Friday, October 1, 2010
Following are quotables from “Real Time with Bill Maher” for Friday, October 1st, 2010. “Real Time with Bill Maher” airs Fridays at 10:00PM ET (10:00PM PT, tape delayed) on HBO, with additional replays throughout the week on HBO and HBO 2.
Today we found out that a third college that she said she attended has no record of ever knowing her. I’m starting to wonder if she ever really went to Hogwarts.
- Bill Maher in his opening monologue about Christine O’Donnell
Obama has been now finally getting on the campaign trail trying to help [Democrats]. Their big plan is a series of what they call “backyard visits” where the President speaks to people in their backyards in Middle America. Because nothing calms the fears of Middle Americans like having a black man suddenly appear in your backyard.
- Bill Maher in his opening monologue
Yesterday he said the networks were run by Jews. And today, Rick Sanchez was fired; as Meg Whitman’s housekeeper.
- Bill Maher in his opening monologue
Clip from “Politically Incorrect” 7/9/99:
O’Donnell: I was dabbling into every other kind of religion before I became a Christian.
Maher: You were a witch.
O’Donnell: I was. I was
Maher: You were
O’Donnell: I was dabbling in witchcraft. I dabbled in Buddhism. I would have become a Hare Krishna but I didn’t want to become a vegetarian, and that is honestly the reason why, because I’m Italian and I love meatballs
Maher: Boy are you spiritual.
He made a speech recently where he broke down and cried like Glenn Beck does.
- Bill Maher regarding Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai
You see what’s happening and it’s only happening in one party, the Republican Party. There you get a bunch of amateurs who are really angry at the Establishment, who are overturning them in primaries, and amateurs don’t make very good politicians. In fact, they make prohibitively weird politicians.
- Joe Klein
The problem with President Obama was he could have nipped this right-wing populism in the bud if he had hit jobs and homes early on and not allowed them to use that as the objects of their organizing.
- Cornell West regarding the Republican right-wing
Democrats always have Congressional experts as their Chiefs of Staff which leads Democratic presidents to be really concerned about every last provision in a 2000 page health care bill but not concerned enough about leading and transcending the sausage making in Congress.
- Joe Klein
Rahm Emanuel exemplifies contemporary cynicism and old-fashioned arrogance in American politics.
- Cornell West
White people have no rhythm. Black people have no gaydar.
- Bill Maher
This week's guests were Bob Woodward, Cornell West, Arianna Huffington, David Cross and Joe Klein.
Friday, October 1, 2010
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I'd like to think Rahm Emanuel got bounced for scaring the piss out of 'public servants'. Remember, he's only a phone call away... he might even be at the door, or right at this very moment, stalking a Republican senator. Wooooo
I am an employee of the State of California. I have had my wages garnished by 15% and the found that social services recipients recieved a raise in there income. If find that to be wrong. I am ashamed of the govenor of California. California has no budget and he expects the state owrkers to help him out. We have and I believe it is time for him to cut social programs. Social services is a luxury item and those are the first to go in most working households so that you can afford the food, gas and housing to keep your family safe. I lost 600 dollars in income and I thank my family for supporting me in helping me, but I know many people who have lost there homes, cars and jobs due to the lack of direction in this state.
C -
The California people have a voice the Unions for State Workers. Unfortunatly the Govenator isn't listening to the people of the State. This Republican Party has turned its head to what the people that work at the state jobs are saying. When you get a job and have worked through the levels to reach the top of your pay scale you should never have that taken away. The Govenor has done that to the state workers and he has basically slapped people and hurt there lively hood with this tactict he is using to say we are in an emergency crisis. How long is an emergency that is what I would like to know. I have given up the pay I have worked hard for and for what to demeeaned by the GOvenor of California. The rich should be taxed so that the people who work for there money cna keep some of there money. I am a single mon you needs my income to raise a child with good social and emotional values. I am a working person and hte treatment of people by the Govenor is very misguided socially. He should be rising up for us not putting us down.
Ok I am mad as hell about the financial situation in California. Why should the state workers have to support the state? I have no one form the state supporting me as a sigle mom. I make to much money for any support with my child, yet welfare people got a fucking raise. What the fuck is that shit about. I lose 600 bucks and they get a fucking raise. I am pissed at the govenor. He is is the tax equasion of don't raise my taxes. I say raise all the fucking taxes on the rich. Oh he hasn't been paid for htis job as the govenor, well then we should ahve money in the bank to support the economy right? I am mad that the republicans, democrats, tea party etc., don't listen to the people anymore. What happen to our society. California needs to say FUCK YOU to the govenor.
I was in Unions for State Workers; got illegally fired. They suck! They don't do shit. Meanwhile the suits at the top in the state hierarchy make huge money. The UC Board of Regents cut university workers pay 10% through 'furloughs' (work ten percent harder, slave) while not canceling their annual trip to Tahiti. The UC Board of Regents made a gesture of laying off high ranking execs & sexetaries, giving them full severance parachutes, only to hire them back on at other locales the next week - at higher pay! Don't fuck them, throw them in jail and let the gorillas fuck them!
You must receive thousands of messages a day, so I will be brief but to the point.
As a 22 year old gay male in the United States, I am so honored and thankful for the role you play in today's media. You are one of the only current, American public figures that I can honestly say I admire and owe a great deal of my perspective to. You're making such a huge difference, especially to me. You're my hero. Thank you Bill.
Ryan Terry
Melrose, MA
With this October 1, 2010 show, my esteam for Mr. Maher is renewed. Bill's hard-hitting insight into the true nature of political issues cuts deep and opens the kamono wide for all to gaze upon.
href="" Video
"I have sworn upon the alter of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man." -- Thomas Jefferson
Since it probably won't make it past the Huffington Post blog:
"Rich People Who Complain About Being Vilified Should Be Vilified"
...Except for Jewish people in the media! Take that, Sanchez!
Great show as usual. You study, you read and you are not afraid to speak the truth and go where the truth leads you.
thank you. I am Christian really doing the will of God.
A persons need to believe what they wish to believe is always stronger than their need to know the truth.
About 7-8 years I use to hate Bill Maher. I hated him, hated his show and everything he'd talk about. Then, everything in this country went downhill and I have changed.
Bill, I'm sorry that I ever felt like that. You make so much sense to me now that I want to reach across the TV screen and hi five you.
Keep sayin' it like it is!
DP in Miami
Not really all that funny. Bill used to dole out humor quite efficaciously. Of late, however, he shares a fate similar to that of Chevy Chase and Billy Crystal.
Sorry, Billy, but you should have stayed true to your non-theist roots rather than hooking up with the militant-extremist arm of non-theism (of course I mean atheism).
Like Dawkins and Darwin before him, you've let your bitter heart get the better of you. I know, I know - nobody likes being touched by priests and beaten by nuns but honestly - your onslaught against Christians has gone dreadfully boring.
Found a really cool site that some of you might enjoy. Some common sentiments expressed in a very witty and surprising way. Check it out:
-Fight the good fight
I knew Rick the Liar Sanchez from the 90's here in Florida. Back then he made an off the wall remark about Israel and I called the station to call him a racist1 He called me and left a message on my answer machine. I called him back a told him off in so many words and he huffed it off as me being a weird listener. This is a very long time coming for him! His cavalier attitude has also burnt me to no end. Maybe he'll wait on tables and spew his hatred there..
This link works:
I cannot understand how all you "political" funnymen have completely missed NC7.
The republican party primary has nominated and the cape fear tea party has endorsed a MURDERER.
Murder is the gravest of his "sins"~ The compiled sins, well,
Here, I'll do your work for you:
You are welcome for the PLETHORA of jokes.
All this info is gathered from CNN, AP, Reuters etc... it's even already verified for you.
Hey Bill...
Lovin' all the Christine O'Dumbell stuff you feature recently on 'Real Time', fantastic work...I thought you would dig this spoof poster I made, with you in mind...
-Kevin Karstens
Re Rick Sanchez . . . I wonder if Rick would have been fired if he had said that networks were run by Italians , Greeks , Russians , Arabs , witches , catholics , pagans , etc ... ???
The healthcare bill is a lie designed to enrich insurance companies. While citizens theoretically cannot be denied healthcare, the quality and levels of care they receive will be decided upon by private, for profit entities. It is not a step in the right direction at all, as stated by many Democrats, but a slimy trick being played on America, that could be right of the Republican rulebook. Really shocking what is going on in the USA...and politicians (and politicos) are all too partisan to tell the truth.
Murderers in congress? Shit we have traitors, spies, car thieves, pimps & con artists - apparently all protected minorities.
Ilario Pantano should be running in a CAIR stronghold. I'd vote for him.
I'm a 20 year old from Westchester NY and I must say I was angered over the doubt that Bill had on the subject of my generations ability to overcome hate. Being from Westchester I have plenty of conservative friends, most of whom are accepting of all races and sexual orientations. Granted I'm from NY, but I go to school in Pittsburgh and I have to say the general consensus concerning people my age is that what you do is your business and that all people should be judged by what they contribute to society, not by their personal lives. What happened at Rutgers was pathetic and I believe that it's a shame that we are judged based on an individuals disgusting act of hate. I hope that you will see what I mean when my generation begins to enter the government. Until then, lets all hope you old folk can be childish and work towards a brighter future for everyone, not just the people who are like you.
I love seeing Arianna Huffington and really wish you would include her quotes. Love your show - and was really impressed with the other guests this past Friday.
About Hamid Karzai crying like Glen Beck ... yeah ... they're both " crying all the way to their banks " ... Especially , Hamid Karzai , when he thinks of of all the money the American taxpayers are paying to support him , his relatives & his cronies ... Maybe that's why Obama is working in backyards now . . .
Aah, to be young and naive... ignorance really was bliss.
You are so right to burn your Hairy Potter collection, there is new merchandise available.
Transformers is so much more suitable, it doesn't discriminate against the illiterate and the toy franchise is on par with the national debt.
Best of all you'll make new friends from the Muslim & Christian witch burning demographic. What could possibly go wrong? They are such nice, orderly folk.
he does not have to feel because he thinks
(the thoughts of others, be it understood)
he does not have to think because he knows
(that anything is bad which you think good)
because he knows, he cannot understand
(why Jones don't pay me what he knows he owes)
because he cannot understand, he drinks
(and he drinks and he drinks and he drinks and)
not bald. (Coughs.) Two pale slippery small eyes
balanced upon one broken babypout
(pretty teeth wander into which and out
of)Life,dost Thou contain a marvel than
this death named Smith less strange?
Married and lies
afraid;aggressive and:American
mr. maher, thanks for making me laugh until i pee my pants. thanks for being so simply logical in this complex illogical world!
Bill ... I have written a blog that I'd like you to read. It's just for you.
You are all kidding Right? I recintly did a home work assingment w/ my daughter on craziest laws in the US. We came across things like its illegal to fart in the state of florida after 6pm.,In Tennessee frogs cant croak after 11pm. Now These same people who make these laws are "tring to run our country". So basicly the people from mad magazine?? Are we really surprized the government cant get there shit together? Maybe as a people we should pay more attention and fire our employees!!
