Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Country First

Whenever we do an editorial chastising America for not living up to its potential, there are complaints. Complaints that I blame America first. Which is silly - I'm not "blaming" America in any particular order. I'm simply of the belief that nothing gets better until you see the problem for what it really is. Republicans have become the party of red, white and blue rose colored glasses. By drowning out criticism with USA! USA!, they prevent this country from healing itself where it needs healing, and that is the opposite of Country First. For those who disapproved of Friday's editorial about Europe and America, here are two others of similar ilk to choke on :)


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SandyBeaches said...

Bill you look especially hot tonight on Hardball! I think it's the blue shirt. :-)
Agree with you completely! And saw your movie on Oct 4. Now I gotta go dig up an old copy of Pizza Man!

drea4u said...

I agree with Alle1!! Very hot in the blue shirt on Hardball! ;o) hubba hubba

momoshi said...

It´s so funny how the neocons peg everybody as "faaaaaar-left" who doesn´t agree with their strident rah-rah patriotism.
Just to draw a comparison:
Over here in Europe, the views and policies of those stigmatized "leftists" would also be eyed suspiciously, but still considered to be pretty "faaaar right".
Btw, has anybody thought of searching for the billions of dollars that the bankers "wasted"? The money didn´t just get lost, I don´t think they just wasted it all, a big ammount must still be somewhere.. But Switzerland won´t tell us about their secret bank accounts..These guys could spare us all this shit if they simply gave the money back.
Can´t wait for "Religulous" to come out here, looks like I´ll have to wait until January. Never felt such a temptation to download a movie illegaly but I´ll behave.I heard the funniest part is Jesus´depiction as a teenager.Without having seen it - isn´t it one of the greatest ideas for a cartoon serial ever? Wanna animate it!!!!!


Catherine said...


The voting machines are already flipping out in W Va.

October 18, 2008
More W.Va. voters say machines are switching votes.
In six cases, Democratic votes flipped to GOP
WINFIELD, W.Va. -- Three Putnam County voters say electronic voting machines changed their votes from Democrats to Republicans when they cast early ballots last week. This is the second West Virginia county where voters have reported this problem. Last week, three voters in Jackson County told The Charleston Gazette their electronic vote for "Barack Obama" kept flipping to "John McCain".




Tiffany said...

Healthcare Problem: So the school that my 16 yr old child attends is pushing for a new set of hearing aids for him. They suggest that if he gets the much needed inside the ear version he will be more inclined to where them on a regular basis. They are very expensive to the tune of $4400. I have employer paid health insurance that is very good. My deductable has been met. I called the HR dept to find out how much of this is covered... and the answer is $0.00!

Unknown said...

yo bill i absolutely loved Religulous ya did scare me a little too much at the end but your right. it just pisses me off that so many people were i live today still support bush. (that's Louisiana) and the stupidity of some people for example: the back-round for my computer is a white elephant with a big red circle with slash through it and above that is the phrase Republican't. so what happened was this guy see my back-round and say to me "re..re..republi..can't...oh your one of those uhh... dem..uhhh.. Obama guy right" holy crap and i know people who look up to this jack ass as a role model. any-who keep on spreading the truth and thank you.

M said...

All wrong, the problem with Europe is that they don't have swimming pools. Just look at the Beatles for God's sake:


The first time they even saw a swimming pool was when they came to the US. Don't even ask what year Keith Richards started using condoms (Hint: the Rays were in the World Series)


Ocean said...

Hi Bill,

I absolutely agree with you. When people are too proud of their country that would be the end of that country! If they don't open their eyes and be less egoistic then they can help the ship not to sink further!

I love your show and your point of views.

Take care

KEVIN said...

Kevin F Murtha 3860 HWY 227 TRAIL, OR 97541-9711
541 878 2950 kevin2s@netzero.net

I don’t understand the Fear of Social-ism. Most of our history, Community cared for its members. Drunks were tolerated or sobered up, the crazies were fed & sheltered, Everybody watched the kids, Neighbor helped Neighbor create Wealth, Etc. Is that not Socialism?
Infrastructure: Another word that gets Bandied About. Now being used in an Ethereal Sense. Once it defined the parts of a factory. Before that it was the Land and the tools to work it. So, I’m thinking, back to Basics…

For a Net Gain of $300,000,000,000.00 a Year

{NOTE: SSTF $ conveys, to the Homeowner, in the form of a ‘Real Estate Contract’. Your responsible for the expenses, SSTF holds the Rights} Don’t Forget, Details are laid out, in the PUBLIC DOMAIN.
By constitutional Amendment we separate SSTF Liabilities from the US GVM’T . And Vice-A-Versa, The US GVM’T, can’t attach OUR ASSETS.
We give Title, to a portion of our Land Wealth, to SSTF. [RE Contract].
Tax ourselves 5% to fund SS. Some of which buys Water Rights, to extend the Cash Flow. The Power of Eminent Domain, for Water Only, is part of the Amendment.
REASONS FOR: Tell the Money, “We have Money, you can’t play with It”
Add Yours:

KEVIN said...

I’ve been refining my Msg. Shared this with a middle aged couple at Taco Bell. He gave my a serious look and 2 ‘Look-Backs’, on the way out. She said it had Real Estate Potential.
I opened with “Here’s a plan that saves Social Security. Use the Bailout money to buy SSTF Debt. Now there is Cash there. It is Publicly Posted.
Here’s how it would work for me: In the public post, is $100.000.00 with my name on it. My Mortgage Holder presents Documents and $54,000.00 is
Credited to Him. My other debtors follow suit. The negotiated settlements is publicly Posted. WE decide which Financial Thing, to do Business with, based on their ‘Fairness’. So, I’m on the hook to SS for $100K at 5% Interest. I can either pay it down or let it accumulate, also at 5%. I also post my Insurance, [AIG need some money, too], and Taxes. Some means to insure I’m maintaining the Property. [ My Vision is Vets, traveling around, fixing up what’s needed. While looking for a mate, a job, a career]. After that it’s just the Neighborly thing to do…
I didn’t get to this part: All the money goes to the ’Robber Barons’. In the process $2 1/2 Trillion of our common Equity is ‘Locked Out’ of the system.
Pays $150B/yr into SS. While avoiding $150B/yr in future Tax Liability.
[The current Interest on the SSTF Debt].
I have more, But I need “Face time” for coherency.
I ran the core of this idea passed Citizens at Rest Areas along I-5 in Oregon and staff & patients at VA Hosp. in Portland, THEY ALL LOVED IT!
Use the Bailout money to retire SSTF Debt. Use that money to buy a portion of Foreclosed Mortgages. The interest & principle, of that portion, flows into Social Security and Everybody’s Retirement is Secure in Perpetuity.
I am a disabled Elder, who found Serenity, to survive Fatal Situations.
EXTRA-ordinary care, from a multitude of VA Doctors, restored my ability to Perceive a Future. As I comprehend, the World around me, it ‘Filters’ thru a Cloud of FEAR, ANGER, DOUBT, DESPAIR, DISEASE.
Sharing the ‘Power of Serenity’ thru those ‘Filters’ is most difficult. I just can’t identify with my listeners. When the current brouhaha broke I went to my ‘Secret Place’ and cogitated. Now, all I want is a couple of Serene Hugs before I die. Since “It’s all about the Money” we use ours to secure our Shelter & Water. When the USA goes bankrupt they can’t lien our homes or water. I’m available to Dialogue the Details, Let’s Get-R-Done!

Use the $700Billion to BUY $700Billion of the SSTF Debt. Use that money to buy the EQUITY of the bad loans. The banks can cover their losses out of future profits.
Create a Transparent Fiscal Entity to process funds. For example: Buy the equity in a foreclosed home, the family moves back home and pays back at 5%/30yrs. Plus some % of future equity, at sale or transfer. This money is collected by the TFE . Which, in turn, honors requests from Social Security. The point is we see our money all the time and know who’s getting it and why. Catch Fraud before it happens. Then, over the next X years buy the entire SSTF debt. Which, in turn, funds the basic equity in home mortgages.
Kill 3 birds with one stone, fund the recovery, put people back in their homes, AND secure income for Social Security while reducing future Tax Liabilities by $100B’s a year.
This saves the interest on that debt, $35 billion? AND PAYS $35Billon extra into TFE. In the 1st year. Require Public Posting of the Bailout money, so ‘WE’ can watch it.
Here is how it might happen. $700Billon is placed on the table for all to see.
You move back into your foreclosed home, turn on all utilities, Ins, etc, on your dime. The $ Amount is posted on your Table Acct. Work out an equitable mort. Payment at 5%. That determines the Basic Equity. Then a Fair Market Value is also worked out. So, Your TA Shows your BE, FMV.
The ‘float’ is the Capitalists playground. BUT, a 30% meter follows the ‘Float’. When transfer takes place, The ‘Meter Maid’ throws 30% on the table.

The idea here is ‘We the People’, to relieve our Angst over being Conned, are going to use our only Resource [Land] to fund OUR rescue. Every LOT in USA earns a BE of $10. To $200,000. That will total into the $Trillions.
Now, this, our money, each contributes 5% annually. One can pay down their BE and collect it back at Title Transfer. The next owner continues the cycle . TFE Grows. When the rate equals the amt paid by Business, into SS, That Tax is canceled. Payback for eating all the Mortgages over $200K.
How it might work: $200K of cleared SSTF Debt is credited to a Homeowner. For starters, their only mort. The current holder gets the credit eats the difference.

So, here we are multiple $Trillions in debt, A Gvm’t that operates like a 3rd World Despot, a crony of the ‘Money Class’. A failing Educational System,
Health crisis, an environment in trouble. Yadda, Yadda, Yadda, what to do? What to do?
The Establishment offers Sports/Reality/Cop/violence/Fantasy/vampires/ghosts/shape & time shifter shows to appease our Animal Brains and distract us from the fact we’re on the Hook for all that Debt.
We tell them we’re taking the Land & Water out of play. Putting it in Plain Sight, for all the world to see. With income from the 5% and low water rates we’ll fund a new Paradigm of dynamic learning, listening, dialogue.
As a Stakeholder in Life [Shelter & Water] one has Hope, Pride, everyone ‘sees’, you’re a player… Fear/Doubt/Anger fade… The ‘Legal System’ diminishes… Taxes go down…
Craft a Constitutional Amendment to protect the Basic Wealth of America.
Creating the TFE. Everyone holds a Warrant thereon. All transactions are Posted as they happen. The BE is inviolate. Cannot be Lien in any fashion. Is publicly Posted with details.
The interest rate can only change by another Amendment.
The TFE has the Power of Eminent Domain to purchase Foreign Owned Water Works anywhere in the USA. Currently 2 European Companies own over 40% of ALL the water in America.

Pattiha said...

I have always been a fan of your show. Today not so much. The Joe the Plumber thing has been way over played agreed. But today you said that the dream that he wants to protect lives only in his head! What? How incredibly arrogant of you. My husband and I together make a little over $250,000 a year. We have two small children. We both have masters degrees and have worked really hard to get where we are. I realize that we are very wealthy compared to the rest of the world. But have you ever stopped to think if it is fair that we are in the same tax bracket as somebody like you or Ben Affleck? I am pretty sure that you make a lot more money than we do. After saving money every month there is not a whole lot left over. We are frugal, hard working, good citizens who want to do the right thing and redistribute our wealth LOCALLY. I don't understand how we have become a country that thinks that people who make money are bad. It really disturbs me when it is Hollywood who perpetuates this idea when they are some of the MOST wealthy people. In what other profession can you become a multi millionare before the age of 30?

Co. said...

I guess we cannot be too surprised anymore that the Republican Party is trying to out “American” the democrats as if this election is simply field day in elementary school or the student government election to see who will get to pick out the homecoming decorations. I mean, this is the party that turned the word patriot into someone who blindly follows the president into a preemptive war, and allows the daughter of some Looney from Alaska to become the only unwed mother in contemporary times to be canonized as a brave and thoughtful young person making the toughest choice of all. It is like words have lost all their meaning and truth is in the eye of the beholder. In the end we all lose, because once again the party that is so drunk on power and control is telling us that it is more important to become fixated on acorn and just how "american" obama is than to focus on the economy and the environment, two things we know republicans cannot fix.

i wonder if the test to see how american we are involves similar tactics used in salem circa 1692.

Binky said...

Bill I agree with you, just one question though there is a house on Sunset blvd right after you cross over the 405. It has 10-12 "McCain Palin" signs up. So the question is would it be un-patriotic to accidentally paint over the Mc in McCain and P in Palin, Leaving "Cain and Alin"?

Now keep in mind I would be fine if it were just 4 signs but isn't 10 a little excessive? Besides for all I know they probably belong to Antimaher! In which case I really would have to buy some spray paint and find someone to drive the get away car. But I'd hate to do it, if it would make me seem un-patriotic.

wilber said...

If Obama wins this election, the greatest "American Dream" is over.

There will be a "New Dream" - Downsizing, living off of Bill and his rich Hollywood friends.
There will be no more Entrepreneur's,
no more small business loans, credit card companies will die off (yeah!),
buying only used cars and never buying a new house.
Your thermostat's will be controlled by regulators and
your children will be "forced" to learn Spanish (but vice versa doesn't count),
Illegal's will be given all the comforts of home without having to be legal.
You will be told what you can drive and cannot drive.

Government will control our every move, account for our every dollar while they live "High On A Hog", along with Bill and his rich Hollywood friends.

Obama as President and Democrats still in control? WELCOME TO COMMUNISM!

One more thing....SPELLCHECK!

DoctorD71 said...

Wow Wilber,

That would be a really be a great argument if everything you posted weren't completely untrue! You should worry about FACTcheck, not spellcheck!

But really I just wanted to post this link here, it's right up Bill's alley:


For anyone that is a little concerned because sometimes the overly-religious turn off their brains and vote against their own best interest, the look on that woman's face as she answers the questions should be almost enough to make your head explode. I'm looking forward to seeing Bill interview her in 'Religulous 2'!

jane said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jane said...

I love ya Bill, but what the hell?!!!
You're on there on Hardball and Matthews is talking about the Repub cries of Obama and libs as anti-American, and he asks you to lay out the 'anti-Americanism' displayed by the Republicans and you just let it go?
Where's your rant about Mccain/LIDDY and Palin/ALASKA INDEPENDENCE PARTY?!!!!!!!!
Maybe msnbc is paying you, along with the rest of the media, to have a media blackout on these Mccain/Palin associations..
I thought you were finally going to be the one to bring it up on that show!

cronincal said...

i don't know why they aren't chanting "russia, russia" with the news that mccain hit up russians for some campaign money. apparently, that john mccain is one hard-up for cash commie. everybody break a leg on friday.


wilber said...

I, Wilber said:

Your thermostat's will be controlled by regulators and
your children will be "forced" to learn Spanish (but vice versa doesn't count),

Now these 2, listen for yourself!



This says enough for me and I rest my case!

Co. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cat Brown said...


Pinch me, I'm dreaming.
Come to think of it...
dreams are more assertive than prayers.
In blog we trust.

DoctorD71 said...

Well done! You, Wilber, with those 2 clips have proven that Sen. Obama has common sense. Do you? I didn't seem to hear anything there about "forcing" or "controlling". Try again!

Unknown said...

Quite honestly Bill, I'm looking forward for the end of this election-even though it serves as fodder for your writers. To keep my response on target though, I must respond to the empty campaign slogan, "Country First".

Allow me to preface my response by saying that I am a Gulf War veteran, Arizonan, white male and a supporter of Barack Obama.

When I see the "Country First" signs in the background and on the dais at McCain rallies, my first thought is- Which country? John McCain is clearly in favor of the Iraq war and the rebuilding of its infrastructure at the tune of $10B a month. Obama sold me when he said that that money would be better spent here, albeit on "socialistic" programs.

