Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Republicans, stop calling Obama elitist

Because the real reason you don't like him is that he's smarter than you.

Sept. 5, 2008 New Rule: Republicans need to stop saying Barack Obama is an elitist, or looks down on rural people, and just admit you don't like him because of something he can't help, something that's a result of the way he was born. Admit it, you're not voting for him because he's smarter than you.

In her acceptance speech, Gov. Sarah Palin accused Obama of using his run for the White House as a "journey of personal discovery" -- this from the lady who just spent 10 minutes of her speech introducing her family -- Track, Trig, Bristol, Piper -- for a minute there I thought she was calling in an airstrike.

Karl Rove described Obama as "the guy at the country club with the beautiful date, holding a martini, and making snide comments about everyone who passes by." Unlike George Bush, who's the guy at the country club who makes snide comments, and then passes out. Now this characterization, of course, was something Mr. Rove just completely pulled out of his bulbous, gelatinous ass, but remember this is America, a land where people believe anything they hear. One of McCain's ads casts Obama as "the one," implying he thinks he's the Messiah. Good, maybe he can raise McCain from the dead.

It doesn't matter to Karl Rove that his country club characterization is fictitious, it's the role that Obama must play if the party of plutocrats is going to win over the little guy. Over and over at this convention we heard about the new put-upon victim in our society, the person in America, like Sarah Palin, who's constantly mocked because they're from a ... small town! Governor Yup Yup's got 'em all riled up about being disrespected.

Barack Obama can't help it if he's a magna cum laude Harvard grad and you're a Wal-Mart shopper who resurfaces driveways with your brother-in-law. Americans are so narcissistic that our candidates have to be just like us. That's why George Bush is president. And that's where the McCain camp gets its campaign strategy: Paint Obama as cocky and arrogant and wait for America to vote him off, like the black guy in every reality show. A black president? Half of Pennsylvania isn't ready for black quarterbacks. Forget Obama, they think Will Smith needs to be taken down a peg.

And finally: As for "country first," you know who's putting country first? I am, by supporting Obama, because a victory this fall for the McCain-Mooseburger ticket would make my job in the next four years very, very easy.


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pricklypear78 said...

Wow, I was just looking back at the history of this thread, and I must say, Wilber is a pretty sad dude. A lot of posts, a lot of nonsense. I guess if your brain cells are so obviously trying to find other brain cells in an otherwise empty mass of mush, it is easy to come to those kinds of racist, simplistic, ignorant statements. Wow- can we say run-on? and breathe...

wilber said...

In just one year. Remember the election in 2006?

Thought you might like to read the following:

A little over one year ago:
1) Consumer confidence stood at a 2 1/2 year high;
2) Regular gasoline sold for $2.19 a gallon;
3) The unemployment rate was 4.5%.

Since voting in a Democratic Congress
in 2006 we have seen:
1) Consumer confidence plummet;
2) The cost of regular gasoline soar to over $4.10 a gallon;
3) Unemployment is up to 5% (a 10% increase);
4) American households have seen $2.3 trillion in equity value evaporate (stock and mutual fund losses);
5) Americans have seen their home equity drop
by $1.2 trillion dollars;
6) 1% of American homes are in foreclosure.
7) Food prices skyrocketing over 30% in 1 year.

America voted for change in 2006, and we got it!

Remember it's Congress that makes law - not the President. He has to work with what's handed to him.

Quote of the Day........'My friends, we live in the
greatest nation in the history of the world. I hope you'll
join with me as we try to change it.' -- Barack Obama

Taxes...Whether Democrat or a Republican you will find these statistics enlightening and amazing.

Taxes under CLINTON-1999 Taxes under BUSH-2008
Single earning: Single earning:
30K - taxed- $ 8,400 & nbsp; 30K - taxed $ 4,500
50K - taxed $ 14,000 50K - taxed $ 12,500
75K - taxed $ 23,250 75K - taxed $ 18,750

Married earning: Married earning:
60K - taxed $16,800 60K - taxed $ 9,000
75K - taxed $ 21,000 75K - taxed $ 18,750
125K - taxed $ 38,750 125K -taxed $ 31,250

Barack Obama promises to return to the higher tax rates if elected. It is amazing how many people that fall into the categories above think Bush is screwing them and Bill Clinton was the greatest President ever.

If elected, Barack Obama has already promised that he will repeal the Bush tax cuts, and amazingly, a good portion of the people that fall into the categories above can't wait for it to happen. This is like the movie "The Sting" with Paul Newman; you scam somebody out of some money and they don't even know what happened.

You think the war in Iraq is costing us too much?

1. $11 Billion to $22 billion is spent on welfare to illegal aliens each year by state governments.
Verify at: http://tinyurl.com/zob77
2. $2.2 Billion dollars a year is spent on food assistance programs such as food stamps, WIC, and free school lunches for illegal aliens.
Verify at: http://www.cis...org/articles/2004/fiscalexec.html

3. $2.5 Billion doll a rs a year is spent on Medicaid for illegal aliens.
Verify at: http://wwwcis...org/articles/2004/fiscalexec.html
4. $12 Billion dollars a year is spent on primary and secondary school education for children here illegally and they cannot speak a word of English!
Verify at: http://transcripts.CNN.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0604/01/ldt.0.HTML
5. $17 Billion dollars a year is spent for education for the American-born children of illegal aliens, known as anchor babies.
Verify at: http://transcripts..cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0604/01/ldt.01.html
6. $3 Million Dollars a DAY is spent to incarcerate illegal aliens.
&nbs p; Verify at: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0604/01/ldt.01.html
7. 30% percent of all Federal Prison inmates are illegal aliens.
Verify at: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0604/01/ldt.01.html
8. $90 Billion Dollars a year is spent on illegal aliens for Welfare & social services by the American taxpayers.
Verify at: http://premium.cnn.com/TRANSCIPTS/0610/29/ldt.01.html
9. $200 Billion Dollars a year in suppressed American wages are caused by the illegal aliens.
Verify at: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0604/01/ldt.01.html
10. The illegal aliens in the United States have a crime rate that's two and a half times that of white non-illegal aliens. In particular, their children, are going to make a huge additional crime problem
in the US
Verify at: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0606/12/ldt.01.html
11. During the year of 2005 there were 4 to 10 MILLION illegal aliens that crossed our Southern Border also, as many as 19,500 illegal aliens from Terrorist Countries. Millions of pounds of drugs, cocaine, meth, heroin and marijuana, crossed into the U. S from the Southern border.
Verify at: Homeland Security Report: http://tinyurl..com/t9sht
12. The National Policy Institute, 'estimated that the total cost of mass deportation would be between $206 and $230 billion or an average cost of between $41 and $46 billion an nually over a five year period.'
Verify at: http://www.nationalpolicyinstitute.org/pdf/deportation.pdf
13. In 2006 illegal aliens sent home $45 BILLION in remittances back to their countries of origin.
Verify at: http://www.rense.com/general75/niht.htm
14. 'The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration: Nearly One Million Sex Crimes Committed by Illegal Immigrants In The United States .'
Verify at: http://www.drdsk.com/articleshtml
The total cost is a whopping $338.3 BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR.


Anonymous said...

Hey Bill,

Can we get some more frequent blog posts? I know I can get your commentary on Real Time every week, but I want more!

Blogga, please!


chards said...

To the 16% of us that have no interest in god, lets make ourselves heard. Mr. Maher, you have the stage, what can I do to help you bring your message to our governmental bodies.

clydene said...

BBC News Quiz Show....


You can listen to the latest version by selecting the listen again version button, or you can down load it from iTunes - Friday Night Comedy From BBC Radio 4.

About 8 minutes into the program is an interesting observation of Sarah Palin by a panel of BBC comedy comentators. A Lot Of Fun and interesting what they see about Sarah Palin. :)

Blog On Books said...


I just watched your show with Christiane Amanpour who said SHE KNOWS WHERE BIN LADEN LIVES!!!


Is anyone LISTENING!!!

He lives in a Villa! How does SHE know this and the US can't 'find' him????

Tell her to tell the Government where he lives and to go GET HIM!!!

How does SHE know and the US Government DOES NOT!!!???




sariel said...

Religious extremism has been brought into this election recently because of Governor Palin and her association with an extremist church. As the McCain camp tries to instill fear into the hearts of the voter, I tried to think about how a person with deep religious beliefs might view this. I had a discussion today in regards to what is called “End of Days“ or “Judgement Day“. This brought up an interesting point of view.

On September 11th America was attacked by extremists who were backed by a man named Bin Laden. American’s were horrified and stricken with fear. Here we are seven years later. We are in the midst of a very unusual election, and America has a choice to make. The choice is, does America have the capacity to embrace someone who’s name sounds like something we have feared? Who’s running mate, when put together with his own name comes very close to what we have feared the most. Who’s race has/had been viewed as inferior. A man who’s genetics is a combination of foundations of this country. A man who’s lineage has been here for hundreds of years. If a religious person would think of a “judgement day”, should they think of this as one? A test to see if American can get past it’s prejudices and it’s fears. To see through the lies and to embrace this man who encompases so much. If America can embrace this man, would these be the people worthy of being saved? For people who embrace the fear mongering, prejudice, and the lies; would those people not be saved? Perhaps this could be a judgement. The question is, is America worthy?

Joshua Lipana said...

Dude! How the hell can I contact you!

geniemaker said...

To IhxDh0AFiorz18o_xY9Yh6_5_EtNDg ~ please refrain from making any "patriotic" remarks in defense of Nobama. Riddle me this: which parent takes their precious children to a "christian" church whose leader shouts "Not God bless America, G-d damn America"; which person has an American wife in their 40's who recently said she is finally proud of their country? which person removed the American flag from their private jet and replaced it with their arrogant logo? which person IS a Muslim apostate who has gotten a resounding endorsement from Libyan dictator Moammer Qadafi? which person's campaign funds are now being investigated for accepting foreign donations which is against federal law? which person used the Marxist handbook by Alisky (sp.) as his guide for being a "community organizer"?which person, during his community organizing/state senator days built low-income housing (Grove Parc Plaza for one)which has now been condemned for demolition due to shoddy construction and no upkeep?; which person is the US Senator from the state with the largest prison in the country and the highest (11+%) state tax? which person and his wife education may have been financed by Khalid Al-Mansour? I think I've solve the riddle. Why it's one of the people running for President of the United States, and I do not believe it's John McCain. Nobama wins, no worries about the economy, health care or other normal issues,as these things will mean nothing because we'll be too busy fighting for our freedom and our very existence

geniemaker said...

emily: Sorry to tell you but wilbur's last comment about the democratic congress performance for the past two years is spot on. I am past saying I'm a Republican or a Democrat. I'm proudly saying I'm an American

Anonymous said...

Bill's typically hypocritical comments about the GOP re deranged dark baby butcher racist (www.blackgenocide.org) Obama (think how much $ he rakes in from being used by Planned Parenthood to wipe out those dark babies like their founder Sanger wanted)
comes from his fact-challenged egotistical dementia lying about Christians being more dangerous than atheists, carefully avoiding the inconvenient actual numbers butchered by his fathers of lies Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, etc., etc., as in the atheist French Revolution of similar mob violence that terrified our Founders of this Christian nation. How ironic that all that keeps atheists alive is living in Christian countries, eventually killed by competing atheists elsewhere, not being burdened by that tiresomely intolerant religious view of "don't murder!" All that saves them is the very Christians they despise.

For those who don't want to waste their precious. too-short, life on these bogus lies of atheist nonsense, see www.dontwasteyourlife.com and www.desiringGod.org. May God open your eyes to the Truth, the God-Man Jesus, and disillusion you with Bill's fact-challenged fraud that only fools the gullible. Also see www.trueorigin.org.

BravoZulu said...

Believe your show is an interesting dialogue of what is taking place in mainland USA. However, I would suggest a more balance approach w/creditable guests would add fire to your cause. Some guests are HS graduates (barely). Some are quite educated but w/o a balance approach it becomes a fun park. If that is your purpose, then fine and please press on w/the amusement. On a more serious note, take a look at this and comment on how Obama or McCain will address when one of them will become our president.

Thxs again for the entertainment, Dr. M.A Gonzalez, Miami, FLorida

BravoZulu said...

Believe your show is an interesting dialogue of what is taking place in mainland USA. However, I would suggest a more balance approach w/creditable guests would add fire to your cause. Some guests are HS graduates (barely). Some are quite educated but w/o a balance approach it becomes a fun park. If that is your purpose, then fine and please press on w/the amusement. On a more serious note, take a look at this and comment on how Obama or McCain will address when one of them will become our president.

Thxs again for the entertainment, Dr. M.A Gonzalez, Miami, FLorida

wilber said...


jaded_heart said...

Why would anyone bother calling a politician anything when one of the biggest slurs in the English languae is simply "politician" -- elitist, liar, braggart, crook all pale in comparison! All politicians in the current campaigns are more or less interchangable and none will carry out even a third of the "campaign promises" publisized. In reality neither candidate is even remotely concerned about the interests of anybody other than those few powerful individuals responsible for putting them in power and we are all utter fools to believe anything else. How history will ultimately judge them as leaders is 10% character and skill plus 90% blind luck (how the economy does mostly ... something they have nominal control over despite all their blustering and posturing). Until our system evolves a third choice from grass roots origins apart from the democrat - republican strangle hold nothing will change.

JulieL said...

Bill, I have become closely acquainted with some right wing blue collar people over the past few years through a man I am dating. His friends and family were not aware of my political beliefs until recently when the issue became heated. I was, however, privy to their slurs against jews, niggers, and spicks for these few years, but out of respect for my mate did not make a big issue out of it except to note my objection. However, recently they showed me a picture of Obama shining Palin's shoes which they found hysterical. That was after they put Obama in the cart with Al Sharpton as "one of them...they're all the same." Your exit strategy is realistic if Palin/McCain win. I applaud your straight forward frankness in verbalizing your beliefs, and would like the Republicans to just come out and say what they really mean rather than leaving it to who they consider to be close enough to dare to express their beliefs to. The Republican party is made up of fear. It builds it and feeds off of it. Your show is the highlight of my week.

MP2008 said...


Your mate needs a new set of friends and "not All Right Leaners" feel that way.

There are too many people in this world now who hold those beliefs, Democrat, Republican or Independent, and that is sad.

Accusing just one group of having those beliefs is wrong and irresponsible.

Unknown said...

bill, i meant to come and say hello when you came out of charlie rose's studio but my makeup chair got busy. Think you will appreciate it. I am so horrified at Palins blatant disregard for right and wrong and her flirting made me nuts. lana
makeup artist 20/20 and Bloomberg News.

Flirting her way to victory
Sarah Palin's farcical debate performance lowered the standards for both female candidates and US political discourse
Michelle Goldberg
Friday October 3 2008

At least three times last night, Sarah Palin, the adorable, preposterous vice-presidential candidate, winked at the audience. Had a male candidate with a similar reputation for attractive vapidity made such a brazen attempt to flirt his way into the good graces of the voting public, it would have universally noted, discussed and mocked. Palin, however, has single-handedly so lowered the standards both for female candidates and American political discourse that, with her newfound ability to speak in more-or-less full sentences, she is now deemed to have performed acceptably last night.

By any normal standard, including the ones applied to male presidential candidates of either party, she did not. Early on, she made the astonishing announcement that she had no intentions of actually answering the queries put to her. "I may not answer the questions that either the moderator or you want to hear, but I'm going to talk straight to the American people and let them know my track record also," she said.

