Monday, August 27, 2012

My New Rule for Todd Akin and the Republican Party

by Bill Maher

New Rule: If your entire party tries to get rid of you, and you stay in, you can't talk about how easy it is for a woman to push a stupid prick out of her body.

I don't want to waste another second thinking about Todd Akin, and his theory that you can't get pregnant unless your eggs are asking for it. Here's the only thing you need to know about Todd Akin and human anatomy: he's an asshole. What I want to talk about is how it's not a coincidence that the party of fundamentalism is also the party of fantasy. When I say religion is a mental illness, this is what I mean: it corrodes your mental faculties to the point where you can believe in tiny ninja warriors who hide in vaginas and lie in wait for bad people's sperm.

Evangelicals might like to pretend that the magical thinking that they indulge in at home doesn't affect what they do at the office, but it absolutely does. The brain that believes in angels and miracles and Jesus riding a dinosaur is trained to see the world not as it is, but as you want it to be.

Republicans would like to pretend like Congressman Akin's substitution of superstition for science is a lone problem but it's not: they're all magical thinkers, on nearly every issue. They don't get their answers on climate change from climatologists, they get them from the Book of Genesis. Hence Sharia Law in America is a dire threat, and global warming a hoax.

Or take the issue that consumes the right these days, our sea of red ink: Republicans are united in their fervent desire to reduce the deficit, but they want to do it in some magical fashion that doesn't involve raising taxes or cutting any spending. When given a choice in polls between these two options, a majority of Republicans check "none of the above" as a way to reduce the deficit. That's like deciding to pay off your student loans by daydreaming.

Or as it's known on Capitol Hill, supply-side economics. Remember that magic beans theory? That you actually bring in more revenue by bringing in less? Ronald Reagan believed it. But at least back in the '80s it was new. The thing is, we tried it, and it doesn't work. Yet, Paul Ryan, who every shit-for-brains pundit in America keeps telling us is a "serious" guy, still believes in the supply-side theory. All the Republicans do. They all believe in something that both science and history have shown to be pure fantasy. The symbol for their party shouldn't be an elephant -- it should be a unicorn.

Paul Ryan is their tough guy on spending but he doesn't want to touch defense -- that's right, a budget hawk who doesn't think there's anything bloated about the Defense Department's budget. It's like being a health inspector and finding nothing wrong with the Asian place that has the chicken hanging in the window. This is how low we've put the bar for political courage -- that you can just write, "I want a pony" in a binder and call it the "Plan For Restoring Vision For the Future of America's Greatness" or some shit, and then everyone has to refer to you as the serious one in Congress. It reminds me of health care. Republicans are for all the popular things, like covering people with pre-existing conditions, but they're not for the part where you pay for it, like the mandate. Just like they were for our recent wars, but not for paying for them. For the prescription drug bill, but not for paying for it.

How do they get away with it? They know that, because we're already such a religious country, our minds are primed for magical, fantasy thinking. The gullibility comes factory-installed. They've learned that you appeal not to an American's head, but to his gut -- it's a much bigger target. But here's the problem: life is complicated. I mean, I know we know some things for sure, like why Jesus put us here on Earth: to watch Here Comes Honey Boo Boo on a 50-inch TV screen. But what about the Chinese slaves who made the TV? What about carbon from the coal that generated the electricity? What about the Walmart where we bought it, where the workers don't have health insurance? What about racism, or the oceans turning into nail polish remover? The grown-up answer is: identify problems scientifically, prioritize and solve. The Republican answer is: there isn't a problem. And anyone who tells you different is a liar who hates America. We don't have to make hard choices. We just have to ignore the science and the math -- that's why God gave us values.

If rape babies throw a monkey wrench into the whole right-to-life pitch, just make believe rape babies don't exist. If you want to cut down on teen pregnancy, just tell curious kids with raging hormones to practice abstinence. Until they get married. Because everyone knows, that's when the fucking never stops. Health care? Not a problem if you just keep repeating, "We have the greatest health care in the world." Even though the U.N. ranks it 37th.

What's the solution to global warming? It's that it isn't real, and even if it is, big whoop, just buy an air conditioner, you pussy. Republicans also believe that putting the word "clean" next to the word "coal" creates something called clean coal. Even though there's the exact same amount of evidence for clean coal as there is for Todd Akin's mistaken baby makin' theory.