On a completely different note, there is no way a good Christian Republican could adopt the mantra of "Country First". I would imagine that it should read, "God First, Country Second". I also think you should continue digging on Todd Palin and his separatist agenda and what his sign should read: "God First, Alaska Second and Country Third".

In the case of John McCain, I can no longer believe his "Country First" stance because of the choice of his running mate. Sarah Palin is easy on the eyes, but not easy on the ears. Her focus on the most vile campaigning I've ever witnessed with no regard nor knowledge of the main issues we currently face is tremendously off-putting. Once McCain picked her to shore up his base made me believe that his sign should read, "Campaign First, Country Second".

MJ in SoCal said...

Bill, I always enjoy your perspective and am fascinated by this topic. I'm perplexed as to why people are so threatened by the truth and resistant to dealing with it in their lives. Yes, the truth can be unpleasant, but aren't the consequences of not dealing even scarier?! There seems to be an epidemic, and this area is just one of many, where Americans are in denial: About their health, about their finances, their relationships, their country and their world. So many hide behind bravado {USA! USA!)and hope no one notices that they don't know stuff about the world (Where's Iraq?!:0) or even what's going on in their own backyard. They don't know because they are afraid to look too closely for fear they may have to take responsibility for change.

I've lived in Europe and we most definitely can learn from their wisdom and experience. If we could find our way to incorporate what works for them with what works in our system, we stand a chance of cementing our place in history as the greatest of nations.

Carry on, Bill! You are providing a necessary public service, and no one does it better. Cheers, MJ

Vote said...

Bill...Would love to see the poll results on this..

Which of the following job positions is Sarah Palin most qualified?

A. Mrs. Universe 2008
B. Neiman Marcus Sales Clerk
C. Hollywood Actress
D. All of the Above

No Reply said...

I agree with you and perhaps go further on this issue. Americans (we) need to look at ourselves first before looking elsewhere to place blame. I think the Jesus people say something like this too. Something about rocks and glass.

I disagree with most people who are vocal that popular voting has any merit. It's an opinion poll that the real voters, the electorate, use like we use other opinion polls for news sources. Real political change comes from how people (Americans in this case) live their daily lives.

I like the French and France a great deal, yet I would point out that one reason they have a lot of their shit together is because over the years they have promoted a political policy of normalizing the public. The French are akin to the Borg in this manner. France used to be a nation of vast diversity until the French government over the years created one French mindset. The multitude of languages and cultures were eliminated for the most part for a central "French" culture. This is why many French until recently have taken pride in their nation and distain in other nations. This is to a great extent why the French enjoy many benefits that we don't. They have had a centralized mentality for a long time now. Of course this is changing as minority populations are resurging and those cultures who hung on are starting to make a comeback. The price France paid for this normalization is less innovation. Innovation requires conflict.

The other aspect that I agree with you on is religion, but here I also differ. Religion isn't bad, it's just incorrect. You and other smart people have blamed religion for many atrocities, but I would defend religion because it wasn't religion that caused these atrocities, but politicians (religious or secular) who used religion in the name of these atrocities. Religion has just suffered from being used by politics the most. But now other causes are being used with equal vigor as religion has been used in the past. Sexuality, nationalism, sports, you name it, everything is up for grabs now. Many new aspects of society are being used by politics for all kinds of atrocious behavior.

So as I say religion isn't bad, it's just wrong. Rationally and logically it is wrong. That said, there are many good things we can find in religion that happen to be good, albeit for bad reasons. So for that reason I would defend religion, because despite how bad people may be with religion, I believe they would be worse without it. It isn't religion that messes people up; it is people's lack of reason and facility with logic that fucks with them. Take away religion and then you have a bunch of people with poor reason and logic running around without any mandates to keep them in line. Secularism takes time and work to develop.

Standing alone without a fairy tale to support you takes a lot of discipline. The argument here is that the average American has lost that discipline. So while you might argue that people should give up their bibles, I think, if that's their thing, they should go to church more and spend less time trying to run the country. Leave those Earthly matter for us who, well, admit that's all we've got. Feel free to keep Heaven and Hell to their selves, and we secularists can deal with Earthly matters.

The real concern for America is not religion or voting or not voting or John McCain/George Bush or Barack Obama. What has hurt America is generalization. It is the blind mantras that hurt America. What makes America strong is individuality. The ability of someone being able to call me an asshole and we both being ok with that. This generalizing comes not only from religion and the religious right, but also from the religious left with their religion of political correctness. It comes from the religion of corporations with their McDonaldization and Disneyfication of America. It comes from the demonizing of Wal-Mart simply because they are Wal-Mart by middle class America who now happen to shop at Wal-Mart because their 401k's are not doing so hot anymore. It comes from small business who complain about closing up shop because big business moves to town and they can no longer sell the same shit for more money.

Like big business, as America grows we tend to generalize and that kills innovation. That kills the true small business that offers something big business can never offer, and that is simply something different. Whether that difference is a new hamburger or a new idea; that is what America needs and is built upon. America needs innovation in its blood. We need the religious and the secular. We need the right and the left. We need that conflict that the French lost for so long to give us that edge that we lost for so long.

Yes, the French have health care and mesh with a lot of my own ideals fairly well, but that has cost them a great deal. What if the French had decided to center on another ideology to be the "French" ideology? What if we follow the French model but use the religious right as the central ideology? We would probably solve a lot of social problems because we would have less internal conflict. But at what cost? My guess is that it would suck for me. I want universal health care, but if it's Sarah Palin promising me that, well, that's ok, I'll pass on this round and hope we can figure it out down the road.

Our problem with America is not that we've become a nation or religious zealots. Our problem with America is that we've become a nation of bandwagoning zealots. We've become a nation of zealots who are driven by blind issues, by singular mantras. And the people who rule the country play on those single issues and play us against each other.

Our own system of laws has many problems but I would not dump that system for anarchy any more than I would dump the varieties of religions. We need to work together despite our religious and political beliefs to solve America's problems because we all live here.

victor said...

Bill, you gotta love the RNC...they announce $150,000 spend on Sarah Palin's cosmetology, clothing and for her family, too.

That's a lotta dough for a "hockey mom", ain't it?

Or is it too much money for the lipstick on the pit bull....

And let's not forget the rip off to the State of Alaska for her kids travel....official business my rosy red ass.

Cat Brown said...

There's a 'derivative' betting at 85% odds that Obama will win. Now IF McCain wins, there's always... Jamaica....

Miss Fatty Fatty

Unknown said...

On Tuesday, I heard a Sarah Palin as she was commenting on the mortgage situation. During her statment she said something about her opposition to ...mortgage lenders that exploited TOO many Americans"... Exactly what was she saying? It was okay to exploit some, but they went overboard and exploited TOO many?
I am an OBAMA SUPPORTER, however I'm hoping this is not what she meant, but they (republicans) want to spin everything around and this isn't a spin. This is exactly what she said. Watch the tape.

Binky said...

What happened to division of church and state?! I cannot believe that Sarah Palin actually had the nerve to say that "God will do the right thing on election day". Can this really be a phrase uttered by a VP candidate. That and thinking that she will be able to run the senate and get in there and make policy changes. That isn't "Country First" it is more like "Country Fucked". Because once again rather than questioning our candidates and there policies, let's just vote in the old dude, and the village idiot, because "God" likes them and they are good Christians.

If questioning the people that are to represent me in government is un-patriotic then so be it. But apparently being patriotic in 21st century America is synonymous with being a dumb ass, and that is one thing I am not.

Hanaan Fu said...

Comedy aside, he always has some very intelligent thoughts to add to the discussion about the direction of our country. Definitely some things to think about when we talk about America being #1. Its more show than substance right now and we really need to take that seriously.

Unknown said...

Bill, I just wanted to say thank you for Religulous. I am a Masters student in biology who comes from an evangelical christian family. In my opinion, Religulous is an incredibly poignant and groundbreaking film. I just recently discovered you, because of the movie, (I guess I was too young for 'Politically Incorrect' :)), and have since been watching 'Real Time.' It was really encouraging to discover that there was a voice out there for the sane, rational, intelligent people in this country. Knowing that there are people out there like you with the guts to do/say the right things gives me hope (which I was really starting to loose) for this country and our future. Thank you. Really.

Carol said...

This is in response to Jane. Chris didn't give Bill any time to respond. That's what I like about your show Bill. You let your guests participate. Please don't invite Chris as a guest like he requested. Most of the time he acts like a lunatic. My husband and I only watched Hardball because you were on.

Dale said...

Don't you dis my soccer!

I was with ya all the way until you had to take a swing at soccer.
Now, I gotta take a step back and re-evaluate the rest of the video.
Of course, you're right on about religion...

Anonymous said...

ME FIRST is mccain’s true motto.

SaveOurselves said...

Are YOU taking advantage of America? If so, you should be ashamed - And, get a job, even if it's working in a nightclub auditioning in your spare time for a gig you admire Bill for pursuing. It isn't a lot to ask for our citizens to take a chance on fame, and in the mean time, pick up some trash, throw it in a can marked "trash" and get minimum wage for doing it. It beats being unemployed, unless you'd rather be out producing more worthless progeny for the rest of us to support. Come on, America first is not that difficult a concept to understand.

asiana said...

Ever notice how ignorant the most conservative candidates are, yet they appeal to the Republican base? What does that suggest to you about their base? Where is Dan Quayle when Sarah Palin needs a boo-boo counterpart? See what is on Wikipedia on his post vice-presidency legacy below:

"In April 1999, he announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination for 2000, attacking George W. Bush by saying "we do not want another candidate who needs on-the-job training". In the first contest among the Republican candidates, the Ames Straw Poll of August 1999, he finished eighth. Commentators said that while he had the most political experience among prospective candidates (over Bush and Elizabeth Dole) and potential grassroots support among conservatives, his campaign was hampered by the legacy of his vice-presidency. He withdrew from the race the following month and supported Bush"

Man, look who's talking! Was that an echo chamber or deja vu? And now Sarah Palin is going to call anyone who has different belifs than her un-American? That she has the corner on patriotism and "Country First" while consorting with Alaskan secessionists? I think that she needs to renew her patriotic credentials because thus far, she has proven herself to be more than a little wack-o.

Anonymous said...

Hi Bill,

You always look very hot, but Sunday on Hardball you set a new standard. You are living proof of the merits of eliminating HFC from one’s diet.

As always your comments on Friday where right on the money.

It’s not anti American to offer critism or to suggest a different way of doing things, it’s the 11th hour we can’t continue to pretend nothing is wrong. A business that doesn’t take inventory goes broke, American’s broke.

Europe does a lot of things right, we can definitely learn something from her, but the big problem with Europe is that European people live there. I grew up there, I love to visit but I am always really happy when I am back on American soil.

After spending the best part of a decade in the States, I know there is something inherently very generous and decent about Americans that’s not present to the same extent in Europeans. WE CAN NOT AFFORD TO LOSE THAT.

The American dream isn’t dead; but it is in intensive care, Barack can bring it back to life. I got to experience the American dream, I came here with a couple of hundred bucks in my pocket, I worked my ass off, read everything I could get my hands on, when to grad school.I am in my early 30’s and most years I make a 6 figures income. That would have never happen in Europe, because I am from the wrong “class”.

Let’s steal some of Europe’s policies, but emulating her is not the answer. Senator Bernie Sander’s comments on your show regarding what we do after the 4th made a huge impression on me. It really made me reflect and realize how complacent I have been, but no more, I want other people to have the opportunities that I had. Barack is not a super hero; we can’t all sit back and expect him to do everything. As American’s we have to participate in our country and hold elected officials accountable, that’s the only way anything will change.

Keep up the good work, and wear that blue shirt Friday night.


Canadian Sluggo said...


This is general comment.

I don't know if you have any influence over this but did HBO hire Sarah Palin to manage the podcast this season (clearly I'm technically qualified, I can see Best Buy from my house).

Several episode podcasts have been only partially uploaded (the 1st 15-20 minutes of the show and then it ends) and some of the overtime sessions have either been badly edited so they repeat show segments within themselves or have themselves been repeats of older shows and not the current week's material. I won't even mention HBO occasionally cutting off non-US IP addresses from downloading the show - I guess I just did.

Bill, I know it's free so it's hard to complain but as a Canadian, the podcast is currently the only (legal) way I can get the show. It's a downer of magnanimous proportions to settle in for the show and get 1/4 of what you expected at best.

Emails and podcast concerns go unanswered for me and others. So I'm going to the top and as a fan, I would ask that you book yourself into a weekend Republican/Christian "GOD-GOP ... close enough" convention without your trusty bag o' weed and then head into the HBO IT wing on Monday morning and kick some techie-ass.

Thanks from Canada,

gemma said...

Hey Bill,
That's just the kinda square narrow minded mentality that keeps this country from not moving forward, and it bothers the heck out of me. Nothing wrong with constructive critism and pointing out the flaws. Critism we can grow from as a country and as human beings, but critism to republicans is taken as an ofense verses an oportunity to grow, change and become a better country. That's luck of intelligence if you ask me.

screwcommuters said...

Bill - You are just a moron who happened to get kicked off regular tv and land a stint with HBO. Do you really think the vast amount of Americans care who becomes the next President? If you asked the vast majority of Americans who the candidates were, 9 out of 10 wouldn't be able to tell you the names of either candidates for either party. Howard Stern had a great bit where he went into Harlem and asked African Americans if they would vote for Barrack based entirely on McCain's policies. Every individual he interviewed had absolutely no clue as to what was going on and ended the interview with an emphatic "Hell ,ya, I'm going to vote for Barrack".

Your forums are stocked on one side and provide little drama, little entertainment, and little imagination or creativity. You, fall into that category of "morons", an overachiever at best.

Binky said...

Johnathan -

In response to your jealous tirade against Bill:

I would hope that you would post again when you have something for proof other than Howard Stern going to Harlem. No offense but not even I would talk to Howard Stern if he showed up in my neighborhood.

And until you are willing to put your beliefs and your thoughts on a national stage and defend them with actual facts you shouldn't be so quick to criticize people who do.

Yeah he got fired from normal tv for saying something that no one else was willing to say if you can't respect someone for doing that....then I don't know what. Don't hate the player just be jealous you don't have the game.

wilber said...

jonathan is entitled to his opinion the same as you, bianca.

Everyone on here keeps bashing anyone and everyone with the "R" connected to them, God even gets his share so, don't take that right away from the ones you bash!

That is not your right!

Hell, half this board never makes any sense!

Unknown said...

Check out this video of young, attractive democrats pledging abstinence from sex with republicans or anyone who votes republican.

Binky said...


I am fine with everyone expressing there opinion but give me something other than a jealous tirade to back it up. And as for bashing republicans I generally try to avoid it unless they are just plain wrong.

Give me a good argument with some sort of credible proof and I'll listen.

wilber said...

You'd be the first to listen..lol

Besides, tired of wasting my finger energy on here trying to type my opinions or facts, as with anitmaher, having fun with it now!

KEVIN said...

