Thursday, April 7, 2011


Friday, March 11, 2011


Following are quotables from “Real Time with Bill Maher” for Friday, March 11, 2011. “Real Time with Bill Maher” airs Fridays at 10:00PM ET (10:00PM PT, tape delayed) on HBO, with additional replays throughout the week on HBO and HBO 2.

It turns out that in the Republican budget they submitted for next year, they slash funding for the agency that issues Tsunamis warnings and organizes response to the Tsunamis. In their defense, Republicans say Tsunamis are just a theory and they are not a real threat, like ACORN, the Black Panthers, NPR and math teachers in Wisconsin.

- Bill Maher in his opening monologue

Good news for Freedom Lovers, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker has signed the bill sticking it to the real power brokers in our society, the teachers, janitors and bus drivers.

- Bill Maher in his opening monologue

Who would have thought that sending your kid into a dark booth with a middle aged single man, in a dress, would lead to something bad.

- Bill Maher in his opening monologue on the suspension of Philadelphia priests for sexual misconduct

Newt Gingrich’s patriotism is a little different. When he and his intern hear the National Anthem, she gets a lump in her throat.

- Bill Maher in his opening monologue regarding Newt Gingrich’s “patriotic” philandering

Sarah Palin has strong opinions on the Libyans. She said marriage is between a man and a woman and Libyans like Rachel Maddow are what is ruining this country.

- Bill Maher in his opening monologue

If you listen to terrorist rhetoric, what they do is they cite politics, they cite political grievances. They don’t use too much religion. When you find Muslims who reject terrorism, as most do, it often is for spiritual and religious and moral reasons. But when people want to justify it, they justify it on political reasons.

- Rep. Keith Ellison

Dana Loesch: Collective bargaining is not listed in the Constitution.

Paul Begala: Neither is having sex with your wife but it doesn’t mean that the government can tell me I can’t do it.

- Dana Loesch and Paul Begala discussing the Wisconsin teachers protests

People aren’t voting their pocketbooks, they’ve voting their culture. They’re voting how they feel about gays, about how they feel about god, they’re voting guns. They are not voting economics because they don’t see their interests bound up economically. They see it as how the world looks at them.

- Tom Davis

The government is responsible for the material welfare of the people but as we know, the government is also responsible for a certain type of education of the people. Art, and we’re talking art when it is really doing what it is supposed to be doing, teaches abstract thinking, it teaches teamwork, it teaches people to actually think about things that they cannot see, it is actually an economic engine.

- Bill T. Jones

New Rule: Philadelphia’s twenty-one accused Catholic priests should cheer up. Don’t think of it as cops breaking up your pedophile club, think of it as giving up something you love for Lent.

- Bill Maher in his “New Rules” segment

This week's guests were the Rep. Keith Ellison, Tom Davis, Dana Loesch, Paul Begala and Bill T. Jones.


«Oldest   ‹Older   601 – 712 of 712
Anonymous said...

We need trials to accompany the elections. This might have prevented certain criminals and psychos from getting reelected. Don't cringe because both sides would fall; its the only way.

Bait N. Switch said...

Cloward–Piven strategy

Ethics Defined by Saul Alinsky
1. One's concern with the ethics of means and ends varies inversely with one's
personal interest in the issue.
2. The judgment of the ethics of means is dependent upon the political position of
those sitting in judgment.
3. In war the end justifies almost any means.
4. Judgment must be made in the context of the times in which the action occurred
and not from any other chronological vantage point.
5. Concern with ethics increases with the number of means available and vice
6. The less important the end to be desired, the more one can afford to engage in
ethical evaluations of means.
7. Generally, success or failure is a mighty determinant of ethics.
8. The morality of means depends upon whether the means is being employed at a
time of imminent defeat or imminent victory. 
9. Any effective means is automatically judged by the opposition to be unethical.
10. You do what you can with what you have and clothe it in moral garments.
11. Goals must be phrased in general terms like "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity,"
"Of the Common Welfare," "Pursuit of Happiness," or "Bread and Peace."

Anonymous said...

Al Franken reads the 4rth amendment to W's elite kindergarten, and (of course) they argue with him!

Anonymous said...

RIAA sued a 77 y.o. deaf woman for downloading music. Eh? Eh? What? I'm under a desk? What, sonny? I still can't hear you. Oh. Yes, they are dirty.

Anonymous said...