And so she preceded, with an almost surreal disregard for the subjects she was supposed to be discussing, to unleash fusillades of scripted attack lines, platitudes, lies, gibberish and grating references to her own pseudo-folksy authenticity.
It was an appalling display. The only reason it was not widely described as such is that too many American pundits don't even try to judge the truth, wisdom or reasonableness of the political rhetoric they are paid to pronounce upon. Instead, they imagine themselves as interpreters of a mythical mass of "average Americans" who they both venerate and despise.

In pronouncing upon a debate, they don't try and determine whether a candidate's responses correspond to existing reality, or whether he or she is capable of talking about subjects such as the deregulation of the financial markets or the devolution of the war in Afghanistan. The criteria are far more vaporous. In this case, it was whether Palin could avoid utterly humiliating herself for 90 minutes, and whether urbane commentators would believe that she had connected to a public that they see as ignorant and sentimental. For the Alaska governor, mission accomplished.
There is indeed something mesmerising about Palin, with her manic beaming and fulsome confidence in her own charm. The force of her personality managed to slightly obscure the insulting emptiness of her answers last night. It's worth reading the transcript of the encounter, where it becomes clearer how bizarre much of what she said was. Here, for example, is how she responded to Biden's comments about how the middle class has been short-changed during the Bush administration, and how McCain will continue Bush's policies:

Say it ain't so, Joe, there you go again pointing backwards again. You preferenced [sic] your whole comment with the Bush administration. Now doggone it, let's look ahead and tell Americans what we have to plan to do for them in the future. You mentioned education, and I'm glad you did. I know education you are passionate about with your wife being a teacher for 30 years, and god bless her. Her reward is in heaven, right? ... My brother, who I think is the best schoolteacher in the year, and here's a shout-out to all those third graders at Gladys Wood Elementary School, you get extra credit for watching the debate.

Evidently, Palin's pre-debate handlers judged her incapable of speaking on a fairly wide range of subjects, and so instructed to her to simply disregard questions that did not invite memorised talking points or cutesy filibustering. They probably told her to play up her spunky average-ness, which she did to the point of shtick - and dishonesty. Asked what her achilles heel is - a question she either didn't understand or chose to ignore - she started in on how McCain chose her because of her "connection to the heartland of America. Being a mom, one very concerned about a son in the war, about a special needs child, about kids heading off to college, how are we going to pay those tuition bills?"

None of Palin's children, it should be noted, is heading off to college. Her son is on the way to Iraq, and her pregnant 17-year-old daughter is engaged to be married to a high-school dropout and self-described "fuckin' redneck". Palin is a woman who can't even tell the truth about the most quotidian and public details of her own life, never mind about matters of major public import. In her only vice-presidential debate, she was shallow, mendacious and phoney. What kind of maverick, after all, keeps harping on what a maverick she is? That her performance was considered anything but a farce doesn't show how high Palin has risen, but how low we all have sunk.

Copyright Guardian Newspapers Limited 2008

joeygunn said...

bill what will you do if obama becomes president after you get your head out of his ass your show is over and that is a good thing

daniel said...

Too Bad the Democrats Got Rid of Hilary, this is where the Clinton's would take the driver's seat. But instead we have OBAMA, with about as much executive experience as Sarah Palin's soon to be Son in Law. Lame. Maybe Obama's-I-hate-America-until-now that-I-might-get-to-live-in-the White-House-wife, can cook something up to get us out of the wall street mess. Obama's problem is that he can't commit to anything or really show any resolve about anything. Has he ever done something on his own? has he ever made a touch choice? The worst part of this nitemare of having selected a zero to the Democratic Ticket is that I REAAAAAAAAAALY don't want 8 more years of republican rule, but the dems shot themselves once again in the foot. And you're begining to hear the desperation of the dems that just maybe, this big media hype might be coming to and end and the great house of cards will fall, and they will, alas, again, lose the white house. HILARY, come back!

JulieL said...

Your comment about Obama is not at all correct. Have you read his books? Perhaps you should stop and think about what it takes to work your way up from poverty to Harvard, to president of the Law Review. Have you any idea what that takes? To be president of Law Review! It is the brightest, most innovative researcher and thinker who holds that position. I am a Lawyer, and rightly accomplished. Clerked for a prestigous Judge. However, I did not grow up in poverty and have to pay for my education by earning it, whether in dollars or grades. I imagine you didn't either. I also did not have to fight the race issue, while in poverty. Clinton, the man, was a bright accomplished President. Hillary accomplished too, but not the role model for Americans. Obama is a role model for all of the world to see.Obama has the education, and has earned it. Please don't speak of a man who has accomplished more in his life than anyone could imagine that way. Really, lets get real here. Those who can, do.

Curtis Turner said...

Obama is a mixed bag. I believe that he is nothing more or less than a political opportunist who is banking on his organizational skills with the ACORN group to register as many voters as he can so as to win the election by hook or by crook. As far as an American is concerned, I don't think he or his wife are very high on our country. And when his minister says "God damn America." It gives you second thoughts about what kind of kooks he has been associating with for the past 20 years.

Jamal said...

Why are all your talking points full of made-up "funny" words. I don't think there is a sentence that doesn't have some idiotic phrase. I know your trying to make some people look dumb by using some of your "bright lines", but why not come up with something that has facts (not twisted lines). You must have some good connection or mouth skills to get a show and retain it on HBO.

Curtis Turner said...

Anyone who would label Sarah Palin a religious extremist is out of their mind. I look on religious extremists as people like Father Phleger, Jeremiah Wright, and Louis Farakhan. Palin's religion is main stream, culturally in tune with traditional values, and very palatable.

Unknown said...

Questions for the candidates:

Q: Why do Republicans go around saying "drill, baby, drill"?
A: Because all they know how to do is run things into the ground.
(...you know...they run the economy into the ground..the housing market...the military...foreign policy...)

Q: How many Republicans does it take to change a light bulb?
A: None -- They just keep putting in the same old burned out bulb...

Q: How many Republicans does it take to change a light bulb?
A: It depends on what your definition of "change" is...

Anonymous said...

Bill Maher,

Religulous….?! What a successesful movie?!
It's funny and at the same time, it’s thought provoking . You're one courageous rara-avis!

In short, ... You’re the Ron Paul of journalism; honest and courageous.
- AND ...(I might as well say it)...You are VERY sexy too.

- BBlackie :)

mike m said...

Elitist. Is that the new code word for liberal, pinko, commie? Sen. (Joe)McCarthy would be proud!

By the way. After watching the VP debate, I realized SP is qualified... to be head cheerleader. She was cheering on John McCain like she was at a hockey game cheering on her son. "Don't let that liberal, pinko commie ref tell you that you can't slash the goalie. We're the Mavericks, and we're gonna win, win, win!!!(wink, wink)"
Ra Ra Ra

Anonymous said...

Earth to ShearWater,
Sarah Palin IS NOT mainstream. Shoting animals from the air is not really an accepted practice. Nor is making teens have their daddies babies (their child/sibling?) or making rape victims give birth to a constant reminder of that night. On rape victims, neither is making them pay for their own hospital forensic exams (which she did as mayor). That's like if you got brutally murdered (not your fault), and the police come and look for evidence, take fingerprints, etc., THEN SEND WHOMEVER YOU LIVE WITH THE BILL. Mainstream people don't use witch doctors, speak in tongues, or surround themselves by dead animals. If you happen to like Palin, that's okay. This is America, you can; but DO NOT try to justify her as "mainstream".

lifediarist said...

Hi Bill
I m writing here because i cudn't find any other place to get to u..I loved ur movie. I was just a bit disappointed because I am a Hindu and there wasn't much for my religion there. Anyways I also wanted to point out that all the incidents cited in the film, for Hindu God Krishna were absolutely wrong. Krishna was a king and in his disguise a herdsmen and not at all carpenter. Also he was not born of a virgin mother. Also he wasn't baptised in the river. The river incident is just another legend n it has nothing to do with any post-birth religious ceremony.
Apart from all of the above, I felt that the film is rational and also a sensible step to help all of us in soaring above religion.

BS Detective said...


When the government allows private oil companies to drill on United States Government owned land…
1) Does the oil belong to the US people or to the oil companies?
2) Should the oil that is brought up, be refined and sold only in the US?
3) Since the oil companies are privately owned, once they have drilled the oil, should they be allowed to put the oil on the open market and sell it to the highest bidders - anywhere in the world?

If you don’t know the answers to these questions, I suggest you first find out how your local Congressmen feel about these questions. For a few moments, email them instead of blogging here.

mike m said...

BS Detective
You raise a very good point. Any oil that is taken out of the ground in the US goes directly to the world commodities market, where anyone who wants it can buy it. So, how does that reduce our dependence on foreign oil? I'm not sure if the US is bound to any trade agreements regarding this. I certainly feel that whatever is drilled here, should stay here.

clydene said...

from an over all energy perspective what we are doing is getting the cheaper oil from around the world...the stuff that is close to the top, and easy to extract as it is closer to the surface.

Saudi oil tends to be lighter (sweet light crude) and easier to crack (heat to render out the by products of oil;gasoline, diesel, other stuff).

We get most of our oil from:
Crude Oil and Total Petroleum Imports Top 15 Countries
July 2008 Import Highlights: September 30, 2008
Monthly data on the origins of crude oil imports in July 2008 has been released and it shows that two countries exported more than 1.40 million barrels per day to the United States. Including those countries, four countries exported over 1.00 million barrels per day of crude oil to the United State s (see table below). The top five exporting countries accounted for 67 percent of United States crude oil imports in July while the top ten sources accounted for approximately 87 percent of all U.S. crude oil imports. The top sources of US crude oil imports for July were Canada (1.960 million barrels per day), Saudi Arabia (1.661 million barrels per day), Mexico (1.200 million barrels per day), Venezuela (1.187 million barrels per day), and Nigeria (0.741 million barrels per day). The rest of the top ten sources, in order, were Iraq (0.696 million barrels per day), Angola (0.640 million barrels per day), Brazil (0.241 million barrels per day), Algeria (0.232 million barrels per day), and Ecuador (0.226 million barrels per day). Total crude oil imports averaged 10.101 million barrels per day in July, which is an increase of (0.107) million barrels per day from June 2008.

Canada remained the largest exporter of total petroleum in July, exporting 2.383 million barrels per day to the United States, which is an increase from last month (2.359 thousand barrels per day). The second largest exporter of total petroleum was Saudi Arabia with 1.673 million barrels per day.

The trick in all this is they all get to pay for oil in US dollars...Iran tried to get Japan to pay in some other curency I think it was yen or euros and that was when we got all annoyed with Iran and atarted our saber wrattling...about their nuclear capablities.

If OPEC goes off the US dollar standard for Oil, well if you think the US economy is screwed now...wait until this happens. China is not the only government holding on to tons of US dollars.

danchad said...

In regard to " dealin' " with good ole Sarah Palin (wink, wink), when is someone "goin' " to use her little ole NAME?

I am a Classics teacher, and PALIN in ancient Greek means "AGAIN". She is just more of the same!

wilber said...

danchad said...

In regard to " dealin' " with good ole Sarah Palin (wink, wink), when is someone "goin' " to use her little ole NAME?

I am a Classics teacher, and PALIN in ancient Greek means "AGAIN". She is just more of the same!

And the name Obama which comes from the Luo Language means "CROOKED"!

drummerboy said...

WOW you liberals are so clueless. I am an educated, MENSA member and I wouldn't vote for Obama if you offered me 6 figures. No one knows what he really stands for. Wake up people!!! Use your wit instead of your leftist political idiology.

drummerboy said...

Wilber, you are correct on all your figures. Great job!! Emily, sorry you are too dumb to understand it.

Anonymous said...

What a disrespectful guest!!! Jay should ban this guy from ever coming on the show again. If he is ever on again I will not be watching.
Steve Adams
Windham Maine

Unknown said...

Think you will all enjoy this music video about Palin.

Anyone can be VP!


RC07 said...

Bill- why arent you talking about McCain's "War Hero" mythology? It's all bogus- look into it and tell all. McCain was given priveleged treatment from his 4-star admiral father- MCCAIN IS THE ELITIST- NOT OBAMA!

John said...

I saw you show when you called Palin a "bimbo". Well I think you are a bimbo. I would love to meet so I can fight like a man, assuming you are one.

noname said...

hello bill, i would like to get in touch to ask you a question...i wonder how that can be done. if it can be done...i dont live in the us...(not that that should matter in this internet era)

Anonymous said...

Here is your post. "WOW you liberals are so clueless. I am an educated, MENSA member and I wouldn't vote for Obama if you offered me 6 figures. No one knows what he really stands for. Wake up people!!! Use your wit instead of your leftist political idiology."

I am an edcated MENSA Member as well (but somehow I don't believe you are because your grammer is horrid; if you were one, you would know better than to insert a comma between educated and MENSA and you would also know that member is a noun, but placing MENSA in front of it turns it into a proper noun, thus requiring the capitalization of both MENSA and Member; by the way, what's MENSA Latin for)? Enough of the Grammar Lesson. Obama tells you exactly what he stands for. Perhaps you don't understand nuance enough to understand Obama, but that is your fault, not his. So, go retake that MENSA Test and then try to listen to Obama again. Maybe then you'll posess the intelligence to understand something other than "bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran". One would hope, at least.

drummerboy said...

Modern Magdalene, I'm truly sorry for the rough time you are going through. I wish only great things for you. I hope you have some peace and rest through this
tough time.

Lilith said...

Drummer "BOY"

Also being a MENSA member...I attended several meetings and found two types of men: 1) very smart and capable; 2) those who could not tie their shoelaces. Obviously, you fall into the latter category.

While Adam Smith's work An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations could only work without the intervention of the government. True market forces should have been able to realign the economy, but this realignment could only happen at some great cost.

Overall I find your attitude condescending and insulting, perhaps you should learn to tie your shoelaces.

Lilith said...

Drummer "BOY"

Also being a MENSA member...I attended several meetings and found two types of men: 1) very smart and capable; 2) those who could not tie their shoelaces. Obviously, you fall into the latter category.

While Adam Smith's work An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations could only work without the intervention of the government. True market forces should have been able to realign the economy, but this realignment could only happen at some great cost.

Overall I find your attitude condescending and insulting, perhaps you should learn to tie your shoelaces.

Lilith said...

Drummer "BOY"

Also being a MENSA member...I attended several meetings and found two types of men: 1) very smart and capable; 2) those who could not tie their shoelaces. Obviously, you fall into the latter category.

While Adam Smith's work An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations could only work without the intervention of the government. True market forces should have been able to realign the economy, but this realignment could only happen at some great cost.

Overall I find your attitude condescending and insulting, perhaps you should learn to tie your shoelaces.

clydene said...


Interesting article on John S. McCain III in the Rolling Stone.

Make-Believe Maverick
A closer look at the life and career of John McCain reveals a disturbing record of recklessness and dishonesty

There's a distance between the two men that belies their shared experience in North Vietnam — call it an honor gap. Like many American POWs, McCain broke down under torture and offered a "confession" to his North Vietnamese captors. Dramesi, in contrast, attempted two daring escapes. For the second he was brutalized for a month with daily torture sessions that nearly killed him. His partner in the escape, Lt. Col. Ed Atterberry, didn't survive the mistreatment. But Dramesi never said a disloyal word, and for his heroism was awarded two Air Force Crosses, one of the service's highest distinctions. McCain would later hail him as "one of the toughest guys I've ever met."

wilber said...


At least drummerboy knows how to use this blog.

Once will suffice.


I'm sure it was a walk in the park for McCain in POW camp in your eyes!

clydene said...


I did not say what he went through was a walk in the park, those are your words. My interest was to inform others.

At least Sen. Obama remembered Sen. McCain's name and didn't refer to him as "that one."

