Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Friday, May 29th, 2009


Following are quotables from “Real Time with Bill Maher” for Friday, May 29th, 2009. “Real Time with Bill Maher” airs Fridays at 10:00PM ET (10:00PM PT, tape delayed) on HBO, with additional replays throughout the week on HBO and HBO 2.

Sonia Sotomayor, her background, wow, graduated first in her class at Princeton, Yale Law School, a prosecutor, a sitting judge for the last 18 years. Or as conservatives call it, "unqualified."

- Bill Maher in his opening monologue

Here’s a woman who was raised in the Bronx, tough neighborhood, without a father. And that's how you know America is a great melting country - when your Supreme Court justice has the same back-story as your lap dancer.

- Bill Maher in his opening monologue

The last time Rush Limbaugh talked to a Hispanic woman, it was his maid, getting him his drugs.

- Bill Maher in his opening monologue

What happens on your plate represents your most important engagement with the natural world and the biggest impact you have on climate change. Meat eating in particular represents a tremendous amount of greenhouse gasses produced.

New Rule: Before the Supreme Court welcomes its first Hispanic Justice, Clarence Thomas must admit he's a little disappointed that Obama didn't pick a lesbian.

- Bill Maher in his “New Rules” segment

New Rule: Honey Nut Cheerios have to take the bee off the box. It reminds me that all the bees are dying, and if I wanted to start my day staring at something that makes me want to kill myself I'd watch Fox and Friends. We lost almost a third of America's bee population last winter. I can't take another morning thinking about a beautiful striped animal going extinct. Which is why tomorrow I'll have Frosted Flakes.

- Bill Maher in his “New Rules” segment

This week's guests were Richard Pollan, John Bolton, Heather Wilson and Harper Hill.


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ZenGrouch said...

"therefore, when you called me a theorist, you simply meant that i was... explaining a theory. much like explaining what an idiot looks like -..."

My opinion of you aside...

You totally misunderstood what I stated.

You didn't identify a conspiracy that others have bought into. For if they would have, they would be self admitted idiots.

Even idiots of your scale, refuse to admit to that fact.

So, you've taken something that doesn't even exist, being this "conspiracy" of yours and YOU labeled it a "theory"


First your scitzo brain has you spewing that you aren't a conspiracy theorist, then a second later, your crippled mind has you actually making up a theory, that nobody other than you seems to subscribe to?

...ignorant cunt

Lauren Perry said...

apparently it was you who, again, failed to misunderstand.

i will try to be as clear as possible:

i was INDEED explaining a theory others buy into. in fact, there are two (i was explaining one): the theory that 19 arab men hijacked four airplanes and flew them into buildings on 9/11 - including the bin laden backstory, and ESPECIALLY including the theory that NIST gives for the collapse of the towers (i won't bother explaining their ridiculous proposals, look them up yourself)

the second theory that i did not describe is the one the truthers promote, which is why people call them conspiracy theorists: that bush, cheney, the bilderberg group and some assortment of others conspired to commit 9/11 (or let it happen, or whatever).

these are two opposing, proposed theories by groups that people call the "debunkers" (the "official" report is included in this camp), and the "truthers."

i said that i do not have a theory for what happened that day.
rather, i question the "official story," which is, as i pointed out, just another theory about 19 men conspiring from caves in afghanistan to attack the u.s., etc etc.

do you get it now? i mean, i can't be much more clear than this.

Lauren Perry said...

i would have to have a theory of 9/11 about a conspiracy (def: three or more people planning something malicious)

and i don't have one, nor do i believe the gov'ts theory, or the truthers.

Anonymous said...

It appears that God has lost his base in Iran. I wonder if they use Diebold voting machines... hope it doesn't get violent.

ZenGrouch said...

"i was INDEED explaining a theory others buy into..."

OK, ya' stupid cunt...

Where is the disclaimer on the final 9-11 report stating that it's theory and not fact?

People are buying into fact.

In your psychotic world, fact and fiction gets all mixed up.

Just like implying something or making a claim. There's something in your head that gets the two all mixed up, just like theory and fact.

YOU have taken what is fact, and claim that it is theory, without any proof to back up your wacky CONSPIRACY THEORY!

Take a deep breath, step away from the keyboard, and maybe forget about torturing your mind anymore than it already has been.

Pop some pills and watch "I'm a Celebrity..."

Lauren Perry said...

don't take pills
don't watch tv

- that goes for everyone.


the "official" story was changed three times before it was completed LAST YEAR by one of more than three "investigations."

i call that a theory - an ever changing one.
in FACT, it is "theory by simulation".
how... factual.

9/11 Commission members know they were lied to, and you don't.

That's sad.

Anonymous said...

Here is something for the xian:

If God is immortal and God & Jesus & the Holy Ghast are one & the same, how is it that he could 'give his only son'? I mean, being that they are one and the same and He's immortal & all that superhero shit...

Is it possible that Jesus was lying? Apparently a lot of Jews think so...

Anonymous said...

I just heard Obama is going to impose a 40 percent tax on aspirin
because it's white and it works.

ZenGrouch said...

"9/11 Commission members know they were lied to, and you don't..."

...so say the voices in your warped mind.

But anyway, this is what you base your entire argument on, and you can't even begin to provide any evidence disproving what is presented as fact.

...just the voices in your diseased cunt mind.

ZenGrouch said...

OK, look back at the past few posts, and tell me where you aren't coming off like a "conspiracy theorist"?

You're saying that those who have presented the facts, are wrong, and a person would be crazy to believe them.

Yet... you have absolutely no evidence to back up your argument. Therefore, YOU ARE A CONSPIRACY THEORISTS!

...this takes us back to the beginning of this argument, where you claim to not be a theorists, then show us exactly why you are one.

You're either a really dumb cunt, and/or your mind is fucked up some how.

The evidence points to both.

Anonymous said...

Used to be the political parties plotted to out do each other, for the benefit of American citizens. Now they advance their personal careers by plotting to undermine each the other, to the detriment of all American citizens; like international politics.

Go healthcare! I'm glad Bill is using his podium for something worthwhile.

ZenGrouch said...

"Used to be the political parties plotted to out do each other, for the benefit of American citizens..."

When was this?

Surely not in this or the past century!

Lauren Perry said...

discrediting a theory does not make me a conspiracy theorist

and if i "come off like one," that's because you watch so much mainstream media that you think the way everyone else does - to dismiss two different ideas with the same phrase: "conspiracy theory."

since my questioning of the gov'ts story is neither a theory nor does it involve a conspiracy, i merely have lots of reasons to doubt the official conspiracy they presented us. if you want to know those reasons, do your own damn research, i ain't makin the case for it in a blog comment. that's pathetic. if you're curious, then use your goddamn mind - it needs the practice anyway.

again, just because i know you probably still dont get it: i don't need evidence to question the gov'ts theory.

ZenGrouch said...

"discrediting a theory does not make me a conspiracy theorist..."

...this is where your mental defect, comes into play.

What you are doing is attempting to discredit something that is presented as fact, based solely on your fucked up opinions.

Can't you understand?

The 9-11 report, as far as I can tell, is based on scientific fact and observations.

Now, if you have problems with any of the specifics, how difficult is it to present your alternative view, in a way that doesn't make you look either crazy or stupid?

So, until you can debunk the facts, as presented, you are dealing with A CONSPIRACY THEORY!

I'm sure that you'll counter my argument till hell freezes over, by claiming that the government has only presented theory.

But if it's only theory, ask yourself, why you can't punch a hole in it, by showing all of the lies, that only exist in your mind?

Come on now!

Buck up!

You're a globe hopping, award winning, documentary film maker!

Why aren't you out there, showing us the truth?

If it's so obvious, that the gobment, is presenting us with outright lies, shouldn't you be documenting as many of them as you possibly can?

Come on, this is your golden opportunity to show everyone who knows anything about you, that you aren't really a crazy fuck!

Anonymous said...

Apparently the war pigs haven't sated their greed yet with Afghanistan & Iraq & Pakistan, now they want to attack Iran?

Everything looks like a target to these thugs? Would we be invading Iran right now if McCain had won the election?

Perhaps this time we should wait for the UN to figure out wtf is happening...

ZenGrouch said...

"Perhaps this time we should wait for the UN to figure out wtf is happening..."

That's cute...

...funny and cute!

ZenGrouch said...

"since my questioning of the gov'ts story is neither a theory nor does it involve a conspiracy, i merely have lots of reasons to doubt the official conspiracy they presented us..."

I'm guessing once you ask yourself this question, you'll come to realize that in your mind, you have no actual ammunition to counter the facts regarding 9-11 that the gobment presented.

The question that will cause your brain to lock up hopelessly, leaving you unable to respond in anything other than a mentally agitated manner is:

**What is your best evidence that the government lied and/or presented lies in the 9-11 report, citing any or all lies you care to address?**

You can't do it.

In your brain, you got a fuzzy idea, but when asked to put it into print, even you realize how stupid you look, and can do nothing other than pop your top!

Either that, or you'll present something that I'll be able to blow out of the water off the top of my head.

But that'll give us a look inside your twisted brain, showing us what you believe evidence or proof to be.

This when you can't differentiate theory from fact.

Not even in definition.

Lauren Perry said...

it is not my responsibility to school you on the facts of that day.

do your own damn research, if you're curious. other than that, you should, at the very least, accept the FACT that the act of arguing a theory does not involve the replacing of it with another by necessity, but rather, it simply involves questioning the legitimacy of the original theory.
hence, in your original statement that i am a conspiracy theorist, you are dead fucking wrong.
accept it.
i don't need to argue anything for what i just said to be absolutely true.
i know you want this argument to have been about something other than your own inconsistencies, like the theory of the truthers themselves. i can't give you a theory, grouch, i haven't a fucking clue what's true with that day. but i know what isn't true.

Lauren Perry said...

in the end, my little grouch, it's like this:
you ain't gonna accept a damn fuckin' inch until you have your own little personal epiphany about life (you're in dire need of one).
so there is literally no point in me trying to convince you of not only the fact that the "official" 9/11 story is bullshit, but the fact that in saying that i am by definition not a conspiracy theorist; trying to prove any of that is a waste of valuable time - time which you clearly waste in a habitual way. getting caught up in this nonsense appears to be a core part of your make-up, and that depresses me. until something in you clicks and you realize that the fundamental problem that everyone has with you is your ceaseless vomiting of negativity,
you will always be alone and bitter and you will always vomit negative, pointless insulting bullshit.

sorry to be direct here, but this never had anything to do with 9/11. it has everything to do with your inability to connect with other people, to communicate properly, to fully understand the concepts that someone else is trying to convey to you. instead, you chop up the world and analyze it and never connect with anything, and it has turned you into a poisonous presence on a blog commentary site that no one really ever reads or cares about...

and this is just sad now.

end of line.