Glen Beck has obsessed on Saul Alinsky as Ricky Santorum has obsessed on gay men. Coincidence? Is Jesus coming back?

Hollywood Bubbles with Bill Maher said...

Based on their own words, the Republicans intend to drive the illegal aliens out by starving them out. The only problem is that their definition of an illegal alien is any combination of the following:
a) has no capital gains
b) takes in less than $150K
c) not judeo-religious
d) not europe fixated ethnomaniacs
e) moral
f) out of the closet
g) inconvenient

Sadly, this seems to also be their legal definition of a terrorist. The vast majority of Americans fit this description. So how do they intend to trick enough people into vote for them? Poverty has a way of sorting out one's priorities fast, and due to their 11 year criminal crusade, their 'base' just isn't in the middle class anymore. Mr. Rohrabacher is representing the profile of a nonexistent demographic...

Anonymous said...

I really don't want to be stuck with the bill for Newt's poon colony. I'm pretty sure our 4 fathers would agree that dragging the as yet unborn tax paying public into Newt's sexcapades is not consentual.

Anonymous said...

JBulls explains Thorium, Heavy Rare Earths, China & the Loss of Hi-Tech Manufacturing Jobs

Homo sapiens sapien-bubblicious said...

Newt Gingrich seems to manifest asperger's syndrome. Under Obama's double standard policies he is eligible for more electoral college credits than senior Ron Paul; but not as many as Michelle Bachmann. She's a woman AND a lunatic. The only cockroach who could beat her to the bottom is Bobby Jindal with a partial sex change.

Newt's wife has sanpaku eyes. Understandable, being married to that man must be pretty damn exciting.

Anonymous said...

Food Inc

McDonald's will stop using pink slime in their red 'meat'. Pink slime is added to beef scraps to kill bacteria like e coli. Its good enough for dog food too.

Illustrated explains:

Anonymous said...

kleptocracy (kleptarchy)
A form of political and government corruption where the government exists to increase the personal wealth and political power of its officials and the ruling class at the expense of the wider population, often without pretense of honest service. This type of government corruption is often achieved by the embezzlement of state funds. The actual looters need a host of helpers, enablers, justifiers, and legitimizers not only to loot but to keep looting.

They need media to distract and misinform. They need academia and think tanks to come up with bogus “economic” theories. They need government and politicians to cover for them, cheer them on, and bail them out.

There is no liberal or conservative in any of this. Democrats and Republicans are both equally culpable, and equally necessary to the kleptocratic enterprise. Kleptocracy is not American; it is the dominant political & economic behavior on the planet. Why, its religulous!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected the promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world-government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the National autodetermination practiced in past centuries." - David Rockefeller in an address to a Trilateral Commission meeting in June of 1991

Anonymous said...

LAPD Deputy Chief Asks Obama About Marijuana Legalization 27 Jan 2012

Anonymous said...

You know we receive an education in the schools from books.  All those books that people became educated from twenty-five years ago, are wrong now, and those that are good now, will be wrong again twenty-five years from now.  So if they are wrong then, they are also wrong now, and the one who is educated from the wrong books is not educated, he is misled.  All books that are written are wrong, the one who is not educated cannot write a book and the one who is educated, is really not educated but he is misled and the one who is misled cannot write a book which is correct.

The misleading began when our distant ancestors began to teach their descendants.  You know they knew nothing but they passed their knowledge of nothing to the coming generations and it went so innocently that nobody noticed it.  That is why we are not educated.

Now I will tell you what education is according to my reasoning.  An educated person is one whose senses are refined.  We are born as brutes, we remain and die as the same if we do not become polished.  But all senses do not take polish.  Some are to coarse to take it.  The main base of education is one's "self-respect".  Any one lacking self-respect cannot be educated.  The main bases of self-respect is the willingness to learn, to do only the things that are good and right, to believe only in the things that can be proved, to possess appreciation and self control.

Now, if you lack willingness to learn, you will remain as a brute and if you do things that are not good and right, you will be a low person, and if you believe in things that cannot be proved, any feeble  minded person can lead you, and if you lack appreciation, it takes away the incentive for good doing and if you lack self control you will never know the limit.

So all those lacking these characteristics in their makeup are not educated.

Ed Leedskalnin

Anonymous said...

We are all potentially job creators

Anonymous said...

"I'm dying. But so are you." Christopher Hitchens

Anonymous said...

