Saturday, May 2, 2009



Following are quotables from “Real Time with Bill Maher” for Friday, May 1st, 2009. “Real Time with Bill Maher” airs Fridays at 10:00PM ET (10:00PM PT, tape delayed) on HBO, with additional replays throughout the week on HBO and HBO 2.

I know why you’re happy tonight. Finally, some good economic news. They’re hiring at The Supreme Court.

- Bill Maher in his opening monologue

The Republicans say that Obama’s pick for a replacement is completely unacceptable. And they will let us know why as soon as they find out who it is.

- Bill Maher in his opening monologue regarding the Supreme Court appointment

New Rule: The Obama administration must not do stupid things that remind us of something Bush would do. Whoever decided it would be a neat idea to have an airliner buzz New York City should be kissed on the mouth by a runny-nosed Mexican.

- Bill Maher in his “New Rules” segment

New Rule: Stop leaving couches on the sidewalk. You know, besides being lazy and ugly, it's animal cruelty. You teach your dog not to pee on the couch, and then when you take him to the place he's supposed to pee there's a couch.

- Bill Maher in his “New Rules” segment

New Rule: There's nothing wrong with putting Jesus on the Florida license plate. He's a 2000-year old Jew. Where else would he live? But would it kill you to show him with a little tan? Is he waiting to be resurrected or defrosted?

- Bill Maher in his “New Rules” segment

This week's guests were Congressman Barney Frank, Fareed Zakaria, Richard Engel and Dr. David Kessler.


ZenGrouch said...

Granted, I'm an Obama fan...

But come on now, aren't the terrorist winning when the sight of *Air Force One* buzzing NYC throws the city into a panic?

bobannarbor said...

Love your show. You need to keep Barney Frank off. I don't disagree with his views, but he's getting old and won't shut up. Has a need to filibuster everything.

Anonymous said...

I'm happy to see Bill Maher is maintaining his blog. He reaches farther here than via the corporate tubes.

Thanks, Bill.

I liked Barney Frank. I don't agree with him, but I like his claroty.

I'd like more to hear David Souter's opinions. Atm I'm trying to find his book. Much has been written about him, I'm trying to get his perspective in order to understand the others.

mike m said...

Supreme Court - Maybe he should nominate Arlen Specter. Or, if he really wanted to piss off the republicans, Ed Rendell or Howard Dean. Personally, I would like to see Mario Cuomo, if he would actually accept, this time. He's probably the only one with enough balls to stand up to a bully like Scalia. But Obama's probably going to nominate a woman, or a Hispanic woman. How about a black woman? Even better yet, a Muslim woman.

mike m said...

Old Jews in Florida. Imagine that.

Anonymous said...

Bill, at least they stopped dumping couches on the freeway... as much. I just wish the surveillance cameras from border to border that we pay for weren't pertikted by eminent domain.

When Barney Frank said we need to fix the drug/denial of personal freedom laws, I agree.

When Barney Frank said we need to make room for political felons who fuck over 300 million plus, I realized he doesn't truly understand the problem. We need to publically execute these industrial scale criminals. Their punishment should deter like minded greedy fucks who want to 'represent' us.

We have the rope and can find the time, we just need their addresses. A govt of by and for us shouldn't make us get accepted into college in order to access the many online databases that we fund in order to get this info.

Wink wink your 3rd eye, baby.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mike,

How about appointing Larry Flynt to the Supreme Court? After all, he has done more and paid more for our freedoms than anyone in my lifetime.

Plus he is obviously smarter than every politican in the world since Alexander. He outlives Hitler and other like minded pricks. I loved it when he asked for a bailout...

Anonymous said...

About Larry Flynt's qualifications:

He knows his way around whores
He knows his way around politicans
He knows his way around bankers
He knows his way around lawyers, judges and cops
He knows his way around the USA
He knows his way around the world
He has no religulous shame
He has the time & money to kick ass & take names
He can't be bought

I wish I was him.

Anonymous said...

One more thing: Larry Flynt knows his way around college posers.

I think I'll subscribe to his magazines. I have convinced me that he'll spend my dollars better than all the fucking political scum.

Except for the underpaid teachers.

Anonymous said...

Nothing wrong with a rock hard, even when I have nowhere to put it.

Thanks Larry.

mike m said...

Blue Eyed Devil

How about appointing Larry Flynt to the Supreme Court?

I love it!!!! Check out my blog. At the bottom there's a parody about Haliburton that I scanned from a Hustler Mag. Great stuff!

mike m said...

Larry Flynt

Cyd said...

How old are you turds? Zen need not answer as it is clear he is nothing but a hippie burnout even to the left of Maher...

Granted, I'm an Obama fan...

But come on now, aren't the terrorist winning when the sight of *Air Force One* buzzing NYC throws the city into a panic?


Apologizing for a major screw up? An Obamabot? Who would have thought?

mike m said...

Hey, some of my best friends are hippie burnouts!

Just another way of how people use The Culture Wars to validate their opinions. With all due credit, it is much easier than actually thinking.

Cyd said...

Mike, kindly do not project your biases onto me. Zen's antics and caricatured behaviour is more than enough evidence that he's had one too many psychedelics in his day.

The term "burnout" actually has a meaning and is not a mere head bobbing stamp, such as "republitard", "tea bagger" and the like the ultra left uses. It is more than a cultural war metaphor and indicates a person who just didn't know when to say enough.

Hard Core Michigander said...

Chief Justice Jennifer Granholm sounds good to me!

My Girl... :)

Unknown said...

Bill, Barney Frank was complicit in many of the horrible decisions regarding deregulation that leave us where we are today. He was also very resistant to more oversight at Freddie and Fannie until it was too late. You also mentioned how many on Wall St. are acting as if nothing has happened. Barney Frank has played a role in that as well. He apparently is trying to broker a deal allowing Goldman Sachs to pay back the TARP, to show they "didn't need government help", when in fact Goldman required much more government assistance than just the TARP including becoming a bank holding company overnight so they could borrow from the Fed and also issuing government guaranteed debt ($22 billion to date)that they would not have been able to raise in the open market. Barney is trying to help them pay back the TARP for the sole reason of avoiding the compensation limits that come along with TARP funds. I know he was very quick to point out his involvement in credit card fee limits, but guess what, Goldman doesn't issue credit cards. Barney Frank is as crooked as they come and if he were a Republican you would have been all over him with his history.

mike m said...


What about hippie? That's not a culture war metaphor? And as far as "burnout", I guess you never really met one. I know someone who is really burnt, and the local police give him a hard time because they think he's burnt because of "too many". But the fact is, when he was 12, he got Scarlet Fever, and his parents were religious nuts who didn't believe in doctors.

mike m said...