Bill Maher
There is a direct correlation between dubyah intentionally weakening the dollar in order to improve the US import-export trade deficit (didn't work) and home owners finding themselves tanked, as wages declined substantially in the second half of the last decade as a result of the dollar weakening gambit. I'm pretty sure the moron didn't take into account the impact of the dotcom bubble collapsing, ultra-conservative business planning resulting from uncertainty due to 9/11 and the significant and ongoing impact of outsourcing.
If they did this on purpose they aren't finished yet.
Have you looked at Meg Whitman? It seems Goldman Sachs is holding her substantial nest egg for her while she emulates Obama in shooting the biggest wad in history for control of the 6th largest economic block in the world. This from an intelligent woman of means who did not bother to vote for 28 years, who suddenly takes an interest in politics and wants to drive.
The candidate selectors propped up octo-Moonbeam to 'oppose'. UN fucking believable.
They must be very desperate to get her installed before the statist president's one term expires. I'm not saying Obama & Megatron are puppets of villains, but he did just extend the USAPATRIOT act and additional surveillance, he's got 20 bills going to revoke the 2nd amendent, he's installing a kill switch on the internet and Leahy (D) just inflicted his 2nd bill to impose US global censorship of the internet. Smells like stanky honorary bilderberg chair David Rockefeller. Reminds me of all the tales of USSR oppression, magnified by technology and endless fiat currency.
Its worth considering.
To whomever it concerns
I enjoyed the Bill Maher - Bill O'Reilly discussion. I thought Bill Maher brought out the best in Bill-O; I don't watch him much but when Bill-O is on Fox surrounded by yes men he speaks from the presumption that his perspective is understood. Its kind of obnoxious really, but then, I'm not an upper middle class white person for whom the upper middle class white jewish messiah works. I'm on the bus with the other jewish messiah, the one who requires reason, not faith - Ludwig Von Mises!
We're here! We're libertarian! Get used to it!
I could be wrong but I think the only animal you can hunt from your car in Tennessee is cows.
8 minute crash course on how fucked up our government is:
Fred Thompson on the Economy
Ho Ho Ho
Regarding your recent interview on CNN, I don't think that an anti-masturbation act would pass. That's all politicians do in congress.
Palin, O'Donnell & Bachmann need to be cast on a TV show together. It would be like Fargo meets Charmed. ;)
Keep doing your thing Mr. Maher. Have you ever watched 'Monopoly Men (Federal Reserve Fraud-1999)
If not not check it out:
We're the Libertarian Atheist Liberation Army and we're coming to your town! Hide your daughters, we're bringing condoms!
What we like about you Bill is that you haven't lost your roots. We don't relate to the daft Hollywood limotards. We don't want your money, we want your support. We want you to start the Los Angeles chapter of the LALA. Obama knows how to get tax payer funding; you can spend their money.
Bill Maher, Director, LALA LA. Rolls of the tongue, doesn't it? You can name the latino chapter La LALA LA.
Masturbation, Bill? Surely your ball washer also milks the chicken? With the economy down I would expect that comes standard.
"Cyber bullying" is simply bullying made easier by the presence of the Internet. A large part of the blame falls on the segment of the population that derides tolerance, calling it "PC" and "wimpy." Those who verbally attack and mock gays, immigrants, women and minorities set the tone for the more egregious attacks which we have witnessed in recent weeks. There is only one "wing" and only one party responsible for this, and that is the right wing and the Republican party. The "bully" pulpits from which they sneer at those they don't like set the tone echoed by bullies of both the cyber and physical persuasion. If we tolerate the inciters, we tolerate the attacks we claim to abhor.
(See my blog:
Tax his land,
Tax his bed,
Tax the table,
at which he's fed.
Tax his tractor,
Tax his mule,
Teach him taxes
are the rule.
Tax his work,
Tax his pay,
He works for peanuts
Tax his cow,
Tax his goat,
Tax his pants,
Tax his coat.
Tax his ties,
Tax his shirt,
Tax his work,
Tax his dirt.
Tax his tobacco,
Tax his drink,
Tax him if he
tries to think..
Tax his cigars,
Tax his beers,
If he cries
tax his tears.
Tax his car,
Tax his gas,
Find other ways
to tax his assets.
Tax all he has
Then let him know
That you won't be done
til he has no dough.
When he screams and hollers;
Then tax him some more,
Tax him till
he's good and sore.
Then tax his coffin,
Tax his grave,
Tax the sod in
which he's laid...
Put these words
upon his tomb,
'Taxes drove me
to my doom...'
When he's gone,
do not relax,
its time to apply
the inheritance tax.
Dear Citizens!
Our Country bleeding from Evil attack of 9/11/2001 till now.
Let's get together all 50 states all Citizens and pray for God blessings
to heal from this tragic days.
Let's get together and Build New Twin towers.
Let's get together and support our Troops to punish criminals who
financed, planed and realize this Attack. Let's Finish this subject and
Move On.
Let's get together in Election days and Vote in Democratic civilize
atmosphere for Modern, Strong,Smart, Respected, Respectable and lovely
We need more middle class Independents Voice Representatives, Senators!!!
Don't Vote for Republicans, who allowed Big companies and Ponzi scampers
to attack bleeding America again Right after was hit on first place and
Destroy Citizens Freedom, Liberty, Savings, Properties and Jobs!!!
Vote for Democrats and Independents Only!!!
Mr. Marian .
Future of the Power of Nightmares a Neoconservative Agenda
The Future Prediction Web Blog is a Social Blog About Technology and Human Development
Boycott Monsanto.
Chief Supreme Court Justass (and misogynist) Clarence Thomas, formerly CEO of a Monsanto subsidiary, under the Bush Rat Pack, and his right up your * narrow majority of justasses established precedent by granting Monsanto patents for genetically modified seed. Prior to this greedy asshole such patents on organic entities were rejected because the DNA was preexisting.
Since then Monsanto has been frivolous lawsuit fucking every small farmer in reach. Their grain falls on your land due to natural processes, unless you are their bitch they use the busted legal system to steal your farm.
This has no possible happy ending.
Correction: Donald Rumsfield was the CEO of Monsanto subsidiary Searle, makers of cancerous psychoactive artificial sweeteners. Justass Thomas was a Monsanto Liar.
You should request your FBI files under the FOIA act. It would be at least educational to know what they have on you. You might even think of a few New Rules.
Here's why they have Fire & Ice condoms - for the guys who have a four hour erection from using Viagra. They could sell them in two packs!
While government & pirates are making less sense Alex Jones is making a whole lot of sense. Bill, as post whitewash evidence has surfaced over 1200 scientists and engineers now agree 9/11 was a controlled demolition - a false flag operation. When this gigantic lie collapses you don't want to be standing on the wrong side of the issue.
Alex Jones: because there is a war on for your mind!
PETA is a terrorist organization and the Bush Nazis aren't in custody.... carry a big stick.
Remember when we called Nixon a Nazi and the Republicans the party of death? They're baaack...
"Remember when we called Nixon a Nazi and the Republicans the party of death? They're baaack..."
Bull Shit!
Nixon cared about this country...
Sure, he was an ass-hole when it came to following the rules, but he was nowhere near as big an asshole as Reagan and the Bush cocksuckers.
Nixon got p4wnd by Kissinger & the Illumaniacs. Bush was brought by Nixon; Reagan was a drunk puppet who just happened to hate everyone under 30, especially Americans. Maybe W is his spawn; George 41 was away a lot, destroying the evidence.
Just a few of the many gifts from Nixon
Dickhead Cheney
GG Liddy and the Nazis like him who came after
Oliver North
George HW Bush
The Reagan cabinet
The Bush 41 cabinet
The Bush 43 cabinet
Gerald 'Magic Bullet' Ford, started the tradition of presidential pardons for major dirtbags
Kent State
USD off the gold standard, gift to the current banking cartel
protracted war for profit in Viet Nam long after goal of containing communism from Indonesia was met
Spiro Agnew
DEA/War on Drugs & big pharma
Began paving over California
18:34 minutes missing from the tapes
Destroyed Peace Corps by using it as CIA front
No bombing N. Vietnam
Betrayed the South Vietnamese
Expanding CIA drug trade, resulting in global cocaine cartel/Iran Contra
1968 Democratic Convention Riot
1968-71 domestic assassinations (80-82 belong to GHWB)
...notice a pattern here?
Eldridge Cleaver
Malcolm X
At least we know that when he let the sunshine in, he didn't like what it showed him. Good.
Oh, and the War on Music. Ask Jello about that; he survived. Others didn't.
For salacious rubbernecking gawkers
Nixon says "I'm not a crook" ODONNEL says " I'm not a witch" - hmmmm?
Sharon, ambitious of immortal shame,
Fame's dead-wall daubed with his illustrious name-
Served in the Senate, for our sins, his time,
Each word a folly and each vote a crime;
Law for our governance well skilled to make
By knowledge gained in study how to break;
Yet still by the presiding eye ignored,
Which only sought him when too loud he snored.
Auspicious thunder!--when he woke to vote
He stilled his own to cut his country's throat;
That rite performed, fell off again to sleep,
While statesmen ages dead awoke to weep!
For sedentary service all unfit,
By lying long disqualified to sit,
Wasting below as he decayed aloft,
His seat grown harder as his brain grew soft,
He left the hall he could not bring away,
And grateful millions blessed the happy day!
I went through a good deal of effort not to become engulfed in the comments of others. I watched your show this evening and I have decided that as a person, who holds no ill will towards gays or rednecks, that you and Bill O'Rielly, or any given number of individuals who speak about politics,finance, or ecoonomics are simply self-centered individuals trying to define themselves without any connection to the average individual. Black, white or hispanic, neither one of the political parties offers what is fundamentally American. Freedom!
Freedom is being able to decide whether or not, as an individual you would like to have sex with a man or a woman,. I agree with this. Freedom also encompasses (sp?) the choice to make financial and healthcare choices. At this point, I will not go into the details of either argument because it is a dicussion you should have. The right is incapable of social understanding, but perhaps there is some hope for you and similarly minded people to understand the repercussions of the policies you tout.I see both sides in either situation. I stand by freedom. I am branching out by publicly declaring, although with a great deal of grey area, that the primary goal and dream of American freedom is to live freely, free of of others opinion of our actions, so long as these freedoms don't interfere with others right.Whow! That's a whole lot of nothing. Fiscal responsibility. Social liberalism= understanding= success
I just wanted to sincerely thank you. I have a very intelligent 17 yr old son who is a big fan of yours. The reason i am thanking you is that your take on the world helps him think about life with an open mind. Like he says, " I love that guy...I don't always agree with him but he does make me think about it".
It is awesome to have a format that encourages us to think, talk and act. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
O'reilly kicked your ass last week!! I really thought you were ready to cry... You should learn to be more respectful of mankinds spiritual beliefs, it is what the many (that are far less fortunate than you) use to get out of bed to go through their daily grind. Higher awareness should be your goal Bill, not the destruction of spritual hopes and dreams. I will pray for you my friend.
Bill- Please, O'Donnell may be the poster child for the wacko fringe of the conservative movement, but let's put some more light on people like Sharon Angle who have a very good chance of winning. Angle scares me more than O'Donnell, as she is much more likely to be in the senate. Please shed some light on the other extremists!