Republicans also believe if they kick all the Mexicans out of the country, the strawberries will pick themselves, and that if they cut the safety net all the poor blacks are "resting" in, they will fall gently to the ground, stand up, dust themselves off, and get good-paying jobs as Olympic gymnasts.
Next week in Tampa the Republicans must admit that the difference between a GOP convention and Comic-Con is that the people at Comic-Con have a much firmer grasp of reality.


jennimac said...

We don't need to worry about sharia law. The Republican platform could be the Taliban's constitution. Stop dissent, control women's lives, lower the minimum wage and restore global grandiosity by using the slaves here in the privatized concentration camps-read-prisons. Please talk about this stuff, people listen to you.

Anonymous said...

The GOP constantly reminds the general public that they are a party of knuckle dragging neanderthals.

Andy said...

Great post, and I have to say I admire your energy. I have long since given up trying to communicate with the cow-brained populace of po-dunk Colorado who all think they are starring in a Ram truck commercial. I've done tree work all my life, running saws and dragging brush in the sweltering hot, dog-shit-ridden yards of people who probably think Erich Fromm is a car dealership. After 14 years of trying to break though their concrete stupidity I have given up. They will never intentionally seek knowledge, never know what critical thought feels like, all they have is their petty xenophobia and moral notions. The other day I was riding with my Dad and we looked out on a big soccer field, surounded by a gleaming line of brand new perfect cars, a sea of khaki shorts and breezy polo shirts, sandals and Iphones, no doubt chatting about how bad the Mexicans are who are all too busy mowing these ingrate's lawns to argue with them. We both agreed that there probably wasn't an interesting person in that entire collective. Normal Rockwell would fallen asleep painting it. Dull, republican, America. Avoid it at all costs if you have any activity in your right brain. Keep up the good fight Bill, but as you can't get blood from a stone, you can't get reason out of cow people.

chris norton said...

bill: the king of politcal comedy...and tragedy.


More 'truth' in one column I have never read. The GOP has sown together an alliance of fringe groups and fuzzy minds that cannot coexist for very long. They will eventually go the way of the Dodo bird but it will be a painful process in the meanwhile.

HlwdBlvd said...

When The Handmaid's Tale came out in the mid-'80s, it was SO far fetched it was given science fiction book awards. Militarized totalitarian right wing racist homophobic male chauvinist Old Testament based Christian theocracy overthrows the US via a fake Islamic terrorist attack, banning abortion, subjugating women & other undesirables... Doesn't sound quite so inconceivable anymore.

Anonymous said...

It wasn't that long ago when GOD told Michelle Bachmann, Herman Caine and Rick Santorum all to run for the job, at the same time. Miserable Bastard. Anyhow, the fantasy party somehow managed not to select any of these His champions.
You got to give 'em credit for that. Maybe it was a coincidence, but they didn't make the same mistakes 3 times, so maybe, just maybe, GOD really was fucking with them for our amusement. We did get a good laugh over it and you got plenty of material, so who knows. Certainly not the party of fantasy and medication.

Anonymous said...

and apocalyptic WMDs.

Secular Ink said...


Salman said...

Superb!!! Thanks for the effort and also thanks for sharing.
Quotes About Moving On

Anonymous said...

The only reason Todd Akin is in trouble with his fellow Republicans because he had the audacity to say out loud what the party line is.

Check out "The Repuglican War on Women" on "Grumbles From an Old Grouch" ( You'll be amazed (and a bit frightened) how many anti-women bills Todd Akin and Paul Ryan co-sponsored.

Tomkat72 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tomkat72 said...

Please do a show or New Rules on teachers. I know you love us and are extremely supportive. In light of the recent school shooting at Perry Hall, it wouldn't hurt to remind people that teachers are trying to protect their children from illiteracy, hunger, bullies and gunfire plus nature fire/tornados/hurricanes. I posted on my fb page this article:
Starving the Future
They seem to pair well with what is wrong with America.
Loved your show in Colorado Springs and every Friday.

Tomkat72 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
M Black said...

Is it only me, or does Mitt Romney walk like Howdy Doody? How appropriate for a Republican puppet.


