough to learn trig and calc in high school. You might think, someone would have gotten the idea to design a machine, that makes baskets. Then everyone could have nice baskets, at a reasonable price, instead of just the wealthy.

With most of the world's population living in heavily populated cities, it shouldn't be much of a problem for everyone to grow their own food. Hell, we'll just get rid of all those damned taxicabs in NYC and have cattle and chickens herded in the streets. Everyone can have their own personal hydroponic system to grow their own fruits and vegetables. (I know I've always wanted an apple tree growing in my living room.) And they can each have their own personal solar panel that they stick out their windows, to power the lighting system. But with everyone Basket weaving, fishing, sewing, and cooking, and too stupid or lazy to learn math, who is going to design and build all of those solar panels?

mike m said...

How's that Zen? Feel better now?

ZenGrouch said...

Thanks Mike, but something's still not quite right...

I want to post something, but all that comes to mind is:

Yeah... AND?!

mike m said...

I'm sure you'll think of something!

felinegroovy said...

Do you know what the "iron Chink" is? The industrial Revolution brought much harm to many people. And is continuing to do so. Washing walls is good exercise, so is walking to the store, so is vacuuming, so is gardening. Maybe if more Americans took part in these activities, your obesity rate would go down. Nay, that wouldn't work either, you are a lazy group of people. you like your air conditioners and cars and grease: it really is showing........

Gypsy said...

felinegroovy has left a new comment on the post "QUOTES FROM “REAL TIME WITH BILL MAHER" - MAY 29 2...":

Gypsy, I agree that work is good for the soul. Just ask anyone who isn't employed who would like to work. Being unemployed is a huge stress, why? Because you need money to buy the food and shelter....

We all suffer from the keeping up with the Joneses mentality. There are many things we can do to break that habit along with it the government. Keep your kids out of school.. The Unprocessed Child by Valerie Fitzenreiter is a great book to teach us the ins and out of doing this.

independent living. the less you need the government the less they see you. Work within the barter system. Sell your nets and baskets at farmers markets.. cash only not traceable.
Grow your own food. Earn publicly only what you need, for that house. go back to making your own clothes. The big money fall is a great time to start changing our behavior. There is so many things we can do to break free. Buy second hand especially cars, let the rich pay full price, in the second year that car still good , cost half as much.

Giving reasons why we CAN'T and whining about what you ain't got AIN'T GONNA GET YOU OUT OF IT.


Gypsy said...

felinegroovy has left a new comment on the post "QUOTES FROM “REAL TIME WITH BILL MAHER" - MAY 29 2...":

Gypsy, I agree that work is good for the soul. Just ask anyone who isn't employed who would like to work. Being unemployed is a huge stress, why? Because you need money to buy the food and shelter....

We all suffer from the keeping up with the Joneses mentality. There are many things we can do to break that habit along with it the government. Keep your kids out of school.. The Unprocessed Child by Valerie Fitzenreiter is a great book to teach us the ins and out of doing this.

independent living. the less you need the government the less they see you. Work within the barter system. Sell your nets and baskets at farmers markets.. cash only not traceable.
Grow your own food. Earn publicly only what you need, for that house. go back to making your own clothes. The big money fall is a great time to start changing our behavior. There is so many things we can do to break free. Buy second hand especially cars, let the rich pay full price, in the second year that car still good , cost half as much.

Giving reasons why we CAN'T and whining about what you ain't got AIN'T GONNA GET YOU OUT OF IT.


mike m said...

Sure, we should all should just live in hippie communes. Hide from the real world. Don't get me wrong, I despise what Corporatism has become in the world. But the Industrial Revolution helped to clothe, feed and shelter a young, growing nation. It spawned Entrepreneurship, and ingenuity, and thousands flocked to this country at the turn of the century to make a better life for themselves and their children. And most did, through hard work and sacrifice. Those who couldn't handle the demands of this new society, took land from the government in the Homestead Act, and went west, in hopes of a simpler life. But they weren't knowledgeable in farming, and an unexpected drought and improper use of land, caused the Dust Bowl. This coupled with the Great Depression, nearly destroyed the Nation. The Industrial Revolution helped far more people than it hurt. It wasn't basket weavers that put a man on the moon, or that designed and built water desalinization and purification plants to provide clean drinking water to thousands of people. All children should be forced to learn and have strong backgrounds in math and science. For it is scientists and engineers that will solve the problems confronting mankind, not basket weavers.

felinegroovy said...