I am still very upset about Al & Tipper's divorce. Having taken this bold action I am sure that they will both be much happier. This runs everything! One of the things that has gotten me out of bed every morning was the knowledge that somewhere, Al awoke to Tipper's mug and she to his. It brought a smile to my lips, knowing these greedy Armand Hammer tools were making each other miserable every day, all day! And for their crimes and insults against Americans, I knew there was justice and order in the world.
So George, I too will continue to pray, to Lucifer and Siva, to Brother Coyote and to the Golem, and for good measure also to Alfred Russell Whitehead & the God of the lightswitch, and to Bono (just in case), that Bill Maher desires & gets another season on HBO. Every time he scores a point against ignorance I drink to Blll Maher's health. I also pray that I get to bone the hot redhead with one leg & the eye patch newly living at the homeless shelter. We tinfoil hats must stick together.
In politic news this week the sheet wearing Republics have come up with the idea to drug test the unemployed.
As obviously it is all their fault that the management deported their jobs.
How about mandatory random drug testing on the boards of directors and all politicians before each vote? And definitely mandatory lie detector tests about for all candidates published before WE vote?
They're gonna need a bigger sheet.
You don't get it. To drug test the double digit % of the population that is currently officially unemployed is to install an invasive, unconstitutional biometric policing system - thats the 2 million jobs banker bailout billionaire moll Whitman is promising. Then all they have to do is scale up the system to include the other 50% of the underprivileged. Now you know what 'scalability' means - get an inch, take a yard.
Not that the Constitution matters to these criminals.
Do you think an American scientist can explain evolution just a good as Dawkins...or do you just think his accent will help make his argument more convincing?
Do you like the Brits are smarter than Americans like a lot of liberal 'elitists' and conservative ones...something they have in common in the private yachting industry.
Hey bud,
If you are reading Dr. Dawkins' theses with a British accent and you don't like it, can't you tell where the problem lies?
Bill - I liked your humor, when you were funny, but in the last few years you have just taken an intellectual nosedive into mediocrity.
Bashing the system is the haven of failed comics - but's its the easy way out. How about finding something to believe in and a way to prove it?
Example: the economy. Yes, the pie DOES grow as ecenomic activity grows, this is what made america great. My piece getting bigger makes your piece bigger, because I spend more. Henry Ford made cars cheap enough for his workers to buy them. With mass production he made more cars, sold them, hired more people. etc.
If YOU were right about pies never growing there would be a billion people starving in China.
It's simple. I have a dollar, I hire you to do something for a dollar, you hire someone else and this goes on... But it's still JUST ONE DOLLAR, but $1000 in economic ACTIVITY. Economies grow by activity, you don't need a NEW dollar, you need to put the ones we already have into circulation.
Now we have no jobs, we have corps like Apple sitting on $billions in cash, etc. Why? we fear idiots like you will take take OUR piece of the pie, even though we share, just because you perceive us as greedy. We are not greedy, exactly the opposite, entrepreneurs are risk-takers, and they deserve to make money because they cerate wealth.
Religion - yes, is "stupid" - but having the humility to admit that a greater intelligence than your own is the reason why all of this is here is not stupid. You can accept spirituality without having to be "bible" religious. Yes, most religions are ancient failed attempts to explain what we don't really know - but they are also more - they are the only written account of human history in existence.
The trick, my friend, is to look for the grains of truth in each religion, the common ground, and seek a message of wisdom from the ancient people.
Yes, ignore all the fairy tales, but realize there was a great flood at one time, that certain people brought messages that made mankind evolve intellectually, that smart people like Abraham, David, Moses and Jesus led men by principles. That they gave humanity certain ideals to live by.
Stop judging people by whether they believe the fairy tales in the bible and start judging them by whether they understand the message - that a higher power may have a plan for us. Do you have a better explanation? Or is your ego so great that you know for a fact that such a greater intelligence could not possibly exist. Are you the most intelligent person in the world who will ever exist. When that person arrives, what will he say?
I have come to terms with the fact that I may never know those answers in my lifetime, but 1000 years ago they throught the world was flat and man could not fly to the moon.
Men do evolve, things do get reveiled. Your ego is the only thing holding you back from happiness, Bill. Surrender to the idea that maybe there is more to existence than you can see with your bare eyes, and that it just might be good.
Hang in there, Bill. I predict in 10 years you will be conservative and spiritutal. Wisdom comes with age. So does understanding basic capitalism.
A fan!
Bill - I liked your humor, when you were funny, but in the last few years you have just taken an intellectual nosedive into mediocrity.
Bashing the system is the haven of failed comics - but's its the easy way out. How about finding something to believe in and a way to prove it?
Example: the economy. Yes, the pie DOES grow as ecenomic activity grows, this is what made america great. My piece getting bigger makes your piece bigger, because I spend more. Henry Ford made cars cheap enough for his workers to buy them. With mass production he made more cars, sold them, hired more people. etc.
If YOU were right about pies never growing there would be a billion people starving in China.
It's simple. I have a dollar, I hire you to do something for a dollar, you hire someone else and this goes on... But it's still JUST ONE DOLLAR, but $1000 in economic ACTIVITY. Economies grow by activity, you don't need a NEW dollar, you need to put the ones we already have into circulation.
Now we have no jobs, we have corps like Apple sitting on $billions in cash, etc. Why? we fear idiots like you will take take OUR piece of the pie, even though we share, just because you perceive us as greedy. We are not greedy, exactly the opposite, entrepreneurs are risk-takers, and they deserve to make money because they cerate wealth.
Religion - yes, is "stupid" - but having the humility to admit that a greater intelligence than your own is the reason why all of this is here is not stupid. You can accept spirituality without having to be "bible" religious. Yes, most religions are ancient failed attempts to explain what we don't really know - but they are also more - they are the only written account of human history in existence.
The trick, my friend, is to look for the grains of truth in each religion, the common ground, and seek a message of wisdom from the ancient people.
Yes, ignore all the fairy tales, but realize there was a great flood at one time, that certain people brought messages that made mankind evolve intellectually, that smart people like Abraham, David, Moses and Jesus led men by principles. That they gave humanity certain ideals to live by.
Stop judging people by whether they believe the fairy tales in the bible and start judging them by whether they understand the message - that a higher power may have a plan for us. Do you have a better explanation? Or is your ego so great that you know for a fact that such a greater intelligence could not possibly exist. Are you the most intelligent person in the world who will ever exist. When that person arrives, what will he say?
I have come to terms with the fact that I may never know those answers in my lifetime, but 1000 years ago they throught the world was flat and man could not fly to the moon.
Men do evolve, things do get reveiled. Your ego is the only thing holding you back from happiness, Bill. Surrender to the idea that maybe there is more to existence than you can see with your bare eyes, and that it just might be good.
Hang in there, Bill. I predict in 10 years you will be conservative and spiritutal. Wisdom comes with age. So does understanding basic capitalism.
A fan!
Bill - I liked your humor, when you were funny, but in the last few years you have just taken an intellectual nosedive into mediocrity.
Bashing the system is the haven of failed comics - but's its the easy way out. How about finding something to believe in and a way to prove it?
Example: the economy. Yes, the pie DOES grow as ecenomic activity grows, this is what made america great. My piece getting bigger makes your piece bigger, because I spend more. Henry Ford made cars cheap enough for his workers to buy them. With mass production he made more cars, sold them, hired more people. etc.
If YOU were right about pies never growing there would be a billion people starving in China.
It's simple. I have a dollar, I hire you to do something for a dollar, you hire someone else and this goes on... But it's still JUST ONE DOLLAR, but $1000 in economic ACTIVITY. Economies grow by activity, you don't need a NEW dollar, you need to put the ones we already have into circulation.
Now we have no jobs, we have corps like Apple sitting on $billions in cash, etc. Why? we fear idiots like you will take take OUR piece of the pie, even though we share, just because you perceive us as greedy. We are not greedy, exactly the opposite, entrepreneurs are risk-takers, and they deserve to make money because they cerate wealth.
Religion - yes, is "stupid" - but having the humility to admit that a greater intelligence than your own is the reason why all of this is here is not stupid. You can accept spirituality without having to be "bible" religious. Yes, most religions are ancient failed attempts to explain what we don't really know - but they are also more - they are the only written account of human history in existence.
The trick, my friend, is to look for the grains of truth in each religion, the common ground, and seek a message of wisdom from the ancient people.
Yes, ignore all the fairy tales, but realize there was a great flood at one time, that certain people brought messages that made mankind evolve intellectually, that smart people like Abraham, David, Moses and Jesus led men by principles. That they gave humanity certain ideals to live by.
Stop judging people by whether they believe the fairy tales in the bible and start judging them by whether they understand the message - that a higher power may have a plan for us. Do you have a better explanation? Or is your ego so great that you know for a fact that such a greater intelligence could not possibly exist. Are you the most intelligent person in the world who will ever exist. When that person arrives, what will he say?
I have come to terms with the fact that I may never know those answers in my lifetime, but 1000 years ago they throught the world was flat and man could not fly to the moon.
Men do evolve, things do get reveiled. Your ego is the only thing holding you back from happiness, Bill. Surrender to the idea that maybe there is more to existence than you can see with your bare eyes, and that it just might be good.
Hang in there, Bill. I predict in 10 years you will be conservative and spiritutal. Wisdom comes with age. So does understanding basic capitalism.
A fan!
Bill - I liked your humor, when you were funny, but in the last few years you have just taken an intellectual nosedive into mediocrity.
Bashing the system is the haven of failed comics - but's its the easy way out. How about finding something to believe in and a way to prove it?
Example: the economy. Yes, the pie DOES grow as ecenomic activity grows, this is what made america great. My piece getting bigger makes your piece bigger, because I spend more. Henry Ford made cars cheap enough for his workers to buy them. With mass production he made more cars, sold them, hired more people. etc.
If YOU were right about pies never growing there would be a billion people starving in China.
It's simple. I have a dollar, I hire you to do something for a dollar, you hire someone else and this goes on... But it's still JUST ONE DOLLAR, but $1000 in economic ACTIVITY. Economies grow by activity, you don't need a NEW dollar, you need to put the ones we already have into circulation.
Now we have no jobs, we have corps like Apple sitting on $billions in cash, etc. Why? we fear idiots like you will take take OUR piece of the pie, even though we share, just because you perceive us as greedy. We are not greedy, exactly the opposite, entrepreneurs are risk-takers, and they deserve to make money because they cerate wealth.
Religion - yes, is "stupid" - but having the humility to admit that a greater intelligence than your own is the reason why all of this is here is not stupid. You can accept spirituality without having to be "bible" religious. Yes, most religions are ancient failed attempts to explain what we don't really know - but they are also more - they are the only written account of human history in existence.
The trick, my friend, is to look for the grains of truth in each religion, the common ground, and seek a message of wisdom from the ancient people.
Yes, ignore all the fairy tales, but realize there was a great flood at one time, that certain people brought messages that made mankind evolve intellectually, that smart people like Abraham, David, Moses and Jesus led men by principles. That they gave humanity certain ideals to live by.
Stop judging people by whether they believe the fairy tales in the bible and start judging them by whether they understand the message - that a higher power may have a plan for us. Do you have a better explanation? Or is your ego so great that you know for a fact that such a greater intelligence could not possibly exist. Are you the most intelligent person in the world who will ever exist. When that person arrives, what will he say?