Sorry, a little too heavy for this blog.

mike m said...

Damn you, cyd. You didn't respond the way I thought you would. I had this really great comeback ready. Oh well, I'll save it for Geniemaker or Independent Thinker.

mike m said...

Hard Core Michigander

A little biased, are we? :)

Cyd said...


True, hippie is more of a cultural war metaphor, though I was using it more to "date" Zen. The typical non-productive sexagenarian from the 60s.

As to your example, while I'm sure is true, can be fitted into the exception as opposed to the rule category in terms of how people become "burnouts".

Out of curiosity, how did you expect me to respond?

ZenGrouch said...

Speaking of Obamabots...

Looks like he's got another convert!

"Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush said it's time for Republicans "to listen a little bit, learn a little bit." He advised Republicans to work on the party's message and "not be so nostalgic."

"I would say you can't beat something with nothing. The other side has something. I don't like it, but they have it," said Bush, who praised President Obama's tactical approach to politics and commended his 2008 campaign as "forward-looking.""
***the rats is jumping ship faster than Rush can grind up and snort an Oxycontin***

ZenGrouch said...


Did Jebbie just say the Republicans got *NOTHING* to work with?!

...yes he did

ZenGrouch said...

OK, Jebbie just said the Republicans got nothing, and need to change their tactics and image...

He admitted that Obama is forward thinking...


Then why doesn't the cocksucker suggest that maybe it's time for the Party of ***NO!*** to start working with those who want to correct the damage done to this country, BY the Republicunts?

That's just not the Right Wing-Nut way...

No, no, no, no, no, work with the ENEMY, is you crazy?!

ZenGrouch said...

If it were up to the Republicunts, imagine the damage they would inflict on this country, in the name of saving their party of **NO!**

...shameless bastards, when this country really needs Statesmen

But acting for the good of the United States doesn't even occur, to the self centered, greedy pawns of the dollar.

Cyd said...


There will be no country left after Obama gets finished with it, along with the band of crooks in Congress. I'm sure you do not believe this, though I am quite confident that you will live to see the day that this becomes truth. Even in your addled state...

ZenGrouch said...

Are you calling Jebbie a liar, squid boy?

....he's a Bush, of course he's a liar, just not on the point of Obama being on the right track!

ZenGrouch said...

Now pardon me if I go back to ignoring you.

You're so predictable and boring, I'm sure you'll have nothing of substance worth commenting on.

Cyd said...

Yes, you go on right ahead and "ignore" me, ZenTurd. Anybody can see I am so "predictable and boring". LOL

Please point out where I have defended the Bush family, and if you are able to do so, THAT would be the time to open your piehole about Republicunt this or that. Until then, again, STFU as you are an embarrassment to your cause.

Skeptic said...

On Climate Change: The earth is in an interglacial period that started 18,000 years ago. Sea levels have risen about 300 ft. These periods usually last 15,000 to 20,000 yrs. The total ice age cycle is about 105,000 years. Temperatures did get slightly hotter during the last interglacial about 110,000 - 127,000 years ago before it got a lot colder. The warming spikes don't usually last very long. There are several charts and information on the link below.

ZenGrouch said...


If global warming started 18,000 years ago, as your article stated.

Why does it seem to be increasing at such an increased rate, right now, in concert with the rise in man made carbon dioxide levels?

AND, what causes these "natural" ice ages.

Also, what institutions are responsible for the "facts" presented in that article?

Skeptic said...


There are references at the bottom of the link. PhD's from Harvard and other academia, gov't Committees...the usual suspects. The heat spikes in the warming period are thought to be linked to the Milankovitch cycle. These are slight changes in the earths orbit around the sun. There are 400,000, 100,000, 42,000, 21,000, 1500 year cycles and sun spot cycles that affect the climate and ice ages.

ZenGrouch said...


Check the "references" against the materials they "support."

Nothing actually supports your assumption that global warming is anything other than man made.

If you feel that I'm in error, which referenced material should I revisit.

"The heat spikes in the warming period are thought to be linked to the Milankovitch cycle."...

If you're talking about our current global warming, I'd like to see something backing up your assertion, that the Milankovich cycle, could cause something that causes spikes that are this dramatic over such a short period of time.

ZenGrouch said...


How do you account for the Earth's temperatures relationship to the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?

And are you claiming that the recent accelerated rate of carbon dioxide entering our atmosphere is caused by anything other than man?

Do you believe Woods Hole Research Center to be one of the most prestigious research organizations in the world?

If so, check out their findings regarding CO2 and the Earth's temperature, backing the widely held scientific belief that global warming is caused by man, and is very real.

Seriously, even that idiot G.W. finally admitted that global warming was real, and caused by man.

Do you by chance, have a list of reputable scientists who believe that global warming is just a natural thing, not caused by man?

Stacy said...

Dear Bill,
I watched FOX News tonight, It was very scarry! I have learned that since I care about the homeless, less fortunate, and children with AIDS, and CANCER I am worse than Hitler in their oppinion. I also learned that it is better for teenagers to beat an illegal alien almost to death than it would be to legalize marijuana. I have never been so scarred in my life! We have to put this insanity out of our midst! So what do we do now and where do we go? The right can't get anymore right and the left can't overcome.
This is an epifany.
Thank you, Stacy
P.S. Sorry if I misspelled anything........

Stacy said...

I can't believe it! The Republicans are saying the Democratic party and Obama created a tornado and sicked it upon the Dallas Cowboy training center there in Texas. If you believe that, I also have some global warming, and exterminations of animal species that are also discounted by the Republican party that ya'll can't scientifically prove. Hmmm creation Hmmm the Republican party is a little shy of reality. But if it does turn out to be true blame Obama. Oooohhhhh!
Thank you,
Lost in translation.

Cyd said...


Bill, I don't believe in banning guns just because the least evolved can't handle them...

One last time...just exactly who are you referring to when you state the "least evolved"?

Cyd said...

Well, I'm not going to wait any longer for the spineless and testicle-less Mojojojo to clarify his statement. What he meant was to smear white gun advocates when he used the term "least evolved". That is what ultra leftist turds do when using terms they think are witty as they attempt to curry favor from others of their ilk. He may be smart enough to know not to get involved with me, unlike the moron, ZenTurd who constantly puts his foot in his mouth with every comment to me.

The real evidence, as gathered by the Dept of Justice, indicates that blacks are the greatest perpetrators of guns and its greatest victims.

DoJSo with evidence clearly in hand, I agree with Mojojojo that the least evolved should not be given the privilege to carry firearms.