First Business is out. They are the problem. In the Paradigm I Vision, 90% of New Wealth goes sideways, The Rich Keep what they have. The rest of US Dialog on how to Fix GAIA. Social Security has our Financial BACK. Hope rises and TAXES GO DOWN. The Value of the Rich's Rich go's UP, EVERYBODY WINS!!
My first Wealth was 10% of fees, for goods I delivered. Equaled $55.000. in 1965. So, I’m thinkn' 10% of the Wealth Created from my ideas is all I want. I want to operate as a foundation and a Non-Profit. Source for Enlightened Life Foundation-SELF. Society to Organize the Utilities for Life-SOUL. So, classes that might shape my thinking in Pursuit of these Goals. My other agenda is to meet people who will peruse my Goals. I can't Carry the Load. Our chat was the first Coherent Dialog I've had, since I don't know when...
Kevin F Murtha 3860 HWY 227 TRAIL, OR 97541 541 878 2950
I don’t understand the Fear of Social-ism. Most of our history, Community cared for its members. Drunks were tolerated or sobered up, the crazies were fed & sheltered, Everybody watched the kids, Neighbor helped Neighbor create Wealth, Etc. Is that not Socialism?
Infrastructure: Another word that gets Bandied About. Now being used in an Ethereal Sense. Once it defined the parts of a factory. Before that it was the Land and the tools to work it. So, I’m thinking, back to Basics…
For a Net Gain of $300,000,000.00 a Year
{NOTE: SSTF $ conveys, to the Homeowner, in the form of a ‘Real Estate Contract’. Your responsible for the expenses, SSTF holds the Rights} Don’t Forget, Details are laid out, in the PUBLIC DOMAIN.
By constitutional Amendment we separate SSTF Liabilities from the US GVM’T . And Vice-A-Versa, The US GVM’T, can’t attach OUR ASSETS.
We give Title, to a portion of our Land Wealth, to SSTF. [RE Contract].
Tax ourselves 5% to fund SS. Some of which buys Water Rights, to extend the Cash Flow. The Power of Eminent Domain, for Water Only, is part of the Amendment.
REASONS FOR: Tell the Money, “We have Money, you can’t play with It”
Add Yours: I HAVE MORE
I’ve been refining my Msg. Shared this with a middle aged couple at Taco Bell. He gave my a serious look and 2 ‘Look-Backs’, on the way out. She said it had Real Estate Potential.
I opened with “Here’s a plan that saves Social Security. Use the Bailout money to buy SSTF Debt. Now there is Cash there. It is Publicly Posted.
Here’s how it would work for me: In the public post, is $100.000.00 with my name on it. My Mortgage Holder presents Documents and $54,000.00 is
Credited to Him. My other debtors follow suit. The negotiated settlements is publicly Posted. WE decide which Financial Thing, to do Business with, based on their ‘Fairness’. So, I’m on the hook to SS for $100K at 5% Interest. I can either pay it down or let it accumulate, also at 5%. I also post my Insurance, [AIG need some money, too], and Taxes. Some means to insure I’m maintaining the Property. [ My Vision is Vets, traveling around, fixing up what’s needed. While looking for a mate, a job, a career]. After that it’s just the Neighborly thing to do…
I didn’t get to this part: All the money goes to the ’Robber Barons’. In the process $2 1/2 Trillion of our common Equity is ‘Locked Out’ of the system.
Pays $150B/yr into SS. While avoiding $150B/yr in future Tax Liability.
[The current Interest on the SSTF Debt].
I have more, But I need “Face time” for coherency.
I ran the core of this idea passed Citizens at Rest Areas along I-5 in Oregon and staff & patients at VA Hosp. in Portland, THEY ALL LOVED IT!
Use the Bailout money to retire SSTF Debt. Use that money to buy a portion of Foreclosed Mortgages. The interest & principle, of that portion, flows into Social Security and Everybody’s Retirement is Secure in Perpetuity.
I am a disabled Elder, who found Serenity, to survive Fatal Situations.
EXTRA-ordinary care, from a multitude of VA Doctors, restored my ability to Perceive a Future. As I comprehend, the World around me, it ‘Filters’ thru a Cloud of FEAR, ANGER, DOUBT, DESPAIR, DISEASE.
Sharing the ‘Power of Serenity’ thru those ‘Filters’ is most difficult. I just can’t identify with my listeners. When the current brouhaha broke I went to my ‘Secret Place’ and cogitated. Now, all I want is a couple of Serene Hugs before I die. Since “It’s all about the Money” we use ours to secure our Shelter & Water. When the USA goes bankrupt they can’t lien our homes or water. I’m available to Dialogue the Details, Let’s Get-R-Done!
Use the $700Billion to BUY $700Billion of the SSTF Debt. Use that money to buy the EQUITY of the bad loans. The banks can cover their losses out of future profits.
Create a Transparent Fiscal Entity to process funds. For example: Buy the equity in a foreclosed home, the family moves back home and pays back at 5%/30yrs. Plus some % of future equity, at sale or transfer. This money is collected by the TFE . Which, in turn, honors requests from Social Security. The point is we see our money all the time and know who’s getting it and why. Catch Fraud before it happens. Then, over the next X years buy the entire SSTF debt. Which, in turn, funds the basic equity in home mortgages.
Kill 3 birds with one stone, fund the recovery, put people back in their homes, AND secure income for Social Security while reducing future Tax Liabilities by $100B’s a year.
This saves the interest on that debt, $35 billion? AND PAYS $35Billon extra into TFE. In the 1st year. Require Public Posting of the Bailout money, so ‘WE’ can watch it.
Here is how it might happen. $700Billon is placed on the table for all to see.
You move back into your foreclosed home, turn on all utilities, Ins, etc, on your dime. The $ Amount is posted on your Table Acct. Work out an equitable mort. Payment at 5%. That determines the Basic Equity. Then a Fair Market Value is also worked out. So, Your TA Shows your BE, FMV.
The ‘float’ is the Capitalists playground. BUT, a 30% meter follows the ‘Float’. When transfer takes place, The ‘Meter Maid’ throws 30% on the table.
The idea here is ‘We the People’, to relieve our Angst over being Conned, are going to use our only Resource [Land] to fund OUR rescue. Every LOT in USA earns a BE of $10. To $200,000. That will total into the $Trillions.
Now, this, our money, each contributes 5% annually. One can pay down their BE and collect it back at Title Transfer. The next owner continues the cycle . TFE Grows. When the rate equals the amt paid by Business, into SS, That Tax is canceled. Payback for eating all the Mortgages over $200K.
How it might work: $200K of cleared SSTF Debt is credited to a Homeowner. For starters, their only mort. The current holder gets the credit eats the difference.
So, here we are multiple $Trillions in debt, A Gvm’t that operates like a 3rd World Despot, a crony of the ‘Money Class’. A failing Educational System,
Health crisis, an environment in trouble. Yadda, Yadda, Yadda, what to do? What to do?
The Establishment offers Sports/Reality/Cop/violence/Fantasy/vampires/ghosts/shape & time shifter shows to appease our Animal Brains and distract us from the fact we’re on the Hook for all that Debt.
We tell them we’re taking the Land & Water out of play. Putting it in Plain Sight, for all the world to see. With income from the 5% and low water rates we’ll fund a new Paradigm of dynamic learning, listening, dialogue.
As a Stakeholder in Life [Shelter & Water] one has Hope, Pride, everyone ‘sees’, you’re a player… Fear/Doubt/Anger fade… The ‘Legal System’ diminishes… Taxes go down…
Craft a Constitutional Amendment to protect the Basic Wealth of America.
Creating the TFE. Everyone holds a Warrant thereon. All transactions are Posted as they happen. The BE is inviolate. Cannot be Lien in any fashion. Is publicly Posted with details.
The interest rate can only change by another Amendment.
The TFE has the Power of Eminent Domain to purchase Foreign Owned Water Works anywhere in the USA. Currently 2 European Companies own over 40% of ALL the water in America.

KEVIN said...

First Business is out. They are the problem. In the Paradigm I Vision, 90% of New Wealth goes sideways, The Rich Keep what they have. The rest of US Dialog on how to Fix GAIA. Social Security has our Financial BACK. Hope rises and TAXES GO DOWN. The Value of the Rich's Rich go's UP, EVERYBODY WINS!!
My first Wealth was 10% of fees, for goods I delivered. Equaled $55.000. in 1965. So, I’m thinkn' 10% of the Wealth Created from my ideas is all I want. I want to operate as a foundation and a Non-Profit. Source for Enlightened Life Foundation-SELF. Society to Organize the Utilities for Life-SOUL. So, classes that might shape my thinking in Pursuit of these Goals. My other agenda is to meet people who will peruse my Goals. I can't Carry the Load. Our chat was the first Coherent Dialog I've had, since I don't know when...
Kevin F Murtha 3860 HWY 227 TRAIL, OR 97541 541 878 2950
I don’t understand the Fear of Social-ism. Most of our history, Community cared for its members. Drunks were tolerated or sobered up, the crazies were fed & sheltered, Everybody watched the kids, Neighbor helped Neighbor create Wealth, Etc. Is that not Socialism?
Infrastructure: Another word that gets Bandied About. Now being used in an Ethereal Sense. Once it defined the parts of a factory. Before that it was the Land and the tools to work it. So, I’m thinking, back to Basics…
For a Net Gain of $300,000,000.00 a Year
{NOTE: SSTF $ conveys, to the Homeowner, in the form of a ‘Real Estate Contract’. Your responsible for the expenses, SSTF holds the Rights} Don’t Forget, Details are laid out, in the PUBLIC DOMAIN.
By constitutional Amendment we separate SSTF Liabilities from the US GVM’T . And Vice-A-Versa, The US GVM’T, can’t attach OUR ASSETS.
We give Title, to a portion of our Land Wealth, to SSTF. [RE Contract].
Tax ourselves 5% to fund SS. Some of which buys Water Rights, to extend the Cash Flow. The Power of Eminent Domain, for Water Only, is part of the Amendment.
REASONS FOR: Tell the Money, “We have Money, you can’t play with It”
Add Yours: I HAVE MORE
I’ve been refining my Msg. Shared this with a middle aged couple at Taco Bell. He gave my a serious look and 2 ‘Look-Backs’, on the way out. She said it had Real Estate Potential.
I opened with “Here’s a plan that saves Social Security. Use the Bailout money to buy SSTF Debt. Now there is Cash there. It is Publicly Posted.
Here’s how it would work for me: In the public post, is $100.000.00 with my name on it. My Mortgage Holder presents Documents and $54,000.00 is
Credited to Him. My other debtors follow suit. The negotiated settlements is publicly Posted. WE decide which Financial Thing, to do Business with, based on their ‘Fairness’. So, I’m on the hook to SS for $100K at 5% Interest. I can either pay it down or let it accumulate, also at 5%. I also post my Insurance, [AIG need some money, too], and Taxes. Some means to insure I’m maintaining the Property. [ My Vision is Vets, traveling around, fixing up what’s needed. While looking for a mate, a job, a career]. After that it’s just the Neighborly thing to do…
I didn’t get to this part: All the money goes to the ’Robber Barons’. In the process $2 1/2 Trillion of our common Equity is ‘Locked Out’ of the system.
Pays $150B/yr into SS. While avoiding $150B/yr in future Tax Liability.
[The current Interest on the SSTF Debt].
I have more, But I need “Face time” for coherency.
I ran the core of this idea passed Citizens at Rest Areas along I-5 in Oregon and staff & patients at VA Hosp. in Portland, THEY ALL LOVED IT!
Use the Bailout money to retire SSTF Debt. Use that money to buy a portion of Foreclosed Mortgages. The interest & principle, of that portion, flows into Social Security and Everybody’s Retirement is Secure in Perpetuity.
I am a disabled Elder, who found Serenity, to survive Fatal Situations.
EXTRA-ordinary care, from a multitude of VA Doctors, restored my ability to Perceive a Future. As I comprehend, the World around me, it ‘Filters’ thru a Cloud of FEAR, ANGER, DOUBT, DESPAIR, DISEASE.
Sharing the ‘Power of Serenity’ thru those ‘Filters’ is most difficult. I just can’t identify with my listeners. When the current brouhaha broke I went to my ‘Secret Place’ and cogitated. Now, all I want is a couple of Serene Hugs before I die. Since “It’s all about the Money” we use ours to secure our Shelter & Water. When the USA goes bankrupt they can’t lien our homes or water. I’m available to Dialogue the Details, Let’s Get-R-Done!
Use the $700Billion to BUY $700Billion of the SSTF Debt. Use that money to buy the EQUITY of the bad loans. The banks can cover their losses out of future profits.
Create a Transparent Fiscal Entity to process funds. For example: Buy the equity in a foreclosed home, the family moves back home and pays back at 5%/30yrs. Plus some % of future equity, at sale or transfer. This money is collected by the TFE . Which, in turn, honors requests from Social Security. The point is we see our money all the time and know who’s getting it and why. Catch Fraud before it happens. Then, over the next X years buy the entire SSTF debt. Which, in turn, funds the basic equity in home mortgages.
Kill 3 birds with one stone, fund the recovery, put people back in their homes, AND secure income for Social Security while reducing future Tax Liabilities by $100B’s a year.
This saves the interest on that debt, $35 billion? AND PAYS $35Billon extra into TFE. In the 1st year. Require Public Posting of the Bailout money, so ‘WE’ can watch it.
Here is how it might happen. $700Billon is placed on the table for all to see.
You move back into your foreclosed home, turn on all utilities, Ins, etc, on your dime. The $ Amount is posted on your Table Acct. Work out an equitable mort. Payment at 5%. That determines the Basic Equity. Then a Fair Market Value is also worked out. So, Your TA Shows your BE, FMV.
The ‘float’ is the Capitalists playground. BUT, a 30% meter follows the ‘Float’. When transfer takes place, The ‘Meter Maid’ throws 30% on the table.
The idea here is ‘We the People’, to relieve our Angst over being Conned, are going to use our only Resource [Land] to fund OUR rescue. Every LOT in USA earns a BE of $10. To $200,000. That will total into the $Trillions.
Now, this, our money, each contributes 5% annually. One can pay down their BE and collect it back at Title Transfer. The next owner continues the cycle . TFE Grows. When the rate equals the amt paid by Business, into SS, That Tax is canceled. Payback for eating all the Mortgages over $200K.
How it might work: $200K of cleared SSTF Debt is credited to a Homeowner. For starters, their only mort. The current holder gets the credit eats the difference.
So, here we are multiple $Trillions in debt, A Gvm’t that operates like a 3rd World Despot, a crony of the ‘Money Class’. A failing Educational System,
Health crisis, an environment in trouble. Yadda, Yadda, Yadda, what to do? What to do?
The Establishment offers Sports/Reality/Cop/violence/Fantasy/vampires/ghosts/shape & time shifter shows to appease our Animal Brains and distract us from the fact we’re on the Hook for all that Debt.
We tell them we’re taking the Land & Water out of play. Putting it in Plain Sight, for all the world to see. With income from the 5% and low water rates we’ll fund a new Paradigm of dynamic learning, listening, dialogue.
As a Stakeholder in Life [Shelter & Water] one has Hope, Pride, everyone ‘sees’, you’re a player… Fear/Doubt/Anger fade… The ‘Legal System’ diminishes… Taxes go down…
Craft a Constitutional Amendment to protect the Basic Wealth of America.
Creating the TFE. Everyone holds a Warrant thereon. All transactions are Posted as they happen. The BE is inviolate. Cannot be Lien in any fashion. Is publicly Posted with details.
The interest rate can only change by another Amendment.
The TFE has the Power of Eminent Domain to purchase Foreign Owned Water Works anywhere in the USA. Currently 2 European Companies own over 40% of ALL the water in America.

wilber said...

That was long.

Tanya said...

I think it's unconscionable that Sarah Palin would flaunt her $150K wardrobe financed by the RNC donors, while professing her love and admiration for small town America (the real America) and telling anyone who is stupid enough to listen that they will make our country whole again. She knows how much we're "hurtin". Barf. It took me the last 3 fucking years to make $150K, and I guaranfuckintee you it wasn't used for clothes from Neiman Marcus and Saks Fifth Avenue. P.S. Bill you are hot no matter what color your shirt is. Call me! ;)

chickiej1 said...


Love your show, your humor, your honesty.

I have three comments. Okay. Maybe five.

First, what's up with Mr. SS Debt down the page a bit? Uh-- we got it the first eight times you wrote it, dude.