To Bill Maher

Please do expose religion for all its lies! Every show! As an atheist my schools and government are polluted, diluted and deluded with all this hypocritical bullshit. Fucking double standard across the board. Religions that play at politics should be recognize as the subversive foreign corporations they are, diplomatically treated as hostile powers & taxed accordingly. Sanction Iran? Sanction these criminal empires.

Thanks. I feel so much better...

kevintravels said...

As always I loved your show this week!!

I saw Mrs. Ohrman on Peirc Morgan recently. I loved what she said, but I was hoping she would talk more about politics. Then lo and behold, there she is on your show!!

In an effort to extend my luck I thought I would ask you to do a few things for me.

1. As far as Occupy Wall Street goes, while you may be right to a degree, please go easy on them. The media uses enough made up ammunition against them as it is. Please don't give them any possible facts to go along with them.

2. What are the chances you could extend your season closer to the election? Although both Newt and Romney are bat shit crazy the fools on the other side will vote for a bowl of jello as long as it's a different color than black. The election will probably be a lot closer than reasonable people like ourselves could ever believe. Having you on tv to remind the faithful to put down their iphones, give their thumbs a rest and go out and vote might make all the difference. Please try to extend your season to as close to the election as you can.


Anonymous said...

The Santorum Stroke:

Anonymous said...

Christopher Hitchens face is found HERE =>

and he looks like he's jonesing for a scotch

Anonymous said...

...thats a jpg. You'll figure it out...

Anonymous said...

W destroyed our liberty, Obama has continued this and moved on to destroy property rights. Without property rights its all over. Fuck ACTA, SOPA and social spy nets. Why do you think fakebook is getting 5B funding? Because its the #1 blueprint for the corporate censorship of the internet.

Generous Swine said...

Did that statistical study of intelligence & conservatism include Warren B & Bill G? Because I'm pretty sure they are conservatives, and they are obviously smart enough to blow that curve.
Ben Disraeli knows!

Anonymous said...

Nope. There are a lot of Glen Becks & only one Bill Gates. And one Warren Buffet.

We're screwed.

Anonymous said...

Its not a bubble. Your FAQs aren't getting through, they are swarming in a mass ejacula of propaganda. So I am the egg, man. That which can get around my cockblockers and tickle my fancy might get in.

There are lots of stories in the splooge, each vying for marketshare. The goal of all the propaganda is to reproduce itself, but there are so many competing for attention that the shear numbers inadvertently produce a significant randomness factor, enormously increasing the probability that they will be flushed w/o consideration. The resulting wad of goo coats the outer membranes of all the ovums out there. The net result is that the sensory overload keeps people off balance, uncertain, unable to decide a course in their own best interest, take a committed position and take a stand. Its disempowering, and the wolves are counting on this. It keeps the unwary from forming their own more relevant questions, coercing them to accept the marketing pitch of some dispicable scumfucks like Obama's, Gingrich's & Romney's treasonous campaigners.

Sorry to pop your bubble Bill, his promises got him in the front door but his ejecta didn't fertilize. Its not just the RNC dicks, they all swim in the same disgusting media. Hanging the all pirates who are destroying our nation as they struggle to get as much of the massive thing into their dirty little sphincters would be a start; if you think the massive illegal alien date rape hasn't caused permanent damage, they slipped something in your drugs.

Killing a few unfortunate token blacks in Somalia is a feeble stroke job.

Anonymous said...

You might want to cut Joan Rivers a break. She's obviously an ally, and an influential one; its not her fault that she's a white woman!

Anonymous said...

ono, the illegal aliens are escaping to the moon! Help! Help! The illegal aliens are escaping to the moon! Call the professor. We must contact Gnewtzilla. Right away! Only he can save us.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Why question Peter Galbright only about Syria and Iran? Why not ask if US should help rebels in Bahrain?

It should be self evident that if US is only worried about human rights of it's allies, and Bahrain is rarely even in the news, it's not really about humanitarian issues.

Bill, you should have asked Peter Galbright what is the interest US has to get involved in Syria.

Anonymous said...

Santorum won the fake corporate staged media campaign against Ron Paul. The Republicans are post menopausal...

Population Bombs said...