Unknown said...

I am frustrated with the president but how can i vote republican when they are so closed minded about everything?They want to not tax the rich and say that will create more jobs.I call bullshit.One of the many probs is the lack of investment by the rich in the past 12yrs into new businesses and the hording of money in out of country banks and NAFTA is another.Prob number two is they scream about our freedoms being limited when it was republicans that started the stripping of our rights.And three they say there is to much regulation.If you know anything about this subject(not just hearsay or what you heard)then you know there has been a steady deregulation of industries,both financial and industrial since Reagan.That is what caused the banking and mortgage crisis and why so many drugs are being released before they are ready,why more ground water is being polluted and the list goes on.

co-D said...

This is best Maher blog in a long time, and he delivered it like a fucking poet last week on RT. Cheers, Bill.

Woodie said...

I denounce ALL missionaries, most especially the Mormon ilk. I read the following today and pass it along because it sounds So Bill.

"I'm more inclined to believe the intentions of atheists over religious types, because they do good because it is good. Not because they expect some sort of reward from cloud daddy.

I am stuck in the bible belt, where Southern Baptists reign over everything and everyone who isn't is in a 'cult,' including Catholics and Mormons."

Anonymous said...

Lets talk about the money. Everything else is smoke & mirrors. If they want to act stupid, let them do it on their own time.

Anonymous said...

Like this:

We bailed out the banks, they showed us their monkey asses instead of fulfilling their moral and civic commitments. Fuck 'em. We have a Low Orbital Debt Cannon that defaults, 99 to 1.

Lets do it, bitchez.

Anonymous said...

I haven't bothered to listen to you for a long time for personal reasons - but I tuned today to Jay and found you brilliant,funny, on point and beyond articulate - yay Bill - still hate you from way back but nice job on follow up to nonsense convention so far

Anonymous said...

Bill Maher,
Watched you on Leno last night, didn't mean to, but you were a guest and I still find you repulsive, too much of a liberal democrat and quite honestly, effing stupid in your hatred of republicans. Hussein Obama is a socialist and the anti-christ. Wake up people. And Maher, you would make the air waves much easier to watch and listen too if you would kindly get off the air and forever keep silent.

Anonymous said...

Hi Bill et al,
Quick note from a big fan, not sure the best way to get you a message. I watched your show as per usual last Friday, loved it! Heard from my boyfriend that on overtime Mitt Romney's health dude and your esteemed guest from Georgia turned out to be climate deniers! I am in South Korea this week and next for the World Conservation Congress where thousands of scientists, leaders and NGOs will be gathering to set the conservation agenda for the next four years. We will be discussing froo froo hippie topics like food security, green economic growth and improving governance. While I respect that your show presents different sides of the issue, there is no other side to science. I wish that more air time was given to folks in the trenches who are light years beyond the rhetoric that pollutes our airwaves these days. It would be awesome if you would give a shoutout to the WCC and everyone working on heavy, real-time environmental issues. Thanks for your time and for reading this on the air :) All the best, Julia (Monterey, CA)
P.S. I was in San Jose the night you wrote your check, great show, powerful gesture. Can't wait to see the rest of the season.
P.P.S. For more froo froo hippie topics, go to

Unknown said...

First Listen: I would have to agree with Bill that the party of fundamentalism is also the party of fantasy. You see they not only understand the importance of adhering to specific political and theological doctrine, rather than following the masses of lemmings that jump towards any political figure that isn’t a white male; they also have a fantasy that “In God we trust” or at least we should, and if we don’t we are dammed.

As far as the magical thinking that evangelicals do at home, I applaud them at least they are thinking. We all know their counterparts are probably sitting in front of a TV and absorbing mindless sitcoms like Bill Maher.

Yes, those evangelicals are taking their thoughts with them to work while others sit on their ass at home and collect unemployment.

The brain that believes in Jesus, angels, and the many miracles that have been created such as dinosaurs are actually trained to believe in things unseen such as those dimensions that exist.

Bill I think you need to talk with more people like myself which believe in the book of Genesis.

For some reason you think everyone who believes in the book of Genesis must be a Republican. Maybe you should ask those who believe in Sharia Law what party they prefer I am sure it would not be Republican.