McCain must have Alzheimer's Disease he keeps bringing up the fact that Obama supported the purchase of an overhead projector for a Planetarium. I can see that McCain may not understand that an overhead projector us used to project slides on a screen. IT isn't something that would be unusual for any place showing presentations or slides to the public. So either he has Alzheimer's Disease or he doesn't understand what an overhead projector does...Seriously McCain needs to be administed the Boston Naming Test and a Mini Mental to evaluate his functional memory test.

At least Sen. Obama and his wife were gracious enough to stay and greet all the participants in the audience. Unlike Sen. McCain and his wife who couldn't get out of the hall fast enough after the town hall discussion was completed.

geniemaker said...

wilbur, mary mag.,clydene: I'm beginning to think you're idiots. By the way, did you know lawyers take acting classes as part of their curriculum?
I think Obama should get an academy award for pretending to be a patriotic American US Senator.

geniemaker said...

I did not say what he went through was a walk in the park, those are your words. My interest was to inform others.

At least Sen. Obama remembered Sen. McCain's name and didn't refer to him as "that one."

McCain must have Alzheimer's Disease he keeps bringing up the fact that Obama supported the purchase of an overhead projector for a Planetarium. I can see that McCain may not understand that an overhead projector us used to project slides on a screen. IT isn't something that would be unusual for any place showing presentations or slides to the public. So either he has Alzheimer's Disease or he doesn't understand what an overhead projector does...Seriously McCain needs to be administed the Boston Naming Test and a Mini Mental to evaluate his functional memory test.

At least Sen. Obama and his wife were gracious enough to stay and greet all the participants in the audience. Unlike Sen. McCain and his wife who couldn't get out of the hall fast enough after the town hall discussion was completed.
Are you blind? Were those Senator & Mrs. McCain stand-ins mingling with the crowd.

clydene said...


I guess you don't watch CSPAN...but the commentator last night made a point of saying that Sen and Mrs McCain had left the building and that was why so much of their last footage was of Sen and Mrs. Obama greeting the crowd.

clydene said...

All this winking maybe it is a nervous tic.


A Wink, A Nod, And A Stolen Line

clydene said...

More Gotcha Journalism: She can't even read quote correctly off the side of her Starbucks cup.



Palin: "She said, 'There's a place in Hell reserved for women who don't support other women.'"

Albright: "There's a place in Hell reserved for women who don't help other women."

LOSANGELES, Oct. 5 (UPI) -- Former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright says GOP vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin "distorted the truth" by misquoting her.

At a campaign stop in California Saturday Palin urged women to vote Republican, invoking what she said was a quote by Albright, the first woman to serve as Secretary of State. Palin said the quote was printed on her Starbucks mocha cup.

"Now she said it, I didn't," as the crowd booed Albright. "She said, 'There's a place in Hell reserved for women who don't support other women.'"

Palin told the audience to watch and see how her comment "is turned into whatever it'll be turned into tomorrow with the newspaper."

The Huffington Post said Sunday the actual quote was, "There's a place in Hell reserved for women who don't help other women."

Albright told the Web site in a statement she was "flattered" Palin chose "to cite me as a source of wisdom" but said her observation "had nothing to do with politics."

mrsayles said...

you are one of the biggest jerks in this country. you have made a career off of hookers and insults. your show is so boring and so un-funny that it takes about 2 minutes to remember how completely boring it is. it is no wonder your ratings are so low. on your way to the hell that awaits you, i hope you suffer the same pain that you inflict on the rest of us that get raped mentally by having to read or ever hear the crap that you spew. the good thing is, it will be worse than your pea-brain could ever imagine.

wilber said...

One word - "ODINGA"




Anonymous said...

No Taxation Without Representation.

Big Dog said...

Hi, Bill. I just saw "Religelous". Very well made, and you raise many valid questions about belief systems. I'm not offended when people ask impolite questions about religion...

You have mastered the art of offending everyone, something that even George Carlin never accomplished. I laugh in spite of myself at your wildly erratic political incorrectness.

Stop me if you've heard this, Bill ---
I admire half of what you say. I loathe the other half --- particularly when your discourse involves politics.

The reasons why I'm not voting for Obama? For someone who repeatedly says "I don't know" a lot in
"Religelous", you certainly are cock-sure about the Democrat Party candidate. You're certain that
there COULDN'T POSSIBLY be good reasons to vote against him. Really, Bill?

Try this reason on for size:
Obama was friends with Bill Ayres, who was involved in the bombings of New York City Police Headquarters, the United States Capitol building, and The Pentagon. I'm not much of a fan of terrorism, either domestic or foreign. Are you, Bill? You excoriate extremists
who set off bombs in the name of God, but you ignore the actions of people who set off bombs in the name of politics? How do you excuse Obama's relationship with this cretin?

Or try this reason:
Obama was a front man for ACORN, an organization built on voter fraud, manipulation, and bullying tactics. Hey buddy, wanna trade your vote for a pack of smokes?
Step right up, my friend.

Or how about this reason:
Obama's not doing a very good job of explaining the origin of tens of millions of dollars that have flowed into his campaign chest. Maybe it's just me, Bill, but I like some transparency
when it comes to politicians and cash donations. Especially when it involves tons of money.

Or what about this reason:
Obama is a product of the most corrupt political machine in America...of course I'm referring to America's gangland capital: Chicago, Illinois. Do you or any other pundit really want us to
believe that a city that gave us Al Capone and Mayor Daley is suddenly capable of producing a knight in shining armor? Who are you kidding, Bill? Obama reminds me of Tom Hagen, the lawyer in The Godfather movies...a smooth talking professional seemingly above the hurly-burly of organized
crime, but who in actuality is deeply involved in that seedy underworld. That's who Barack Hussein Obama is...he's the Democrat Party's Tom Hagen.

That said, I'm not really a fan of McCain either. But at least McCain
fought for his country. Obama feigns affection for his country,

Ash said...

Hey Bill,

Thought I'd forward a link I stumbled upon..


What struck me as very very odd and disturbing in this link is the fact that there are some members in this 'cult' who actually believe they have a hand in Mother Theresa and Princess Di's death!
Now, a lot of beliefs go back and forth..but when I observed that Palin was really pushing for smearing Obama, even when there were yells in her crowd "Kill him, Kill him"...she seemed to ignore it!

Now, the worrying part...Palin is part of this very cult..a 'spiritual warrior' as they claim to be.

Very extreme..very disturbing..

Not that this cult is responsible for anyones death..the fact that they actually believe that they are is worrisome...and Palin looks like the perfect puppet for this job!
I mean..anything is possible right?


wilber said...

Love it!

Roosevelt and Princess Diana - 9th and 10th cousins of Palin!


wilber said...

Ash said...

" even when there were yells in her crowd "Kill him, Kill him"...she seemed to ignore it!"

Researching your facts would help before you post. "ONE MAN" - also, why would she give this man the attention he so wanted?

Source: ABC NEWS

At a rally on Monday in Clearwater, one man shouted "Kill him," according to the Washington Post, after Palin mentioned Obama's association with 1960s radical Bill Ayers. It was not clear who made the comment or if the man was referring to Ayers or to Obama, but the Secret Service says it will investigate.


Ash said...

To wilber,

please read my post before you respond!

read it...assimilate it...check the link...

and then respond!

cheers ;)

wilber said...

I did read it-

Didn't need to "assimilate" it -crap doesn't digest well when it only comes from one side.

Only pointing out an "untruth with the truth" which was misleading in the text of your comments.

Ash said...

To wilber,

"Didn't need to "assimilate" it -crap doesn't digest well when it only comes from one side."

Since you already have a view point...which is fine..every one is entitled to a perspective.
And then there are some of us who choose to label others perspectives as 'crap'..which is fine too.

So, I choose not to engage in any conversation with you!

Anonymous said...

I would love to be on you'er show it's great.
My name is Robert, I am writing you about the most resent John McCain distraction where he is going to buy out foreclosures with more of the middle class tax payer money. John McCain is so indecisive in everything he says. It seems as if he changes his mind about everything he says just about every time he speaks. PLEASE tell John McCain to try and be original and quit using Obama’s ideals for his own (that’s pathetic). He is so misleading to the American people. John McCain can sit back and pretend he gives a care about “The Joe Six Packs” and the wonderful women of America. However, truth is if he were so concerned about people, maybe he should consider taking in two or three families who have been put out on the street and he can place them into one of his many homes. This way John McCain can understand how people who are struggling or the “Joe Six Pack” are really living (and we all know its not with multiple homes and cars). He could open up six out of the seven homes he owns to these real people who have these misfortunes. John McCain’s persona is fake and impersonal because the average person in America does not survive with the same means as John McCain.

Lets start with his new plan, What good is it going to do to buy out a bunch of mortgages and re-issue them to people that don’t have JOBS? The fact is that most people who are in foreclosure don’t have a jobs! (so what is John McCain going to do just give homes to people and tell them that when and if you get a job in the future you can just start paying us back later). People can’t just go get a new job to pay the house payment (There’s No Jobs). However, there are not any jobs out there period. (Wake up McCain).

On another note, the impression of John McCain using Sarah Palin to win the presidency. I like Palin but what a shame she is being used by a man like so many other women out there. I’m sorry to see that women can not read his fake tactics or maybe they just don’t care because a women will be seen and not heard in the white house; just like all the rest of VP’s. However, if this is the free ticket she wants then more power to her Sarah Palin -John McCain you disgust me!

P.S. I am actively seeking work in other countries out of fear that McCain may win.

My daughter and I live with my girlfriend because I am also in foreclosure I have been out of work with no insurance. I’ve been working a part time job just to be working and help my girlfriend pay her bills.

Liz said...

Bill! You are the greatest! The other day I spoke out against "sexual purity" at a church meeting at my school. I agree with you that religion needs to end. Thanks for making such an inexplicably awesome movie.

mrsayles said...

girly, you will rot in hell with bill boy. it is so funny, when the day of reconning comes, you morons will be the first looking to be rescued and saved. too bad for you. religion will be here long after you deadbeats are dead.

Lilith said...


Sorry your penis is so small and you are so impotent that you can't bring a woman to an orgasm. You have to get your orgasmic joy out of tearing people down becuase you disagree with their views.

Fortunately, you can get a penile implant for your small penis and you can take Viagra for your impotency problem. But you can't solve the problem with your stupidity and small mindedness, which probably comes from the fact that you think with your penis and it is so small.

Lilith said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lilith said...

McCain Loosing IT - Problems with his Memory.

Across this country this is the agenda I have set before MY FELLOW PRISONERS.


McCain can't remember Barack Obama's name or he is a racists.


Lilith said...


the point of ash's post is that Palin did nothing when the man yelled, kill him, kill him.


the point is Palin did nothing, said nothing, and still has said nothing publically about this statement made at her rally.

drummerboy said...

Come on guys, do we really have to be so mean to each other? I am a passionate person myself and sometimes say harsh things, but at the end of the day, we ALL love this country and want what is best. Having different points of view is different than being divided. We are all so divided and full of bitterness. That is a dangerous place for our nation to be. We can't blame just the politicians. We need to look at ourselves and do our best to pull together at some level.

mrsayles said...

lilith, when you get done having sex with your dad, you might not want to address the religious aspect of the commentary versus your mindless dribble. i know that sleeping with family members probably clouds your thought process, but getting off from your dad probably doesnt qualify you to question my manhood...

Lilith said...


I don't engage in your masturbatory fantasy world of incest, so common with those of the religious right who engage in bathroom sex with other men in men's restrooms and think about incest.

Masturbation causes so many problems with you religious right and is probably the cause of your premature ejaculation and not being able to hold an erection for more than 1 minute.

It might help you hold an erection if you got your thoughts off of incest and McCain/Palin.

It is you that get into that father/daughter act that makes you so hot. You are the one who brought it up. That is what you are thinking about the two of them and incest. Is that what you think about when you touch your small penis?

Careful your Freudian Slip is showing. So funny.

mrsayles said...

lilith, you win, you must be obsessed with sex since you have not done anything but attack my sexuality...interesting since i did not originally post a comment about you but only about maher....i'm glad to know you are so focussed on my penis. probably havent seen one so i understand.....being a product of inbreeding and all...makes sense. have a great life....

Lilith said...


next time you have sex with whom ever you drug or liquor up to get sex out of and your small penis gets all soft, perhaps you will think better of telling someone to go to hell or that they are a moron or tell them they are having sex with their dad. Dealt with bullies like you before and now we all know where your thoughts really are as you are obcessed with incest and now inbreeding. Perhaps we need to check the DNA fo your grandchildren.

it has been very interesting to read your insightful postings and your inability to do anything except to criticize people. better think before you post, you can critize the idea behind the post but not the poster. so when your sad little penis gets all soft before insertion that is your real problem is you are impotent.

Unknown said...

mrsayles and lilith,
i think you both have to much time on your hands.. you both are the reason that this country is the way it is.. keep up the good work, people like you just prove to the world that the United states is full of idiots

Unknown said...

Forks, have you watched the Bio of Palin? She had a history to BETRAY HER MASTERS.

Also, she has a lot of "GOOD FRIEND" like Sen. Ted Stevens who helps to meet a lot of Washington insiders; and who helps her hire lobbyist to get earmark money.

She got $976 million dollars for Alaska last 2 years.... my goodness she is the BIGGEst GOLD DIGGER in the world.
Therefore, I think she is hurting and dangerous to Mcc.

will suffer big pain on this woman since she had a history to betray her MASTERS. She betrayed her former Mayor who she met at the gym who invite her to work for him. After 1 year , she kicked him out of the Mayor's office.

2 years later, she meet the Governor and he ask her to work for him at the Oil&Energy department, 1 year later, she kicked him out of that office. but, I just wonder, why the Governor hug her and said 'are you happy? are you ok?

we will do everything to get you elected' ---------this segment in her Bio Review from CNN, FOX and MSNBC.

Unknown said...


.......have you watched the Bio of Palin? She had a history to BETRAY HER MASTERS.

Also, she has a lot of "GOOD FRIEND" like Sen. Ted Stevens who helps to meet a lot of Washington insiders; and who helps her hire lobbyist to get earmark money.

She got $976 million dollars for Alaska last 2 years.... my goodness she is the BIGGEst GOLD DIGGER in the world.
Therefore, I think she is hurting and dangerous to Mcc.

will suffer big pain on this woman since she had a history to betray her MASTERS. She betrayed her former Mayor who she met at the gym who invite her to work for him. After 1 year , she kicked him out of the Mayor's office.

2 years later, she meet the Governor and he ask her to work for him at the Oil&Energy department, 1 year later, she kicked him out of that office. but, I just wonder, why the Governor hug her and said 'are you happy? are you ok?

we will do everything to get you elected' ---------this segment in her Bio Review from CNN, FOX and MSNBC.

fliphambone said...

You should be more tolerant of religion all the things you seem to hate. Don't you think the real problem with the world is hatred. I think you've improperly targeted your message.

mike m said...

Religion was created, by man, for one reason. That is, to get soldiers to go into battle. End of story.

clydene said...

False Pork Barrel Claim by Sen. John McCain.

Having been involved with the planetary society, I was surprised by Sen. John McCain's claim about a 3 million dollar "overhead" projector as an Obama pork barrel. He said this twice, so I wondered what he was talking about; so, I have been looking for more information. If you read at the bottom, you will see that they did not even get the money, but Sarah Pallin got her money for the Bridge to Nowhere.

Here is what I found.


"In the debate, McCain portrayed Barack Obama as an excessive spender, and he punctuated his attack (twice) with this example:

"[Obama] voted for nearly a billion dollars in pork barrel earmark projects, including, by the way, $3 million for an overhead projector at a planetarium in Chicago, Illinois. My friends, do we need to spend that kind of money?"