Second, someone please explain to me why, as Governor, Sarah Palin dd not have any clothes that would be befitting of a woman in government. Why does the RNC have to dress her--- as if she was just "discovered" by some talent agent while ordering a slurpee?

Third, how retarded can one campaign be? It seems like every day, the McCain and Palin show has woken up to the hought, "What can I do today to ruin our chances of winning the election?"-- dont get me wrong, I couldn't be happier, except that this shit ain't over yet and until Obama actually wins, I fear for the lives of all non-real-Americans...

Fourth, can someone explain to me why McCain is so fucking creepy? What happened to that affable, lovable underdog from 2000? I tell you this: if he would give u this totally and utterly ludicrous "arrogant lovin' every minute of it" act, he might actually be able to sto his party from imploding.

Finally, how are we going to live without Carlin?

Over and out.

chickiej1 said...

Oh, and another thing.

I dont understand how ANYONE can have such an ethnocentric view of America anymore.

What's there to be so proud of?

We've engaged in hundreds of years our colonization and political efforts that we had no right to engage in.

We did that whole "slave" thing, which was to put it mildly, TOTALLY EVIL AND UNFORGIVABLE.

We have installed all kinds of horrible dictators and leaders over other countries who would screw over their people but would be happy to suck our dicks.

We've elected the biggest moron on earth for the highest office in the land. Not once, but twice. We also did nothing when we KNEW he stole the election from Gore in 2000. No protests, no million man marches. Just a bunch of blow-hard radio personalities crying the blues and Bush fans laughing their dicks off.

Then we engaged in this whole Iraq dabacle for which there is no reasonable excuse.

And the hits just keep coming....

SO, not for nuthin', but, I've been feeling pretty anti-america myself after the 2000 election. Im not exactly a radical, but I moved to Mexico a while ago, and, I just have to say it...I'S BETTER HERE. And Cheaper. And friendlier. And more intersting. And a lot smarter.

America is not something you can be for or against. It's a geographical location, not a mindset. And thank God, because if it were a mindset, it would be the stupidest one EVER.

Chase Langdon said...

haha that was good

williambanzai7 said...

Dear Bill,

I enjoy your show very much.

I think you might get a laugh looking at my blog. Try this for example:

Up North Girl
(Uptown Girl, Billy Joel)

Up North girl
Shes thinks she's livin in Joe Six Pack's world
But she spends it like a jet set girl
Until last month no one ever bought her Neiman Marcus pearls

Now their voting for an Up North girl
Shes been living in a trailer trash world
As long as anyone with hot blood can
And now shes running with a Neocon man
And she's wearin nothin but Louis Vuitton

And she knows just what
She wants from Saks and Bloomingdales
And when she wakes up
Shes already made up her mind

Shell see its not so tough
Just because she can't get enough
The RNC'c in love with an up North girl
You know they love her in her $150,000 uptown clothes
She'll never tire of her high class toys
And all her presents from all the GOP boys

Up North girl
You know we cant afford to buy her threads
But maybe someday when her ship goes out
Shell understand what kind of hypocrite she's been
And then we'll win

And when shes walking
Shes looking so politically refined
But when shes talking
Shes just one big political land mine

Up North girl
Shes an up North girl
You know those RNC slugs
they're in love
With an up North girl

Keep up the good work,


DawnVB said...

This note is to "Tiffany" (5th blog down):
If you can get your 16 yr. old son to NY I will get him hearing aids at cost(huge reduction).
I am an audiologist in Brooklyn. e-mail me at dawn62@optonline.net

Bill- I love you! You did look great on Hardball but your brain is what gets me going! Keep talking!

Unknown said...










Anonymous said...


You made an excellent point. Bill looks hot no matter what color shirt he wears. I think he would look hottest without any shirt on in my house.


Forget Tanya call me.:)

Hell I am an open minded girl, why don’t both of ye call me.


VinnyT said...

If you have any balls at all, discuss this with your liberal puke pompous ass associates.

Tanya said...

Yo Vinny! You go with your bad ass self showing off your hate...coochie, coochie, coo. It's interesting how this website aka bullshit you've shared with us, has pieces of shit, filled in with globs of moron throughout that have been taken out of context to satisfy and pacify the desperate, misguided people such as yourself, in fear of the possibility turning to reality that not only will our next President be democrat (oooohhh), but that he will be (gasp) black too! OMG!!!!!! Call for backup right away! KKK, William Ayers, John Lewis, Acorn, Al Qaeda, Rev. Wright, Sarah Palin, ANYONE...we are in a state of emergency!!!!! Vinny, I don't hate you, I pity you. I suggest you stick to "your own kind" since that's where you will be most comfortable. Your ignorance is not bliss here.

P.S. Katie, you're cute and hilarious...thanks for the laugh! :)

Binky said...


You have got to be kidding me, right!? That website was your big reveal! Seriously I suggest that you find something else to bitch and complain about because the Bill Ayers connection is weak. Obama wasn't even in the country when the weather underground was in action. And maybe you have never served on a charitable board before but I have, and the whole "they worked together" on a board thing….. Look here blow hard charity boards rarely require people to meet much less physically be in the same room together, technology it’s a concept. Do you google everyone you have a meeting with before you go?

I would also strongly suggest that you refrain from talking about Bill's balls when you finally wake up and grow set then maybe you got a chance. Plus I think that Tanya and Katie have those covered.

Nick said...

I was watching Recount on HBO today and couldn't help but notice the similarities between Katherine Harris and Sarah Palin. I went online and found some videos.
Katherine Harris:
"if you're not electing Christians, then in essence you are going to legislate sin."
Sarah Palin:
"Pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what is right. Also, for this country, that our leaders, our national leaders, are sending [U.S. soldiers] out on a task that is from God," she exhorted the congregants. "That's what we have to make sure that we're praying for, that there is a plan and that that plan is God's plan."

Also, both are avid outdoor women and have spent time at the shooting range while not blaming the liberal media.

Nick said...

here is an address for videos

Bill, please talk about this tomorrow.

what do you know said...

The term "9/11" represents a day of terror that will be remembered for a very long time by Americans.
I propose a new term for what is happening now and that is "10/08"... representing the NEW TERROR of October 2008... maybe lives have not been lost... but certainly livelihoods and savings have been. This terror of 10/08 has had much more far reaching impact, not just in America, but worldwide, in that our futures have been compromised. This is absolutely the start of the war of the "have nots" vs the "haves".
If you are looking for someone to blame for this fiasco... you canNOT blame the poor and the middleclass for this debacle. Blame the clueless, selfish, greedy rich. THEY are certainly not wondering how they are going to manage, not only for the rest of their lives, but this week!
Guaranteed, they are NOT asking themselves... can I pay my mortgage/rent? Can I pay my car payment/gas/insurance? Can I buy meat? How am I going to pay the credit card bill/s that I've been living on?
10/08.... the beginning of the REAL terror....

Risque said...

There is something that I'd like to suggest for you to explore:
Sen. McCain's campaign has changed themes how many times vs. a single theme for Obama? Doesn't this show that maybe McCain only has a plan after he comes up with one as things go on?
Also, how is it that Sen. McCain plans to balance the budget in one term? Funny, this is the guy that said, earlier in his campaign, he didn't really know much about the economy and now he can balance a budget? These are things that the American people need to question being that this means all of our future. Talking about being a maverick and all this boot strap so called "Straight Talk" rhetoric means nothing to me when I hear McCain talking about balancing something that he claimed he didn't understand not that long ago.

S. said...

Question :
is taxation progressive in the US ?
And either ways, is the tax plan Obama's proposing progressive ?


tanya said...


I think this is what Obama means when he says McCain's behavior is "erratic"

having no certain or definite course; wandering; not fixed:

And McCain's campaign is trying to say Obama's intention is to poke fun at McCain's age. Um, we know he's old AND now we know he's erratic too. haha....

P.S. I love Bill.

tanya said...

Ok, we gotta pay for all this debt somehow right? So, Obama's plan raises taxes on income exceeding $250K/year. So, if I make $249,999.99 my tax rate won't change. But one more penny my rate will go from 36% to 39%. Now, the higher rate only applies to my income that exceeds the $250K. So, if I make $251K, I'm only paying the higher rate on $1,000. Plus I would still get those great tax breaks, credits, etc. What's the problem? I don't make $250K per year. I WISH I MADE QUARTER OF A MILLION DOLLARS A YEAR!! I would love to be in the top 1, 2, 3, 4% of top income earners and I'd be privileged to contribute more filling to the American pie. I would rather show my patriotism by giving more money to my country vs giving my life. So, to all the Biden haters for his patriotism comment, "suck it"!!!

wilber said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

What’s with the sexism on this blog? A guy says one thing and the entire sexist man-haters jump all over him.

M said...

Hey Taxman, it sounds more like a fantasy of yours than sexism.


RiverBill said...

Damn, you are right on with your Country First commentary.
This may be a bit off topic but maybe you can help. I listen to you via podcast but recent podcasts of Real Time only partially download. Many others have been having this problem as well (see comments on the Apple Store) but neither HBO nor Apple seem to pay much attention to their users' comments. Anything you can do?

Unknown said...

I laugh at this Joe the Plumber tactic that McCain/Palin have taken on...Does Joe the Plumber, who I hear is not really a plumber, realize that McCain and repulicans vote against unions....repeat McCain votes against unions...I am a federal employee(US Customs & Border Protection) and if you look at the voting record of McCain and Repulicans they vote against federal employees benefits...I wish this was more of an issue, because the better pay, the better the employees...McCain keeps talking about how he is the 'Maverick on National Securtiy', yet he votes against the people that keep this homeland safe..OBAMA!i

Cat Brown said...

Enjoying the ride, Mr. Designated Driver?

You like to extol the virtues of the European avant garde. Are you buffing your banana for France’s first chick? It looks a little bony:
first naked first lady

From an intellectual perspective, one wonders how sex symbols feel about being constantly fantasized by the masses. Does Pamela Andersen feel all the orgasms dedicated to her? Would it feel so good she’d get up and do her own housework? Might all these waves of pleasure have a cumulative effect on sensitive starlets and snap their synapses in an endorphin overdose? They would be sacrificed for a good cause, not to mention furthering the study of telepathy, a science best served by clandestine sex. I wonder if we’ll get federal funding for this line of research in Obama land...

Unknown said...

As this race gets real down and dirty, at least on one side, we have the report of an attack on a young McCain staff who is 'Carved' by an anonymous black Obama fan.
She claims to have been attacked by an Obama fan, however the ‘B’ he apparently carved on her face is backwards, like she scratched it herself in a mirror, and although it was at an ATM the camera shows her getting her money and nothing else happening.
Her eye is blackened but has no swelling of either lid?
She refused medical attention at the scene, and is blaming the eponymous ‘Black man’ who apparently robbed her sucessfully and came back an used a knife to carve her face, though it was not carved, just very consistantly scratched.
Isn’t Obama’s symbol an ‘O’.
Is this poor misguided girl trying to set us all up.
Mc Cains own supporters think so and his campaign are refusing to comment.
I am not saying that she needs to be outed, poor child is obviously not well, I just think in the name of honesty and justice, we should know if she lied.
And then possibly RNC might pay for a nice holiday for her as she needs one more than Palins kids, she is obviously very stressed and confused. Another victim of dirty campaigning perhaps?


Amie Stuart said...

Our problem with America is not that we've become a nation or religious zealots. Our problem with America is that we've become a nation of bandwagoning zealots.

I agree, yet disagree. I think our problem is we practice religion but ignore our spirituality. (and I mean *we* in the general sense). I'm sorry, but being religious doesn't make someone a good person.

And also...apathy kills. Apathetic people get exactly what they deserve. Apathy is what got us in this 8 year mess in the first place. Hopefully we've learned to not vote the happy, nice, jovial, backslapping redneck, good-old-boy into office (and hey I'm from Texas!). I don't want the people who seek to hold the highest office(s) in the land acting like they're auditioning to be my drinking buddy.

Saying American Rocks and We're #1 because, yaknow, we're America, is like saying I rock cuz I got a trust fund. Newsflash...your trust fund just ran out.

Unknown said...

BTW, Bill, you are pretty hot, nice eyes, great smile, and fantastic attitude to life, politics and religion.
Personally I'm an atheist, but you can be my god if you like.
If I say any more I'll be censored!!!
Have a good show

Unknown said...










Tanya said...

....William Ayers? Is that you??!! hahaha....and the sky is falling too right?

Quit being so over dramatic and get a job.

Oops! Unemployment has fallen (not the sky). My bad.

s said...

This story speaks volumes about the character and generosity of Barack

Obama even 20 years ago. It would be uplifting to see this story in the

media rather than the Ayers rants.

Amazing: Obama Helped Stranded Stranger 20 Years Ago

by foxsucks81 Sun Oct 05, 2008 at 03:47:48 PM PDT

The Norwegian newspaper VG has reported a truly amazing story about a

newly-wed trying to get to Norway to be with her husband, and the

stranger who helped pay an unexpected luggage surcharge. The blog

'Leisha's Random Thoughts' has translated the story.

It was 1988, and Mary Andersen was at the Miami airport checking in for

a long flight to Norway to be with her husband when the airline

representative informed her that she wouldn't be able to check her

luggage without paying a 100 surcharge:

When it was finally Mary's turn, she got the message that would crush

her bubbling feeling of happiness.

-You'll have to pay a 103 dollar surcharge if you want to bring both

those suitcases to Norway , the man behind the counter said.

Mary had no money. Her new husband had travelled ahead of her to

Norway , and she had no one else to call.

-I was completely desperate and tried to think which of my things I

could manage without. But I had already made such a careful selection

of my most prized possessions, says Mary.

As tears streamed down her face, she heard a 'gentle and friendly

voice' behind her saying, 'That's okay, I'll pay for her.'

Mary turned around to see a tall man whom she had never seen before.

-He had a gentle and kind voice that was still firm and decisive. The

first thing I thought was, Who is this man?

Although this happened 20 years ago, Mary still remembers the authority

that radiated from the man.

-He was nicely dressed, fashionably dressed with brown leather shoes, a

cotton shirt open at the throat and khaki pants, says Mary.

She was thrilled to be able to bring both her suitcases to Norway and

assured the stranger that he would get his money back. The man wrote

his name and address on a piece of paper that he gave to Mary. She

thanked him repeatedly. When she finally walked off towards the

security checkpoint, he waved goodbye to her.

Who was the man?

Barack Obama.

Twenty years later, she is thrilled that the friendly stranger at the

airport may be the next President and has voted for him already and

donated 100 dollars to his campaign:

-He was my knight in shining armor, says Mary, smiling.

She paid the 103 dollars back to Obama the day after she arrived in

Norway . At that time he had just finished his job as a poorly paid

community worker* in Chicago , and had started his law studies at

prestigious Harvard university.

Mary even convinced her parents to vote for him:

In the spring of 2006 Mary's parents had heard that Obama was

considering a run for president, but that he had still not decided.

They chose to write a letter in which they told him that he would

receive their votes. At the same time, they thanked Obama for helping

their daughter 18 years earlier.

And Obama replied:

In a letter to Mary's parents dated May 4th,2006 and stamped 'United

States Senate, Washington DC ', Barack Obama writes**:

'I want to thank you for the lovely things you wrote about me and for

reminding me of what happened at Miami airport. I'm happy I could help

back then, and I'm delighted to hear that your daughter is happy in

Norway . Please send her my best wishes. Sincerely, Barack Obama, United

States senator'.

The parents sent the letter on to Mary.

Mary says that when her friends and associates talk about the election,

especially when race relations is the heated subject, she relates the

story of the kind man who helped a stranger in need out over twenty

years ago, before he had even thought about running for high office.

Truly a wonderful story, and something that needs to be passed along in

the maelstorm of fear-and-smear politics we are being subjected to

right now.