When will Republicans and Democrats stop pointing fingers regarding the raising of taxes and not cutting spending. You see when given the choice the majority of Americans when given the choice chose neither Republican nor Democrat because both don’t give two shits about the average American.

You see Bill I have to thank you because you have renewed my attention to the problem with America people like you are given a soap box to talk about crap while the rest of Americans get to worry about how they will provide for their family during the day, and at night have to think about how to fix real issues plaguing America: Unemployment rates, high taxes, gas prices, home values, and the price of food that we are trying to buy to provide for our families. Listen Bill if you had trouble understanding the things I have said to you then go back and look at the things I wrote with a little more attention, this is actually a thank you letter.

Anonymous said...

Good show this week Bill, but I am honestly a little surprised you're not giving Gary Johnson a little more press. You know he's the Libertarian candidate, and in some polls (granted I heard this number a few weeks ago) he had 13% of the vote.

Just as Perot would have won the election in 1992 if everyone who actually preferred him over the sleazy Bill Clinton, or George H.W. Bush had voted for him, he'd actually have won the election.

That's how I see Gary Johnson. People won't vote for him because they don't think he had a chance. But hey, before Abe Lincoln, they said a Republican candidate couldn't win the election. At some point, enough Americans will realize neither branches of the "Big Gov't" party can or will fix America, but if you get a Libertarian candidate to win the presidency, nobody will ever doubt the Libertarian party's chance to win an election ever again.

I was of the mind you were a Libertarian... Am I wrong? If you are, why not talk more about Johnson and get more of your viewers to actually take the quiz and find out where they belong on the Nolan chart? I mean, Johnson's the best candidate we've had, IMO, since the party's most recent "beginning" in 1971.

I'm aware this probably came across completely differently from how I wanted it to, but seriously Bill, I mean it? Why not give Gary Johnson some play time and actually remind your audience of the growth of the Libertarian party in just 40 years, especially since it's been more of a grass roots movement than a party with tons of money and advertising.

Why not help me and my friends over at get more exposure? We finally have a guy running for office who has the credentials to win. As much as loved your monologue slamming the Republicans, I was a starving ARMY OFFICER living paycheck to paycheck under the Democrats and the ridiculously underpaid soldiers, and nowadays, as a badly underpaid 100% disabled, retired vet. I spent 13 years in the Army as an office, yet on my pension, I can't afford an AVERAGE American home. Vets are succeeding at suicide in record numbers, due to a combination of underpayment, and underprescribing doctors. Anyone who spends ONE DAY in the V.A. psych ward for depression will kill himself rather than go back. It's that bad. Yes, I have a solution, but nobody wants to listen. Sorry for spouting off like that, but I've lost a few friends that way--who felt the $200,000 insurance policy would help more than the $1900 or even the $3100 (married with a kid) they get each month, and that's only the ones lucky/unlucky enough to be rated as 100% disabled.

Anonymous said...

Not Long Ago…in a convention not far enough away—
--a certain high plains drifter dropped by and began yelling at an empty chair. But that Empty Chair was actually the perfect symbol for the Republican Party. After their war in Iraq, there are now LOTS of chairs in American households that are equally vacant—not to mention those empty seats left in Aurora, Littleton and Columbine.
That Empty Chair on stage held all the jobs created by Bain-era corporate raiders, off-shorers and “right” sizers.
That Empty Chair held the number of women that Republicans want to be in charge of their own bodies and the number of regulators that Republicans want to be in charge of clean energy, clean air, or in corporate oversight committees.

Maybe that is why a dullard like Romney is so popular with the GOP now. It is not so much that the GOP wants an empty suit as that Empty Chair…which is--after all—the seat of Government they so despise. They want to run for the seat just to keep it vacant—and ineffective.

There is nothing more hypocritical than men who would tell the voter “Hi, I’m a libertarian/conservative, I don’t believe in government, so vote for me, and I promise to do absolutely nothing for you at all.”
If they don’t even believe in their own job, then they shouldn’t be running, or driving, for that matter, on single payer highways to their lilly-white suburbs. Where the GOP says “we did it” Democrats say “you did it America!”