Do you honestly believe a man has been to the moon? Did you know that NASA, misplaced the "original" tapes of the lunar landing? Funny a small company like NASA could lose the only proof that the USA DID NOT land on the moon as originally thought. Why haven't they been back? Things that make you go hmmmmmm.

mike m said...

When I was in college, majoring in Photonics, we received permission to fire a high powered laser at the moon. The beam was reflected back to Earth from the giant mirrors on the surface of the moon. Damn, how did those mirrors get there? We then calculated the distance of the Moon within a few microns.

mike m said...

Just in case you have any doubts of my claims, here is an email I received from a former professor:


CONGRATULATIONS FOR BEING SELECTED AS A MEMBER OF THE PHOTONICS ALUMNI COUNCIL (PACT). Your role in the future is of the utmost importance for the direction that OP-TEC (National Center for Optics and Photonics Education) will take as it guides this country in the field of Photonics. OP-TEC provides:

1. Information about Photonics Technology and Technician Careers
2. Technical Assistance in Program Feasibility and Planning
3. Technical Assistance in Designing Laboratories
5. Professional Development and Training at all levels of education both online and at various partner colleges .AND MUCH MORE

Dan Hull, Director of OP-TEC will be officially notifying you in the near future of your acceptance on the council. I would personally like to thank each one of you for your response to this important call and I will keep in touch.


Dr. Fred P. Seeber
Professor Emeritus of Physics/Photonics
Laser Institute of Technology for Ed/Research
Co-PI OP-TEC (The National Center for Optics and Photonics Education)

felinegroovy said...

when did the mirrors get there? Did I miss the story about mirrors on the moon? See this is a smoke and mirror show. Your "credentials" mean nothing. For all I know, you are the man on the moon.
I don't believe America has been to the moon. Did you hear that NASA lost those recordings of the alledged lunar landing? We have techology today to prove those sounds came from a sound stage. Also the horrible deaths of all who went on the alledged trip, everyone but John Glenn had violent, early deaths. I guess the government thought they could trust him the most. They also needed someone to keep the myth going. Just like the Bible....

felinegroovy said...

I want to live in Hippie Communities. The government wouldn't allow it though. They would call it a cult and shut it down. We are completely oppressed. Living this lie in which we have been lead to believe that this is how we are suppose to be living. Who said we were suppose to live like this?

ZenGrouch said...

"We then calculated the distance of the Moon within a few microns...."

OK! Something worth responding to!

My first response was to this was *TOTAL BULL SHIT*!

With the movement of the Earth and Moon, and the time it takes the light to travel there and back, and the atmospheric conditions that can't be measured, how in the fuck can you measure a beam of light traveling approximately a half million miles with accuracy down to "a few microns"?

OK, that was my initial reaction, then I calmed down, and thought, "Well, I don't know everything, maybe there is a way to do this, but I fucking doubt it."

So, if you could point me towards any published papers, that are on line, backing up your assertion that you can achieve this kind of accuracy, I'd be interested in reading it.

I could be wrong in this assumption, but my uneducated guestamate is that the most accurate atomic clocks available to a university wouldn't be accurate enough to accurately measure the differences in "a few microns" when it comes to light travel.

But I could be wrong, and would appreciate the education if that's so.

mike m said...

Sorry Zen,
They didn't have the internet when I was in college. However, we do know the speed of light, don't we? 3.8*10(8) m/s. Timing is everything.

ZenGrouch said...


No fucking way you or anyone for that matter has measured the distance to the Moon with an accuracy of a few microns.

You're full of crap on this assertion.

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