Skeptic said...


You could take another look at the explanations of charts in one of the references. There are some slides on CO2 lag, sun cycles, ice age patterns and others comparisons of popular theories.

I'm not saying that global warming isn't happening and that human may be contributing to the problem. I am saying that our contribution to the problem is only one factor and may not be the most important. Our ability to fix it may not be enough either.

I'm an advocate for: 1) reducing comsuption of oil because it feeds wars and is becoming a scare resource, 2) reducing consumption in general because over population is a problem that is only going to get worse, 3) reducing water & air pollution because it causes health problems and ecology problems.

I do respect the Woods Hole Research team. The 150 year range should be considered also in context with longer climate cycles.

Anonymous said...

fuck you maher! you are a fucking moron and your kids will more than likely be just as stupid and moronic as your dumbass! go fuck yourself asshole!

mrned said...

Bill use this on your show. It reiterates what got you fired from Politically Incorrect - particularly the LAST LINE:

Published on Sunday, May 3, 2009 by Asia News International
Advisor: ‘US Needs to Call off Drone Strikes in Pak’

Lahore - The top adviser to the US army chief in Afghanistan, David Kilcullen, has observed that the US drone strikes in Pakistan are creating more enemies than eliminating them, and hence, needed to be "called off."

Responding to a congressman on what the US government should do in Pakistan, he said: "We need to call off the drones."

The Daily Times quoted Kilcullen, as saying that he has no objection to killing "bad guys" in Pakistan.

However, he added that the strikes were creating more enemies than they eliminate.

Kilcullen said that the drone strikes, which were "highly unpopular", gave rise to a feeling of anger that unites the population with the Taliban and could lead to "loss of Pakistani government control over its own population".

He said that insurgents used the drone strikes to stir up anti-Western and anti-government sentiment.

Another problem, Kilcullen noted, was "using robots from the air looks both cowardly and weak".

ZenGrouch said...

"He may be smart enough to know not to get involved with me, unlike the moron, ZenTurd who constantly puts his foot in his mouth with every comment to me."...

Yes, that's it precisely!

We're ignoring you because we fear the *Wrath of Cyd the Squid*

Does it rain Skittles in *your* world?

...ya' ignant' troll

ZenGrouch said...

"You could take another look at the explanations of charts in one of the references."...

It was my point that none of the referenced material put up much of an argument, indicating that global warming is anything other than man made.

Which reference are you talking about?

Cyd said...

Care to address the topic that Morororon hid from, ZenTurd? I reckon three attempts to get his clarification should be enough. How about you; do you agree that the "least evolved" should be banned from having guns in light of the cold hard facts? Or should we just nod in brain dead agreement, as if we didn't know what he meant? Wink, wink...

ZenGrouch said...


You're really like a dog with a bone on this one, not letting go no matter what.

And you WILL NOT be ignored!

I like your tenacity, keep up the good work...

***Q: How do you drive a moron shit eating nuts?
A: Ignore his stupid ass!***

Cyd said...

Hey, I can't help that you and your klan of kooks constantly put crap in mouths before attempting to determine if what you are saying is true or not. I love pointing it out because it is so prevalent.

At least you're learning to shut that ignorant piehole of yours and not make so many gaffes as you did when you first came across me. We'll pretend it is under the guise of "ignoring" me. It will be our little secret. LOL!

So, for the record and a short synopsis.

1) Maher is an anti-white bigot.

2) You, ZenTurd, are an idiot, topic avoider and potty mouth fool.

3) Morororon is an anti-white, anti-conservative, anti-gun advocate unless the guns are for non-whites. Then he clams up like a little bitch.

Anonymous said...

Cyd the Kid,

Unless America, The Real America, takes control again?

We are in some very deep shit!

Beavis and Butthead do not have a clue as to running a nation!

I personally worry about my fellow Americans than I do "The Terrorist"!

Yes, I said it, Terrorist, not ememy combatants,overseas contingency....give me a fucking break!

War on Terror, torture...oops! Just don't put little insects in their cells but, let kill babies before they're born! Take away guns for self protection and re-write the Constitution but, let's kill babies before they're born! Let's do away with the death penalty but, Let's kill babies before they're born! Don't torture our enemy to gain information that might save a life, but Let's kill babies before they're born!

Let the Government take over our "Entire Life"! Can't smoke here, can't drive this, can't have your thermostat where you want, let's pay Huge taxes to cover $10 Trillion dollars...

Over $635,000 per family to pay for Obama's Companies!

God ( bad again, you have no God) time will tell! And I pray to my God that the people will wake up (which, they already are) soon!

One more thing! KILL JANICE ON "24"

she's killing the ratings and bring torture back on the show! That's what made it good, not a whimpy Jack!

Anonymous said...

Stacy said...

Dear Bill,
I watched FOX News tonight, It was very scarry! I have learned that since I care about the homeless, less fortunate, and children with AIDS, and CANCER I am worse than Hitler in their oppinion. I also learned that it is better for teenagers to beat an illegal alien almost to death than it would be to legalize marijuana. I have never been so scarred in my life! We have to put this insanity out of our midst! So what do we do now and where do we go? The right can't get anymore right and the left can't overcome.
This is an epifany.
Thank you, Stacy
P.S. Sorry if I misspelled anything........

First of all, I want to know "exactly" where and whom you heard that! Tell me, and I will look into it. I am a Fox News Junkie and go to CNN and MSNBC once in awhile to see what ass's they are that day but, TELL ME WHO AND WHEN IT WAS SAID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG, give me a a "big fucking break"....if you "really watched Fox News you know NO SUCH THING!

You people are pathetic!

At least on Fox News they are not jacking off to Obama!!!!

Just try watching for a full week, maybe you will learn something besides, it's #1 for a reason or do you have a brain to research that!

It is not the right who will be the Death of Us!

It is all you Morons on the Left...

well, you do love killing babies!

ZenGrouch said...

"I am a Fox News Junkie"...

Of course you are...

With a name like "Independent Thinker" where *else* would you get your news?

I mean besides from Rush...

ZenGrouch said...

"TELL ME WHO AND WHEN IT WAS SAID!!!!!!!*big snip*...

You demanding scab!

So, who exactly said they want to rewrite the constitution and take away guns for self protection?

And which motherfucker, besides you, said ANYTHING about treating terrorists better than Americans?



Anonymous said...


You have got to be the scariest asshole I have ever come across!

You make Al-Quaida look like fairies!

I fear the likes of you more than I do Al-Quaida!

That is pretty sad!

Anonymous said...

ZenGrouch said..


Is that a threat? Just keep backing up my comments!