The science community is notoriously tight-knit, especially when rallying to a cause, and boy are they are rallying to this one. Alan Boyle's Cosmic Log has a great summary of the uproar:

-"For McCain to use this as a political zinger is insulting..." (Bad Astronomy)

-"Planetariums are Bridges to the Future, and America would be a much better place if all the congressional earmarks went to projects like them." (The Perfect Silence)

-"The logo for Senator John McCain's campaign has a star in the middle. I wonder what his guide star is? It can't be the same one that ten million children have seen at the Adler Planetarium. Why should anyone want their star to dim?" (Discovery Space)

The Adler Planetarium even issued a statement, noting that the request, ironically, was not even funded:

"To clarify, the Adler Planetarium requested federal support -- which was not funded -- to replace the projector in its historic Sky Theater, the first planetarium theater in the Western Hemisphere.... To remain competitive and ensure national security, it is vital that we educate and inspire the next generation of explorers to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and math."

Linking a planetarium to national security may be a bit of a stretch, but the point is clear: McCain probably shouldn't count on the "science vote" this year."

saturdayschild said...


If NYC had as many people per square mile as Alaska then 14 people would live in Manhattan!


gomez said...

The GOP is skerrrred, big bad boggity man is gonna win the election. McCain's campaign is circling the drain, and he's lashing out like a wild animal. If Obama was white instead of black, he would be winning by 20+ points instead of 5.

mike m said...


Beautiful. But, it doesn't surprise me. Wasn't it during Pres. Clinton's tenure, under a republican Congress that there was another scientific project that was axed? Something about a Super collider? I think it was supposed to be built in Texas? Isn't there one one of those close to completion in France and Switzerland?
Not to mention the contribution to the scientific community, but what about all the great high paying jobs it would have created here in this country?
It seems, anything having to do with science, the arts, public television and financial aid are always at the top of the Republicans ideological chopping block. You know, things that inspire people to think for themselves. It truly sickens me.

clydene said...

Mike M

It was surprising to hear about the need for the projector at the planetarium and to find out that they didn't get the money.

The Large Hadron Collider was built in Switzerland, at CERN, which was popularized in the Dan Brown book Angels and Demons, which I read, but could not recommend. It cost about 4 billion Euros, which is about 8 billion dollars more or less.

The collider has come under some question because it could create a mini black hole that may swallow the planet. Something about black matter or dark matter. I heard that it was turned on for about 15 days and had to turned off.

The Fermi lab in Illinois has the next largest collidet, but because the money went to Switzerland, no pun intended, it will eventually close because their technology is out of date. Kind of like our auto industry. We used to be the technology leader, but it hard to say that this will continue if we don't start making investment in education.

mike m said...


I'm not sure I buy that "mini black hole" theory. I would defer to Einstein when he said to Bohr, "I can't believe a mouse can change the universe simply by looking at it."

I hope you're wrong about the Fermi Lab. I believe the cyclotron at Princeton is still in operation. But, Princeton is privately funded.

You're absolutely right about investing in education. Robert Reich was a huge proponent of that when he was Sec. of Labor for Bill Clinton. Americans can be re-trained in high tech fields.

propagandawerks said...

Can we just see Obama roll up to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in a Ford Pinto... that would kick ass.

Join the political action at:

odessatexasusa said...

Bill had a question that he just cant seem to grasp.He asked, "why cant God just get rid of Evil and the Devil if he is so powerful, instead of just playing this game"? He should ask himself a simple question. Would it not be a bigger game if God did or had done in the begining as he suggests and there was no evil? Therefore, no free will? Come on!!

Anonymous said...

That's exactly it. McCain & The Mooseburger have all these simpletons thinking, "Hey, you think you're better than me!"
Yep, he is better than you. No doubt about it.
This, to most of these simpletons is even worse than a black man holding hands on the street with a white woman.
You can hear it in their rally screams of, Terrorist , or Kill Him and the best one is "Off with his head".
Off with his head?? Are they pirates? What a bunch of d-bags.

M said...

Hey, Bill. Don't know how else to contact you, but I just saw Religulous. I wanted to let you know I appreciate your commitment to making public a conversation that most agnostics and atheists feel is impossible, or even just flat-out tiring, to pursue because arguing with someone of faith is too often like arguing with a brick. It is impossible to have a discussion with someone who fundamentally believes that I am merely an instrument in fulfilling a divine prophesy of believing in the face of adversity.

Cevanne said...

If Michelle Obama wears Gap & The Black & White House brand dresses, then she's certainly less Elite than the Republicans & a bit more like us normal folks, actually wearing things that are affordable & not just designer clothes. I would also say Obama earned what he has. He put himself through college & law school and was President of the Harvard Law review. I'm sure they don't hand that out, you have to earn it, you have to be smart & you have to make a huge effort. That's hardly Elite. Barack describes his grandmother as a Rosie the Riveter type gal that worked in a factory during the war, that's hardly Elite. The Repubicans are so full of sh*! they can't see or think straight. I am a woman and I say Palin sets women back a hundred years in terms of her beliefs and her actions. I am ashamed she's a woman. She comes off as not being very smart. I would never vote for someone just because she's a woman. She has to be a smart woman & promote women's issues, not seek to take away women's rights. Barack seems more attuned to women's issues than she does, how sad is that?

Cevanne said...

If Michelle Obama wears Gap & The Black & White House brand dresses, then she's certainly less Elite than the Republicans & a bit more like us normal folks, actually wearing things that are affordable & not just designer clothes. I would also say Obama earned what he has. He put himself through college & law school and was President of the Harvard Law review. I'm sure they don't hand that out, you have to earn it, you have to be smart & you have to make a huge effort. That's hardly Elite. Barack describes his grandmother as a Rosie the Riveter type gal that worked in a factory during the war, that's hardly Elite. The Repubicans are so full of sh*! they can't see or think straight. I am a woman and I say Palin sets women back a hundred years in terms of her beliefs and her actions. I am ashamed she's a woman. She comes off as not being very smart. I would never vote for someone just because she's a woman. She has to be a smart woman & promote women's issues, not seek to take away women's rights. Barack seems more attuned to women's issues than she does, how sad is that?

Terry said...

Is everyone who is not a minority afraid to raise questions and get angry for what is obviously an important issue..voter fraud. Well here’s my solution and heads can fall where they may.

Voter fraud through Acorn or anybody is Heinous…we give taxpayer money to illegal aliens for social services and now we can’t even count on a constitutional right to vote and it be legitimate to Americans. This is demoralizing. Go after ACORN and it’s affiliates…go after the Ohio secretary of state…this shows corruption at the highest level.

We need our representatives to immediately stop all taxpayers funding to these “community organizers” who have anything to do with politics. We don’t need millions to go to “community organizers” who are running their own agenda. Let’s look at the paperwork they filled out to get these monies and who sponsored them. I think you will be appalled at the dollar amount.

Resolution… Run governmental TV ads 4 times a year on how to vote and have the forms available at public areas such as libraries, licensing areas, city, state and governmental offices…etc…and let the voting citizen figure out how to get to their forms and get to the polls..we have early registration for those who don’t want to stand in line and mail ins for those elderly or ill who cannot get transportation …everybody can afford a stamp…this is not brain surgery. All states should have their voters registered 60 days before an election with proof of residency and that they are citizens Remember register once and vote forever unless you move.

Federal investigation is necessary and our representatives need to back this or go find another job. Be prepared in these hard economic times that these social organizations will just have to take the hit like the rest of us and ACORN just needs to be banned and the likes of them never funded again or allow them to show up in another name. Prosecute them to full extent of the law…fair media topic. Bill take on a non partisan issue that is a constitutional right. This blog is tiring try to do something for the American voter.

Sign off Terri,
-survivor from Hurricane Ike
-a minority middle class American
-who just found out the Houston Harris County voting office has come up with 4,000 fraudulent forms
-now going thru the financial crisis

Terry said...

Is everyone who is not a minority afraid to raise questions and get angry for what is obviously an important issue..voter fraud. Well here’s my solution and heads can fall where they may.

Voter fraud through Acorn or anybody is Heinous…we give taxpayer money to illegal aliens for social services and now we can’t even count on a constitutional right to vote and it be legitimate to Americans. This is demoralizing. Go after ACORN and it’s affiliates…go after the Ohio secretary of state…this shows corruption at the highest level.

We need our representatives to immediately stop all taxpayers funding to these “community organizers” who have anything to do with politics. We don’t need millions to go to “community organizers” who are running their own agenda. Let’s look at the paperwork they filled out to get these monies and who sponsored them. I think you will be appalled at the dollar amount.

Resolution… Run governmental TV ads 4 times a year on how to vote and have the forms available at public areas such as libraries, licensing areas, city, state and governmental offices…etc…and let the voting citizen figure out how to get to their forms and get to the polls..we have early registration for those who don’t want to stand in line and mail ins for those elderly or ill who cannot get transportation …everybody can afford a stamp…this is not brain surgery. All states should have their voters registered 60 days before an election with proof of residency and that they are citizens Remember register once and vote forever unless you move.

Federal investigation is necessary and our representatives need to back this or go find another job. Be prepared in these hard economic times that these social organizations will just have to take the hit like the rest of us and ACORN just needs to be banned and the likes of them never funded again or allow them to show up in another name. Prosecute them to full extent of the law…fair media topic. Bill take on a non partisan issue that is a constitutional right. This blog is tiring try to do something for the American voter.

Sign off Terri,
-survivor from Hurricane Ike
-a minority middle class American
-who just found out the Houston Harris County voting office has come up with 4,000 fraudulent forms
-now going thru the financial crisis

Unknown said...

There are some white rural women who support Barack Obama over "Eskimo Pie"...I'm a highly educated, independent woman who lives in a rural deep south town of 400 people. I agree with you in saying some Americans are too dumb to be governed, and it sickens me to think so many people (especially women) are "in love" with Sarah Palin. Anyone with half a brain should be terrified at the possibility of this woman becoming the VP or God forbid President of the U.S. The naivety of these people is astonishing... is it too much to ask voters to educate themselves when choosing the leader of our country without consideration of race, gender, and religion? I'm so disappointed in women (and men) who will vote for her just because she has breasts-- and children. The world would be a better place if education was a requirement for procreation. Choosing Palin proves to me McCain is irresponsible...and so are the people who vote for this ticket.

MP2008 said...


I 100% agree with you, the voting system needs to work as it was founded by our Founding Fathers.

Most of all, being not far from you and having friends and lots of family in Houston, I pray it all works out for you.

You have spirit and faith - That's what America is about.

Plus, I want this dang election over with. I'm sick of all the hate and smearing. We have listened to it for 8 years and it's getting so old.

May God have mercy on us all.

clydene said...

Legislative Panel: Palin Abused Authority


ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) -- Sarah Palin unlawfully abused her power as governor by trying to have her former brother-in-law fired as a state trooper, the chief investigator of an Alaska legislative panel concluded Friday. The politically charged inquiry imperiled her reputation as a reformer on John McCain's Republican ticket.

Investigator Stephen Branchflower, in a report to a bipartisan panel that looked into the matter, found Palin in violation of a state ethics law that prohibits public officials from using their office for personal gain

Alaska Inquiry Concludes Palin Abused Powers


Gov. Sarah Palin abused the powers of her office by pressuring subordinates to try to get her former brother-in-law, a state trooper, fired, an investigation by the Alaska Legislature has concluded. The inquiry found, however, that she was within her right to dismiss her public safety commissioner, Walt Monegan, who was the trooper’s boss.

A 263-page report released Friday by lawmakers in Alaska found that Ms. Palin, the Republican vice-presidential nominee, had herself exerted pressure to get Trooper Michael Wooten dismissed, as well as allowed her husband and subordinates to press for his firing, largely as a result of his temperament and past disciplinary problems.

“Such impermissible and repeated contacts,” the report states, “create conflicts of interests for subordinate employees who must choose to either please a superior or run the risk of facing that superior’s displeasure and the possible consequences of that displeasure.” The report concludes that the action was a violation of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act.

mike m said...

Didn't you know that panel was filled with all Obama supporters?
If a lawyer violates state ethics laws he gets disbarred. If a Governor violates ethics laws he/she should be removed from office.

Question. If a Pres. or VP nominee is impeached, by their state, would they still be allowed, by law, to continue, if they win, to their new position?

Unknown said...

Please let's have an "elitist" leader if elitist means educated and intelligent, and then let's get busy on creating an elitist nation.

We're in 19th to 24th place, worldwide, compared to our economic competitors, in everything from problem solving skills to reading, math and science.

The USA does not have the basic education and thinking skills to create and hold well paid, secure jobs in the 21st century. We also don't have the education system to fix the problem.

Yes the links take you to the numbers and some have 130 something slides - but they show where we are vis a vis other developed nations - and frankly we suck.

While people fuss about stupid short term rubbish, like whether the City of Chicago should have named Bill Ayers Chicago’s Citizen of the Year in 1997... we are forgetting the main issue.

If we do not, as a nation, have the skills to create sustainable work for our people for the next 50+ years, none of the Citizen of the Year awards will matter a damn.

BS Detective said...

Mike, You asked a good question. A convicted felon can not run for president. But here’s another issue I find interesting. If McCain and Palin are removed from office at the same time (he dies and Palin gets sent to jail) you will get…. as a President…. Nancy Pelosi.

geniemaker said...

And if Obama gets elected you can kiss your educated, freedom-losing ass goodbye.

Power Planter said...

Felons Polled Pick BO


McCain - Republican
Obama - Democrat
Paul - Write in
Nader - Independent
Baldwin - Independent

geniemaker said...

Juliel: concerning O working his way thru Harvard. This statement may not be true as his tax records, which he was forced to disclose prior to his run for presidency, show no interest on student loans for himself or his wife, and may have been financed by a Khlaid Al-Mansour. He claims he paid them off with proceeds from his published biographical books. After much googling and research of what the published experts have written, Mr. Obama is a fraudulent American who has used Marxist writings as his guide for community organizing and has close ties with the maniacal Ondingo in Kenya. There is so much un-American and fraudelent (think ACORN) baggage attached to him I fear the Dem Party's greed has driven them to the edge and us to the brink of disaster. No need to worry about health care, education, economy, global warming,the middle class or any class if he wins the presidency. We is in deep s--t if he is elected. He is a puppet of an extremely well-financed corrupt machine bent on bringing down the US as we know it today.

geniemaker said...

What kind of mother takes her children to a church where they year the minister says "Not bless America, God d--m America"?

geniemaker said...

I forgot to mention, the post of President of The Havard Law Review is voluntary. Looks good on one's resume. Interestingly, Obama never contributed on piece for publication ~ all a sham, like the rest of him.

geniemaker said...

Terry: your post was spot on. Great work. And, yes, your vote does count. McCain-Pallin, true Americans not cluttered with Marxist, voter fraud, convicted federal felon, ad nauseum baggage.

lifeisfunny said...

i agree with robinhoodwink...the only one with any common sense

DMSO said...

Obama could never be a racist right? He's not a Nihilist either I bet.

Griffith said...

Here's one I can't understand, Bill. You poke fun at McCain, Palin, Bush, and the Republicans because of Christian values; yet, you give Obama a pass. Why is that? Obama is supposedly a Christian. As a Christian, he should have the same values as everyone mentioned above. I'll tell you why you give him a pass...its because Obama doesn't stand for anything. He's not a man of action; he waits until the "flow" is right and then jumps on the bandwagon. Some say he's a smooth orator; I find him extremely booring and predictable. I don't find him elitist; I find him arrogant and snobbish. His fake look of concern disgusts me, as does your snide grin when you spew sarcastic and sacrilegious bloat.
Here's something else to think about. For all of your intelligence (that's what atheists like to say...they have the inside tract on knowledge (you might want to check out the Gnostics...they thought the same)), why would you back a man who is so uniquely unqualified to assume the post of the most important job in the world? I know, his 700+ days as a backseater in the Senate qualifies him...PULEEZE!! Pull your head out of his butt and get a fresh breath of clean air. Knock Bush all you want to; he's kept our country safe so petty little men with petty little ideas can pontificate half baked schemes for running the country.
I'm sure you will delete this comment as it doesn't fit your forum; but at least you'll know what I said.