For every job Obama "created", he brought in a "guest worker" - a foreign temp. Guest workers work for less, are less productive than Americans and are largely less educated than they claim. Public sector product quality is poor. Productivity continues to decline significantly, while labor costs are flat.
Americans with 4 or more years of college continue to be the largest single segment of the unemployed (1/3).
The number of long term unemployed is unchanged, on the floor since Q4 08.
Ten times as many illegal immigrants enter as legal ones. Officially and in gross violation of caps, we receive about a million legal foreign workers a year.
The displaced professional American workers are largely over 40, but more Americans under 25 are out of work than at any time since the government started measuring employment. They are not developing vital experience.
The increase in suicides in America during this period is (already educated) Americans 40-64.
There is a rich elite minority in every country. These people are the only ones benefitting from all of this. This is global class warfare.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

America: spent all the money on war & parties, left the kids to educate themselves. Now we have to put them all in prison. If you were wondering why we have so many people in jail, thats the kids.
At least its profitable.

Anonymous said...

Illegal immigration is a symptom of a major problem. The United States is trying to deal with the symptom, because the problem was created by foreign countries and the problem can only be resolved by that foreign country. Because foreign countries do not endeavor to provide a safe and healthy environment for their citizens to prosper, the foreign nationals are forcing themselves onto other nations (The US in particular) as opposed to dealing with their own POS nations. Now, nowhere does it state that ANY nation has the responsibility to take care of these fleeing foreign nationals, let alone the United States.

The illegal aliens are making a huge ASSumption that if they squat in a foreign nation and call it their home, then they will be accepted as a citizen of that nation, and that nation should accept responsibility for the care, well being, education and general success of the illegal alien inasmuch as the nation would one of its own citizens.

Apparently the illegal aliens are under the delusion that just because they assume the role of a citizen, they should be called a citizen or be accepted and allowed to become a citizen. And, if the invaded nation does not accept this forced and coerced responsibility, then they shall be known as racist haters and inhumane. Yet the illegal immigrant does not call their own country inhumane for the treatment they received at the hand of their own govt. and fellow citizens.

Anonymous said...

America: spent all the money on war...

Spent all the money defending other countries in order to prevent war. Those countries were able to direct much more of their resources to invest in educating their citizens. Too bad they show no significant gratitude, but then they are immersed in the same corporate propaganda that we are. Instead criminals have armed them, not only escalating the threat of violence the USA has been trying to prevent throughout the world since WW2, but also making the USA and Halliburton nations the biggest arms dealers in recorded history.

We can't have it both ways. A full and lethal accounting is coming, hard & fast.

Anonymous said...

So answer me this question Bill, and think on this real hard. I move into your house, I drive your car, I use your savings and take your job, I give birth to a couple of kids in your house and one day your realize it is no longer your house, your car, your bank account, or your job. What do you plan on doing about it?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Marcy Kaptor Explains

Anonymous said...

The davids make slaves, not kings.

Anonymous said...

Irrelevant? Insane. The party of torches, pitchforks, bibles, visions, speaking in tongues and demonic possession. They don't need no stinking facts. The only thing scarier is the motives of the people who prop them up.

Anonymous said...

All the democrats need to do to clear the field is compile the voting records of the republicans for the last 3 years into gaant charts, pies, bars, graphs! With comparisons to where we would be now if the legislation had not been blocked. Then the election will cost everyone half as much.

Gobble Crass Warfear said...

A temp worker has been brought in for EVERY job Obama "created", and Bill Gates demands still more. Antitrust? Destroying the American dream for the rest of us? With friends like this, who needs enemies?

The alinskyites apply cloward plivens - USA drown under the 3rd world weight, not domestic welfare!

Meanwhile the govt hasn't made their confiscation quotas; don't even start me on the highway man quotas. Blows that help the poor and fair play bullshit, doesn't it? The drug dealers didn't have it this good during the Miami Vice years...

G.I.R.L. said...

Alinsky -> Clinton,Gore -> NAFTA -> 1/Glass Stegall
Set up?

Psychedelic Mathematics said...

"Once is happenstance, twice is circumstance, 3 times is enemy action." Ian Fleming, MI5

Where did the middle class go? We can't do charity when we need charity, weakness begets weakness, ignorance, ignorance. Darkness falls.

The real problem with genius is that they can see right away the outcome of contributing their discoveries to the killers, so the decent ones withhold.

Grok this
Real Will Hunting's Grandmother

Anonymous said...