ZenGrouch said...

So, I take it you're not going to share with us, who it was that promotes the idea of treating terrorists better than Americans?

Are you protecting someone, ass hole?

And who was it that wants to rewrite the constitution to take away all of our guns?

You lying sack of shit, hang nail...

ZenGrouch said...

I fear the likes of you more than I do Al-Quaida!

That is pretty sad!"

Yes you are...

...bought the Bush paranoia thing hook line and stinker!

...ya' paranoid fool

ZenGrouch said...




Anonymous said...

ZenGrouch said...

So, I take it you're not going to share with us, who it was that promotes the idea of treating terrorists better than Americans?

Are you protecting someone, ass hole?

And who was it that wants to rewrite the constitution to take away all of our guns?

You lying sack of shit, hang nail...

Hellooooo!!!! Who has exposed us as Torturers? Who wants to ban guns? Who has put our agents in danger by exposing pictures, but Valerie Plame ass got to put someone in jail because the poor baby who wasn't even a working agent got exposed for being an agent at one time! Who wants to close Quantanimo and release them here in the U.S.?

Look in your own back yard, it's the Looney Left....Oh, the poor terrorist, a caterpillar was put in their cell, they had water splashed in their face! But, if you live in California, It saved your sorry ass!

It is you and your Messiah Leader who have made us look like fools and they are laughing their heads off overseas. They "behead" people without flinching but, we are sooo bad because we wanted to protect ourselves.

Ask yourself, what would you do if your family member was in danger and someone in custody knew all about it!

Oh, you would let your family die because, don't hurt the poor little bad man!

ZenGrouch said...




Do you even actually watch "any" news?

ZenGrouch said...
Yes you are...

...bought the Bush paranoia thing hook line and stinker!

...ya' paranoid fool

No, watching over 3000 of my fellow Americans burn and jump from the Towers put my fears on the defensive. I'm just so sorry for you that Bush was so bad in your eyes protecting your sorry ass!

Anonymous said...

Is that too much thinking for you to do?

ZenGrouch said...

"I'm just so sorry for you that Bush was so bad in your eyes protecting your sorry ass!"...

Bush was warned by Clinton, warned by Richard Clark and most importantly warned in his PDB's that terrorists planned on using commercial airliners as weapons.




Now, are YOU going to tell us who exactly said we should treat terrorists better than Americans, or do you just want to admit that you're a horrible lying sack of festering shit?

Fuck you for suggesting those on the left who care about our rights would say anything CLOSE to your accusations!

Anonymous said...

You are too funny!

ZenGrouch said...

Any you're way too stupid and gullible...

...well, for anything other than the Republican't Party of *NO*!

Anonymous said...

The terrorists in Cuba are treated "way more better" than our homeless here!

Anonymous said...

Well, since Messiah Obama is leading, I guess:


Anonymous said...

And who in their right frickin mind wears a pair of over $500 tennis shoes to a "Charity" event?

Talk about snubbing the less fortunate!

ZenGrouch said...

You stupid piece of shit...

Would you rather have three meals a day, in prison, or be free to do whatever you please...

...even if that included living in a cardboard box?

And whose fault is that?

It was Ronnie "Poopie Pants" Reagan that emptied our mental institutes onto the streets.

So anyway, when you said there are those who want to treat terrorists better than Americans, you weren't speaking of Americans in general?

And by terrorists, you weren't talking about people who were actually convicted of any crimes or any wrong doing, right?

ZenGrouch said...

How does wearing $500 tennis shoes help the terrorists, you stupid fuck?

Anonymous said...

My god you are stupid!

ZenGrouch said...

So explain it to me professor.

Tell this stupid fuck, how wearing $500 tennis shoes helps terrorism against the United States?

Anonymous said...

ZenGrouch said...

How does wearing $500 tennis shoes help the terrorists, you stupid fuck?

let me repeat myself:

My god you are stupid and can't read!
Did I say anything about terrorists with regards to the high dollar shoes?


Anonymous said...

You are just too much fun!

ZenGrouch said...

Oh, so when you brought up the shoes, you were trying to change the subject from the original statement you made, regarding, this mysterious person/persons who believe that terrorists should be treated better than Americans.

Come on, just admit that you're a lying fuck, and I'll let you off the hook.

...ya' stupid bottom feedin' carp

ZenGrouch said...

YOU claimed that someone, presumably from the Left, feels that terrorists should be treated better than Americans.

Who were you talking about?

Simple question, ya' lying bitch.

Anonymous said...

I wasn't changing the subject, just think it was so wrong to flaunt her money around people who didn't have any!

Now, you tell me! Why should we expose our agents who have been successful getting info out of the bad guys by little effects?

Who is it that says we "torture" our enemy?

If you can't answer that, then you are not who I thought you were and you are just a gopher living in a hole!

And why am I a lying Fuck when all of this came out of Obama's mouth?

Anonymous said...

And if I was a bottom feeder, I would be all gung-ho on Socialism!

But, I prefer to work for myself and take responsibility for myself but, if you and all the Bill Maher's want to support me? Go for it!

ZenGrouch said...

On top of being a lying piece of right wing shit, you're a hypocrite!

I would have let your stupid comments slide, if it weren't for the demanding demeanor you attacked another poster with. Demanding to know WHO, WHO, WHO, with exclamation marks to near infinity! Ya' FOOL!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, I just asked who on Fox News said that! That's not being demanding!

At least I don't threaten you!

Does this ring a bell?

ZenGrouch said..


ZenGrouch said...

If you refuse to give up your fellow treasonous pieces of shit, who want to treat terrorists better than Americans, and insist on changing the subject....


...ya' lying, hypocrite, stupid fuck

Anonymous said...

You need some major anger management classes!

Anonymous said...

Who the hell am I suppose to give up except for your Precious Obama!!!!

He is the one and the Democrats who think we are torturing the poor babies!

Like I asked earlier, do you "even" watch any news?

Anonymous said...

You gotta be quicker with you're responses otherwise I'm thinking the brain is not all there and you actually have to think first!

ZenGrouch said...

"Who the hell am I suppose to give up except for your Precious Obama!!!!"...

So, you're claiming that Obama, the President of the United States, made a statement indicating that we as a country should treat terrorists who would see our country burn, then piss on it's ashes, BETTER than citizens of this great country?

You're one crazy and seriously demented fuck.

Fox and Rush would be proud!

Anonymous said...

You're kidding right?

ZenGrouch said...

Question was asked... answered with Obama.

Did I miss something?

...ya' ignorant fuck

Anonymous said...

Don't you listen to his teleprompter?

ZenGrouch said...