UPDATE: Thanks for the recommends, folks! Also, remember this was

1988, when 100 dollars was quite a bit of money, compared to today's


By the way, this would be the perfect antidote to the Smear E-mails

going around. If anyone has a good long email chain list, shoot it

out, and let it be passed along.

s said...

Democrats are 'Socialists'. But so what, atleast they are talking of keeping the wealth inside the country, even if the are.

Rebublicans have been behaving as 'World socialists' and 're-distributing' the american wealth all over the world, that wealth is now gone forever, even to US enemies.

Carol said...

Thanks Bill for providing a voice that we can get behind. I enjoy all of the good and bad on this blog.
I think our problems are with Americans and not America. There are so many negatives attached to this country right now that Americans have some control over. There are some things we can't control like the stock market. I so wish I had taken my money out and put it in a Money Market. But I can't do anything about that and bitching about it is such a bad use of my time.

I think there are some really intelligent and cool people on this blog so I thought I could put some stuff out there that we can control.

Ask everyone you know to make an educated vote. Ask them to also remember the lives that have been lost and continue to be lost in Irag.

If you are fortunate enough to have money to spend - please spend it on American products such as children's toys for the holidays. Dining out and grocery shopping - American wine, spirits, meat, fish, cheese, bottled water etc...

Recycle - other than the eco benefits - we sell PET to China and America could use the cash.

Looking forward to the show tonight. Have a great weekend everyone!

Anonymous said...

OMG, I am officially freaking out. The stock market is down 5%, McCain is a head in one poll I saw.

Let’s not forget this heart warming story on CNN which for me epitomizes for me what a Christian country we are NOT. Students in Chesterfield Mo, decided to have “hit a Jew day” granted they where punished, and it was addresses immediately.

Who is teaching their kids this crap?


Toad734 said...

If this is indeed Bills real site, there are a couple of things that should be discussed on Real Time tonight:

A. Palin, not Obama, is the socialist. Levying a windfall profits tax on oil companies and then redistributing their wealth to Alaskan Citizens who didn't work for the free $1200, is a Marxists wet dream. Repealing tax cuts for rich people at a time of record deficits to pay for the war, support the troops and invest in new forms of energy is not Marxism.

B. The crazy bitch that had all the right wing bloggers in an uproar who "Susan Smithed" a story about being mugged by a black Obama supporter who supposedly carved a backwards B into her face ended up being a liar and is now being charged with filing a false report. If Obama was terrible for having a supporter who would allegedly do this, why isn't McCain now horrible for having a volunteer try to make this the October surprise??

Chris Mac said...

Country First!! USA! USA! Sheesh. Like the rest of us who don't polarize every discussion into an us-vs.-them, good-vs-evil argument are somehow un-american.

Bill, you made a comparison of Bachman and Palin as Beavis and Butt-Head. Cracked me up. I've done a drawing of it here:

Thanks for all the comedy. Amazing how funny the truth can be.

Tanya said...

Hey Chris, great drawing of "Beavis and Butthead" When Bill made the comparison with Bachmann/Palin, I laughed out loud. And smiled with much admiration for my sweetie (Bill M.)

OMG. I just had a thought suitable for Halloween. What if there was a Palin/Bachmann ticket in 2012? What a dog and pony show that would be!

Chris Mac said...

Thank you, Tanya!

>>OMG. I just had a thought suitable for Halloween. What if there was a Palin/Bachmann ticket in 2012? What a dog and pony show that would be!<<

Holy Moley, you heard it here first... Palin/Bachman 2012... I'm weeping for joy already... for joy as a cartoonist anyway. The material they'd provide...

Binky said...


Your cartoons are awesome!! I just forwarded them around. The Palin/Bachman was perfectly done. You Rock!

Risque said...

McCain First...
Why is Senator McCain proclaiming so desperately that cutting taxes for 95% of Americans is bad? Well, maybe he's so frantic about it because he's concerned about his seven houses. Isn't it funny how someone that's rich can convince so many people that don't share his experience to empathize with him?

Senator McCain is so bold to stand before crowds that will benefit from the tax plan and tell them how it's bad. WHY? Because he needs them, to help him and those like him, to keep his financial future as unchallenged as it is right now.

Let's see how many poor people will continue to empathize with the rich!

wilber said...

My God, I will be soooooo glad when this damn election is over with!

Hate, Hate, Hate....who needs Terrorist...we have "each other"!

Anonymous said...

Checked out your link, these are brilliant, I have a headache from laugh so loud. Very cool.

You are such a martyr for sticking with this blog, despite the fact according to you there is so much hate going a round, why all this hate would be enough to make one forget to use spell-check.

I think everyone is loving Chris and his super cool cartoons. I know who I love sex God himself Bill Maher, who will be in less then 90 minutes.


Unknown said...

Dear Bill & Readers,

If the dollar does indeed collapse, anarchy will surely result, as the public will rightly be outraged and begin to revolt against the Government. Of course, crime, poverty, and hunger will be rampant as well.

This would obviously be the worst-case scenario, and would give the Government the right to override The Constitution and justify the immediate enforcement of Martial Law under Bush's new NSPD-51 policy – simply by declaring a National Emergency (and that could include an ECONOMIC emergency).

NOTE: F.E.M.A. has been building REX-84 detainment camps all over America, with the said purpose of temporarily housing people during a catastrophic event.

PLEASE see...
(NOTICE the date that this information was posted - well before the economic crisis that it predicted. And notice what else it predicts and discusses.)

We all need to WAKE UP and take action, to ensure that these things do not actually unfold.

I hope that you will do your part to inform the public, because information, awareness, and unity will be our best defense.

On behalf of ALL Americans, and our wise and wonderful Constitution, which is currently under siege, I beseech you to review this information. These very recent and relevant events threaten freedom and democracy itself, yet have gone largely unnoticed and unreported, due to the economic crisis and the election coverage.

Below are a few (short but mind-boggling) MUST sees:






Let us remember the words of Thomas Jefferson...

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them, will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."

And let us understand that the Federal Reserve is as Federal as Federal Express! It was decidedly NOT the desire of our forefathers to allow a private central bank to control the issuance U.S. Currency, and thus enslave both the Government and citizens with debt (via interest rates). In fact, the first colonies had their own monetary system which was later outlawed by the English monarchy. - An act that became one of the major motivating forces behind the American Revolution.


The Government alone should issue U.S. currency, and corporations should be allowed to fail (that is what true Capitalism dictates). The bailout really represents a merging of sorts between the Government and Wall street – with a goal of serving the golden-parachute people, not the American people. (It will only over-saturate the market with dollars, and eventually drive it into a devastating depression.)

I wasn’t a Ron Paul supporter, but he has been proven correct on several important points.





About the inevitable collapse of the dollar...

While we'd all much rather subscribe to the optimist view point, it would be foolish for people not to prepare for the worst, while hoping for the best.

To that end, I’ve read and researched opinions about the economic crisis extensively, from every point of view, and my conclusion is that our best bet is to invest in precious metals ASAP -- before they go back up. (At worst we'll break even if things become stable, but historically precious metals rise rapidly in BOTH inflation and deflation environments.)

With the influx of the bailout funds the dollar is artificially propped up right now, so commodities (precious metals, energy, agriculture) have actually fallen to record lows in the last two weeks. – BUT most experts agree that it’s basically a reversal phenomena (much like the first pull back of the ocean prior to a Tsunami), and precious metals in particular are about to grow EXPONENTIALLY.

So if the dollar loses up to 90% of it’s value, as some are actually predicting, then having access to a pool of growing money will be critical, since hyper-inflation will cause food prices to soar, while deflation will cause the dollar, stocks, and real-estate values to plummet, (with COMMODITIES BEING THE EXCEPTION because they are based on tangible and limited natural resources).

Please start speaking out to inform the people of this crucial and extremely timely matters!

I mean the timing of all this is extremely dubious! Bush pushes through a policy that gives The President unprecedented power to enact Martial Law, then he brings home troops from Iraq just for that purpose. ...The true conspiracy theorists suggest that he will either bomb Iraq before he leaves office, in a last ditch effort to move the economy forward, or he'll cancel the election and retain power under his highly secretive new policy!!! Absolutely chilling - and now one is talking about it!

While I'm not a conspiracy theorist, I am starting to wonder. Please check this out -

(There are many fascinating parts of this multi-section documentary worth watching, much is laughable, but some things are actually factual and very thought provoking.)

PLEASE speak out, you have the power to expose this nefarious plot!

A very concerned citizen
Jean B.

Anonymous said...

O my fucken God, I am going to stop reading this blog, this is frightening the crap out of me. Of course in case I have any sanity left, I will have to go and investigate all these links.

wilber said...




I don't even think that Bill can keep up!

blah said...

Bill propose Greece (really nice place) as the next escape country if the Republicans win. By the way your documentary was great but you didn't mention the Greek Orthodox in the U.S. totally different 'fanatic' from the Greek Orthodox in Greece.

wilber said...

Ok, If McCain wins, will all you lefty's "PROMISE" to leave?

God, get over it and "GO VOTE" then, SHUT-UP!!!!!!!

Bakin Rapscallion said...

The one-dimensional drones instinctively shouting USA...really only mean A, or SA, at best. If only the "Country First" crusaders could place a little more emphasis on the U...maybe then, they wouldn't have to spend so much money on bumper stickers.

wilber said...







If you want to follow Bill Maher into the afterlife, go ahead. It will be our pleasure!

And "please" make sense when you comment!

Chris Mac said...

Thank you, Katie, thank you, Bianca! And thanks for sending them around.
I've just now finished and posted the next one-- it features a crucified Joe The Plumber.

I'm drawing 3 or 4 a week now-a-days. Please come see them--

wilber said...

You people make me sick!

Quit attacking normal hard working people.


You wouldn't even do it, you would send one of your ass lickin' so-so wages flunkies to do it!


TexasMOM said...

Notice to All Employees

As of November 5, 2008, when President Obama is officially elected into office, our company will instill a few new policies which are in keeping with his new, inspiring issues of change and fairness:

1. All salespeople will be pooling their sales and bonuses into a common pool that w ill be divided equally between all of you. This will serve to give those of you who are underachieving a “fair shake.”

2. All low level workers will be pooling their wages, including overtime, into a common pool, dividing it equally amongst yourselves. This will help those who are “too busy for overtime” to reap the rewards from those who have more spare time and can work extra hours.

3. All top management will now be referred to as “the government.” We will not participate in this “pooling” experience because the law doesn't apply to us.

4. The “government” will give eloquent speeches to all employees every week, encouraging it's workers to continue to work hard “for the good of all.”

5. The employees will be thrille d with these new policies because it's “good to spread the wealth.” Those of you who have underachieved will finally get an opportunity; those of you who have worked hard and had success will feel more “patriotic.”

6. The last few people who were hired should clean out their desks. Don't feel bad, though, because President Obama will give you free healthcare, free handouts, free oil for heating your home, free foodstamps, and he'll let you stay in your home for as long as you want even if you can't pay your mortgage. If you appeal directly to our democratic congress, you might even get a free flatscreen TV and a coupon for free haircuts (shouldn't all Americans be entitled to nice looking hair?) !!!

Tanya said...

Awwwwwwwwwww, I see a little love connection happening between wilber and texasmom. One is delusional and the other is misinformed. Together they are clueless. A perfect match! Congratulations to you both.

You must be the CEO of the corporation your sales reps slave for, texasmom...I'm guessing. Cause no self-respecting, hard-working, logical thinking middle-class American citizen would have displayed such a gross misrepresentation, as you have texasmom, of what it really means to prosper and excel under democratic leadership. You just don't get it do you? MORE people will have MORE opportunity to do better, be better, feel better.

It's not about spreading the rich people's wealth around. It's about spreading the opportunity, spreading the American Dream to achieve a better way of life through access to education, medical benefits, home and homeland security, jobs/careers, community, prosperity, etc. While certain people are accusing Obama of spreading the wealth (I hope Jesus sets him straight), others could accuse McCain (and have) of spreading the hate. Hmm...which do I prefer...decisions, decisions.

Anonymous said...

Please people, being leftist or rightist is not an insult, even far left or far right is not a meaningful attack... These are just you being lame... A real argument is "he wants to reposess companies and we've seen how well that went in Russia" or "He wants rich people to get richer hopping it will eventually help everyone and we've seen how well that went in the U.S."

But in and out of itself "you are left-winged" or "left-handed" or "your cock leans left" is like saying "well, you're black/leftist/yellow/pot-smoker/nazi" it does not disqualify anyone, it just casts them aside for what they are, and once you did that, you did nothing... Their ideas go on spreading...

In Austria, no one had the right to mention under any circumstances the nazi regimes, because of the horrors they are associated with... But now, they have a prime minister that bragged about kicking the black, the jews and the homosexuals out of the country...

Anonymous said...

Isn't it about time that the 'Wilbers' and 'Vinnys' pull their head out of their asses and clean the shit out of their ears?
I still find it unbelieveable that
we as a nation still have so many people who are still thinking in such archaic ways! Communism?! Judging a man by the color of his skin?! C'mon, you dipshits,GET OVER IT!!!

Greg Avakian said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Bill, on your show last night you said it's hard to make fun of Obama! You should see spessa's new campaign stickers where she doesn't have any problem making fun of them both.

Her site is signhacker.com and all the variations of the stickers are there. Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Why has no one pointed out to grandpa that social security is a redistribution of the wealth? As he successfully voted in 1990 that federal legislator don't pay into it, but instead receive full pay for the rest of their lives, with the same cost of living adjustments that sitting legislators vote for themselves - and their spouses inherit this.

Thank Sr. for that, and for the S&L bail out; see the pattern? I am certain of conspiracy and that Obama will win in November: the republicans always clean out the till before a democrat takes office.

Jr. does have a problem with his dad: he thinks his father is God and that he is His only son. Hence Jr's jihad against the muslims. If Jr. really is the loser of the Bush family it is criminal that they didn't tell us 8 years ago. They are trying to save the Bush name from shame, just like the Bin Laden's have for the last 7 years ago.

If Grandpa really knows how to 'get' Osama, it is criminal that he hasn't done it, given that as an active member of the federal government he has this authority. its also lame - if he had he would have averted the current swindling orgy, be a national hero and win this election by a landslide.

I wish Jesus was real and could come back in Sorry's lifetime, like right now while she is on TV - then I can record her & her cronies getting lit up for their blasphemy; I especially want to see Jr. & Darth Cheney get their due.

Don't wake grandpa, he's having such nice dreams.

Palin in '12? Isn't that when the mental christians (church of the divine con) rescheduled the end of the world, when it didn't happen last time, or the many times prophesied before that? This is just like their fear campaign tactic. I see the enlightened are crossing to the left in droves.

What does it take to prosecute Jr. for his crimes against America and his crimes against humanity?

Anonymous said...

Are You Living In A Constitution Free Zone?



S. said...

I thought Lebanon was fucked up because we never agree on politics over there. Now that I've seen this, I rest in peace.
And I don't quite understand, what's up with the word "socialist" ?
Do republicans use it as an insult or what ? What's wrong with being a socialist ?
I'd think that sane middle class people, especially in times of crisis, would want government to make sure the basics of an economy still work, such a social security, healthcare, education, minimal wage and tax structure, while letting people lead their private lives the way they want.
If someone is really anti-intervention, they should be against Gov regulations, but also against intervention in private lives, such as being gay, needing to get an abvortion, and praying for whatever god you want to pray for, or not !
And when McCain/ Palin speak of more regulations, more oversight, lessening corruption, and so on and so forth, isn't that another way of describing exactly what socialism is ? That's intervention !
Anyways, loved the story about Obama and that woman going to Norway in 1988 or something like that. I checked it, and it is true.
It's really touching :')


Anonymous said...