RENEE S. said...

Bill Maher or staff needs to go to www.puckyoupalin.com and check out the video fourth from the top video on the front page (you tube videos). It is a song about Palin done to the music from hey there delilah...LOL.

Del_Abe_Jones said...

A Fixer Upper

It's on a beautiful piece of land
With a vast and spacious sky
Waves of amber grain on its plains
Mounts, purple where the eagles fly.

Once, the richest and the greatest
Known as, "The Land of the Free"
With opportunities for everyone
From, shining sea to shining sea.

It was built from the ground up
Each stone placed with loving care
Planned by architects of Freedom
So, all worked and got their share.

It was furnished with great wisdom
Truth, strength, and integrity
Painted with the blood of Patriots
All throughout, it's brief history.

Some people chose to remodel it
Using lies, deceit, and greed
They built their ivory towers
Far above, what the people need.

Some others tried to peddle it
They stripped it down to the bare walls
Sold off all its parts to foreigners
And all, ignored the distress calls.

Now, it has gone into default
The debt collectors, want, their due
They might take it all, plus our souls
Before the greediness, is through.

Its foundation still stands firm
But, rotting at the top, and all around
And the common man must shore it up
Before, it all comes tumbling down.

It needs responsible caretakers
To restore its onetime, former glory
For, if someone doesn't fix it up
The demo ball will end its story.

Del "Abe" Jones

"Mankindʼs greatest accomplishment is not the revolution of technology it is the evolution of creativity " copyright Del "Abe" Jones 1984

NEW POETRY TO 10/10/2008 http://mywebpage.netscape.com/delabejones/page4.html

geniemaker said...

Griff post: One word ~ Bravo!!!

clydene said...


Although I have studied about Christianity and other religions I don't understand your definition of "Christian" values.

Oh, those must be the values where a married man can commit adultery, not once but many many times.

Oh, those must be the values where someone gets to take bribes from their developer friends to make public policy.

Oh, those are the values where you say one thing in one place and say something completely different after being nominated as VP. And where you use your power to try and get your former brother in law fired.

Oh, those must be the values where you kill over 500,000 men, women and children; displace almost an entire nation into tent cities; while saying your are looking for Weapons of Mass Destruction. Costing our country over 3 trillion dollars.

Oh, and a person who would allow all those around him to lie about the religious and ethnic background of a person.

Yes, love those "Christian" values of McCain, Palin and Bush. Seems to me they need to re read the 10 Commandments as they seem to have a big problem following just the 10 that are written down.

Perhaps you should get your head out of the your BUTT, and wake up to the truth; Bill Maher said he didn't think Bush had one more FUXK up in him, and sadly Bill was mistaken.

For all you Religious Right who really think this is the end of days and Obama is the Anti Christ, well then you should welcome Obama, as you know you can't stop it and Jesus will be just around the corner.

If anyone were to be the Anti-Christ it would be Palin, a wolf in sheep's clothing.

areyouserious said...

To happyjulie:
This how pro-life and hunting can co-exist.
Let's say for example your mother is diagnosed with a terminal illness. Would you take her to the doctor and tell them to go ahead to put her to sleep? I didn't think so...
Although, people do this everyday with dogs and cats.
What's the difference?
A simple word called HUMANE.
It's acknowledgement that human life is worth more than an animals.
I'm not exactly pro-life, but I don't pretend to now understand a an obvious basis concept.

geniemaker said...

Clydene: Since you know every thing and seem to stand for any thing or nothing, Obama's your man. Socialists couldn't have hand-picked a better candidate. Unfortunately, the people who are thinking with their brains instead of copying remarks on hard-leftist sites, after reading your blogs, will most certainly come to the conclusion that you would be a great running mate for the most unfit individual in the entire country to be even considered for dog-catcher. You love those smoother talkers, don't ya?

clydene said...


Just wanting more information about Bush, McCain and Palin representing those "Christian" values you so strongly tout.

I see more that they have all broken the 10 Commandments. Thou shalt not commit adultry, lie, steal..shall I go on. Seems to me that before these people should cast stones at others they better look in the Mirror, especially Ms. Palin. She is the worst of the bunch and comes across as a BIGGER LIAR than the other two. But because she is pretty and says what you want to hear, you aren't hearing the lies and stupidity that is coming out of her mouth. She is not only a stupid bimbo, but she is a liar, and breaking God's laws. Nothing you say will change the fact that she is liar.

Unknown said...

Bill, how sad is it that Tina Fey would make a better Vice President than the person she's mocking?!

geniemaker said...

Clydene: If you want to vote for a man who hatched and represented "ACORN", the organization that is now under investigation in 9 states for voter fraud and whose largest chapter is headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, that great state with the largest prison and the highest sales tax in the country; hatched his bid for government office in the home of a convicted and unrepentent terrorist; hatched a plan to buy a mansion in Hyde Park for $150K when the empty lot next door cost $650K which he had to buy as part of the deal, thanks to his dear friend, Antoin "Tony" Rezko, convicted federal felon; hatched a plan to build low-income housing in Chicago (Parc Grove Plaza), just a few short years ago, which is now condemned for demolition due to shoddy construction and no upkeep; hatched a plan to have his education, and that of his wife financed by a Khalid Al-Mansour; hatched a plan to become President of The Harvard Law Review, a voluntary position, yet did not contribute one piece ~ heck, looks good on a resume; hatched a plan to take his family to a church (poor confused little daughters) where the "reverend" preached not God bless America, G-d damn America; stated on national TV that our troops were air-raiding innocent civilians in Afghanistan; used a handbook written by Marxist Saul Alisky as his guide in becoming a "community organizer" and used the same handbook to teach others how to dupe the ignorant (think ACORN); removed the American flag from his campaign plane and replaced it with his personal logo; timed his speech in Berlin during a free beer fest-concert to fool Americans into believing every one came to hear him talk; has consistently voted for late term, born-alive infant abortion/murder; ad nauseum. I question your sanity and that of your ilk. He is the darling of the media so you never really hear about a lot of these facts.
My son is a US Navy SEAL and has placed his life on the line many times for the freedoms you enjoy, such as freedom to praise an on-the-brink, if not right-out anti-American, untruthful individual so loaded down with baggage he's almost smothering to death in it; that is certainly your prerogative. I wish you could ask brave, patriotic warriors, such as the SEALS, who they want to be their next commander-in-chief.
This country has gone mad. Their hatred of Bush has reached levels of insanity. No need to worry about the economy, health care, education, social security and other issues; they will be the least of our worries if Obama gets elected. We'll be running for our very lives, trying to piece together the fabric of this great Country. Oh, I forgot the resounding endorsement Obama has rec'd from the Muslim world (google Moammer Qadafi, Ondingo, etc.). They are all clapping their hands and jumping for joy and begging Allah for Obama to win.
I have to stop now, I'm making myself sick.

clydene said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
clydene said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
clydene said...

again geniemaker

The question was and is and the one that you choose to ignore with your rhetoric is what are the "Christian" values that Bush, McCain, and Palin represent.

Certainly, it is not the 10 Commandments that Moses brought down from Mount Sinai. You and yours continue to say that McCain, and Palin represent "Christian" values, and it seems that the values they represent are the ones that they BREAK. Again, Adultery, Lying, Stealing...WHERE ARE THESE CHRISTIAN VALUES that they live day to day in their lives.

I applaud your son's efforts as SEAL. Our military is our first line of defense of this country, no matter how misguided the President has been for using them to achieve the agenda of the British Government to maintain THEIR (BP) oil leases in Iraq, and the loans owed to the Saudi Royal family and Kwuait by Saddam Hussein's government. How do you think it makes me feel that over 5,000 US Solders have lost their lives in Iraq fighting a made up war of deception.

Beware of the ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT of the BUSHES and the Trilateralist That is where the true danger is not Barack Obama

Derrik Scott said...

Electing a President of the United States is not about "Christian Principles". It is about the candidate's qualifications, and it is about their record of accomplishments in that field. Obama has NO ACCOMPLISHMENTS. He has NO EXPERIENCE. And ACORN is now committing voter fraud in 14 states! And one Pizza delivery guy registered more than 10 times, and another kid just out of HS registered 73 times! And WHO did they vote for? OBAMA! BARAK OBAMA IS USING CHEATING AND VOTER FRAUD TO GET AHEAD. He is the WRONG man for the job.

clydene said...

From your fair and balanced organization about ACORN.

SULLIVAN: Yes, but you're hitting on the mortgage angle. What about Senator Obama's relationship with the Woods Foundation and ACORN?

WOODHOUSE: Well, let me just say this -- I mean, Senator Obama has never been an employee of ACORN, never done any training for ACORN. At one point in his career, he and a bunch of lawyers represented a bunch of groups including ACORN who had a lawsuit against Governor Edgar in Illinois and they wanted to enforce the Motor-Voter Law.

So, I mean -- look, this is -- there's no relationship here. And let's talk about a real relationship. Mr. Kurtz was talking about Fannie and Freddie. Senator McCain's campaign manager had a $15,000 a month stake in Fannie and Freddie. His lobbying firm did, until about 35 days ago. So, I mean, you know, if we really want to go down this

geniemaker said...

clydene: where in my previous post did I mention any thing about the 10 Commandments or religion? Other than to mention Sen. Obama's traitorous, seditious spouting Christian Reverend G-d damning America (in front of his children, yet), and his consistent support of late term/born alive fetus abortion? You are stuck on your own rhetoric, as is your hero, The Chosen One, Obama.

geniemaker said...

Derek Scott: Spot on!

clydene said...


I am talking about actions committed by McCain and Palin themselves. Not anyone who around them. I could easily get into the witch doctor stuff of Palin's minister, and the drugs that Cindy McCain stole from a charity, but I am not doing so as that would take hours and hours of discussion.

You cheered on the "Christian" values statement of Griffith, but you all seem to ignore the fact that your "leaders" with the "Christian" values don't seem to have any values at all.

I call people like the McCains and Palins Convenient Christians; When it is Convenient they are Christians and when it isn't Convenient they commit Adultery, Lie and Steal from whom ever they choose to cheat at the moment. Remember the Keating Five.

geniemaker said...

clydene: Re ACORN
This was of particular interest to me because my daughter lives in Dallas.

geniemaker said...

clydene: you accused me of cheering on Griffith (sp). Who the hell is that? Aare you sure you're not confusing me with some one else? You sound so confused about facts.

geniemaker said...

clydene: I remember who Griffith is. I will take a Keating-5 over a traitor-loving fraud any day of the week.

clydene said...

What ever ACORN has done seems to have been done on their own. Attorneys cannot be held accountable for the future actions of their clients.

Again, my point which you choose to ignore is that McCain and Palin have committed sins and are not representing the "Christian" values that you and others seem to hold in such high regard.

clydene said...

Obama is not a traitor, nor an Arab, nor a Muslim. YOU need to listen to the word of John McCain last week.

clydene said...

During a town hall meeting last week, a member of the audience told Republican presidential nominee John McCain, “I don’t trust Obama, he is an Arab.” McCain replied defensively, "I have to tell you, Sen. Obama is a decent person and a person you don’t have to be scared of as president of the United States.” I don’t know what was most offensive, the initial remark, McCain’s answer -- or the media reaction to the whole episode.

antimaher said...

There has been so much publicized about the assault launched by John McCain against Obama's character. Am I missing something? I have not heard anything that would upset the apple cart. Now if Obama’s association with Bill Ayers is considered a mute point, then why won’t he defend his position on the matter and get on with it. Why? Because he’s a monkey that swings whichever way his party asks him to. What about the issue of his birth certificate? We just want to know who you are Obama, is that asking too much? Ok let’s forget about his birthplace. I really don’t care if he was born in China like Mayer. My main concern is the bogus votes that ACORN has been providing to the potential socialist commander. Without being repetitive, Americans are followers. They display very little initiative when it comes to standing as individuals to proclaim their ideals. They are drawn by popularity events, like their attraction to Dancing With The Stars or American Idol. That is so obvious by the lame posts that I read on this blog regarding religion and faith. Satan Mayer would like us to believe that his arena of satanical ceremonies through HBO is a filter for the common person who has no understanding of what they stand for. He is the Lone Ranger coming to rescue their lack of theological beliefs. He is a little man in more ways than one. His insecurities are fueled by his dimwit behavior that is allowed by a station blinded by cynicism and a hyperaspist mentality.
Bill, if you had any character within that transparent shell you would respond to the millions that honestly believe you are a fraud.

condomondo said...

Bill, you must have read our minds! We posted something similar back in August.

Check out: www.StoptheWorldIWannaGetOff.com

I think you'll get a kick out of it!
Guest blog for us and let's make this site a place to come for a daily dose of sanity!

antimaher said...


The only nonsense I see on this blog is your and people like you, that are to busy sucking on their thumbs.

antimaher said...


It appears you have some brown Liberal stuff on your nose...

antimaher said...

derrick scott


antimaher said...


What you can do for Bill is stroke his snake...providing he has one.

tekheletorah said...

u fucking faggots soddom and Gomorrah called and want their sinner back..

YOu all just hate your fathers...symbolic of G-d

wilber said...

clydene said...

What ever ACORN has done seems to have been done on their own. Attorneys cannot be held accountable for the future actions of their clients.

You neglected to mention the fact that Obama gave them $800,000 of his campaign money! He should step in and tell them to STOP! But, I don't hear him doing it!

BS Detective said...

Children… ENOUGH! As someone who is over 50 and a Christian and been a Republican for years and is now an Independent, please believe me when I tell you that both the republican and democratic parties of today are NOT the same parties we remember from long ago. The Democratic Party is not that of Kennedy and Johnson and the Republican Party is not that of Goldwater or Reagan. They both have been changed by big organized business and big organized religion and yes it is my opinion that that combination has ruined this country. It may sound like I’m basting just the Republicans but I’m not… when you start getting into the definitions of business and religion – which can be other things besides Wall Street of Christianity. But what I will blast is the Rove machine that the high powered Republicans have put into place to elect officials and that has been able to elect one idiot president (over better qualified nominees (McCain), chosen a potential idiot vice president and basically ruined a good man (McCain) in order to appeal to the radical right. I don’t think I am understating the truth, when I think McCain sold his soul to the devil when he let them control his campaign. But that is his choice and he needs to live with it. BUT… I do get pissed off and the rest of the Republican right who don’t step up to the plate and admit that you’ve been fooled and lead down this dead-end path in order for big business to make more money then anyone has a right to earn in a life time.

We all need to stop getting mad at the candidates and start looking and the people behind the curtains who run the real show going on here or we are ALL going down the drain in a hurry. It’s going to be difficult because big business owns the press. But we have the internet and we can be civil to each other in the discussion.

HPG59 said...

Bill, I am getting tired of you trying to put yourself out as an intellectual, your a COMEDIAN and a left wing hose job. What most of you wingnuts do not seem to understand is that you are on the Left FRINGE of society, most of America is in the middle or on the right and you are at leats smart enough to know that deep in the dark recesses of that whacko mind of yours. Why don't you debate me on some of your veiws tea bag

lawdawg said...

Hey Bill

I wonder if your index finger ever gets tired ?

If you are so perfect why not run for office ?

But I guess thats what right wingers do best, point fingers.

lawdawg said...

Hey Bill

I wonder if your index finger ever gets tired ?

If you are so perfect why not run for office ?