The Republican insistence upon keeping the seat of government empty makes them the political equivalent of “professional” wrestling referees on the take from the evil manager who never sees anything as the big guy chokes the little guy out on the ropes. The crowd screams bloody murder, and by the time he turns around, the damage is done (nice job Brownie!)and he blames the wrong person—like Mrs Eastwood did last night. And if he doesn’t like that, then what I am going to say next is really going to make his day.

Us working poor—we’re done taking chairs to the head. Americans have been lied to, beaten up and shot down by enough gun-happy cowboys—and ‘we’re not gonna’ take it anymore!” That’s our song, Republicans—not yours. You see, Clint—in every Western I ever saw that didn’t glorify blood-thirsty anti-heroes—the guys with badges (who represented governance and civilization) that protected widows and orphans wore the White hats.
It was the Railroad Barons who held parties while poor folks drowned in water—or debt—who wore the black hats—ya get me PUNK! Because that Empty Chair of yours also represents the number of African Americans that Republicans want in voting booths or they wouldn’t be shortening voting hours in urban districts while lengthening them for Clint’s hayseed friends in the countryside who talk Jesus, but walk Mammon (time to take Darwin out of Wall Street and put him back in the jungle, and in textbooks where he belongs.)

I’ve got one more thing to tell the high plains grifters:
“Well, pardners, we’ve got a strong man sitting tall in the White House saddle already who done left bin Laden dead and GM a-live.”
“ And being born in Hawaii, I reckon he is very much a Native American.”
As for me, I’m done with voting with a-moral cowboys what with their empty chairs, empty promises and empty minds. So begone with you Mrs Eastwood and company—and the horse you rode in on.

Rafalca, wasn’t it?

Anonymous said...

Not Long Ago…in a convention not far enough away—
--a certain high plains drifter dropped by and began yelling at an empty chair. But that Empty Chair was actually the perfect symbol for the Republican Party. After their war in Iraq, there are now LOTS of chairs in American households that are equally vacant—not to mention those empty seats left in Aurora, Littleton and Columbine.
That Empty Chair on stage held all the jobs created by Bain-era corporate raiders, off-shorers and “right” sizers.
That Empty Chair held the number of women that Republicans want to be in charge of their own bodies and the number of regulators that Republicans want to be in charge of clean energy, clean air, or in corporate oversight committees.

Maybe that is why a dullard like Romney is so popular with the GOP now. It is not so much that the GOP wants an empty suit as that Empty Chair…which is--after all—the seat of Government they so despise. They want to run for the seat just to keep it vacant—and ineffective.

There is nothing more hypocritical than men who would tell the voter “Hi, I’m a libertarian/conservative, I don’t believe in government, so vote for me, and I promise to do absolutely nothing for you at all.”
If they don’t even believe in their own job, then they shouldn’t be running, or driving, for that matter, on single payer highways to their lilly-white suburbs. Where the GOP says “we did it” Democrats say “you did it America!”

The Republican insistence upon keeping the seat of government empty makes them the political equivalent of “professional” wrestling referees on the take from the evil manager who never sees anything as the big guy chokes the little guy out on the ropes. The crowd screams bloody murder, and by the time he turns around, the damage is done (nice job Brownie!)and he blames the wrong person—like Mrs Eastwood did last night. And if he doesn’t like that, then what I am going to say next is really going to make his day.

Us working poor—we’re done taking chairs to the head. Americans have been lied to, beaten up and shot down by enough gun-happy cowboys—and ‘we’re not gonna’ take it anymore!” That’s our song, Republicans—not yours. You see, Clint—in every Western I ever saw that didn’t glorify blood-thirsty anti-heroes—the guys with badges (who represented governance and civilization) that protected widows and orphans wore the White hats.
It was the Railroad Barons who held parties while poor folks drowned in water—or debt—who wore the black hats—ya get me PUNK! Because that Empty Chair of yours also represents the number of African Americans that Republicans want in voting booths or they wouldn’t be shortening voting hours in urban districts while lengthening them for Clint’s hayseed friends in the countryside who talk Jesus, but walk Mammon (time to take Darwin out of Wall Street and put him back in the jungle, and in textbooks where he belongs.)