I have come to terms with the fact that I may never know those answers in my lifetime, but 1000 years ago they throught the world was flat and man could not fly to the moon.
Men do evolve, things do get reveiled. Your ego is the only thing holding you back from happiness, Bill. Surrender to the idea that maybe there is more to existence than you can see with your bare eyes, and that it just might be good.
Hang in there, Bill. I predict in 10 years you will be conservative and spiritutal. Wisdom comes with age. So does understanding basic capitalism.
A fan!
If you pay taxes to the government and the government then give you social programs like Healthcare Medicare Welfare and better schools and fight for equal rights. YOU ARE TO THE LEFT! If you pay taxes to the government and the government then want to start wars that they don't pay for. Wants to turn Healthcare over to Wall Street attack and blame and laid off teachers fire police officer and firemen and women! YOU ARE TO THE RIGHT! If you believe in equal right for all American! YOU ARE TO THE LEFT! If you are against women "right to choose" and against gay marriage against legalizing weed! YOU ARE TO THE RIGHT! Today right wing conservative Republican Tea Party people are against the rebuilding re-tooling of America under President Obama! They want their country back they want government to stay out of social security! YOU ARE TO THE RIGHT! Today left wing liberal Democrat want to stabilize the country putting the power in the people hands! Too close to corporate America too close of oversea businesses! YOU ARE TO THE RIGHT! Not telling the American people your achievement under President Obama! YOU ARE TO THE LEFT! Passing a 350 billion dollar stimulus package and not explaining where or what you did with the money! YOU ARE TO THE RIGHT! What is so wrong with left right consevative liberal Republican Democrat! You the American citizen are asked to be on the side of one of the two! AGAIN.....If you pay taxes to the government and the government then give you social programs like Healthcare Medicare Welfare and better schools and fight for equal rights. YOU ARE TO THE LEFT! If you pay taxes to the government and the government then want to start wars that they don't pay for. Wants to turn Healthcare over to Wall Street attack and blame and laid off teachers fire police officer and firemen and women! YOU ARE TO THE RIGHT!
Am I the only American that thinks that Republicans are responsible for the downfall of economic horrible condition? And white people are willing to give power back to proven failure! White people gave America Nixon (resign as a failure) Reagan ( suffer from Alzheimer and refuse to resign) Bush (1) liar( READ MY LIPS) Bush (2) stupid ( Started a war in Iraq for nothing) causing American troops deaths for NOTHING! Turn a surplus into debt! Am I the only person that wonder why white people listen to Bill O'Reilly? A man that paid off a female not to sue him for sexual harassment and in my opinion a PERVERT! A man that has no respect for woman and NEVER really apologize to the woman he harassed! A man that has made racist and demeaning comments about all Muslims! On his show O'Reilly question President Obama's morals! And talked about convicted felons that he claims President Obama associate with. If O'Reilly believe what he is saying nobody should sit down with him as a PERVERT on his PERVERT SHOW! Am I the only one that wonders why white people are listening to Glenn Beck a alcoholic and a racist! This man facts are made up of racist innuendos! Hate and divide is the programs agenda! Am I the only person that wonder why Rush Limbaugh is not denounce by every American especially white Americans? After his statement that he wanted President Obama to fail and the country to fail! Am I the only person that saw the double standard when Boston Mass. resident voted in a Senator they thought was against President Obama Universal healthcare reform plan for all Americans! BUT Boston Mass. has state run Healthcare! Am I the only person that saw a racist double standard when Senator Obama's pastor was demonize and condemn . Call a racist and un American! A man that is a former Army and Navy veteran. Took care of former President L. Johnson while hospitalize! On the other hand Mitt Romney's church teaches that all black people are evil! He sat in his church over 15 year and continue to so and was NEVER denounce or demonize for doing so! He NEVER was told to get out of his church and denounce his pastor! Am I the only person that see Governor Christie of New Jersey as a bully and a idiot that in his first year in officer lost 400 million for New Jersey! Eliminated a project that laid off 6 thousand dollars and would have employed 40 thousand citizen! Does anyone but me wonder why white American call Governor Christie a hero!
Juan William was fire for stating his fear of Muslim when boarding a airplane! After 9/11 the world was told that Muslim extremist where responsible! Then the white control media started a campaign of demonizing all Muslim. Bill O'Reilly goes on the View and states that all Muslims MURDER US" on 9/11! Fox News don't even think of firing Bill O'Reilly and his statement was racist and wrong! The truth is men that happen to be Muslims participate in destroying two building and 3,000 plus Americans! Fire Immediately!!! CNN anchor and host of "Rick's List" Rick Sanchez was fired after an appearance on comedian Pete Dominick's satellite radio show, where he called Comedy Central's Jon Stewart a "bigot" and made anti-Semitic remarks. According to CBS, Sanchez later backtracked in the show and tried to retract his use of the word "bigot," replacing it instead with "prejudicial." Fire Immediately!!!! Both men fire one black one Hispanic both where thought to make disrespectful statements about race or religion! Now if you are an American Police Officers you can accidentally killed a black child and be back to work before the body in the ground! Aiyana Jones was just 7 years old and was burn and shot dead by a white Detroit police officer! There was no firing nor and new bill to prevent wrongful raids or stopping raid when children are present! Amadou Diallo was a 23-year-old Guinean immigrant in New York City who was shot and killed on February 4, 1999 by four white New York City Police Department plain-clothed officers: Sean Carroll, Richard Murphy, Edward McMellon and Kenneth Boss. The four white officers fired a total of 41 rounds. The shooting took place at 1157 Wheeler Avenue in the Soundview section of The Bronx. The four white cops were part of the now-defunct Street Crimes Unit. All four white officers were acquitted at trial in Albany, New York after lying about mistaking a wallet for a gun. Diallo was unarmed at the time of the shooting, and a firestorm of controversy erupted subsequent to the event as the circumstances of the shooting prompted outrage both within and outside New York City. Issues such as police brutality, racial profiling, and contagious shooting were central to the ensuing controversy. A Florida black rapper is sentenced to two years in prison for a song called 'Kill Me a Cop' that he produced as a teenager. Authorities say 20-year-old Antavio Johnson raps about killing two Lakeland, Fla., police officers in the tune, which cops found on MySpace while surfing for gang-related activity.Two year in prison for writing a song as a teenager! But a cop can murder child while sleeping and it's TOO-BAD-SO-SAD she lived in a bad neighborhood! Juan William and Rick Sanchez didn't kill anyone...BUT ...was Fire Immediately!!!! The things in America you can get fire for!!!
Juan William was fire for stating his fear of Muslim when boarding a airplane! After 9/11 the world was told that Muslim extremist where responsible! Then the white control media started a campaign of demonizing all Muslim. Bill O'Reilly goes on the View and states that all Muslims MURDER US" on 9/11! Fox News don't even think of firing Bill O'Reilly and his statement was racist and wrong! The truth is men that happen to be Muslims participate in destroying two building and 3,000 plus Americans! Fire Immediately!!! CNN anchor and host of "Rick's List" Rick Sanchez was fired after an appearance on comedian Pete Dominick's satellite radio show, where he called Comedy Central's Jon Stewart a "bigot" and made anti-Semitic remarks. According to CBS, Sanchez later backtracked in the show and tried to retract his use of the word "bigot," replacing it instead with "prejudicial." Fire Immediately!!!! Both men fire one black one Hispanic both where thought to make disrespectful statements about race or religion! Now if you are an American Police Officers you can accidentally killed a black child and be back to work before the body in the ground! Aiyana Jones was just 7 years old and was burn and shot dead by a white Detroit police officer! There was no firing nor and new bill to prevent wrongful raids or stopping raid when children are present! Amadou Diallo was a 23-year-old Guinean immigrant in New York City who was shot and killed on February 4, 1999 by four white New York City Police Department plain-clothed officers: Sean Carroll, Richard Murphy, Edward McMellon and Kenneth Boss. The four white officers fired a total of 41 rounds. The shooting took place at 1157 Wheeler Avenue in the Soundview section of The Bronx. The four white cops were part of the now-defunct Street Crimes Unit. All four white officers were acquitted at trial in Albany, New York after lying about mistaking a wallet for a gun. Diallo was unarmed at the time of the shooting, and a firestorm of controversy erupted subsequent to the event as the circumstances of the shooting prompted outrage both within and outside New York City. Issues such as police brutality, racial profiling, and contagious shooting were central to the ensuing controversy. A Florida black rapper is sentenced to two years in prison for a song called 'Kill Me a Cop' that he produced as a teenager. Authorities say 20-year-old Antavio Johnson raps about killing two Lakeland, Fla., police officers in the tune, which cops found on MySpace while surfing for gang-related activity.Two year in prison for writing a song as a teenager! But a cop can murder child while sleeping and it's TOO-BAD-SO-SAD she lived in a bad neighborhood! Juan William and Rick Sanchez didn't kill anyone...BUT ...was Fire Immediately!!!! The things in America you can get fire for!!!
Juan William was fire for stating his fear of Muslim when boarding a airplane! After 9/11 the world was told that Muslim extremist where responsible! Then the white control media started a campaign of demonizing all Muslim. Bill O'Reilly goes on the View and states that all Muslims MURDER US" on 9/11! Fox News don't even think of firing Bill O'Reilly and his statement was racist and wrong! The truth is men that happen to be Muslims participate in destroying two building and 3,000 plus Americans! Fire Immediately!!! CNN anchor and host of "Rick's List" Rick Sanchez was fired after an appearance on comedian Pete Dominick's satellite radio show, where he called Comedy Central's Jon Stewart a "bigot" and made anti-Semitic remarks. According to CBS, Sanchez later backtracked in the show and tried to retract his use of the word "bigot," replacing it instead with "prejudicial." Fire Immediately!!!! Both men fire one black one Hispanic both where thought to make disrespectful statements about race or religion! Now if you are an American Police Officers you can accidentally killed a black child and be back to work before the body in the ground! Aiyana Jones was just 7 years old and was burn and shot dead by a white Detroit police officer! There was no firing nor and new bill to prevent wrongful raids or stopping raid when children are present! Amadou Diallo was a 23-year-old Guinean immigrant in New York City who was shot and killed on February 4, 1999 by four white New York City Police Department plain-clothed officers: Sean Carroll, Richard Murphy, Edward McMellon and Kenneth Boss. The four white officers fired a total of 41 rounds. The shooting took place at 1157 Wheeler Avenue in the Soundview section of The Bronx. The four white cops were part of the now-defunct Street Crimes Unit. All four white officers were acquitted at trial in Albany, New York after lying about mistaking a wallet for a gun. Diallo was unarmed at the time of the shooting, and a firestorm of controversy erupted subsequent to the event as the circumstances of the shooting prompted outrage both within and outside New York City. Issues such as police brutality, racial profiling, and contagious shooting were central to the ensuing controversy. A Florida black rapper is sentenced to two years in prison for a song called 'Kill Me a Cop' that he produced as a teenager. Authorities say 20-year-old Antavio Johnson raps about killing two Lakeland, Fla., police officers in the tune, which cops found on MySpace while surfing for gang-related activity.Two year in prison for writing a song as a teenager! But a cop can murder child while sleeping and it's TOO-BAD-SO-SAD she lived in a bad neighborhood! Juan William and Rick Sanchez didn't kill anyone...BUT ...was Fire Immediately!!!! The things in America you can get fire for!!!