But I guess thats what right wingers do best, point fingers.

kitcheneer said...

Bill.....I remember you when you were funny. The closest comparison to your humor I can think of now is Doc Severinson but in reading comments on your blog and seeing the intelligence level of your readers/fans they probably think your are the all-time funniest. It's kind of sad.

David M Payne said...

John McCain and the Smack Talk Express.

There you go again Senator McCain talking smack about Obama. With all the bad news about how this administration and its lap dogs have screwed up the economy, the war in Iraq and Afghanistan etc. you would think that Obama shouldn’t be President based on McCain's Smack Talk. You will loose millions more including me for such unprincipled attacks.

As a partially disabled Vietnam Vet, (Agent Orange Diabetes and PTSD) I'm embarrassed by your smack talk and your swiftboating of Obama. Not only is it the sign of a political hack, it reflects poorly on all of us Vietnam Vets.

David M Payne

Chocolatelover said...

Okay, so when are these two just going to stop being nice in the public eye and get down to an all out chocolate wrestling match in whitey-tighties? I mean come on, it is obvious that McCain is up for it, I think that the only reason Obama wouldn't is because he looks like chocolate already and is scared that McCain might go after something that only looks like chocolate but has a cream filled center....I mean seriously, he sucked in the debates tonight! We don't need a visual! Thanks, but no thanks!

wilber said...

Raila Odinga, Dr. Khalid Al-Mansour & Obama

Obama helped with Odinga Campaign. Odinga says they're cousins.

Then we have Khalid Al-Mansour, the man who helped Obama get into Harvard Law School.....who was Obama’s economic backer, mentor, and who was principally responsible for getting him admitted into Harvard Law School, clearly stated that Black people have a “Godly” justification (and duty) to MURDER and MUTILATE White people in America let alone his insane ideas about Jews.

Add Rev. Wright and you have the perfect trio!



Let us not forget Ayers and Acorn. How much needs to be said?

nan said...

Thanks for that Bill, fantastic! Now will you call my father and set him straight? I just had a "conversation" with him where the only rebuttal he had for me is that "Obama is a terrorist", that's all he could say...over and over..ad nauseum. Infuriating! Thanks for making me laugh :)

Unknown said...

Bill I love you and your philosophy! Keep up the Smart talk, Im sure one day Americans will wake up!

mike m said...

I am getting sick and tired of republicans attacking ACORN. The mere existence of ACORN reveals a fundamental flaw in our system of democracy. That is, that only about 40% of eligible voters in this country actually vote. That's in a pres. election year. A big part of the problem is the registration process.

There was a bill before Congress a while ago that would have solved a large part of the problem. Of course, Republicans struck it down. You probably remember the motor voter bill? Anyone who has a driver license, vehicle registration etc. would be automatically registered to vote.

Here in my state we have this. I moved, within the state, a few years ago. Naturally, I changed the address on my DL. Imagine my surprise when a few months later I received a new voter registration card, with my new address, and the address of the new polling place. So simple. I didn't have to do anything except show up to vote. No need for ACORN here.

The only way to have a true democracy is if EVERYONE votes. We need to try to make the process as easy as possible. It seems that republicans are always getting the way. What are they afraid of? If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.

Thanks Bill.

Australia...here I come said...

Look, I'm tired of the fact that because I don't believe in the right wing candidate I am instantly expected to vote for the other guy. Both have the same socialist economic views and other BS which spews from their mouths as if they were parrots trapped in cages of their own campaign money. Their so-called ideals will neither further our well-being nor actually be implemented when elected anyway. These "debates" have been SPEECHES, and nothing more. They don't include candidates of change, yet, all of you seem so confident one of these two men. What we have seen of each is that they have shady ties to shady people/organizations and intend on raising our taxes one way or another. Well, I for one will be writing in my vote this year and yes, I know, I'm "throwing my vote away" but it is all of you, and your mindset as such, that makes that statement true. At least I'm voting for a man I really believe will progress this great nation. No, it's not Bob Barr either.

Bill, the movie was a great mix of insight and humor. There was an odd sense of comrodary in the theatre throughout the film and it was capped off by a guy yelling "amen" as the credits began to roll. Everyone laghed histericaly and I just hope it reaches the correct audiences.

g said...

Angel72, "necessary evil"? are you kidding me? necessary for what? and did God tell you it's necessary?

I am not an atheist,but i completely understand where atheist come from.

Here is an interesting argument i came across http://thelife.com/discover/faith/atheistenvironmentalist/
Somehow you won't be able to comment on this,hmmmmmmm

mike m said...

I really think our government is going in the wrong direction as far as the bail out is concerned. I think for the short term, they did what they had to do. But, I see huge regulations coming down the road. Business can not be completely trusted to do the right thing, but they can't be overburdened by smothering regulations.

Government should not try to control business. They should, however, control "which way the wind blows" (don't need a weatherman to know....). They can do this very simply and very effectively through the use of tax incentives and disincentives. Everybody saw the bubble. Everybody knew the bubble was going to burst. Yet nobody did anything to stop it. That's the case with every bubble. The government could have slowly let the air out of the bubble by imposing a small tax disincentive to make it less profitable so investors would gradually shy away from it.

Here's a rough example. If you want to get businesses that have large fleets of vehicles to convert their fleets to natural gas or bio fuel, don't just give them a small tax credit for the cost of conversion but, knock a few points off their income or capital gains taxes. Business taxes should not be used to generate income, but rather, as a tool for government.

However, at the present time, this is not practical. This brings me to the second fundamental flaw of our democracy: LOBBYISTS. Well, maybe not lobbyists in general. We do have a constitutional right to petition the government. It's their methods. They dump hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions, in order to get huge tax breaks for the companies they represent. This perverts the entire tax incentive/disincentive system.

I'm afraid that campaign finance reforms, at this stage of the game, are not enough. Unfortunately, I think complete public finance is what's needed. The alternative is only going to lead to even more government interventions. This WILL eventually lead to a Socialist governmental system. Or even worse: anarchy. If we don't make the changes between government and business that are necessary, corporatism will destroy capitalism.

wilber said...

An elitist is someone who makes fun of hard working Americans (would love to see Obama clean out his nasty sewer) while they sip Champagne and snack on Lobster and caviar treats!

Marcus Cyganiak said...

Great post Bill, you touched on some good points regarding the public's hesitation for Barack Obama. I believe that Americans should open their eyes and look at the big picture.

George W. Bush has brought the American economy down to record lows, after a record surplus run by Bill Clinton 8 years ago. How can this be possible? Well, John McCain is promising more of the same, so why on Earth would the Republicans be elected in office for another 4 years?

Barack Obama has stated his plans, but not only that, he's providing proof for his future actions as President. He's providing a positive outlook to reinstate the American Dream, and that's something the whole world gloats about, not just American citizens.

As a Canadian, I once looked up to the American government in providing the American Dream. These past 8 years though have made me realize how fortunate I am to be in Canada without a joker in the office.

Barack Obama can CHANGE this outlook the entire world has on America. The world will once again be able to look at America and say that its government in Washington has integrity, and has justifications for its policies rather than corruptness.

I have written a number of blogs on these issues myself on how I believe it to be important that America votes Obama in office, not just for America, not just for North America, but for the world!

Bush has put America in harm; now it’s time for Obama to bring back the charm.


Marcus Cyganiak said...

Great post Bill, you touched on some good points regarding the public's hesitation for Barack Obama. I believe that Americans should open their eyes and look at the big picture.

George W. Bush has brought the American economy down to record lows, after a record surplus run by Bill Clinton 8 years ago. How can this be possible? Well, John McCain is promising more of the same, so why on Earth would the Republicans be elected in office for another 4 years?

Barack Obama has stated his plans, but not only that, he's providing proof for his future actions as President. He's providing a positive outlook to reinstate the American Dream, and that's something the whole world gloats about, not just American citizens.

As a Canadian, I once looked up to the American government in providing the American Dream. These past 8 years though have made me realize how fortunate I am to be in Canada without a joker in the office.

Barack Obama can CHANGE this outlook the entire world has on America. The world will once again be able to look at America and say that its government in Washington has integrity, and has justifications for its policies rather than corruptness.

I have written a number of blogs on these issues myself on how I believe it to be important that America votes Obama in office, not just for America, not just for North America, but for the world!

Bush has put America in harm; now it’s time for Obama to bring back the charm.


wilber said...

I will say this one more time!





I feel better now.

geniemaker said...


geniemaker said...

Marcus Cyganiak ~ The Cubans wanted "change" they got Castro; the Germans wanted change, they got mesmerized by Hitler; the Bolshiviks wanted change, they got Marxist communism and ultimately Josef Stalin. Mr. Bush has made mistakes and no one denies that. The big picture here is the "Change" promised by Sen. Obama is clouded with anti-Americanism, arrogance, and guilt by association with known terrorists. That kind of change with Obama would be devastating. He is not, repeat not, ready to lead this United States of America, and he may never be because of all the baggage he has so foolishly surrounded himself with (ACORN, Tony Rezko, Ondingo, endorsements by Hamas,Gaddafi, ad nauseum). No thanks.

Laz said...


Here is what I learned in my short life span; everything is backwards. I just realized that some of the smartest people are the dumbest too. True intelligence is observing and serving this world as selflessly as possible.

AMERICANS, understand, narcissism is elitism. We need to realize that being insightful, diplomatic and respectful is a virtue. It is time for the U.S. to be humble again and serve humanity. This is the true and only way to spread democracy.

geniemaker said...

mike m: What you don't seem to know about ACORN is that they have registered Micky Mouse in Florida, the starting line-up of the Dallas (TX) Cowboys to register in Nevada, and are now being investigated by the FBI in several other states due to multiple voter registrations and names of dead people on ballots; one street person was caught with 70 voter registration cards in his possession etc., etc. This organization, thanks to Sen. Obama, rec'd a grant of several hundred thousand $$$. Sen. Obama represented them in a case in Chicago in the past, and has instructed them using Marxist handbook of Saul Alinsky in doing so. Do you find something wrong with this picture? DUH

mgkosta said...

Thank you, Bill Maher, for having the guts to be honest and speak with a different voice for the past eight years. It is time for a change, and Obama will bring it on. (And I'm glad I live in Canada with medicare - John McCain seems to think this is some kind of nightmare scenario!)

clydene said...

Sarah Palin is so much smarter than the scientists at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration with her degree in Journalism from what is it 5 or 6 schools in 5 years. There is no Global Warming because she can still see ice from where she lives, and the beluga whale is not endangered because she saw one once.

I can only hope that the people of Alaska will get her out of office as soon as she comes up for her next term.

The only way Alaska Oil becomes profitable is when we have high oil prices.

She proved to us she can read a teleprompter, but it seems that she has a difficult time with reading newspapers, magazines, and reports.

Government declares beluga whale endangered
By H. Josef Hebert, Associated Press
The federal government on Friday placed the beluga whales in Alaska's Cook Inlet under the protection of the Endangered Species Act, concluding that a decade-long recovery program has failed to ensure their survival
"In spite of protections already in place, Cook Inlet beluga whales are not recovering," said James Balsiger, acting assistant administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

The findings by NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service conflict with claims by Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, who has questioned scientific evidence that the beluga whale population in the waters near Anchorage continues to decline.

Palin, Republican presidential nominee John McCain's running mate, has strongly objected to the federal government's possible declaration of the whale as endangered. She argued last December that a 2007 count of the whales in Cook Inlet indicated the population was beginning to recover, prompting a delay in NOAA's decision. But another review of the whale numbers earlier this year showed no increase and substantiated that the whale was still in decline, federal scientists concluded.
Alaska state offices were closed Friday because of a state holiday. Messages left with Palin's representatives were not immediately returned.

The dispute over the whale's listing was the second run-in Palin has had with the Bush administration over the Endangered Species Act. She has asked the courts to overturn an Interior Department decision earlier this year declaring polar bears threatened under the federal law.
The Cook Inlet beluga is one of five beluga whale populations in Alaska waters but the only one considered endangered.

NOAA said Friday the Cook Inlet population declined by 50 percent between 1994 and 1998 and "is still not recovering" despite restrictions on the number of whales that Alaska's native population can kill for subsistence.

It said that recovery of the beluga whale has been hindered by development and a range of economic and industrial activities including those related to oil and gas exploration in the Cook Inlet, which lies between the Alaska and Kenai peninsulas.

The Interior Department has proposed making available oil leases in the Cook Inlet as early as next year and in 2011, saying the waters have an estimated $1.38 billion worth of energy resources. Protection of the whale could hinder some of those activities.
The National Marine Fisheries Service "will identify habitat essential for the conservation of the Cook Inlet belugas in a separate rule-making within a year," said NOAA in a statement Friday.

The agency said NOAA scientists estimated there were 375 belugas in the inlet both last year and in another survey earlier this year, compared with a high of 653 in 1995.
Other beluga populations off Alaska inhabit Bristol Bay, the eastern Bering Sea, the eastern Chukchi Sea and the Beaufort Sea.
The decision pleased environmentalists.
"This ends the debate about whether the beluga should be protected ... and starts the critically important process of actually working to recover the species and protect its habitat," said Brendan Cummings, of the Center for Biological Diversity.
The group along with other environmentalists had petitioned for an endangerment declaration for the whale in April 2006. A decision, originally required to be made within a year, was postponed last April at the request of Alaska.

clydene said...


I would like the FBI to investigate anyone who would allow Mickey Mouse to vote when he signed in with his four fingered hand.

The reason the Right is so upset about ACORN is that just like those whites in the south who beat and murdered civil rights workers who came to the South in the 1960s to register poor blacks; they can't stand that fact that ACORN has registered over a million students and poor people. I am sure when the error rate is finally examined, and unless things are different in other states, I have to show a picture ID when I vote, it will show that the "fake" people registered did not vote. My friend's mother got an absentee ballot and had to prove residence.

So while Mickey Mouse may be been registered by some greedy person trying to make their registration numbers, he would not be allowed to vote.

I think that the massive FRAUD and the DAMAGE TO THE FUNDIMENTAL PROCESS OF VOTING was the hanging CHADS in the Presidential Election in Florida.

Also, churches may not endorse or oppose candidates for elective office. So all those emails everyone has been circulating can actually effect the tax exempt status of the churches endorsing candiates, which is breaking the law. So you all you churches that have been endorsing McCain/Palin, you will probably get a knock on your door.

angie's crazy said...

Bill I watched you on Larry King Live this week. And I must say I was very, very impressed with you. You said what Black Americans are thinking about. Even at my job were I am the minority. My caucasian co-workers say, "I don't like either one of them(Obama or McCain). I probably just won't vote. Yeah right! They tell me McCain is too old, a dummy, too rich, or too weird looking. But they can't tell me why they don't like Obama. He's the perfect age, high intelligent, not rich, and handsome. So that leaves me to believe it's because he's black. They are just afraid to admit it. The bottom line is Barack Obama is a Harvard graduate, one of the best schools in this country. His wife, I believe, is a graduate of Princeton and Harvard. McCain, a military man who became a war hero for getting caught or deciding to stay with his fellow men. Now, I watched the movie "Rambo" the other night and I consider him a hero. He did go in and rescue several POW's and he killed many enemies. But whatever. I also saw the movie "Forest Gump". I couldn't help but think of McCain when I saw Captain Dan. He got shot, he asked Forest why didn't he leave him. Like his father and grandfather before him died in the war. He didn't want to come back a cripple. It was like a tarnish to his family ego and pride. Sorta like being punked out. Maybe that's what McCain was thinking when he opted to stay a POW. He didn't want to punk out. It wouldn't look too good. His wife no career, just lucky to be born into the right family. And as for Palin, how many schools must you go through before you are able to slip through the cracks and get a degree? Exactly how dumb can you be? I'd bet she has more schools listed on her resume than jobs. As for her husband, mister nobody is not worth the time. Yes, I'm gonna say it. And this is what white America wants? McCain, okay I know he's the great white hope. But God forbid anything happen to him in the next 4 years and Palin has to take over. A person who has been found to abuse her position as governor. What do you think she will do as president. Because she don't know nothing, anything, or jack shit! White America would take these choices over a very intelligent, articulate man. Oh, but of course there's only one thing wrong with him, he's Black! And I applaud YOU for saying that.