OK, so far I've showed you to be a hypocritical, lying piece of paranoid shit.


You take a joke about killing a kitten as a direct threat directed at you.

You think the big bad liberals are out to rewrite the constitution so that you can't protect yourself from us with your gun.

Obama is more concerned with the well being of terrorists out to destroy this country than he is with the well being of citizens of this country.

You is seriously nuts son!

Highly entertaining, but in need of help.

Anonymous said...

Wow, this came from our enemies news!

I guess they lie too!

Anonymous said...

Okay, which is it?

Bitch or son!

ZenGrouch said...

Granted, I'd accept as a reliable news source before getting my new from Fox or Rush...

...but no thanks, I'll pass on what you consider to be a reliable source of news.

Anonymous said...

Then who do you deem reliable other than your own President?

ZenGrouch said...

"Bitch or son!"...

Sorry, my bad... *SON OF A BITCH* less confusing to you?

...ya' motherfucker

Anonymous said...

Now you're talking!

You're such a putz!

oops, I said a bad word!

Anonymous said...

ZenGrouch said...

OK, so far I've showed you to be a hypocritical, lying piece of paranoid shit.

Okay, I'd rather be that than you!

Anonymous said...

Zen, I've been following you since day one of this blog and, sorry to say but, you have some major anger issues!

ZenGrouch said...

Of course you'd rather be "a hypocritical, lying piece of paranoid shit." than be me.

The Reich has indoctrinated you well!

Anonymous said...


You still so funny!

ZenGrouch said...

"you have some major anger issues!"...

Yeah, but the things that anger me, aren't paranoid delusions I can't quite seem to put into words.

...unlike youuuuuuu!

Anonymous said...

you still so funny!

ZenGrouch said...

...and you're a fun chew toy!

So, who exactly said they want to rewrite the constitution and take away your guns, so you can't protect yourself from roving gangs of homosexual Leftie rapists!

...ya' Mary Ann

Anonymous said...

You are becoming a broken record!

But keep talking because you are making your side sound real smart!

Chris B said...

Enjoyed the show Bill but fact check, is a virus considered to be alive? I was taught they're not. Darwin theory really does not apply to a virus as it's not a living entity.

ZenGrouch said...

Broken record...

Nagging, voice looking for an answer to a question you refuse to answer, thus proving yourself a shameless liar.

...whatever, you lying sack of shit.

Right! Obama is in cahoots with the terrorists!

Right Wing-Nut Fool!

Hey, while we're at it...

HOW OLD IS THE EARTH, ya' moron?

Anonymous said...

Hey, Bill's blog is better than his show!

Hey, buttface! Did I "ever" say Obama was in cahoots with the terrorist?

I think not!

See, that just proves my point! You don't read the entire quotes, just what you want to read.


Blogs are still better than the show!!!

Anonymous said...

Lefty Loon!

Anonymous said...

Now, admit it!

You're having fun, right?

ZenGrouch said...


Some argue that a virus is not alive.

But they reproduce and are organic.

What do you believe to be the strongest agrument for viruses to not be living organisms?

Because they require a host organism?

Anonymous said...

Watch out Chris, Zen's coming after you!

ZenGrouch said...

"You're having fun, right?"... want to suck my cock, right?

Sorry Bubba, Zen Grouch don't swing that way, Princess.

Anonymous said...

ZenGrouch said...

"You're having fun, right?"... want to suck my cock, right?

Sorry Bubba, Zen Grouch don't swing that way, Princess.

Wow, you are one really sick dude!

Anonymous said...

Bubba - Princess?

Make up your damn mind!

ZenGrouch said...

"Bubba - Princess?

Make up your damn mind!"

Yeah, that's the one thing that's got you stumped...

Look, I'm straight, and we aren't in an airport men's room.

Not that there's anything wrong with you being a homosexual.

Being an annoying homosexual, is a whole other animal though.

So, zip it up, Suzie Q.

Anonymous said...

If you're calling me Suzie Q then I guess I'm not homosexual....

You still too funny!!!!

Anonymous said...

If you only knew!!!!


Anonymous said...

You know? This blog is perfect for Psychology students!

Anonymous said...

Since you are not fast enough, I'm tired and will continue at another time.

Sleep well Zen!

ZenGrouch said...

Yes, it could be a study for Republican homosexual foreplay...

Start out with name calling, humiliate yourself, then roll over on your back pretending to be playful.

Too bad a bitch all in heat, with no place to go.

Cyd said...

Loved the thrashing Independent Thinker put on ZenTurd. What an utter, pitiful fool this Turd is.

Say, why is ZenTurd here all the time responding to all the comments? Is he Maher himself or just Maher's ass licker?

ZenGrouch said...

"Loved the thrashing Independent Thinker put on ZenTurd."...


This explains A LOT!

The Republicunt party appeals to self loathing masochists who get off on humiliation.

Crusader said...

God bless you Bill! This last show was awesome! I know you're audience didn't give you the laughs you deserved at times, but I noticed you didn't resort to giving the easy liberal laugh lines. Don't pander to them and you'll find that you're live audience will become more balanced again. As liberals and conservatives begin to both see you more live, you'll find that the show will be far more entertaining and everyone will be far more entertained. You don't need to be left or right, merely fair and intelligent. Thus, you'll attract fair and intelligent fans.

Anonymous said...

ZenGrouch said... *SON OF A BITCH* less confusing to you?

...ya' motherfucker

OK, so far I've showed you to be a hypocritical, lying piece of paranoid shit.

Right Wing-Nut Fool! want to suck my cock, right?

Yes, it could be a study for Republican homosexual foreplay...

Start out with name calling, humiliate yourself, then roll over on your back pretending to be playful.

Too bad a bitch all in heat, with no place to go.

independent_thinker said...

Hey, buttface!

Yeah, you're right Zen, we do all the name calling! :)

ZenGrouch said...

Yes, I'm doing most of the name calling, but *YOU* and yours are doing 99.9% of the lying.

I'm just calling a lying sack of shit, a lying sack of shit.

...ya' lying sack of poop

ZenGrouch said...

Well put Crusader!

After all, White Supremacist, Nazi, minority hating, homophobic, ignorant pieces of dog shit need entertainin' too!

Anonymous said...

Bill, you're fucking hot! I wanna sex you up! And, ummm wow that is slightly inappropriate!...but seriously...I am serious.

And p.s I'm really not some weirdo, I'm a 24 year old grad-student. <3

Cyd said...