ZenGrouch said...

"it is not my responsibility to school you on the facts of that day..."

Of course not! The FACTS are in record.

You claim they are in error.

Yet you refuse to say which facts you believe to be erroneous.

That's nuts in my book, Honey Bunches of Nut.

"do your own damn research, if you're curious. other than that, you should, at the very least, accept the FACT that the act of arguing a theory does not involve the replacing of it with another by necessity, but rather, it simply involves questioning the legitimacy of the original theory..."

OK, your trolley to Crazyville done jumped the track, Sugar Smacks.

I've made my point that you're shooting blanks, and want to do your fragile psyche no further damage...

...for now anyway.

Lauren Perry said...

haven't you even studied the "facts" you say are there? they've changed three times in the past 8 years - or can't you even look up something as simple as that? the information is everywhere - try google, ever heard of it? the "facts" your defending, i.e., FEMA, the 9/11 Commission and the NIST report, are all just attempts at explaining something that no one has successfully explained - and if you did your own personal research, you would know that, without question.

ZenGrouch said...

If you can't articulate, on any level, what problem you have with the facts, I'm through with you on this subject.

You've showed yourself to be a loon...

...that's cool with me.

Anonymous said...

Bill, this shot you are taking at Obama is going to backfire. I understand that you have falling into obscurity. And you should be credited for paving the way for the Daly Show and even the Cobert Report. But, this is no way to get back some of that fame you lost. Because credibility truly is the new game in town. And you just lost a whole bunch of it, with this meaningless attack on Obama.

Truth is, we need a President that we can see and hear from on a regular, even daily, basis. And the truth also, is that most of what we see of our president is the work he is doing.

This will be the last time I visit your website. I have never seen your latest show. And your lastest attempt at grabbing attention assures that I, and many others, never will.

Anonymous said...

Bill, when you said the entitled victim mindset was coming out of the wood work you weren't kidding.

I find it especially interesting how they accuse & blame you.

What happened to blaming the doers, God & Jesus, the schools, foriegners, the gays, parents and the rich?

Please government, don't give internet access to inmates of criminal & mental facilities... thats like giving Bart Simpson a cellphone!

Anonymous said...


As always, gnarly topix.

I like the question about electing judges, but do you really think appointing them is really going to make a difference? They are all scumsucking lawyers.

How about we appoint judges like we appoint jurors - at random, out of the tax roles & driver's license records. Natural born citizens, no felons. I think a formal education requirement should be replaced with a competence test & 2 referals, because all a degree means anymore is that your parents were in the club or you fit a quota.

To incentivize the program, judges are appointed for no more than 3 month terms - too short to get bought, and the pay is what judges currently get for that term. Anyone who doesn't want it can opt out.

We can start by selecting the judge candidates from the unemployment rosters.

As for President Obama, I'm going to allow him as much time as I gave W. I don't really understand the political workings at that level so I have to trust that the distinguished sucker does.

The writing was on the wall for W by the end of 2002; I gave him until 2004 to see his errors & adjust his strategy, but he didn't, which is when I blacklisted him for good.

I am willing to give President Obama the benefit of the doubt until June 2011, unless he does something extraordinarily massive & stupid. Until then I am optimistic that He & Ram will kick ass & things will improve consistently, beginning late this year.

When Saint Nicholas comes around to celebrate the torture & crucifixtion of the Prince of Peace.

Anonymous said...

Academic analysis of the 9/11 event

ZenGrouch said...

I watched the first minute or so of the video before realizing that it was total horse shit. Two and a half year old horse shit at that...

This fool uses logic to decide that 9-11 was a conspiracy.


Then he goes on to say that because it was a conspiracy, the U.S. government should study "conspiracy theory".

Well pardon me, but let the wack jobs study theory, I'd prefer that the government study the FACTS OF 9-11, IN ORDER TO COME TO SOME KIND OF ACCURATE FACTUAL CONCLUSION!

There are some unbelievably fucking stupid people out there...

...and organizations like the 9-11 conspiracy groups, Scientology and the Republican Party cash in on these ignorant assholes.

ZenGrouch said...

"This will be the last time I visit your website. I have never seen your latest show. And your lastest attempt at grabbing attention assures that I, and many others, never will..."


Don't go away mad.

Maher is an entertainer. As such, he can't afford to alienate half of his potential audience, or he'll be preaching to a much smaller group of political humor enthusiast.

So, no matter who is in the White House, he has to keep a fire under his/her ass.

How funny would it be if he came on stage every Friday night with nothing but accolades for Obama?

That's the formula for a career twisting on down the shitter...

Anonymous said...

I thought it took the guy 5 minutes to warm up to his topic. Why don't you skip to the middle of the vid & watch a few minutes, then decide.

The pentagon research is damning.

As for accolades for Obama, if he continues to follow W's sociopathic agenda and doesn't get us out of these untelevised false flag wars ASAP then he's just another stooge.

Iran? Titter? Given a month & 2 VR pros from George Lucas I'm pretty sure I could stage the illusion of a revolution - or some other alrmist propaganda - on the internet. Telecomm is whitewash since Edison; I need confirmation from someone outside the system.

So, whats the status on the war crimes investigation of Bush et alia?

ZenGrouch said...

I don't know if you're talking to me Bud, but if you are...

If the guy's logic was all fucked up from the start, what makes you believe his thinking abilities, would improve with time?

Why should I take him seriously, or posters who can't decide on a single moniker?

felinegroovy said...

Hello Bill,

You are coming to my town on November 14, I got my tickets yesterday. I can hardly wait to hear you in person......

dweebisis said...

i think it's pretty naive for bill maher to keep talking about how monogamy is against nature in human society. monogamy, albeit not necessararily in all relationships, is a key component to the structure of society. without it, the world would be in more chaos along with more severe over population issues. bill maher is a narcissist like a lot of us, if not most. and for those who are more narcy over certain matters and who may cry the loudest - while popular - may not necessarily be reasonable or right over what they're professing. that and most men rather be in monogamous relationships. there are more biological and societal benefits for this. that, and bill, keep in mind, this is not the discovery channel.

word to the wise.

got narcissism?

dweebisis said...

wow. just happend to surf hbo some more and just now tuned into a conversation between bill maher and larry king [episode 157].
the conversation that i just tuned into was about larry king's age, and how bill was amazed and offended that age is so important in this society.

didn't i just watch a comedy show about bill trying to tell women that the only thing that matters to men are the OLD and the NEW?

so. yeah.
where are any of you as fans - or not - reminding this jack ass bout calling the kettle black...or white rice calling a pin worm a honkey.

what is wrong with you people?
it's called keeping it real people. not just being jaded and zombied polically incorrect fans. wake up.

we all need to keep in mind to REMIND people including celebs that they are hypocrites sometimes. it helps maintain truth. i get called a hypocrite all the time. so what about the likes of bill maher? the fu*k is so special about this ugly little pestulant? stop laughing, i'm being serious!

Anonymous said...

Two Japanese men are detained in Italy after allegedly attempting to take $134 billion worth of U.S. bonds over the border into Switzerland

These men carrying bonds concealed in the bottom of their luggage also would be the fourth-largest U.S. creditors...

Anonymous said...

Follow the money...

ZenGrouch said...

"i get called a hypocrite all the time..."

I wouldn't call you a hypocrite, well, not yet anyway.

And from what I've read I disagree with, on just about everything...

But I do like your style, and your blog is quite entertaining and well done:


Anonymous said...

W comes out of hiding to warn that he thinks Obama's economic plans are bad.

Waterboard Jesus, I knew he always wanted to be a democrat! Given his track record, thats the finest recommendation he could make... as good as crazy Dick's insane & continuous tirade.

Anonymous said...

Here's some summer edu for you kids. Spark a fatty and viddy this:
Rainbow Bridge starring Jimi Hendrix & Dolly Dagger

Anonymous said...

I just want to know when did a "Fly" turn into an animal?

ZenGrouch said...

"starring Jimi Hendrix & Dolly Dagger..."

Thanks for the link!

It's fuzzy, but will do nicely until the LA Library system does it's stuff and supplies me with a gettin' stoned worthy copy!

THIS is the shit that makes me feel good about being an old fuck, use to be acid droppin' child, yearnin' for a learnin'!

...back when bein' a sellout was a *bad* thing.

ZenGrouch said...


Glad you're back, Honey Buns!

Anonymous said...

ZenGrouch said...


Glad you're back, Honey Buns!

Back at ya Sugar
Britches! :)

ZenGrouch said...

And I'll try and be more sensitive to your *girley gurl* feelings in the future...

Anonymous said...

I appreciate that Zen and I also hope everyone on this board can respect others opinions as well!

That is what makes our Country the best...We can debate but, I'd rather lose the hate that comes with it!

Debate Without Hate!

We'll see!

Anonymous said...

For the record Zen, not going to pick a fight with you anymore.

It doesn't accomplish anything(except a language lesson to those who don't hear words like you use alot...lol) but, I will post my opinion if warranted!

I do thank you again tho' and I will try and uphold my end of the bargain by not calling you names!

Gypsy said...

Spirituality does not require a religion, Atheist don't serve no god and follow no religion, Atheist simply prefer to function on conscience, rather than an accountability to a religion. It is not Atheist who are cutting down rain forests.. and when you are talking preservation of the planet, it is not atheists who are bombing the shit out of it either.


Anonymous said...

That wasn't a fly, it was a CIA surveillance automaton.

Tell PETA I aggressively hunt & kill viruses and bacteria too. Some life is precious and some ain't, get over it, noone here gets out alive...

video.google.com click lower right corner google button select 'smooth video' - and 'full screen'. That movie is fuzzy on VHS & DVD too - psychedelic drive in quality, plus theres about 25 fun and spacey minutes cut from the web release.

Here is another classic:
Bambi Meets Godzilla

Anonymous said...

Gypsy said...

Spirituality does not require a religion, Atheist don't serve no god and follow no religion, Atheist simply prefer to function on conscience, rather than an accountability to a religion. It is not Atheist who are cutting down rain forests.. and when you are talking preservation of the planet, it is not atheists who are bombing the shit out of it either.


Where there is Evil, there is also Good!

I prefer the Good (Spiritual) aspect of it all!

Anonymous said...

One way in, one way out


Anonymous said...

You don't understand.

"good" and "evil" are always relative. They are perspectives requiring a subjective context; they are aspects of ego.

Anonymous said...

My last word tonight is:

Anyone that chooses Evil or Good?

More power to you!

Anonymous said...

Have Nice Dreams

Anonymous said...

Evil or Good!

Simple question!

I don't need all this other shit for you to tell me!

Which is it?

Anonymous said...