Yes I would like to comment on Bill Maher and his misinformed opinion on Global Warming. His view that man and CO2 is causing a rise in temp is Al Gore hoey. They are both confusing pollution with Global warming. We are definitly polluting the hell out of everything in our environment as he knows by living in LA.Is this causing a rise in temps I think not.
Listening to you talk about the 2nd amendment is like listenign to Chritine O'Donnel talk about the 1st Amendment. You have no clue. Here's a hint. "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, NEVERTHELESS, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
When the British left they not only took their army, they also took their money; their payrolls, purchasing agents, etc. The economy went in the tank, far worse than anything we are seeing today. The fledgling democratic institutions at all levels were unable to cope. Desperate groups of people were forming into militias and taking matters into their own hands. This armed rebellion and growing anarchy was not not a minor irritation, it was a major problem that helped inspire adopting a whole new form of government. The new charter put anything resembling a militia under the direct and complete controll of the President.
The easiest way to prevent armed rebellion is confiscate everyones weapons, instead of governing wisely and dealing with the real issues. The second amendment cuts off that simple minded solution. It's also saying, indirectly, that the Federal government shall not treat the citizens like enemies or children.
If armed rebellion does not justify disarming the citizens then neither does criminals or mentally ill people.
You said Lochner killed the people in AZ because we don't have obamacare. I believe he killed the people in the Safeway area because he didn't have a healthy breakfast.
Ode to Sara Palin. Listen to the lyrics.
Please consider Joe Lowndes professor of Political Science at University of Oregon Eugene for the panel. He is the author of a great book, From the New Deal to the New Right: Race and the Southern Origins of Modern Conservatism. Not to say that the level of discourse is not good but he'd raise it even further.
Please consider Joe Lowndes professor of Political Science at University of Oregon Eugene for the panel. He is the author of a great book, From the New Deal to the New Right: Race and the Southern Origins of Modern Conservatism. Not to say that the level of discourse is not good but he'd raise it even further.
Here are links to his interview on Book TV:
Stephen Moore has a nervous disorder. Why does he constantly shiver like a chihuahua? And what is he smiling and laughing at? He's also a compulsive interrupter. Rachel coulda taken him in a fair fight.
But keep him on. He makes all conservatives look really bad.
David Stockman is a conservative I can respect, like Eisenhower.
The left does need a little spine. If you want some ammo for growing one - listen to:
Grow a pair at
middleclasssamurai at wordpress
Hey this is a video clip inspired by Bill Maher and 'religulous'. Highly recommended.
Bill, I think that your own "intelligence" has made you think that you are smarter than God. Im a christian and I've recently seen your movie religulous, and I think it is wrong how you have made religion look like a violent thing. Your view seems to be that since there has been radicals from certain religions and violence that's all religion is bad. This is illogical because there has been many things from religion that have helped people and made the world a better place. It pains me to think about how wrong you are and how your leading other people to believe the same things that you talk about. One day you'll see the truth and realize that you've been believing and teaching and leading other people the wrong way. You say you don't know what comes after death and yet you mock God, the one that determines where you will spend your time after you die. How logical is that?
Bill, I think that your own "intelligence" has made you think that you are smarter than God. Im a christian and I've recently seen your movie religulous, and I think it is wrong how you have made religion look like a violent thing. Your view seems to be that since there has been radicals from certain religions and violence that's all religion is bad. This is illogical because there has been many things from religion that have helped people and made the world a better place. It pains me to think about how wrong you are and how your leading other people to believe the same things that you talk about. One day you'll see the truth and realize that you've been believing and teaching and leading other people the wrong way. You say you don't know what comes after death and yet you mock God, the one that determines where you will spend your time after you die. How logical is that?
Oh yeah and another thing. This country was founded on the principles of the bible and Christianity. As our country gets farther and farther away from God we sink lower and lower towards the bottom. Coincidence? Don't think so.
I watched your show from 28th Jan - which was great as always - but I am still amazed about the evolution/climate change discussion in the United States. Here a sorely needed lesson for your panel members who do not believe in evolution:
You do not have to believe in evolution - it is a scientific fact. Scientists are not in the business of faith. They describe what is - no more, no less. That is why scientists find evolution to be a theory - which means there is loads, and I mean loads - tons and tons, really I mean as much as stars in the existing multiverses, so really a gigantomanic amount - of evidence that evolution is real and is taking place since forever and in fact, is taking place right now.
Otherwise scientist would call evolution a hypothesis - a word for something that still needs to be proven by experiments that can be repeated over and over and if a hypothesis can be proven, why, the scientists have a big birthday party and call it a theory from that day on.
So, this discussion is over. You might - if you are so inclined - discuss if evolution is a tool of a creator, your god or your house cat, but you cannot deny the fact that evolution takes place. Get over it and stop confusing your children - might help on the educational front.
I totally agree with you Bill, Global Warming should be renamed Climate Change. The earth is warming and that changes the weather pattern on the whole planet. Cold places get colder,hot places get hotter, storms are becoming more fierce. Other places go totally nuts, glaciers melt, sea levels rise, you get the drift.
Again, scientists do not care if we like what they describe - they tell us what is - that is, when they are not on the payroll of Haliburton or being harassed into silence by presidents. So, sorry, but that discussion is over as well. The earth is warming, the climate is changing. And you do not even have to listen to the scientists. Ever heard of the "Muenchner Rueckversicherung?" The Muencher Rueck, as it is commonly called, is an insurance that insures the losses of other insurances worldwide. These guys do not believe in climate change. They know it is a fact and treat it that way since the mid-1980 - because year after year after year they had and have to shell out more and more money to cover the losses of their clients. And their computer models do not bode to well for the future either. Time is running out.
Saying it ain't so will not prevent your beach villa in the Keys from going land under.
Bill, next time please hold the teabaggers accountable. The last representative Kingston wouldn't take responsibility for increasing the debt by voting for tax cuts. Instead he just kept on focusing on blaming it on the democrats by constantly saying "both parties", the "democrats" etc etc. Never once did you hold him to his voting record. He and other republicans are always changing the subject like a child with ADHD. You have to constantly bring them back to the fact that THEY caused the deficit with their tax cuts. In addition to that, not one of them is calling to cut spending in any other rhealm than social security and medicare. None of them are willing to go after the real big dogs in the deficit such as: military spending. So please I hope the next nazi uh...i mean "republican" or "fiscal conservative" that you get on your show, you will hold them accountable and don't let them slip out of being held responsible for their fiscal irresponsibility.
Also, regarding the assholes that claim that climate change doesn't exist because the weather is getting colder, let's not forget that right now the department of defense is using geoengineering to control the weather. They call it "mitigation". What they are doing is spraying massive amounts of sulphur and aluminum aerosols to block the rays of the sun. This is the reason why the weather has been cooler. The only reason why this extreme measure is being adopted and why the American people are not being told about it, is because oil companies and the government wants to continue using up fossil fuels at the current rate. With the weather cooling, global warming naysayers can sit there and claim that it doesn't exist, and that all we have to do is look at the weather reports to dispute the science. Please look it up. Geoengineering and a show on youtube called "what in the world are they spraying"
To Tim:
It sounds like you are a good christian, and that is ok. I am sure you are a good person, however, you clearly are under a misconception. The founding fathers of the United States remembered well the prosecution their ancestors had to endure in Europe, mostly because they did not want to change their religion when the religion of the count that owned them changed. They realized that only in a secular society, by the separation of church and state - every individual could worship - or not - as they saw fit. And that aside, there could not have been a more atheist bunch than your founding fathers. They came from the enlightenment movement. You can see this for yourself: Just read their letters without interpretations from "righties" or "lefties" just transcriptions, let them speak to you with their own voices and you'll see how I come to write that.
Some annonymous asshole said that their wages were garnished by 15% while welfare queens got a raise. Stop lying mr. state employee..
you got furloughed and you voted to fire a few junior union members which made no dent on the deficit. Trust me, if all the unions in california (fire, cops, prison, military, teachers, state workers etc) took a 15% paycut, we wouldn't be in this mess in the first place, but you fucking unions are too fucking selfish to take a pay cut. You'd rather they cut food stamps and fire more ppl than take a pay cut. You'd rather services be cut than take a paycut, you'd rather all the students fail than take a pay cut. Right now you're still getting your union/state mandated pay raise even though there's no money to pay for it. We've been cutting and cutting and cutting social services and services to the tax payers since Reagan and it hasn't done shit to stop the rising and outrageous costs to our government in the form of union wages. So fuck you state of california employee and fuck your unions. I used to be for you assholes untill I realised you were only for yourselves. Your selfishness and hypocrisy will be your undoing.
I hope Jerry Brown cuts everyones paychecks, that way, everyone makes a small sacrifice, and EVERYONE gets to keep their jobs.
I spoke to this one prison union member and he had no problem with firing 50% of the prison guards in order to save HIS pay check. THis is so typical of the union workers. They are greedy and selfish and they go against the very core philosophy that unions stand for in the first place.
Consider a TV series, "The Evolution of Religion" or "In the Beginning."
From Egyptian, Greek, Roman mythologies to present day Hindu, Christian, Muslim, Jewish mythologies.
Consider a TV series, "The Evolution of Religion" or "In the Beginning."
From Egyptian, Greek, Roman mythologies to present day Hindu, Christian, Muslim, Jewish mythologies.
Nearly every time I have been unfortunate enough to catch Bill Maher’s show on HBO, he takes an article from some small town newspaper in South Carolina and uses it to criticize and categorize an entire region of people as ignorant, racist, antebellum sympathizers who can’t read, lack indoor pluming, shoes, and televisions. Mr. Maher consistently stereotypes, and chastises, The South for being ignorant racists who still value the principles of racism and segregation, while censuring all forms of equality, progression, and change. The amusing, and frustrating, facet of Mr. Maher’s perceived bias towards the South, is that when he lumps an entire region of people into one interchangeable punch line week after week, as ignorant, toothless, racists hillbillies, all due to their geographical location in the country, he exhibits characteristics of the same ignorant mindset of which he criticizes. Therefore, it can be said that Mr. Maher not only displays all the characteristics he so fervently reprimands The Southern States for, he is also a hypocrite.
Can someone start reporting on the tea party backed Governor of Florida? Only in American can you be in charge of a company that was fined the most fraud by any company in American History and still be elected as a government official. He is on a mission to redisrtibute wealth to the wealthy. It's ironic that he's backed by alot of poor white people
We need your help Bill!!
O'Reilly is unpatriotic! Hahahahaha! Maher is such a hypocrite:
George Bush is a paranoid schizophrenic."
— Bill Maher
In "Mocking Bush is My Patriotic Duty":
Amid all the 9/11 anniversary talk about what will keep us safe, let me suggest that in a world turned hostile to America, the smartest message we can send to those beyond our shores is, "We're not with stupid." Therefore, I contend -- with all seriousness -- that ridiculing this president is now the most patriotic thing you can do.