Corrections Corporation of America wants to help US out of our economic problems. They will buy our state prisons, as long as we guarantee 90% occupancy. Just sign this here Corrections Investment Initiative & we'll take care of little missy & junior, and you can all go back to passing out on the couch watching Fox and dying...

Anonymous said...

Thank you Bill Maher for FINALLY mentioning again the Morman loot that came into California to Pass Prop 8. I don't have a problem with Romney's or anybody's religious beliefs, but I do have a problem with the Mormon church's covert political activities.
That particular part of Romney's "Mormon problem" seems to have been forgotten and is rarely mentioned.

Anonymous said...

Larry King hosting Al Gore & Ross Perot

Will Steve be avenged? Will we? Will they?

Anonymous said...

Nader on the 1% nadir

Anonymous said...

Obama's achievemen­ts:
The largest investment in clean energy in history.
The largest investment in education in history.
The largest middle class tax break in history.
The largest investment in infrastructure since the 50s.
Ending a ban on federal funding of stem cell research.
Overhauled the Student Loan program.
The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.
Repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell.
SCHIP legislatio­n providing health care for millions of children.
Ending combat missions in Iraq.
Justice Department will no longer defend DOMA.
The Omnibus Public Lands Management Act.
The Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act.
Major Credit Card Reform.
Small Business Investment Act.
Increased funding for the Land and Water. Conservation Fund.
Expanded the Nurse-Family Partnership to all low-income, first-time mothers.
Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Prevention Act.
The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Act.
Health Care Reform.
Education Reconcilia­­tion Act.
New START treaty.
Caregivers and Veterans Omnibus Health Services.
Establishe­­­d the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibi­­­lity and Reform.
Reformed deferral rules to curb tax advantages for investing overseas.
Cut salaries for 65 bailout executives. ­­­:)
Wall Street Reform.
Cancellation of the F-22 weapons program.
New global nonproliferation initiative to keep nuclear materials out of the hands of terrorists­­.

Anonymous said...

Well, I went home with the waitress
You know the way I always do
Well how was I to know
She was with the Russians, too

I was gambling in Havana
You know I took a little risk
Send lawyers, guns and money
Dad, won't you get me out of this

I'm an innocent bystander
Somehow I got stuck
Between a rock and a hard place
And I'm down on my luck
Oh yea, I'm down on my luck
Oh yea, I'm down on my luck
Oh baby, I'm down on my luck
I'm so far down, I don't think I'll ever get up
If it weren't for bad luck
Oh if it weren't for bad luck
I wouldn't have no luck at all

Now I'm stranded in Honduras
I'm a desperate man
Send lawyers, guns and money
The shit has hit the fan
Send lawyers, guns and money
Send lawyers, guns and money
Get me out of this
Send lawyers, guns and money
You know the shit has hit the fan

Anonymous said...

to Greece: You're welcome.

SDR Swann said...

Its Statistics Time!
Who will win the Republican nomination?

2/21/2012 Survey Says:

Total Votes: 52127

Ron Paul 69.57%
Mitt Romney 17.86%
Rick Santorum 8.95%
Newt Gingrich 3.62%

Warren Hardy did two things right and one thing wrong to bring down unemployment from 11.7% to 2.4%.
1. Enforced immigration laws.
2. Cut the federal budget 50%.
3. Bad, passed Fordney-McCumber Tariff Act.
4. Sat on his ass and played poker.

To all you assholes who think its funny someone doesn’t have a job, just wait another year and you will see how funny it is.


Eric Hoffer said...

The opposite of the religious fanatic is not the fanatical atheist but the gentle cynic who cares not whether there is a god or not.

Anonymous said...

Attention women, if Rick Santorum is President you better go out and buy your burqas..his anti-women retoric is the same as the Taliban. Why fight in Afghanistan when the fight is right here against sexist, racist uber-religious nutcases like Santorum. "anonymous" about abortion...I bet you are a man. Easy to be anti-abortion on an issue you have no chance to experience. I hope no women in your life get raped then are FORCED to have the baby as desired by FACISTS like Taliban Rick Santorum. Too many men are all too willing to inerject their beliefs onto women when its really non of their business. If you are specifically against abortion in ALL cases...then dont have one but stay out of something that doesnt involve you.

Baju Muslim said...

Very interesting... I really like it... Thank you so much...

Anonymous said...

X, scrambling for his 30 pieces of silver

Anonymous said...