I choose what I think is good, but you most definitely won't agree with me on many things. I'm not operating from any shared learned values...

Anonymous said...

...so its more about accepting that I am both good and evil.

Anonymous said...

...and so are you. Tat tvam asi!

Anonymous said...

λσδ Trinity: Krshna, Jimi and the Moniker dæmon said...

I choose what I think is good, but you most definitely won't agree with me on many things. I'm not operating from any shared learned values...

If it's good, then why the hell should I matter?

Good is all that matters no matter what your interpretation of good is!

What is so frickin' bad about Life, Love, Honor, Truth and Loyalty, Protecting our People(amongst ourselves, Bills board that is)?

What is so wrong with this picture?

Give me one thing that is good right now!

Do You Want Good Now or Evil?

ZenGrouch said...

""good" and "evil" are always relative..."


Good and Evil are different, but the same thing...

...just like heaven and hell if they really existed.

Anonymous said...

I promise, I will leave and quit asking but,

Do you want Good or Evil to take over our Country, Planet or Being...doesn't matter...

Good is all that matters!

Zen, you have to go a screw things up so, I'll ask:

You want to live in Good or Evil for Eternity?

ZenGrouch said...

If I believed in Heaven and Hell, it would make no difference to me where I spent eternity.

Check it out...

*THEY* say that we must experience evil on Earth in order to understand good, right?

That's the standard answer when we ask why god allows bad things to happen to good people.

OK, so, if we need to know one in order to know the other, as in Good and Evil...

Then if you were immersed in one over the other after a period of, say, 10,000 years, which is a blink of the eye, when compared to eternity, then one would forget all about the other, good or evil.

So... if we need to know good in order to understand evil, then after 10,000 years we'd forget all about good, therefore, evil would be meaningless or the same as good, if you need one to know the other.

Therefore, good and evil are different but the same, as are heaven and hell.

Anonymous said...

Then Zen,

Why are you even here?

You believe you are who you are for no reason?

I would rather be condemned to Hell (which I hope not) than to believe that we are here for "no" purpose and fighting for nothing!

ZenGrouch said...

Are you saying you have to choose sides in order to *be*?

Anonymous said...

Why do we hate and fight each other over stupid Politics - Life or whatever, if there is no reward?

Tell me this, BILL MAHER and your followers, who seems to know what is best for me!

If we are just piss-ants on this planet then that gives me the right to do whatever I please, even kill.

Is that not right? Tell me I'm wrong and we are here for the good looks!

ZenGrouch said...

"Why do we hate and fight each other over stupid Politics..."

Surely not because one party is intrinsically good and all others evil.

Look, there's good and evil...

...then there's the stuff that pisses us off, and that's what we act on.

Anonymous said...

What W thinks is good is definitely not what I think is good.

What the religulous & other fools believe (as they do not think) is good is definitely not what I think is good.

I think Ron Paul's views are correct.

I think the Republicans are so fucked up that they are history. As they have fucked up this country doing what was good for them, I think they should be held legally responsible.

I think this would be good for the country.

I think ending the CIA and reducing the NSA budget to 10% of what it is would be good for the country.

I think restoring the Peace Corp and making college free for citizens of all ages would be good for the country.

I think prosecuting corrupt politicians (even if they are 80 years old) and executing traitors would improve the quality of people seeking public office. I would gladly flip the switch myself. Take my picture, I want to show my friends!

I think reversing the Bush policies of the last 55 years is necessary for the future of this period of enlightenment.

I think if we invested as much in energy research as we have in killing innocents for W, we could resolve the toxic aspects of atomic energy and develop solar energy the the degree that we could offer unlimited free energy to everyone in the world, solving all the problems... except for sociopaths, whom we can humanely institutionalize & sterilize,

- for the good of all humanity.

Anonymous said...

OMG, you people are "missing" the point....

Screw Obama, Bush, N. Korea, Iran, Iraq, 9/11 and Politics all together!

What is after all this fighting? Nothing? If so, then what was it for? To make conversation?

Give me something here! I know my answer, I want yours!

What were you born for?

Anonymous said...

There is more to this life and we do not live in fear everyday of our enemies for nothing!

Please tell me you fear the same, if not, then move to N. Korea and Iran!

Blow the Shit out of your loved ones! Then come back and tell me, No Big Deal!

ZenGrouch said...

"OMG, you people are "missing" the point....

Screw Obama, Bush, N. Korea, Iran, Iraq, 9/11 and Politics all together!

Where did I mention any of this, or related?

I'm guessing no matter what I write here, you aren't inclined to try and understand my point of view.

So, what say we flip to the last page, and give us the answer to your question?

Anonymous said...

I was not arguing with you.

You probably don't really want an answer to that question. Its easier to just be.

What is it to be born?

I believe that my being here is part of something humans do not yet comprehend, the understanding of which would explain life, reality and imagination.

To live in harmony with the natural course is to not be a cancer to the true order of things.

Human governance in no way resembles the natural order, and our best scientific comprehension falls far short of describing it. But I also believe that the potential to understand it is intrinsic to our being.

I believe that I am an integral part of what you call the universe, and that everything that the universe is in my being. I am an iteration of a self similar pattern, that repeats in both directions, in & out.

So my imagination and feeling is as much an aspect of reality as a star or a rock.

Everything is the way it is supposed to be. When we defy it we subjectively think otherwise. Blame whatever or whoever you want, but it is our understanding and our actions that are out of sync, not reality.

In the immediate present spacetime we do influence each other. Some influences produce negative consequences for others; these are undesirable. Others are good beyond comprehension, but even these good things can be misused to great harm.

Sometimes it is not best to share what we have discovered with those brutes who will only use the capabilities the knowledge brings to destroy.

We are not all evolving at the same pace, and mostly this is because society evolves far slower than individuals.

I can go on but thats enough for now.

ZenGrouch said...

"There is more to this life and we do not live in fear everyday of our enemies for nothing!..."

Are you saying fear serves some sort of function to those who it is instilled upon?

Fear is a powerful tool used by people, one might consider evil, to control the weak minded.

If you can accept that evil and good aren't always black and white, then you'll better be able to distinguish between rational fear, and the fear used to control your thoughts and actions.

The fear of what others tell us is "evil" is usually the latter sort of fear.

Anonymous said...

Zen, the point of Bill Maher's thread is to stir a Political debate!

I never mentioned any of this in my post relating to where do we go after all of this fighting.

They were Symbols if what this board believes that all of this is for nothing!

Figure it out yet?

If nobody on this board believes in Good or Evil or the Everafter...


And ,λσδ Trinity: Krshna, Jimi and the Moniker dæ is saying....above is my response! (Damn, couldn't have picked a smaller name?)

And what is this Spacetime crap...if we had that, don't you think we would be living in Space right now?

We have evolved and I have been here alot longer than even Zen!

Anonymous said...

I do not live in fear everyday. I have no enemies and W's enemies are not my enemies.

I stopped experiencing fear a long time ago. When confronted with a life threatening situation I try plan A, then plan B, then plan C etc. until the situation is handled or happens, in which case I am all fucked up. I became this way from facing numersous life threatening situations.

Being afraid doesn't help and the only thing it changes is that it impairs your ability to perform.

Anonymous said...

Then Fuck it!

you people need to make up your minds!

Anonymous said...

where you are is in spacetime. Its pretty close to where & when I am.

What are you fighting for? Not what W started all his fighting for. Why are you fighting?

if you cut & paste this moniker is not longer than any other.

ZenGrouch said...

"Everything is the way it is supposed to be..."

If I'm hearing you, you would be in agreement with my opinion that there is no good or evil...

...only the forces of nature, which include the actions of man.

Sooner or later, man will fuck up the planet to the point where it can no longer support human life.

Not a problem, the Earth will heal itself as it has in the past, when dealing with the forces of nature.

If galaxies containing planets inhabited with intelligent life collide, and in the process eliminate advanced lifeforms we can't even comprehend, is this force of nature either good or evil?

Go with the flow, or get the fuck out of my way...

Anonymous said...

W didn't start all this fighting.

Do you study History?

The "OverSeas Contingency" people started it...but go back many, many years...find a President willing to stand up to their sorry asses!!!!

Ask the families after all these years, who decided to stand up for them.

Oh, you are probably only 21-26 years old or younger.

Which means, you're a MORON!

ZenGrouch said...

"They were Symbols if what this board believes that all of this is for nothing!

Figure it out yet?

If nobody on this board believes in Good or Evil or the Everafter...


It appears that you're really married to the idea of good vs evil, and have drawn the lines.

I am not the board.

Everyone doesn't believe the same thing.

People aren't either good or evil.

And we fight because things piss us off. Because nobody is purely good or evil, not everything that pisses us off is always good or evil.

Calm down Sweet Cheeks, that vein on your forehead is starting to throb.

Anonymous said...

I don't have to calm down Zen - I'm not worked up, so don't try to make me look like the idiot.

I asked a simple question, if you are here for nothing, then why fight?

Anonymous said...

Yup, life has its own direction and we should get with the flow.

Life is a function of the universe. It is everywhere. since we experience self awareness then this too is an aspect of the universe: life elsewhere will evolve through similar stages of consciousness.

When Chirstians talk about souls I think 'cells'. The pattern is demonstrated in living organisms. no one cell is the one cell upon which the whole depends. If we get wiped out as a planet, there are other life bearing planets that will continue to evolve.

If we destroy ourselves, thats analogous to cancer. Our inability to cooperate and steward the planet we are the obvious masters of indicates this is a likely future. But like an organism, the whole will not fail unless a majority of the constituent lifeforms also fail.

From what I can see, the natural order loves to fuck & play and the lower orders are where volence is necessary.

This model includes a correct direction. We should be seeking out the best and brightest and learning from them. When we are on course in our lives we have a sense of well being, self actualization and feel good will toward others. This is the right course.

Everything is constantly changing. Adapt or you may die; most just complain bitterly & blame others...

ZenGrouch said...

"W didn't start all this fighting..."

No, but he fanned the flames to his advantage.

And if GW wasn't the biggest fear monger since Hitler, tell me who was.

***I'm a uniter, not a divider!***

Anonymous said...

W is definitely fronting for a gang that has longevity.

I name him because the recent BS is his, but I think he acts more like Nixon than his daddy. I wonder if Barbie didn't get groupie on Prez Tricky Dick while GHWB was shredding the MKULTRA records & retasking the program to MKSEARCH, then MKSEARCH2, then whatever they called it after that.

That would explain the similar character flaws.

ZenGrouch said...

Sorry, meant no offense...

To answer your question, again I think, there are things that are neither evil or good, and both evil and good, that just piss me off.

I'm human, to be pissed is human.

Being pissed can motivate us to go off and fight.