Unknown said...

This literally drives them crazy where I am in SW Florida (home of the rogue Sheriff LOL) so I shot a short video to make them even more upset (this is a link to CNN's I-report who are featuring the video)
LINK: http://www.ireport.com/docs/DOC-117144?ref=feeds%2Foncnn

geniemaker said...

angie: your comments that because Sen. Obama is black people hesitate to vote for him. Nothing could be further from the truth. I applaud him for his success. BUT, unfortunately he brings too much baggage with him. He's surrounded himself with too many questionable and unpatriotic people; it doesn't help when his highly educated wife declared on national TV that for the first time in her life (she's in her 40's) she was proud of her country. How can they expose their precious children to a "reverend" who declared, "Not God bless America, G-d damn America" at the supposedly Christian church he and his wife have attended for 20 years! He was a community organizer in Chicago prior to becoming Illinois State senator and he used a known Marxist handbook as his guide, then taught, from the same handbook, other community organizers, including representing ACORN and teaching them Marxist techniques. ACORN is now being investigated in 11 states for voter fraud for registering to vote(1)Mickey Mouse in Florida,
(2) the starting lineup team of the Dallas (Texas) Cowboys in Nevada (3) a 7-yr old girl in Ohio. He was instrumental in having low-income housing built in Chicago (Parc Grove Plaza) with partial federal funds; this housing has been condemned for demolition after a few short years because of shoddy construction and no upkeep.
His political career was launched from the home of a convicted terrorist, William Ayers, and his wife who was on the FBI's most wanted list.
He was connected to Antoin "Tony" Rezko now in jail for fraud.
He is resoundingly endorsed by Louis Farrakhan, Supreme Leader of the Nation of Islam, and Moammer Qadafi, Libyan Dictator (very, very unAmerican
He refuses to release his school financial records and those of his wife because their educations were purportedly funded by a Khalid Al-Mansour.
His campaign has rec'd millions of dollars of donations from foreign sources (not Americans living aboard), including a location identified only IR (could that be Iran?).
There are facts, too numerous to mention, which in my thinking are detrimental to him and his political aspirations.
How he has risen so fast in so short a time is nothing but breath-taking. He has a powerful machine behind him and it's not just the Democratic National Party.
Therefore, I will vote for an American hero with years of experience instead of the educated neophyte whom I believe is a puppet for sinister sources.
Remember 9/11.

geniemaker said...

clydene: get smart, girl. The Russians love caviar and the Baluga whale.

geniemaker said...

mgkosta: I'm glad you live in Canada, too.

lucirocks said...

Is the record skipping? Is their an echo? How many times are we going to hear or see the same "facts" regurgitated here? Come on, I think just about everyone here is a regular and has been with this post since its inception. Still you just keep throwing the same crap at each other... get some new material.

mike m said...


When you set up a table with a bunch of clipboards with voter registration forms, you are going to get a few idiots filling them out.
"Hey Dude, check this out, I just filled in Dick Hertz."
"Awesome Dude, I just put Harry Kuntz"
It's not ACORN's job to check every one of them. That's the job of the local and state election boards. They got pissed off because ACORN dumped thousands of forms, most of them legitimate, giving them more work to do. They are only civil servants working for a pension.
But you didn't answer my question. Why did the republicans block the motor voter bill and what are they afraid of?
My God man. Stop spewing all that rhetoric. It's only meant to do one thing. That is, to draw attention away from the REAL issues confronting our country. This brings me to the third fundamental flaw of our democracy. The two party system. (Stay tuned)
Use your God given ability to think for yourself.

Dr. Me said...


AMERICAN said...

We could call Barack "BARRY" until he came back from Pakistan and entered Columbia? Do you care about his Chicago connections Rezko from Syria and Auchi from Iraq? After he attended Occidental, Columbia and Harvard - what incomes paid off all those student loans? How are these poor and middle class (are they from the Middle East} able to contribute so much with the help from his internet aids Chandoo and Hamid both from Pakistan? How about his chief advisor V. Jarrett from Iran?

mike m said...

Paranoid delusions. Some of you people think Obama is a terrorist. The same way you thought Bill Clinton was the Anti-Christ. Really, he was just a pot smoking, draft dodging womanizer. Big difference. Keep it in your pants, Bill. lol

Derrik Scott said...

McCain is promising more of the same as Bush? Hmmm. AND, George Bush is the reason our economy sucks right now? Hmmm. Thinking. Trying to put those two comments together...BLAST! I can't do it!! Why not?

1) Anyone claiming McCain is offering the same policies as Bush is a LIAR- to put it as bluntly as possible. There is only ONE policy where McCain agrees with Bush- IRAQ. And even those "similarities" in this one area have some differences. Just YANKING our troops out of Iraq in 6 months is NOT the answer- and THAT would mean that the brave Americans who lost their lives in Iraq, did so in VAIN. At this point in that war we are winning, but if we just take off and leave the Iraqis to fend for themselves, there is a good chance that the terrorist organizations could make a good come back. We NEED to stay there and CONTINUE pounding the terrorists while they are weak, THEN and only then will Iraq's new American-built military have a fighting chance to KEEP the freedoms that all Iraqis have today BECAUSE OF BUSH. AND- Right now, we are pulling out of numerous areas in Iraq, many troops HAVE been coming home, and some areas that did have 144 or more attacks per month now have 12 or less, all because of American troops and their sacrifices.
2) George Bush is the reason the economy sucks right now. However I think I can remember that the economy was STILL in very bad shape in '99 and 2000- all the signs were there, then 9/11 happened, and later the horrendous gas prices, but what was the BIG issue that has STIMULATED our economic downfall? The housing crisis! Guess what- although I am not totally proud of all the decisions Bush has made in office the last term, the real-estate plummets are NOT related to Bush in any way, but that issue with the housing market HAS been the biggest contributor to our current situation. Next the damn gas prices.

wilber said...







antimaher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wilber said...

So sorry I lost it but, this is getting so old.

And clydene, you are not all that!

antimaher said...

There has been so much about the assault that John McCain has launched against Obama's character. Am I missing something? I have not heard anything that would upset the apple cart. Now if Obama’s association to Bill Ayers is considered a moot point, then why won’t he defend his position on the matter and get on with it. Why? Because he’s a monkey that swings whichever way his party asks him to. What about the issue of his birth certificate? We just want to know who you are Obama is that asking too much. Ok let’s forget about his birthplace. I really don’t care if he was born in China like BILL. My major concern is the bogus votes that ACORN has been providing to the potential socialist commander. Without being repetitive, Americans are followers; they display very little initiative when it comes to standing as individuals to proclaim their ideals. They are drawn by popularity events, like they are attracted to Dancing With The Stars or American Idol. That is so obvious by the lame posts that I read on this blog regarding religion, politics and faith. Satan Maher would like us to believe that his arena of satanical ceremonies through HBO is a filter for the common person that has no understanding of what they believe. He is the Lone Ranger coming to rescue their lack of theological and political beliefs. He is a little man in more ways than one. His insecurities are fueled by his dimwit behavior that is allowed by a station blinded by cynicism and a hyperaspist mentality.
Bill if you had any character within that transparent shell you would respond to the millions that honestly believe you are a fraud.

We should all combine our efforts to take this slime off the tube and not allow him to speak to the American people. I do believe in freedom of speech. Bill someone should take you and hold your head in a bucket of shit so that your mind will feel comfortable with what you represent.

antimaher said...

Derrik Scott salute you!

antimaher said...

Dan: You can stick your head between Bills legs and help him find his intelligence.

For the 16% that .00003 for brains.

antimaher said...

While walking down the street yesterday a American 'Member of the Senate' was hit by a beer truck and dies. His soul arrives in heaven and is met by St. Peter at the Pearly Gates. 'Welcome to heaven,' says St. Peter. 'Before you get settled, it seems there is a problem. We seldom see a high level official around these parts, you see, so we're not quite sure what to do with you.'

'No problem, just let me in,' says the Senator.

'Well, I'd like to, but I have orders from higher up. What we'll do is have you spend one day in Hell and one in Heaven. Then you can choose where to spend eternity.'

'Really, I've made up my mind, already, and I want to be in heaven.' says the Senator impatiently.

'I'm sorry, but we have our rules.' And with that, St. Peter escorts him to the elevator and he goes down, down, down to Hell. The doors open and he finds himself in the middle of a lush green golf course.

In the distance is a clubhouse and standing in front of it are all his friends and other politicians who had worked with him over the years. Everyone is very happy and in formal attire. They run to greet him, shake his hand, and reminisce about the good times they had while getting rich at the expense of the people. They then play a friendly game of golf and then dine on lobster, caviar and champagne.

Also present is the devil Bill Maher, who really is a very friendly sort of guy, who also has a good time dancing and telling jokes on HBO. They are having such a good time that before he realizes it, it is time to go. Everyone gives him a hearty farewell and waves. The elevator goes up, up, up and the door reopens in heaven where St. Peter is waiting for him.

'Now it's time to visit Heaven.' So, 24 hours pass with the Senator joining a group of contented souls moving from cloud to cloud, playing the harp and singing. They have a good time and, before he realizes it, the 24 hours have gone by and St. Peter returns.

'Well, you've now spent a day in Hell and another in Heaven. Time to choose your eternity.'

The Senator reflects for a minute, then he answers: 'Well, I would never have said it before, I mean Heaven has been delightful, but I think I would be better off in Hell with Bill Maher.'

So, St. Peter escorts him to the elevator and he goes down, down, down to Hell. Now the doors of the elevator open and he's in the middle of a barren land covered with tortured souls, fire, waste and garbage. He sees all his friends, dressed in rags, picking up the never-ending trash and putting it in black bags as more trash falls from above.

The devil Bill comes over to him and puts his arm around his shoulder. 'I don't understand,' stammers the senator. 'Yesterday I was here and there was a golf course and clubhouse, and we ate lobster and caviar, drank champagne, and danced and had a great time. Now there's just a wasteland full of hell-fire and garbage and my friends look miserable ...what happened?'

The devil Bill looks at him, smiles and says, 'Yesterday we were campaigning .... today you voted on an ACORN card. Good night

geniemaker said...

AMERICAN: Spot on!!!

Lollie Dot Com said...

I keep hearing a lot of hate this political season.

I hear people saying aloud and with passion "I HATE ________ (insert name of either presidential candidate or their running mates, or their spouses)!!"

Here's some food for thought and I hope you'll share it with all your friends....

Hate is not the opposite of love. Love can exist without hate, but hate can NOT exist without love. Everyone who hates Palin has this in common with everyone who hates Obama, in both cases, it's love of country that causes them to hate what they perceive as a threat to the country they love. The only difference is Republicans are a bunch of rabid, deluded idiots who can't tell the difference between the United States of Halliburton and the United States of America. Democrats on the other hand, can clearly see that difference and we're all going to vote this time.

The only Anti-American's are people who don't vote. Our economy is crumbling like the towers. And we are all called to active duty, we must all vote. Then maybe this time we'll wake up the next morning with a landslide big enough that no 7-2 republican supreme court can dare deny us a President with the intelligence and temperament to get us out of this huge hole Bush/Cheny have gotten us into. No need to hate.


wilber said...

Well Lollie-ext-5555 ,

Excuse me, my breath was taken away for a moment with all the Love/Hate scenarios given. Ok, I'm better now.

This phrase knocked you downed a few pegs:

"The only difference is Republicans are a bunch of rabid, deluded idiots who can't tell the difference between the United States of Halliburton and the United States of America. Democrats on the other hand, can clearly see that difference and we're all going to vote this time."

Ok, my turn.

Democrats love to kill babies but not animals. Democrats are against the Death Penalty (for rape, torture, murder, etc) but kill babies.

Now, which do you love more, the baby or the killer?

You people are pathetic. You don't love anything except yourself and Bill Maher (oh, I forgot, he's GOD - so see, GOD does exist)

mike m said...

antimaher, geniemaker and wilber

It seems you three have a difficult time separating intellect from emotion. You know, the battle of the heart and mind which rages within all of us. It is our degree of intellect that separates us from the apes and all other mammals. (Although, studies are showing that may not be the case.) It is much easier to feel than to think.

It wouldn't bother me so much, I can appreciate a good emotional response, but you are very angry and hateful and just plain mean. At least, the liberals are joyous and hopeful. Hope is the opposite hate. I hope the Phillies will win the World Series but, I don't hate Boston or Tampa. You're reasoning is counterproductive to solving the ills of our society.

But don't fret. Help is available. I would like to turn you're attention to a college textbook of mine. It was for a freshman Philosophy course called "Logic and Reasoning". Even though I was a Physics major, I feel this was the most important book I read in college. It is entitled "Logic and Contemporary Rhetoric: The Use of Reason in Everyday Life" by Howard Kahane. Keep in mind that the first few chapters are a little bit technical so it may seem boring at first. But don't let this scare you. The tenth edition is available at Amazon for a fairly hefty fee. But, we all know education is not cheap.

Now, you can right me off as "some egghead who doesn't know what's really going". So, I have to tell you: I did graduate near the top of my class with a degree in Photonics (the study of light), but I do not work in the field. I own a small construction company. Want to discuss illegal immigration? Buy the book, read it, leave your emotions at the door, and maybe, just maybe, we can come up with a practical solution to the problem.

Lilith said...

GOSH, Sarah Palin was on Saturday Night Live last night. She can't attend any more news conferences, and the secret service is now keeping reporters away from her at public appearances, so no more "GOTCHA JOURNALISM". You Betcha! Wink!


She was so unaware of the comments that Alec Baldwin made that she was so horrible, but then called her so good looking in person. Is Sarah Palin stupid or what? You Betcha!

Yeah, that is her poltical skill, to look good and read a teleprompter. How soon after the November 4th election do you think she will call Hugh Hefner for that 21 Million dollars she has been offered to pose as a center fold for Playboy? You Betcha! Wink!

Starting a countdown clock on November 5th. Taking bets on how long to the centerfold. But she will be laughing all the way to the bank, it is just a matter of when. You Betcha! Wink!


Lollie Dot Com said...

Wilbur, Wilbur, Wilbur... you caught me being a bit too republican, not nearly Obama wise when I said:

This phrase knocked you downed a few pegs:

"The only difference is Republicans are a bunch of rabid, deluded idiots who can't tell the difference between the United States of Halliburton and the United States of America. Democrats on the other hand, can clearly see that difference and we're all going to vote this time."

I stand corrected, it is more fair to say...

This phrase knocked you downed a few pegs:

"The only difference is Republicans can't tell the difference between the United States of Halliburton and the United States of America. Democrats on the other hand, can clearly see that difference and we're all going to vote this time."

Thank you for pointing out my mistake.

As for abortion, first of all, I don't discuss abortion with anyone who hasn't adopted an unwanted child. Because you see, I remember when everyone knew where the nearest orphanage was. Maybe I'm a lot older than you. I'm anti-government choice and you're anti-choice. Of course we disagree.

But I just want to ask you, after six years of a republican congress and eight years of a republican president, how's your 401k doing? How's your mortgage? How's your job? How's the price of your groceries and your gasoline?

