Saturday, October 6, 2012


Friday, October 6, 2012

Following are quotables from “Real Time with Bill Maher” for Friday, October 6, 2012.  “Real Time with Bill Maher” airs Fridays at 10:00PM ET (10:00PM PT, tape delayed) on HBO, with additional replays throughout the week on HBO and HBO 2.

New job numbers came out today…unemployment went way down from 8 percent to 7.8 percent. Of course, a lot of this was because of the ever expanding industry of Mitt Romney fact checkers.
-       Bill Maher in his opening monologue

Now we know what Romney looks like when he is all charged up. And now we know what Michael Jackson looks like on diprivan.
-       Bill Maher in his opening monologue regarding Obama’s performance at the Presidential debate

I have not seen a black man that disinterested and annoyed since I dragged Chris Rock to that Beach Boys concert.
-       Bill Maher in his opening monologue regarding Obama’s performance at the Presidential debate

You know what the American people want right now? They don’t want you, they don’t want me. They just want these guys to work together, cut the crap, shut the hell up and do your jobs.
-       Frank Luntz

Congress has a 10 percent approval rating. Gaddafi had a 14 percent approval rating and that was from the people who killed him.
-       Frank Luntz

Mitt Romney has just been practicing for a year and a half. That’s what he’s been doing in the primaries…Barack Obama has been running a country.
-       Kerry Washington

You can’t look presidential when you’re just saying lies.
-       Kerry Washington on Mitt Romney at the Presidential debate

I think he doesn’t care anything about ideology…he’ll do whatever; the Tea Party, the Democrats, Liberals, Conservatives. He just wants to establish that Mormons are part of the mainstream of this country; he wants to be the first Mormon president.
-       Bill Maher on Mitt Romney

I tend to think of the government is best symbolized by the DMV. They don’t run anything very well. To pull off a massive conspiracy theory like this is totally out of character.
-       Will Cain

New Rule: Before beginning any scientific study, you must first ask ‘does anyone care about what I am studying?’ Like a recent study revealed that people who decorate their bedrooms purple have the most active sex lives. Yes, because only three types of men have purple bedrooms: pimps, Herman Cain and the Minnesota Vikings.
-       Bill Maher in his ‘New Rules’ segment

This week's guests were Frank Luntz, Mark Foley, Will Cain, Kerry Washington and Bill McKibben.


Anonymous said...

Paul Ryan: Eddie munster
Mitt: Herman

Anonymous said...

After watching the debate, I agree the President was not on his game but I couldn't believe my ears with Romney, he changed completely. I now call people who lie or hide things, a "Romney".

S. McAuley, Lawyer said...

Little known fact, easily verified: The Mormon Church is the largest landowner in the state of Florida. According to my title company (I'm a Florida real estate attorney), the
Top ten landowners in Florida:

1. Plum Creek Timber – 590,000 acres.
2. St. Joe Co. – 576,000 acres.
3. Foley Timber – 562,000 acres.
4. Rayonier –R 401,000 acres.
5. Lykes Bros. – 337,000 acres.
6. Deseret Ranches – 290,000 acres.
7. Mosaic – 254,000 acres.
8. Bascom Southern – 194,000 acres.
9. Florida Crystals – 155,000 acres.
10. U.S. Sugar – 153,000 acres.

Numbers 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and maybe 8 are all owned by the Mormon church.

Anonymous said...

With the $1m given to PAC how about telling story of Mitt as governor
WHERE are the adds displaying incompetence and how bad a Governor Romney was!?
Is this true?
Experience as governor on closer examination is bad? "With Mitt Bipartisanship was in short supply, variously ignored, insulted or opposed with intermittent charm and offensives to legislators. Mitt vetoed legislative initiatives 844 times, according to the nonpartisan research group Lawmakers quickly overriding the vast bulk of them. Mitt loved the veto."

Chaos if elected?

Anonymous said...

Bill please use the names one blogger called the 2 Republicans ROBME and LYIN

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Download IDM Terbaru said...

After watching the debate, I agree the President was not on his game but I couldn't believe my ears with Romney, he changed completely. I now call people who lie or hide things, a "Romney". Download IDM Terbaru

Registered Indy said...

I hate it when you call Republicans racist. While I like your show, your anti-Republican stance is getting old. A few facts..

A whopping 40% of Democrats voted against the Civil Rights act, including; Robert C. Byrd of West Virginia, J. William Fullbright of Arkansas (mentor to Bill Clinton), Albert Gore Sr of Tennessee (father of Al Gore Jr) -- while 80% of Republicans voted for the Act. And it was George Romney (Mitt Romney's father) who marched in front of the anti-segregation demonstration beside black leaders of the day. And as his niece, Alveda King, reminds everyone, Martin Luther King, Jr. was himself a pro-life, Republican.

Have things changed? No..The only thing that has changed is the media wanting to create this division between parties, so they can make more money with their us them formats.

Anonymous said...

Bill, I have been an avid fan for many years now and I would thank you for the tireless work you have committed to over these years. The work I refer to is revealing to the American public and the world the evil that lurks in the shadows of politics and religion in America. We live in very perilous times. The world stands on the brink of economic collapse. Innocent people die daily worldwide from the result of American political policies. President Obama seems reluctant to change this course of destruction to the dismay of many. His reluctance is justified as witnessed by history and the fates of Lincoln and Kennedy. The media is a whore that can be bought by the highest bidder and has left the American people lost and confused. There is only one voice I hear calling for truth in the wilderness (please forgive my reference to to scripture) and that is yours. Through your wit and humor many eyes are opened and a voice is given to the voiceless. If the conservative right is allowed to gain power again at this precarious time in history, I believe it will mean the end of life as we know it. I am begging you to do everything in your power to continue to fight for truth and justice.

Mark M

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