I’ve got one more thing to tell the high plains grifters:
“Well, pardners, we’ve got a strong man sitting tall in the White House saddle already who done left bin Laden dead and GM a-live.”
“ And being born in Hawaii, I reckon he is very much a Native American.”
As for me, I’m done with voting with a-moral cowboys what with their empty chairs, empty promises and empty minds. So begone with you Mrs Eastwood and company—and the horse you rode in on.

Rafalca, wasn’t it?

Anonymous said...

We've always been allies with Al Queda.

larry said...

used to think you were funny BM but now you have become as volitile as Jesse ,Al,Louis F and are becoming an american terrorist
creating hate with each word you say

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Hi - Great show on Friday discussing the RNC. FYI, though, Darth Rove was indeed at the convention. He didn't speak, but he was in attendance at a rather interesting moment:

Anonymous said...

Ovary Police
Ovary Troopers
Dark Ages II

Anonymous said...

During W.'s election years celebrities did just as they are doing now, bashing the republicans nominee and it didn't matter he became President and was re-elected. America knows that celebrities for the most part are, well, not very intelligent, just good at acting like they are. You Bill Maher are no exception. You offer no original thought or ideas, simply regurgitated celebrity hoopla/hullabaloo. Citizens that work daily performing tasks that makes the world go around, makes the world a better place have the wisdom to ignore and weed through the rhetoric of celebrities like yourself. Celebrities offer very little of importance to the world. They offer entertainment, which on the totem pole of importance is near the bottom. Therefore when a celebrity endorses a candidate it's a red flag not to vote for that person. America knows not to follow the advice of the feeble minded. Obama was not elected because of the influence of celebrities, hate to bust your bubble, but rather because Americans wanted positive change. They believed Obama would spur that change, but now those who voted for Obama feel like fools. The impressionable will vote for him again, but those votes aren't the votes that won it for him the first time it was the votes of the true hard working middle class that won him the election. He will not get those votes this time around because the hard working middle class like me live by a motto; fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice shame on me. America will not be fooled this time no matter how many celebrities endorse Obama or how many celebrities tell citizens they are ignorant and uneducated

Anonymous said...

During W.'s election years celebrities did just as they are doing now, backing and bashing the republicans nominee and it didn't matter he became President and was re-elected. America knows that celebrities for the most part are, well, not very intelligent, just good at acting like they are. You Bill Maher are no exception. You offer no original thought or ideas, simply regurgitated celebrity hoopla/hullabaloo. Citizens that work daily performing tasks that makes the world go around, makes the world a better place have the wisdom to ignore and weed through the rhetoric of celebrities like yourself. Celebrities offer very little of importance to the world. They offer entertainment, which on the totem pole of importance is near the bottom. Therefore when a celebrity endorses a candidate it's a red flag not to vote for that person. America knows not to follow the advice of the feeble minded. Obama was not elected because of the influence of celebrities, hate to bust your bubble, but rather because Americans wanted positive change. They believed Obama would spur that change, but now those who voted for Obama feel like fools. The impressionable will vote for him again, but those votes aren't the votes that won it for him the first time it was the votes of the true hard working middle class that won him the election. He will not get those votes this time around because the hard working middle class like me live by a motto; fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice shame on me. America will not be fooled this time no matter how many celebrities endorse Obama or how many celebrities tell citizens they are ignorant and uneducated if they vote for a Republican. Americans are aware that the opinions of celebrities are unimportant at best.

Unknown said...

To the "Anonymous"post trashing Bill Maher and President Obama: first, you need to grow a pair and list your name. second, you are a typical product of the Republican Fear Campaign started after 9/11. the reason you won't post your real identity is that you are afraid that since the Republicans passed the unconstitutional Patriot Act", someone will turn you in. HA! I love that your own party makes you afraid.

Anonymous said...

Oh no! Its the Blog Police! Scram!

Ruth Bird said...

I'd love to ask the people who are opposed to health insurance covering birth control if they're also opposed to viagra coverage.

Also, we know that men created god in their own image because he's obsessed with human genitalia and, in some religions, has a hair fetish.
Ruth Bird

Anonymous said...

Obviously Ruthless Bird needs more romance in her life. Good luck, Ruth.

ssh premium said...

This is very good news and hopefully the admin is always updating other important news.,,,,

GG. said...

Thanks for sending this message.
dream girls