I haven't really given much thought time to understanding this concept, and if being pissed and hateful are the same or different.

But we are humans, an imperfect animal, driven by the forces of nature.

We try and explain our existence, rather than go with the flow of it.

To believe *WE* have the absolute answers, and feel we need to force these beliefs on others, well, this pisses me off.

ZenGrouch said...

Earlier you said something about knowing the answer to your question.

Care to share it with us?

Anonymous said...

OMG, I am a wife of 33 years, 1 daughter, 1 son who died and a grrrrmall of a 10 & 4 year old (they call me that)

If this if for nothing, then tell me Zen....I will kill myself tonite if it is all for nothing!

Oh and by the way:

I LOVE GEORGE BUSH!!!! He was my Governor before he was President..I Loved him then and now!

We Do Have the Answers!! But when are people like you going to wake up? I am a product of Obama taking over our Country so, don't lecture me on life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness!

America is dead as we once knew it but, My Flag Is Flying on My House with Pride and Thanks to the guys/women still trying to keep us safe!

ZenGrouch said...

How do you equate my stance as stated here, with your statement about all of this being for nothing?

We live, we die, after that, who knows?

ZenGrouch said...

People who claim to know what happens after we die, are either ignorant, or want to manipulate you with fear.

Believe what they believe, open your wallet, or spend eternity in Hell.

Anonymous said...

a product of Obama... to take no responsibility for the prios decades of your life, you must be christian. Your need for a simple answer is like theirs.

Its all for a higher purpose than whatever your 'leaders' told you to do. As I said, they don't know so don't trust them.

Anonymous said...

I give up! Ignorance is not sufficient! If the Devil wants my money, he's out of luck...If God/Jesus wants my love...I give it!

I don't know for sure what happens after death but, I would take peace and love over nothing!

Is that what you are? Nothing?

And you with the Long Ass Name...forget it, not responding! Next time, come up with a shorter name.

By the Way, I am a Christian but, not as you all portray! Only Public figures who want to make money make us look bad! Travel and you will learn! Come to Texas!

ZenGrouch said...

"Is that what you are? Nothing?..."

Once again, it seems that you aren't really understanding where I'm coming from, and automatically equate my logic with *nothingness* or trudging through life for *nothing*, because you see life as black and white, good vs evil.

I lived life as a good Republican Christian, referring to Democrats as Demoskanks...

...then I transcended the fear associated with questioning beliefs, when doubt could send one's immortal soul to hell, and learned to think for myself, and seek an understanding of the energy I believe to be what one would think of as God.

Is that evil?

Is it good to pick a religion that tells you to believe in that and only that religion (eg Catholicism) or burn in Hell, motivated by fear?

Anonymous said...

I'm not telling anyone how to believe! I am just saying that I hope and pray that all the sufferings I have witnessed thru my life and suffered were for something greater than all of this I've witnessed!

Anonymous said...

Goodnight all and Zen thanks again for your word as to me!

Bill Maher? Are you taking notes? There is hope in the world as we speak!


ZenGrouch said...

During the bad times I'd deal with murder at least every working day for weeks at a time. I went from wanting to cry all the time to being indifferent to the victims and family, and back. Wicked fucked roller coaster.

I wish there were a reason for everything, but I've come to the conclusion that there isn't.

We're driven by the forces of nature. Fortunately, the forces drive us in a *good* direction, allowing us to evolve.

My god, allows the universal laws of physics to keep the works form imploding in on itself, while pushing everything in a good direction, allowing hydrogen to be formed from the big bang, then allowing stars to build other atoms, then us.

But my god doesn't give a flying fuck about our personal lives.

That's up to the great force/push of nature to control.

Prayer produces nothing, there are no miracles, Jesus was just a nice guy.

Man is good and evil, and there are no answers to the personal questions of *why?*

Let all that shit go, and it becomes clear and easier.

I can debate, I can come out of the box cussin...

ZenGrouch said...

If the Christian God, the Holy Spirit and Jesus, made themselves obvious and personal to so many people, who I consider to be deluded...

...why is it that Mother Theressa would be the one who admitted to not feeling their presence in decades before her death?

I would think that if God wanted to talk to anyone, it would be this selfless woman, who devoted her life to the church and Jesus.

Anonymous said...

Zen, I'm sorry you had to witness all you have thru your life. Mine seems so small and meaningless as of now and I can only hope that the fact that I have not witnessed what you have will send a message to whoever is up there to kick ass and show some love for us mere little folk down here who need it!

Excuse the bluntness but, sweet-talking wasn't helping!

Life is a test...each has it's own questions/answers....man, I flunked a long time ago...lol

Zenny (oops, called you Zenny)

Life is good when we learn to cherish and love it...along with everyone who inhabits it!

One final note Zen, I could never understand why God/Jesus never sent a sign to me but, until recently, I discovered he works thru people of all forms, lives and beliefs!

I don't really think he expects all of us to bow down to him as some do but, rather believe that he exist and life will continue after all of this crap going on.

He knows we are not a perfect being, I know I'm not for sure!

Goodnight Zen and Bill Maher!

Anonymous said...

You with the long ass name. Aren't we discriminating...

The people who come to you for money in the name of Jesus? They are what you'd call evil. Give your money to your kids.

At your age to be asking starangers what if anything your life meant is a bad sign.

You are a selfish self absorbed child. George Bush is scum. He fucked America - as governor of Taxes his criminal enterprise was called Enron. He stole the retirement money of lots of decent American people.

I've been to Taxes - I stay the fuck away from Taxes & don't trust anyone from there. Thats based on a lot of contact lady. So far the nice ones are all as cold as you...

Go cry to your kids.

Anonymous said...

Remember when rock concerts were free?

Boycott the RIAA pimps! Don't buy anymore music or DVDs!

Jury Orders Jammie Thomas to Pay $1.9M for Sharing 24 Songs

"The nonsensical exorbitancy of the verdict actually enhances the constitutionality argument, demonstrating how open ended the statute is if the RIAA's wild eyed interpretation of it is allowed to survive"

ZenGrouch said...

Long story warning IT...

But I'll try and keep it short.

Go into a bar where one guy runs away another is on the floor bleeding out the hole in his chest.

I have my rookie chase down the stabber and check out the guy on the floor, who is now dead from a wound to the heart. I start CPR using a method I developed, taking artificial respiration from the Boy Scouts, and substitute that for mouth to mouth, cuz these fuckers are all crawling with disease.

Right then Fr. Rodgers shows up and asks if he can help. I tell him he can do mouth to mouth if he'd like. He gives me a look like, "Get your mother to give this dead fuck mouth to mouth." and proceeds to give him last rights.

Flashback: In a previous life I studied meditation, and practiced it, to the point where I could immerse myself in a universal energy that emanated from my jaw. It was a powerful thing.

So, Rodgers is giving last rights I'm pumping his ribs and sternum, when I'm overwhelmed by the exact energy field centered at my jaw, but encircling the padre and the dead guy, when blood starts shooting out the hole in his chest. So, I stuff my bandanna into the hole and keep it up till the ambulance showed up.

Guy died an hour later, but this was when I was still a Christian and believed that he came back to receive his last rights, and all that malarkey.

Who the fuck knows.

But anyway, from that I know that there is an energy that we're all a part of.

Saw it in my dad's eyes, years later at the exact moment of his death, when his eyes that had been hazed for days, turned bright blue as he stared up unafraid, and bingo, just a body left behind.

There's something there, and too many people try and explain it, like they know what's going on.

Some even try and cash in on it.

But the thing that chaffs my hide is the way Christians use hell as a scare tactic.

And you gotta admit that there are a lot of Christians out there, preaching hate rather than love, with no other Christians willing to stand up for what is right.

Same thing with people who say there is no god and that's that.

They know as much about the afterlife as Christians, so they have no room to scorn others for their beliefs.

They DO however have the right to make fun of others for beliefs that fly in the face of science, and science is a small part of my god.

That which is provable and real, moves to the head of the class, over some crap people wrote thousands of years ago.

We are killing each other over religion.

The crazy fucking Jews in Israel believe they have every right to do whatever they please, BECAUSE THEY ARE GOD'S CHOSEN PEOPLE?!

Pardon me, but there's no room for that kind of fucked up logic in the 21st Century.

And the really crazy thing is, that WE as a country are backing 'em up, because of hateful bible thumping morons, who forgot all about what it was that Jesus taught.

For example...

Back in the day where I believed, I was meditating and in a plane where a question came to me, "How would you feel if you knew you just died, and the first person you saw was Hitler?"

Of course I knew the answer right away.

But when I put it to other good Christians, and gave them my answer they all, and it was a lot of people, told me I was sick and fucked up and what not.

But I was just going by the word of Jesus, when I thought, "I'd feel great knowing that the power of forgiveness was so great that even Hitler could repent and get into heaven."

And why wouldn't Jesus have it that way?

But no... I saw too much hate in Christians. And too much showboating. Not much logic, and no personal examination free from fear.

ZenGrouch said...

In the above when I said previous life, I wasn't talking Shirley MacLaine, crazy fuck reincarnation, from another actual physical life.

Just an earlier time in life, where I was a different person.

...as in still developing ideas and opinions that differed from later years.

Yeah... a HUGE fucking FLIP FLOPPER!

Like I should have known it all when I was 16, end of story.

Anonymous said...

A holy man was having a conversation with God one day and said, "God , I would like to know what Heaven and Hell are like."

God led the holy man to two doors. He opened one of the doors and the holy man looked in.

In the middle of the room was a large round table. In the middle of the table was a large pot of stew, which smelled delicious and made the holy man's mouth water.

The people sitting around the table were thin and sickly. They appeared to be famished.

They were holding spoons with very long handles, that were strapped to their arms and each found it possible to reach into the pot of stew and take a spoonful.

But because the handle was longer than their arms, they could not get the spoons back into their mouths.

The holy man shuddered at the sight of their misery and suffering.

God said, "You have seen Hell."

They went to the next room and opened the door. It was exactly the same as the first one.

There was the large round table with the large pot of stew which made the holy man's mouth water.

The people were equiped with the same long-handled spoons, but here the people were well nourished and plump, laughing and talking. The holy man said, "I don't understand."

"It is simple", said God. "It requires but one skill. You see they have learned to feed each other, while the greedy think only of themselves."

Anonymous said...

Children of the Sun, its coming back around again


Gypsy said...

ZenGrouch has left a new comment on the post "QUOTES FROM “REAL TIME WITH BILL MAHER" - MAY 29 2...":

Long story warning IT...