$150,000 is more than what most American families earn in 2 years BEFORE *!#$ TAXES.

I'm single and thats about what I get to keep in 3 years.

Keep the party going in your jacuzzi, its dried up out here for a while!

Anonymous said...

Interior Suspicionless DHS Checkpoint

"Ignorance is Strength" - George Orwell

billisanaziwannabe said...

You look old. Won't you please die already? Your yesterdays bad news brother. Everybody gets bored with a car crash eventually. Loser!

billisanaziwannabe said...


You look old. Won't you please die already? Your yesterdays bad news brother. Everybody gets bored with a car crash eventually. Loser!

Binky said...

billisanaziwannabe -

I hate to be the one to break it to you but Bill is sexy as hell! And if he died I know I would not be the only one shedding a tear. Dude don't hate it's beneath you, you wanna bash on his views have at it, but he is HOT!

JulieL said...

Hi Bill,
I truly believe you hit the nail on the head with that comment. To me, one of the greatest attributes of America is the ability to debate and see all sides. If we, as a people, can not admit our errors, analyze and debate them, then how can we ever be as great as we think we are or want to be. I find that the myth of a lot of the Republican ticket is that we have always been right, always done the most we could. I do believe that we are getting closer than ever to figuring ourselves out, attributable to the fact that communications have advanced to the degree they have. We are now able to see things, and analyze for ourselves, rather than playing telephone. However, I passionately believe that an Obama presidency would unite this country in a way otherwise impossible. It has already begun to occur: Racism is softening and people are opening up their minds and hearts in viewing people who are different to them. My dad has always taught me that people fear what they do not know. With the communication ability so high now, and Obama hopefully in office, I believe that we can unite as a country in a most exciting and unifying way to date, hopefully with the ability to recognize, acknowledge, and learn from past errors.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I thought I heard it all. Bill Maher looks old! The guy is 52 years old; chicks are w writing on his blog that they want to do things to him that is illegal in some states. Bill is a very sexy man, he eats a primary vegan diet, and he has lots of sex, laughs a lot and loads of people love him. I don’t think he is going to die any time soon. However you my friend, as you well know, hating someone is like drinking poison and hoping the other person will die.


Tanya said...

Thank you Katie, I totally agree with you. I was going to make a comment in defense of our sweetie but didn't think billwannabe's ridiculous comment deserved my time. Plus, I think billwannabe is jealous of the real Bill.

Real Bill, you deserve my time. Call me! :)

JulieL said...

I would like to question the girls who are making these sexist blog comments...you lke Bill O'Reilly? Well, I would like to hear you defend Bill O'Reilly if you take religion out...defend the republican party stance without religion! And, perhaps, in the end of your ever so short sentence, you can explain bigotry, injustice, and failure to respect the ideals that this country stands for.

Tanya said...

Um, Julie....(cricket, cricket...)

Who's talking about Bill O'Reilly? Did you just wake up?

We're talking about Bill Maher. He is sexy for an "older" man and I will make no apologies for wanting to get naked with him. It seems that you don't understand what the meaning of a sexist is. I am not discriminating against or stereotyping Bill because of his gender. I'm celebrating him because of it! And again for the record, I am speaking about Bill MAHER!!

Anonymous said...

To support the sex kittens and to educate the boy in the closet who checked Bill Maher out and found him not to his taste, which says as much about him as about Bill's 'advertising' - read this article. Its about a study whether the healthy, successful men women are attracted to also have the best quality semen:

Do Intelligent Men Have Better Sperm?

Based on this study I'm going to say no Bill O'Reilly isn't going to pass muster with these obviously healthy girls; he's just not that smart or suave and he has no sense of humor. He looks like if he ever grinned in earnest his face would crack.

gomez said...

I have most always voted Republican. I used to Like McCain. Then he picked Palin. She is the most unscrupulous lying hate filled bitch I have ever seen.

So, I voted for Obama. I have listened to him over these many months. I truly believe he will try to do the best for our country.

If you look at the campaigns side by side. It seems to me that Obama wants try to help our country. McCain looks like he will do whatever he has to so he can be president. Lies be damned. It's like he thinks he is owed the Presidency.

Tanya said...



Anonymous said...


Did you hear Neville, called us sex kittens? Meow. My boyfriend thinks I am one anyway, (that’s my real one not my imaginary one Bill Maher). Wilbur been very quite the last few days, you know how he appointed himself the spell-check police. A really critical case of bad spelling must have broken out somewhere in the world and his expertise was required. O to be needed like that.

JulieL said...

sorry Tanya....I haven't been following all of the comments and I misunderstood what you wrote. I guess Fox news is getting to me. I watch it sometimes to see what the other side is saying...sorry.

wilber said...

No, I'm here lurking but, everytime I read one you girls "Sexy Bill" comments, I have to run to the toilet and puke!

Woof Woof

Tanya said...

Katie, you had me rolling in laughter with the wilber/spell-checker bit. Good stuff! Yes, we sex kittens do have to stick together and it looks like Neville knows what we like. (wink)

Hey Julie, I figured you misunderstood which Bill the sex kittens are hot for. No worries! :) And why are you watching Faux News?? That's like swallowing poison! Please be careful.

Wilbur aka Super Spell-Checker Man, able to leap long sentences in a single bound. Say hi to texasmom for me. Speaking of running to the toilet to puke...

Ah I have great affection for the wilbers and texasmoms of the world. It keeps things interesting. A little friction is good, right Katie? haha.

However, I would have to be deaf, dumb, and blind to vote for John McCan't and his "gimmick" Sarah Palin' around with hatred.

Anonymous said...


Friction, you betcha. You are a dirty little mink and I love it.
I too have great affection for the Wilburs and the texasmoms, (Do you think the Texasmoms could be Barbara and Laura Bush?). Barbara and Laura are you on this blog? Things are stressful for everyone and we all need a good vent and a good laugh.
If venting and laughing doesn’t relive stress, the “New Rules” section of Bill’s show; makes an excellent kinky sex game.

Everyone have a great Monday


WhitewolfKoz said...

Bill I am glad your there! Great work. (Always suck up to the hosts first, then tell him what's on your mind!)

Country First:NO!
Alaska First: YES

You need to get Robert Mackay on your show ASAP.

The Huffington Post
Robert Mackay wrote a great piece:


Why does the media not give as much attention to this topic? I mean for God's sake, her and her husband are still silent advocates of this group.

As an american and a true country first guy, and, as one that loves the "United" States. I sure as hell do not want this seccesionist believer in power.

There are 100+ websites dealing with this issue, ...but then you folks already know that. Now, just cover it.

Palin not only "pals around with"(and still does), she still adheres to this thinking.

Your the best news team on the air waves, so please find a way to address this issue, show her and her husbands connections to this group. He just dropped his 7 year membership recently. And we both know why. And that needs to be addressed also.

Secessionist in the White House...not good, and not United!
Not American!

For the record, my wife and I watch your show Religulously!
John R. Koslek III
Kalamazoo, MI

Anonymous said...


Looking at all these posts its not hard to pick out the disinformation posts from hostile party members. Dosvidanya, comrades!

Here is some psychoactive literature for your next uboat trip. Everyone else be warned, you have to have an open mind to read this or unless you are incredibly dense your illusions will be ripped from you faster than 840 billion buckadingdongs (otherwise this is just the thing for Monday morning office cerfing):


Kick ass, take names!

Anonymous said...

...and for those of you who should not have clicked that link, here is some literary thorazine:

Neverending war abroad provides neverending excuses to act retarded in the streets. No, YOU calm down.

CHUNK 6.6.6.

Anonymous said...

Wilber...here Wilber!Yeah you sound
like a real dog, the way you write!
Not the soft cuddily ones,but the kind that would try to hump a girl's leg when she wasn't looking and then piss all over himself when he's caught! Down boy!You've
been pissing on alot of [mostly] good people on this blog,and we may have to rub your nose in it...
on November 4th when Obama and Biden WIN the election!

Tommy Stevenson said...

I noticed in your discussion of race and voting Friday night you said you would be surprised in Barack Obama won in "Tuscaloosa, Alabama." Well, as the associate editor and political writer for The Tuscaloosa News here in the Druid City (that's a whole 'nother story), I can tell you he just might. Most of the black population is concentrated in the city -- we have two boxes that routinely go 1,000-5 for Democrats (black and white) and Republicans, respectively and Obama piled up huge numbers, albeit in the primaries, in Tuscaloosa on the way to winning the state on Super Tuesday. Want me to keep you apprised? Here's a blog I did on your show: http://politibits.tuscaloosanews.com/default.asp?item=2276936&pguid=A7C9F001-BA34-482A-AC9C-09D1F852080F

Anonymous said...

I hear the radio about pharma industry programs that the fed underwrites, charging Americans excessively for *medicine* to subsidize free drugs to the abjectly impoverished abroad. So without any say, Joe Trustfund, Joe Paycheck, der SSA and most insurance companies pick up the tab to ease the suffering of desperate, hurting people.

Thats as socialist as it gets. It is also a reasonable act of compassion, something real christians would ascribe to. I don't think McCain and the RNC would argue this piece of socialism - I think they sponsored it. Must be double dealing in it somewhere.

Socialist foreign policy is good, but abstinence is the domestic policy for poverty and illness? We are even paying welfare programs for nations, like the $5B blank check America has given Israel every year since before most of us were born. I don't think they need our charity any more. Remember the USS Liberty!

In the Obama New Deal, the uninsured in America will finally be able to get the treatment and anti-psychotic medications that they can't afford. This will do so much to improve the quality of life for everyone - safer streets, no gauche homeless cluttering the concrete and plying trade behind billboard signs, from sea to oily sea.

Of course, no more angels and UFO abduction stories either. No wonder the sacrilegious wrong protest.

...and no more loony blog posts.

I can see why the republicans are having a hard time selling their trillion dollar war for personal profit.

Bill you have great guests, enjoyed Ben Affleck - 'Why don't I want to come work for the NSA? Well, let me take a stab at that...'. I bet Weird Al has some interesting thoughts on Caligula, can you get him on?

M said...

Mavericks or The Lone Rangers Paradox:


Anonymous said...

Mister Maher,

bienvenue to France anytime.



Tom said...

Dear mr maher,

Always watch you show from the netherlands(download it ilegal but have no choise), loved what you said about us in this clip. Well im gonna get high now ;)

Greetz Tom

ps: socker rules, and its called football

wilber said...

I'm not saying a word!

Unknown said...

Bill, I am deeply concerned about my fellow Redneck Americans who are threatening to flee the country WHEN Obama win next week. Where are they going to go since they hate all foreigners and have done they best to keep them out of the US? I think you need to do exit strategies for them. You may recommend that they go to Americana, Brazil, the place where many Southerners fled to after losing the Civil War.

Tanya said...

I hear Russia is nice this time of year. :)

wilber said...

Right now the Democrats are working on a bill to TAKE YOUR 401(K). Headed by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, they want the Government to purchase everyones 401(K) for what it was worth in August.

Then when you retire, you would receive your Social Security with only 3% of what your Retirement account was.

You will not be seeing this in the mainstream media before the election.

WhitewolfKoz said...

On Senator Obama, Race and Country (Follow up to Earlier Posts)

I am a 56-year-old "white" male. I shook hands with Bobby Kennedy when I was a sophomore in High School, one year prior to his death.

I remember seeing Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr on TV also. Both of my parents were raised in small all white Michigan communities. Despite that “all white” small country town upbringing, they raised me with one mind, “There are two kinds of people in the world, good people and bad people. Color, religion and the country that people come from does not matter, that is why we are called the United States”. My mother added, “Goodness and badness have no preference!”

My father grew up on a farm in Dorr, Michigan, and had to quit school in the 8th grade to help on the farm. And yet in raising me, he told me that Martin Luther King, Jr was probable the finest representation of what America should be that I would see in my life time. So far, that statement holds true.

I am not trying to compare Senator Obama to Martin Luther King, Jr, but when I look at Senator Obama, I see a man that, because of his “mixed” lineage, represents the very best of white America, and the very best of black America. I see in him a symbol of racial hope. I see in him the understanding of the average American. I see in him the understanding that this country needs in 2008! I see in the very essence of what we stand for “United”.

I see in him being the hope of being one-step closer to my hero’s words: "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."*

UNITED is COUNTRY FIRST, Sarah and her Palin-tites want a country divided. I firmly believe that Sarah Palin wants Alaska to withdraw from the union and for the south to rise again! Her own words make this self-evident. Moreover, the reaction of her followers supports this. Only the ignorant will believe her…and they already do!

The Palintites and her ignorant followers (self evident from the 27 Oct Daily Show w/Jon Stewart) do not, or cannot read about, nor seek facts, they just repeat the BULL! that Palin shoves down their throats.

John R. Koslek III
Kalamazoo, MI

*Excerpt from:
The I Have a Dream Speech
Martin Luther King, Jr

Bill...Correction needed.

My posted comment contained the following "Your the best news team on the air waves" as I was sending a general comment to CNN and you. Ergo, that is a reference to them.

Yours should have read "...the best advocate for the average American". I bow to your straight up words and ask your forgiveness for my typo.

Just keep saying like it is!

John R. Koslek
Kalamazoo, MI

wilber said...

To be Commander and Chief is not based on the color of your skin, your age or your sex!

It's who is "MORE" qualified?

Tanya said...

Um, Wilber, I thought you weren't going to say a word? :)

The democrats are not working on a bill to TAKE AWAY your 401K for cryin' out loud. I don't have 401K anymore, so it really doesn't matter to me. $2 trillion in retirement savings has been lost over the last 15 months. I've put my money into safer investments and savings options. Especially since at this rate, there won't be any social security/retirement security when it's time for me to retire (decades from now).

Please be a little more thoughtful and accurate next time you want to "make a point" or "prove your case" Wilber. Has anyone else noticed lately that McCain has made a habit of using air quotation marks when he's speaking? Haha...he's certainly entertaining if nothing else.

Here's an article that speaks to both sides.

House Democrats Contemplate Abolishing 401(k) Tax Breaks


Why do I care so much Wilber? (wink)

Anonymous said...

Just walked in the door from work, jumped on laptop to check email and saw this headline "plot to kill Obama". I am sick to my stomach.

Wilber where did you get that info regarding 401k?

Anonymous said...


I know this is a weird question do you work in HR ?

Tanya said...


I think Wilber is plagiarizing from other blogs' posters during his quest to save the bad spellers in cyberworld.

Whitewolf, your mom is one smart lady. Goodness and badness, it should really be that simple, right? We wish. Anyway, thanks for a thoughtful post.

I have to get up early tomorrow so I'm going to hit the hay. Good-night to all who are still up and reading/typing.

Tanya said...

Work in HR? Why would you think that Katie?

My background is in sales. Currently, I own my own investment company (House to Home Investments, LLC) and taking courses to earn my real estate license.

Tanya said...

Finally!! We agree on something Wilber.

Blogger wilber said...

To be Commander and Chief is not based on the color of your skin, your age or your sex!

It's who is "MORE" qualified?

October 27, 2008 9:16 PM

wilber said...

Under Ms. Ghilarducci's plan, all workers would receive a $600 annual inflation-adjusted subsidy from the U.S. government but would be required to invest 5% of their pay into a guaranteed retirement account administered by the Social Security Administration. The money in turn would be invested in special government bonds that would pay 3% a year, adjusted for inflation.


Tanya said...

A plan by Teresa Ghilarducci, professor of economic-policy analysis at the New School for Social Research in New York, contains elements that are being CONSIDERED. She testified last week before Miller’s Education and Labor Committee on her proposal.

Wilber posted "the Democrats are working on a bill to TAKE YOUR 401(K). Headed by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, they want the Government to purchase everyones 401(K) for what it was worth in August." You also posted, "Then when you retire, you would receive your Social Security with only 3% of what your Retirement account was".