--- Bill Maher
George W. Bush is a gruesome boob. ---- Bill Maher
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Hahahahaha! Maher is such a hypocrite:
George Bush is a paranoid schizophrenic."
— Bill Maher
In "Mocking Bush is My Patriotic Duty":
"Mocking Bush is my patriotic duty":
Amid all the 9/11 anniversary talk about what will keep us safe, let me suggest that in a world turned hostile to America, the smartest message we can send to those beyond our shores is, "We're not with stupid." Therefore, I contend -- with all seriousness -- that ridiculing this president is now the most patriotic thing you can do.
--- Bill Maher
George W. Bush is a gruesome boob. ---- Bill Maher
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It's really annoying that the Heartbeat Bill supporters are using Helium filled balloons as part of their protest to get the bill passed. This just shows how little they know about science and basic healthcare needs. Helium is a non-renewable resource that faces serious shortages in about a generation’s time. One of its main uses is to cool medical equipment such as MRI machines. So all those kids being born now will have to deal with a world that not only doesn't have Helium filled party balloons in about 25 years when their kids are being born. They won't be able to get a MRI if they need one either.
I can't understand people who want to treat a woman as an amoral incubator incapable of making a choice about the welfare of her own body and possible offspring, but who aren't concerned about providing basic health care to all children after they are born. Of course the balloon issue just shows such people have a very limited understanding of science. (Maybe they think god will make more Helium for them?)
Hey Bill,
Last night you mentioned Natalie Munroe, the teacher who blogged on Facebook. You said she was from OHIO--she's not. She's from Bucks County PA. I would chalk it up to what does it matter except that it's one the the MOST affluent school district in PA. It sits outside Philadelphia and has a higher per capita income than the rest of the state. Parents there are all wigged out because their little cherubs shouldn't subjected to the truth. You've commented recently on the state of education. I think there's more to this story than just a teacher blogging. It exemplifis the parents who comes to their child's defense no matter what.
Dear Mr. Maher,
My family and I have long been admirers of both your comedy and political insight and we were delighted to see your triumphant return from “Politically Incorrect.” I’m not particularly sympathetic to your brand of militant atheism personally, but, over the years I’ve learned to draw some important observations from it. That said, I think you’re remarks about Islam and Lara Logan last night (2/19/10) not only crossed the line toward falsehood but approached gross intolerance—perhaps racism.
You, me, and believe it or not, a lot of Muslims were outraged by the rape of the journalist Lara Logan. It was not only an expression of the Mubarak Regime’s continuing assault on free speech but also indicative of his human rights record for the last thirty years. How you were able to take this tragedy and transform it into an indictment against Islam is quite appalling. For one thing, much of the violence that has been directed toward journalists came from pro-government security personnel or protestors. Please note that the government that they represent is decidedly secular. Moreover, in your grand indictment about Islam, you fail to appreciate that twenty Egyptian women with a detachment of soldiers had saved Logan. In your perspective, can you distinguish between the rapists and the rescuers? They’re Muslim, and by your line of reasoning, must all be taught a lesson about human rights.
Many Muslim countries have an abysmal record in terms of providing women and minorities with civil and human rights. This is unfortunate because Islam historically had customs and rules that awarded these groups with more privileges than Christianity would until the seventeenth century. That said, you’re right to be concerned, and we all are as well. But don’t you think it’s a function of a grossly uneducated, at times impoverished, and embattled society to be bigoted and misogynistic? There are millions of Muslims in the world who respect differences of opinion and faith and ascribe equal rights to men, women, and homosexuals. Surely, as a progressive and a liberal you wouldn’t voluntarily file them in the same category as the perpetrators of Lara Logan’s assault by virtue of the name of their God.
Your claim, that Muslim men need to be taught how to treat women, speaks to a sort of veiled intolerance that was in frequent use during the British rule of India. The Indian political scientist, Giyatri Spivak writes about the use of women in British propaganda—the Indian male, she writes, is depicted as brutish and cruel, and it is on behalf of his wife and his daughter that the British must intervene. With the same proficiency as you engaged the Logan assault, they described bride burning as the justification for the domination of a country and a culture. I doubt that it was your intention on Realtime to defend the oppression of Egyptians, Arabs, or Muslims, but I do think that you ought to be aware of how insidious generalizations of the kind you made have been used throughout history. You speak out as a concerned American and as such you condemned an act of violence, but for many people, what you said can be used to defend greater cruelties---for example, the institutionalized rape and torture that was inflicted by the secular regimes of Saddam Hussein and indeed Hosni Mubarak.
Bill, first off I love what you do. Rationalism in the media is scarce. Actually asking questions regarding religion is long over due and you're the only one it seems doing it other than the late-great George Carlin.
Have you ever asked an atheist what worries him/her regarding this country? I see you asking questions to christians but never to any athiest. I would love you to interview common people who are atheist. I would like to know that Im not alone in this religous, fundamental, run country.
As an atheist, I worry about people who are such devout christians that they make up this pseudo-christian science to validate their faith. It really worries me that a lot of these people are in power in the USA.
Keep on asking why,
Most of the times Bill Maher gets it right! BUT Bill’s debate with Tavis Smiley about the treatment of women in America compare to Muslim treatment. Bill was WRONG!!! In this country Aiyana Jones 7 years old black FEMALE is DEAD!!!! A Detroit white cop first threw a flash bomb. Which burn a sleeping Aiyana then he shot the FEMALE DEAD!!! A black FEMALE 92 year old shot at 39 times by three white Atlanta cops. Six bullets hitting their mark killing her. Then handcuffing her and planting drugs in her home and a gun in her hand! THEY RAIDED THE WRONG HOME! A black pregnant Female taking her son to school is taser three times and punch to the ground for not signing a ticket! A 72 year old refuse to sign her ticket and a white cop taser her and knocked her to the ground. AND WAS JUSTIFY!!!!!! In America!!! A black FEMALE walking out of a Korean store. Was shot in the head by the store clerk. She was sentence to 5 years probation! Her lives was seen as worthless! Jefferson published his views that blacks were inferior to whites in his book, Notes on the State of Virginia, saying blacks were inferior “in the endowments both of body and mind.” ! Supervising and owning hundreds of slaves, including their children, MANY FEMALE: Jefferson believed that blacks were equal to lazy animals and were inferior to whites in reasoning, mathematical comprehension, and imagination. This was Jefferson’s rationalization for their condition of slavery. In effect, Jefferson believed that the difference between blacks and whites was “fixed in nature”, and was not dependent on their freedom or education.
Jefferson could see no way for African Americans to live in American society as free people, saying “Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate than that these people are to be free. [But] the two races…cannot live in the same government.” For a long-term solution Jefferson believed that slaves should be freed then deported to African colonies.
Most of the times Bill Maher gets it right! BUT Bill’s debate with Tavis Smiley about the treatment of women in America compare to Muslim treatment. Bill was WRONG!!! In this country Aiyana Jones 7 years old black FEMALE is DEAD!!!! A Detroit white cop first threw a flash bomb. Which burn a sleeping Aiyana then he shot the FEMALE DEAD!!! A black FEMALE 92 year old shot at 39 times by three white Atlanta cops. Six bullets hitting their mark killing her. Then handcuffing her and planting drugs in her home and a gun in her hand! THEY RAIDED THE WRONG HOME! A black pregnant Female taking her son to school is taser three times and punch to the ground for not signing a ticket! A 72 year old refuse to sign her ticket and a white cop taser her and knocked her to the ground. AND WAS JUSTIFY!!!!!! In America!!! A black FEMALE walking out of a Korean store. Was shot in the head by the store clerk. She was sentence to 5 years probation! Her lives was seen as worthless! Jefferson published his views that blacks were inferior to whites in his book, Notes on the State of Virginia, saying blacks were inferior “in the endowments both of body and mind.” ! Supervising and owning hundreds of slaves, including their children, MANY FEMALE: Jefferson believed that blacks were equal to lazy animals and were inferior to whites in reasoning, mathematical comprehension, and imagination. This was Jefferson’s rationalization for their condition of slavery. In effect, Jefferson believed that the difference between blacks and whites was “fixed in nature”, and was not dependent on their freedom or education.
Jefferson could see no way for African Americans to live in American society as free people, saying “Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate than that these people are to be free. [But] the two races…cannot live in the same government.” For a long-term solution Jefferson believed that slaves should be freed then deported to African colonies.
hi bill . i love your show but i wish you would atleast just once tell your audience that not everyone in the south is a complet redneck toothless hick . granted i will agree with you that 99.8% of the people here in the south are but there is that 0.2% of use out there that is not . im 41 i live ina small town in rural north ga. i was born and raised here and all there is around me is white christian conservative republicans . im th only liberal that i know of and somtimes i think im about to lose my mind . i have no friends here and the only intelligent conversation i have is from your show . im a single heterosexual never married no kids and never married and im also an athiest . and yes i have all my teeth and hair .and for the record . i do not hate gays or anyone for the color of there skin well except white old men i make an exception in there case .but considerin im white myself im not sure that counts as being a racist . what i would like to ask is why do you not come here undercover and do a documentary of what real southern white christians are really like . i mean seriously i wish you would come here and exspose thes people .i own a business here and i play golf and see them everyday and the thing that you dont see on tv is what real southerners are like even the prominate upscale holy rollers . i do not know one single white person here that isnt a racist or a bigget . its truly amazing . so come here do a undercover show on the dumbasses . i think if you did it would truly help show the rest the world what thes idiots are really like . thanks
Most of the times Bill Maher gets it right! BUT Bill’s debate with Tavis Smiley about the treatment of women in America compare to Muslim treatment. Bill was WRONG!!! In this country so-call white Christian participated in slavery rape murder discrimination against women! THAT CONTINUE TO THIS DAY!!!! In this country Aiyana Jones 7 years old black FEMALE is DEAD!!!! A Detroit white cop first threw a flash bomb. Which burn a sleeping Aiyana then he shot the FEMALE DEAD!!! A black FEMALE 92 year old shot at 39 times by three white Atlanta cops. Six bullets hitting their mark killing her. Then handcuffing her and planting drugs in her home and a gun in her hand! THEY RAIDED THE WRONG HOME! A black pregnant Female taking her son to school is taser three times and punch to the ground for not signing a ticket! A 72 year old refuse to sign her ticket and a white cop taser her and knocked her to the ground. AND WAS JUSTIFY!!!!!! In America!!! A black FEMALE walking out of a Korean store. Was shot in the head by the store clerk. She was sentence to 5 years probation! Her lives was seen as worthless! Jefferson published his views that blacks were inferior to whites in his book, Notes on the State of Virginia, saying blacks were inferior “in the endowments both of body and mind.” ! Supervising and owning hundreds of slaves, including their children, MANY FEMALE: Jefferson believed that blacks were equal to lazy animals and were inferior to whites in reasoning, mathematical comprehension, and imagination. This was Jefferson’s rationalization for their condition of slavery. In effect, Jefferson believed that the difference between blacks and whites was “fixed in nature”, and was not dependent on their freedom or education.
Jefferson could see no way for African Americans to live in American society as free people, saying “Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate than that these people are to be free. [But] the two races…cannot live in the same government.” For a long-term solution Jefferson believed that slaves should be freed then deported to African colonies.,0,7099823.story Please check out this story. Maybe we should stop applauding other countries for demanding free speech until we have it here.