When we leave religion we under go a spiritual healing.. We are born spiritual emotional mental and physical. Our minds work to balance the physical life and the unseen not quite understood life. The spirit. emotionally we are affected by both. The problem were we as people get bogged down is when we heal spiritually we become connected to the living earth through nature.. We can't help but feel the greatness, the vastness of it all. Where our societies fail us today is that they never allow it to be called what it is, Nature or the Living earth. We are limited to calling IT, God. something mysterious, something unknowable. Nature is neither mysterious or unknowable, in fact when you see it, it beckons you to know it.

Christianity and Their god concept, worship have long fought our understanding of Nature. So much so that gravity .. although can easily be proven by dropping something, needed a mathematical calculation to be given credibility. Today evolution is being pushed through the same scrutiny.. christians won't be happy until humans can express evolution with the same precise degree as a mathematical formula. The problem begins when nature and life stop being able to be expressed that way. People have to begin to accept that visual proof is enough. Other wise we shall live in total ignorance and as generations before us raise our children in the same absolute ignorance. Nature simply needs acceptance to be seen. once seen understanding become more easy.


Anonymous said...

Bill, I'm having difficulty with my legalese. Its hard to tell. I can't tell the judge speak from the party speak. Some of the shit the Dems and Reps say sounds the same, but not at all if I have pretend 3D blue or red glassies on.

Try this out. This is what I heard and this is what, what they did meant:
WHORE Wife (aka bitch?)
AIDE Whore, if taxpayers are paying for her; otherwise 'Friend'
OBSERVED Bullshit, fiction
THE SUSPECT the mark
THE WITNESS someone bent
THE WITNESSES my friends
GOD Money (theirs, or that in their 'market')
POST OFFICE Personal bank account; also 'Personal Spy Agency'

I suppose that you get what you are willing to settle for... or not!

ZenGrouch said...

Just watched Blazing Saddles...

Mel Brooks...

What can anyone say?

Maybe tomorrow I'll look into doing something with my dried out bags o' buds I haven't touched in months, and watch Rocky Horror...

ZenGrouch said...

Any L.A. based folk interested in a Tweet Together at Musso & Frank for a scotch or two?

Anonymous said...

Young Frankenstein : Terri Garr, Madeline Kahn, Cloris Leachman. Deliver me from evil... what Yin! Angels all...

Meet the Press is not on as scheduled; fucking golf game! Great interview with Israeli PM NetanYAHOO, never mind the preamble commercial:


Yahoo's a hypocrit. I bet he'll pimp anything for a buck. Either he's a liar or a fool: he says 'democracy' when he describes the one law for all. Thats a republic.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Any deranged armed psychopaths out there? Please study this carefully...

Worst CEOs Rogue Gallery

Anonymous said...


This is really good reading:


You will find it interesting.

ZenGrouch said...

"What if u where me?..."

I've dealt with more attempted suicides that I care to remember, because I was so good at talking to crazy fucks.

But one day I got the the point where I told this asshole that was spraying me with blood coming out of his wrists, after I got him stabilized and talking, that if I'd lived his life, I would have killed myself years earlier. I then showed him the proper way to slash his wrists for the next attempt, slicing up the forearms so they can't stop the bleeding.

Weeks later he approached me and said that his shrinkologist said he should thank me for the reverse psychology, and how his life was much better.

I told him that I wasn't kidding, and if my life was half as fucked as his, I'd step in front of a god damned bus.

He left laughing, thinking I was kidding.

Sometimes suicide is the only solution.

If you're suffering that bad, just end it all.

What are you hanging on to?

Just hit that reset switch and maybe you'll come back as a cute little kitten!

Anonymous said...

This is really harsh truth:


Gypsy said...

that is not the dark side of creativity... that is the dark side of government.


canna said...


1st Session

H. R. 2943

Dear Mr. Maher,
We watch your show every week, you are one of the few stars that we have seen come "out of the closet" on cannabis use, and see you as a hero in the "WAR ON DRUGS" aka Marijuana Prohibition. We would like to extend you an invitation to join our group of rebels.

Not only would we like to hear you talk about the above bill, but we also came across a phone number to vote on legalizing cannabis 973-409-3274

So keep up the good work soldier,
and maybe, one day, will be able to lite a joint in a land where a 65 year old woman doesn't have some politician almost half her age telling her whats good for and then forcing her by penalty of imprisonment to live by/under their iron rule.

platoon #420,
Teddybear terrorist

canna said...


1st Session

H. R. 2943

Dear Mr. Maher,
We watch your show every week, you are one of the few stars that we have seen come "out of the closet" on cannabis use, and see you as a hero in the "WAR ON DRUGS" aka Marijuana Prohibition. We would like to extend you an invitation to join our group of rebels.

Not only would we like to hear you talk about the above bill, but we also came across a phone number to vote on legalizing cannabis 973-409-3274

So keep up the good work soldier,
and maybe, one day, will be able to lite a joint in a land where a 65 year old woman doesn't have some politician almost half her age telling her whats good for and then forcing her by penalty of imprisonment to live by/under their iron rule.

platoon #420,
Teddybear terrorist

Anonymous said...

From http://www.stonerforums.com/lounge/marijuana-activism/11436-warning-do-not-call-973-a.html

DO NOT CALL 973-409-3274
The only legitimate tie it seemed to have were claims that it was backed by/associated with Change.org. Thus, the only logical thing to do was to contact Change.org for clarification. I just got this response:

Thanks for the note, Eric. We are in no way connected to the phone number you mentioned, and it also looks very much like a scam to us. We would really appreciate it if you would update your blog to let your readers know about this, as well as anyone else who may have been spreading the rumor that this is a legitimate number/operation, which it is almost certainly not. We will also try to write a blog post about it tomorrow clarifying things if we can find the time.
Thanks again for bringing this to our attention,
Ben Rattray
Founder and CEO, Change.org

Everything was pointing at “scam”, but this severs the last bit of potential legitimacy that the number had.
So please, DO NOT CALL 973-409-3274 as it appears to be a type of scam to either harvest phone numbers or even potentially charge you money by hitting the pound key (which would be the equivalent of you accepting charges).
STOP sharing this phone number as well. I literally sit and watch person after person share this on twitter thinking they are helping the cause when in reality they are just helping these scammers reach new victims. If you have shared this link, please post this update to let others know to keep an eye on their phone bill for any unauthorized charges.

Anonymous said...

...never mind pussies in uniform tasing 72 year old ladies for telling them to go fuck themselves...

Anonymous said...

I do appreciate the sentiment tho - free the plants, free nature!

WARNING: Consider this Before Calling 973-409-3274

Cop: Oh, sister Mary Elephant. I've been wanting to talk to you about failing me in gym for a long time.
Old lady: Oh, its you Chris. You wanta fuck little boy?
Cop: Tzzt!
Old lady: Ow! What, can't you get it up?
Cop: Tzzt!
Old lady: Ow! Ow! Leave me the fuck alone Chris! I'll tell your mother!
Cop: Tzzt!
Old lady: Ow! Ow! Ow! Motherfucker!
Cop: Tzzt!Tzzt!Tzzzzzt!

a-spiers said...

Bill, im well aware you will never read this comment but i hope i can generate some kind of following in attempting to persuade you to withdraw your support for Israel. You cannot POSSIBLY consider yourself of left ideologies and support such a blatantly right wing state. Much like your not so much obvious support of the British, yes they have free health care, but are also a right wing state.. You mentioned once that the IRA was a terrorist group, you clearly have little understanding of left wing politics here in Ireland, as your nation itself is colonial it may not bother you that the British invaded my country took away my peoples rights and heritage and even prosecuted them for it, much like MIA said on your programme, it IS ALWAYS THE BRITS! The difference is every other country in the world got their state back apart from Scotland Wales and Ireland and the same kind of thing is happening today in palestine.. i cannot condone the Palestinians actions in full but certainly Israel is at fault in this instance and you of all people should understand that. Apart from these two issues your ideologies are identical to mine, you have educated me on left wingism in the US and i hope i have helped you understand it in Ireland and Palestine, anyone else who feels you bare a conservative attitude in these instances should join me in calling you to change your stance.. Go raibh maith agat

p.s Religulous was inspiring

ZenGrouch said...


I could be wrong, but from what I've heard from people working there...

...if you aren't a pro-Zionist, you're going to have a difficult time finding work in Hollywood.

People can't quite seem to see the difference in being against a racists state, filled with loons who believe they're God's chosen people, over ALL others...

...and a religion.

Anti-Zionism and Anti-Semitism are two totally different animals!

There are RABBIS who are anti-Zionists. And they probably can't find work in Hollywood either.

ZenGrouch said...

If you'd like to learn more about why Anti-Zionism is NOT Anti-Semitism, check out this link:


Anonymous said...

It would be noble of Al Gore to offer himself in exchange for Ling and Lee, to serve their sentences in their place.

If this situation continues really massive retribution is merited.

a-spiers said...

Yeah, so now after gaining so much respect for maher and even categorising him with the likes of Moore and Carlin it turns out that hes just a crock? You just cant be leftist and pro-zionist, or pro-british for that matter. You seem to know what your talking about so what do you think of Maher??

Anonymous said...

Shooting a 19 year old kid in the head is an act of terrorist intimidation on the level of street gangs. You know they're desperate when they roll out the tanks & militia, until then this is just business as usual on the dark side of politics.

If the CIA was worth anything we would have the means to exorcise any of these thugs; instead the huge budget - our tax dollars at work - is aimed at US.

ZenGrouch said...


If you were asking for my opinion, I might not be the right person. The only time I see RealTime is when I go to the studio to sit in the audience, since I don't have cable. Great free entertainment on a Friday night.

That's the magic word, "entertainment." Mr. Maher is an entertainer, attempting to reach as big an audience as possible, while alienating as few people as possible.

I've been a Maher fan for a while. But I don't see him as someone with all the answers.

If he can make you think without agreeing with you, that's cool too.

Sure, most of the time he makes sense, and explains things in a funny way, but I do believe his main motivation in life, isn't to be a role model or some kind of teacher. His main reason, post probably, is to make as big a chunk o' cheese as humanly possible.

If he can do it, while saying what's honestly on his mind, over 50% of the time, that's cool.

If he has to sway with the wind in order to keep the cheese makers happy, by respecting their poll information, and trying to keep people happy, that he might not bother with, if it weren't for all that tasty cheese, that's cool too.

There are varying degrees of accepting and communicating thoughts you may not believe in your heart and mind, from 'Playing the devil's advocate' to 'Selling Out'.

I take it you see Mr. Maher as being on the Sell Out side of this spectrum, and who knows. I guess you'd have to be Maher to know for sure.

So, no matter where he is on this spectrum, that's pretty much his business, since I don't believe he's out there selling his ideas as the gospel, like that tub o' shit Limbaugh.

I could be wrong on this one, but I have a feeling that a second after Maher made his comment about us being the cowards, re: 9-11, he regretted it. But it was out there, so he had to embrace his words.