Care to retract your madness and mayhem, Wilber?

Here's the article again, I think part of the url was missing when I originally posted this. Read it again and s-l-o-w-l-y please.


Ok, now I'm going to bed for real.


Tanya said...

Dang it.

add /25/83/58.php to the url ending. It keeps getting cut off. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

You little rock start, I knew I liked you. I own my own business as well. I have worked with a lot of HR professionals through the years and they are always referring g to workforce.com that’s why I thought you might be in that discipline. I too have to call it a night , because I am too disgusted about the whole Obama incident and on top of that I am trying to decipher 401k information about from a blog. !!!

wilber said...

Doesn't matter which Democrat or Advisor, NOBODY should take the 401(K) benefits or anything else from the people to fund their projects.

Case closed on my part. Now it's a wait and see.

Anonymous said...

In 1991 it was proposed that the 1st amendment be rewritten, extended to include the internet and new forms of media. The legal wheels said that if the constitution is opened for an amendment, then all amendments must be debated. Allegedly for this reason the 1st amendment was not increased: too much at risk.

If the constitution is opened for an amendment to dictate the terms of marriage, somebody is going to pay.

The matter that the ivy league profs addressed was significant; what you do with your junk is your business.

Even Isaac Newton said 'Go, friction!'

To pray is not to prey; billber.

Anonymous said...

Wilber! You were doing so well when you shared your 'heads up' on the 401K thingy. Very interesting tangent, especially after your earlier poisonous, pusilanimous posts. I even liked Rush in the 90s.

We are not elitist pukes, you get a second chance: we aren't going to torch you or alienate you for being different. Try again, be nice.

Anonymous said...

Here is the 1st propaganda about the 401K seizure BS from UPI, 9/30:
UPI rumor

Here is what Rush said, supposedly 10/08/2008; after all, repaving reality is his business.

Anonymous said...

Uh 'Wilber',

Ms. Ghilarducci's plan returns $600 to every "worker" annually from the pimp.

Sounds good, I pay income tax on all my lawful proceeds: I work for a living (and you can't do what I do). Please, go on.

...annual inflation-adjusted subsidy from the U.S. government ... required to invest 5% of their pay into a *guaranteed* (by whom?) retirement account administered by the SS, to be converted into cocaine smuggled in through the Ollie North connection and heroin through the seven time convicted felon admiral Poindexter.

All convictions overturned by George H.

Go home, pissant. I have family in the agency and friends everywhere. You don't have any friends.

Anonymous said...

I am a big fan, and I never miss your show. I got inspired last weekend, and my husband and I made up this bumper sticker in your honor....I hope you like it!!


McPain-Failin "Forget Country- Me First!

Helen in Atlanta

sisu said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

(Sung to the tune of “Bob the Builder”)

Joe the Plumber! Can he save them…
Joe the Plumber! No he can’t!

His name is Samuel but they call him Joe
He asked Obama where his taxes go
Joe had a dream to start his own shop
He worried Obama would cause it to flop

Joe the Plumber! Can he save them…
Joe the Plumber! No he can’t!

Sarah and John were down the polls
Everyone was tired of their robocalls
McCain had a plan, to bring up Joe’s fate,
And hope that Obama would lose the debate

Joe the Plumber! Can he save them…
Joe the Plumber! No he can’t!

John mentioned plumbing every chance he had
Barack didn’t ruffle, he didn’t get mad
He said to have hope, don’t give in to fear
And where’s all these plumbers makin’ quarter mil a year?

Joe the Plumber! Can he save them…
Joe the Plumber! No he can’t!

Turns out that Samuel has a lien on his house
He can’t pay his taxes or buy out his boss
McCain’s still regretting that he was so dumb
His friend Joe the Plumber has no license to plumb.

Joe the Plumber! Can he save them…
Joe the Plumber! No he can’t!

sisu said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sisu said...

Enough already! This has got to stop! There is nothing productive in running a campaign in this way!


Anonymous said...

In defense of individual liberty, free markets and free trade, and limited government. Truth, justice, the American way, and supply-side economics. Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place. Frédéric Bastiat

To S. from Lebanon - to the rest, sorry for the long post.

I think they are talking communist when they say socialist. Communists nationalize shit, socialist 'regulate' it.

Like what gramps is saying.

I think that the way things are, the democrats are one end of the beast and the republicans the other; they play against each other but its a scramble to control the middle - us.

I liked Rush Limbaugh 93-96 when Newt Gingrich was putting together his 'contract with America' package. This was a republican deal with a sitting dem president so the haggling was public. I don't remember what Gingrich did but there was a scandal and he was kicked to the floor; must have threatened the hidden empire.

This comes up because there is allegations that the dems are going to nationalize 401Ks if OBlack 1 gets elected. Its a spin job from the right, but Rush posted a really good analysis of it. Apparently this became a football when Jr suggested privatizing part of SS in 2005, so both sides are fighting to control the wad of investment capital that is the summa all 401Ks and KEOGs.

Blatant, irresponsible greed. They just want at the monay. Both sides; fuck them all.

Don't think me a socialist because I hate the D less than the R; I hate them both and none of them are fit to lead, but I especially hate the influence of the church on the G, and they have set up shop in the R; so much so that now, Newt Gingrich looks like a conservative liberal.

My position is primarilly to abort the C takeover of the G. If you think D socialism is bad, you have not considered a state run by the C: all moneys flow to the C leaders, who are not elected and noone in the congregation gets a vote.

The other thing is social responsibility.

If you have 100 million, lucky you. If you earned it yourself, wow! You are my role model. But if you have 15 billion dollars, you are a major factor in the world economy. At some point its not wealth anymore, you are steering spaceship Earth into the future and your effect on the human race exceeds that of being an individual.

ATM the global political landscape is populated by nations and multinational corporations (MNC). These are artificial collectives, for the purpose of bargaining trade and maintaining a way of life; in otherwords, stabilizing the status quo for purposes of trade. The MNCs work through negotiation (bribe) and trade, the nations work through negotiation and (police) force.

There are quite a few MNCs with more GNP than 1/2 the nations; they are major players on the world stage.

There are quite a few individuals who have amassed more personal wealth than many nations; they emerge onto the world stage as players.

I started to realize this in 1998. Bill Gates had been brought before congress to testify about the unfair trade practices of Microsoft; it was beautiful. They tried to put a yoke on him and using only words, he held them at bay - all the legislators who where there to screw him. At the end, a legislator said (I paraphrase, I don't recall exactly) "You (Gates) seem to know more about the workings of our offices than we do." to which Gates replied, "It is my business to know. I spend more than you do to know what you are doing, in order to improve it."

They asked him if he had ever considered public office. He smiled and said that he didn't think it would suit him.

I would vote for him without any questions about what, why or how. He is the most qualified leader I know, and he represents me. He thinks like me - only better - and came from a similar culture.

He beat them like rented mules but the months preparing for the inquisition took a personal toll on him; thats when everything changed. In the speeches and his papers he gave later he said that this event caused him to examine and rethink the role of Microsoft in the world. At that time I had worked for an MNC for a decade, so I knew what this meant; it was at this point Bill Gates realized that he and his company were a steering entity in the global village.

I had seen this coming. When in 1996 Microsoft started making more money just in interest than it could spend; 15.5 million a day. This was some kind of economics critical mass threshold. I think IBM hit it first; there are many now.

The only players are nations and the Church of Rome - the pope.

Rome never ended, the black iron cage of ignorance is still upon all mankind. They must be stopped at all cost.

In the 60s canook Marshall McLuhan coined the phrase 'global village'; wiki him, he was a comm prof whose work in sociological impact of media has been instrumental and landmark to the way messages are shaped - and censored.

This was the time when Bill started to look at what he could do that would have the most really, really long term impact on the human race as a whole. Since then he created the Gates Foundation & the X plane race for space. The Gates Foundation has done a lot of great things for the totally screwed, aka the 3rd world.

Gates seems to constantly travel & speak abroad, in key economically developing places like Chennai, where they say the MS campus is as big as Redmond. At a speech a few years ago he said that he had realized that capitalism worked best in the wealthy nations, where there was value to be traded, but that in the 'developing' nations - the totally fucked shitholes where there is no artificial light, and the only medicine is voodoo - laugh, but thats 1/3 the world - capitalism fails and the best we can do is charity, to coalesce communities - through what you would call communism, then sponsor the expansion of the successful communities - what you would call socialism.

If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Politicians use the tools they know, so they should not run businesses - businessmen use different tools. At this time most of the lawyers and bankers should be sent to concentration camps to be deprogrammed, because they have nothing of value to trade. Sending them to the 3rd world would be cruel not only to them, but to the people that they would screw up, the petty dicks that they are. They are infectious.

I don't know if you ever read Aristotle or Plato; I have. Ayn Rand is a philospher, it is left to the community leaders to promote - or suppress - her philosophy. We are lucky to live in a society where we have a choice of philosophies; this is usually the 1st thing the dictator represses. As Ayn said about the church - which is why they despise her - beat a man with a whip and he will do what you tell him, while under the whip, but internalize the whip in his mind - guilt, shame, fear, ostracism - and he will blindly obey, all the time.

I also read Machiavelli; 'The Prince' is short and suitable for the Inquisition of his day. My friends argue that this doesn't describe his whole doctrine, but I think so.

Jr follows Machiavelli, as did Hitler, Stalin, Castro, Mao.

I know a lot about the man by the company he keeps, living and dead.

Ayn warns most against the theocracy.

Your turn.

S. said...

Hello George,
I just saw your reply and don't want to answer back before I reread it slowly, you seem to be saying lots of interesting stuff.
Just quick remarks :
Concernin Gates and his remark on thirld world countries, I'm not sure I agree. Socialism fails when Goverment is corrupt, because all the public service you are taxed for, you don't get. The only solid example I have is Lebanon, but I think it represents the rest of the 1/3 world well.
So when socialism fails, you have only one other option : capitalism (roughly defined): people rely on themselves, and the solution to massive social problems goes through - it's the case in lebanon - NGO's (although very poorly organized there).
Basically, not to go into the details, the situation is completely sick in Lebanon. Because where we see that socialism can only fail, we turn to capitalism and private initiative. Only to see that large banks and corporations are either controlled by the Hariri family, either by Hezbollah, and so on and so forth. I have seen one case myself. A franco-lebanese guy who's lived almost all of his 30 years in France decided he wanted to live in Lebanon, and launch his own event and music organization. He goes to Leb a couple of years ago, starts contacting people for funding his first jazz festival in Beirut, Hariri hears of it, finds it interesting, steals the project. That's a simple as it goes.
Another example that also happened a couple of years ago.
Many companies in Leb import alcohol(and produce them also of course). One company, who I believe was either close to Hariri either to Hezbollah wanted to screw their competitor - who happened to import the Baron de Rothschild very distinguised brand - so what they do, is have the baron de rothschild brand banned in Lebanon, on the excuse that it's jewish (completely fucked up excuse, given that no one gives a shit and that it's the best wine ever)

Anyyyways, point is: in third world countries, and in Lebanon for sure, we're screwed either ways. The one thing that made me like Obama and realize the guy can actually make a difference, is something he said about Pakistan and Afghanistan (and it's his own very consistent branded bottom-up approach): he said you don't give money to dictators, you make them accountable, to make sure the money is going to the right projects, that the system is being built from the ground, which shows people that you want to help them and invest in social security, health, etc. etc. (which leads to lose interest in terrorism and religion, basically)
And that's the smart way to go. One reason normal people hate W. and Cheney in Leb, it's because they completely supported the Hariri family, while their clan actually financed sunni extremists, stole, and god knows what else.
That's the only thing that can help third world countries. Since richer countries are helping them, have them help the smart way. And that, btw, is the only sustainable move to undermine Hezbollah's growing influence all over the country. I believe Obama gets it, definitely not mccain.
Now about Plato and Aristote and Machiaveli, I actually started the republic and the prince not long ago, but got busy with other stuff (changing jobs). The thing is I hate reading stuff lightly, and really want to get into them, and right now not really the right amount of time and concentration (wasting it all on the US elections :))
And last : (I had some trouble with the initials), I think you said something about Jr (Obama ?) being like Hitler ? How's that so ?

Thanks a lot for you reply, we'll hopefully continue this conversation later and SO SORRY for the long post :S


wilber said...

Bubba said...

Go home, pissant. I have family in the agency and friends everywhere. You don't have any friends.

Should I be scared? :0

S. said...

Shit, that was long... Especially that I didn't re-read your post for further comments...



S. said...

... Aaaand I just realized that I discussed almost completely different things haha !
Should I repeat that I'm SORRY ?


Would you elaborate on Machiaveli (since I still have to read it properly) and it seems to be the common ground to Jr (?) and the ones you named ? (The comparison with Hitler and Castro freaks me out)

Anonymous said...


You processed my message as intended, 5 by 5. You just rendered back to me exactly the tree of the economic systems that thwart your nation's sovereignty; and yeah, free enterprise requires free markets; that's capitalism.

If you want to kick Jr and his handler off the map be my guest. They are fronting for the C; the C never takes a stand, it manipulates.

I tagged communism and socialism as evolutionary stages toward democracy, and as tools to correct foul ups like Jr and the Evil Empire, to make freedom and democracy possible.

Want to see how deep the rabbithole goes? Follow me back to 1959, when all that is happening was foretold - on national tv, you maroons!

Mike Wallace Interview with Ayn Rand, 1959 part 1

Mike Wallace Interview with Ayn Rand, 1959 part 2

Mike Wallace Interview with Ayn Rand, 1959 part 3

I don't have all the answers, you can fill in the gaps in my post yourself. We are all together looking at the same crisis, with the same needs. Don't look to any one leader to fix it, they'll screw us; instead get a quorum of opinion.


If you figure things out, there is a fortune to be had and a world to build. Share and be rewarded.

Not this selective dogpile fighting to seize our ideas.

Anonymous said...


Go shave your balls; chicks like that.

But first work on your personality. As BillCosby said (in slow motion) I wouldn't dance with you".

I can't see, so I only know who you are by what you say and how you say it. Your message is angst and your tone defensive; I pity you, but stay out of my way.

S. said...

Hey again !
I think it finally got through my thick head !
Jr is W.
I thought you were talking about Obama, Jr vs Sr (Mccain) !!
So we're on the same level, if by Jr you indeed mean Bush. He does scare me, in a way Hitler or Castro would have, definitely.

And they will screw us all, yes. But there's some residu of optimism left in me (put it all in this election !), because maybe every 300 years,
some genuine leader does make it to the top, who knows ?
Obama is not necessarily worried about Lebanon (he has better things to do ! Don't we all :))
But him being smart and able to process info and take proper decisions is very reassuring, especially compared to Bush.
I tend to believe that if islamism fails in Afghanistan, Irak, etc, it will eventually calm down in other countries as well.
Someone who calls himself Antimaher said to me on another post that I was probably a terrorist because I liked Obama. Point is I want the US to look good, because it gives less arguments (some might even say 'logical' ones under bush) for islamist leaders to recruit militants or for general anti-american feeling, which comes out in a pretty ugly way in the ME.
Your saying that they'll all screw us, made me think of the one single thing that made me uncomfortable with Obama since the beginning of all this.
I think it was last week in Colorado (not sure though), he spoke about changing the US, changing people's attitudes, etc.
It made me uncomfortable cause I almost felt like it was Bush talking. You don't change people or societies, you just give them the basis which is education, and you wait on it.
That's why I think that leaders are not made to last. If Obama wins this election, and maybe the next one, that would be the perfect opportunity to throw the basics out there and start the tide on another direction, but it's foolish to believe that it's in your means to deeply change a society (it's different from saying just changing from Bush's foreign and economic policies)
And eventually, after that, it will be someone else's turn. Probably the republicans. It's all in cycles after all (except for my region, lol)

I'll check your links tomorrow, time to go to bed !!
Indeed, free entreprise requires free markets :):)
Who's "Jr"'s handler ? (Don't forget that I'm only an outsider :))


ZenGrouch said...