It should be mandatory that anytime a numbers quote or statistics quote is quoted by TV pundits! They must tell the date it was taken the race of the people polled and how many people where polled! The American people should know. That many of these polls taken are from anywhere from 250 to 5,000 people polled. Also the American people should know that many people polled are white! Bill Maher prove with his statement last Friday not only to have selective memory. But to be totally insensitive to women and female children in America! Bill’s statement that Muslim treat their women worse then in America. First sounds like Mr. Maher see women as property! Second is so wrong! Just take a look at Nancy Grace nightly show! She feature many story of mostly white husbands and boyfriends that murder their wives and girlfriends and their children! IN AMERICA !!!! An 87-year-old white American grandmother subdued by white American police with a stun gun while she was lying in bed hooked up to an oxygen machine is suing her Oklahoma hometown. Varner’s grandson called 911 on Dec. 22 and told the dispatcher his grandmother “wanted to end her life” and that he was concerned she had taken some unknown medicine. Officer Thomas Duran says in a police report that Varner pulled a kitchen knife from under her pillow and threatened to stab and kill him if he tried to take her from her home. Something she and her grandson said is totally a LIE! Bill Maher turns out to be like many white Americans! Living a lie! Also many white Americans HEAR IT! BELIEVE IT! And REPEAT IT! If it’s in favor of white people or against minorities! With know investigation pass the idiot the racist the liar that inform them! Bill seem to be that WHITE PERSON!!!!!
Moammar Gaddafi is evil and a dictator! OK NOT NEWS!!!!!! Today many Libya citizen are fed up with Gaddafi and his evil! And are rioting in the street! THAT IS NEWS! Now the white control media wants to condemn President Obama for not stating Gaddafi is a evil force and his treatment of his people is evil! The white control media is fast to condemn Gaddafi for murdering Libya students (which he deserve) but not condemn our government for murdering 74 American in WACO in America! The white control media is proven to be American evil terrorist. There sick mentality and rhetoric seem to attack President Obama and America and promote hatred and war! Many Republicans want the President to demonize and condemn Gaddafi more angrily ! These idiot of hate and divide don’t understand nor do they care. That Americans are in Libya and the President must be careful not to set Gaddafi off MORE THEN HE IS! Which may lead to Americans taken hostage or murdered in Libya! The white control media needs to SHUTUP and allowed the President to protect those Americans in Libya! The business of criticizing President Obama on any and everything is getting to be sickening! Also so very obvious! It is also funny and sick that the white control media can report on the evil of these country one person decade rule. But never look at the evil of white only male only American rule. That is responsible for the unbalance in America the discrimination in American the hate and divide that has hurt and made America last in allot of area!
The media in America is controlled by the white majority! So therefore it is many times bias and racist and misleading! THAT IS A FACT!!! The shame of it is many times NOT FAIR & BALANCE! Many time the white control media tells half truths and many times has selective memory. Like in the case of former President Ronald Reagan. A PISS POOR PRESIDENT!!! Many white reporters witness Reagan mis-steps and memory lost and never reported it! The white control media on Reagan 100 birthday made Reagan out to be greater then he was! Never did they mention the fact that his son said his father was suffering from Alzheimer during the time Reagan was President! That is major news but played down by the white control media! The white control media is protecting former President G.W. Bush and his administration! Bush should be in prison for murdering innocent Iraqi citizen and American troops for NOTHING! But both Bush and Reagan are white and get a pass! Just think what the white media would do to President Obama. If he was as stupid and destructive as either of those white men! The white media reports on anything negative when it comes to minorities in detail! But forget details when reporting on white Americans! Like in the case of Bill O’Reilly interview with President Obama! You would think that O’Reilly was more important then the President! He disrespected the President by interrupting him many times! Bill O’Reilly is a pervert and should have been in prison. For his treatment of the woman that brought charges against him for sexual harassment. This immoral lowlife statement that he didn’t think black people new how to use utensil in a restaurant! That to me makes him a total racist idiot! The white control media never reports on white on white crime 92% but never forgets to report on black on black crime 94%! Nancy Grace feature a white on white crime nightly on her show. But never mention white on white crime! That makes her part of that lying evil white control media! The white control is fast condemn Muslim men treatment of their women. But never report on the many white women murdered by their white boyfriends and husbands in America!
Thanks for appearing in Phoenix. It's cerebrally underserved & your missionary work is so appreciated
Hi Bill. As a practicing physician that has worked in both NY and currently AZ I would love to debate healthcare with you sometime. While I agree with you that as Americans we should all have health care. The problem with that is most intelligent people think that everyone is just like them, hard working and caring about their health. Unfortunately, most Americans that I see couldn't give a shit about their health. They would rather take some pill rather than give up their smokes, lose weight or exercise. How then do we change behavior and give adequate health care. If someone does not care about their health, why should I, or you for that matter. And since universal health care is not free it is just paid for by a general tax, how can I pay for someones health care that is not willing to change. How do put the onus on the individual that if you take care of yourself we will take care of you?
To think you are a physician! First whether a person a American citizen a human being….Takes care of their health you are the beneficiary! You have the nerve to state that you don’t want to pay for a American citizen that does not care about their health! BUT you and every other sick Republican have no problem paying for the needless war in Iraq! No problem voting for a war that cause the needless deaths of American citizen! A war that Americans fought and sacrifice their life’s for you !Those same American some that may not take care of their health . Are some of those Americans that you care nothing about! There is no argument against “Universal Healthcare! There are only white Americans that want to find negative in anything and everything President Obama accomplish! That was proven with the Boston Mass election of Senator Brown. White resident of Boston Mass voted in a Senator they thought would vote against President Obama healthcare reform plan! The same programs that resident of Boston Mass have! Also you seem real hateful so get out the profession!
Much has been may about President Obama 750 billion dollar stimulus package! It is criticize and demonize daily by the Republican Party and the Republican right wing TV news programs! No one talks about former President G. W. Bush’s 350 billion stimulus package that did nothing to stabilize the country. Also none was to be paid back to the taxpayers! Unlike the Obama stimulus package which to date 65% has been paid back and the government the taxpayers will make money off the Obama stimulus package! Much has been made over unemployment and the stimulus package not keeping unemployment to 8%! Will President has 4 years and the stimulus package needs the private sector and the Republican Governors. To make the stimulus package work! But Republican Governors in order to make the President look bad. Have refuse stimulus money and in NJ. Governor Chris Christie shut down a project that would have employed 40 thousand jobs for NJ and NY citizen! He also lost 400 million dollars that the state needed! So the problem is not President Obama’s stimulus package. It’s white racism and Republican stupidity! It is time for the white leadership to stop it’s hatred and respect the country more then embracing hatred!
WACO Texas 74 Americans burn to death by American law enforcement! Many children some as young as 2 months murdered by American law enforcement! REPUBLICANS SILENT!!!! The MOVE incident in Philly 11 Americans murder by American law enforcement! Nearly 100 homes burn to the ground by American law enforcement. Just to arrest one man with a warrant ( John Africa)! REPUBLICANS SILENT!! How come Republican politician criticize Muammar Gaddafi evil treatment of his citizen in his country! But in this country “America”! These lowlife double standard Republicans are silent when white police officer shoot and kill 92 year old black women( Kathryn Johnston)! Or a 7 year old innocent black child asleep! ( Aiyana Jones) first burn with a flash bomb then shot dead! Or the beating of (Rodney King)! In every state in the United State there are murders of unarmed American citizen, Republican could careless! Republican are quick to condemn evil oversea! But in this country when unarmed minorities are murder by law enforcement! THEY COULD CARELESS!! While American troops of all races are fighting and dying in two wars Afghanistan and Iraq! That Republican rule started! The Iraq war was needless and 4,400 died for their country for NOTHING! Republican want to go to Libya with military force and allow American troops to fight and die! For Libya citizen but in this country American minorities could go to hell….or in other just DIE! Republican could careless!!!!
Hi bill,Your show is Awesome tell it like it is..You are the Real Deal dude..Some people just dont get it,my father was a Teamster for 30 years and father in law retired pipe fitter both proud union men..They made a good honest living and a good Retirement for all those years they worked hard..I know there are Problems,Greed and Corruption issues with Unions..However,were would our Country be without them?
I think we would be alot worse off without them..What say You..Just my opinion..Help us save the planet from deforestation and global warming!
Bill Maher
Your statement that President Obama is a horrible negotiator is BS! Remember the BP incident President Obama negotiated what was a 75 million dollar cap. Obama got 20 billion! Bill either you lived on Mars or your just STUPID about American history or a liar! Did you think being the first black President! Entering a white dominate arena. Dealing with a white Republican Party full of racism and hatred! Dealing with Republicans that voted against anything and everything President propose! Dealing with the birtha! Dealing with 43% more assassination threats then any other white only male only President! Dealing with white Democrats that don’t want to seem to be behind the first black President! President Obama got a healthcare reform plan pass. When 7 decade of male only white only Presidents could not! President Obama 750 billion stimulus package save many Americans jobs and stop the financial downfall. Also the stimulus package gave many Americans tax cut! Plus 60% of the stimulus money is return! Bill you continue to misinform your audience! Also the unemployment number is going down from 9.8% …..9.5% TODAY 9%!!!! I also notice that you didn’t argue with the former white Mayor. When he told you that this country treats women less then. He quoted many incidents!!!! But the black Tavis Smiley you called his action because of his culture! White American men have forever treated non-white less then! Especially white women! For you to not know that is really STUPID!!! You come off as liberal but your racist whiteness continue to show it’s head! Also sleeping with black women does not make you liberal. I did it all my life!
GOT SCAMMED FOR BILL MAHER TICKETS!!! This is the only opportunity I could find on Bill's website to vent my frustration with the fact that I paid three times face value for two tickets to his concert at the Moody theater in Austin, TX. This after being connected by a DIRECT LINK FROM BILL"S OWN SCHEDULE PAGE ON HIS WEBSITE to a ticket outlet called The price seemed steep, but not off the charts. Besides, I've never been to one of his shows, so I had no idea what it would cost. The link, still on the schedule page, is now a dead end. All other links to shows in other cities direct users to the actual venues where he is appearing. So I got hosed - boo hoo - buyer beware. The point of contention here is that Bill has, unwittingly I hope, served as an agent in this swindle via HIS OWN SITE. How and why did this link get on his site? If anyone in Bill's organization actually reads this, I would appreciate an explanation. I would ordinarily shrug this off, but it is difficult to accept that someone as outspoken against corruption as Bill is would have anything to do with such a scheme, especially considering that the victim is one of his fans who jumped at the chance to see him live!
Dear Doctor...
I agree with you on some points about how ppl don't want to take responsibility for their own health, but the ppl are not to blame for this one. The entire philosophy of health care itself is centered around treatment rather than prevention. For some reason, the system (private and public) would rather spend thousands on expensive meds and treatments rather than spend just a fraction on preventative measures.Measures that would focus on community based services like healthy organic food and excercise.