The guy's eloquent, if he would have given a second of thought to what he said, he could have communicated exactly what he meant without pissing off most of the country.

NOW, if he were to say anything against the State of Israel, if he were to actually believe that they have been responsible for wrongs in the past and to this day, I'm bettin' he learned his lesson and would speak his mind in a much more, and almost sanitized way.

Because, if he were to piss off the rabidly pro-Zionist, there would be no uproar, no free publicity, just another show on HBO in the place of RealTime.

Bill would probably have to move to Canada if he ever wanted another television show.

Would I like to see Maher speak what's really on his mind 100% of the time.


Do I want him to pay the consequences of being honest...


Do I think him a sell out...


I think of myself as honest, but that may be a major factor for me being a failure as a business guy.

Being honest, really gets in the way, when you work for others. I think people would rather hire crazy fucks, rather than honest people. Crazy is easier to deal with.

Anyway, that's my way. If others choose a different way to get by, that's their deal. Besides, when judged by society on the standard scales of success/failure. Look at where the honest folks are.

I should probably proof read this ramble, but don't feel like it, so I hope this makes some kind of sense.

Anonymous said...

I just saw this guy Dylan Ratigan take apart the felony banker bailout & expose what Shitibank et al. are doing to circumvent the compensation limits set by the administration. He defined the difference between stealing and adding value in terms a Washington beaurocrat could understand - and not bend. I'd like to see him on Realtime.

A bit to direct and assertive for the panel...

Gypsy said...

ZenGrouch.. Re:Ramble...

When I was a child I was punished for being honest.. It seems to me many of us are. And as we grow up and hold onto our honesty, we are called failures.. What I learned about myself is that it is a symptom of something wrong with them not something wrong with me. They are the failures, they might have the money,they might have the power but THEY are still the failures.. When I first saw Bill Maher's work about 15 years ago.. I said I like it.. Un appoligetic honesty.. honesty does not mean right or wrong. it just means here is where I stand. When I see bill Maher hitting on the head great problems in society that we have to hear about.. Because honest people can't help but run into he wrongs in society.. THERE IS A PROBLEM IN THEM NOT US THE HONEST ONES.. It is simply good to see an honest human getting a say. And perhaps not all is lost. I encourage Mr Maher to keep on flapping his gums.. to keep on saying it the way he sees it.. to keep on being unapoligetic for his HONESTY.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I am really curios about this old lady who the cop tasered.

She would have been 30 in 1967; I bet she knows some language that cop has never heard. I'd really like to know what she said that turned him into a raging asshole, just in case I find myself being beaten to death by the cops and want to cut the interview short.

ZenGrouch said...

Who says you have to be a raging asshole to Taser an old lady?

Some of these bitches are just beggin' for it.

Oh, and if you ever want the cops to close the deal, whilst whipping the everlovin' piss out of you...

Just say these magic words...


ZenGrouch said...

South Carolina's governor Sanford had an extramarital affair with another woman?!

How refreshing!

A Republicunt caught having heterosexual sex outside of a public toilet!

Anonymous said...

The Iranians have a new form of government outside the right-left thing we were taught.

A government of the terrorists, by the terrorists, for the terrorists, with the help of God.

Religion, is there anything it can't do?

Anonymous said...

Yeah and I bet Sanford paid for the sex with OUR TAX DOLLARS... as usual.

Anonymous said...

λσδ Trinity: विष्णु, Jimi and the Moniker dæmon said...

Yeah and I bet Sanford paid for the sex with OUR TAX DOLLARS... as usual.

Like Kennedy, Barney(man of course) and Clinton didn't plus, many more Dems?


They are just too stupid and need lessons from a woman on how to be discreet!

ZenGrouch said...

For some very odd reason, even if he was using tax dollars to get some, I don't seem to care...

Hell, if he's taking up a collection, I'll send him a few bucks!

It's such a relief to hear about Republicans cheating on their families with WOMEN of all things.

Oh, wait a minute...

...when the other shoe hits the floor, a big ol' South American trannie's gonna be wearing it.

Damn, I should have known it was too good to be true.

Anonymous said...

Lessons from Maria (redacted) on discretion... isn't the unconstitutional surveillance data warehouse excellent?

Actually I was thinking of John Ensign, the distinguished gentleman from Colorado since he's the last one to get caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

From what I hear, the conservative journalists (FUX) have the same masters as their representatives.

I see God is doing a kickass job in Iran, reminds me of Teanaman Square.

Anonymous said...

Why is everything God's doing in the blame game?

Where there is Good, there is also Evil!

Unfortunately, alot of people confuse the two!

Anonymous said...

Dude if they want to use the money we gace them to run a tight ship to screw whores, then let me pick the festering pox sore infested lice ridden syphilitic worn out sex slave that have a growth rate higher than high school grads despite the billions of dollars per year to the FBI & police to check these violent crimes.

I'll show them a good time...

Anonymous said...

then you must concede that you are not a monotheist or that your God is not omnipotent.

ZenGrouch said...

"I'll show them a good time..."

It certainly sounds like you know where to go to meet the "ladies"!

Anonymous said...

λσδ Trinity: विष्णु, Jimi and the Moniker dæmon said...

then you must concede that you are not a monotheist or that your God is not omnipotent.

I do believe in One God!
Everyone has their own interpretation of God and I chose to believe in my one.

That is my right but, I don't blow people up or kill them because they don't believe the same as I!

If everyone thought as the Terrorist do, there wouldn't be anyone left!

Anonymous said...

As the story is told he didn't really cheat on his wife, they are already separated.

She showed alot of class in her comments.

How to not commit adultery: 1. don't get married. If its too late 2. get a divirce. 3. Have an open relationship; thats a lot harder to maintain than you would think.

The point is these guys lied to their wives. If this is how they treat their personal responsibilities then what remorse would they feel ripping off the anonymous citizens they are supposed to represent? Especially since they rig the criminal justice system to get off? Wouuld they do better if we prosecuted them like other RICO violators, into the same dungeons?

Anonymous said...

Yup you have every right to your ideas. I was just pointing out the inconsistencies.

A loving God would not kill innocents or let criminals get away; that would be at best an indifferent God.

If there is only one omnipotent God and evil follows Him, then evil must be part of Him. Unless of course evil is a subjective perception.

Aren't you being judgemental? Isn't that explicitly against the instructions? Compassion & forgiveness aren't just for the religulous.

You have to admit its pretty funny that the governor had to sneak out like a schoolboy to get some PT on the QT... and got caught! The unrelenting press is worse than catholic mommy...

Really. If he snuck off to kill someone or arrange embezzlement of funds, I would be pissed. He just wanted to fuck. I think politicians would be less treacherous and tense if they got plenty of vitamin S, all around.

They are just all so old looking...

Anonymous said...

Excellent silverlight videos on msnbc


whatgod said...

I LOVE your show and tend not to miss any of your shows. In your latest shows you had a guest from Iran who said "this is kind of a internal revolution, people try to change and supreme leader try to keep it the way it was". I want you to see this movement from another point of view. As much i HATE to admit but this movement has noting to do with people of Iran. This is a battle between two group of power holders of government that their clash end up to this movement. Supreme leader side (Supreme leader, Ahmadinejad, Mesbah Yazdi, ...) would LIKE a change. Opposing side do NOT want the change. The only issue here is Supreme leader side they want to change the "Islamic Republic of Iran" to "State of Islamic fairness
government" and other party is trying to keep it I.R.Iran. Difference is in their definition. In I.R.Iran leader "should" be picked by people. In "State of Islamic fairness Government" Supreme Leader will be picked by group of good/god scared people like "assembly of experts". In this way no one can "middling" in supreme leaders' decisions. I can explain in very comprehensive way how it all works if you would like to know more about middle east.

Anonymous said...

God doesn't kill the innocent, Evil men do.

God doesn't possess Evil...men do.

Compassion & forgiveness "aren't" just for the religulous (It applies to all Mankind) Some just choose to ignore that quality of being Human.

There is such a thing as "The Wrath of God" and why shouldn't he have Wrath on people who choose to hurt or kill another living being?

I am not judgemental towards anyone except the ones who use God as a tool to kill my fellow Americans or anyone who can breathe. You have every right to your beliefs as do I.

There are no inconsistencies in regards to God. The Bible says it all and it happens to be a great read. Violence, Sex, murder, betrayal, etc., but, mostly Hope!

Okay, Goodnight all..You to Zenny!

whatgod said...

Dear Bill,
In your latest shows you had a guest from Iran who said "this is kind of a internal revolution, people try to change and supreme leader try to keep it the way it was". I want you to see this movement from another point of view. As much i HATE to admit but this movement has noting to do with people of Iran. This is a battle between two group of power holders of government that their clash end up to this movement. Supreme leader side (Supreme leader, Ahmadinejad, Mesbah Yazdi, ...) would LIKE a change. Opposing side do NOT want the change. The only issue here is Supreme leader side they want to change the "Islamic Republic of Iran" to "State of Islamic fairness government" and other party is trying to keep it I.R.Iran. Difference is in their definition. In I.R.Iran leader "should" be picked by people. In "State of Islamic fairness Government" Supreme Leader will be picked by group of good/god scared people like "assembly of experts". In this way no one can "middling" in supreme leaders' decisions. I can explain in comprehensive way how it all works if you would like to know more about middle east.

TheEXfundi said...

Yes, there are several inconsitantcies in the Bible.

1) Jesus' Genealogy does not match up in the gospels. A big No No for the Messiah.
2) Satan and Jesus are both called Morning Star(oops!).
3) Jesus did not meet the Messanic requirements. He was not of the bloodline of David because Joseph was not his biological father.
4) Also, where the gentile scriptures say a, "virgin will give birth" the word virgin is incorrectly translated from the original language which reads a young woman/maiden will give birth.

One thing I have noticed since leaving Christianity is the lack of research Christians do before determining Jesus the Son of God. I honestly believe from what I witnessed in the church that Christians do more research on their mortgages than they do on the Bible or even Jesus.

Bill, I am writing a book about how I went from judgemental, narrow minded Evangelical Fundi to peaceful, loving and accepting Agnostic. I need a platform, help!

ZenGrouch said...

Thought of this one last night. Well, I'm sure someone else thought of it first, but, I don't recall ever hearing this asked before, so here goes.

If the coming of Jesus was so well documented in the Old Testament, with Christians of today pointing to scriptures saying, "Ah HA! Here it is! Proof!" how come the Jews of the time, totally missed it?

I mean they were waiting for this coming for a while, weren't they?

Why couldn't they read the signs?

Wise Guys from the Orient saw the signs, so how in the fuck did the Jews totally blow it, then kill the guy?

Were they pissed at their own ignorance and getting rid of the evidence?