A previous poster mentioned Pizza Man...
...any chance I can get my money back on that?
No, just kidding, I only rented it, and realize we all do some stupid shit when we're young.

But in all seriousness, if Obama and a Democrat Congress aren't able to get this once great country back on track and soon, we might as well hang it up, let the corporations take over, and learn Chinese.

How fucked up is it that we're at the bottom of the list when it comes to giving our citizens health care and an education?

It seems like a million years ago, that we were THE country able to say, "Let's go to the Moon in 10 years" AND ACTUALLY DO IT!


Then you got the Republican'ts yelling about how we'd be the best country in the world, if only we could outlaw abortion again!

These crazies are walking the streets, wanting to home school innocent children, and they believe with all their hearts that THE FUCKING EARTH IS 6,000 YEARS OLD?!

OK, if it's gonna be 1984 at least legalize some mother fucking heroin so I can tolerate this shit that isn't getting any better.

Life in the US is a god damned anaconda wrapped around you. If you slip up, stop paying attention for a second and breathe out, you just lost something you're never getting back.

...ohh, that felt good!

Anonymous said...

Gramps & cramps & socialists, oh my; and cramps is about to hit menopause. Do you really want to do this together?

The metaphor of the red pill & the blue pill is appropriate: choose the red pill and suck off the corpse; choose the blue pill, and you'll live in tomorrow, which no one can describe.

Not even the only real Joe: Joe Biden. Tell me Joe, how does a career politician make 34 million dollars on a $60-90K salary?

Anonymous said...

Grouch! I know your zen!

In a sentence, Machiavelli synopsizes 'Plato's Republic' in his novelette, 'The Prince', but he left out morality and everything breaks down. In 'The Republic' everyone advances by merit; in 'The Prince' the gloves are off and crime is ok.

It is worth noting that Plato created a fictional man, 'Socrates' in order to tell his beliefs. Plato lived in a police state.

"S." is your Socrates; George is one of mine.

Galileo di Galilee did the same thing, for the same reason.

I'm going to do the same thing, for the same reasons, but not here and not now.

I'm saving myself for a better world, and if it doesn't come, this one is fucked anyway.

Anonymous said...


I heard that George W Bush hates being called Jr. so I always refer to him as Jr.

What goes around, comes around... right Bill?

Anonymous said...


You have a clear view of the issues; you are true. You must be street smart and have a clear conscience to know what you write.

Jr's handler is Dick Cheney and the PIGs - Political Interest Groups = corporate lobbyists. I figure he spends his day trading our lives for his 'greater good'.

M said...

Radical douches can say "Harry Reid" and "Nancy Pelosi" till they're blue in the face but it'll never hold the anvil power of "Bush."


ZenGrouch said...

George and S.

I have a feeling you'll appreciate my site at:

S. said...

Freakin insomnia.. And I have a job interview tomorrow and trust me, it will NOT be about the US elections... I'm screwed..

Zengrouch, I already know I appreciate this : "at least legalize some mother fucking heroin so I can tolerate this shit that isn't getting any better"
or as Bon Jovi would put it from my teenage years: Gimme something for the pain haha !

George, thanks for your last comment, it's kinda cool compared to the ones I got from Antimaher :):):)
And thanks for the links !!
I found myself a new hero, it seems, I love her !
Quickly checked her biography on Wikipedia, and guess what ? She was influenced by many philosophers, including a certain "John Locke"
Now, the only John Locke I've so far heard of is in Lost!! looool
so my conclusion for tonight:
1. I've GOT to get back to reading
2. I've GOT to stop watching american series
(I've already stopped listening to Bon Jovi, don't worry :D )

For now, gotta finish watching Ayn Rand and dream of well-spoken things to sell to my job interviewer tomorrow !


S. said...

She's against taxes, though... :S


S. said...

George :
I have to watch it again carefully, but although what she says is very precise and very logical, her problem is the problem of all ideologies and philosophies.
In texts, they are attractive and very challenging intellectually.
In reality, when applied (like communism), they lead to tragedies...
I'm going to research her more, though. She's really interesting. I like people who talk like that, it's just the machine, no emotions, very logical.

Do you agree with her views ?


S. said...

This is just excellent !


Anonymous said...

Outstanding site, I laughed so hard over the photo gallery that I couldn't breath: 5 stars. Everyone should look at this, it takes the edge off.

"I ain't lettin go til you say you love Jesus, fucker."

Yep, that sums up the Bush plan.

The link to tevee hell/gwb is dead though.

Whoa! I had not seen this vid; spot on.

Yes, I admire Ayn Rand and yes, I do believe she is right.

If you can find it, there is a published collection of her speeches and papers. During the 60s she was a catalyst for women's rights. As you can imagine, she brings an intellectual club to any political topic.

The Ayn Rand Institute was set up by her intellectual heir, Leonard Peikoff (sp?).

But as you said, the philosophical ideal is never the same in application: "Where the rubber meets the road".

Above taxesmom illustrates the kind of misinformation a hater can twist out of Ayn's philosphy. You are wrong, mom; you left out the social contract. Please, stay in Taxes.

As you say Ayn is against any taxes. Too cool. She also points out that this country was founded on this principle - they did it this way, until the evil Theodore Roosevelt created both the standing army and the IRS to fund it.

What we have to do is figure out how to get back to that.

Anonymous said...

The thing that makes Dick Cheney insidious is that he was part of Nixon's cabinet.

What he brings is the treachery of Watergate; Jr stole the election 2 times. Everyone I know thinks Al Gore is a pussy because he didn't fight hard enough; he didn't. The issue at stake is the Electoral College.

In America we have the vote, but we also have this evil thing called the Electoral College (EC).

The EC was formed out of necessity as part of the Constitution. Of the original colonies of the USA, Virginia was the largest and allowed slavery. In order to form a less than perfect union - any union - it was agreed that slaveholders votes would be 1/60 greater per slave than the votes of free men.

For every 60 slaves, your vote was counted doubly.

Someone please tell me what freedom is; its not this. Thats as fucked up as you can lose a negotiation, and not leave the table on a stretcher with the sheet over your head.

But we created a new nation and George Washington didn't make himself dictator, so here we are.

In the USA we have the popular vote and the Electoral College vote.

The popular vote is what you think of when you think of voting: we cast ballots, one vote per adult and the majority wins.

The concept is thus: the EC vote is weighted to account for slave owners.

No states besides the original colonies should be held to this evil, but all are. A noble man is now suing to fix this, but it takes time; the screws like things the way they are. His name is Gary Michael Coutin. he isn't rich; sponsors would be a great help. He taught me this stuff.

In 2000 Jr 'won' the EC but Al won the popular vote; the supreme court decided that Jr won. Since there are no slaves, Al really won.

Supreme court justices: nice job. I am glad you don't live near me, I'd like to skin and salt the ones who voted for douche. Who sold out? Remember that social contract? You, most of all.

In '04 Kerry lost by less than 6% to Jr. As Jr was not the constitutionally lawful president and as every incumbent president has received about 15% of the vote just due to their incumbency, Jr. didn't even carry the difference in this bullshit 'election'.

Jr. is not the president, he is a criminal, but since he has the guns, all we have is numbers.

And time.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed Paul Krugman on your show and I noticed that he was picked up afterward by many shows including CNN.

Congratulations to Paul Krugman on your Nobel prize! Righteous!

Maybe Obama will have a seat for you on his cabinet.

Best wishes

S. said...

Hey George,
I'm definitely gonna check this EC thing, it's disgusting. But explain to me on what basis did W. win the EC against Al Gore ? How is that counted ? Is it taken into consideration in the polls ? Could it happen this time also ?
I don't get how it can still work, based on slavery. Not only from the human point of view, but also the practical one.

Btw, Obama on the Daily Show on thursday (friday for me)


Anonymous said...

Its pretty simple, Jr got more EC votes than Al.

Remember, the EC is an anonymous group of people who are not elected.

A presidential candidate has to win more than 270 EC votes to own the EC. Like I said, a few... anonymous... chowderheads... each state has a designated number of EC votes. OBlack 1 Kenyanobi has had 270+ for at least 6 months & it now looks like he will also win the popoular vote by a landslide.

Make sure that all you who have a vote cast it; its not in the bag yet.

I enjoy calling him black, it upsets the reds & makes the oldster's pacemakers kick in. They created this mess, its my duty to help them along to the next world;

its the christian thing to do.

But I don't spend 1-2 days a week at the hospital like Rick Warren does, selling last rites in exchange for big fat wills. I guess that means I'm not a good christian. I read the book, saw the movie, missed the part where Jesus said he needs money.

The spotlight of publicity is the best disinfectant.

Nevertheless, naming RW will probably bring the CCR down on this blog. When I criticized him on Craig's List they posted a round of disinfo in about 5 minutes. ;)

I 1st found out about the CCR in Arizona. It seems that this 'christian coalition' assists law enforcement by doing for them things they can legally do.

In other words, by violating our civil rights. Fuck you, John McCain. he got greedy, or is he just the hand puppet of his mench wife the home wrecker? How did John M explain to his wife his campaign statement that he regretted leaving his 1st wife? ROFL

Should have vetted his campaign managers better...

After the Patriot Act, Patriot Act II and TIA, the evil empire now 'legally' spying on us. This isn't as Orwellian as it is Stalinist. It is unconstitutional but Jr used the war powers act to justify this. I was underground before, now I'm digging to China.


TIA is the motherfucker of all evil.

Anonymous said...

spell check: the CCR does for law enforcement things that they cannot do, legally.

Like tap my phone and follow me around, including across state lines.

S. said...

You mean the delegates ?

I'll keep on reading later on

Buz said...

Psst! Here's a secret!

Obama is NOT a REAL African-American!

OK, I accept the fact that his dad is from Africa and his Mom is from Kansas, but in order to truly be an American Negro he needs to have ancestors that were slaves in the American South. He is lacking in indignation over ancestors that were owned by cotton farmers. He may as well be Irish.

Jugganaut said...

New Rule: "The Emperor Has Clothes"

New Rule: You can't go around claiming you're a "hockey mom" when you're wearing $3k Valentino jackets and $500 Cole Haan boots, unless you're willing to show up wearing it at the local minor league hockey game and get two front teeth knocked out and $1 draft poured over your head while drunkenly brawling with other hockey moms.

New Rule: You can't claim the other side is "socialist" when you're sporting $150k worth of clothing and flying your extended Baby Mama clan crosscountry, all paid for by Joe the Misguided Plumber, who forewent 3 Six-Packs on your promise that you WOULDN'T waste his money.

Anonymous said...

At one point during the rehearsal, Powell tossed several pages in the air. "I'm not reading this," he declared. "This is bullshit."

Thats my brother...

I couldn't help but to speculate on how well General Powell's rehearsals actually went...

"Amos, I mean Anus... We need you to do a song and dance for us at the UN... Everyone over there likes you son."

"My name is Colon... General COLON Powell!"

"Anus, Colon... Same thing..."

"Have you turned on that god damned pacemaker today so you can get some blood to what's left of your fucking brain? LOOK, I'm even wearing a name tag so you and that other dim wit can call me by my given name..."

"You disrespecting me BOY!"

"Look, you cracker motherfucker, I told you, next time you call me Nigger, Jiggabo, Spear Chucker, Jungle Bunny or Sambo that I'd rip that pacemaker out of your chest!

ADD "BOY" to that list now, you bald headed half dead lizard fucking bitch!"

Cat Brown said...

I gulped down a raw organic egg from a Caribbean free range chicken. Here's what happened next:

Coming Soon -- Dream Time

Anonymous said...

Hey Buz:

My ancestors came here from Ireland in 1860 on a converted slave trader vessel.

My great great grand father was 15; his bride, 12.

My grandfather was Thomas Hines, the 1920s 5 points gangster.


If you want Obama to be an Irish-American I am ok with that, it does not make him less qualified.

I just don't like twits who divide Americans for superficial reasons, you twit. We are all Americans, and that includes everyone in the world who wants to be here - but can't make it.

Silly racist, tricks are for whores!

I judge everyone by the content of their character, not the color of their skin. You want to insult this man who actually wants the worst job in the world, you are going to have to bring heavy callibre you just don't have.

it is easy to criticize these people: Bush, Palin, McCain, BamBam, Pebbles, but they are all stepping up to do what I don't care enough about you - Buz - to do.

I am not my brother's keeper and chances are, if I was, I'd fuck with you like Job.

You are hate.

Anonymous said...


It would be cool if you can get Rubin "The Hurricane" Carter on after the election.

You might have to satellite him; if I was him I wouldn't want to set foot on American spoil.

Isabella said...

Who are you voting for, Bill?

Binky said...


Just wanted to say good come back on Buz, but I honestly just saw red. It seems like all of the people against Obama go reaching for the stars on reasons why he isn't qualified. I am sure Buz was one of the first people to forward around the email that said he was born in Hawaii and therefore shouldn't be allowed to run. Or that his birth certificate was fake and that he was born in Indonesia. Yet complain that Sarah Palin seeing Russia from Alaska is not foreign policy experience and all of a sudden you are un-american, and against equal rights for women.


Please sell your brand of hate, petty, self righteous, right wing crap elsewhere. If I were you I would be happy that he didn't have the experience of slavery in his familly, because then we might have ended up with someone who really just wanted revenge or a huge chip on his shoulder.

So just Buzz the hell off!

S. said...

Emmm, I was actually wondering whether "Buz" was making fun of racists... I'm not sure he actually is a racist.
Btw, I watched hurricane when I was 15 or so, around the same period I discovered the civil rights movement. It's huge, you know sometimes, I read comments from pretty racist people saying they would not vote (I actually think there's a comment here by Antimaher or one of his friends), that said they would never vote for Obama because of the "coloured people" attitude, like "if you don't vote for Obama, we're gonna kick your ass". And I think it's so amazing that these people can't actually SEE how THEIR attitude towards black people is. I mean, what's that show host"s name who's completely fucked up ? I think it's Rush Limbaugh (and I think you said you liked him George lol, I'm sure I misunderstood), but the guy actually suggested that Powell had endorsed Obama because he was BLACK. I mean these guys should be shipped to Lebanon and made to cohabit with our racist fellas (either christians or muslims).. It would be some kind of trip to "finding yourself or your racist soul mate" or something.
Seriously, who actually GIVES A SHIT if he's black, yellow or grey ? (btw, the color "black" doesn't really exist, he's rather greyish sometimes :))

Carter lives in Canada now, right ?


M said...

"It would be cool if you can get Rubin "The Hurricane" Carter on after the election."

Are you trying to prove you have cable?

Anonymous said...

Buz, I'd like for you to walk 2 steps in my shoes. You would die quickly, screaming. The streets I live on are no place for a tool like you.

Thanks Bianca.

I don't know what to tell you about the movement, the way we did it and the leaders who 'inconveniently' died of unnatural cause.

I had the privilege to meet Abbie Hoffman. I had the privilege to defend Tim Leary against a nutter who wanted him dead, for no good reason.

Imagine a world where love is the only thing that matters; thats where I am now.

I worked had for this.

Anonymous said...


I liked Rush then, not any more. He was great - we all have our peak - but now he is a mouthpiece for the people who sign his paychecks; he's owned.

Doesn't mean he isn't smart - don't underestimate our enemies.

I hope your interview went well. If not, don't worry. Do not publish your details here, this is open forum.

Anonymous said...


If I had Rubin's courage, you'd be dead right now.

If you had his courage, you'd come out.

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