You're dazed. Bewildered. Trapped in a world without time. Where sound collides with color, and shadows explode. Yet this is no science fiction adventure. This is the real life, every day world of a pothead.

It all means the same thing: you smoke it and you get high. Maybe you smoke it because its the in thing and you want to be with it. Maybe you're rebelling against your parents, or maybe you're just looking for kicks. Whatever the reason ask yourself this: Is it worth the risk? All the facts aren't in on marijuana, but here's one that is. A recent study at Duke University showed that prolonged use of marijuana can result in a permanent loss of hearing. So the next time someone hands you a joint, maybe you won't just get stoned. Maybe you'll get stone deaf.

We're from the NLRD. We're here to help.

The NLRD said...

Why do they hate me? I only want to be president.

Anonymous said...

Save The Houseless
I see houseless people. I hear there are lots of people-less houses. I even hear that the government owns many of these houses; and even destroys some of them, instead of taking care of them.

Anonymous said...

See the money?
See the hole?
Watch me throw the money in the hole and rob the people at governmentpoint

14,000 dead wind turbines that cost you a fortune

GE sucks globally!

Anonymous said...

Watch the birdie sux0rz.

Anonymous said...

Affirmative Action: A policy through which Bill Maher gets the big bucks while smoking pot and advocating the wholesale looting of America by international criminals, while the Sheriff gets paid squat and faces criminal charges.

Just because its on TV w/no lulz doesn't mean its true.

Anonymous said...

I just want to thank Bill for motivating me to study the Bible and learn the truth that is present in it. Thanks for helping me reaffirm my faith in Jesus and encouraging me to study the Word of God so that I can answer many questions this crooked and depraved generation offers. Thanks, Bill!

Anonymous said...

If the words 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness' don't include the right to experiment with your own consciousness, then the Declaration of Independence isn't worth the hemp it was written on.
- Terence McKenna

Anonymous said...

Bob Lutz has his facts together, didn't he Bill? hehe

There's a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious —makes you so sick at heart — that you can't take part. You can't even passively take part. And you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop. And you've got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it that unless you're free, the machine will be prevented from working at all! — Mario Savio, Berkeley Free Speech Movement. @ Sproul Hall UCB, December 2, 1964. A year after the pigs killed JFK and reversed his orders to withdraw from Vietnam.

Anonymous said...

We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute a new government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and happiness.
- Declaration of Independence, United States.

Anonymous said...

"Rich people are not the cause of a robust economy, they are the result of a robust economy." Ron Garrett

Anonymous said...

John Allegro: Jesus Was A Mushroom

Bat*man said...


I have a question I'd like you to ask the spiritually challenged the next time you have one on.

My question is, "Why men have nipples?"

Wtf was God thinking? Does God have gender issues, or is this a glitch in the system? If its a glitch, what about God's creation being perfect and all that almighty stuff? I'm curious where they'll go with this one.


Anonymous said...

List of Indulgences by Pope John the 27th
First published by Pope Leo the 10th, 1513-1521

Robbing a church…………. $2.25
Burning a house……………. 2.75
Killing a layman…………….. 1.75
Forgery & lying……………… 2.00
Eating meat on Lent……..… 2.75
Ravishing a virgin…………... 2.00
Striking a priest……………… 2.75
Robbery……………..………… 3.00
Priest keeping concubine…. 2.25
Procure an abortion………… 1.50
Murder parents or wife……… 2.50
Absolution of all crimes…… 12.00

Unknown said...

i want to point out a maybe obvious point. who cares if Iran has an nuclear weapon. who are we to say that any country can or cannot have one. Having one means shit unless your gonna use it, and if Iran ever did, they know their country would exist for about 5 minutes

Unknown said...

i want to point out a maybe obvious point. who cares if Iran has an nuclear weapon. who are we to say that any country can or cannot have one. Having one means shit unless your gonna use it, and if Iran ever did, they know their country would exist for about 5 minutes

Unknown said...

i want to point out a maybe obvious point. who cares if Iran has an nuclear weapon. who are we to say that any country can or cannot have one. Having one means shit unless your gonna use it, and if Iran ever did, they know their country would exist for about 5 minutes

Anonymous said...

I have a grammer question that can only be answered here. Is it correct to say that "Michelle Obama IS a smelly c*nt", or is it "Michelle Obama HAS a smelly c*nt". The first way kind of defines the whole of Moochella and leaves body parts out of it, but the second could be taken as referring to her husband, Stinky (BO).
Also...THANKS SO MUCH for forging the way for using this language in the public discourse, and getting Stinks Hisself on board!!