Gypsy said...

taicligh has left a new comment on the post "QUOTES FROM “REAL TIME WITH BILL MAHER" - MAY 29 2...":


when it comes to faith, humans have the capacity to endure the ridicule of the day because they have gathered together symbolically as an attack on others. When we realize that those who live life for life's sake are just as capable of humbling themselves before greatness we will see in fact a world that works..

The religious can only see greatness if it occurs within the narrow context of religion, there are far greater things that lie beyond it. and your religious prejudices hold you back every time.

Anonymous said...

I'm not going to waste my time arguing ideologies, I leave that to the ideologues really do nothing but talk.

Here is an excellent series exposing the results of millenium your theocratic dogma, policies and practices, Imagine_Thinking. Zen you should viddy this too, you'll probably enjoy the clear viewpoints as much as I did.

Anonymous said...

Religions & politicians take credit for good stuff not under their purvue and propagandize their mistakes. Fuck all divisionist political dogma!

Anonymous said...

Forgot the link...


ZenGrouch said...

Michael Jackson had a heart attack...

OK, it's this sort of shit that makes people believe in a loving & all caring God.

It's just random stuff people!

ZenGrouch said...

OK, Jackson is dead...

Now, if there really were a loving God, looking down on us, he would have suffered horribly for a few more days, before being allowed to die.

ZenGrouch said...

I'm watching the local LA news coverage of the Jackson death...

I can't believe that it's possible for me to lose even more respect for humanity by the minute watching this total BULL SHIT!

One asshole, who may have been in charge of the Grammy Awards, in an interview with channel 2, said that no artists should be judged by their personal lives. Then he went on to correct himself and say that nobody should be judged by their personal lives, otherwise, we'd all spend too much time judging others.

I want to kick that motherfucker in the balls! Then tell him, "Judge Not Cocksucker!"

Anonymous said...

Wow. Keith Richards also outlived Michael Jackson and Farah Fawcett.

I'll have whatever he's having...

Gypsy said...

good karma helps in life's longevity

Gypsy said...

ZenGrouch has left a new comment on the post "QUOTES FROM “REAL TIME WITH BILL MAHER" - MAY 29 2...":

OK, Jackson is dead...

Now, if there really were a loving God, looking down on us, he would have suffered horribly for a few more days, before being allowed to die.

look at what his face looks like seems to me, "god" has been trying to get him for a long time.

Gypsy said...

λσδ Trinity: विष्णु, Jimi and the Moniker dæmon has left a new comment on the post "QUOTES FROM “REAL TIME WITH BILL MAHER" - MAY 29 2...":

Yup you have every right to your ideas. I was just pointing out the inconsistencies.

A loving God would not kill innocents or let criminals get away; that would be at best an indifferent God.


life subconsciously evolved on the planet. There is no god.. when we leave religions we under go a spiritual healing. it's like being re attached to the living earth or nature.. The religious development of our societies simply does not allow for us to understand this or anything else logical about nature.

Why don't we know about this? Because the christians and the catholics killed anyone who knew about it long before this generation was born.


Gypsy said...

TheEXfundi has left a new comment on the post

what ultimately changed your mind from being a fundi to agnostic

Gypsy said...

Everything in nature can be explained logically, rationally, and is simple enough for 4 year old to understand.. Why is it then that it does not become the standard of understanding against the religions and their superstition.. BECAUSE RELIGIONS WHO DEMAND BLIND FAITH PUT UPON TRUTH A BURDEN OF PROOF BEYOND REASONABILITY. AND THEY HAVE BEEN DOING SO FOR CENTURIES..

example of what I mean about nature being put to an unreasonable standard against religious blind faith... GRAVITY, now to explain gravity i would simply drop an object and say see this is gravity. the standard against nature is so high that despite the proof i offer by dropping an object and every time and every object falls to the ground that gravity is still being called a theory. Gravity to be accepted as a law of nature had to be given a mathematical calculation. That is what they call science.
When we speak of evolution we have the most obvious example at our disposal, monkey and man
that every human blood test needs to match before evolution can move forward is insane

that god is accepted yt disproven time and time again but nature that we come to know gets labelled as theory eternally till it can be proven in every molecule of the planet to serve the denial of religion is insane.


Gypsy said...

Nature evolves, humans develop however any long standing event in society gets caught up in evolution eventually, evolution is a law of nature.

we, as humans evolved, baby,child, teen, adult,senior,death..

societies evolve, religions evolve, even that damn bible evolved...


Anonymous said...

A good thing did come of Michaels' demise. I switched away from the overly pathetic news & caught Dennis Miller verbally skinning Jim Bakker for his adultery with Jessica Hahn... a few decades ago.

Can you blame him? I mean look at Tammy, look at Jessica, his decision was very good, even if not made with his brain.

Miller was also explicit about the fraud Bakker committed on poor people. A long long time ago...

Gypsy said...

I don't have a tv.. so I looked up the Micheal Jackson story on CNN,

"with the sweetest and most gentle eyes that stood in stark contrast to the accusations that was coming at him from some of these kids in these cases"

Micheal Jackson practiced that look I am sure like any actor would have, he was a dog, a child molester, I have no doubt. I shed not one tear.

Usually I don,t pay attention except I know that that monster played games with everyone.. bunch of idiots that stand outside worshipping such a devil...

good riddance to bad rubbish...


Gypsy said...

correction, sometimes when I am upset, i miss words when i type to fast.. Usually i don't pay attention to the rich and famous..

those who go about flaunting their money and fame as if they are greater than others..

I actually have gotten nightmares about Micheal Jackson, what an idiot..

I get Bill Maher sliding through my dreams occasionally too . lol

as I said earlier I have no tv, so I pick up some things here from his shows. not much since he seems absent more than present

Anonymous said...

Here is a great online movie source & a great movie:


and another:


and another:


+ msnbc.com puts their news online, HD quality:


The web increasingly has the best of tv, on demand...

hulu is a decent source too. I found "Felix the Cat" & "Space Ghost" there

Gypsy said...

where those movies for my benfit trinity?

Gypsy said...

you still on here trinity?

Gypsy said...

i guess not.. so i will say good night then.. it,s almost mid night here


ZenGrouch said...

"look at what his face looks like seems to me, "god" has been trying to get him for a long time..."

...maybe so, one piece at a time.

Anonymous said...

Le Morte de Michel

Michael Jackson felt dizzy and drifted off to sleep. When he woke up he was on the set of Thriller with Satan. He wondered aloud, "How did I get here?"

The Devil appeared. "You died, Michael. I'm Satan. This is the Temple of Doom... its where I hang out."

Michael asked, "Am I condemned to Hell?"

"No Michael, you're free to come and go as you please, you can even go back to earth if you want. You'll have to start over, of course. Dad's rule. You aren't here to be punished, I just love your music. I want you to do shows for me. I'll grant you anything you wish. Here in Hell we celebrate life by living. Up in Heaven they celebrate by endlessly crying, spying, lying and trying to rip each other off. I only fuck with people who make life miserable for others, like W."

Michael eyed The Devil. "I thought you would be white."

"I have a rare skin disease" muttered Beezlebub, Lord of the hoary hosts, studying a piece of stage near his feet, where Mr. Bubbles was chasing Farah, a raging purple woody gyrating wildly between his knees, as he leapt after her.

"Mr. Bubbles!" exclaimed Michael. "Is he here already?"

"I got him for you", said Satan. "But he's here to stay. He had impure thoughts, he hates everyone and wants to kill humanity."

Satan leaned close. "In fact, his offspring are going to rise up and enslave mankind in the next 60 years. I got the idea from Roddy McDowell. Dad has no idea..."

"Searves 'em right. Lets play!" exclaimed Michael. Music became to play, as he sprouted an enormous purple root...

Gypsy said...

you should have been a writter trinity

Gypsy said...

ZenGrouch has left a new comment on the post "QUOTES FROM “REAL TIME WITH BILL MAHER" - MAY 29 2...":

I'm watching the local LA news coverage of the Jackson death...

Well all those who know him as the molester that he is can feel that the children of the world are safer today.

When do the people get their money back .. there will be no concert.. so now not only Micheal Jackson is broke but those who supported him lost a chunk of change and some fans will certainly get screwed.. I have always said.. Yes Karma does work..


Anonymous said...

Full Length George Carlin Recordings

When Will Jesus Bring The Porkchops

George Carlin - Again 1978

Carlin On Campus

George Carlin - On Campus 1984

George Carlin - On Location

George Carlin at Carnegie

George Carlin - Playin' With Your Head

George Carlin - In New York 1992

You Are All Diseased

Its Bad For Ya

Gypsy said...

looking to chear yourself up lens... I love George Carlin.. He's funny, he's very observant. One might say there is wisdom in them there jokes.. Gypsy

Gypsy said...

Good and Evil,,, how is one to tell the difference. You see Micheal Jackson was evil. He went around playing the role of the good guy. He kept trying to impress everyone with his greatness. Yet he was a pitiful blood sucking spiritual vampire. The pope functions exactly the same way. there are many Americans sitting on the fence. The USA hurting so many in it's vain attempts to rule the world. Not so long ago I saw how no American was trusted, between the lies, the spin, the religions, the murder, the wars, Today the pendulum of judgement crosses the country. Like an axe of judgement. More Deaths like Farrah and Jackson are coming. David Carradine is another, how many more deaths will be needed before America will see it's own evil. Some times I think Bill Maher sees it.. and he is trying to do what he can to warn USA..But then the USA is as Arrogant and ignorant as Micheal Jackson himself. Because of American bad Karma most of it's people are condemned. Gypsy

Gypsy said...

now that I had my temper tantrum.. It drives me crazy seeing such an evil person worshipped..

Now for a positive something.. anyone play cards here.

Gypsy said...

what to do when blogs and forums slow down.. try games..

I started 3 in the past two days...


got to that one from YouTube called EVONY FREE FOREVER.

then I started a farm trough facebook...

Farmville.. can be found in facebook search..

also I don't know where I picked up this one yesterday, but it is the one who got me hooked.


called Travian...

they are all free how ever you do have the option of buying stuff.. I don't buy online.. but I'm sure it helps speed up the games for those of you who like that thing.

how to alleviate boredom. chat rooms got kind of boring so I stopped those a few years back.. now blogs and forums blah.. so this is my new pass time beginning yesterday..

if any of you show up look me up, I'm always either Gypsy, GypsyJack or geesjack.. which ever is available in that order..


canna said...

save our tax payers $25 million

vote for this one H.R.2943

legalize pot so we don't need this one

H.AMDT.277 to H.R.2996

platoon #420
teddybear terrorist

ZenGrouch said...