And p.s I'm really not some weirdo, I'm a 24 year old grad-student. <3Why would anyone consider you a weirdo, Sarabeth? I'm sure it is quite "normal" to want to screw a complete stranger simply because he is on TV and comes across as a "nice guy" even though the content of his thoughts are anything but. Simply going by your syntax and grammar, one can only guess you are in a highly demanding graduate program from an ultra-competitive school, like Howard or Grambling. I doubt it is Harvard or Princeton, as we know that the Obama's graduated from there and...ummm...standards just aren't what they used to be prior to AA, and I don't mean African American, sweetie. At least you aren't out clubbing, getting plastered, and screwing total strangers, right Sarabeth? ...Sarabeth??

Cyd said...

Ahhh, look at ZenTurd bothering himself with low hanging fruit. What would the boards be without a potty mouthed ignoramus erecting strawmen and knocking them down on an hourly basis? Everyone must be in awe...well, at least I am... ;) LOL

ZenGrouch said...


Don't mind Cyd the Squid.

He's jealous, of your woman parts.

Anonymous said...

Love is a many-splendored thing,
It's the April rose that only grows in the early spring,
Love is nature's way of giving a reason to be living,
The golden crown that makes a man a king.
Once on a high and windy hill,
In the morning mist two lovers kissed and the world stood still,
Then your fingers touched my silent heart and taught it how to sing,
Yes, true love's a many-splendored thing.

Bill said...

Future panel member request, copy and paste link for full post.

ZenGrouch said...

Letterman had a good skit tonight, called something like:

Dick Cheney: How'd 'e Do?

With various comments from that LYING SACK OF SHIT!

Anonymous said...

It is always so sad to see people who have "so much Hate" in their lives!

Yeah, Yeah! I know ZenGrouch! Go ahead and let me have it!

I can take it!

ZenGrouch said...


I've said it before, and I'll say it again.

You Republicunts are nothing if not persistant.

"Yeah, Yeah! I know ZenGrouch! Go ahead and let me have it!

I can take it!"


What's wrong Peaches? Cops cracking down on the toilets at the airpors, and that 76 truck stop on the outskirts of town?

Anonymous said...

Well, you're predictable! That's a for sure! lmao

You are so funny!

ZenGrouch said...

"Predictable" eh?

Yeah, wish I could be wily, and think on my feet like the *Party of NO!*

Crazy flexible bastards that so much like change, and to shake up the status quo... their rules carved out in fucking STONE!

Yeah, nothing at all predictable about the Repuclicunts!

Anonymous said...

You got me shakin'! much name-calling!

Did you go to school?

timer set

ZenGrouch said...

"You got me shakin'!"...

Hmm... all that talk about dirty Republicunt love makin' in dirty toilet stalls, got you all a quiver, 'eh?

***Give me

Yo' dirty love

Just like a Repug do that little boy,

in a rest stop toilet stall*** apologies to Zappa

Anonymous said...

8 minutes!!!

You broke your record!

ZenGrouch said...

Common I.T...

What is it about sucking strange cock in public toilet stalls that Republicunts can't resist?

Like nasty little dung beatles swarming the light, well if dung beatles could fly that is.

Is it the stink that gets you off, or do you guys subconsciously want to get caught, rather than live the great Republican't lie?

Party of NO!

Unless someone's got their cock hanging out!

ZenGrouch said...


Party of:

1) NO!

2) Tap toe for blow!

3) Does this beard make me look straight?

ZenGrouch said...

"8 minutes!!!

You broke your record!"

Come on dude!

Keep your masturbation Tally book to yourself.

Anonymous said...

If I were a man, I still wouldn't be offended!

Do you have something against Gay's?

Anonymous said...

Ok, I'm done messing with you now.

NBA Play-offs starting soon!

ZenGrouch said...

"Do you have something against Gay's?"...

Actually, no...

I DO have something against hypocritical Republicunts who bash Gays, then head off to the public toilet to suck cock...

"Ok, I'm done messing with you now."...

**MESSING** being the operative word...

...Mr. Sticky Finger Eight Minute Man!

"NBA Play-offs starting soon!"...

How Manly of you!

If you do watch, I'm betting you turn the sound down, then put "IT'S RAINING MEN!" on an endless loop, to assist you in setting new records in your Tally Book, while your neighbors are wondering why you keep screaming out "Pass *ME* that ball handsome!"

***Tally Man!
Tally me banana!
Stopwatch on, and me gonna stroke pork!***

ZenGrouch said...

"Did you go to school?"...

Does it really matter?

I mean, what should concern you, is the way I *took your ass to school*...

***Q: What's got 4 legs, one and a half brains, and has 2 wet knees?

A: Rush Limbaugh snorting Oxycontin off a cockhead in a public toilet.***

Anonymous said...

Can't you read?

Plus, I think you need to get out more often!

ZenGrouch said...

"Can't you read?"...

Apparently not...

I thought you were done with me and enjoying a rousing game of hoop ball.

ZenGrouch said...

"Plus, I think you need to get out more often!"...

Thanks for the advice Dr. *My Cock is Running* Strangelove!

You tell all your patients they need to get out and get some fresh air and sunshine on their Johnson's, don't ya'?

Anonymous said...

Well, since you're a "Man"...

I can't stop!

Anonymous said...


If you only knew!

ZenGrouch said...


If you only knew!"

Seesh Martha, and you called me predictable.

Never heard a trannie trying to pass itself off as an actual honest to god female, use that line before.

You aren't really kidding those guys, who let you believe they have no idea that you're just passing yourself off as female.

***Gee Buddy!
You certainly did fool me THAT time!
What are you a god damned Liberal, BWAAA-HAA-HA!
No, just kidding, same time next week?***

Anonymous said...

You may believe what you wish!

Doesn't bother me besides, I guess the way I spew trashy, potty mouth comments back to you proves I'm a man!

ZenGrouch said...

"You may believe what you wish!"...

Gotta admit, I never saw THAT one coming from a Republican't...

...oh, right, you're just misrepresenting yourself again.

Anonymous said...

ZenGrouch said...

ZenGrouch said...

Why change who you are by changing a word just because I'm not the Gay Man you've been bashing all of this time?

The reality is, what is the truth?

It doesn't matter if you're Conservative, Liberal, White, Black, Believer, Non-believer, Gay, Staight, smart, stupid or what-ever you may be,

All have different versions of the Truth and nothing will change that!

Only time will reveal the truth no matter what it may be!

But I know you about to tell me "Your Truth"!

PMac said...

It's time for Barney Frank to fade off into the sunset. He is a partisan blowhard who only cares about his own opinion and doesn't let anyone else talk. Probably why he has been so successful in congress. Political views aside, he is the most annoying person I can think of.
Enjoyed Fareed and the other guy.