Anonymous said...

To another anon.....from the post
List of Indulgences by Pope John the 27th
First published by Pope Leo the 10th, 1513-1521

Robbing a church…………. $2.25
Burning a house……………. 2.75
Killing a layman…………….. 1.75
Forgery & lying……………… 2.00
Eating meat on Lent……..… 2.75
Ravishing a virgin…………... 2.00
Striking a priest……………… 2.75
Robbery……………..………… 3.00
Priest keeping concubine…. 2.25
Procure an abortion………… 1.50
Murder parents or wife……… 2.50
Absolution of all crimes…… 12.00

One more.....From His Stinkiness (BO) in the White House
Call women c*ntz..........1,000,000

Anonymous said...

Blah, blah, blah. Etc. Etc. Back to the Limbaugh thing... Bill, FYI this has nothing to do with you. And don't call me a right-winger you commie. Call me a conservative and I'll lay off "commie" and call you a pretentious blowhard. It wasn't a "moral equivalence" argument at all. No one is under any illusion about which rock you crawled out from under, or how much more of a man Rush is. My point about your misogynistic potty mouth is merely that the prog banshees trying to silence Limbaugh are hypocritical liars full of the same thing you are (starts with "shh" and rhymes with "snit").

Anonymous said...

Michael Steele's Republican think tank is called Steal For 'em? A bit subtle, don't you think?

Anonymous said...

Religion & Politics: If you are hindu banker and you get 300 consecutive life sentences for bank fraud, do you have to do them all?

Anonymous said...

Rick Santorum's damage control showed the context in which he said college is for snobs - he was goaded into it by his cheering mob.

I'm glad we found out what a follower he is now, before he has the launch codes. Who advises this guy, Sarah Palin?

Mississippi burning: I appreciate how those poor white people were deprived of the education we paid for them to have. I recollect the governor of Arkansas and his wife's criminal law firm do mush worse. Bill Jeff had a man castrated and imprisoned for life - after the witnesses all redacted their testimony. Ohio mob...

Anonymous said...

The binoculars work better if you take the lens caps off, BJ.

D. Smith said...

Dear Mr. Maher,
I have been watching "Real Time With Your Good Self" religulously for some time and a remark you made on your March 11th broadcast prompts me to write.
During the panel discussion (a good one, though not as good as it might have been,) you said, "It's not like there's this magical person who's going to appear who's going to be different from what we already have to vote for."
While I agree with you on most issues, here I beg to differ. There is such a magical person, Eve Darling by name, and she represents principles and practices vastly different from what we have to vote for, such as a Second Industrial Revolution, based on nanotechnology filtered through the American penchant for innovation, repealing the Law of Supply and Demand in favor of the Economics of Abundance, universal and life-long access to health care and education, environmental concomitance and the relegation of violence, driving and competition of many sorts to the field of sport, among other platforms and planks of her party - The National Optimists Party.
If I may be so bold, you and your audience might do well to familiarize yourselves with us at
or see our 'spots' at
Thank you for your wondrous and diligent work and for the time and attention paid to this missive.
As the anthropologist Margaret Mead said, "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." With your influential pulpit (pardon the word choice) and the caliber of guest you regularly host, your chances of being in that small group look as good as anybody's.
Sincerely yours,
D. Smith

Anonymous said...


could you put a little pressure or shed some light on the issue of gov contracts that are constantly being messed with by politicians. Siga is a company that has the only known CURE (NOT A VACCINE)for the entire orthopox family of virises. Congressman Darrel Issa has put roadblocks up in front of Siga, he has been funded by the competitor. The competitor"s monkeys died in testing but still had Issa through up the rosd blocks in front of the govenment contracts. Isn't Issa a rep and want the gov to stay out of the way of buisness, let the buisnesses run with little gov restrictions?

Anonymous said...

So ya gots two people right. One calls women who use birth control sluts. The other calls people; who indoctrinate their kids with their crazy beliefs and doesn't let them go to school, assholes. Now, which one do ya have a beer with, and which one gets a kick in the ass? You figure it out moron!

Anonymous said...

Now, which one do ya have a beer with, and which one gets a kick in the ass?

Are you serious? You kick both their asses - or better, get them to fight each other - and drink the beer with your friends!