Instead of having free clinics and practictioners that would come to your house to teach and assist people in cooking, buying healthy food, personal training, digestive issues, accupuncture, and holistic medicines, we have been brainwashed into believing that we should instead spend our money on chemotherapy, patches, meds, etc etc etc.
I know for a fact, that if we took a fraction of what we spent on health care today, and put it into a community based holistic health care clinical system, we'd solve our medicaid budgetary issues.
You are as ignorant about Islam as you apparently are about Christianity. The Bible is at least as pro-violence and anti-woman as the Koran. You characterize Moslems as if their crazies represent them. Do the Westboro nuts represent Christians?
Terry Anderson
I realize most all Presidents have their critics; however, there is a nastiness out there in punditry world when it comes to questioning the policies of this President. Now I realize 24 hour news will have the “so-called” black conservative on their show as counter balance to the discussion; however, they cannot deny that there is a personalizing of the rhetoric towards President Obama that I’ve never witness before and I’m a political junkie and have been following politics since President Carter was elected. America witness Katrina and what a do nothing President.... looks like! President G.W. Bush! We Americans know first hand what it feels like to wait on a President to respond to a crisis and it never happens. Which is why I’m a little perplexed as to why there was this “overkill” and political drama emanating from the likes of James Carville over the President’s response to the oil spill. Carville wasn’t this emotional as over 1,000 human being that drowned in New Orleans. And the Bush administration lack of providing the kind of investment it would take to rebuild New Orleans, after he promised to do just that. I realize 24 hour news still needs to make up scandal and create news when there is NO news... however, I want Americans to examine Carville’s performance objectively as you seem to do when discussing the President. President Obama is criticize whether he goes to the site of the oil spill or not! If he goes the pundit say he went to late or he didn't go to the real bad area...Or he didn't meet with real people or the people he met with where not real people or he didn't hug the people he met with...Or the people are angry or the people want him to do something other then coming and saying he wants BP to clean up the mess they create...The media didn’t allow the people effected to speak out on their program... They tell you what the people effected feel and think! The reason the pundits in my opinion is to dictate America's beliefs and thinking!
I loved your show last night. I am a new viewer ..SADLY! Thank you. Thank you for your voice. keep talking.
Hi Bill! My husband and I are HUGE fans of you, however can't afford HBO anymore. We just heard on the "local news" that we missed you here in Springfield, MO. Had we any idea you were going to be here, we would have been FIRST IN LINE. Amazing how that information only comes out AFTER you were here. We are needless to say "really pissed off" that we missed you. Thanks for coming to this rediculessly conservative venue. So sorry we missed you.
omg! thanks so much for coming to OKC; your show was awesome.
I know he's your friend and all, but please oh please oh please don't have Richard Belzer on as a guest again. He's uninformed, inarticulate and talks over people who have something meaningful to say. I don't care whether you have a left, right or center bent on politics...he just awful.
We all know that Bill is just a freak of nature. His intelligence is right up there with Michelle Obama and her low life husband. Its like fat old Michelle is trying to tell everyone else to loose weight and all we have to do is look at her ass to know that she is a low life hypocrite. Maher fits right right in with them. He has to pick on women to make himself feel good, but only good women. He is nothing but a low life scum sucking sob
Bill,Im a Brit and just listened to your "latest" comments about Sarah Palin "YAWN".You remind me of a spotty little tike back in my school days who slaved for the bigger kids just so he could have a bit of back up when he was being teased about his spots.Your picture reminds me of him.Its what he probably looks like at your age.Bill dont you.. cant you see how boring you sound and that also includes your left wing champagne socialist buddies like Michael Moore and most of the presenters at MSNBC.I hope as you grow older some maturity will start to show and then you will look back and see what an utter pratt you,ve been
In Egypt and Libya the citizen of those country are experiencing what Americans have experience! ONE MENTALITY RULE!!!! America is seeing the results of a male only white only ruling country! The results of living in a white racist mentality run country is detrimental to all Americans! Hate and divide DOES NOT WORK! Discrimination DOES NOT WORK! Raising the cost of houses in America just to keep minority Americans out! HAS WORKED AGAINST ALL AMERICANS!!! Voting white only DOES NOT WORK!!! Reagan and Bush 1 and 2 DID NOT WORK FOR THE COUNTRY!! Sending American military to Iraq FOR NOTHING …WAS WRONG!! 4,400 Americans lost their lifes FOR NOTHING!!! Bush 2 turn a surplus into 13 trillion dollar debt! Started two wars NOT PAID FOR! Sending American jobs oversea was done by many white Presidents! This practice was and is detrimental to all Americans! Today problem can be directly link to white racism white greed and white hate and divide mentality! Today whites are seeing that attacking the first black President is base on that racist mentality that has stop this country from being the greatest country on earth! The white control media and the white TV host of Fox News are White American Verbal Terrorist AGAINST AMERICA!! Today more then ever this country needs white leadership base on respecting all GOD’s people! We as American have live a LIE! All male all white is best WRONG WRONG WRONG!!! GOD create all men equal and the white man said he was WRONG!
Bill Maher - What a pathetic little person.
mr. mahar you are really good at what you do. i have an idea you might enjoy that our politicians or as i call them educated idiots dont consider. 1) we have billions of american dollars leave our country yearly on internet gambling sites ,casinos and poker etc. why dont they make it legal to keep that money in our country and create more jobs by doing so, its not going to stop so keep it here. they could collect more taxes on the money that stays here.i think you will really like this opinion 2) POT make it legal for individuals to use as long as they grow enough for their own consumption. they could by a stamp from the government for argueing sake say 600 a year. it would eliminate pot dealers and pot smuggling in a very short time. create billions in revenue and create jobs to create, supply, and distribute the stamps. it would create revenue in the way of grow lights fertilizers, and related supplies. it would take a huge workload off the courts system and jail system. it would save billions in law enforcement time so they could concentrate on more serious issues. this is just a brief thought and i know with your intelligence and insight you could expound on these ideas but alas as i said before its over the heads of educated idiots. 1 thing however these are getiing to be drastic times in our country we need to make drastic is far from the free country they like us to believe, when you have people on the local state and federal level and their only job responsibility is to make new laws it will lead to more control by government which translates into less freedoms for the general puplic. at some point to many rules will mean total government control what happens then. i am a firm believer that in our future maybe as soon as 2/3 hundred years our people will revolt against our government for the same reason our forefathers did to gain freedom. thx for reading you will certainly go down in history as a leader in freedom your friend leon rice
President Obama is doing the job he promise! Now America won’t find that out by the white control media! When President Obama took office unemployment was at 10%. Then it went to 9.9% …9.8%….9.5% … today it’s 8.8%! That is progress! But the white control media is talking about black unemployment . Which is at15.5%! They must always try to report something negative when President Obama does something positive! President Obama turn the automobile industry around and save many America workers jobs! The demonize stimulus package stop the financial downfall and gave many Americans a tax break!
The great American presidents have emerged from the great challenges. Some say the greatest president of the 20th century was Franklin Roosevelt who had to overcome the challenges of the Great Depression and the Second World War. The greatest president of the 19th century was Abraham Lincoln, who had to meet the challenge of the Civil War. The presidency of Barack Obama will also be shaped by the challenges he faces. President Obama has to overcome the depression that began in 2007 and two wars! A Republican Party challenging his citizenship and spreading lies. Republicans that are bent on hate and dividing the country and attacking President Obama. A Tea Party calling him a socialist and racist and Hitler etc…43% more death threats then all President before him. He also has to create a foreign policy that will restore international confidence in the United States lost under Republican administration and former G.W. Bush! President Obama has taken Roosevelt and Lincoln as his chief role models, and it is the image of Lincoln he has chosen to emphasize as he prepares for his inauguration. The first black president naturally feels kinship with the president who abolished slavery. President Obama has formed his Cabinet on Lincoln's principles, appointing the strongest individuals, whether or not they agree with each other and whether or not they have been his rivals for the presidency. President Obama is said to have been reading Team of Rivals, an excellent book on Lincoln's choice of colleagues written by the Pulitzer prizewinner Doris Kearns Goodwin.
She quotes the reply that Lincoln gave to a journalist who asked why he had chosen a Cabinet of enemies and opponents. Lincoln said: “We needed the strongest men of the party in the Cabinet. We needed to hold our own people together. I had looked the party over and concluded that they were the very strongest men. Then I had no right to deprive the country of their services.” That surely is the right principle. President Obama shows true leadership! There is NOTHING weak about President Obama!
It is so very obvious what the white control media has done to the first black President! They have allowed the Republican Party and the Tea Party and hate and divide to take the lead! Whenever the white control media reports something that President Obama does positive. There is always a “BUT” and that “BUT” always knocks the positive! LIKE: Unemployment over and over it was reported that Senator Obama stated that his stimulus package would bring unemployment to 8%! Well when he took office unemployment was at10%! In two in a half year. It went from 10%…9.8%…9.5%…9% 8.8%! That to me is progress and working towards 8%! Not the white control media they reported the 8.8%! “BUT” they all of a sudden are concern about black America’s unemployment which is 15.5%! Something that was barely mention when stating unemployment! But they needed a negative! This has been the practice of the white control media from day one! First they demonize candidate Obama’s Pastor and Pastors that visit the church too. To the point Obama left his church. Obama’s wife was attacked his sister and a brother Obama had not seen in year! A aunt he had not seen in 25 years. Was found and Obama was criticize! Then it was candidate Obama experience or the lack of! Then it was William Ayer a white man that at one time in his life. Was involve with a group that bomb American buildings. Obama was 8 years old at the time and knew nothing of Ayer! To date Ayer is a Professor at a college! Then it was the Tea Party attacking his citizenship calling him Hitler and a socialist! The white control media then started to refer to the health care Reform Plan as Obamacare! Not only was it not Obamacare . It was disrespectful and unprofessional! President Obama is a very good President that has put up with more BS! Then any of the 43 pass Presidents!
My name is James Lansberry I am attempting to create a new political party called the Impact Party. Our party wants to demonstrate the math skills necessary to pay the deficit off and still grow the economy of the country at 10% GNP each year.
If anyone is interested in the numbers and philosphy to back up the numbers my email address is
The American public should be mad as hell! At the horrible over opinionated white control media! They have done a disservice to America and to the many minorities serving in the military! With their bias opinion of President Obama and his administration! As for minorities in the military that is fighting and dying for their country. They choose to only interview white troops! They choose to refer to President Obama’s Healthcare Plan as Obamacare! They choose to refer to President Obama as just Obama! They choose to demonize the Obama’s stimulus package that stop the financial downfall! Never ever interviewing one American that benefited from Obama’s stimulus package! THERE ARE MILIOIN!!! No Republican is ever asked about President G. W. Bush 350 billion dollar stimulus package! Where did it go? How to it benefit America? Never asked! There is hardly any mention of the Republicans 13 trillion debt! After receiving a 800 billion surplus from a Democrat President! There is never any mention of the needless war in Iraq! The white control media was fast to claim that President Obama . Should take ownership of both wars started by the Bush administration! The Birther idiot get so much coverage from the white control media. Even after all evident prove President Obama was born in America! The Tea Party also gets allot of media coverage! It is so obvious the bias and racist coverage of all white media! There is no conservative or liberal new! Both have decide to ban together and report lie and repeat negative about President Obama and his administration!
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