ZenGrouch said...

Truth is I.T...

You're starting to bore me.


Anonymous said...

Then stop responding to me and I will stop responding to you!

It's that simple!

ZenGrouch said...

"Then stop responding to me and I will stop responding to you!"...

How will that stop you from posting boring crap?

Oscar said...

Bill my Man,
What the Fuck happen?
In all the years I've watch you I've never ever seen you played a fool! I've always like watching you fuck up the repubs and dems.
Barney Frank kick your fucking ass! that Motherfucker wouldn't shut the fuck up and you look like a whip pup!

I felt sorry for your guests, when the camera panned to Mr. Fareed he look like he was saying how about a little fucking help,but you just let that numbnut keep talking,what a fuck up.

Barney has no respect for nobody but himself. That Motherfucker wouldn't no respect if it bit him own his dick.
Barney told Mr. Engel he didn't know what the fuck he was talking about too and Mr. Engel lives there, what a dick head!

Bill-O-Bill where has my little bill gone? Another show like that, a true fan not for long. Call Barney up and tell him you want your Balls back before he gets your dick too.

Bill, get your thumb out your ass and be the man I know you to be. Fuck them all even the ones in power, so stand up for what you believe. Be a Man, Tell Barney Frank to kiss your fucking ass!!
One last thing, tell Mr. Fareed and Mr.Engel you're sorry for being such a Pussy and it want happen again. Watching always a Fan.

LCOIN said...

The only "real" terrorists are out of office thankfully, and O Bama is doing a wonderful job now. Has any one watched Zeitgeist?? I would LOVE some discussions about Religion I mean Astrology, The 911 Terrorist Attacks I mean the 911 Inside Job, and The Federal Reserve I mean the Destruction of our finanical system. PLEASE!!!!

Anonymous said...

ZenGrouch said...

"Then stop responding to me and I will stop responding to you!"...

How will that stop you from posting boring crap?

lmao...You're worse than a Woman, always has to have the last word!

Anonymous said...

"The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off."

- Gloria Steinem

Anonymous said...

Imapatient Cyd, I was busy in the world: making money making people happy without hurting anyone. You should try it, its a rush.

Its not that I may be older than you, its that I was/am/will be smarter than you whatever your age is. You are owned. Make your way through my world, its all you'll ever know.

It is a pleasure to read how badly you wanted to post your opinion about the permanent gun right. I'm not sure how relevant it is here. You would do better to identify and email your representatives; this site is a resource of a smart comedian. His aspect, not yours or mine, is the final arbitration here.

You want to advertise your opinion? Start a blog. Not satisifed? Make yourself a benevolent public entity and lead. Like Ben Franklin. This is his nation. A bit stretched, but still his.

That said, could not agree with you more about the inalienable right to bear arms. The founding fathers recognized that we must be free to be equipped at all times, under any circumstances to protect ourselves against unforeseeable dire consequence: in short, shit happens and the constitution allows us to anticipate this inconvenient truth in order to survive.

Not as a hive, as individuals.

So it should not surprise you that I wholly agree with Malcom X and the values of the Black Panthers in the 60s. They attempted to exercise their permanent, unalienable, constitutionally guaranteed liberty to defend their community from a massive criminal invasion, led by the assassins of the legitimate President.

Since you cry 'age advantage', I assume that you have not studied our history from multiple aspects. Get your shit together and dig in: the truth will set you free.

Then you have formed your own opinion. I have mine; I'll be equally happy to greet you as a friend, or to point out your logical errors.

Or, if you attack me like a nutter, smoke your ass with my Baretta.

Cheers! Dio is my lord!

Anonymous said...

and cyd,

I figure who is competent to bear arms in their own defense is directly proportional to the savagery of their attacker.

You are probably not intelligent enough to hold this rubber band in your head without snapping it; learn to lead yourself first.

Anonymous said...

btw cyd,

The documents of the CIA and all other government agencies are property of the people of the USA and can never legally be destroyed.

Under the Constitution, anyone who destroys or knows about the destruction of these records and does not act to raise an alarm, whether or not the documents are classified to protect practices and programs, is guilty of treason.

Anonymous said...

You can't fight hate with hate. Fortunately, you can fight hate with logic or love.

Anonymous said...

you want me to define the rules for guns?

We don't want criminals, or violent & irresponsible people to have guns. So, anyone convicted of a sex crime, assault or felon, including juvie permanently loses their right to bear arms.

Due to recent issues this would include arms traffickers.

To enforce this the criminal laws have to be updated. Anyone possessing a firearm in the commission of any crime gets mandatory 20 years added to the sentence. Anyone caught possessing a firearm who has lost their right to bear arms gets 20 years mandatory.

If that doesn't lower the homicide rate by an order of magnitude, increase the penalty. I'm not big on warehousing losers, so the death sentence is on the table.

After this junior cops no longer get to carry guns in their normal daily function. They should wait 5-8 probationary period & be issued a gun only if their history is clear of violence. They can all ride with old timers. Cops should also all patrol their own neighborhoods, not operate as an occupying army in anyone elses.

I would approve the death sentence for pimps and molesters. I would also want the law to be extremely lenient for people who use a gun in self defense, especially if its a pimp or molester.

Lenient as in if Bud walks in on Dad raping Sis and Bud blows Dad's head clean off, Bud & Sis get counselling + Bud gets no criminal charges filed.

If Sis shoots Reverend Scumbag who molested her at church outing or the YMCA day care, no charges filed. If she doesn't kill him & we put him on death row, we should examine if its good for Sis's therapy to be allowed to execute the perp herself.

If Bud shoots teacher X who molested him at school, no charges filed.

For some crimes the punishment should be the deterent. I'm all for executing traitors, including politicians prosecuted for violating their office taking bribes etc.

For other crimes there can be rehab. There is no reason to put petty criminals in with psychos. A threshold on what is petty would dictate whether they get rehab or not. Maddof gets the psycho cellie, not rehab.

I think Joe Arpaio kicks ass. I'm all for victim's rights.

And I was wrong. you can't fight hate with reason.

Alex Montanga said...

Finally I've got a way to contact you, Bill. Nice to meet your blog. Keep your good job, and be aware that you have a friend in Brazil - if you come around, I'll be glad to welcome you. You can see me at

ZenGrouch said...

CNN posted an article today, proclaiming that the pirates really picked the wrong target, when they went after a U.S. Navy ship!

YEP! That big ol' protector of the seas, RAN AWAY!

And the article made that sound like a GOOD THING?!

What in the fuck is going on?!

Am I wrong or should we have just squished those motherfuckers?

This is a very fucked up world...