Anonymous said...

I understand now why the Romans found it necessary to throw Christians to the lions.

I'm not saying we should, just that I understand. They would have saved us - and themselves - a whole lot of trouble if they had implemented a massive cult deprogramming program. But they were Republicans, so this wasn't considered.

Those people in Mississippi & Alabama are probably living on borrowed time. Thanks to the corrupt uniparty, Corexit is poison and probably rained on them for years, soaking into everything. Not to mention all the unprocessed aerosol products from the spill itself.

Anonymous said...

This is where the bees went: the EPA approved this bee poison 10 years ago. Bush approved it temporarily & Obama permanently. They sell over $250,000,000 of this every year.

Anonymous said...

Bill Maher, I have been a huge fan since i was a child. I remember sneaking out of bet at night so that i could watch Politically Incorrect. In my home state of GA, we are experiencing some bull shit when when it comes to our political process. See referenced video for prime example.

Anonymous said...

Proof that Mitt Romney is an alien from Kolab

Anonymous said...

Deport Romney to his home planet!

Anonymous said...

Seditious Art

MittFlops BattleCry

Anonymous said...

Bill Maher is a punk! Why does he not insult Islam the way he does Christianity? Will it take the crusades all over again for his anti religious vocalizations for him to finally respect or at least shut his mouth about Christians? I’m not either but come on. Let’s hear some straight answers and opinions on this and not some BS side stepping. Just answer the question. To me our entire government as a whole could use an overhauling so no right this or left that crap.

Anonymous said...

How will the GOP continue to ignore Ron Paul when he wins the presidential election in November?

The GOP is going away, to be replaced by a new, fiscally sane conservative party.

Anonymous said...

On the 2nd day, Bill Maher's God delegated the rest of the work to Tetragammatron and spent the rest of the week having a good time. And this is why Real Time is only on once a week.

Anonymous said...

The bible is an IQ test. If you believe its the word of God, you fail the test.

Anonymous said...

If God didn't want us to fuck, we would reproduce by asexual reproduction.

The erection sure is entertaining.

Bankster Bushster Bleep said...

Bobby Nixon said...


Anonymous said...

Stop responding to trolls soooo much on your show please. They are only trying to get attention and you are giving it to them. They don't actually care about the issues. Try to rise above and discuss solutions and real problems.

Anonymous said...

RNC Sign Language
The finger……………… FUCK YOU TOO!
Thumbs Up……….…… SIT & SPIN, FUCKER!
The Peace Sign.……… FUCK YOU HIPPY!
The Finger……..……… FUCK YOU!
The Pinky………………. I'M BAD
The Hand………………. FUCK YOU! I GOT MINE.
See also: shadow boxing, air guitar, turning Japanese.

Anonymous said...

Mitt Romney = Willard Mitt Romney
Newt Gingrich = Newton Leroy Gingrich

Anonymous said...

Anyone interested in attending next years GSA Conference in Kabul please forward your blood type and a five thousand word essay on "How I Fucked Myself and All my Friends."

Anonymous said...

So Mitt da man. Now people have been laying off the Mormon thing for a plethora of reasons I suppose, isn't Vegas in Utah? Uh, maybe not, but if you believe we put a man on the moon, wait, lost my train of thought, if you believe the universe is ruled by a big...say...chicken, isn't that a tad pertinent to you becoming Grand Poohba? Just sayin.

Anonymous said...

I'm sick of all you communist, class warfare, dope smokin smart asses! Ya hear me Maher? You insulting prick pickin on that nice lady! I'm a gonna stand my ground! Gonna get me a couple of them Jewish Usi guns. Hang em under my coat!

But first I gotta call all my friends and tell them, " you know how you sometimes come up behind me and tap my shoulder..."

Anonymous said...

I'm sick of all you... dope smokin smart asses

Yea, we're tired of you gullible idjits too. If you could find your asshole with both hands, your threat might be taken seriously. The world is full of people like you, driving around, talking shit and repeatedly asking for directions that you never get right. Exactly how we got into Afghanistan looking for bin Laden and stayed to oppress the people & liberate its natural resources for China.

And thats Uzi.

Anonymous said...

Dear Bill,

I think the show is far more fun when you have a real conservative on to espouse the bubbly point of view.

Regards, Roy

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Anonymous said...

Will Romney put his foot in it elsewhere? You bet your bippy! Will it matter to his base? Probably not.

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