You're fighting about ideaology and I'm fighting to survive. My God, who no doubt is a lot like Bill Maher, created me to place the survival of me and mine above everything else. That's how the human race has survived so far and how our country will survive - IF it survives republicans.

I don't hate you, and I don't even feel threatened by you. I recognise you're really busting your ass to get in the way of my survival, but you're powerless now. The coffin lid of the McCain Palin ticket is COVERED in nails, the largest of which is McCain for choosing Palin, then there's the endorsement of Colin Powell, and pretty much every major newspaper and news magazine in the country.

The coffin of the republican ticket is so shiny with nails it's hard to see where the last ones will fit.

LeMaster221 said...

What people forget, was the whole premise of our government was founded on; so that, the uneducated would be represented in our government. We do not want 'Joe the Plumber' running our country, but we want him to have a voice. We want someone who went to school to understand all the facets of government, not just someone that was in the military.

We have just spent 8 years of our lives with someone with a brain like 'Joe the Plumber' and look where that got us. The ironic thing is, regular people think W is like one of us, that man has never seen minimum wage in his life.

So, before you vote, think... Do you really think you can do a better job than someone that went to college to specifically learn about the American Government? Then vote for the smarter guy he will be able to get us out of this mess.

clydene said...

Retired General Colin Powell made a significant endorsement for casting his vote for Sen. Barack Obama for President of the United States over his long friend, Sen. John S. McCain.

Here are in Colin Powell's own words on his disappointment with Sen. John S. McCain on the issue of Awyers and the selection of Gov. Sarah Palin.

Colin Powell:

And I've also been disappointed, frankly, by some of the approaches that Senator McCain has taken recently, or his campaign ads, on issues that are not really central to the problems that the American people are worried about. This Bill Ayers situation that's been going on for weeks became something of a central point of the campaign. But Mr. McCain says that he's a washed-out terrorist. Well, then, why do we keep talking about him? And why do we have these robocalls going on around the country trying to suggest that, because of this very, very limited relationship that Senator Obama has had with Mr. Ayers, somehow, Mr. Obama is tainted. What they're trying to connect him to is some kind of terrorist feelings. And I think that's inappropriate.

Now, I understand what politics is all about. I know how you can go after one another, and that's good. But I think this goes too far. And I think it has made the McCain campaign look a little narrow. It's not what the American people are looking for. And I look at these kinds of approaches to the campaign and they trouble me. And the party has moved even further to the right, and Governor Palin has indicated a further rightward shift. I would have difficulty with two more conservative appointments to the Supreme Court, but that's what we'd be looking at in a McCain administration. I'm also troubled by, not what Senator McCain says, but what members of the party say. And it is permitted to be said such things as, "Well, you know that Mr. Obama is a Muslim." Well, the correct answer is, he is not a Muslim, he's a Christian. He's always been a Christian. But the really right answer is, what if he is? Is there something wrong with being a Muslim in this country? The answer's no, that's not America. Is there something wrong with some seven-year-old Muslim-American kid believing that he or she could be president? Yet, I have heard senior members of my own party drop the suggestion, "He's a Muslim and he might be associated terrorists." This is not the way we should be doing it in America.

Colin Powell:

And I've watched him over the past two years, frankly, and I've had this conversation with him. I have especially watched over the last six of seven weeks as both of them have really taken a final exam with respect to this economic crisis that we are in and coming out of the conventions. And I must say that I've gotten a good measure of both. In the case of Mr. McCain, I found that he was a little unsure as to deal with the economic problems that we were having and almost every day there was a different approach to the problem. And that concerned me, sensing that he didn't have a complete grasp of the economic problems that we had. And I was also concerned at the selection of Governor Palin. She's a very distinguished woman, and she's to be admired; but at the same time, now that we have had a chance to watch her for some seven weeks, I don't believe she's ready to be president of the United States, which is the job of the vice president. And so that raised some question in my mind as to the judgment that Senator McCain made.

clydene said...

I was truly moved by the statement that Retired General Colin Powell made regarding Arab/Muslim Americans.

Now, I understand what politics is all about. I know how you can go after one another, and that's good. But I think this goes too far. And I think it has made the McCain campaign look a little narrow. It's not what the American people are looking for. And I look at these kinds of approaches to the campaign and they trouble me. And the party has moved even further to the right, and Governor Palin has indicated a further rightward shift. I would have difficulty with two more conservative appointments to the Supreme Court, but that's what we'd be looking at in a McCain administration. I'm also troubled by, not what Senator McCain says, but what members of the party say. And it is permitted to be said such things as, "Well, you know that Mr. Obama is a Muslim." Well, the correct answer is, he is not a Muslim, he's a Christian. He's always been a Christian. But the really right answer is, what if he is? Is there something wrong with being a Muslim in this country? The answer's no, that's not America. Is there something wrong with some seven-year-old Muslim-American kid believing that he or she could be president? Yet, I have heard senior members of my own party drop the suggestion, "He's a Muslim and he might be associated terrorists." This is not the way we should be doing it in America.

I feel strongly about this particular point because of a picture I saw in a magazine. It was a photo essay about troops who are serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. And one picture at the tail end of this photo essay was of a mother in Arlington Cemetery, and she had her head on the headstone of her son's grave. And as the picture focused in, you could see the writing on the headstone. And it gave his awards--Purple Heart, Bronze Star--showed that he died in Iraq, gave his date of birth, date of death. He was 20 years old. And then, at the very top of the headstone, it didn't have a Christian cross, it didn't have the Star of David, it had crescent and a star of the Islamic faith. And his name was Kareem Rashad Sultan Khan, and he was an American. He was born in New Jersey. He was 14 years old at the time of 9/11, and he waited until he can go serve his country, and he gave his life. Now, we have got to stop polarizing ourself in this way. And John McCain is as nondiscriminatory as anyone I know. But I'm troubled about the fact that, within the party, we have these kinds of expressions.

So, when I look at all of this and I think back to my Army career, we've got two individuals, either one of them could be a good president. But which is the president that we need now? Which is the individual that serves the needs of the nation for the next period of time? And I come to the conclusion that because of his ability to inspire, because of the inclusive nature of his campaign, because he is reaching out all across America, because of who he is and his rhetorical abilities--and we have to take that into account--as well as his substance--he has both style and substance--he has met the standard of being a successful president, being an exceptional president. I think he is a transformational figure. He is a new generation coming into the world--onto the world stage, onto the American stage, and for that reason I'll be voting for Senator Barack Obama.

clydene said...

I could write about a lot of things today, but mostly I was curious about the solder that Retired General Colin Powell mentioned on Meet the Press today in his discussion of how the Rupublicans have demonized "Arabs" over the past few weeks.

Here is more about Kareem Rashad Sultan Khan from a posting at the Arlington Cemetary:

Blast kills Jersey Shore GI
To read about people with South Jersey ties killed in the war, go to www.courierpostonline.com/heroes.
Friday, August 10, 2007
Courtesy of the Gannett News Service
When it came to a post-high school career decision, there was nothing Kareem R. Khan wanted to do other than join the Army.

Spurred by the Septermber 11 attacks on the World Trade Center, Khan, a 2005 graduate of Southern Regional High School, wanted to show that not all Muslims were fanatics and that many, like him, were willing to lay their lives down for their country, America. He enlisted immediately after graduation and was sent to Iraq in July 2006.

So when his father, Feroze "Roy" Khan, saw three soldiers walking up to his door on Monday, he knew what it meant.

Specialist Kareem Khan, 20, was killed with four others earlier this week when a blast destroyed a house he and members of his division, the Stryker Brigade Combat Team, were clearing in Baqouba, Iraq.

An interpreter and 12 soldiers were also injured in the explosion, the Army said.

"It's something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy," Feroze Khan, 49, said Thursday night at his home in the Ocean Acres section of Manahawkin.

Khan's faith in Islam is important now to his father and stepmother, Nisha Khan, because they want to make sure people in America know that Muslims like Kareem were willing to fight for their country.

"His Muslim faith did not make him not want to go. It never stopped him," said Feroze Khan. "He looked at it that he's American and he has a job to do."

The last package Nisha Khan, 40, sent her stepson included a necklace that had Kareem's name in Arabic, next to the word "Bismillah," which means praise to Allah.

In the Islamic tradition, last rites must be within a few days of death. Khan's funeral at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia is scheduled Thursday. The family will perform traditional Islamic rites at home and have a full military burial.

"Hopefully Allah will understand," said Nisha Khan.

Though his father "spoiled him rotten," according to both his dad and stepmom, Kareem was always a polite teenager, who respected his elders.

"For a teenager, he was a very obedient child," said Nisha Khan.

Feroze Khan's favorite memory is when Kareem used to wake up at 5 a.m. on weekends to accompany his dad at work at a local marina.

"Not many kids would get up at 5 a.m.," he said.

Khan was a football fan, rooting with his father for the Dallas Cowboys when games were televised. He also used to challenge his little stepsister Aliya, 11, to video games.

"He's really funny," said Aliya. "We used to play video games and sometimes we would play with my birds."

Nisha Khan said the two would spend hours sprawled out on the living room floor and sometimes Kareem would try to show Aliya how to do certain moves, and ended up taking over the controller.

Aliya said she looked up to her stepbrother and she was "really happy," when he came with her to class at Southern Regional Intermediate School during his leave last September. Afterward he accompanied her to the school book fair.

"I was proud," she said.

Kareem was a "total goofball," said Feroze Khan. The family used to send two large bags of Starburst candies in his care packages, because Kareem would pick out all the orange ones and leave the rest for his Army buddies.

He was also a big fan of the Disney World theme parks, as was the entire family. They would take at least one trip a year to Orlando, Florida, and the living room and dining room of the family's split-level home is filled with souvenirs from those trips, like a wall hanging of Cinderella, figurines of Mickey Mouse and Disney-themed snow globes.

Kareem was so crazy about Disney World that when he had a two-day leave following his graduation from Fort Benning, Georgia, the family immediately drove to Florida.

As a freshman at Southern Regional High School, Kareem enrolled in the district's Air Force Junior ROTC program. During his one year in the program, he proved to be a solid student and citizen, said Col. Michael Mestemaker.

"He was a good kid. He did whatever we asked of him," he said.

Stafford Mayor Carl Block said his "heart goes out to the family. We have been very pro-veteran in the past, and we'll surely follow this up immediately" by planning an official memorial for Khan.

Representative Jim Saxton, R-New Jersey, received word of Khan's death through Army officials on Thursday. "I express my deepest regrets for the family of Specialist Khan. His service to the Army and the 2nd Infantry Division is truly honorable. It's a sad loss for us all," he said.

Khan went to Iraq after spending a year at Fort Lewis in Seattle. He came home for two weeks in September 2006 and was supposed to be home permanently last month, but his tour was extended through the end of September 2007.

He was considering re-enlisting or going to medical school. He worked with a medic unit when he first got to Iraq, Feroze Khan said, and liked what they did.

When he came home to visit, he was happy to stay at home, even asking his mother, who lives in Maryland, to come up to New Jersey to visit.

"He has so much promise, he could've done anything with himself," said Joe Hawk, 42, of Bayville, who Feroze Khan described as a very special friend of the family.

Hawk said he saw Kareem grow from a little 10-year-old boy into a man.

"When he joined, his dad was devastated," said Hawk, "but I told him you can't fault him for that. His father raised him to give, and he gave his life."

Nisha Khan said seeing the soldier come to tell of Kareem's death was like nothing she's ever experienced.

"You see it in the movies, but you wouldn't know the emptiness of seeing them in your driveway," she said. In her grief, she blindly hit out at those bringing the news, she said. "He promised me he'd come home," she said, as Aliya held her mother close to comfort her.

"His dad is devastated," said Hawk. "Kareem was his life. A father shouldn't bury his child."

The most important thing to know, Nisha Khan said, is that Kareem lived up to the meaning of his name.

"Most excellent," she said.


Derrik Scott said...


Look at yourself. I am not so arrogant to believe that every woman is going to vote for McCain because of Palin. But what was your point? So you don't like Palin, HATRED will get you nowhere. You foul mouth (or typing hands in this case) are not wanted, if you want to comment about a candidate or a running mate have the GUTS to come up with ACTUAL DOCUMENTED problems with the way they run things, not some GAY PLAYBOY ANALOGY. Grow up GIRL.

Derrik Scott said...

To "Lollie-Ext-5555:

You democrats are STUPID! Now, did that burst get me anywhere? NO. There are so many more nasty comments I could make about Democrats and what I think of them, but what is the point? Offending people just because of their political affiliation is retarded. And you may even cause some of your own party to see your harsh comments, after seeing tons of other harsh comments against Republicans, to re-think their own affiliation and vote against Obama. Is that what you want? (And the same goes for Republicans who bash Democrats in that manner- there is no point.) The truth is that whoever wins this election will not win because their side issued the most name-calling and had more hatred for the other camp. So let's focus on the real issues. And right now, Obama's camp is in bad shape, many of his late comments have cause many Americans to re-evaluate their choice for President. (Like the Joe Plummer issue.) Evaluate the issues, and ANALYZE what the outcome will be for each candidate's explanation of how they will handle it. (And for example, taxes: McCain said he will give major tax cuts to corporations, Obama said he will give tax cuts to 95% of working Americans. Who wants the rich to get richer, right? So Obama is the better choice right? But what will Obama do to corporations instead of give them tax cuts? Higher taxes! He has said so! What will those companies do after their taxes are raised? Charge MORE for their products and services to make up te difference. What companies? Exxon? Yes, but also WALMART, MICROSOFT, large drug store chains like WALGREENS, Fast Food, Entertainment, the cost of EVERYTHING WE BUY will go up if Obama issues their tax increases. You don't really think that your meager tax cut will make up for all of that do you? If McCain LOWERS their taxes, (large corporations), then they will LOWER the prices of their products and services to become MORE competitive, making the things we all buy even less expensive in these hard times. So based on that information, which is the smarter choice, Obama's ridiculous tax HIKES for companies or McCain's cuts? Which choice is better for our economy? For your own kids? McCain wins hands down. And thousands of Americans who make over $250,000/yr are switching sides right now. Make the smart choice people.

Lilith said...

Derrik Scott


i don't know where you read in my comment that I was foul mouthed (typing.) Just stating Sarah Palin will be calling the Heff after the election to arrange her 21 million dollar spread as a Playboy Centerfold. She probably already called him. Just a matter of how many days to see how long it will take after November 4th. Maybe she will be Ms. December or Ms. January.

You Betcha! Wink!

Don't know how this was GAY.


geniemaker said...

mike m: I, too, took Philosophy in college. Let's look at Sen. Obama's new tax plan. People making $250,000 will have their taxes increased. Why punish the successful? Why bother going to go to college, pursue the American dream of making a comfortable life for yourself and your family, and then be penalized by paying higher taxes? Higher taxes on the "rich" (if $250K and up is rich these days) does nothing to inspire people to succeed. Why should they pay the way of those who not only expect but demand government handouts. I've worked for 50 years and paid my taxes faithfully and I have no intention of being robbed to enable continued welfare projects for people who only live for government subsidies. How much are these wealthy people going to give to various charities of their choice when their taxes take away monies they would donate to worthy cause,and not to people who are on the dole as a way of life, generation after generation.
With all due respect, Sen. Obama may be an intellectual,but he is NOT qualifed to lead our Military and our Nation.
We need someone who has "been out there" and accomplished good for the American people and this Country.

geniemaker said...

lillith: What are you smoking, girl? That Gov. Palin acted with grace toward a known liberal, Republican-hating actor who was leaving the Country if Bush got elected shows CLASS. Don't think you know what that means, unfortunately.

geniemaker said...

Derrik Scott ~ I couldn't have said it better myself. Kudos!
I remember an old saying about you can't help the poor man by tearing down the rich man.

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