What is the logic behind that one? Oh, we avoided a conflict...



That's just fucking beyond me.

ZenGrouch said...

...maybe that was a Village People Navy ship, don't ask don't tell, if fired on, run the FUCK AWAY?!

Anonymous said...

Hi. My name is Dick Cheney and I'm an idiot.

(chorus) Hi Dick!

George leans over and whispers, You don't have to say your last name, dude.

Without looking, Condi pats dicks thigh.

Bill said...

Anonymous said...

If she had shot them, all other girls would be safer too. Good riddance.

Anonymous said...

Big fan of Religulous not a big fan of Barney Frank though. There needs to be an IQ test to become any kind of politician, I'm sure he would fail. :)
Let's form a rational group for anti-religious people. Maybe we can call it People Against Irrational Nitwits or PAIN. I'm a web designer and would gladly make the website for it!
Search Marketing Firm in NYC

Anonymous said...

Would people vote in a new party if they knew religion would NEVER play a role in the politics of this newly established electable party? Take my poll at: No religion in politics.

ZenGrouch said...

The party couldn't be "electable" if religion played no role in any of it's processes.

There are too many bible thumpin' crazies out there to just ignore 'em and hope they'll go away.

Gays are a small portion of society, right?

So, how "electable" do you believe a party would be, if it just ignored all of the Gays?

There's a difference in not pandering to a group, and having them play absolutely no part in your party.

Anonymous said...

ZenGrouch said...
There are too many bible thumpin' crazies out there to just ignore 'em and hope they'll go away.

So who's to say you aren't the crazy one?

You can call me a Bible thumpin' crazy all you want but, I'm not the one calling you vile and vulgar names with hate so deep you wouldn't be able to dig it out with a back-ho!

Anonymous said...

Re Reza Azlon: the priests always do that. they get at least a 0.0001 pickup. It ain't much.

Oh damn, I can't marry my sock. Thats at most how much gay marriage affects me.

Anyone who thinks anything more of this except gay people, should evaluate their closet status. Set these people free!

So why are y'all fishing up the same river every year?.

If they are i
diots, bigger problem. I'd rather have the genetic descendants of gay people as neighbors

and breeding stock than idiots.

Thats the second order of recognition. It is also the second level of descrimination.

If you were paying attention, the 0th level is race.

What is best for us is what is best for the greatest majority The first order issue is gay. The second

order issue is stupidity. These means that we can do something about the 1st one, but nothing against

the second.

Einstien? I do not understand him, as I would never even have considered trading my freedom for the


Anonymous said...

I have no idea what you just said!


Anonymous said...

Point: marching band


Anonymous said...


canada nurse said...

I just watched the May 8th show with Seth McFarlane. Loved it! I too am in favor of gay marriage while not being gay. I see it as a waste of time and resourses on a non issue. I am Canadian, gay marriage has been legal here for a few years. Guess what...NOTHING HAPPENED!! We are all still here being our usual quiet polite selves. "God" has not seen fit to punish us. Maybe in light of the recent water boarding scandal the big guy is now more anti torture than he is anti gay.

coach Bohlin said...

water logging and other torture tactics are ok with me as long as it stops planes from flying into buildings and bombs blowwing up nurseries, you left wing, latte sippin, tree huggin pansies need to wake up and realize we are in an imperfect world where imperfect means are needed. as far as Cambodia, Indonesia and Pakistan not taking us seriously why should we care? Do we really need to be superfical enough to care about approval ratings in S.E. Asia? Oh and christian soldiers? really, Maher you and your connies sound like you want to limit christian rights and open the flood gates of homosexuals through out the world talk about mixed messages, sure give homosexuals the right to live as they will, but dont try taking another people groups rights away.

MariaRez said...

I am going to attempt to educate you on 50 year old women. ...They are hotter and hornier than 50 year old men whether they are married or not. ... The females sexual peek is late in life; and if the sex isn’t at home- Guess what? ...And hot flashes are like power surges for the libido. And 50 year old women are much better about hiding the evidence, both physically and emotionally. And I am sure you would be surprised at the quiet conservative types that are getting some on the side. ...Maybe it makes it all the more exciting ...

ZenGrouch said...



Kanlee said...

As to Henry Gates-
"Something else the cop-hater continues to overlook, there was an attempted burglary at Gates’ house recently. That certainly goes to probable cause but that is being summarily dismissed here today."
I will not watch Bill Maher anymore after his blatant lies.

vernis robertson said...

Dear Bill love the show by the way. The only way that we can moved this country forward , is to challenge Congress and Senate to do two things. Stop taking money from Lobists and to limit the both houses time limit their time that they can serve in office , like the President. The Senaters and Congress should only serve 2 terms (8) years like the President. The problem is that we have to many old rich men in office constanylt corruptiong the system. We should have one big Challenge to Congress and Senate not to take any more money from Lobbist if you do you can only serve 8 years as a Senater or Congress.

vernis robertson said...

I thought about becoming an Independant until I heard Lou Dobbs from CNN. He is nothing but the face on TV of Rush Limbaugh.He talks like him , acts like him and sounds like him.

irish4ever said...

Bill, please, the Boston police outrage over racism...when we lived out there a report came in that a black man was walking around checking out houses in an elite area...police responded and threw him to the ground. It turned out to be Dee Brown looking at houses because of a Celtic offer. Of course, he turned it down.

smokenyourchicken said...

bill you are stupid

Dean Jackson said...

In 1997 NORAD said they insure, "Aircraft flying over our air space are monitored seven days a week, 24 hours a day."

In 2004 the Air Force contradictorily said, "Before 2001, 1st Air Force was charged with keeping an eye on the nation’s borders, usually looking for threats in the form of Russian aircraft skirting too close for comfort to the mainland. In those few hours, the command’s mission went from looking outward to looking inward."

See the 5 articles on NORAD at

Anonymous said...

Shame on you Bill Maher for promoting socialism on your May 1, 2010 show. You listed all these great sounding perks like, free health care and 6-weeks paid vacation for all, etc... The audience went wild, you made it sound so delicious! Tell us Bill, if socialism is so great why not relocate yourself? Is it because you couldn't be who you are in a socialist country? Take Israel for example...I don't think you'd make it there. I'm thinking that social critics such as yourself are not favored citizens and would definitely not have their own cable TV show!
And speaking of often and how much of your wealth do you give away? Does HBO take out a percentage of your "Real Time" earnings and decide who to donate it to? Would you approve of that if they did? Maybe you should sponser an unlimited amount of families who are looking for a handful of entitlements and handouts to relocate with you to a socailized country!!! IF you don't like it here Bill....LEAVE!

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