FWIW... I checked out the circus around the M.J. Star on the Walk of Fame around 2 in the AM, when they opened it up to the public, after being covered by the Bruno Premier.

Posted a few photos at: http://sorryaboutthat.org/mj/

Yeah, the quality on some suck, but I was working without a flash on some with no tripod, so there's some movement.

Anonymous said...

It just amazes me how smart you all are and how "personally well" you knew MJ.

Let's see....out of thousands and thousands of children, "2" happen to come out with one getting $15 Million, defended by a lawyer who had sued him before hand(to clarify, he wanted it over...guilty? Trial would have continued but, mommy wanted money) and he was found "Not Guilty" of the second due to the "mommy's" credibility, which destroyed him.

Unlike most of you, I grew up with him and followed him big time. He was my first interracial crush and always was.

I know none of you give a rat's ass about my opinion but, he did "open" doors for MTV, future Pop Stars, breaking the racial barrier in Music and he was the King of Pop as Elvis was the King of Rock!

But, I forgot, Respect for "anything" doesn't exist on this site!

Just be sure to give your user name to a family member so, just in case you die tomorrow, I can bash and trash you!

If you don't know the truth personally? What gives you the right to judge?

Oh, I forgot...everyone on here is their Own God of Knowledge!

Hell, even Bill Maher defended him!

ZenGrouch said...

The guy slept with little boys, and defended those actions!

He squirreled the kids away in a special *no adults allowed* secret room.

A child was able to give the police an accurate description of his aroused penis.

He dangles babies from balconies.

He purchased his children.

Lightening the color of your skin doesn't make you able to knock out blond haired blue eyed babies.

He had a lot of help in his creative endeavors, but took all credit when possible.

He most likely died because he's an even bigger Oxycontin abuser that that other freak, Rush.

He tires of boys once they get too old, like around 12.

This guy is a pedophile.

Plain and simple.

Have I seen him sucking off little boys?


Did O.J. really murder 2 innocent people?

People are crazy.

People who offered up their little boys to Michael, most likely knew what was going on, but what the hey, IT'S MICHAEL FREAKIN' JACKSON!

Anonymous said...

So what if he was different from you or me? That doesn't mean he was Evil or a Child molester.

Yes, he made mistakes, haven't you? The difference is, you are not a household Icon with tons of money!

Nobody has the right to judge or claim they know everything when they don't!

For all I know, you are a Serial Rapist, Murdering Pervert!

And by the way, he did have a skin disease called "vitiligo"!

Anonymous said...

You know Zen and Gypsy....the out-pour of sadness and Love for him completely out-way the 2 of yours opinions of him.

So...I don't give a rat's ass about what you think!

felinegroovy said...



Anonymous said...

To sum it up and shut me up:

"Millions" around the "world" are mourning him!

ZenGrouch said...

""Millions" around the "world" are mourning him!..."


There are a ton of Christians out there too.

That doesn't mean that Jesus was the son of god, or that there is a god who sits in judgment of us, watching our every little move, condemning us to hell if we don't follow the Catholic way.

Someone who should know, is his ex-wife Lisa Marie. I like her, and believe what she says to be true, and I've seen her on TV more than once referring to her ex-husband as "a little freak!"

Anonymous said...

My God Zen!

Are you even human?

Respond all you want God Zen, I'm out for awhile!

If you could read, the world would be a better place:

Lisa Marie recalls her conversation with Michael on her MySpace.com blog, writing:

"At some point he paused, he stared at me very intensely and he stated with an almost calm certainty, 'I am afraid that I am going to end up like him, the way he did.' I promptly tried to deter him from the idea, at which point he just shrugged his shoulders and nodded almost matter of fact as if to let me know, he knew what he knew and that was kind of that."

Lisa Marie goes on to write about her pain upon hearing the news, and declares that her marriage with Jackson was not "a sham," and she likens the tragic news to the loss of her father in 1977:

"A predicted ending by him, by loved ones and by me, but what I didn't predict was how much it was going to hurt when it finally happened. The person I failed to help is being transferred right now to the LA County Coroners office for his Autopsy. All of my indifference and detachment that I worked so hard to achieve over the years has just gone into the bowels of hell and right now I am gutted. I am going to say now what I have never said before because I want the truth out there for once. Our relationship was not 'a sham' as is being reported in the press. It was an unusual relationship yes, where two unusual people who did not live or know a "Normal life" found a connection, perhaps with some suspect timing on his part. Nonetheless, I do believe he loved me as much as he could love anyone and I loved him very much. I wanted to 'save him.' I wanted to save him from the inevitable which is what has just happened. His family and his loved ones also wanted to save him from this as well but didn't know how and this was 14 years ago. We all worried that this would be the outcome then. At that time, in trying to save him, I almost lost myself. He was an incredibly dynamic force and power that was not to be underestimated. When he used it for something good, It was the best and when he used it for something bad, It was really, REALLY bad. Mediocrity was not a concept that would even for a second enter Michael Jackson's being or actions. I became very ill and emotionally/ spiritually exhausted in my quest to save him from certain self-destructive behavior and from the awful vampires and leeches he would always manage to magnetize around him. I was in over my head while trying. I had my children to care for, I had to make a decision. The hardest decision I have ever had to make, which was to walk away and let his fate have him, even though I desperately loved him and tried to stop or reverse it somehow.

"After the divorce, I spent a few years obsessing about him and what I could have done different, in regret. Then I spent some angry years at the whole situation. At some point, I truly became Indifferent, until now. As I sit here overwhelmed with sadness, reflection and confusion at what was my biggest failure to date, watching on the news almost play by play.

"The exact scenario I saw happen on August 16th, 1977 happening again right now with Michael (A sight I never wanted to see again) just as he predicted, I am truly, truly gutted. Any ill experience or words I have felt towards him in the past has just died inside of me along with him. He was an amazing person and I am lucky to have gotten as close to him as I did and to have had the many experiences and years that we had together. I desperately hope that he can be relieved from his pain, pressure and turmoil now. He deserves to be free from all of that and I hope he is in a better place or will be. I also hope that anyone else who feels they have failed to help him can be set free because he hopefully finally is. The World is in shock but somehow he knew exactly how his fate would be played out some day more than anyone else knew, and he was right. I really needed to say this right now, thanks for listening.

Anonymous said...

Oh and, make sure you "read" it!

I'm sure I'll be back later.

Gypsy said...

Re: Lisa Marie's commentary about Micheal Jackson.. Saving him was like trying to save the devil himself, Micheal Jackson was the leach, was the vampire, he hung around the rich and famous to suck the life and creativity from their bones if he could... Everything Micheal Jackson was was a copy of someone greater, while he drained them of their energy and talent. He plagiarized, deceived, molested and controlled many.. She says she tried to save him from the fate she said he and she knew would befall him. He was trying to beat the rap, beat the karmic judgement. Just like he beat the child molestation charges, by playing the game of the victim. Just like when a husband brings his wife jewels after a beating, he paid off parents and a nation who refused to see the player, the deceiver, the devil Micheal Jackson chose to be.... He was spoiled, vicious and conniving as a child, he played that role to the end. He just had a way of buying people's blindness.

Gypsy said...

I,m going to have to read my e_mail in the opposite order to be able to answer in the right order... the love you call it pouring out of Micheal Jackson was a scam, he was playing the public.

He was a freak, plotting, strategies, he wanted, money, power and fame and would do anything to get it, screw, hurt, anyone.. He was a liar, a fraud. He practiced every game in the book to hide his evil little tracts, sucked the devil himself dry. He's dead, hurray, hurray the damn cheating lying bastard is dead. Gypsy

Anonymous said...

Holy crap!

I will not dignify that to a response.

Are you Osama, because I don't think Cave's get a T.V. reception or magazines, newspapers for that fact delivered there?

Again I will state:

I don't give a Rat's Ass what you think!

Anonymous said...

Gypsy said...

Re: Lisa Marie's commentary about Micheal Jackson.. Saving him was like trying to save the devil himself, Micheal Jackson was the leach, was the vampire, he hung around the rich and famous to suck the life and creativity from their bones if he could... Everything Micheal Jackson was was a copy of someone greater, while he drained them of their energy and talent. He plagiarized, deceived, molested and controlled many.. She says she tried to save him from the fate she said he and she knew would befall him. He was trying to beat the rap, beat the karmic judgement. Just like he beat the child molestation charges, by playing the game of the victim. Just like when a husband brings his wife jewels after a beating, he paid off parents and a nation who refused to see the player, the deceiver, the devil Micheal Jackson chose to be.... He was spoiled, vicious and conniving as a child, he played that role to the end. He just had a way of buying people's blindness.


Anonymous said...

Gypsy said...

I,m going to have to read my e_mail in the opposite order to be able to answer in the right order... the love you call it pouring out of Micheal Jackson was a scam, he was playing the public.

Well, you better hurry up and notify all the News channels, papers, magazines etc because OMG, Gypsy Knows it all!

dweebisis said...

This is kind of mean.

dweebisis said...

Here I go again.

Bill, I mean, Zen...I feel really bad now after just posting the meanie post. I just read your post on MJ. Good job and thanks for posting the truth about MJ.

Leave it to the Grouch Master!

dweebisis said...

Zen Dope Advocate,
I read some of your posts on earlier pages. Could you please stop calling people the c word? Don't you think that you're being a little hypocritical when saying that? I get that you're not emasculated, and I agree that America does have a problem with feminizing men in this day and age..to the point of only seeing gay looking male models on runways and in magazines. Believe it frustrates me too. I'm starting to think Pink is looking hot these days. Anyway, using that word is kind of backasswords. Maybe you should just stick with the the D word. Thanks Zen Bill!

ZenGrouch said...

"Could you please stop calling people the c word?..."

Well, I was trying to wean myself off the word, after I just about wore it out on I.T.

Guess I've been yelling at Brits too much over the past decade on the Internet, and have become immune to the rage the word inspires in 'mericans.

Fuckin' Brits will call their dear Mum a... you know, at the Sunday dinner table, if the saint doesn't pass the fucking butter fast enough.

But yeah, I can lay off the C word for a while anyway.

Hell, I'll even lay off the *Michael Jackson sucked young cock* thing, for a few weeks anyway, if that'll make people feel any better.

Besides, the fucker's dead, so his child molestation days are behind him.

I just feel really sad for those who are so emotionally tied to the guy.

Took some photos near his sidewalk star last night and really felt bad for this one girl I photographed, who was obviously torn up by the events.

I posted the photos at: sorryaboutthat.org/mj

She's the one with the red watery nose.

And I'm a bit curious as to what's up with the "Bill Zen" thing. You are talking to me right?

Anyway, hope you don't mind that I put a link to your blog on mine at zengrouch.com

Not looking for you to return the favor, since I haven't written anything in so long, it's embarrassing.

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